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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Mar 1941, p. 2

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GI TWO Estab phli t 1854 AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER WUt which arc Incorwrated ne B.owinanvfl* Ne"s, The Newcastle indcî>cndent, ad The Orono News. 85 yeas' contiuons service tote cTown et Bowmsnville adDurham County.. ~~ Member of thic Audit Bureau 0f circulationsI SUBSCRIMTON RATES $2Wa Ycar, gutitil la adeaaee. $Z.50 a Year lu thec United States. GRO. W. JAMES, Fditor. When Giving is a Prlvilege By now we al must realize that this war boils dowu teo ne important issue. Can we niake ourselves stronger by v oluunt ar y metliods liban the ditator nations have by compulsory methods. We would weleome every test of strengtli without complaint. There eau be no idie moments and breathing spaces inu-a. total war. This time the soldier and civilian must prepare to fight, and fight day .after day, week after week, umtil victory is won. We have just pledged ourselves ta lend the government our savings and bùild up financial security for ourselves.- Now we want to give liberally to the six arganiza- fions which have been requested by aur government to take on the job of keeping up the high morale of our fighting men. * They ail have a vital place ini army life and, under goverhment supervision are making a joint appeal. More than five million dollars wrnl be re- quired ta enable Canada 's War Service or- ganizatiaus te carry on their vital work. The money wrnl be spent directly an the soldiers by the Canadian Legion, the Y.M. C.&., the Salvation Army, the Knighta of Columbus, the Y.W.C.A., and the I.O.D.E. acting as agents for the folks back home. They maintain services fer aur fighting men both in Canada and overseas consist- img of recreation huts supplied with home conforts inluding free baths, correspon- den& materials, concert parties, mobile canteens, hastesa houses where the bays eau meet their frionds and relatives ini camp or * barracks, religious serviceýg of gi kindaW, sport activities, reaidential clubs averseas uscd by ail ranks as headquarters when on leave, and. extensive educatianal facilities for boys with an eye ta the future. Eivery effort la made ta have the soldier wloia l risking his life realize that tihe people back home are ready ta give every passible assistance. Spccially trained workers bofli olt salary and valunfary basis give freely of their-timeaud, talents lu this work. * One dsy's pay frorn ovory man and wo- man inuithe country will put this cam.paign over the top. Such a gift la a privilege, not a sacrifice. Give the canvasser a break; meet him with'a amie; lot the boys lu the army kuow they eau depond ou the folks back homeo. Federatlon of Agrieuture Program At fthc riak of appearing persistent lu this matter of the new Durham County Federa- tion of Agriculture, we shall fram time ta time present aur thoughts for what they rnay bc wortli ta the directorato. Even the vicariaus arm-chafr fariner, occupying an editor 's chair gots ideas froni reading, in the daily pros, the sporad.ic attempts af Ministers te formulate a national palicy for agriculture. Closely following the Orono meeting cames word of Federal policy designed ta restriet wheat acreage in Western Canada. If flua goes into ffert it wlll mean increas- cd diversification already woll advanced on the prairies. Ontario farmers ought ta, in- d'oed they must at once wigli ana study their poaitian in the liglit of this new de- parfure, for as war continues, wifh this in force, their econoinie position will b. affect- Betianal schemes sucli as this tend ta ceaken. the National Fedorafian. Wise coun- sel and collective thought are necessary. The Durham directorate, nio doubt, willl have occsion1ta 4L-the.+.sAd non 4 'year tnere was Nz-n $btonce, bore, tourists if here, they would Ïl, 1pf course, whicli las tit slawed up the pîcture? We find in hand with icularly close- celers, Lmd- be rghs, Ha.m-Fishes are duckiug for dug- auts ta escape atale vegetables and "the Bronx." Travel lsewlicre, in liot summer, la -U-T-out! Sa, with ncw prospority they will flock ta the coolnua of Canada. We slould,-tlierefore, get resdy ta receive- tbem. And this brings us right down ta aur own doorstep. It la tume Bowmanville sud ricin- ity loaked into the matter if faurist revenue 18 ta be sttracted--and welcomod.' Most towns, despite defeatists, try ta do sanie- fhing. We here have made a good stant in sut horizing the Lions Traffie Ligît. That la one feafure designed ta hld attention' long enougli fa defermine a sfap-aver. And it marks flic live town: But we muet do nmorei paint up fthc signe at fhe towu 's extremitiea, dresé windows, dress aurselves, meet 'cm wifli "Glad f0 have 3'ou in Bowmanvülle"; There 's good f ishin' ail around aud fhe fineat orchards f bis side af kiugdom corne." A good boost- er or two would work here just as siiilar cheer would work on you - away dawn in Texas, for instance. And we muet nof; forget flic sidéwalka. They have been. cavored with snow sud ice s0 long sud have thrown 50 rnany aid peo- ple down this winter fIat wo have fargoffen what cernent looks; 1ke. Like Banquo's ghost they wil soon poek fhrough ta haunt us witl their tumbled, cracked, toe-sfubbing exposunes. We ouglif ta do something about if. It would be frifling in coat sud save a lot of lauguage. Town Gardens We have ssid something about 'war-time gardons lu previaus issues of The Sftateos- man. Our ides la that if would ho wiso for towunspeople ta grow fleir own vegefables in back yards aud vacant lots. There are several rossons for giving flis careful cou- sideration, sud we again bring fthe subjeet forward in finie ta arrange for bath plots and seeds. April la jusf around flhe corner. Here are sorne reasous: Farm labor bas edged away fa factories. Older people snd womeu muet carry on sud keep what fhey eau of farm acreagé under production They cannot, thorefore, find fime fa praduce gar- den truck as formcnly sud haul ifta town. The resut will be a ahartage of fresh vege- tables. And where flore is a shortage-up goes pniea. This, appareutly, will ho fhe situation f lis season. Therefore, fo have cisp, froali, low-oosf j assured supplie%, why not grow you. awn? There are several factors tiiat make flic idea attractive, beides saving money. There la flic bealih ides; getting ouf mornings sud evenluga ta be sund weed-and watehli iga grow; flic pride of ownership; the conipeti- tion lu growing biggor specimons flan John Neiglibaur - expansive boasafuineas thaf cames ta truc lovera of the soil. Sa long -as flic war lests, everyono should do aomofhing in the way of extra work, extra uaiving. There- is. no vrtuel in4hloee dire times, iu sleeping lu, lazily camplaccut, ta motor 4 or 5 bloeka ta aliap or store, leaving $60,000.00 wortb of mofor-car capi- tal idle on streefs-to motor home sud cal if a day-with no hobby, no practical spare- finie oudeavour as direct war contribution. Every fown oughft t weigh this ides. And mnuy a smaller business could pool staff help affer hours sud go in for communlnity gardeips. Liferally tons of dew-laden fresl food tuffa could be garnered during aur short growiug season. Even The Statesman la planning a demoustration garden-among amateurs. Year In and Year Out The Women's Auxiliary of fhe Bowmau- ville Hospital la holding its annual "Birtli- day Parfy," flie twenty-oighfli fa be exact, on Tliursday, Marel 27 fram 3 ta, 6 p.m. ini the Nurses' Residence. The sc-ore .of lard- workiug uembers of fia oganizatian lsad- ed by Presideut Mnu. M. A. Neal are in- viting fleir friendz lu for tes; fhoy are in- viting thc ladies of tlie district ta corne sud lut ereat themseives lb this foremoaf carn- muuity service. If lu fIe custorn here, as at ail successful birflday celebrat ions, ta bring a gift. Since flie auxiiary% e hef work la keeping flic Hospital sud Residence supplied with non-modical equipment sucli as linon, silverware, dishes, etc., if la fliese thinga fhey would appreciate most or fthc equivalent in rnaney witli whieh fa purclase Year lu sud yoar ouf sin3e flic Hospital bornb - shelfers sud sbiver apprebensively as fIe drono of Germas bombera grows louder aud bouder overhoad. But we shail have ever-incressing demanda au aur pooket- books, fa psy for flic equipmeut . ud up- keep of cur young mon who lave volunteer- ed fe Ielp keep aur ligîta going sud aur land free tram the invader. THE CANADUN 1 KAN, BOWMANVftLLE, OUTA1UO Tise March Of TRIS MAtmm 4BcRIÂTs Sl The récent Canadiaxu toux of "Pedro tIc Voder", flic machine tIat croates speoch, las dràwu attention ta this enie yet won- derful invention which enfemisin- cd 20,000,000 visitons at tIc New York sud San Francisco World's Fairs lu 1940 sud 1939. On bis firat visit ta Canada, "Pedro" - accornpanled by Dr. J. <. Perrne, of Bell, Teleplone Liaboraf aie - was dcmanstrated befone lange audiences lu Montreal, Tarent o, sud Hamilton. The naine "Pedro" la talion trom an incident lu Uic early bis- tory cf fie felepliono. ÀAlere Grahiam Bell demonstmated lig in- vention for flic firast time at flic Philadeiphis Cenfenulal Exhibi- tion cf 1876. One cf bis viaitors was Dom Pedro de AIlca-aa, Emperor of Braze. The Emperor waa 50 sfartlcd at bcanlng a volce eomng ovr a wle, thaf le drap- ped thc receivor wtb a crash and exclaimcdi "My God, if tallSi" Sa, when Bell'telephone en- gineera reoentiy conatmucted s. macline fIat actualT dosfallc, tiey called it "Pedro" linlionour of Uic Emperon. '"Voàem" stands for "Voice Oporation Demonstra- tan", because Pedro shoWs, by electrical mesus, Uic way tIe huinan volco la poduced. Pedro la acf a pinognapi. *Ho bufild speech jusf as you do wîca you talli or sing. When you speali, you SUaI tt pay two entirely separato scanda - anc pmoduccd by the vocal chardasu anofber by flic brstb alene. ,Instead cf vocai ch ý, Pedro liasan el0ctrc'08011 generatlng a "buzz" ricli luover- toues. For breafli,, e employBana- othon circuit wliicb malin a "lilas" lu the boudapeaker. TIe buis la flic basis cf the volced consonants aucli as "ini,"411isud "r",asd vowels. TheIc lis latfe osi f fIe ~ ~ ~ wc ailn osnnss as "a", "thi", and "1" sud whlspers. To shape thesé fundamntal sounda itt speech, you mmli use cf your palat, -tongue, teethansd Unps. For Uic sarne puoe,edro bas electrie fil tr~ con roled b y a ey, whl i vide ciflier Uic %bz lortUicNu"bisa"tt tn parts. Thua, fIer. are 20 eleen- tai saunds fa be built up lt. speech. lu addition, thene are ape- cmal keys for formlug Uic "stop" consonants sud as"t" sud "b", a pitel podal fa ensIleflic Voder ta copy Uic infléctions cf Uic human voie sud a: apeclal switch for Uic "vi6Ïraf o", a fluctuation bofhinlupitel and boudness whlch is -used fa ma-ePedro sing. By means of flua keyl>oxrd, the apematon eau produce flic 50 dif- forent saunda lu fie Engliali lane guage, combine them wlth Uic prope inflection, sud vany thelr piteansd louduesa for singing. Soe ounds requiro flic Use of as rnany as five different kola at a tme. To make Pedro say "cau- ceunation", Uic operator must form 18 dffereut oUds lu sué- cession makefive movementa cf the wrfst ban, sud varytfe posi- tion* of the pedal from flnce te fieUns codugt lcex-. presson sze wlhes a heUi word AilfIl mua ho ouejuat as quieliy as -If takes you to say "coneenfratioii". Pedro la just anc cf many de- Vics constrUcted bIphoneean-_ ,Ials cf sound and speech - ail vith a iiew ta conosatipoe ment of your telephone sevie ENb.i oles' iom;s>éd by H. G. Owm.'Z W TeI~> n My o ~o u&" i.4 Dy Capt.'Emri Pipt TO WIN THE WAR Whaf must we do ta lest Hit- lon? Thaf la a question wbich sbould concern evcry intelligent citizen l ic hewliole democratic world. We bave safely reacbed sund passed Uic fafeful Ides af Mardi on whici Uic Geninan dictaton usually chose ta atrike. Hoelias not lsuuched is long adverfised invasion afternpt againat Bitain. On Uic ofier baud, Uianks fa Uic onactrnont of fie famous U. S. bill number 1776 we have siroady boen able ta assume Uic offensive ta the air. If lsa agoad Urne fa take s goncral look if fie whole war picture. In arden of importance thc fol- lowlng seom ta me ta ho aur necoasany faaks: 1. Hold Brifain agalnsf inva- sion.' 2. Hoid unîroken ses comumu- nicatian Intahficnonfi Atlantic agaluaf Uic present dospenate Ger- man attack. 3. Malutain fie blachade agalnsf Gernany - psnticulsnly by preveutlng Uic Nazis fram gaining accesa ta Africa sud thc Middle Basf. 4. Knock out thc lasser gang- ster salliesoaIGerrnany anc at s Urne, on thc pincîplo of weakest, finat, graduaily claslng ta on Ger- many for flic knochouf an con- tinontal Europe. INVASION RWDLE taak flan Uic actual finit crosalug. l<y guess s lasti11 at sucli a full dress invasion o! Bitain la im- possible. Bvery day that passes makes if harder fan Hitler ta launcl iti. IKOLD T3E YL L4 We cannof fao cleanly under- stand fiat flore la anafler way lu whIch Germany could wln this war - porliaps befare soe o f us were flyawake ta aur danger. Britain cauxiotsuccessfu]iy carry on thc war wifi Iou shlpplng tan- nage than she passeuses now. That tannage la boing sunk by fie new Nazi air sud under-sea offensive about twlce as fat as if can ho replaced from ail visible sources. Ta le specifle: The tatal cf ne- placement shlpping lu siglit frani ail sources: New construction lu Britishi Empire sud Uic U. S., fransfers ta Norh Atlantile route of slips not vltally ueeded euse- wbcrc, confiscation cf ail enemy and neufrai shipptag ta U.S. ports - la juaf over fire sud a quarter million tons. Af -fe rate of atalc- ings so far nluhUicsecand y car o! war thc total lasses' would be well aven four million tons. At fie rate of boss of Uic last wepk or twoe Ic ia rate would run aven six million fans. - Obviausly fierefone we have anly fwo alternatives: We must eut down fie rate of sinkings; or lucresse fie rate of As tansuaftcmpted invasion of replacéieets. Brifalu, by Germauy wc are ne Wbich probably means fia: wisen now than we bave beau That lu fie immediate future fie hf henta. Rumours came ouf of United Staten wll have ta turu Europe fiat I-Itler's genoralissirno, aven msny mare destroyers ta van Brausitschi, ladcflnitelY Bnitalu fa bolp hunt dowu fie aautan Invasion aftempt, bcing sulmarines; or thc United States op o ed t fl ve b om !w ll have ta use hon own navy ta bise yngercicgus e b n elp patral fie NartI Atlantic Halden.Wae i rf flifelineofa!dcmacrscy. fhia,' flic asme four obstacles face Hitler. RANG ON - T3EN MrT icey are: (1) Thc Nazis would have ta, capture complote W. shall bang an al niglit, sud af anc pafch offIe skies aven thecame fliraugliif wc face thc facts approaches ta Bitain - somnefhing in ine. Hitlilawolamare fiat that they have been totally un- he mnuat break thc Iran ring of flic dat. () 'he ould Briftish blockade, or ho strangled aIle ta do t ate 2 hy w th fie end. Ige kuows fiat if ho have ta avercome cur Navy, cnoecm ukyh a e wiic lias. leen gettlng rcsdy for ~~raoTne i a e about anc thoussud yeara k n e- wthnstniklng distance of fie pel fie veny klnd af llfe-and- ez - atBs ain hcol ngbfwel death thnoat now possble. (3) a fa rtancud e t They would have ta land agaiigf fie war ovon though sic iigit sanie o!fie strongest defencos in herself escapeoautnlglit defeat. fie world, sud malutain fleiz- Mesuwliile wc sbould be under selves agaluat an armY cf four no illusions. Wben Uicefinie cornes million, walflug 111e lions to to bit af Hitler on hie, own door- spnlng1onnylvader. (4) Tliey 'stop we are gaiig to ned ail cf lweuld have fa maintain ses am fe d-alodfop w eu munleation wi tictir invading gef resdy lu fils perbod aI apar- histary as anc of týe worst humnu beings wha even hivcd. He la Uic only maxi Uiat Ican discovo n lu modern records who oponly and9 deliberately chanîpioned sud de-1 fended ideas wbich are exactly1 opposite ta the ideals an whlch1 our whale western civilization la foundcd. Ho differs from ail is predcosn lu luaonc respect - thaf whereas Uiey did many bad sud violent Uings Uicy kncw sud admitted fiose things to be bad - excuslug Uic acta ou fie grouud of neccssity, or even thoir owu samfulness. But Hitler boidly de- clares fiat those things we have consldencd virtues are weakuesses1 or even vices. His ideal la a bu- in beast-withauf nîercy, with- ouf bonosty, wlflout lutcgrlfy - witlýout any éther ideal than to grsb whatevcn li lastrong onougli ta get sud cunlug 'enougli to keep. I kuow of no mare appalln blssplemy than Uic assactafian of Hitler sud what lic stands for wiUi what la called "Uic Wave of Uic Future." ' The wave which bas fhrown Hitler ta Uic tap la not fthc wave of Uic future but a Wavc frorn Uic darkesf doptis o an s' moaf horrible sud brutal ps. If we face Uic facts of how foee orrible unhuman creafures came ta power, sud were able fa plunge fthc whole world luto strife wo bave toi admit that there arc at icast two aides ta Uic story. One hall was *bat people like Hitler did., Tho other hall was what tlie ther kiud cf nations sud people, like aurselves, did nof do. PRAY FOR WKIAT? I do not suppose that one single ihdividus! lu ail Uic world who fakes part lu Uic corning daY Of prayer will, lu bus innioat saul, pray ta flic Alrnigllty ta guide mon se as ta bnlng back Uic klnd af world wc liad betwcen these wang. IProbably flic rosi vinfute cf sucli days, or exorcises, la that thyfarce .folks tc, thlnkr abot sherne *lupat in.the g~ thiee o ga.q Nobody fiat I bave met realIy understauda fthc meebanies cf prayer. But flore la evidence go strong that if bits anc nlght lu Uic face ta', prove that if does work. If worked at Uic time cf Uic Armada. If worked lu 1918 when Haig sald truly "ftaf we hsd aur baclis ta Uic wsIll" It worked af Dunklnrk wbcre flore was no wall ta back up agaluaf. Maybe prayer only beipa mon sud nations if tbcy nealizo fiat cf thoin own îfnengfli alone Uiey cannof stand, and on Uic bais cf thein owu virtues, thcy do not dosorve to. If Uic boit man's faulta woe writton ou bis farchead If would make hlmn pull bis bat oven bis eyes.-Gaelle proverb. Coaa Gables, Fis. Mardi i1, 1941 Dean George: I flnd Thc Statesman cf Mardi 6fb very infcresting, especia]ly Uic lettens froin Mn. Hagerman sud Allie Woish Shsufz. Thc question la asked, Whio recails Jas. Cher- bonuesux? I remomnbor hlm vcny weil wbeu ho lived noar Uic C.P.R. depat sud -Buzzy Furzo liv- cd nextftfa hlm. I have boen won- derng for sixty years whateven became ofaIhlm sud naw ta find he csa neighbor nFlorida. I wil certainly lockh hm up whcn I go oven ta St. Petersburg.' In Albie Wclsh's letton tif lail- teresflug to nead af aid fIonda Ukc Lillie Penkins, Uic McTag- gtUi Gaxuble boys sud "Skin- ncy" 1Hansan. I kuew Aflic's bro- fier Bd. very luflrnateiy, lu facf wc were pals. Once we rsu awsy fa Tarontoansd wlion niglif came we. wondered where we were galng fa sleep. Fiialiy we lound a rooni over a cheap salaon dowu .ln "W'Wwd*8.~JoIes>.. AstUeic niglit wore'on sud mni became drunk fier. was cursing sud fightlng sud ioud noies.> We ho- came frlglioned sud thouglit we would ho murdered for aur mon- cy - we hait $1.50 between us. We bld fhe rnoney l ic he attress sud barricaded Uic doon wlUi Uic. bureau sud oflor furniturp, sud ardently -wished for moruing - sud haome. Thc iait I heard cf Bd. Welsh ho was an ongineon on anc of fie lake boats. I was pleased to meet Mr. Hag- erman lu Uic Park 8f St. Petens- burg lu January when wc wcno holding our reuiaon. I asc Jin Cerbonneaux lias 23 grandchidren sud eue greaf- grandthild. Wcll I have hoaten Jin by. two. wo b ave 25 sud anc great-graxdhW]. Tii. Sfatman carnes as s great troaf every week, fan aflheugli I rin fr ostin.The m-n wlth lc riflie W =l u thls wsr. DAY OF PRAYE The King bas sskcd al bis pea- &ie, sud ail other people wbo ho- leve lu their cause, ta make Sun- day next a detiulfe day of Prayer. If ever aur part'aIoflie wqnld ueeded ta pray lu anl èarnestns end aincerity If la now. For how- ever wise or doyven wc fancy aur- selves, or however lacking lu knowledge we knaw ounseives ta be, we ail sern ta semnsen greaf frufli about fthc Urnes lu whlch wc live: That la fiat Uic resi root of Uic great worid criais lu whlch wc are cagi anaf jusf that Mlier and =usLISi qnd fthc Japanese gon- erals are sucli wicked men but fliat we ourselves made sucli su appallng mess af aur chance ta set flic world lunsaine sort of or- der wbilo fliere sf11 was timae ta do if lu peace. The tirst (6URNEY siove was huit' THSDAY, MAIC à, M have been awBly frntIOý i ville for 56 Yoam if 1 id 'M town of my blrth and the joo f my boyhood. I arn always !roud of fthe way Durhamn boys and girls make good - the Hughes bo , Biâhop »rent Admirai 51ms, gdoarlie Paul! sud scores of others too numerous to mention - back of themail la good Scotch and Engllsh stock wlth a fine religlous undertone. The weathcr here at thec present trne la pcrfect, gorgeous sumshine aud warm -enougli to go, Wlfhout a coat. With bett wlshes âdWY White. JOCK PAYS VISIT TO WOODS SENATE' Major F. H. Moady, North Bay, Affer Mardi 31sf picase change my mailing address fa 92 Beluize Drive, Toronto. I amn belng MOV- cd back ta Tforonto by rny corn- pany, mmperal 011 Llmlted, as Uic assistant tf0thUinduatrial Sales Manager. Editor's Note: Fred, your many Bowrnviile frienida join wihme lu extendlig con- gratulations fa, you on your pro- motion. Came down sud sec us oftencr now you wil ho living neare o thUic ad own. Grlmsby, Ont. March 12, 1941 Dear Mr.James: I rcced a copy af The Cana- disSesan lui whlch appean- cd an item regardlng mny sojouru lu anc af Uic boit fawns lu On- faria. Pîcaso accopt my UiankO for Uic copy whicb you sont me. Wo cnjoyod reading If vcry mucli sîthougli wc could soc fiat manY changes bad faken place ini yur thrivlug fowu, sud SO many changes lu Uic business places, sud what a . felophone deveop- mont yau have fa-day. Wbcn I wenf thero Bowmanviile bad bs than 200 telepliones; Uiis speaks wefl for Uic sfability of the fowu. Wo have s very warm place lu aur hoarta for ftic town, sud stant- cd aur manncd 11f e lu s whitec bouse on Silver Street, uext ta Mr. John Percy's. brick bouse on Uic wost sideoaf Uic street. Mrs. Price sud myseif bave many fond recol- lections cf Uic happy days spent lu Bowmanviile sud the many friends fiat wc made durng aur stay thero. We lhave rarnbled around a lot sinco flou but wil nover forgof Uic hosplfalIty showu us whlle wc livcd lu Uic goad aid fown. Yours truly, Alex Prico. Righit o Uic midat of a livély discussion on Foreigni MbÈMs strodo Jock Stewart, lat. of.flic Gardon Highlanders, (1805 sd- tion) Uic 2nd Battallon sd thc after-th-w5lr expediticu ta Northern Russia. Stad Senitora at Lew Wood's Senafe, who lAd meekly ventured an opinion dur'- lng Uic affernoon session, sat, pop- eyed as Jock wlihahi boomlng volce regaled thcm wlth anecoe of aid campaigna.. As a soldior of Uic quecu he received his baptlsm of fire when General Wauchope's Highland Di- vision was eut ta pieces at Magers- fahtein-"ýa black day for Scot- land me laddle". Bowled over l ic rne ud at Ypres - back into tUicnxe again - Uicn cut down at "The Ridge of Vimy.', After Armistice, up ta Archangol and Murmanali - a few months in Scotland - talcs of Ec- clefechan, Auclitermuclitie sud Mulghi. Thon years at ses lunfthc Merchant; Marine and twenty-two fimes acrasa- Canada via Uic box car route - "ldinna bo luvitin' me ta suppor laddlos if yc value your Ouf of a batfered bag carne a chanter, off came Jock's coat sud rolling if lut o a bail ho tucked It undor his left armn for a wlnd bg. Ho twist cd bis frtan sarf aver bis shoulder for a roc! sud order- lug dignified Souatars ta one side ta, "go me room th march" brke forth itoa"The Road ti lies"f ad "Wl a Hundrod Pipera An A' An A'." Afew "Hoot Mos" sud ho was gon--"old soldiers nover die!". For anc peppercorun euf, Quocu Salete of Tonga bas given 160 acres ta fIce Briish Governrnt for an aidrome. Tongana have subscribed £6,000 for a Britishi fightr aircraff sud formed a de- fonce force traind by a New Zea- land sergesut major. (The laland of Tnga lies lu Uic Pacfi, soufli wost f Fiji. If la an idepexdent kiugdom, under Britishi protec- tion.). TORONTO Lt.y 1 aiMe 1000 Roome Iwith Baith' Rd..S 5mw S '27 PER PERSON WrB. fr Ih*d FMât r

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