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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Mar 1941, p. 3

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TRUSDYMARC!!20~ 1 Luelu ipiênRiver Disticet If Northeru 'Ontaj 'Wrltten, SPeC'aU'Y.for Itbe tates- in the triple dr.ownlng accident mlan 1bY Gordo E . Osborne, which befeil thus camp two years Son 2f _Mi. and Mis. H. F. ago, were three men barri respe- Osborne, Ebenezer tivly hi Devonshire, England, Jamnaica and Norway. As Outlined i a preious lete In MY above statements I'men- etrtioned about the erectionO0f a new you, and fromn yourvletter stat.. store. This was flot a new feature -Ing YOU would welcome a descrip- i the Village, as ther, has always 'ion of this section of the Province, been a gênerai store owned and ~wiil undertake to give you a operate<l by the Hydro-Electric. ,mnature account of 111e as is The goods sold are mainly grocer- this North-.West les, drugs and genéral products - 'Prt!on of Ontario. sufficient to f ulfil the, average The village of Cameron Fals is needs of the famlly. To be-clothed lacat.d at the. Falls of tiie saine ln either fine or workday clothes - naine, on the Nipigon River ap- one must needa travel 12 miles to ýproximately ten miles Up the river the village of Nipigon, near the Mrm the village 6f Nipigon. It hs mouth of the Nipigon River. This an Ontario Governinent Village, is flot a becoming village to gaze engaged wiiolly in the develop- upon, although It boasts tiiree ment of electricity for the Thun- hotels, a fine Hudson's Bay de- d<er Bay area which includes the pertinent store, and many other t'wln cities of Port Arthur and stores. Nipigon itself has a popu- Fort William. lation of around 700 - or about The site of Cameron Falls la the size of Newcastle. The Cana-« ;said to have been chosen by Sir dian Pacific and Canadian Nation- Adamn Beck, when he was chair- ai Railways both serve the village mn,6f the Hydro-Electric of On- with the C.P.R. fallowing tii. tario. At that turne (1919) two shore of Lake Superior eastward units were istalled at Hydro, as and the. C.N.R. turnlng north to the. plaçe was then cailed. 'This Cameron Falls, and then north- was undertaken to provide Port east to the gold-fields and Long- Arthur- with electrlcity, but as lac. Westward these two railways years went on the two units were again converge at Port Arthur. found to be insufficient and were For moat satisfuctory purchas- subsequentîy lncreased to six. lng, we usually travel ta' the Laka- 'Later the otte power house at' the head, a distance o,>f 76 miles froma Fafs could flot provide for the Cam'eron Pafl. Tii average fain-1 Power demand of the two cities, ily with a car taes this trip §bout and another power house was once a montix. This at 'home buit i 1930, a mile'below the. would be équvalent to a to.t firat one, at Alexander Landing. béfeiille or ,»arniltony, made for1 'To-day these tw'o power houses the.Iptulwàof buylng clothes,' -with a capaclty of 65,000 and grocerles and necessary iiouseholdY 54,000 H P. are heavily taxed to goods. Tsking It from the home imeet the. current need for the standpoint, thus seems a tremen- o lately dlscovered minerai wealth doua distance to your neareat'i of the Thunder Bay aiea, plus the. town, but in this,-section of On- d ,war industries demand, and there tario distance seems to mean very a la much discussion that either littie. At first the thought of a ci more units or anotiier power two-hour run to town used to prey p bouse. may have to be lnstalled. on the. mmd, but it is.merely part To maintain and operate these of the nortiiern 1f., and wlth a power houses, thie Ontario Gov- reliable car we do iiot seem to ,ernment retains a staff of opema-mnd'it. With roads blocked some- ors, electrician ad mechacs times in the wlnter, the. trai ser- of approximately fortyfailes, viée is available daily, as well as on hand at ail times. Te. amles bus servirce on the Nipigon High- ae iiouseinu governmet bufit way from Nipigon, east and west. vi bornes, new -ides'g ad equip- -Before bringing tuis letter to a rE ment. hese were cons tced in close I must not omit somehing dt several building projects, tei last on the Une of work in which I arnt of which wscarnid out in 1938 actlvely engaged here. As I men- el when the. Wikett Construction tioned befôre, the. people of Cam- ta Company of Toronto (the samne eron Falls have ail the acconiro- Or as handled the lapt Goodyear con- dations and requirements for struction) contracted - b build -themselves and thir families. about 18 news houses, a new store, Thus there are two of us han.Z:ing nursig station, commnxity hall a achool of approxhnately 35 pu- U and sciiool. pils, from Grade I to Grade X. I o Formerly the. camp was divided have the Senior Class of 13 pupils o witu an equal number of resi- while -Miss King of Porcupine, va dences on both sides of the river, Ont. Is the Junior Assistant. w 'but the '38 construction centred Tue new achool was completed ai ail familles on thé west bank of alsnh 1938 and la indeed modern la the Nipigon. The workers thuu in evèry respect. T thlnk I arn safe reside Itues. houses, wlth theïr ln stating Ttatwe have at Cam'- montuly ent deducted froM theu eroXj Fais the môiup-to-date 13 pay cheque. For tue young single sâhool in Ontario. In the sehool" Workersof the L.Crsweà -m -arp th~etwo clama roooe, a fafrly dé any non-Hydro workers eçgaged- well-ecMtppedt science roomn with of uround the 'èamp, tuher. Io a làrgt éii. tables, ateachers' room, t'wot modern club bouse or h t- 'l Iîrge playi'ng basements and wash Sti which to lodge., *'. -rooms, *a su#ply oom i tii.base- Wi Witu ail womkers here engigîd ment -,lth an electria furnace tr ln the production of -eleticeîty-..wlih alir condltioning of moisture aut a power requlred at ail n. s-and hat. Inc1uded hi oui equip- 01 thls camp enjoys the' ratier ment may b.- mentioned a piano, ce' luifque pôsition 0of neyer known a radio-phonograpu, e 1 e cet*ri ce iaving a depression. Inludd clocks, electric bell, a large refer- r tn, il being under the. diretcn ence library and eadlng library. er Irai'of tue Ontario Governm ent, Electrjity la of course at our ail womkers receive the higi stan- flngertips wiien required and Wb dard of wages setfrt by thé, iilps to remove some of tue drud- Ber gery of teaching often found in a b Many nationalities are tobe 'rural commun1tý. edg found in the. village. Predominant The. fact tuaItue building is Ho0 et course are the, British frèzn owned by thie Hydro Electric, and Ber eliter Eastern Ontario, or' tue that the- Hydro and the Ontario Lakeiiead (Port Arthur andFort Government provide neanly al l Willau. n ddton are many the revenue required for tue y Northèrn Europeans - NoF-iv- maintenance of tue ichool, pler'- cy glan, Sweds and Flnns, Icelandlc, mits tue Board of Trustees ta flilyRo as well as Italian and French. equip lie school and ta pay betterCo Significant of tuis atue fact tiat salaries tian other, chools af the. saine size and atteuidance. u Ini this letter I have tried ta ld describe tue worjc and features of ver tuS unque village, lu a future hav, 1etter I shail attempt ta dlscuss tari, tue resourcesansd fflay areasopa tue Thunder Bay District _z;t*bai KI D N EYarea nearlyas large àa South-ichai eni Onta, southMô L. Nlpisalng cipa P L Sand No t ay. fror Camneran Fai, Ont. upoi Marci 11, tue X% Citizens of St. Pierre and_ Mi- Will quln u tosni Sad f keon tirace av4cube fe To th. saldiej, in the field of action liS man's job is all-important. A scientist of the National Research Council i Ottawa, h. is testing tue resistance ta penetration of Army steel helmels. Il is by mens o! such tests that quality iS improved and lives aved, Facts- Worth Kuowing Aout- Canada's War Service's Fund' What le tih. Cauandla Camp Commandant.' Two per cent War Services Fund? o! lie grass proceeda from sales Six institutions have, unlted i saoe o h evc organi- a diveforfuns üder tlis naine, administratio'n epnp. nysur- The' institutions are: Candenpusmtertheseeductins, Legi9n, Knlghts o! Columbus, sai- placd i a trust fond for tue ration Aimy, Y.M.C.A., Y.W.CÀ., benéfit o! tue men. E.O.D.E. lVimy wast I nstltuted? Cowanville Eaci of tue six organizations____ qpbdnarlly. solicits. tue public sep- (Intended, for last week) il'ately for fonda. Iu view ofl theCak Cuc a [em ands upon tue national econ- he .o Cak huc a omy tue Goverretw el~ hoe at Mrs. Charlie Cowan s onslidli n m peals gedthe oa eWednesday. Tue ladies spent puble. abusy time quilting. Mr. P. Getlick wha iS working Vint la thme objeetive? in Toronto was home. For Canada: $5,500,000. Mn. sud Mrs. R. Hasklll at Mr.. For Ontario: $2,553,200. Stan. l>arteous'. Miss Domotuy Hoilingsworth at Wha approvedlte budgets? home. Tue War Charities Funds Ad- Mr. sud Mis, Al. Perrn aI Mr. isory Board, an organization of Jo., Bates', Bawmanville, reprsentative business men un'- Bert Cnossley la able, to be at ler the chamssip of C. L. Bur- wrkagaiu.1 un. Substantial economiei were Miss Marion Simpson was i tfected by lis Board in cosu-Oshawa witu hem aunt, Mis. A. G. t ation sud co-operation witu tue Todd. f )rgsnizations cancemned. Spring must be just araund tue t ,corner; several people have re-t 1111 Eeonomlea effected Impair ported seeing bluebirdi.t me serviesa rendered men tuU alform? -h No essentiai services ta tue en GRANDMOTHEK'S CALL dCanada's military, air sud ns- al forces were curtailed. I don't know just what VI11b. t] dngta.-day t 'l tuer. bc aImer national Ir heMaster should cail me t ipala for lime benefit of men I came away. m e armed forces? PerhapsFill b. bating tue eggs -CI No, nat tlis year. 1 for the. cake; mw ae lme fndahasded? Or giving tue, ciadie a bit of a lo r hefnshade shame; 4r pcllng'.i le;o. feedlnS al ncyo Ô .3.Y. ivurdaci, CL., 'tue, cal; l fToronto,bi been granted '1,e- Or mendlng tue rip IJonaUan's al wu patent by tue Secreayof îat. ste sud registered under tue Periape lilb. sitting (suai lhlngs spt far Charities Act, ta serve as a have occurred) ust lu theiiandllng a! the fonds Rigit hem. ut tus wlndow, reüd- ibscribed. It, S a non-profit cam- igauelWr Dration sud Its fonction la ta ne- It mes I y to lmater' b Hlm or s -ve tues. lundisud ta distribute 1g me,W Lem hi accardance witu tue Sp- if, lo'vig sud trustlng, I1m trvlng Bi rved, authomized budgets. Ev- 10 b, 7 dollar is safeguard.d. Soin. ieipI the tuinga I amn do- art btI other revenues do war ing to-day, - h rvice arganizatians reeelve? if tue Master siouid. call me ta th NIone. Tue services are support- do me awsy. P enthrely by the. "folks at home." -Ida E 'Bke. iw la lte Canadian War tNi Svices Fund erganized? Condemn- tue fault asud not the ne The patrons o! the united damn- actar o! it.--Siakespeare. Jgn for fonda are His Excellen- Tue sieve says ta tue neetile: tue Eau of Atulon,, K.G., Gov- "You have a iiolei your tai."ý- th ar-General of Canada, sud Hem Bengalese proverb. i yai Highness Princesa Alice, _____an_________ =Ies. of Athione. A National i Snpaigu Commlttee has been set 10t direct lie drive'sud to pro- gr( e national publicity and ad-se tising. Provincial chairmen Pr( ve. been appoited sudi On- mie aô, counIr, district sud munici- on 1organizations ihave been as- fke Iished, operating under Ceunty ail insun. Tue district sud muni- a al organizations constitut, tueco nl line of the campaign sud girl Dn tuem wll fl l!the mesponsi-fu y for sacuring the fonda from fo publie. te I timer. be aubseription earda? e w wll reelpte be luaned? Boy li stub an tue subacription enci d la a tenuporary receipt. The mai manent secretary wll mail an L hou cisi redeipt afler the dam- o104l %hý Shoppard & G111 Lunior -Co. Limited Phono 715 DOWMaaVil me. W. t. Ufl Sijig5~4ftS, TUL, US ps,, 0100, Tues., 5.50 p...1 OPUS, Il..., LU p.u. w.16 ý 1 wernan of War ue tes Centeens? tcares LIeens are run on s non- theft, basis. Five per cent of lieper piodeeda fromi sales goes 10* .a lear *anandlng Officer o! tue giup bii erved by thecanteen for the mla ta!f tue men. If more than in ti mitlaS senved lie em dent ADI Cvate1 ,ion lsasdnùnislemediy lie .-- 1 sens~ IOWMA~qryILr~ ONTA2RIO i ' keep o!! tuy7e las h prlng wentuyar wt u s0 as not ta spol tueir ap- ,nde; also would encourage pmesence of birds by puttlnig ird houses. If boys must rali in pàtehes sud grape arbora t fail why shouid tuey aggra- lue'Offence by turowing tuel 3u andi on tue sldewalksl SAVI:90 Lrvm What Boys and( Oàn DoTe He1p Eaàutify New.cas zÀy 0Ui ary0f ssaya by SôboolBoys ad Girls- Ytest Spensored by Prof E. G. R. Ardagh r~ing ia nearly here and bigs to mind tue essays, w 1atfî,by High Sôhool boy ~!,in a contest Spofisore Pà.E. G. R. Ardagii whose ir home stands ln Its spai ,-,âtiful and always weil gip~ds on the. east side of Bi Ui ~outh. The tille of the e t.ewriten was, "Wiat aoYs Can Do ta Help Bea liWcstle." A prize of $6.00 efor tue best essay anc It',Was preaented by Prof. da gis request at tue H. S.C menCemient in November. Aj of %%.00 la also 10 be awardeï th1e best essay on the saine su] ay aPublic school pupil. Bul occaion for presentlng this nO0t.yet ariived. Tuere were plipis who submitted essay theý, high school and althc -Dois Allin was awarded prise there were many exce: ideas advanced in ail tue oti Tii. eight girls and the. on. who competed' were: Paulie Ulin., Laurence Morton, C Bon Marilyn Enwrlght, . Allin, Doris Allln, Jean G Jean Robinson and Betty ,Wright. The essaya wer, num'i ed.,only wiien tuey weme turne 'ta b. judged 50 tuat tue wni were a11 incognito ta the, perui So tues. suniraries of lheg gestions advanced lu the diffai essays will appear under numi only but these numbera do correspond in order wih narnes above. None' o! liese says was read at tiie Cammex ruent s0 everybody wlll rea, understand that the purpase tue contest would be lost' if contents were given no public *Number 1 Suggests tuat il would hbi great improvement to, have school grounds leveiled, hales fllled, in, more grass seed sc and the. grass kept cut Itrougi the summer. season; also that grias be kept cut short and fli beds plantd along tue stri boys and girls could care them. Also that a nice sign be ip, Newcastle Public snd H Sè .hool. Makes a plea for the. P tection of ail trees; boys and g: ihôUld not injure tuem, by cutt their names or some patterni the bark; neituer should tuey i figure sidewalks and buildings wrItUng on tuem witu crayons éhalk. Number 2 SU brnlts tuat liere shauld Zn ~ectrie lights along bi anf 'treeta,"-glving the,I lge a more beautiful appeurai It nigit. Tue boys and girls mli sggest luis sud also otuer i maovernents la tue praper autua des. Amusements are needed àe Park 'sud aiso, at the b.a% dso tue Installation a! a wal isten, a launtain sud a lily po uauld add beauty suad inter, Boys sud-girls aflen turow star nid olier missiles at Windows ai bihen parts o! houses. Amy th, ive this habit siould brei Lemselves of il if they wsut ai )ant in bieautificaion. «"Create 'eling o! pride in tue citizens qewcastl, for their village. Tu- Ley wll try ta keep lieuii om Ltad dtidy."1 Number 3 Urges tuat boys and girls c heir share sud take an inter. 1helplng to keep, fiast, tue hau nd surroundlngs neat sud attra, re; seeond, tue churcii sud i rounds the sanie; tuird, t Eiool sud Its groundsand ai roascu. What a great improvq tnt It weuid make if tue grai ithe aides of tue street leadin lom MUl St. ta tue sciiaol wer ept closely@ cut witu flower b.d 1along the drlveway! This ide dncides wltu No. l'a. Boys su, rs ni*t do much towards th 'lier b.autification of tue lak ont, not sa niuch by the war] ey cauld do thenuselves but b., einfluence they could bring ti ýa' upon tuas. who are older )gardon picture is compleE hout tue presence of birds )s and girls can do much t< courage lienu ta came and rie ain by building bhird btus 'aànc 'éO>ER VIE! Chairman For County - -W. R. Strike, Bowmanvflle Chairman For Ontprlo - Conn Smythe, Esq., Toronto be and church steps and otuer places? ack Vil- This pretice tends to make any nce place unbeautiful. If tue younger ght gentration would co-operate in m- carmying out beautification ideas' )i- "tue nelghboring districts would at look upon tué village of New- Ch; castle witu respect and admira- er tion."» ýnd Number 5 ?St. les Recognizes, as do atuer e$say- nd ists, tue limitations of youtu in tue lat field of general beautification, but aksubmits that- youtu niight make ny suggestions tuat lhiu eldera might a carry out, witu youtu'a assistance. Of Suggests tuat Newcastl,'s popula- Us ion 'could support a theatre sud ts a good place for one would be on tue site o! Mr. Emerson Fisher's late genemal store. A fine new building here would eniance tue CI beauty of King St. Tue Unitedà st Church shed if emodelled wauld! le make an ides! skating rink. This C- would be a beautification projet. [ta Tue ernpty lot beiiind tue church ie would b. a llkely lot for a tennis P- court. Tue appearance of tue back e- of tue church would b, lmrnpoved as if te grass was kept ut regular- g9 ly and flot allowed to grow 50 'e long. Advocat.s furtiier beauti- la fication of Newcastle's popular 'a beach and te adding of swings, ýd teeter-totters and otuer amuse- ie ment features to the lake front :e park. Tuere are severai .ye-soîes k i tue village, tue dump for in- Y stance ate nortuern end o! te 0 town. "Te refuse was not ta b. rput tuere and I believe tuer. is a. e sign posled on one of tue trees 3. tuat states 'Positively No Dump- 0 ing'."9 Nusnber 6 Suggests tuat boys and girls migit take up a collection, even 'if it were only a smnail sum, ta buy prizes to award to citizens who masl mmprov.d the appearance of tueir homes and surroundings. This migit arouse a lot o! interest sud fruitful discussion, lu dlean- ing Up processes if one cannaI afford paint witewash costs very littie and if tue job o! applying il pesented suy dlfflculty tue method o! Tom Sawyer migut be !ollawed witu success and profit. Agai soap and walem are cheap and wonderfully effective in clanng and brigiitening Up suy plc.Some people have not tue physical abillty ta do anythig la- wards lmproving lie appearance of! tueir homes and gardens, non tue means ta engage hired help. In suchu cases boys and girls cauld Offer their assistance and they would fid liaI there are a great many practical tuings tuey could do. Window boxes can add muci ta the attractiveness of buildings, give a cleerful aspect ta tue pre- mises and a pleasmng Impression ta travellers passig tirough a place. Mentions the sciiool, lie community hall, factomy buildings and apartments aven stores where wlndow boxes would be effective sud add to tue geneueal beauty. lu addition practically ail tue essayists stress tue aestlietlc values o! closely mown iawns and beoulevards, trees and shrubs pmoperiy cared for i suitable loca- tions, well kept flower beds and borders, dean' and tldy streets and sldewalks. Boys and girls canM ail have a share in tiiese elemen- might; b. remodelled to give themn rtais »aof-commurrity bautiflcation: * tabr rsetable uppeermtnce ^ Ail would discourage the. ai too <to be contiraued) t universal habit of throwlng flits of paper, guin and candy and otiier wrappers, peelings of oran- Ty on ges and bananas, paper hankies and refus, of ail kinds on the Visitors: Mfr. Clarence Hlatherly, street where it presents a most Long Branch, Miss Whiie Pratt, unsightly appearance. They re- Dixie, Miss Doris Hadley and Mr. commend public receptacles for Claude Hagen, New Toronto, at such waste material which should Mr. R. Hatherly's... Mr. and Mrs. be removed regularly and burned. Leslie Sleight, Toronto, Miss Win- Several of the writers hint that nie Brooks, Harmony, at Mfr. Les- there are quite a fw unsightly lie Brooks'.. . Mis. Floyd Dudley outbuildings of different kinds vislt.d with Major F. Dudley In throughout the village, whose ap- Ottawa. .. Mrs. A. W. Antis visit- pearance h flot consistent with ed friends in Oshawa and Toronto. any general beautification sciieme. . . Mis. MeFeeters, Oakville, re- They suggest that thes, might be turned to her home after visiting tomn down If flot needed and the her aunt, Mrs. A. W. Ainis. .. 1Mr. lumber used for flrewood. If they and Mrs. Cochrane and Mr. Roy are r.qulred for any purpose tiiey Virtue at Mr. W. Virtuels. ]Package fer Package Sweet Caps are y<iur best elgarette .bayl Take MiY 8dVICC3 Sweet Cape 'definitely mhild, Yet they have character. And theyre uniformly good. The proof je that more Canadians emoke Sweet Cape than any allier cigarettes. WhY? Simply because they have found that, year ini and year out, Sweet Cape give them more enjoYment for their money. You'II id the saine thing. Package for package, Sweet Cape are your, est cigarette uy. SWIET CAPORAL Cigarettes Thepu tfuva in whlch te bacs. assied" J TECANADIAN STATESMd - W 3OWMANVILLE, OUTARIO PAGE T iMIM. pjLtfi. Girls Your rousing respons. to this united appeci wiII b. the cheeriest word. you con send hlm 0 Prnvate Jon Smith is through wfth drill sud duties for 1ii. day. > He is ied abe a bit "fed up." H. la fat roan home a=loey &He longs for a dash of galety, a bit of cheer . .* y earns, periaps, for a homey nook 'w'ere he can Cd a =es listes to te radia, write ta te. It is tie job of tics. six orpaizdons to se. tiat discomfort, boredoin, lonelm ess have ne0 place in te. precious leisure moments of our menm unifarm. Wherever they go these services go too, came bomb or battle. Inl camp, on the marci, on thc rangesl, tics. sêrvices brlng thein hot drinks and snack-s onkes and otier comforts. Recreation centres are set up ..sports and entertaismient oranled ... readin and writing materiais supphed.. Comfortaci« canteens provide extra food.-Thl. re educational facilidies. Hostess houses enable ticmmsta' enjoy heaitiy sodial contacts. onertndlnq, Experlenteand DIorsiu Understanding hearts, organitation aad experience bce u your dollars cas do the job eféctively. Lertichevolunteer helpen who cal!, on yo£u car" back yaur pledgc of fullest support ranOur fighting mes. You neyer have failed them--you WM amnonov. THE ONLY NATIONAL APPEAL FOR OUR' MEN IN UNIFORM, 200 Bey St.

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