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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Mar 1941, p. 4

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PAGE F]POUR TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOW*MAXVILLEi QITAIUO TWENTY-FIVE YEARS. AGO Froi The. Canadian Statesman, Marh 23, 1916 Letter from Nurse Mabel E. Bruce tells of bospital 111.i France: "This week we have had a lot ai cold weather aid snow. This condition i a tenIta rant easily conducive la luxuniaus liv- l ng. I have about 60 patients tuese nights - as soon a tbey are able w. send them. ta Englond. Con- gratulations ta Gea. W. James on bis eleetian la lhe Reeveship." From Dan Douglas in France: "I'm taking a bambing course - no wondcr we are clledthte "Suicide Club" for if you dar't gel id o! them ater puttig lii. hito tuem liey'd need o broom and shovél ta pick up lie pieces aller the, ex- plosion. Thcy ncaliy are os soie as bouses if you use your liink box." Wbat tue Gpodyear Company does for its employees: "The large iactory aI Bowznanvile ernploy- Ing 700 ta 800, tuougb orianlzed ior profil, does not overlook tue necessity ai providing confort and boppiness o! th. employees. We bave built a large number o! bouses in Bowmanville ion aur e mployeez whicb protet hem from litgb renta. Our Goodyear Club in addition la providig liv- ing space includes ecreatioral * faciltiez. Nalurolly aur emplay- oui give us in eturi tue best 1ha1 la Inthtem,"1 so stated C. H. Car- lile, President ai Goodyear. S. W. Maaon & Son sconed a splendid successa aI hem grand Sprnrg Opening - crowds turong- cd tue star. aid lined tue street.1 Mr. Arnold Forster aid Misa Jesale Gibson Were united in mar- - niage aI St. George's Ciurcii, Newcatle, March 151h. Arhur Burgess bad a grand sale o! surplus forai stock, milch caws avenaging $90. A farewell aid surprise was Mrs. . Wesley N. Hoakin, Maivera Raad, Monday cvcnig when 80 reives Ïýand friends assembled prior ta hheir emaval ta Zion nelghbonhaad. Rev. J. E. Beckel clledthte coin- pany ta order and W. G. Rundle read ai address aid Miss EtheI Cale mode tue presentation ,of a dozen silver knivcsanad !orks aid a hal-dazen silver dessert spoons. Hampton: J. £. Montgomery was haken seriouly 111 aI Mrs. Wm. Martiri's aid rcmaved la Bowmonvile Hoapital. . .. Wm. Jeffery had o woad be.. Solina: A. J. Reynolds' bond was caught by a machine bell lacerating il aa bodly sevrerl stitchès were necessary. Zion: Mrs. Jas. Knlght's many frienda will be glad ta learri she ia impnaving in Oshawa baspital. ..Wm. Pearce, Taunton, bas sold his fomm la Mr. Fice.. .. Darling- tan Football League elected W. J. Sulley preident. FIP1TY VEARS AGO Frein The Cawadian Statesman, 1M Breh 25, 1891 A lengthy letter is publisbcd froni Rev. Wzn. P. Goord, Arden, Man., recalling pioncer Iii, in liaI province. Anther letter'la froni Jas. Cale, Ret Deer, N.W.T., aid anotuer fram J. S. Doncy, Sr., on tue subjet ai farming iMont- loba. I Dorsetshire and Somerset 2bunties, England, was tie home SIMLARNAMES qfl)rivelkCpe tl NftÎ,qirf9eveirforf/uîc k flIRA."oMýA¶!IC DRIVE If you aen't tried Uydra-Matic Drive - if -you havon'î experieuced the case and uimplicity of oenmly automatic âWiting take a trial run iu Oldamohile with HydritzMatic4 todoy1 In apite of oshuilar Dames and aimlar daims there's nothing in. l the world like Hydia-Matie. No> o«b« drive offers haf as many- advantages. 7No other drive lim no clutch. No other ~ 4~. gaesfu acceicrating without manual 1 For a moloring expenience thaî'is ucw and different try an Oldamobie 4faMtic, t"dYI YFOR VWMEDIATE DELVIM 1 A -COURTICE 078 -In, the Dim and Distant Past From Ie Staftemm Fâm InG SnD THEIR SO NGS Wrintu soabi' for TMo Statesman bi' weil known Durham boy, Frod K.. Foler, 123 Lake SI., St. Catharines, Ail tue way my Saviaur leads me; What have I loa ak beside? Con I doubt lits tender mercy .Whio turougb li. ha been my Guide? lieavenly peace, divineal comfort, lier, by f ai in Him ta dwell- For I know, whate'er befall me, Jesus doeli ail thiriga well. Ail lie way my Saviaur leada me, Cheema each winding poli I tread, Givea me grace for eveny trial, Feeda me with tue living Bread. Tiaugi my wcary stepa may falter, And my s'oul athirat may be, Gusbing from lie rock befone me, La, a sping ai jay I seel Ail tue way my Saviaur leada me; O tue iuJ.]ness oa i ts love! Perfect nesîta ome lu promis.d hn my Fatber's houa. above: Mhen my spirit, clothed, imniontol, Wings its ilight ta realms o! day, This my sang thnougu endiesa ages, 'Jésus led me al lie wayl' I tue manli ai Marcu, 1820, tuere came inta lie big world o tiny girl destinedta wield a widen influence upon human heartsanad bomes lion mony kings, emper- ors and ulens ai earth, - Fanny Crosby, lie swe.I singer o! Amen- icon byrans. Si. lait ber sigil when six monlis aid turougb tue ignorant application ai hot poul- tices ta hem eyes. At the age af 15 aie enralled a a student aI lie New York Institute for the Blind, graduated ti 1842 aid, taugit in tue Institute fan elevan years. hn 1858 aie married a leaciier an liestaff, Alexander Von Ais- lyne, a blird musician. Si. livet ta the ripe ald age ai 95, iaving devoted ber long l11. ta moking olhers goad and happy. She was greatly iterested i, aid mater- ially assisted aI, tbe Jerry Mac- Cauley Mission i New Yomk CiIy. Sbe was a pensonal iniend ai Moody aid Sankey and cantribut- cd many pages ta lie widely pub- lisied book I"Sacned Sangs aid Solos" by Ira D. Sankey. She neyer allowed aiy one to pity.her bqcause ai her blindness. She wrate "Darkness mnay thbow a sbadow aven my outer vision but liere is no Cloud liaI con keep lie sunlightî af hope from a trustiul soul." Referring ta bher metbad ai composition she said "Most af My verses are written ithe, niglit. Sometmmes a hymnicames ta me by starza aid needs only la b. wntlen dawn but I neyer bave any part a! a poem ecommitted la popen until lhe wbole ta campoaed. Tic besl ai My poepis - lie onea liaI are my favorites - Mame as a complété whole, nuedlng ne ne- of tic Hanscys. Tbey are not ne- presented tiiere now except for a monument in the. old abbey church on wic reliies lie sta- tues ai twa knlgiits representing Sir John Horsey, fatiier and son, bearing tie date 1546 and 1564. niiey are'iri complete ammaur witi banda crossed placidly on their breasts. Tbey belonged ta lie family whicii for ages bas been, famous as lie squires o! Cli! ton .Manbank and owners ai thouanda ai broad acres and noted for their iospitality. Samnuel L. Taube, wbo bas been dlatributing carda throughout Ibis section claiming ta be a manufac- rturing optician and oculist, was brought beforethe magistrat.e. On beig examined h. acknawledged b, did not manufacture tic gooda but bougbt them from a firm in Montreal. ,Officers o! the Bicycle Club are: John Maynard, Wm. Hoakin, K. Morrison, Wm. Dole, Carl K~ent, A. Nichoils, John'Hellyar, E. Dow- ney, F.* Jones, R. Mason, F. W. Cauci. The total cash af tue new Higi tSchool building so far is $13,042. 1Anather $1000 will about com- plet. il. r To Rent: The.- north part af Lamne Villa, Centre St., occupied lie last len years by John May- 1nard, jeweiler, and,fotmerly by the. lot. Rev. C. Barker. The High School Board la con- siderig the advisabllity ai hav- ing music ,taugiil.. An evèning'i unoiloyed pleasure was enjoyed aI lie nesidence af Mr. Levi Marris whan frienda ai Misa Morris assembled ta cele- braIe ber 'birthday. James Lourie was chairmon ond W. Mornisan read an address. Newcastle: Jas. Gibson wos burted aI Port Newcastle. Hie was nearly suiiocated with cool gai some six weeka ago and neyer fully recovered. . .. Influenza ta prevalent herd. .. ý. In 1h18 amal village tuer. are four houses lic- ensed ta sell liquor. .. . Aller o long tllneas Rev. A. A. Drummond agoiri occupied bis pulpit Marcii lst.... W. T. Lockhart, M.P.P., is i Toronto attending legislature. New Haven: Eli Osborne la tin p.,sseosion o! a double saddle, a relic wici dates bock over 75 yeors, used in olden limes for a mon and bis wie ta ride ta churcb before velils were i common use. Hampton: J. T. Williams bas been laid up wili inflammation a! lie knee. . . . Darlingtan Lodge, S.OZE, beld its annual -At Home. and District Deputy W. E. Peliick, Bowznonville, presided. This ladge bas only been in existence for a year ond la alreàdy oné ai lie moat' prasperotis baving ta its credit $286.' Orano: I.A. Gansby received a crayon likenessaofaimiseli and Mrs. Galmsby from lieir son S. S. Gamsby a! Watertown, N.Y. The pintures show niarked skill on lie part af th. artit. ENTERTAI NER SeSur. RALPE GORDON, the .wondefuflr veratile e ateor- Waner, fer 7our next enteelqia- ment. flustrated olr fa~ ime . Addrai - 08b Crawford Stroet, Teoto Way To Ue Reief Gl aller hbs ltUmm g Eyesight EduntÎon Effirncy C.H14uck Op"~atrist Number 189 Let us speak of a fe*v of the growtiis more noticeabi, and re- cognized. Ail eyes have a fatt3i formation on the nasel margin cf the fris abut a millirneter off the Iris on e bhite of the eye. This 4o more noticeable ti some eyea'tliàn oth- ers and more pronounced4ii color. It is a normal conditioàÙ cailed Pinguecala. This fatty s(perance la of a yellowish. color and be- comes more pronounced wtth age or exposure to wlnd and düst. No fear should bé feit upon its appearance. Il la quit- a EQomxon tblng for people ta go wèU up in years before even notlofrig its existence. Next week I wil follow this article by referring ta growth, the existence of which tIt la ecessary for some attention somne fear ta be feit but with the proper atten- tion ti time relief may b. expect- ed. Delay - and their remnoval leaves a scar whose -111 effects blur vision as badly as the. original <ro ta be continued> vision. Sometimes it eemed that there was a deep, clean well of inspiration from wilch I was free ta draw." Cantrary to th. usuai custom of composing melodieg for words, Fanny Crosby often wrote hymns for tur4es suggested ta bar. For exaniple thi. author tells us: "Tii. hymn 10O, Child of GÏ%d, wait patienitly, when dark th'>r patii may b.' camne into belng at North- field. Mr. Sankey played a pretty, air and asked me to write a poemn for it, but my mmnd a blank. Next morning just when we were ail going for a drive, I asked ta b. excused and i a few moments the words ai the hymn camne ta me ti regular order just as they are now.", Regarding another immortal hymn she says: "I 1868, n aid and dear friend,' when bidding me gaod-bye said 'I've just forty min- utes before my train leaves for Cincinnati. Here la a melody; con you write words for it?' For twenty minutes I was unconsciaus of ail except the work I waa doing. At the, end af that tinie I, recited the. unes: Sàfe in the. arma of Jésus, Soi e an Eis gentie breast, Tiiere, by His love o'.rahaded, Sweetly mny soul shail rest. Harki 'tis the. voice of aâigels, Borne.tia songt , Over the. fieldso f glo Over the jasper ser and through ta the. end of the hynin. A promninent preacher, at a great Sunday Schoal convention i Brooklyn, said of this bymn that it had given more peace and comfort ta parents who had lait their children thon ony. other hynin h. had ev.r known. Fanny Crosby wrote more thgn five thousand bynins, mony. of which have taken wings and flown ta the. uttermost parts of the. eartii. As Florence Nightingale la known as "'2i0 Lady of the Lamp", Fanny Crosby wrn b. ne- membered as Tiie Lady ai the. Silver Pen. Here la a cluster of pearls from tiiat silver pen: I am Thine, O Lard. Jesus keep me near the cross. Rescue the, perishing. Pasa me not, O gentie Saviaur. Hold Thou my hand. Saviour, more thon 1f. ta me. Some day the. silver chord will break. Speed away on your mission-of Uight. Jesus, my heart's dear refuge, Jesus bas died for me; Firm on the Rock of Ages Ever my trust shail be. Here let- me watt with patience, Watti111 the nlgiit la o'er, Wait 1«Il I se. the morning Break on the golden shore. Amen. F. J. Crosby, 1820-1915. the, greatest, if leat speetaculan, aida ta Canada and lie Empire. Il may, perbaps, seem'rallier Preswnpttve on tue prtont a 'mure general practitioner" ta venture ta suggeol waysanad muais ai betterrig lie country's bealtu system. Tii. only excuse1 wici lie wrlter eai ofier for havig given birthbôta is article la tbis threold on>-j Virât, the tmeor ai th. Report What Shan W. Dé About Tm Healil f0f Cauain NpU. Di' Dr. Iilda RL IL Wonden, St. (brathaIusOnt. The. National Çomrite. for Mental.Hygiene (Division on Pub- lic Healtu and Médcl Services> has nend.r.d, a service of great national importance by puàbllsing its reponDt, entitled_:"Study af tue Disrbution ai' Medical Care ond Public Healt -Sevices iCan- ada." A moal comprehenslve and dtliled volume,, Il caistitutes a, challenge ta lieCanadion people, mndlvlduafly and colleetively, ta find a solution ion lie betterand mare, even distribution of heàth Services, wihcanisequentli-ý pndvemanî hi lic national iiealth. An onalysIs o! the2ab9ve report bas been writteri by lic distin- uisedôurnalht-R. S. Lamnbert, uder lb, tille: "110w RIlothi Canada?" and bas been published by lie Conadiai Association for Aduit Education i its Food for Thought Sertes, No. 6. Il is an excellant, stimulatlng, and easuly read article, and la worliy ai being carefully studied by every medical mon and wornan ini Can- ada. Espeelally siiould il b. per- used by ail personsa ntrusted with leading positions on Boards ai Healli,' Couneils ai Youli, Fum- et's and :idustrial Organizations. I addition,'Jt would makè suit- able matenlal for ail 1stady groupa lirougiiout tue lengli and breadtii af lie eountry..1 Thc followig pointa ai, prime importance are eaipbosizedI Mn. Lambert's onalysIs: (1) Tier, la a general shontage af doctans, rilrses, aiddantistai lie Dominion-. Acarding ta lie standard set!by tue United States' Commiltee an lie Costa of Medi- cal Cane, liere sbould b. anc doc- tan for ever-y Vô -,750 people. Canada doca noV uneasure up ta lis stanidord. She has, an an av- erage, one- docton for >every 1,034 inhabitants, aid one- dantlat for every 2,566 persona - a shontoge ai 4,679 doctons and 6,323 dentiste. (2) A blgiily unevan distribu- tion oi médical services exista ti Canada. Fan example 28/q ai tue population ai lic Dominion (i cities ai 30,000 or over) are served by 45% af tue doctars, 48% ai lie nurses, and 49% ai tue dentista. (3) Tiere la a much toa bigh a maternai martalitY in Canada. As laIe as 1936, out ai 26 leading countries, Canada had lie fiii h highest bs ai mothers. (4) Conadas infantile mortalitY rate la tue'blgiiest axnang ail tue white peoples ai lie British Em- pire. (5) Public belli expendilure ti Canada is mucii too low. OuI ai 193 millions af dollars spent an healli services ithe Dominion, only 12 millions (or 6%) were spent an Public Helli aid Sont- talion. Tiiese. are plai, bord; taets and must be iaced sooner or 101er, bY ail oi us. For what. liey may le warli, thip writer suggesta lie followin$ two prapôisitians i-tuèýbêlief tuat Étlier one constituIez on ap- proach, aI leost, toa'acure o! tue Ills ai Canada's Heoli Systeni. Scierne (A> consista ai a sys- tem ai sociallzed mediie for' Canada unden Federal coral. This would include a planned dis-' tribution ai dactars, nurses aid dentists; a syslemaitC briging UP ai lie number ai healli wonkers ta tue standard suggÇsted by A.M.A., aid remuneration on a solory bais. Sueii a planried mcd- leal service would, undDubtedly, be lie qulekest and sureat waY ai providing accessible aid adequate medical care for every mai, wo- mon aid ciiild in Canada. Sceene (B) is neoily a braad- enung extension ai lie prescrit bealth systen aid recommanda lie followig: (1) To offset tue general short- age ai doctors the. doors of Can- ada could b. opaned wide ta ad- mit refuge. pbysiclansi suffi- dient numnbers ta bring lie stand- ard up ta moder n equ1renments - i.e., one docton ion every 750 pea- pIe on every 8 00; at berni. -Il would b. a wlse and -iad-seel-n8 volley fan. Canada ta, iallow, wbether làoked at froi, Ilb. standoàt'ai bealtu On national econaM.y, 'or even Ïim the. point ofa i vew 0 itiernational relations. (2) To correct'tue! uneven dis- tribution-oi healtu services-be- tw#eeni outlying districts aid Ur- ba 'esle Governnmant- should b. asked ta subsldize o. suffileent number. af young doctors, nurses and dentists,,Èo would be.need.d ta aucune adequate medical came ta peoplei hilsolated aid sparsely hirasoal eomn. .0r addi- seema ta invite suggestions fromn oriaypeople. Seod,' ta quaI, part af a sen- tence of Sentor Commie- Wilson: «Ther, bas neyer been a lime when the health ai the nation was more Important thon at present,"1 and Tlirldy, the bellef that elhber ai lie two sciiemes outllned abave mlgbt be useful ini wanktng out a minimum Health Prograni for Canada and that, coupled with a much more generaus Public Healli expenditure, the, resuits would be Improved general iieolth of the. population and a greatly dimniised Maternai and Infantile mortality. Moen Mrcury Drops In City 4f Dawson fly Alpha Plnch Elghty-fîive Year Ol! Former flowmanvilie Resideat, Now Bsilding In Oshawa Some years ago a school teaciier friend ai mine took a position in Dawson City. We aiten carres- ponded and I iound out many i- tenesting . tiings, pa rt i cula r1y about the cold weatiier they have there. Ris8 letters read like a plece from Alice i Wonderland. ,"We have had a cald speil," read onie lelter wrltten i Janu- ary. "For two weeks the tempera- tare was dawn ta 20 té 40 below zero with some outside points ne- conding 50,b.low. Strange mari- tfestations appeor as a resdlt o4 the extreme cold and one is lhe way il affects the fire. Il roars and crackles: 1k. a great forge and the wood seems ta dissolve i lieflameo 1k. a chunk oaite. The. wood is gone and you' wander where the heat went. At:60 below the chliney throws out a great wite cloud oi steam and as It mines wlth tue air makes a white fog tuat immedlately turns Into aý cloud ai frozen vapor which floats away and remains suspend- ed in tlieir. Slawly it settles ta the earth and in lie marning thi. ground la eovered witu the flour- 1ke substance." Exposed cars, banda or nases freeze while going one block un- leas well protected. Yaur breatb roars like a mild jet ai steam. A dippen ai boiling water thrown in- ta the air emits a peculiar whist- ltng bissa nd turns inta snow b.- fore it rçaches the. ground. Pros- .pectors attempting ta bail a dish ai water oyer a fire unpratected from the weather find one aide ai tue dliih will bail wbile the. otiier freezes. To remedy tua ,the. diaii Is set completely ithe. ire. Tools subjected ta this tempera- tare b;eak 1k. glass. Ail vegef tables, potataes, and canned fooda freez, until they are as bard as bullels but the froal con be drain- ed from tuem i wtuout injury. Any attempt ta tiiaw, tlem out witii hot water, etc. spoili theni ion use. Phone 260M On. letter tald some nemark- oble'tales ai frazén hondsanad feet. Casez o! froat bite are al- moal a daily occurrence in winter. The trealment was ta immense the member i cool ail, aiten several houra. This lana absolutely sale nemedy and one escapes lie sur- geon's knie if il la done aI ange. My -frlend told af a mai faund i lie snaw when il waa 45 *below. Bath honda were frazer ta lie wnists and were as white as marble. When placed iri lhe ail tbcy begon la snap aid crack as lie ail begon toaoct an tue ice crystals. If! lis nemedy were ne- membered by residents a! cold chImes il would save mony a limb. The temperature a! lie ail abould be about 60 degrees Y. Great caution muaI be exencised i cold watuer rot ta froat tue lunga wblcb are will do if b. hustles about faster lion tue an- dinary pace. Quick aid fatal pneumonia Can be contraclcd ti o Bila Service few minutes. Many a fine teani af horses bas been loat tis ?ray.. Again one has ta, be careful about tauching thinga wlth, lii. unprotected hand. It la dangerous ta take hold ai a doorknob unles you are careful ta release tiie hold instantly for it wiiI freez, your hand instantly and be painful thereafter. Canned goods undergo frightfui. contraction dunlng extreme cold and wiil suck i the air. Then in, summer the reverse occura cous- ing leakage and loss. Auctioneer ELMER WILBURM Li.ensed. Auctioneer Hampton- - Ontail. Speclallzhig i Forni, Lvestoekr, Implements and Furniture Sales TERMSMODERAT Phone for Ternis and Date te:' Bownmnvlfe 2428 HN.31x, THE HYDRO-ELUOTIlIC POWER COMMIS8SIO 0 OTAItTo Im- ¶rHTR3bTKAiCÈ.ô i HOW TO SGREASE YWJR *0W N CAR In Six Eay Lessons pIRS3T: Put on your dirtiest ciothes go you cau crawl under your car. SECOND: Buy a suppiy of transnmiion, differentil, uni. versai joint, water pump. and pressure gui grosse, five grose unsand a spray gui. Alosme penetratingoil, THDtRD: Eqip yourself with lots of sgoouang woruls such as IlDam", "«Oh, Rang" and Umle 1. bume on u Joints where the grosse, doesn't want te corne through. lKep using these words until the greasecornes out on lb. ether side.1 YOURTE: Buy yourseif a completes et of wrem" to use on the containers that must be opened tolipect 1h. lubrioating supply inside. Aiss me new skidi b graft on your knuckes when the wrenoh slips. FIFTH: PM1 yourý spray gun wlth penetmattng oil t. spry on 1h. upnings. Be sure net te breathe for about j0miUtes while spra.ying th. springs or you mty-cil 1he inside of y'ourmungs, which. is bad. SIXTE: Be sure not te miss any place that shou>d b. lubricated as it may colt you the prie of 20 grosse jobs. for repairs. Or, if it seems like tee much trouble snd expenue, drive your car ta GARTON'8. W. ean assure yen, if yot get Our 1ubricatien job-YOU just won't try that home Job GARTON'S GARAGE -1

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