TUE CANADIA24 STATESItÂ1ê, BOWMANVILLE, Oi4TARIO Twenty-One -Year.-Olds To Speud Four Month in lU!Miltry Camp j; Direct tram Hensard we here-1 wlth quote verbatim, questions and answers dealing with tic cail- Up ai 21 year olds for mlltary trainng These are anly parts ai the hle debate ai Friday, March 14, 1941. S1& M. Gardiner: "«Everyone who la eppraaching twenty-one years ai age has his notice now that he lu ,likely ta be cafled at any time.9 Wecal ilrst those who were9 twenty-one last July. The next1 group is those who were twenty-1 anc last August. The next group la thasc who were twcnty-anc last September, and 50 on. There- fore cvery Young in who rends thc newspapers or Uic regulatiansi knows when he la likcly ta be1 called.9 Mr. Henson: What is going ta be1 doncintheUiccase ai thc dairy iar- mier? Mr. Gardiner: A choice will be given. Of course it la not. coin- pulsary that anc who is ti nnaio thc seasonal employments shoùld remain out ai camp l ic heSuxn- mer manths. If he desircé ta go ta camp in Uic summer, ln order ta avoid havlng ta go. ta the wln- ter months, he wlll be pcrmltted Io do so. I should imagine there would be sanie divisions in famn-1 ilie as ta whcUier Uiey prefer certain groups ta came at anc tme or at enather, although it is nat likcly there would be more than oa n theUctwenty-ànc year oid group. In Uiat group, haw- lever, Uierc mlght be a hircd man as wdll as a member ai Uic family. Mr. Hansan <York-Sunbury):, I have ini mmd an actual case which came ta nly, attention. This was the case ai a widaw wiUi ouly anc son, who was twcnty-auc years old sud had been called. A. it happene, he was milking twenty- anc cows. She sud her son camne ta my office durlng Uic reces, sud appeared ta be grcatly perturbed over Uic situation. I told her what I Uiought was the position. ' I said that I believcd he could gct a postponcmcnt, but that sooner or later he would have ta go, and Uiat Uic moUicr would have ta hire somcbody ta take hs place. She Uicxi pointcd aut tU i iculty ai sccurmng hclp ou Uic fari on account ai Uic fact that 8so much labour was being attracted by Uic work going on et that season ,of the ycar in variaus communitie in Uic province. My point is Uiat in a case like that Uiere ought ta be somc pro- vision for slectivity, andthat Uiat boy ought not ta be called at ail. I am satisfiîd Uiat Uiat.yaung in ought not ta be callcd, or, in anY event, atleast nat until later. Mr. Gardiner: Under Uic newj regulations, whilc It has not beenj providcd that suyonecacn be cx- cmptcd, it is set out Uiat consid- eratian should be given in cases ai hardshlp. As I uzidestand it, there is a hardship clause in Uic British conscription measure. The individuel mut make application1 before Uic board, sud Indicate his desire that special conideration be given hie case. Havingt made that applicatian, while he would not be crcnipted, hiq case would be postponecd, end he Would, be subject ta cail froin time ta tinie, or as conditions migbt change, Ini that levent he would prabably be caled up, or frain tixue ta time he would be asked wheUicr hie condition had changed. What happened would dcpend saine- what upon Uic circunistances sur- roundlng sny particular case. As wc go on wlithUic war, it mey become morc andl more nec- essary ta take Inthe Uicgher age groups ta order ta f111 Uic campe if we arc gaing ta contnue ta have four monUis trainig. I should nat like it ta be undcrstood that it is dcfititcly decldcd that wc "How young Peole turn out, depends lai gely oXI where they turn hi," 0B, brin; themr te Church. FRIDAY, 7.00 F.M.i JUMOR OUC SUNDAT. 2 PJBL: BUNDATOHOOL SUNDAY, 7.30 PJL: "dAt ii. Cm.."S Other Services As UsueL1 SO RE BACK? It may b. your lddney& Gia Pilla, the. wldely knowvn, rellble lday eey balp brmng relie by olnnta an esuin;telc estrn Mocybsk if sr,4SPWi L.puks~,WP ar e golng ta cal for training only 9 thoseinthUictwenty-anc year age graup. The ântention le ta start wi that group sud continue calling Uiem as long as we nced men for Uic camps. Whcn once he la called he la subJect ta cen suny time later. The postponement may be, ln some in- stences, for e definite time; in othere, it may be wîth power ta cal hlm et any time. He may not be celled for a ycar snd a hall if he la worktag in-saine particular lndustry, but he la always subject ta cail." Inth Uiclutcd space available wc thlnk Uic abave extracts will convey toalal readere Uic situa- tion as propased in Uic change over froin Uic 30 day ta the four monthe campuleory milltary ser- vice. The Stateeman will be glad ta cxtend eny aid or information1 whlch may be possible toansyone1 enquiring. Any wha may require1 direct sud immediate assistance1 taward exemptions should coin-1 municae with Durham's member,9 W. P'. Rlckard, M.P., Newcastlc sud Ottawa. He will, wc arc sure, be glad ta tadicate how sud whcre ta cu- quire inalsl such cases, and froin personal knowledgc, may lend his influence ta relieve aîl those in actuel distressful circumstances under these proposed regulations. POLITICS IN THE GOOD OLD DAYS: Dy Xcv. Hf. W. Foley That item in Uic "Pifty Ycars go"1 columu in The Statannoa March l8Ui, referring ta Uic ruin- pus et Bobby Beith's politicai meeting in the tawn hall touched memories ai anc who was et Uic meeting. It had been a tradition among Uic Liberals ta hold their final campalgn meeting for cvcny election in Uic town hall, Uic lest nlght befare voting day, with Hou. S. H. Blake, K.C., always th# big speaker. That time Uic Tories plydatrick sud engaged Uic hllf for that nlght weeks ahead. Not ta be beaten, Uic Grits dccid- cd ta have their meeting after Uic others had finlshed. We baya frain Maple Grave came in ta attend Uic meeting. About 10.30 p.m., aiter Uic Taries fillcd out, cxcept a contingent ai their "stanm traop- crs," Uic Grits iiled in. The speak- ers werc al ready ta go when Uic rumpus started. The Taries dlam- cd that Uic hall was theirs for Uic nlght. There wcrc no broken heada, but Uic row continued til midnlght whcn the Grits claimed it was then Uic next day. Mr.1 Blake mode hie speech aiter ail, wlth his great long rcd tic, Uic symbol ai vlctory,.floating about. Chici Jarvis was the only persan who was rcally hàuled up aiter- ward. The nèxt day even Uic stal- wants ai Cartwright could not hald Uic majority below 198. Sure 'twas e famous victary. Boware Colectera For Toronto SallUer'.Home: Just how representatives ai su unknown organization manage ta couse funde for a hypothetical organisation froin unwary I4ause- wives wlil always be saanething ai e mystcry. Lately canvassers for su organization cafld Uic Toronto Sallars' Home, glving its 'address as 70 Carleton St., Toron- ta, have been makig su appeal in this district for funds. While such a place actually dae exist, its actîvities arc nat suffil- ciently well deflned ta nienft any contributions. Their canvasser has recclved noaepproval froin Uie local Chamber ai Commerce ta calleat here. Here la what a re- port fram Uic Taranto Better Business Bureau sas about it: "We have had no details filed wlth us sice 1936, when we re- celvcd a statement .which was ucither signal nor'audlted ta Uic eifect that thie Home, during Uic previaus year, recelved subscrlp- tions amounting ta aven $1,10V." This aniaunt was used up for cane- taker's wagcs, fuel sud general upkeep.. At that time nobody was stay- ing hi Uic large hanse wlth Uic exception ai twa persans sud Uic Bureau has neyer been successful ln obtatning sufficlent details ta compile a report. There la absolutely nô cômiec- rtion betwecn this Salors' Haome ansd Uic Upper Canada Tract Sac- letie'l Mission ta, Sallons whlch la thUi reputable organisation cln- yasint this nelghborhoad every year.. gun-terrets sud bullet-pnobf trac- torgp tires in sufficlent nuin- beý;rta sup^ly her own arries, aud aiea ta contnlbutc ta Uic equlpment ai Uic British forceshI North Afrlcq. To reprove smal iaults with undue vchemence la as absurd es If amen should take a bg hamn- nmer to shoo a ily frein hiesfriend's forehcad.-Amon. W]ELL BE wEDý QUIIML AT OBHAWA MARCS 29 New Claisses Add.d Lion* Club Annuail Hobby Show A number ai ncw classes have been edded this year ta Uic Lions Club Hobby Show prise list which wll particularly intercst War Ser- vice sud Juniar Red Cross groupe sud for whlch speclal prises arc given. The great annuel show whlch la acheduled ta take place about the end ai April, la possibly ai greeter interet ta adulte than Uic younger generation. Oil painting, water caboura, crayon or pastel, ink, pencil dnawIngs, inodellhig and sculpture arc chlcfly adult hobbies sud arc expectc tabc well represented. Nccdlcwork wlll draw more than usual interest ts ycat since Sa msuy wamen are spcnding marc time naw sewing sud knit- Anether item in Uic open divi- sion hcaded "Industrial Craits"' pnabably lsai chief intercat ta in. This clas lucludes waod sud metal lathe wark, fret wonk, leather articles, model planes, hsudy farin device suanost oUi- en articles ta which su ingeniaus individuel might turnuUic hand. Only persans sixteen yeers sud over inay enter -i these open classes. Last ycar Uic photography was ai perticularly high quahity sud drcw a good msuy chtrlca. The designation "any subject not liat- cd above" makes it passible for suyoue ta enter their favoitei photagraph as long as it camplie sj wth Uic rules sud regulatlans.1 Each picture should be sultably mounted. TRINITY YP.U. St. Patrick's Nlght was celc- bratcd ta treditional fashion by1 Trinity Young Pcople's Union1 Monday night. They gave a panty1 arrsuged sud carried eut ta Uic Irish spirit ai Uic occasion. Miss Vivisu Bunner gave Uic story ai that gaod aId saint, Pat- rick, for Uic benefit ai Uic young modemns who wene not femiliar with it.1 The boys came ta Uic perty re- aplendent in green tues, thc girls wi green hair ribbons. Games werc Uic chief arder ai the even- ing led by Miss Susle VanCamp sud joined lu by cvcryone. Then there was a redlng by Victor Brown which proved sa well ac- cepted that he favorcd wIith-au encore, su Irish story. The meeting was closed wlth a short service ai worship in whlch EdiUi Trull, Jean Davey, Evelyn1 Pickard sud Gertrude Dcwefl taok part. Rev. S. Davison closed with Uic benediction, thc Union mcm- bers beta; seated in a friendahip circle around Uic reain. Obituary Malton IL Minore Bowmanville was Uic home he saught after hie rétincinQut froin active warking ie, although Mil- ton Havelock Minore had livedI mny other Ontario cammunities durig mare than sixty-eight ycars of hie lii c. Hie passing froin thie lice early Fniday, March 14th, was a great shock ta Uic commun- ity. Although in paon hcslth all wlnter he did not become serions- ly 111 until a iew days before hie death.- * From Uic tinie he sud hie fani- ily camne here froin Norwood in 1924, «ZvUnt" as he was papulanly celled became pragresslvcly bat- ter knowu. He had a host ai friends. Milton Minore came ai a large tamily. He was Uic youngest son ai the laie Susanah Cameran sud John Minore. Born in Brantford on May 20Ui, 1872, he lived' Uic eanly part ai hie 111e there, later taking cmplayment wlth the C.P. R. which he aenvcd for forty-sevcn ycars. lu June 1899 he manried Matha Ellen Kennedy in Bob- caygeon. Mr. Minore spent ten years iu Bowmanville as statibn agent, go- ing ta a im-ilan position in Ca- bourg in January 1934. Four ycars later he ntired sud returncd hene ta take up. residence agein i hie hanse on Centre St. Hie fraternel intereste werc wi'dc, being a mcm- ber ai the Rotary Club whlle ta Bowmnanville, a member ai Jeru- salein Lodge, a member ai Uic I.O.O.F., sud Trinity Church in which he waq keenly interested in Sunday Schaol work. One ai hie ment absorbing recreational inter- TRINITY W& Trinity Woman's Associationl met March 1lth, wlth Mrs. T. W. Cawkcr presiding. Mrs. S. J. Da.J vison and circle werc ini charge 01 the devotional service and prÙ6 gramn. Mrs. 0. Boc read the scrip- turc lesson and Miss L. Jackson offered prayer. A toast to, aur flag was proposed by Mrs. A. Smith and Mrs. Davison rcad a poem. A reading was given by Miss Ruth Hutchinson, and a mlx- cd quartette by Laura Wilson, Ruth Hutchinson, Trevor 'Davison nd William Hutchinson, was very much enJoyed by ail. Reports ai the variaus circles were presented. WAR SERVI CES <Continuei from page. 1) Charter Company whlch pays out the aJlotments fram the general fund." Local objectives are based on 1940 budgets, app r o xma tng $2,100. Durhamn County la ex- pected ta ralse $7,400. Orono and Newcastle are included lni the ob. Jective but will be canvassed lo- cafly. As a resuit ai the Monday nlght meeting three reptsntatives oi Rotary, Lions, S.A., Leglon, K. oi C., «ID" Cay. Auxiliary, Home and School, Girls' Service Club,, arid Chamber ai Commerce wlll meet with W. P. Ward in the council raam, at 8 p.m. ta-nlght (Thure- day) ta camplete arrangements for the canvasa. The two week limit for the ca-- vasa has been definitely set .qg Ottawa. The e e1ing Uire la th1b impartant_ as this charitable worki la, it muet be eampleted an ache- dule sa the decks cen be clearcd for action. Nothing must lag in this war. Chairman J. J. Brown e*plain- Sed that a danatioh cen be made 1outrlght or one can sign a pledge tat spread out contributions over 1an eight-month perlod. The 'well- to-do' will welcorne one unique Meature i the drive which alows- thers incame tax exemption up ta 40% on donations.C Up To "Foiku At Home" The services these funds wifl supply were iirst provided onlyi by the contributions ai Canadian5 citizens at home. It la only by1 their contributions-now-ta this fund-that the services can be carried on. The gcnerosity ai Canadians at home started thet work. Canadiens neyer have "letS down" their men in uniforni. Nor will they fail the lads now. The co-ordnated appeal af these six organiiations is synibolic ai the unity af the Canadien peoplea in their war effort. It typifies theirt unîted determination that the mien who off er their lives ta safeguard aur freedam shall not lack eny service ta sustain their physical and spiritual comfart end well- being. CANADIAN CLUB (Contlnued i110M Page 1) interest building towns. It lasai of them that "they shaok every empire but iounded none."1 The Ceit Unllke the Teuton But there is a sad strain in the Ceit. In it is reflccted the race'st failure as a nation which even ta the present is more disu.mited than . any other an earth. Contrasted is the other great European race, the Teutons, whose autstanding features have been ntd ta be orderlincss, an inor- dinate measure ai self discipline, independence, layalty and plod- ding persistence. Sinail wonder, commented the speaker, that a t y-product ai such cheractçristica hardncsà îand cruelfýr, a turnirig an ail Chistianity holds dear. *Layalty af the Celts, even ta thase who had conquered them, was shawn by Mr. O'Neil with fects tram history. He contended that it was perheps a result ai the Irish neyer having been canquer- cd which in part explaincd the i.fartunate hlstary ai that coun- try. But the Celtic spirit is nat peculiar ta Uic actuel succators ai the tribes, he said. Byron, Buns sud Shakespeare aIl had the spark ai Celtic genius. Most typical ai all la Thomas Moore iu his pacins, "The Last Rose ai Summer" sund "Oift in thc Stilly Night." Those sangs breathe the lifmite longing ai a nation living in Uic past - a nation which, bears the token sud shows the wcariness ai gencra- tions ai fightiug for bast causes. Irish Whlmoy *"Who has not heard that su Irishnian has su eye for a prctty girl"? ased Mr. ONeill. The say- mng further reilecte a Celtuc trait. Thcy have, in their poctry, litera- turc sud in their cvcryday think- tag, exaltcd wamanhoad sud put wamcn an a palestal. Twa Celts, vcry wdil knowu on this aide ai the waer, epecially claimal Uic spcakcr'a attention because they scemed ta hlm typi- cal ai the race. Tommy Farr, Uic baxer who eppeared in Uic States a few years ega, had ail the color, courage sud abifity that should have led hum ta Uic top in Uic ring but like his cauntices suaces- tors he was flot as great a succes as hie abilities gave promise ai.. Richard Morton, founder ai Uic Humene Society, faught tooth sud uail ta see that the news laws were enforccd but if some poar in rau afoul ai themin lutruc Irish fashion he was Uic firat ta came ta his asaistance sud sec that his fine was paid. "The Irish arc really ou aur side In Uic war I behieve," said Uic speaker. "If we were going ta base, you mlght be sure Uic Irish would be right in there fighting with us. At any rate I hope that Uic Irish will nat be absent whcn the peace la fonmcd. We can't afford ta be without their hclp." President Mrs. A. R. Virgin wha prcsided suuounced that Uic April meeting would be open wheu Uic annuel election la held, sud Uic speaker will be Dr. M. Estmnnoa Uic University Extension Course. ROTARY CLUB (Contlnued from page 1> wark sud civic enterprises wc have enggea in have been truly beneficial ta Uic town ai Bow- manville. 'If wc could have a ndllab» cry- stal haUlui which ta gaze it would be a great help for Uic future, but lacking that wc may be able ta derive a few lessons froin Uic past. We have scen what heu happen- cd ta Rotary in Uic dictatar caun- tries. Rotary accus ta be on a solid iàoting here but then s0 it acemal in Genmany sud Italy, a few years ega. The important question wc must face is 'What part will Rotary play in the changing world?' After this war anc may expect ta sec more social nefonus tending toward similan privilegies for rich sud poor alike. We ecrpect ta aixu far a better plan ai living. Should Rotary stand behind Uic uew wonld- , lrder? TPc* wheà- extent should -# adapt itef ta changing circuin- stances?" werc some ai the per- tinent remarka the speaker pre- aentcd in su ixupressive addness. Mn. Mornisan predicted that members ai Rotary will have ta intereat themselves more in Uic econamic sud social changea ai Uic future, takiug more active leadership In these fields. Quite an array ai Oshawa Ro- F=uu~pV*. NulS IL 'iFRUITS & VEGETAB4LES rio. 1 Cu>.klng Turnlps Bus. 5 H.ad LethiceHead Gr..nlng Appbs qt. Bask.15 ornons 5 ~ONG 6Lb1C MUBAM ~ONTW 13 HOT-HOU»SU b. 9 ORANGES AVM o, 25c GA&P FOOD1 mSTORES taniens wene present ta honor their offsprtag, Uic Bowmianvillc Rotary Club, on its seventeenth anniversary: -Wmn. Clark, Kelly Cneighton, Narval Wilson, W. C. Hutcheson, Stuart Algen, Max Hart and President Maurice Hart. Anather local visiter wee J. H. H. Jury, honorany memben ai Uic club. The nucleus ai a War Savinge Certificate ci onofai afew stamps pested in a boak werc won by R. L. Mitchell, P. F. Marrie, A. L. Nichails, C. HIL Masan Mu T. E. Flaxmn. h Elenerdl IEiectriccn*ratulates DON CHRISTIAN ELECTR1C ON G T HE ANNIVERSARY SALE ln a Practical Manner by Offerlng Every Avaliable Bargain ln Their Warehouse to us for Thls Occasion SPECIAL-A Llmited Number of Late Model 1.GeB. Refrigerators especlaly brought in for this "ai. Every feature thst la offer- ed hlutthe new 1941 modela aniyet savinga tram $50.00 t S$75.00 Generai El etric Radios of Alil Types at Less Than Pre.War Prices. SPECIAL 15 ONLY 1940 MODEL G. E. Washers lReg. Value $109.00 - 0ur speelal sale pruce 669.50 These are equlpped wlth Uic very letest General Blectrie Washer features icludlng automatio drain pump. - A life-time waaher. 38-40 Shmco. St. Nwthy Oshawa General Electrie Showroom Sample of IIotpoint Electrie Ranges. Llmited Number of Brand New 1941 Hlotpolat Combinatl*a Coal and Electrie Ranges 1At Les. Than re-Tax PrIces Exceptlonafly large trado-In on Four ziresmt equlPment. Oui own eleetrlclan a a teeue t fheeleetaloal IntaUestiu> fer you Genera1 Electrie RADIO Beautiful ail-wave con- sole madel, walnutfinish- cd, live tubes. Puai- button tuning for five stations, phonograpi connectlon and. awltcb, automatle velums centroL Limlted quaatlty, brand escwe hifactori7 ente IM erd-at ouly $59.00 Your eholce of Ivory, Walaut, air(Jolours, tu Latest Modal OUNERAL EBLECTEIO Mantel Radio ANIVERSARY SALE SPECIAL ONLY Expert Radio and Electrical Service Phone 744 and 84 Miss Elinore Louise Balles and Charle Mitchell Cawker, who will be married quietly et the home af Miss Balles' parents, 299 Slmcoe St. S., Oshawa, Mardi 29. The bride-to-be la the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frcderick J. Balles. Her fiance is the son af Mr. and Mrs. T. Wesley Cawker, Bowmanvllle. PAGE PM Anu Page 32-oz. af< Straw. or Rasp. Jar 27 DBIACE i 8&5wde , 61 7C ,b. 53C IRISTWM Ayimg 2 TIn 2Y~ TIGER CATSUP rà= I64 Faacy Coh e 1rC 17 FLOE ot aui1.39»-,. 2.73 A&P LA yi l 3 na. 23c BOKAR ILI Clm"E m. 23c COFFE EImLCus ceva. lSc Woi ey iLfUIN S f a. O c 14Ib. bag 39 c MACmoE ma' 2 »"S SOI BinsZ=25c PRIME MD HOAST lb. 25c aLmDE ROAST lb. 20 SHOIRT BIB1HORST lb.Z22 PORK zlINS 7wEfl -b. 23c vEiaL RtOwNS migu lb. 18c &p Bakery Product A&P BREAD s&cu.d Wbolo Wheat L-&15 ZZ Z, d 15< ANGEL CAKE PLAIN e ~23c HOT CROSS DUNS 1w. 19C SANDWICH ROLLS PW. Oc -L- 11 "WRSDAY, MAIRCZ 20, 1941 p