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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Mar 1941, p. 6

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- s' t ~ i i iii1k..~ iiL.. ?AoÈ six TIE CANADIAN STAIWKAN, BOWMMMVLLB O0NTAMJO TEURtSmyA, MARCH 20, lu1 Blackstock Mirs. Jas. Ginn opencd ber home te Uic Women's Misionary Soc- fety for Uieir meeting on Marcb 12Ui, with a good attendance. De- votional service was taken by Mrs. Jabez Wright and Mrs. Earl Dor- reil. Mra. 'Wrlght read a leiter from Mrs. Le'ury reporting on a recent Presbyterial E xe cu tiv e meeting. Mrs. Frank Stinson was appointed as delegate te Presby- terial to be held in Brooklih in April. Mrs. John McKee's group was in charge of the program. Mrs. M. Falli tok Uic atudy book on "'Lie and Work o! Miss Archi- hald o! Trinldad"; Mrs. Frank Stinson, a readig; Mrs. J. A. Johnston, a reading on life o! Ada Sanddll of Korea; Mrs. McKee an article on Rice Lake Missions. Meeting closed with bymn, and prayer by Rev. Stinson. The Institute held a social eve- ning on Thursday, Marcb 13, with euchre at the hall, and a skating pariy ai Ue icnnls with lunch being served ai Uic bail. The prizes for Uic cuchre were won by Mrs. Flor- ence Crawford and Mn: Tennyson Sameils. A miscdllancous shower was iendered Mr. and Mrs. Roger (Mike) Oke in Uic community hall on Friday night by their Blackstock friends. Miss Norma Hoeey, Toronto, visiicd Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Hooey. Mr. and Mrs. Harry VanCamp and Glenn and Mrs. W. A. Van- Camp were ai Listowell visiting with Mn. Norton VanCamp. Mrs. John Marlow in Toronto with Mr. and Mna. Ivan Sbook. Cariwright Townshp' Red Cross News On Marcb 13Ui, a shipinent o! goods, both British evacuees and soldiers' needs, was forwarded to Uic T. Eaton Co. warehouse for distribution. Carton for evacuees coniaincd: 6 large quilts (1 quit from Purple Hill and 5 from Blackstock), 3 pr. women's sockees, 14 pullovers for a iwo year old boy, 13 pr. boys' hand knit stockigs. Carton for soldions containcd: 2 turtle-neck sweaters for Uic navy, 3 pr. seamen's socks, 4 pr. seamen's long stoekings, 8 pr. men's wbole mitts, 8 helmels (navy), 3 helinets (air force>, 25 pr. men's army aocks, e boapital shéele (109" long). The Nesileten centre sent in 4 large, quilta, 4 bospital sbeets, 4 pr. boys' band kni steckigs, 2 boys' shirts, 1 pr. men's army socks, 1 hand knii pullover for a 2 yr. old. These were toc laie te go with Uic other shipment but wiil beenclosed in aur nexi. Clarke Union We exiend our symnpathy te Mn. and Mns. Fred Blackburn on Uic death o! bis sister, Miss Catherine Blackburn o! Newcastle. Mr. Cecil Jones and fanlE wbo have been living on the Narch- ment place, have moved to Orono. -Mr. Bill Fairhead la laid up ai Mr. James Oke's from a kick re- ceivcd froni ene o! Mr. Oke's herses. Mr. Fairbead was rusied te Oshawa for x-ray but found ne boues broken. Mns. Lowrie o! Trenton bas been visiiing Mns. Sidney Morgan ai Mn. S. D. Souch'a. Mr. Stanley Ball of Leakard la a frequent visiter in Uic neigbbor- hood. Congratulations te Mr. and Mns. Will Dawson on Uic arrival o! a young son. .Mr. Frank Brown lesta valu- àble sew from a tumor on tic kidney. Mr. and Mns. H. J. Soucb speut Sunday with ibeir daughter, Mns. HarrY Bailey. Mn. and Mrs. Belley will ahortly move te Bowmanville where Uiey have secured a posi- tion ai tbe Training School. DID YOU TAKE LAXATIVE TODAY? pata~ puonsiuthe,.~ gr=M,n. But do you bloodutr.m? 7 e ache. Most laxatives ouly Mg lla ridding the colon ofaiagna e=aier ruschen's Mina i até thaea diuretio action. Thy à"s bloodsteamofalpoaonouainmatm Cdn roi eyor o .M-uâ tro =h fomof Ifcin You can get Kruschen from, an drug stores. Pricm 75e and 25c.' Salem Bey. Gardner gave a splendid address on the subjeci of "Cus- toms" here lasi Sunday afternoon. The choir rendercd fine music, Mr. G. Barrie taklng the solo. Bad roads and weather Were responsible for the Y. P. U. meetý- ing being wiihdrawn lasi week. Hampton W. I. East Group were enieriained by Mrs. E. Admon at their weekly sewlng bee on Tuesday of last week. Alihough the weather was very stormy and the roads bad, mont of the Salem members of the W. L. managed te get to, the Irish Pot Luck Supper at Hanmpton on Mon- day eveming and enjoyýed a splen- did program. of music and.isong and a bountitul supper. Sympathy is cxtended te Mr. F. Blackburn in the death of bis aunt, Miss Blackburn of New- castle. Salem people were grieved to hear of the death of Mr. Plunket of Peterboro who was a resident of Salem for many years, and sympathy is extended to the ber- eaved family. Mr. and Mrs. G. Burrus attend- cd the fwieral of a frlend i Osh- awa on Monday, A joint meeting of the W.M.S. and W.A. was held ai the home of Mrs. R. Ormision on March l2th. An interesting prograni was pré-1 pared by group leaders Mra. W. H. Moore and Mrs. L. Ashton, con- sisting of readings by Mrs. A. E. Harding and Mrs. S. PetbWck; vo- cal duet by Mrs. L. Lamb and Mrs. F. Beckett; piano solo by Mrs. C. Croasman; an "Interview of Trin- idad" was dramatized by Mrs. W. H. Moore, Mrs. E. C. Ashton and Mrs. E. Page. A dainiy luncheon was served by the groupa and a hearty vote- of appreclation wal tendered to Mrs. Ormiston. The temperance program on Sunday morning was ini charge of the convener, Mrs. M. Stainion, reading -by Miss Sanders, and a ile dialogue with illustrations was given by the. Juniors under supervision of Mrs. R. McGiil. A goodly number atiended church on Sunday evening and listened to a very interesting dis- course on the texi 'Comne and See" by Rev. H. Lackey. A fine seleciion of music waa given by thec choir under leadersbip-of Mr. A. Wbarn. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. M. Ho»bs and Joan with ber parents iLJndsy; also visited at Mr. M. Pcreman's, col- umbus. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Werry, Mr. TETHANNUAL Festival Under Auspices ai hyha. Crnmy le Feial Auouatbm te be hellu United Chucli-.a- Port Hope, Ontarjo IMIT l3th,141hmd-151,1941 RE GULATIONjS-# l. In Choir, Orchestra and Band Classes Uic full name of Uic or- ganization must be given and in afl cass aliai o! individual menibers <Public Sebool Choira crcepted> musi accompany Uic entry forni 2. In Duci and Quartette Classes only one entry rforn isl necesay but the names pf each individual.should b nltnon Ucback o! Uic form. Te entry form should hé signcd by one person only,, te wbom all communications wii be addrescd. 3. Entry Fees muai accompany thc application. 4. Eniries muai be receivcd by the Secretary, Miss Helen Morris, Bowmanville, on or before April 15Ui, 1941. SCHEDULE OF FEES Urban Cburcb Choirs --- -------- ---4.00 Urban Cburcb Smaller Choira 2.00 Rural and Village Church Choira---- .1.00 Home and Sehool Choir ---.--.- ------- 1.100 School Mixcd Chorus-----------. 1.00 Orchestras --..-------...1.00 Banda.----- - -- 2.00 Quartettes ------ -- -- - ----- . . 2.00 Duets - Aduli t -~ 1.00 Duets - under 16 years- --.-----. .50 Solos and Readings - Aduli -----.---- --- .50 Solos and Bowlings - under 16 years .25 Sehool Choira and Polk Dance Free COMPETITOR'S ENTET PORM Naine o! Competitor Address of Competiior -- ------- - ----- -. Name and nuniber o! clas i whlcb competing--------- Date of!BEuh Age laut birthday_. S(This applies only te classes i whlcb mgo limIt la set> I bereby cetilfy that ail, conditions governlng iis Eniry, bave been complied wli. Foe enclosed& SSigunatreof Appflcant.- and Mns . LM<éG and fagÉly ai Mr. E. A Werry's. Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Wright, Hampton, Misa MWarlon,.Martin, Bowmanvîile Mr. P. Wright, b- lina, ai Mrs. Wmn. Oke'a. Mr. and Mrn. H. Larmer and Shirley, South Monaghan, Rev. E. L. Beecb, PBoaeeat, Mr. and Mrs. E. N. -Eeech and, family, Port Hoe'M. and Mrs. R. Richards, Mrs. A. Larmer ad Wallace, Bow- mariville, Mr. and Mrs. A. Beecb and "IL1oyçl, Union, ai Mr. G. Beech'a. Pie. Floyd Beckett, Niagara, ai Mr. W. H. Moore a. Mirs. E. A. Werry i Toronto, with ber aunt Miss Etel Cole who la stiil convalescing ater ber serious accident. Starkvie Old man wlnter bas vialted us again, wlihMarch blgh wlnds, snow and cold, maklng roads im- passable. Glad te say a good congregation aiiended Shllob on Sunday 1ai. Mr. M. Shutka was home from Oshawa over the weekend. Miss Norma Hailowell bas re- iurned bomne from a short viaht with frienda IToronto. Shilob W. A. beld a meeting and a qullting ai Mrs. Silver's on Friday. Shiloh Young people beld a play practice ai Mrs. Ross Hallofel's., Miss Wray. was ai ber home in' Peterboro over Uic weekend. Mirs. John Paeden, Weslcyville, visited Mrs. Lew Hallowel. Miss Marlon Farrow is hi Uic City. % Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Ruthven, Mon, visited ai Mr. ancý bMrs. A. Dob- son s. Clarke assessor made bis usual visits in ibis section on Friday.. Mr. and Mms. Victor Farrow were in Port Hop on Saturday. Mr. (Gordon Clydale, 'Oshawa, was home on Sunday. Miss Edna Farrow, Peterboro, and Mr. Raymond Farrow, Whit-, by, were home for Uie wcekend. Mr. Bert Trim . wès i Oshawa on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Laurence White and faniily, Maple Grove, vlslted Mr. and M&s. Ross Hallowell. Mr. R. Farrow, Port Hope, an old resideni of this vlclnity, pass- cd away ai Port Hope bospital ibis Wednesday niorning. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Carson and famlly were i Port Hope on ,eaturday. Miss Gwen Gilnier is Qur new "lhello"l girl ai Clarke Central. Mrs. I. Stark bas been none te well. Mr. A. Dobson la stiil conflncd te bcd and no one is àilowed te visit hlm. Mr. Gordon Trini was in To- ronto on Sunday. A card pariy was beld in oun school on Monday. The proceeds go to the war fund. Mrs. Scott, NewtonvIllc, spent a few days ai Mrs. Warren Car- sona. Little Miss Mary Lou Dobson las 4pendir a fe.w çays wih Mr. and ia.E.'Rtihven, Zion. Pone 5 j K e nda Troto Pt.Walter WihTrno wa oefor the weekend. We were sorry to learn Pte. Wlflls Wright bas been i the hospital the past two weeks. Mrs. Harry Mercer was -in the village Tbursday. Miss MarJory Patton spent thc Weckend wlth ber parents. Mr. and Mns. Howard Linion and Florence, Marmnora, were wlth Mrs. E. Underwood on Sunday. Last. Frlday evening we had Uic pleasure of hearing Jlm Hun- ier announce our gifi cof $133.00 te the~ British War Victime, Fund. This gifi was started by our local men wbo were ably helped along by our ladies. 0f thc many ladies who assistcd we would like to mention Mrs. Hilditcb for ber un- ting efforts i Is behalf. Tié W. A. beld a progressive crokinole party in thc Sunday achool. A big crowd atiended and a good time was enjoyed by ail. Mrs. L. Martindil and Mrs. Wm. Mercer tlcd for the ladies, thc lat- ter wlnnlng iniUic playoff. Mr. Ray Glass recelved thc genile- man's prize. Miss Sadie Cathcart, Sami Searle, John Thonipson and John Luron were consolation prise wlnners. The ladies provld- cd a good lunch. The W. I. met ai Uic home of Mrs. Win. Patterson, Mardi 12th, with Miss Katie Stewart presld- ig. Plans were made for Uic W. I. convention being held here June 4th. Mrs. Paiterson, Mrs. N. Pat- ton and Mrs. Fred Cornish were appointcd nominaiing commitie for thc election of officers àt our April meeting. The roil cal for nert month la te be a package of seeds to send overseas. Mr. A. Greig has kindly donated some books te 'our library. If anyone has book~s wblch, Uiey have read and would like te pass on for oUiers to read, Uicsc would be very welcome i our library. Tbey might be left with Mrs. Paiterson or Bert Hoiland. Mrs. Stoker and Mrs. Paiterson gave papers which brougbt oui iwo vlewpolnts on ow topic, Health and Chlld Wel- fare. 'Mrs. Hildiich gave an ac- count of Uic welfare work she bad belped with hi Uic clty. REBEKANS (ContInued trom pae1) it was announccd, was also cec- brating ber birihday that day. 1"For Uiey are jolly good fel- los was sung, afier whicb a daiiy lunch of sandwiches, taris and cof ce, also annlversary cake, waa served.. Visitora were preseni from Osbawa and Wbltby, as well as from Cobourg. Mrs. T. E. Prout, Mrs. W. J. Bagneil and Mr. T. W. Cawker are Uic pnly charter members liv- ing in' iown, of Uiis lodge whicb was instiiuted nearly 30 years ago by Mr. Caverly and staff. from Oshawa. Perhaps Uic girl wbo describes vi dancing as "'bugging set te, music!' ,Y( objecta to Uic music! hb We Test -Eyes &Fit Trussos te your enir'e stsf )in ln quality style end price. FLASHULGIITS, HOT WATER Complete wit'i Batteries BOTTLES 89C-1.00 1.25-150 39e - 69C - 89e - $1 A.&.&AVC ASA. Vaouum 1%«e Tableta Table Bottin For Combes 100-9e 100 1-19c 39e 32e FCilOw' Syrup 6 .9 RINGS INSTANT LASI Nyas yrup ypophlos 89o Beef, Iron & WIÎ'e sc8hS Tasty Ext. C.L.O. 1.00 ? 4 Walpoil'a Exteact 1.00 01ex Sosp - £ for ho Palmolive Soap 0 for h9o Lu Boap - £for 9h Llfebuoy losp 8 for 17c Cashmere Bouquet Soap -- 2 for lic Carbolie Soap 8 for 14o i WAEJ>ONILA RAZOR NOVA KELP TABLETS FIEE WIth Purchase of Au Excelient Tonlo Warulonl Blales AliIfor 2U 79e -I.» - 2.79 Baby Needs - Dextri Matose -»ie Pablum - - - - 45o Meal's CerealI SU5 M eins Strained PoodO - - Sfor soc sot .&J. Baby Powder ..iaR OI&.&5. Baby ( 0115h- 1.09' LOLO W 3h. Baby Cresm 25e-Mo -~ Z.B.T. Baby Powdet 2eM Menneles Baby 011 50t - 1.00 * ~latex Baby ?ausW 5o Castorla -29c » 5ht FREE DEVELOPING P .R. COWLING, Phm . B. rm' Be prepared for the War Ser- "Let death be daily before your ices canvasper when he colisar eyes, and you wlU neyer entertain 1 door. The boys needyor ny abject thought, nor too eager- lp to- wln this war for us. ly covet anythlng."ý-Epictetus. BOwuall t £8#u Wq.9l&ck 20&1 3.3~t a.o piq Look For Qur Circular In The Mail VISIT THE STORE FOR NOT. ADVERTISED SPECIALS- L'ADIES'- PYJAMAS "GRANNY'S OWN" ODDMENTS .P]ROM STOCK, GiROUPE» FOIR QUICK £ Princess and "Duchess, Wools CLEABANCE. Shades we haver dropped from our range are belng cleared out at Teausreit nhides Broiec loth, Batiste and FlanneletteFab- 2 BI"-'- . For, rics, and a full range of aises. Regla **0te 2.0 alesDIADEM WOOL Now59 To ~.2 DISCONTINUE»lO Per Bail LADIES' BLOUSES -NEW SPRING COATS GIRltl s' IKTs À large selection of beautiful- JUMPER STYLE Blouses, long or short aleeves, Smiert New Styles and Shades Made up frorn Short Lengiha ln White, Pink, Blue or Dash- Ing Stripes. Values are-Ootstandlng. by a Ladies' -Dreas Manufac- o b e e s - C re es ' B r a ol tb etu re r. F it 3 te o 6 y e a rs. AUrpe alt h$.95ANO AT $LO 0lm$L98 a$198 1A 1 .REA&L Duy LO <WALKElýR STORES, LJMITE Mm

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