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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Mar 1941, p. 7

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TEE CANADIAN STATESMAI4, OEGWMANVILL, ONTABIO ISOCIAL Ane 603UA 16. ]Don WilllaxnsBarrIe, visit- cd his paronts, Mr. sd Mrs. Frank Williams. MissDarethy Richards, Toronto, setthe cwcekend at her father'a, M.W. J. Richards. DulsNichols loi t this marn- ngfer his four months' trainlig at tue Ncwrnarket Camp., inChas. Afin, Clare AllUn and Mr. and Mis. James Milligan, Oqrh]awr recont gucts of her brother, Mr. L. S. Dumas. -Mns.RoanDua a turned from visiting relatives ln Toronto. 1&. Chas. Hladdy and Jack, To- ronto, spent tiie weekend wltu Mr. and Mia. S. R. James. Mi. and Mis. Gea. Allun, Lind- say, spoxt the. wcekend with Mr. and Mis. Harvey Joint. Mis. George Richards, Allan and Glen visitai at lier brothem's, M. Clarence Yco, Hampton. Reservo Mardi 28tu for akit, quis and musical prograin under auspices ai Girls' War Service Clu b ln Uic Parish Hall. 12-1 Sorgt. KCen NichaIs, Air Train- ing Scliaol, Gaît, vpent the weok- L I end wltli bis parents, Mr. and Mns. Jackt Nichais. Mir. W. S. Staples was i To- ronto an Monday attendlng a ban- quet at the Walker Hause for the. delers f the Massey-Harrls Co. MissalCay O'Neill, Quecn's Uni- versity, Kington, spent the week- end wlth lier parents, Mr. and Mlis. Joe O'Nelll Miss lCtty Storey, tTniverstty of Toranto, spent the weekend wlth her parents, Dr. and MIrs. V. H. Storey. .Mr. snd Mrs. John White and Willam Taranto, spent the week- end wlÏtf Mr. and Mrs. Wrn. Nel- Sson. Miss Violet Osborne, Welesley H oPtalTornto, la spending two ee'vctalon with lier parents, Mr. adM.. L . Osborne, Wel- lington-St. Miss Grace Quigg, Galt, Air- craitsfmen Eric Swidells, Man- ning Pool, Taranto, and Roy Swln- dells, Camp Borden, 'visited Mr. and hM. J. H. Swindells. *Capt. P. E. Ireland, Camp Bor- d?èn, andI Mrs. Ireland and Johnnie, Toronto, were Sunday guests with Mr. andI Mrs. R. H. Westaway. Bowmanville's only veterinarY surgeon, Dr. D. C. Davey, B.V.Sc., has announced his intention af I. // j *0'* REOULAR OR DRIP RED ROSE COFFE PRIOR MARMALADE - OLA Scola STRAWÏiBERRY JAM:., HAND PICKEO WHITE BEANS LVNN VAL.LEY WAXED BEANS AYLM ER TOMATO JUICE SHIRRIFF'S FRUIT PUDDING Breakfast Bacon l b; '31c Cottage Roll lb. 25e Devon Park Sausage lb. 19e NEILSO NS COCOA SEEDLESS GiRAP»EFRUITr GOLDEN RIPE BANANAS Cabbage. - lb. 7c FIrmn Tomatoes lb. 19e 1.2 lb: 25e Mb. 49e - 2-1b. jar 23c -21b. jar. 29e 6 Bib.25é, 2 Utns 19e 2 ti*ey 20 oz. 19e Weiners lM. 19e Viokina Bologna lb. 15e Macaroni1 Ch& s Loalf --l.25e - 6Ofor 25e 3 3Ibe. 23e Ohoice Spinach Cholce Green Colery 2 Ibs. 19C. 2 bunq 119c S mXTOPEU- nMT wiII be shown b1v s Special Representative of i*0 Aienby CIoak C.. Saturday, Match 229 .1941 2 Pm., iMi7.80 p.M. içhis in the time for you te pur- Camuseyour an tnow .prlng coaci or suit. Bave a ceai tht al made-to-meaure ai no exfta eest. Ay4 INVITATION The staf of the Evlyii Shop oordlally invites you to vii our store suid ses the neoo0t THE EVLYN SHOP ]PIlUs Soi BOwavline a 1 Reserve March 231h for Uic hu- moraus, prize wlnnlng, radio akit of 1939, 'Ifi men play carda as women do," spansored by the Girls' War Service Club, Li'the Parlsh Hall. quiz and musical prograrft. 12-1 Womcn's Instituts wIll meet at the homneai Mrs. Fred Baker, Scu- gçg .Stre«t, on Thursday, March 27t1i, at 2.80 p.m. 12-lf leaving town ta take up practice in Part Hope. Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Nichols, Cala- bogie, vislted their son Douglas over .the weekend. Mrs. J. A. McClellan entertain- ed last week at a "bridge" soiree where xnembers of the master's five denionstrated fhat overbld- ding itands or fails upon card distribution. The wedding party from the Honeyman-Taggart nuptials in Ottawa on Saturday was enter- talned at dinner and dancing at the Cllateau Laurier supper dance Saturday nlght. Councillor Jack Gunn has re- cently returned frein the hospital in Toronto wliere ho underwcnt a serious operation. He is now at home and is recoverlng li fine order. The agricultural editor acknow- ledges recelpt of two baked pots- tees and a rost_ pig (minus al but the tail) as a war-contribu- tion. The git wpLs sold "as is" ta Ipstelni, York St., but proceeds didn't meet postage andi expensos. It is hoped the next gif t will be gardon seeds for our demonstra- tion farm. An alter church sang service was put on by the Toronto Chris- tian Business Men's Association li the Royal Theatre Sunday night. Althaugh the attendance was small owing te bad weather and the event not bemng publicized very widely, thase who did attend jained heartfly in the singing and reported that thi. .efforts of Mr. Wm. Gillespie and athers who ar- ranged the gathering were -qulte worth whlle. Flfty-one people were reparted ta have lost their lives, i the blizzard at the. first afi tus week. It must have lest the brunt afitIs f ury before reachlng this lecality although still severe enough ta cause much discomfort from blocked roads in the country. The enly casualties lecally were aniong those who had laid bots that 01' Mani Winter had already givon hus last kick.' A large crowd ai Bowmanville yeung people attended the Fores- tors' rogular Monday aight dance held in thc Avelani Hall, Oshawa. The proceeds froin this dance were turned over ta the War Vic-. tims Fund and while final figures were not availablo, H. -Strathdee, chairman af the social comnilttee, reported that results were most gratifying. The three lucky wmn- ners af the draw were Mrs, Joe Sheehan Bowmanvllle, Roaber t Euler, àaliwa, and A. Martin, Oshawa. Trlnldad Story. F.aturms'Ev.nlng At TrInty C.0GUIUT. The twio junior groups of Trin- ity C.G.I.T., thc Onwego and Pollyanna, were hautesses ta their mnothers at a Tfinidad cvenlng on Wednesday night i Trinity Sun- day School. Rev. and Mrs. S. Da- vison and Mrs. M. J. Hutchinsan, Pididernt aiflie W.S., iv'ere the- guests aiflianar. Miss Bernice. Sleop, leader af the Pollyanna @Group, welcamed the guests and mentioned regret that Miss V. Sparga, Superintend- ont ai C.G.I.T., was unable ta be prent Týhe OnwegaGru had charge aiUi orip service wlithPro- sident Gwen Hoopor li charge. Devational opencd with a hynin, followed by prayer by Inez Bickle. Tho scripturc lesson was ably read by Margaret Stacey, and Miss H. Pritchard gave a short address aon the theme af Uic wor- shlp service, "For me ta ]ive la Christ." The singing ai another hymn brought Uic worship service ta a close. Marianoe Rundle, the group planist, playod the accom- panient for the hymne. A very intcresting and instruc- tive quiz an "Trinldad" was thon conducted by Miss Sleep, wlth each girls taking part. Much hu- mer and enjoynient was Uic resuit af a Treasure Trail conducted by Marie Mose and Marjorle Run- dle. The "stunt" was very amus- lng wlithUic guests of %onbr bclng called upon ta take part. Rev. Davison was unanimously the winner. Each greup eof Canadian Girls lI Training is this year tudying tue littie lsland ai Trlnldad, and mnaps, ' olared sunsot scene and smalliiTrnldad village, made by the girls and thelr leaders, were oiq display on tue platform. A lovely lunch was 'served at the table gally dlecrated with plc marks imade in Uic. farm ai Daaa and piapples. Durlng tue evcnlng Rcv.. Davi- son was called upon and i a short talkr ho cammente-d n thework Wedding Baneyra-Taggart A very protty wedding tok place at twa o'cbock Saturday aternni, at thc homeofaitue bmlde's parents, when Rov. J. Richmiond Craig united in mai- niage Miss Lillian Shirley Tg gait, daughter ai Mr. and Mis. C H. Taggait, Ottawa, and Lieuten- ant G. T. Bradley Honeymnan, lai Bn. Midland Regiment (A.F.), sen ai Mr. and Mri. A. A. Honcynian, Bowxnanvillc. Miss M. Olive Boyle presided at Uic piano sud Miss Dorotiy 1M. Jolinstan sang "My World" dur- hig tue signing ai the register. Mm. Wilfrid Ramsden ai Toronto was best man', and Mmi. J. A. Per- kixis, Jr., af Pentu, was hem ais- ter'&, only attendanàt. Given in marriage by lier fa- ther,- Uic bride wome a street lengtu frack of powdoî blue weol designed on simple linos. Hem model hat was ai matching lone and' had a aheulder-lengîli veil, and she wame a corsage ai gai- denias and American BeautY roses. Hem, attendant lad chosen a redingote ensemble ai dusty pink wool with a fcît hat in matching- colar. HIer corsage was ai Talis- man roses. Following tue ceremony a me- ception was held in Uic home. Mis C. H. Taggart, Uic bide's mathor, recelved wearing a dress« af xiavy crepe with matching ac- cessorles. and corsage ai roses. The gromn'a motuer vies i dusty rose with matching accessarles and corsage aifmos. Later tue bride sud groom leit' on a wedding trip ai several wceks' duration. On their eturn tuey will take up tempeîary resi- dence i Ottawa. Fer travelling Mrs. Honeyman ware a coat aif camel liai over hem wedding frôck, a f ot hat ai powdcm blue, and miatching accessories. Guests were present from Belleville, Bovimanfflo, Torbnlo, Perth and Canipbellford. Prior te hem marriago. tue bride vias guest. at a miscellaneaus shevier given li her honor by Mns. J. Chilcotand her daugliter Miss Mavis Chilcoti, Ottawa. Mis. C. H. Tagg4rt and Mis. A. A. Haney- man, Bovimanvllle,. pesided at thc tea table. Appeals For Money xI these days when financial appeals are directed at tue aver- age citizen from evcry aide h. hs apt ta become tirai ai thein. The government, tue churches anid charitable institutions follow oe another wlth a scemingly exidles succession ai appoals for money until on. fears tint cvemy ring aI the doorbeli wlll annouxice an-- ailier canvasser. Before you are temptod' la re- fuse further ca-oeoratian lioweven, remember that vihatever you have ai wealth or comort lias came ta you throug#z yaur participation ini tue lie af Uic nation, 'la which the churches and tuas. ior whom the charitable organisations ap- peaî have contrlbuted ta a greal exient. In normal limes Uic maney i. yours ta use as you sec fit, sub- ject ta ordlnamy taxation sud giv- ings, but i times ai serious emer- gency your counitry hlas the nlght ta ask ai you as mucli as it needs ta mccitue omergency. No anc should dcmand luxuny or even comert as a rlght vihen Uic vcry existence ai the nation la at stake. In Great Britai ho people checnfully give up tue greater part ai their earnigs and then must expect Uic destruction ai thoir homes and churches and the bass ai iheir lives as s further sacrifice. We viho liv.i security ought ta b. wullng ta give even mare than vie de, for il la aIl tuaI moat of us can do ta boar lhe direct burdens af war. Se don'l grumble wlion you read ai fur- tuer taxes or whcn the nexi can- vasser cals an you. Give wiltu a smuIe anid mako your guIf a sacrifice. MISSION BANP REPORTS FINIE ST. PATRICKPS TEA The regular meeting ai tue Alice Jackson Mission Bond visa held in Uic prmnazy clan room on Mardi l7th. Tic .nicctng was Pmogressslve Kuchre At st. Joseph,$ St. Pvarick's Party A St. Palrick's party and cuchre vies put an most successfully Mtonday evonig by St. Jaseph's Church. It was held li Uic vacant store in the Cowan Block. A goad attendance came ta observe tho spit ai the day and make merry with theminorinda. Progressive ouchre contests claiied Uic major portion ai Uic ovening withhfirat prises being won by Mis. Le. sud1 Mn,. Ward anid second honora go- Ing ta Mrs. J. Infantine and Mis. B. Clarke. Mis. Harry Morden,i Scugog Street, was winner ai a special lucky prise. Cleaning Up The FIow.r Gard.n As sman as Uic snow has melted and lhe ground la beginning ta dry, work can start in Uic gardon. If tue tops ai Uic perennials werc net cul off in fal Uiey should now be remaved sud any branches or athor trash that lias collectai on the beds shauld be carcfully raked off. If a mulch of manure was usJin fali, Uic fine part ai the material can be dug in ta add humus la the soil. At Uiis limne an application ai a commercial fer- tjlfrr with the formula 4-8-10 can be scallered on the surface and dug in, advises Miss Isabella Pros- ton, Division ef Horticulture, Cen- tral Expeimontal Faim, Ottava. Any broken or damaged bran- ches should be nemoved fromj shrubs and trocs, beig careful ta make a dlean cul and flot ta beave ugly slubs on the trocs. Late blaoming shrubs liii. Hydrangea can be pruncd aI this lime. XI ho rase gardon it la a mis- take la remove Uic prolecling .mterial all at once. If boards (or bmush) were laid over lhe niulcli ~slould bo removed firl sad l% & hrust into tue slraw or TAKE A SPRING TONIC! IDAPHOS Wlth VitasaluB. $1.00 lir Guaranteed BUCKLEY'S Vlck's Vapo Rub -- Pertussin - 590 Idasal Tablati Is 0 Buckley's Clnnlmated Capsules - - - Viek's Vaironol - - Viek's Cougli Draps - I.DA. Iodhzed Tbmoat Gare - - - - c c c 40c-75c NOXZEMA%ý UIIEI OIAITT Byway of Introdu Srgta)1e jar of NXI 'S 'double action Cold Cram fat onlv le-,-qdth a ver uder new 15C jar of NOMZMA CREAM. mg soc valua fwo ccvE %r- e. Otthis bartin Carter'. Little Livor Pilla 13o40e Bayer AsPirin --.2c-9 SENSATIONAL 0F VER. 2 BOTTLECS * Hind'a 46è william'. Pink Pilla - -50c Anacin TAb.ts -220 - 480 Baby'. 0wn Tablets - - 230 LYSOL Dlulndfetant Antlspie 7 .65e l6e . 1.25 Branchitis Mwixue -430 $1.89 88e r~AMAZINS IEW DENTAL LIQIS U Keps Tetia Driienut-Mouth frosb ~ AREc èiA Af T49e SItE UTMEDIUM SZE M5 PALMOUVE SHAVE CRIAM LAI - mw290 IA1 OM OMT4301 Canxphoraicd 011, 3 a. M C.B.Q. Tablais- - 250 Maso'. "149"1 - 40oe S Sybilla Spahr'. Renîedy For Tonsilitis - - 50e Cougli Aida - 10o - 35 Cherry Caugli Syrup 25o - 45e Creotone Tonte - - 98a Week's Break-up-a-eold Tablais ----25o Buckley's Whie Rub 3 0o - 50o BUT WAR SAVIEZS STAIFS Prescriptions je Speciaity ALEXMcOREOOR Laura Secord fDl! Phone 792 Candies WE.VVW We Deliver FIOHI COLO.S. With Tried &~ Tested Remedies Yaur LD.A. Store carrnes a complet. lineofai uese welll-known 'products and ai the lowest prices available la the Donion ai Canada. PHONE 792 AND HAVE ANY 0F THESE ARTICLES DELIVERED PROMPTLY. ~ B RONCHIDA For Tlght and Chesiy 50 -50c -PINEX compound 32c - GROVES Laxative Bro:o-Quinine 2c4 m Recruits Wanted' IMME.DIA*LY For New .iy l14rmed AntiAircraft Battery BOWMANVILLE AUMOU RIES Anytlme during the day or Wed. and FrL. Evoninga, P' Hl. Jobb, malor, OC. MI, cay - 2 ld. a. beaves in erder te lit Uiem a little s0 that air can get li. I a woek or so if the weaUier la sultable Uic top layer of straw can b. removed and Uic remainder taken off grad- ually. If the niglits are very cold and the days dry and sunny Uic maund of carth should be leit ovor Uic lower part ai the rose bush until the soi!la beginnlng ta warni up and Uic reots are waking up fram the wintor sleep. The dry winds and hot sun frequently damage the stems by drying b.- fore Uic roats arc suficicntly ac- tive te supply the meisture neces- sary ta keep them in good condi- Newcastle Y.P.U. Y. P. U. met Monday night with Marjory Lyèett li the chair. Wor- ship and pragram were i charge ai Misa Helen Smith, Christian Culture convener. Edilli Hendry rend the scripture and Jean Bons- than gave a praycr. Miss Hattie Mason sang a solo and encore, sc- campanied by Laurence Morton, and June and Glenn Allin sang, accompanied by Mrs. H. M. Allun. Miss Snmith led in a pcriod ai St. Patrlck's recreatian followed by an Irishi sing-song led by Rev. Marton, and shown on the scrcen by Edwin Hancock. Principal. WIfe 19 Guest Speaker At Newcaste W.A. Mrm. L. W. Dippeli, Gueui Speaker The W. A. of Uic United Church. met on Thursday aiternoan, Mai. l3th, with Mis. J. H. Jase in thc chair. Mrs. W. J. Clemence rcad the scripture lesson and Mrs. N. L. Rickard led in prayor. The meeting went an record as cx- pressing ils sorrow and sonse oi bass Uiraugh Uic death-ai Mrs. J. A. Butler, a valued membcr ai the W.A. Mis. W. J. S. Rickard took the chair for the program pro- sented by Mis. A. O. Parkcr's greup. The meeting was fpvored with the presence ai Mrs L. W. Dippeil, Bowmanville, who spoke on "Duties and Respongibilities af Women ai Te-day." Mis. J. T. Brown favored with two vocal solos, Out ai Uic Dust la You, and Killarnoy. Mis. Percy Hare ex- tendcd Uic Assaciatian's tuanka ta Mis. Dippoil. Mis. Parkcr's group served rcfrcshments. Remeniber ta do your share in helping the boys overseas by grecting Uic Wai Services Cam- paign with a checry word. The soldiers i Canada's army deserve only your best. "I say, Smith," exclaimed Joncs, "whcrc's that siik umbrella I lent you?" . "I iound il was my owXi, 50 I kcpt it," repliai Smith. "You don't say se. And lier. I've been dodging aid Robinson for thice weeks, Uinking il wass bis!" - FAAi 1NTý AT THEAHL REMARKABLI GLOW1PRECN RegAla- 3O a GLIDENJAP-A-LAC S4 HR. ENAMEL« ImmYO cas get excellent resuite wlth thts.easy flow. - ~ O - n namell Cavers solidly - brueh marks melt -0 E ,aay n aai urable colors (rom which to 00 chaos.. jDoa t is lmbargain opportunS t 4 . ý add cheer and calo t ta your h ore- Buy N ZWl JOHNSTON'S BOOK STORE Phono 651 BOWMaaVilM ISUMAY, wARM 20,1941 PAGE SEVEN

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