PAGE EIGHT TEE CANADIAIÇ ESMAN, BOWMANVILLE~, ONTAIIIO THURSDAZ MAIIChI 80 I a SPORTNEWS Senir Grls Win District Titis iter Toronto C.OSUUA. Play -Off i B.H.S. Senior girls' basketbal teamn defeated Lindsay 25-13 or Friday nlght to win the Lakeshort District Cossa Chanionshlp. Tht local girls deccsively took the ser. les havlng a total of 29 points tc the northerni lassies' 20. B.H.Sý will play in Cossa play-offs in To- ronto on March 28th. Cleaner Gaine The gam~e ini Lindsay on Friday nlght was far better as well asa cleaner ~gamne than that played in the local gymnasium the week previous. Bowmanville girls prov- ed to be just too good for the Lindsay teain and took an early lead. Patsy Dustan and Mariai Macdonald led the attack on the L.C.I. basket earning 14 points be- tween them in the first haif. The score at half-time stood at 16-3 for B.H.S. B.H.S. Oniseoreil Lindsay losing hope for a play- off berth put on an extra sprit i the lait haif outscoring the local girls by one point. Ethe] Bette managcd to sink 8 out of their 10 points. Jean Woodward took the scoring honors for B.H.S. in tic last half. This le the first Urne for qulte sornie Urne that a senior girls' teani from Bowrnanville hgs en- tered the finals at Toronto. Cre- dit for the victory goes *to Miss Burnaby, coach of tic teani, who has ixstilled as well as mnspircd thc spirit of basketball into Uic teamn. B.H.S. Seniors - Patsy Dustan 12, Shirley Campbell, Marian TusA P AT- Set. -- R 20 2 -22 la 'OVER THE MOON' Wth]R«x Harrison andl Ursuba 3om A Teehaicolor Production Mon. - Tues. - Wed. MAIGE24-25-26 ThOUing - fttabni TImelyl A ilifferent kinil of stoi' lampe from the Geo "NIGHT TRAIN TO MUNICH"P sturrln amExWarison Mdi Margaet Lockwood short Features Nowa. alMacdonald 7, Jean Woodward 4 n Joyce Buttonshaw. 2,; Guardi e Eileeri Couch, Noaui Fagan. e Lindsay - N. Webb 2, E. Jarvi r1, G. Philp 2, Ethel Bette 8, W~ to Corley, B. Cotey, H. Algur, M~ S. Barbe, D. licFarquahar, G. Pogue Referee - C. M. Krug, Peter. boro. y B.H.S. SENIORS TIE aWITH PETERBORO k BASKETSALLERS ýe yB.H.S. boys' senior baihetbal. n tied 24-24 wiUi Peterboro hi Uie efiral of home sud home gaines in .- the Lakeshare district Cossa ser- eles. Thc gaine played in Peterborc 3proved ta be mal cnly fast but Uie winuer was uncertalu unlil Uie final whistlc saunded Uic tic. The second sud final game of Uic ser- les wrnl be playcd here Friday b evening. Petenboro Takes Leail Unaccustomed to Uic cxtremely flarge gymnasium sud Uic tricky f inliug of Gillespie, a Pele for- *ward, Uic local boys did't do sa well in Uic first half. Gilbert Me- * fveen did a marvelous job of guarding Taylor, usual high acor- er for Uic P.C.V.I. squad. Bow- manville agai thmew up a won-, derful chance cf high scores by their paor faul shooting. Tu Uic game only 4 out of 10 abats exnerg- cd through Uic bottam cf Uic hoop. Gillespie, Fergusan sud Hall managed te put Uic Peles ut Uic top af a 14-6 score at half lime. This was dcflnitcly nol; Bowmsu- vllle's half. D.E.S. Outpliny Petes Sîcinon led Uic Bowmanvillie oulaught lu Uic second haif net- ting 12 points. Thc entire B.H.S. team workiug in unison proved toc much for Uic aggrceivc Peter- bora crowd. One injury wai sus- lalued by B.HS. when Alan Tam- blyn jumped for a loase bal sud rsu ile ane of Gib liclveen's molars. A deep scalp wound run- niug muci blood was Uic only damnage. Thc local lads easily out- scored Uic Petes hi Uic lait frame puttiug in 18 points te their 10. Thé game Ibis Friday ahould prove excltiug as well as exhibit- ing some good baiketbsll. The local lads feel confident tha i their own gym sund after having found Uic wcakncsses of Uic lifI- loch quintette Uiey will have no' trouble in takiug them ta totn. Thc wimers go la Toronto to pay in Uic Cossa play-offs. BMHS. Seniors - G. endlveeu 3, H. Casbourn, W. Brown 6, K. Slc- mon 12, A. Wheeler 3, D. Allun, A. Tamblyn, G. Underhill, L. Mit- chell, E. lidiveen. P.C.V.I. Seniors - Taylar 3, Ferguson 7, Gillespie 6, Hall 4, Ainya, Kay, Moore 4, Gardner, Richardson, Saundere. Forters Ibid Hockey Tournâames* At WhIiy Avenu On Frlday, Marci 14Ui, Court Oshiawa Na. 501 sud Court Bow- manville. Na. 964 Canadien Order of Fareaters, held a very succeas- fui hockey toumament ut Whilby. Tu Uic firal game Doug. Taylar'a Bowmanvllle Tigers wenl down ta a cruahing defeat befare Reg. Burr's hlgh flying Oshswa Aces. Thc Tigers, vwho loc heUicAces at Part Pcrry, misaed Uic abeénce cf several cf their star players, sud in addition, Virtue, Tiger goalie, ws completely off color, leaving Uic gate open for ten goals. ou NAVY Admidra! of Uic Fleet Admira! Vice-Admidra! Rear-Admidral ,Commiodore (2 classes) Captalu Commander ý4out.-Commander X4tuant ý.ujbLleutenant Gunner, Chief Boatswain, t vetr, Chief Artificer erant Shipwright, or, Warrant Me- bt'Echoolmaster, Warrant Elec- tVctualing Offi- liCookery ARMYf Fleld Marhal General Laeut.-Leneral Air Marshal Major-General Air Vice-liarshal Brigadier Air Commnodore Colonel Group Captain Lieut.-Colonel Wing Commanider Major Squadron Leader* Captain Lieutenant 2nd Lieutenant Warrant Officer Clase I Warrant Officer Class 2 Warrant Officer Claie 3 (Platoon Sergt.-Major, etc.) ~ Staff-Sergeant Flight Lieutenant Flying Officer Pilot Officer Warrant Officer Clais I Sergt.-Major 2rîd Clais No equivalent ranlc Flght Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant Corporal, Bombardier Corporal Lance-Corporal LaigArrfsa Lance-Bombardier LaigArrfsa Private, Gunner Airoraftaman, Clana 2 thei other hand Burr~s Aces wcr playig at top form. Scotty Rçed thc flylng Scotchinan, spurked thi IAces rushes, and Fenton playec another outstandig game i goa robbig Bowmnanville of shol that looked like sure goals. Thi final score: Oshawa 10, Bowmax, ville 2. Goals for Oshawa, Ree. 4, Brisbols 1, Keeler 2, Turner 1 Barker 2; for Bowmanvllle, !tlcb ards 2. Oshawa lime-up - Recd, Bris. bois, Keeler, Turner, Burr, Baver. stock, Thompson, Fenton, Hurei -and Braker. 4 Bownwanville line-up - Taylor Ë:Virtue, VWelsh, Hammi, Richards ibHolnian, Hately, aud Burus. Referee-Witheridge. is Penalties - Hately 2 minutes 1. Burr 5 minutes. . Ini Uic second gaine Uic girlE -. provide thUicthrill, andJrr -Bird's undefcated Rouumers agaizx won eaiily from Uic Whitby Hope- fuls. The addition of Dot Downey, husky forward for thc Roaniers, gave this teani a big edge, and while lirs. Beaton's teani showed a marked improvement, Downey more than offset Uic difference. The Roamers arc improving each game and are one cf Uic best hoc- 1 key teame to ever carry Uic For- eester colore. Their record of no ýdefeats for Uic season speake for itsclf. Final score: Bowmanville 6, Whitby 0. Goals for Bowman- eville, Downey 3, liddleton 2, D. eGoulah 1. D Bow anville- Sellers, D. Gou- Slah, B. GoulZ. Middleton, J. rLarge, L. Large, Clarke, Downcy and Wannan. Whitby - Scott, Lituer, Bailey, rGledhill, Clark, Spanuer, Corner, rH. Spanuer, H. Bratley, Hodgson, D. Poster,' B. Palmer, Harlow, R. Corner. Referce-Johnle Heard. A large crowd enjoyed skating after Uic games. QUINTE SEED FNIR <Contlnued tram page 1) junior farmers lu attendance. Mir. Kennâdy, editor Uic Peterboro Exarnnfer, dclighted hie audience wli a remlnl*ccnt talk of hie boyhood experience on lot 2 cf Uic 10Ui concession. Another feature cf Uic banquet was Uic presentation cf a gold watch donatcd by Uic Cheese- makers' Association for the cheese patron exhibitor ecoriug Uic high- est total points. This was won by Mir. Clein. Ketcheson, Stirliug, who hue shown at all fifteen Quinte Seed Faire. Gamnet Rich- ard, Bowmanvllle, was presented with Uic Coegrave Trophy. Seed Judglng Competition On Friday Uic Junior Farinera' Sccd Judging Competition wai held wlth over forty boys taking part, from Hiastigs, Prince Bd- wurd, Northumberland, Lennox & Addington sud Durham. Each county could aend ten boys, with Uic three high scoring boys beimg *Uie team.* The Warden's TrophY for Uic high teuni wai won by DurhawiCounty'lor thireeveath consecutive year. Bach boy on the. winlng teani rcceivcd a cash prize as well as two bushels of Registered secd. The team. mcm- bers were: Wesley Hill, Enniekil- len, Lewis Truil, Hanipton, and Donald Jose, Newcastle. The high man in ecdi clas re- ceived two bushels cf rcgisteied seed. The winning teain was not eligible for these prizes ai these contestants had cach already been awarded two bushels cf reglsercd grain. Prize winucrs i individus! classes: Oats - Harvey Yllowlees, Durham County; Burley - Harold Ackemau, Prince Edwurd; Whcat - Murray Heath, Hastings, sud Bruce Hay, Northumberland, tied; Alfalfa - Boyd Ayre, Durham; Red Clover - Francs McAlpin, Hait- igs; Wecds & Weed Seeda - John licCaw, Prince Edward. The boys in each county were coached on secd Judgu previous te Uic competiticaibytheir agri- cultural representative. lExit -Prise Wlnnors The followig ile a record of the winners of Durham exhibitore: Early Oats - Open: lst, Ernesti Gilbank, Bowmanvilllc; OUi, James. 'I AIR FORCE 1Mrsial cf Uic Royal Air Force Air Chief liareba! re T. Brown, NewcasUe; MïUGarne1 1, Rickurd, Bowinville. ý"4 te Late Oas - Open: lot, Russel d K ~Bagg Bomsulfl; Ud, E.J al Symons, Port Hope, 4th, Garnel ta Richard; 9h, J. H. .IX, ewcas. Spring Wheat - Open: >d, Car. roll Nîchols, Port Hope; 4ffi. Orval StinonNesietn; thBoyStin. son, Nestieton; 6Ui, W. -;tlowland Newcastle. Winter Wheat - Openi 191 Robi 3t Armstrong, Ida. Barley - Open: lot, Robt. Armn strong; 2nd, Garnet RIchard; 5th, Chas. Allin, BowmanvMle; S8th, John Rlckurd, Newcast1 ' Buckwheat - Open: OUi, 'W. Jý Leaik, Taunton. PFi e1d Peas -Open: lin; Robt. Armstrong. IS Beanu - Open: 4th, Carroll Nich- yOS. Soy, Bean - OpeM. 3r', jues T. -Brown, Newcastle* 4th., ALfredAl- lin,Bowavle Red Clover-Open: 8rd, E. J. Symons; 5tb, Robt. Arsua1tuiog. Alsike Open: Robt. Aiiatrong. rAlfalfa - Open: 3rd, Fortio Hey- land; 4th, Robt. Armstrong. Swcct Claver - Opena: 2nd 'W. J. Leask. Registered Early Oas, (10 bus. sealed>: 2nd, James T. Brown, rNewcastle. *Registered Late Oats (10 bus. sealed): 3rd, Alfed Ahin, Bow: *manville; 5Ui James Browai, New- caitle; 8U 1i, damet Richard, Bow- manville; 12th, Robt. Armstrong, Ida; 1MU, W. J. Rowland, New- castle; 15Ui, ]Russell Bragg, Bow- manville. Rcgistered Barley,'(10 bus. ses!- ed): 3rd, Garuet Rickard; 5th, Robt. .Armnstrong; 7Ui, lMelville licHoIrn, Port Hope. Registercd Winter Wheat, (2 bus. scalcd): 4th Robt. Armstrong. Rural New Yorker Potatces: lot, Eari Weatherilt, Betuuy. Irish Cobbler Potatobs: lat I, - ton Wcatherllt, Bcthsuy; 2nd, Earl Weatherilt, Bcthany. New Exhiblioru Late Oats: .Srd, Roy Stiluon, Nestleton; 4Ui, Brenten Rickard, Bowmanvillc. Eurly Qats: lot, Emnest C0ilbank, Bowmanville; Srd, Brenton Rick- ard; 4th, Roy Stinson., Barlcy: lit, Chas. Allun Bow- nianville; 2nd, Brenton Rlckard. Spring Wheat: 2nd, Roy Stilkson. Spoclal Clames Oats: lot, Russdil Bragg, Bow- manville; 2nd, Ernest Gllbank. Burley: lot, Robt. ' Armstrong; 2nd, Gamnet Richard; Srd, Chas. Allin Alfalfa: 2nd, Forbes Ilcyland, Bownianvillc. Speclal Prises Cosgrave'u. Silver Trophy for minus! campetition ta Uic -exhibi- tor w1rnlng Uic moat prize Mloney i Barlcy Classesl 5 & 18: Wou by Garnet Ricksrd, Bowmanvllle. Garnet Rickard's Seed 'Cleaning Plant, Bcwmanville, will cleaii 25 bus. cf cals free front beàt.bushel oftoats by exhibitor fromi Dur- ham Cguuty. Won byEnuGl bank, Eomanvile. Junior Section Early Oas: 2nd, Robi. Morton, Kendal; 4Ui,- Alfred Allin, Bow- manville; 6h, Brenton Rickard, Bowmanvllle; 8th, Roy Stineon, Nestlcton. Late Oats: lot, Donald Synions, Port Hope; 2nd, Breuton Rickard; 5th, Donald Jose, Newcastle; OUi, Orval Stinson, Nestleton; Sth, Rey Stineon. Barley:, lot, Brenton Rickard. Winter Wheat: 4Ui, Br en to n Richard. Spring Whcat: 2nd, Roy Stin- son; 3rd, Orval Stinson; 4h, Bren- ton Richard. Judges Ceres! Graine: Dr. G. P. Mce- Roalie, sud James Lsughlmnd, O.A.C., Guelphi.. Ceres! Grains sud 5maI! Seedà: Gea. A. Eliatt sud G. W. Michael, Daminion Deportnent of Agricul- turc, Ottawa, Ontaria. YOUir HELTH The dcath rate froin pnciunina in Ontario bai dropped by more then 50 per cent in Uic past two. ycear, according te a survey issued this wcck by Honourable Harold. J. Klrby, Mliniter cf Health for Ontario. Statiatical -records shaw aný achievement Ilfe-saving in tis one dieasc, noing short çf asnazlng. Department officias feel thal Il l -due ta chenue- Uierspy - Uic use of Uic aulpha- namide derivatives - Uic combli- cd use cf Ibis ciemical drug mdth, pneumonie acruni when Uic dmug alene la net effective and to mo- finement. hi laberalory technique. Tic death rate par 100,000 in Ontario froin 1935 te 1938 showed a marked almllarity, 67.2, 682, 69.9, sud6.8 for Uic respective yeara. In 1989 for Uic fint lime treatment wlth Uiec clemical dmug came iteuse sud thc rate drop- pcd ta 57.9. The 1940 record eôt deathe has *net beeu coînpletéd, but on Uic basis cf Uic deatha duri. [mg the firet six mnipths, Uic fig- ire will have drapped ta 28. Tute this achievernent bai been wrltlen an evcr-icresing record of service by Uic Labaratortes Division cf lhc Ontario Depa#j. ment cf Health. Up unlil recent yeress, if John Public, back on tihe slxth concession, gel wct culÙ vood, teck a chlll sud dcvcloped pneumonie, he had pneumonie and Il he mauaged te pass the criais, ho lived. Methçdi af treat- ment varied froin decade to de- cade but hie chance cf aurviving; remalned the same. Ta-day, If thc sanie fr. Publký takes pneumonie, bis doctor kncwa lhs.t he may have amy anc, of 32 types of Uic disoase, and or the type depencis thc treamen$ ['iprefore, lb la cf Uic utmast li- portance Ihat; bis physiclan know el Uic parliest possible maonent thetypefrom whlch Mr. Publicel To that end, a 24-heur service, in typing pneumonilaismaintain- ed in Uic central: laboratorici, Queen's Park, andI brancb lab- oratorles thrôughout Uic Province. Tho service laopeni for evg«y 3 t c et Solina nI:l . On account of annivcrsary scr- et vices at Hampton there wil] be s- no services at Eldad on Sunday. Messrs. H. E. Tlnk and J. Baker r- attendcd the Bay of Quinte Seedi il Fair at Belleville lest weck. 1- Rcv. R. J. Merriani, Maynooth, d visited hie daughter May on fr1- day last. Mr. W. H. Westlake has had an attack of pléurley.- Mr. and lire. Bruce Tlnk visltcd hier parenti at Columbus on Sun- day.1 Mi. L. C. Snowdcn and Mis Betty, Maple Grove, vlelted ait Mr. Thos. Baker's. Our sympathy Io extendcd to Editor George James hi Uic death of hies ser Ett4, Mrs. W. A. White, i New York City. She wàs a very frSquent visitor here dur- ing the early part ofher lfe. 1 Wc congratulate' Uic Durham boys i seed judging at Belleville in wlnning the trophy.and ten ln- dividual prizes. arvey Yellow- lees, Eber MilIson, Lloyd and Boyd Ayrc and Lewis Truil wcrec from this locality. The Lost Heir party at Mir. Gor- don Leask's Friday nlght under the auspices of Uic Women's In- stitute was well attended, there beig neay one hundred present. Four horse dawnslclghs and oeE tractor drawn slelgh brought theI people .otohei party. lire. P. Gil- bert and Tom Westlake were high wiuners and Mins Pearl Leach and W. B. Wetlake drew Uic con- solation prizes. A nice lunch was served and proceeds amounted ta about $23.00. Mir. Peter Leask donated a Wyandotte rooster and tickets sold4 on ibis reallzed $13.65. Mir. Harold Pascoe was Uic lucky winner. Proceeds for both are for t war purposes.I The Womnen's Institute are hav- i iug a wholesale qullthrig shordty.t Mir. and Mnr. Percy .Dewell, t Myrtle Station, were homne-Sun- t Mr. and Mrs. Wesley YelÛowleesA vlsited 1Mr. S. C. Allun, Shaw's. Mir. sud lire. Frauk Gilbert e werc entertalned at Uic home ofq Mir. and lire. Percy Hayward, Ty- % renie. physician ln Ontario free of charge. In practice, he secures sputuni, coughed up from the lungs of the patient and rushes it te a Provincial Laboratory. Dur- mng 1940 Uic Laboratorles Division made 2,458 sucli examinatione. B Accordlng te Dr. J. T. .Phair, M Chief Medical Officer of- Uic Pro- IM vince, Uic pneuinia pcaks occur i in the autun n d wifntér mouthe r and iu March aud April, sud con- tK scquently more than average cure 'a of respiratory infections iB sug- Cý gested for the individual durig Ny those monthe. Recorde show that M a hletory of acute respiratoryi- H fection, such as accompanies Uice'Ti common cold, te present in about w 75 per'cent of pneumonie cases, N, suggestlng that as an incitlng G: agent Uic cold le frequently an h( important predieposing factor». N: Business Directerym Legal he Bank of Commerce Bldg. Gi Bowmanville Il W. R. STRMERbu Barrister, Solicitor, Netary H( Solleltor for Bank of Montres!l M Money to Loan - Phione 791 ed BowmanvflOntario u. C. MABON, HA. Barrister -Solicitor Notury Public - Etc. i al l s branches Offeice mdlately caut of Royal Theatre Phones: Office 689; Home 553 Dental Ambiant: Dr. E.'W. Simon Graduale. cfRoyil Dental Col- loge, Toronto. Offce: Jury Jubile Mi ". Bowmauvlfle.'PMfce houri 0 a.m. tao 6pz.. 4ully, * except Sub"dy Phono 790' - Houa phone 883 X.Eay Equipment linOffic DR. R . O.DICESON <Toreee) o> alNewcaulo.Ont. Over Ln a'sStore, SN.weastle. Office ours: Saturday, only, 9 a.m. to 9 pxm. Funerial Directors Service, any heur, any d&y -F. P. Morris Co. Modem Motor Eqtilpmaint, Amn- e>iace mnd Invulld Car. Tele- ~,ne 480 or 734, Assistant 573. Veterlnary - DR. 0.'R. DOOTEf 88 Kint Si. W., Oshawa, Ontar'io Phono si Large and mal Animl Surgery WILF1tEJ W. SHERWIN D.V.Se. V.S. Veterlnay Surgeon Office: main ei., Oroqo Phonoe56r7. . i-tf Maple Grove Mir. sud lira. R. L. Wordcn at- tcnded Uic fumera! cf their cousin, Mr. Johna Plunhett, at peterboro on Friday. Mies Jean Millecr, Toronto pu Uic weckend wihlina ~i4o Snowdon. lire. J. D. Stevens la spcndlng a few days with ber daughtcr, lir. Charles White, Oshawa. lire. L. 'C. Suowden sud ina Betty Snowden vislted with lir. sud lira. Thomas Baker, Semia. Quite a number from. Maple Grove acconipanled our choir whlch was luvited 10 alng at amui- vcrsury services af Northminser United Church, Oshawa, lest Sun- day eveniug, wherc Uiey rendered two excellent anthems.. Misses Jean Stevens sud Louise Foley sang a duel most acceptably, al of whlch was mucli appreclated by Uic large 'cougregation. Rev. ]Dr. Audicottcf Toronto was, Uic gucst speaker. Rev. Dr..Millson, pàsPý, coduct Uicheservice. klndiy provided lunch at Uic close. Maip!. Grove Sohool News Prom Uice Maple Grave Monthly (By Billie Smith and Stanley ESnowden> The MJmmciiwnds are here. Stanley Snowden wrote Uic fol- lowlug poem: Mmmch Windi Marci le here, Thc wlnds do blow, The hiles are flyiug, Sec them, go; The trees are whlatllug, Singino a song As Uic cold North Wind Goees blowig alomg. In our achool w. arc drawlug things ta represeul St. Patrlck's Day. .. . Thc boys arc ail work- ing ou bird bouses ln manual training, and If thcy keep what tbey have been doing wc expect thie birds wlll have no trouble i findlng homes this sprlng. . . . In Agriculture we arc studylng Uic bot fly sud we flnd It very Inter- estng . .Our cloak roome lock quite bure sud dulI at present but we do-net expeet them ta be like- wlse vcry long as wc are work- ing on murals for Uiem. Burketon Visitera:' Mn Jean Coulter, Blackstock, wili Ethel Cate. . Mise Jean Abbott, Oehawa, with Mri. Howard ÀAbiansd Ruby iuiley. . ..Mir. Tom Gatchell, Bcw- mnuville, et lirs. Howard Ab- >ott'. . . Mm. Orlaud. Builcy, Osh- iwa, with ii pÉrenta, . . Mir. Roy lh Carter, Toronto, ut home... Mr. lis WiUl Sllugerland Oshawa, wlth- Mru. B. H-ubbad.. . Mr. Merle- Hubbard spent thc 'weekend in Toronto. .. Mr. sud Mmi. H. GI]! with lira. Broçh, Cobourg... Mir. N. Hudson i Peterboro. . . Mir. Grant Camnochan, Oshiawa, at home. . . Mme. . Caugill at iagama-on-the-t.ake tb ate Uic tunera! of hem uncle, 1r . Mre. P. Glennie, Effie sud Helen, wilth lira. G.-Wilson, Oshawa. Our local atorekeeper, Mir. H. ~il, blivesludoing hie house- ?leaun al.Thc store le now aine nthiancw coat of paint Lside and looks fresh sud clesu. The W. A. beld their regular montbly meeting hi Uic church àst Thursduy afternoon. Tu Uic ibsence cf Uic preeldent, Mme. J. 7Ull, vice presîdent, teck the chair. b was decided. te piece two quille, )ne for Uic Red Crase. Afler other >usiness. was 'finlshed, lire. W. [aoshin put on a quiz coutest sud MErs. Newton Taylor's group scrv- .d lunch. Plans Reduction -ln WIwat Production A release by .the Bureau cf ,ublic Information at Ottawa ty&: ILiunit of 230,000,000 bushels sset on wheat deliverles in crop suar beg nzn August lot. Bonus f aieaa $4 an acre for me- luceri wheat acrieage put inta ,nimer fullow or $2 su acre for rduccd wheat acreage put mbt aree graine; continuance cf Lota systeni wi quotas baeed S 65 per cent of 1940 acreage; >ntuuuance of storage payanents À@ o producera but only on unde- Lvered portion af 280,000,000 bu- hele; no chaenge, lunprocesstg evy cf 15 conte a bushel; continu- ice af guarauteod initial pay- nent cf 70 cents a bush.!." Note: Thc above, we under- sund, applies to Western Canadla 0 NOT ses" tLhe shdito ver imrtat purpom: :L I ca 4 t provl4ded under btbn ak to rece,. tho ashes 2. ht nesivues ii. r fum tho colar a"d holpa to diatribute It uni- fondi tea&l parti of the. fuel b.d. S. sti tas a chamber la wblehe Icnl. la hat"d If adhosare alloiwed'to se. cumub lathei aahpt., the. air only that . ..lIf the. aahpibmmoue choced up wlth aches th. e t. are mary &Pt to bccooî vorheted and warp or break.And It ooil moa.y to rplaoegrate. Tako Dit d elsd ou. ~ ti 1 à Ail Mon are Born Equal '4 * buit -they don't grow up -that 'way Y.t'OTALLý SHORTr, STOUT or TEXN TPTOP TAILORS FITS THEM AL 1 SUrr or TOPCOAT - MAME TO MEASUBE rit and Tailoring Guarante.d' $27-50 OOLD BY Mau&ie Dreilin The Arcade Store Small faults indulged arc great i A mn should pardon every- ieves that let i greater.-Eng- I body's faults rallier than hie own. "h praverb. 1 --Cato. AB TOUR property ropresonts oonsid- crable value you should proteot it fully with dependable stook tir, iumance. Are you sure yen have adequate insu- anoe? Litusmako a f re 0 impartial 5U21B7 of your insurance. je Je MASON & SON INSURANCE AGENTS Ph one 681 BowmanvMle "Mil4hw rwlever cheer YUUp uddy, if you're disappelaicil la love. "h ehiWePliue, tire alu't a damin lthe world 1 couldul forget when Moin buys dellelous baked gooda from thre Carier Fainiy Ba&keshop.0" BAKEO GOGOS SPECIALTIES'4 Tne naine CARTER'S lu enougir te ulgalfy lthe bout la bakoil goodi. If yen are uot sure whiai yen wani for any aneai juut comerntie ul store for a laaiy 'reai ttiitihe viole faqdly wlil be sure to enlor. Nai enly 10 qualY ityilh but thre prise Phono U Drop Into Our Store Today! TNE CARTER, FAMILY Dakeru for ew ccaln lu s.wmMym e 1 .*- ,. -T.. EQOIVALENT RANKS IN THE NAVY, ARMY AND AIR FORCE .i. TaUMAY, MARM.201- PAGE FJGHT "MAN, Boe?&Axvnjl^ ONTAIUO THE CANADIAX V: 1 ir -è 1 : A 4-