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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Mar 1941, p. 9

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'7 ~.' '-'-y'. I%1JESAY, MARCH 27, 1941 THE CANADIAN S3TATESMANK0,BOWMI4VILLE, ONTARIO li Kthe Dim and Distant Pasi Prom Tie Statesma "me FIftzYBTARS AGO rrom TheCanadian Statesman 0Avril 1, 1891 The entertainment pnovlded by ehaHih School pupils ln the ~bw hal as well wothy cf Uic ge dience that assembled ta aér it. The p . T. was dlrected by Miss Eastwood sud an exhibition of living statuary was canceived and, directed by Miss Caleman. There was also a acene from Henry the Eighth, and exhibitian pfclub swinging by Miss Maggie Rogers. To Uic Editor: Dear Sir-Your paper cf 25Ui statos that I was charged before thc Magistrate with selling goods unden false pro- -tances by nepnesonting myself as a mjànufacturing aptician. I thsuk you for giving publicity to mY naine and business. Ailow me te. state te the public that I have beeën a manufacturing opticlan la GéMncsy and Toronto for msuy yeËrs. Poster-Reid: A happy oyant teck place on the marning cf Mach llh,'at Uic residence'cf Aloi Reid Esq., farmen of the -township cf Crowland, when Mag- gle, his youngest daughter, was 'unlted la the bonds ok matrimony te Harry W. Poster cf Bowman- ville. Rev. F. McCnaig and Rev. Aloi Kennedy penfonmed 'Uic cerernony. S. H-. Reynolds shewed twa 'calves fer the Easten market that dressed 650 lbs. One was four months old and was fed by Jehn Hoakin, Bethesdn. ,We noticed .a brsud new wagon fan, Uic Singer Sewing Machine Cc. eaving thc Morris Carniage -'I thc Methodist Parsonage, Mareh 28th, b y Rev. W. G. Clarkce, Fred- enlck R. Rowe, Brantford, and Vera Beatrite, daughter cf W. E. Gilbank, Shaw's. 7Lswu@LE WHNAT IRML ted h eahth authorities claaaUy "whole grain cuculs"a one of te ueqtal' "oictive" foods that you should est ~! eve day.Nabisco ded Wheat is a "hl cez.eal"-s 100% 6par. wbolr wbeat wih no sdd Tbe unilled whoie wheat le stcsm-cPOk d u formedInto biscuits, dho thorougbY bakd wlkhout lois of ha 'Iprotecctve' food eliments you u rosi nou$shment for your food dollar when you ~ '~ '~ ' buy Iqàb1scq shreded Whest Get a packsgv or two to<lay. TICANAIA N SHOD WNIMT COMPANY, LTO. - Nif9mbMle'hC--&d '0 I'.~ ~ =--l 1 1 N-rortcutt:It la ,with a great 1 deal cf pleasurc 1 accept this ý safety banner on behali cf the Lions Club. We are rnest grateful to Uic Club for forrning a chul- dren's safety* club end for givingq us an oppôrtuity te practise theo rules cf safety. And ta 'ou, Mr.1 Poster, I would oay tha te mcm- bers cf our club ho lbevony proud cf titis basiner. Poster: Well Uiank yen very . much Arline, âharlue Carter andi Alrcraftman Roberts ., . . I see SMay: This broadcast bas reach-, ed you,.frorn studios la the King Edward Hetel, Toronto. Pioste..Tsk.n Aphaogrpenwson band ta record plctonrllyUicpresentation 0ef tebner and took thee or four shots showing Ui Lions, Club m ebrssud I'Red"I and his staff in varions poses. Thon every- anc adjaurned te Uic cafeteria for a sumptueus suilpor, thc party of yellow sweatered boys and girls attracting net a little attention from QUier diners. Hoard on Uic way home* "Geo the Lions weno swell ta us _ =n isn't "Rect" Tester a swell guy! TIELEPHONIE CO. bUSINRSS GOOD Ta provido for growth in the demand for telephone service bore, additlonal switching equip- ment la belng installcd in the local dial exehange, according to 'rank Williams~, Bell Telephne m lager here. The diai system was introduced in Bowmsunville la Apnil, 1937. It was expectod Uiat Uic cquipment thon lnstalled wauld service local telephone needs for some time te came, but growth has exceeded expectation, and already additioi- ai facilities arc, rèquired. Somne cf this Increase is duc ta the general' actlvItY croated bj the war effort, Mn. Williamis ai. The new equlpment which la being installed by Uic Norther'f Electrie Comeany, will be neady for service by Uic end cf Uic rnonth. It's for Uic Boys-Give a day'5 ay to Uic Csuqdsu War Services "How is Morris getting on with his yaung wlf e?"' "Well, a month after the wed- ding a belated telegram cf con- gratulations arrived sud they re- fused to, tako it In." gave us to-night, and how son phrases will go down in hista: such. as "we are the arsenal( democracy"' and Wlistori Churcl Iil's unforgettable words, "GI us the tools and we'll finish t] job."0 Arid how we Canadians are r sporing ta the mothor's cail TI War Savings Certificates are gi ing aven in a great way, and "os bellove that the people wl Works last week. Thlascrie la forÎ John N. Kivdl, Uic wide awakec agent in West Durhani. Thos. Stainton, Taunton, had his1 left hand eut la the ceg wheel cf1 a chafi-cutter se Uic flrst thre fingens had te be an-putated. Drs.1 Hiler sud Lanimnan perfoninod Uic operation. It la now seven years ince the S. A. struck Bowmanville. Tyrane: The Ladies' Aid socialE an Good Frlday was well attend- cd despite bad raads. Rev. T. W. Joiffe's address an "Rocks whlch Young Mon Split" was listened ta with marked attention. .'. . Lieut. Robinson farewelled Sabbath last. New afficens are te arrive soon... The wanton destruction cf a fine shado troc te satisfy Uic whlm cf a citizen who thaught It lnteriened with the growth cf bis garden produice is a grievance«Whlch lev- ers of nature cannet overlook... Rev. L. Phelps is still in a weak condition as a result of bis seveno throat trobble.' Shaw's School House: Mn. sud Mrs. Geo. Riekard were greatly surprlsed Manch 18th when thoir homo was taken possession af by about 50 fiends. S. G. Clemence was chairman. . .. Mr. Dempstcr shipped a carload of fine fat cst- tle including a fine cow fnorn Mn. S. Rickard. Haydon: Aloi Sopen's herse rani away near Buketon.... Ed. Býr- erws sud David Grahami are out1 soliciting naines te procure a Il- cense for Burketor i jtel.... Fri- ends marked Uic 25th annlvcrsarY of Mr. and Mns. W. Hocy's ùiar-, niage wiUi a celebration Tuesday.i Onono: Wrn. Patta died at his reà1dence, Lèt M4. Cpn. 4, Darll.,$- ton, at Uic aïe cf &O80 , e hd came to Canada whle young àâhd settl.ed home where -ho liveci ta Uic last.. -. Roerot MeGil has ne- tumncd mcm Toronto Haspital much impnovcd la health. TWENTY-FIVEYEAîts AO FromfThc Canadian stateantn, and it was the lune ef gold whlch Marriage: Wilson - Wilkinson - In Trnnty Methodist Chunch, on March 25th, by Rev. Dr. Tovell, Miss Wynn Wlkinson, daughter of Mr. and Mr. J. M. Wlkinson, Toronta, and Harry F. Wilsan, Lieutenant la the 136th Batt. C. E.F., Bowmanvllle. Birth: Wilkns* - In Bowman- ville, Mareh llth, te Mr. sud Mn.. Blake Wlkins, a son, Samuel George. Enniskillen: Pte. Thas. Hines prescntédd is pheto, nicol frarn- cd, ta his Sund ay School da s... Congratulations te Mr. and Mns. W. Griff la on thc arrival "cf a daughte.... Cainenon Fergusen and Charlie Wotten have enllated. Leag'e s ervice was in charge ofMssLt 0k-e. Tapie by Mns. Redpath, and sevenal papers fan sud againat Wamnan Suffrage. Hamrptan: Thos. Welsh has been qulte ill. Ris son Harry has been hom.... A numnber ai Wm. Lui- to' iighbours assisted hirninl removing thc barni recently pur- chased from Alvin Peters, off the aid Malcolmi estate. Mr. Luxten will nebuild opposite thec old but- ter factory. Ambitieus Men Recelve TraInUng At Radio .College The oppotunities off ered ta young mon by what are known as Trade Sehools are pnobably flot ncanly as fully appreciated as they should be-elier by parents who aan rxious ta heip their sons take up a congenial sud well-paid oc- cupation, on' by Young mon thern- selves. 'Yet these Trade Schaols, citen calléd thec "Poar Man's Uni- versity"; are there for thc sole' purpose of .givlag ambitious mon the techaical training whlch niakes thein valuable ta ernploy- ers, and qualifies thern for hlgherý- than-average ipay sud prospects byt lifting fhem for ever out of thc class cf "unskilled' 'wonkers.' A leadirig organization of- this 'd is Utcelong-established Radio College cf Canada, at 54 Bloor e~at West, Toronto. It:boffers ta g . ri whoare '*114PÉ to, TOPEOPLE WHO CANNOT SWALLOW PULLS tf y ou elin mm wdpamwd, Nothlngcould b. sosie eta tk., and Krischen in not Ibn I, but in et' maI18,g"eti laxative. lack cf moisture in the lamgeIte- tîne. Kruschen contains afil blended mineral alts that big back the ~osir.Besides clesarni out s' = poisonoufl wamt matte - en helps to rd thé bloodtream cf other poison* remidt- in fr constipation. iGet am25C ise cf Kruschen fromà your druggit and within two weekir youll ,feelyour aid good health coming back. Othen size at 75C. Bicycle Broadcmt (Gontlflued trom page 1) few second so get ah your cogh lng done now,,Re says. "Watch the redlight. We're on!" .The finît part of the prograniàý was takon up with exciting dramna of Safety zièws from Peterboro, Trenton and other points, the lest four minutes being of particular intercst te Bowmanville listenerxs. Broadesat Script, Script of Lowney's Young Cag- a4 luÙFE, 5.45 ta 6, Pem. Ènodcat 0. 236: EË -,We're very pleàsed to have a number cf visiteirsandm suesta to-night and arnong them. aeLeading Afrcratan ie iroberti cf the R.CA.F., mei aib cf the ' Bowmianville Lion&-' Cli and mombers. of, the Bwnnfl ticyclq Safety Club. jdr.,Rbberts, to-night wc're o-, lnig te pay tribute ta thoDse orgai- zations and I'm going 'to asic thalt ypu préent this.shiimrneing satin stfety banner te Charlie Cer* ýéarrnan cf the Liens S O6ilimittee- This banner bearst>' Isrlption: 'BwrnaUUvile 'e Eafety Patrol NO. C ewwith L Ownys You n ý ýga8lub. S fetyèTirit su Pli èh Gaine."P Roberts: I consider this a gre.0 ptMeead-pleasure. Thé lic- o Club, la ta be comrnended for'.~ .tlng..the'example mn titis =L~ x 'id for their suéeu'>' L Carter: IlThank 'yen Aircrafn~ 9 letsadRed 'oste. I wot ~*té.~S 4MIae.appug ,bàanoér. IÉ,sst yeïr -when we on- ga4t#ed t!qè club -we had no ides il Wotd bhoimuchasuccess . . noî *edolw 0t'for anglny.W ~1 lat we. were remdering a sen. *eta aur ~enmmÙn lty .by 88v- ls~gUvos, bytËeing te develoij enfe andrnae cauUtius automo- * bIè drver-of the -future. I1d like te pment tissafet3r banner nighi 1 now aAUe Northcutt of thE 9Safety Club. Here you are ArlinE *and we hope that yeu and thE eather memberýs cf thc club wil practise.the motta that la lnscnib- 2 cd hore at ail turnes. ln The Editors Mail reet, Dékalb, IMi. JIn enclosernkBd Mrs. Thos. Jac=9nStarCityr Iask.:* I arn encisg$.0 fo Wttsman for 1941. We stili have ot f snow and some real March vather. My inother has been Sute fil smnce Feb. 28th and la ùllconfined to her bed. Capt. Tom Breck sent the edi- oa picture post card showing nverness Castie wlth these coin- Ments: Amn having a good Urne travelling all over the Highlands. Xortunate1y the weather is beau- iful and mild while everywhere else there ia hea;Lrsnow. At the momnent I arn out the win- dow of a famous country estate writh a magnificent view. Melvin (Bill) Scott, 10432 132nd St., Edmonton, Alta.: We are us- tially waiting for The Statesman on Monday morning and certainly get the news. Hope you are well end that the family are 100 per cent. See you are tripping here and there, better take a trip out West again and enjoy the beauties of Jasper, Banff and the ice fields. .Will be glad to see you any trne. ,Regards to ail friends. Dr. A. E. Aunger, Stettier, Alta., wnites: Find $2.00 for Statesman to end of this year. "Better be- cause it is paid for, Paid for be- cause it la better" l i a good say- ing. Think I will have an artist worlc on it and hang it near the chair. Aberhart has things Sa fix- ed that you can't collect a dollar, and everything las on a cash basis now. What kind of "red eye" does thàt man Hepburn drink? He lsn't much good ta any political Party or his country either. Pattuflo is flot any better - Aberhgrt, .Hep- burn and Pattullo are ail a detri- ment to the welfare of Canada. 11135 - 63rd St. Edmonton, Alta. My dear Geo. Your paper la quite on a par with the -'Scotchman's Bible," To- ronto. I could neyer pay anything else but a compliment to The Statesman. No one handled. it quite so well as thgt great friend of mine, your father. In fact, he* was ever a friend ta the people af Darlingtan and its generai wel- fane. We rnust however offer you most hearty congratulations for the way ln which you have taken his place and the high moral tarie and standard it intains. After taking the home tawn paper sc f ar and long away from home un- til its news becomes aimost strange, reminds me of the day I cluan% to my upturned boat, "mrii' I.continue ta hang on or let go,' ,4*afterthini~kng of. aU the fri fepds you mlght have left ybu de. aide ta hang oh. I would be delighted ta havE you corne ta rny unique cottage ori the gnandest; laice in Canada, Ma. î 0- (which areans in Cree "oe"). Pigeon Lake, Alberta, i: »--rafles west of Wetaslciwin, thE àMallest city in Canada, but finE i.rheless. We sal, fish and 'shoot. It also abounds with dusky àMaîdens and fair ones on thE beaches in warm weather. é Was not yeour family pew.- h 'the Methodist Church, just behind ouzrs? - and every SUnday folund Pa and Ma and ail the littie Jamne 4ra it. I had ta keep my hair cul ýsbort so it would not be pulled Your brother Jesse was a meni ber of my basebafl team, which ir 'those day there was, one on even: corner. The othen members o: teteani were Ab. Young, Tei B ry . nt, Tom Fairbairn, Fred Bri M3aconIbe, Gea. Weekes, BiU: Ç anns Dick Field and Arthur Car âlish . We cleane up then, and al .1 believe have played the garn of lfe hi a splendid waY. Manley Cryderman. Transcoaa, Man. t>ear Mr. James: We are having a real blizzart here ta nlght, the worst this win ter. When in Winnipeg a fev weeks ago ta hear the noted Dr Nonwood lecture on "Canada a the Crossroads," I met my fini school teacher, whom I had na seen since '38 when en route t( Ontario - Dr. Jas. N. Hutchinsor He la stiil remarkably smnart. Hom I enjoyed his lettens from ttb Sunny South when they wintenei there! 200 bey Shoed Chafrman for Oouaty W. Ri. STRIKU *ewmanvIlll. Chi~rman f gr Ontario CONN SMYTHE, Rsq. Toronto. *YMCA *TWCA CANADUAN LESION WAR SERiCeus INC. k 0F C *SALVATION, ARMT **IuODE,É CaqileaAmy lMte *includea Home Services. **for Western PrQui ns.. nly. CAMADI# WA bSERVIES FU D'in . aý ' r PAGE NUiN j 'j; be loyal enough tý thc United Church of Canada, thro' part cf thein cetificates ta wIDe eut that debt of $1,700,000. Everybody la talking about Daphne Du Maurier's latest book "'Came Wind, Corne Weather," and press notices say it will help win thc war. I am- keeplag a nuinher of copies in circulation. A nice littie editanial comment la yaur paper mlAght help. We ail need hen challenge ta coatroiled, cour- ageaus living. Frorn week ta week I always enjoy your paper so mucli, for wheneven I roani I keep la touch with Durham County news. Kathenine A. (Argue) Gaudin. Mrs. Donald 9. Linden, 534 Pal- merston Blvd., Toronto: Here's my $2.00 for The Statesman. I cer- tahrily wauld miss It if I did not get t. I get a great kick out of hearing cf people wharn we have not heard cf for many years. You soon forget people until a f aiâiar narne l rnentioned in the home tawn paper. ROTARY CLUB (Contlflued from page 1) take seven yeans ta get it out of his system. "I ceuld paint you a nricture ai British Guiaria as a 'venitable paradise, or I could descnibe its discomionts, its reptiles, s0 you wauld think it thoevery opposite," declared Mn. Marshal. "But riei- thon of these pictures would be true. GeographicallY it is part of the West Indies and strategically the country is riow caming lite its own with the establishment ai great naval and air bases." The white mari first learned tabout thc country in Raleigh's time with the talc of El Dorade drew mon thene. But al Uiey found were swamps, foyer and death. Everi to-day the search for fabulous riches continues, but actually the gold production cf British Guiana is pnacticaily non- existent. The population lasrnmall, only 300,000, composed cf casmopolitan elements, orie-third Ainican rieg- mees, one-third natives cf India, and the nemainder frorn ail coun- tries on earth. Only a small ceas- tal strip is irihabited and cultivat- ed, the chisf industry being sugar and its by-product, rum. Next la importance is bauxite, the ore from which alumlnum la extract- ed. One thing a visiton should net miss is the groat falis called "Old Man's" or "Dead Man's Fails." Down a turbulent river bcd Uic water cames rushing to cascade la a sheen drap five timos thc height cf Niagara. The namo was deniv- ed frorn thc old native roligiaus custom cf sending the aged and disabled ta, death aven the f ails. Placed on a light barque they were swept dawri the rapidsansd over the fails to the land where warriors dwelt. Altor the conclusion of tho ad- dress, W. Rosa Strike spoke for evenycrie when ho said that Mr:~ Marshall had stopped too sean his cngrossirig story and must netunn agala ta tel cf the many thinga about which ho had only aroused bunning curiosity. Ross Stutt in- troduced the speaker. Na guests wero prescrit at thc rneeting but Rotariari Lieut. John M. James, Ottawa, on' beave, at- tended. Mrs. Solornan says: Hard times may be diificult far parentýs, but they are the best known character buildera for children. SUppOSE your boy wms on active service 'in Gret Britain, Iceland, Newfoundiland, or in a Casmdian Camp far from home. You'd want hlm to have wholesome recreation, homelike social contacts and every posaible comfort and happiness off duty. The boys of oui fighting forces are our own fleah and blood. From mine, sea, farim and forest. and'from ~cy, town and village, they have gone forth as defeniders of oui safetv, our homes sud our way of life. They have broken home ties, Ieft friends and loved ones, given up the comforta of home. Six great'-organizations are united in aakiaýg for funds to sec chat those comforts are provided. Surely we, safe and secure at home, will provide thcm with momients of happiness. Let, the volunteer helper who oeils on you carry back your pledge of loyal support for oui fighting men. The boys'- rely on the folks back home. You nover have failed them-you will flot now ... Givre generously ini chia combined appeal. it's fan Uic Boys--Give a day's psy ta Uic Canadian War Servies Fund. Ar roi, Lýý À

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