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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Mar 1941, p. 11

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TUfiSAY, MARCH 27, 1941 wnz A M~tA fl. t AA A M4Mj YTA'M TPm~ (lA iTA lT Am qT r-qm 1~!aÇAx- a nwU&IGVTT . T . 'AnTrn aIMrs. M. A. Carleton vlslted in i ca nd eso1 h P. 0. inspector was here Phone 4OrlI Friday. i The Jones faniily have moved into Miss Eva Patterson's house. Mrs.A. Allen is im. Mrs. A. 13owen was taken ta flic Stan Walker visited here. hospital Monday morning. Jack and Enld Cobbledick and ICen Hiall la home on leave. friend visited at W. N. Cobble- Jack Stobart was home on leave. dlck's. Watch your step next Tuesdayl Major and Mrs. Fred Lycett en- Miss Ruthi Lowden, Toronto, tertalned some Oshawa teachers was home.' at dinner Friday evenlng. Mrs. Hay, Toronto, was guest of Mn. and Mrs. Lloyd- Walker bier 'parents. visited Mrs. A. A. Roîpli. Lloyd Nel son Couvier is on the sick is now stationed at Ottawa. nest. Mrs. A. Bradley waa out for the Mn. sd Mr. W.Bowmn, E first time after lier illness on Ffl- field, vlsited A. J. Tamblyn. Conratday ions.C.B 'Mrs. S. Paynie visited lier sisterTyrltOMsC.B in Toronto. ,Tre on beinga winner i the Chares alke wa hom onMasonic draw at Bowmanvllle. Chares alke wa hom on Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. leave.Ray Carleton, Woodstock, on the Mr, Neil Wood, Toronto, was birth of a son. home. Scouts met Thursday niglit witli Gordon Winters lias secured a 25 present. Gaines and instruc- job in Bowmanville. tion i signalling were enjoyed. M'brs. P. Gordon is visiting in Mr' 'sad Mrs. W. K. Sloaue, thre States. Peterboro, visited lier father, Mr. ,'Guessa skating la over with for O. W. Scott. the season. Mr. and Mrs. N. F. Porter snd Spnnl here! Robins are here Shirley, snd Mn. and Mrs. W. J. and tire kds are roiler skating, etc. Riddell were Sunday guests of Dr. Bill Turansky lias joined the and Mrs. J. Leslie, Toronto. Air Force. Mrs. A. A. Druminond was hoat- Mrs. Rowland Smith visited ine ss to Park St. choir Wednesday Ne*market, of asat week at tlieir regular choir The Clougl f amlly are movlng practice. ta Bwmanillo Two W.M.S. committees held the Cwasviey ni expect ta meetings last week at Mrs. C. TheCve to Bomille this week. Wood's and Mrs. C. Awde's, re- Mrs. Werry, Haydon, vlsited W. secir.-Ms hriadM. e. Stainton. Mr. nd *Miuseaherwan randr Mrn. Robert Hancock and baby Mr.aWndewi ro utWs are vlsitingInTrto were guests of Walter Sherwln's. Several of our men have seur- Mrs. Jennie Blewett and Leon- ed positions at Pickering. ard, Mtf. and Mrs. George Boutil- Mr.'and Mrs. Jim Canleton, New lier, New Toronto, visitod at Mn. Toronto, visited liore. Robt. Raineys.. Glad to see Mr. Thos. Cowan Intermeut took place in Orono able ta be over street. cemetery on Sunday of F. W. _______________________Parker wlio passed away Thuns- __________________ day at his home, Lot 18,' Broken Front, lu lis 79tli year. ~~ O. A. Gamsby attended the~ trial Saturday of the two B.T.S. boys who beat up bis uloco, Mrs. Ken Werry. The boys were sent ta Guelpli for an indefinite period. Mrs. Werry stifl liad two nurses and two doctors i atteudance. OSHAWA, ONT. Monday. Free Alr J. E. Willliasa isome on leave. Parking Conditionel Sunday Sahool was attended by 119 Sundayaftornoon. Mrs. A. A. Frlday and Saturday atetont nso prn n XARCH 2- se suggesitedAe I.this was agood w, Greab- Î68 r ý jïi ia w-oOlh eo~ N. P. Porrs clasa edee "dLITTLE NELLUE a chorus. The banner clans was KELLY" Misa Marlon Cooper's. sgc Wlth lal evesnlng at Kirby Wednesday 31117 Garland - Geo. Murphy of last wveek, taklng part ln thre Charles Wlnunter prognan.- Artios for the evenlng ati ncluded: Rosa Boyd 1sad -Mont EVI VAL, Fil. . ichardson w gave recitatlip; "MARYLAND" Marlene Boyd wlio rend'ered a ddMAR LMD" piano- solo; Stella Beat, Lenora la Techuloolor Wood and Mr. MeKinnon, vocal joba Pal'ne - Brenda .oyoo Soloigs; Rev. and Mrs. Llttlewood I" Walter Branu and Misses Lenara Wood and ____________________Muriel Tennant wliQ gave vocal &Y duets; Ken Shakieton, violinist; Monday ,and Tuesday nd.Miss Doris Wiyte, accordian MAROR a31 - APRIL 1 soloist.. Community singlng led by "TVALLi, DARK AND Mrineteshw d arhrtful- HADOM"Kinno, Audrey Billngs an Rt HAND OMV _ Lnn erealso mucli enjoyed. Cesar Roreo-Vlruln Glimoe.The prooram was followed by Miîlton erensd lunch and social hall liour. Charlotte Grcenwood _______ A Gagater Gangster and a ftock etihapy tunes. RONO HYDRO Aund on the Mme Prograr IN GOOD SHIAPE JANE WTHMO I__ ",GOLDEN HOOFS" M;. dr Cm in met with several outstandlng choques. Wed. and Thurs. Mr.Chuse presented the. 0pMating M&BCH 2P.-» Sand the system was shotab George rent-Dreuda lwarchall lu.good shape. lu These bills were paid: X.EP.C. $8.s8; Telephone Acot. $7.8ô; As- "SOUTH 0F SA="' socation of, Muncial Electrlc wltl Geoge TbisaMr. Chase was instructed ta BUEZ-Whe ea nma!uwonsAU maie an inspection cf the aystcm la esaler te mieul tisa bis and present thre necessary repaira ,diamnds and changes wltli an esthuate of pud a cornedy treat on the the cost. Ume bil _______ Eddle -"Brother Rat",Mbert la - IM AND DISTANT "THE GREAT MR. HAPPENINCS Va-tro-nol dam 3 InrntaaWa et the sunisce for a more Igr FOU: (1)>ÉIDUrln*mut>Mum-mdirect ht.aud. was sunk by a Bri- b n' m soth irritation;4 (3) tish Destroyer. trans muou , irWll the Party that took an axe cO tj t rna eoamfort, from the railway crosalng on Front i bmthinusIar nvitu e@>~ Street klndly lot us know sud we * h gn "c dwIll call for it. Rowe and Canvelli. VhIEB~~son iv. retuFno fr4m Kln<st a ~ jn~rMulâ b .srbl _ a NIEWS nALBERT WEST eMADE CONSTABLE FIRE MARSHALL Oneno Police Trustees met Mou- eday niglit.Th'matter af appoint- lug a caftstable sud fine marshal cwas preseuted. 'mono were threo applications, T. A. Finuoy, George Buttera sud Albert Weat; the lat- ter was appointed for 1941. e. ai A delegatiou frorntire Chamber rtees ta suggest a stant towards botter equipment for.the memnbers aio the local fire brigade. Wm. Davey, Wm. Riddell sud the Sec- Lrotsry are ta mid eut what la ueeded, secure pnices sud report at April meeting. These bis vere paid: Onono Turnes, advertising, $1.50; Bickle- Seagrave, repairs fon fire englue, $25.10. SCOUTS START 'SALVAGE DRIVE Satunday Scouts came alang be- spesking fram the popleai Orono sucli articles as magazines, papers, 1rags, iran, capper, zinc, lead, sud boues. These vill be callected by the Scouts periodically. Clarke townshipis aiea aiding lu colleet- lug salvage wlth J. J. Mellon and Councillor Hartwell, Lowery sup- ervising ItL Escl scirool section lias been uotified ta collfet the Larticles et sanie central point front whldh it vill be collected by those in charge. It la esruestly desired by the, gaverumont sud ail war- minded peopbe that nathing be wasted. Sa at houseclesuing time save these articles sud bot the Scouts know. They vill be glad ta neceive them. SAVINGS DRIVE MAKES PROGIRESS IN CLARKE TWP. Many people have inquirod as ta the progress being made iu the War Savings Campeigu in Clarke. It la rathen difficult to give a com- plote record every week but the iollowing la up ta Mardi 24th: 49 Houer Pledgos .-$2,222.00 3 Wage Plan __ 148.00 47 Cash Pledges- 3,592.00 I50 Bank Pledges 3,602.00 8 Sehools - 803.00 Total $9,807.00 LThe vork la stll golug on. The d hairman la ta be at Crooked îa4kr. nEarch 27th ab* W. Rid- a at ake' IlY-on nMiÎMéch 2Mt. It vould- help a great deal if oaci aclicol section would plan a. meeting sud anc ai the men lu- tenested. wauld attend sud ex- p lain virat lias ta be doue. Clarke bas donc weil but csu easily do a lot botter. One ai the highliglits aid:ý th ,mgtlias been the wondnfu wok acompllshed by Stankvine scirool section which lias pledged $1,032.00. L.OU.A. CARD PARTY SUCCESSFUL EVENT 'me final card party' ai the senles sponsored by the L.O.B.A. vas held Tuesday eveuing. Win- nons were presentod with pnizes by Mrs. H. 'Loweny as iallows: Ladies - higli, Mns. F. O. Cooper, 1ev, Mna. F. J. Hall; gents - higli, lins. J. H. Morris playing as a man, low, Mrs. Evans playlug as man. The grand pnize ion the senies, was w9n b y Lyail Loweny. Mns. Flin- tofi presented hlm wlth has valu- abl. prize. lira. F. B. Whyte wg runnen-up., 'me eveuing closed with lun~ch sud social half-liaur. Speclal Services For Day of Prayer At Park St. Church A speclal service was bld Sun- day mnng at Park St. Churdli in observance ai the Klng's con- mand for a Day aif rayer. Rev. Littlewood precclid an appropniete sermon, first tebliug thre story af Maossud the rod ai God, whlch if lie hli t upriglit brougît victary ta the Isaelites. The pastor braught out the thouglit that possibiy tho bast day of prayen had aided in the suc- cessiul evacuatiou at Dunlcirk. Ho closed with a tribute ta tIc King's character. The chair rendened a suitable arnthem, ",Spirit Divine, attend aur prayens," wlth Mns. A. A. Drum- mloudtaldng the solo part sud Blackstock Union Proves Sup.rlouty In Interesting Debfts Blackstock Union members guesta ai Onono Union Mondae 1eveuiug, as annauged by the Pres- bytery lu the echedule ai debates. Following words ai welcome by Orouo Presîdent Glen Hsucack, a short worship period was canduct- ed by mombers ai Blackstock Un- ion, witli su luteresting story tald by Miss Helen VanCamp. 'mTe debate was a mast intricate eue, namely, "'Resolved. that it la in the best interosta ai Canada lu ithe prosecution af the war that a tNatioual Govorumont be set up at Ottawa." The affirmative was taken by Donald Scott sud Gwen Marlow ai Blackstock; the nega- tive by Maria Hsucock sud Kath- heeu Smith ai Orono. Judges wore Miss E. Burgess for Orano, Mn. Allin fer Blackstock, sud Mn. Ste- phon Saywell ai Oshawa as ueu- tral. Miss Bassinett ai Orono was cnitic, sud Elvin Blewett time- keeper with the aid ai a Biack- stock Union member. Miss Bas- sinott gave ber opinion ai the de- bate. 'me judges' decision was given lu favor ai the affirmative. Messrs. Raîpli Larmer sud Kelth Joliaaegv oa duet, aiter whlc oida aes was on- joe.Lud0rogi a plessunt eveuing ta a close. FINAL MEETING LITERARY SOCIETY HELD TUESDAY O. C. S. held its st Llterary meeting for the term Tuesday evening under leadership ai Miss. gCathleen Simpson. Dick Morton took çliarge ai the first part whicli included the sing- ing af O Canada, minutes, sud the reading ai the OaCIS. 'me paper was made mono lutereeting than ever, through letters irom Rau Phttenson sud T'mas Lewis. Kathleeu Simpson presided over the nemainder ai the prograni whlch included a chorus by 'the gsreup; a recitation by Ruth Lunn; a vocal trio by Ruth Lunii, Joyce Lawery sud Elenon Rauaberry; a dialogue "Civilization Breaks Up"l starrng R. Dent sud R. Lunu; s sang by six girls; a reading by Dan Chinana; sud a vocal quar- tette by Glen Tamblyn, R. Dent, K. Simpson sud M. McKinnon. A puppet show was preserited in three acta, "Robin Hood sud his Merry Men." Anns Staples read parts and the speaking sud op- eating et uppeUs-wa».-dene, by Bill Colvlle, Dan Clinara, M. Me- Kinnon, Don Goode, -H. Myles, C. Corniali sud Jean Lageer. This was especlly well recelvcd. Glen Tamblyn favored wlth a carnet solo. A debate was bld on "Re- solved that.examn should be abol- lahed lu High Schools." Ruth Lunu sud Marjorno McLaren up- held the affirmative sud were awarded tire decision aven Kath- leen Simpson sud Joyce Lowery. The audience were jiidges. Miss Doris Wliyte iavared with an ac- cordisu sola, aiter which alides wero showu by Mn. Rosbaraugli. The excellent pragnan, closed with suother chorus by the group. Obituary MIW Chrlstine Colvlle Orono hast a well-lked citizen Mardi 24th lu the pasaing ai Miss Christine Colville who dled at lier residence after a lngerlng illuess. She was daugliter ai the late Mn. sud Mna. Robçrt ColvIlle, who livcd lu No. 9 Section, where their nine daugliters were born. Mn. Colville was ceunciflor sud also reeve ion msuy years. Of this iamily four still live ln Onano, Catherine, Helen, Mattie (Mns. Thomas Cowan>, sud Esther (Mns. Robt. Stewart). Miss Colville was ai Scotch an- cestry, Conservative lu politics, sud Anglican lun éligion, since the union, befao which aIe vas Pres- byterisu. She was ai higli moral character, sud ai a quiet sud klnd- ly uature whidl van lier a hast ai frieuda wha sympathize with lier sisters in their bossai a loved eue. Interment was lu Bowmanville Cernetery. Alfred milon McKeowu Alfr&d M. McKeown, well kuawn Peterboro musician, ai 188 Stew- ard St., paased away at is hlame Mardi 23nd ai ton bess than a week'e ifless. Born lu Hope Township. lie vas inemr; ai St. Paul'sPreaobytenrian Clurcli choir. On Suuday ulgit thc choir ai St. Paul's Churdli sang "'Cnossing thc Bar" as a tri- bute ta the memory ai one who had been for s0 msuy yeans a fol- A * M y ow-worker sud friond. Not al aif lis musical hnow- ledge had been turuod ta neligious ines. Iu 1916 ho was bandniasten ai thc Waodstack Oxfokd Rifles, but as this unit vas not cailed ho sud lis mon cnlisted ion active P11o00yu-r r Ohlok order service wtî Glat Battalian Baud. troughlis No wrltIng. No money A nember ai the Masonle Or- orders. obother. Perionai t tention - prompt dlIv.ry. don, Mn. McKCeown vas a charter F. 0. VANSTONE sud ice member ai St. Andnew's *owm!nvll Lodge A. F. &A. M., Tarante. F. L.. SYAM Surviving ane lis wlfe, the fer- Tyrone mer Suasu Letitia Moore sud tva R. LLOYD ST*PHENOON sitnM. G. Glat od Canton, N*offoUe Csulira.L. MartnSaakatohe- .fAOIC MU0ON tin orejQ aam W. 1. MEETING Oroeib Women's Institute met Frlday, with Mns. O. W. Roîpli as couvenor. The president, Mns. J. C. Trblyn, occupied the chair for tib.Opening sud business pen- lad. the treasurer, Mns. Hespen Dean. lave the monthly report. Wayi iàd means af naisiug finan- ces Wèé discussed. Mns. Hl. Allen brouglg up the question of the girs êub, but uathiug was de- cldee..A quilt was donated ta the socie$y,- and anothen top offened. Mr'tolph took charge of this porE:Readiug "About St. Patriok" 'by Mns.. C. Tamblyn; contàt-Mrs. Roîpli; talk an "Traf- fic Liwn" by Mne. Ralph; sud a piano duet by Misses Canal sud Auna gtaples. Rail caîl was answened wlth a traffilaw. Mrs. J. R. Cooper ad- dressc4 the members regarding the flccessity of bringing canyon- ara' réeorts ta May meeting. Mrs. Rolpir told some intenesting thinga about the photognaphy dopant- ment of the Air P'orce. A dalnty lunch was served sud a social haîf-hour oujoyed. ORANGE LODGE Ù.IVES SUPPORT TO WAR EFFORT It la surprising how soon a little effort counts. Some of the Orange Ldge in West Durham decidod ta o s money aside fram thein usual sources and have given $100 ta the Grand Lodge ai British Anienica which la giving $25,000 ta the governmeut ta use as'sit sees fit. They have aiea iarward- ed ta the Britishi War Victims Fund $116.95. Contributions have prevlausly been made ta other war efforts. Theioilowiug ladges have sent in tWelr donations ta the above iund ta the amount ai $216-95: No. 141 Enniakilien, No. 265 Cow- auvll, No. 311 Newtouville, No. 399 Purpie Hill, No. 409 Orono, No. 2384 Bowmuaville. Newionville The Womeu's Institute heid thein sunnual St. Patrick's Tes in the Ueted Churcli basement ou Maré"i.20th. The regular business penlo&deame finst when it was de- cided ta make another contribu- tion tg the War Victime Fund. The'efolowing St. Pstrick's pro- grain was then presented: Instru- mental; Fae Joues; solo, Mnrs. Ar- che SWown; reeding, Loua IKim- bail; sala, Hazel Reid; Mns. J. Thloksou, Bowmanville, District President, gave an addness an Nu- trition sud Hoalth; solo, Mrs. Ar- chie Brown. The meeting closed with the National Anthem sud a conteat. A delicious tes sud social time was then enjoyed. At the next regular meeting two quilts will bo quilted. Messrs. Hugli Stapleton sud Cecil Walkey are employed at the munition factory, Pickening. Friends regret that Miss Elsie Wallace left Tuesday ta take a position as switcliboard operator in Pickering. Miss Gwen Gilmer, Starkvllle, is taking her place here. Mn. Bert Stapleton la engagod with Mn. Melville Joues ta begin the teleplioue work Apnil lst. Mesans. Edgar Millson sud Bob Hughes went to Newmarket sat week for tlie four months military training. thene was no school hast week as Mn. L. T. Saveny, teacher, was s victim of the German measles. Mns. Robt. Morton was rnl at týie home of lier daughten, Mns. Lowe, Port Hope, but is botter again. Mn. sud Mns. Bob Dnummoud are moving to the Hayes f ar nuow owued by Mr. D. Henderson, To- routoansd will manage the farm. AJred Redkuapp lias neturned from Toronto sud lie sud lis f a- thon are compieting Mr. D. Heu- dersou's uew bouse ou the farm. Mr. sud Mns. Lloyd Clysdale have moved ta the Farrow home- stead east ai Cnaoked Creek. Mr. sud Mns. Harold Little are rnoving iuto Philip Stepheus' house lu the village sud Mr. Ste- plions la going back te lis farm. Mn. sud Mns. Robt. Morton are moging ta Mns. Jas. Laing's farm. une group of the W. I. lield a eucline party at the home ai Mns. Spencer Burley Friday niglit. Visitons: Mn. sud Mns. Floto sud Mn. Sid Burley, Toonto, at Mn. Spencer Burley's. Miss Juue Ware, Toonto, la home ion Easter holldays. Mns. Harry Woodliamn las ne- turned from vislting Toronto fri- ends. Messrs. William, Cecil, Donald sud Bert Stapieton with Mn. sud Mns. George E. Stapieton, Port Hope, the latter being inu pon health. Mns. Edgsr Osborne, Port Hope, witli Mn. sud Mns. Brock Pethick. Mn. and Mns. Arthur Redknapp and Alfred with friends in Ta- ronto. Miss Elsie Wallace at lien bro- then's, Mn. George Wallace's, Belleville. It's for the Boys-Give a day'si psy ta the Canadisu War Services] Fund.9 Excelent Program At Final Socli Parl< S&L Church The final group concert at Park St. Churdli washeld Friday even- ing sud was au autstandiug suc- cees. Praceeds were aven $59.00, the largest amaunt ai the season. Am excellent pragram prepared by Mns. O. W. Raîpli and Mns. R. H. Brown wss given, presided over by Mn. J. J. Mellon. It open- ed wltli a recitation "Welcome" given by littie Patsy Maffatt, ai- ton which the men ai the graup lield forth lu Irish sangs, inter- spersed witl su Irishi joko by Mn. Fnoey, a readiug by Mn. Colin Taylor, sud a solo by Mn. Walker, ail jaoiunglu the chorus. The men wore Irish hlisansucorne carried shillalalis. A cela sala by Edwin Sander- cock foilowed, after wlidli Joyce Lowery recited "The Hause by the Sideofa the Road." Barbara Roîpli sud Gwen Chatterton, lu aid time clothos, rendered the vo- cal duet "Two War Workers," sud if the refugees lad ta wait as long for their clotling as the sang made eut it would be just tao bad. This was foâlowed by s much on- joyed accordisu solo by Miss Doris Whyte sud a piano duet by Mns. Rowland Smith sud Miss Myntie Smith. Next was a radio skit, "Trutli or Causequence," conducted by Mn. O. W. Roipli as Professar Quiz, or samething, mn hic usual capable way, sud Mns. R. H. Brown sud Wm. Robinson assistiug lu able manun. Those takiug part lu- cluded, Elsie Rawe, Mns. Mary Phasey, W. B. Hear, Mns. Robt. Moffatt, Barbara Roîpli, R. H. Brown, Mns. Ed. Dean, Murray Patterson, Colin Taylor, P. M. Lunn, M. Chatterton sud J. J. Mellon. 0f the twelve, six answer- ed correctiy and six liad ta take the cansequeucos which brouglit forth gales af laughter frra the audience as they saw the unfon- tunsté one hsving ta est a bans- ns sud blow Up s bag, est peas with a kuife, est Fluifies with toothpick, make up paetry, etc. Vaiuable(?> prizos were awarded all contestants. A few words by way ai chair- man's remarks from J. J. Melon and a piano duet by Mrs. Rowland Smith sud Miss M. Smith were foilowed by the hast item an the progran, znamely the eagerly laok- ed-forward-to pageant. This pageant was compiled by Colin Taylor sud directod by Mns. Raîpli, with Miss Gray assistiug Mns. Roîpl i wth the reading sud Mrs. R. H. Brown presidiug at the piano. Miss Bertha Cain took the part ai Cauaçli; E. Haruesa af the soldier; Mn. Walker, the sailor; Robt. Coatham, the Air Force; Mrs. Harold Dean, the Red Cross Nurse; Mlfred Slierwln, the scien- tist; Mrs. Uesper Dean, the bouse- wife; Charles Wood, the farmer; W. B. Hoar, the mechania; W. S. Cobbledick, the business man; Lorna Lewis and Gwen Phasey memories; Carol Cornlsh anu Mont Richardson, the Girl Guide and Boy Scout respectively. Each entrance and salute of these re- presentatives was foflowed by music from a screened choir, eith- er an appropriate chorus or a solo or duet, and each one on the plat- form was appropriately costumed for his or her role. Mrs. Smith was sololat and Mis. Phasey and Mrs. W. Cobbledick duetisa for the occasion. OnIy two red liglits were used during the pageant which added mucli to the general effect. The S. S. decorations, some Irishi and. some patrlotic, were looked after by P. M. Lunn and 0. W. Rolph, and were most attractive- ly done in color scheme of red, white and blue and green. ~GUIDE to the Point o/Sale, %s.- O UR local stores are the display rooms- and warehouses for the 'world's finest products. Through the advertising columns of this çiewspaper the public can best be told where to buy thismerchandise. People read this paper because they are interested in the news of the day and they welcome the oppor- tunity to read about the goods offered by our local merchants. A DVERISING in this newspaper .fis good business flot only because it reaches the right people, but because such advertising is protected by our verified circulation. This paper is a member of the Audit Bureau of Circulations, a national, cooperative association of publishers, advertisers and advertising agencies. The Bureau wasorganized inl 19 14. For the protection and information of adver- tisers, the Bureau's auditors make an annual audit of the circulation records of ail publisher mcm bers. This audited information is issued in A. B. C. reports which show how many copies arc printed, where they go and many other facts the advertiser should know about the newspaper in which ho spends money for advertising. J ust as known standards of quality, weight and measures exist for merchan- dise, so recognized standards exist for circulation values. These are found only in reports issued by the Audit Bureau of Circulations. Serving both readers and merchants, advertising in this newspaper, is a dependable guide to the poinlt of sale.; Zbe %aabian tat#marn This sewspaper is a mem bor of the Audit Bureau of Circulation$ On request uw shail gladly furrnisl a cc ;y if oar lateat A. B. C. report A.8. C. mAUDIT BUREAU Of CIRCULATIONS=m FACTI AS A MEASýURE OF ADVIRTISING VALUE PAaM ELWJM Li

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