PAGE TWELVE THE CANA»IMAWTEMM, BOWMARqVILL, ONTARIO THURSDAY, MARC 21, 1941, BIRTIi BARRABALL - Ini Bewranville Hospital on Saturday, March 22nd, 1941, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Barrabali (nee Eieen Aider), a son, William Brian. DEATHS COLVILLE-In Orana, March 2,4 1941, Agnes:. Christine Colwl1%e daughter et thîè late Robert C&"1 ville. CUr2?.I--On Friday, March 21, 1941 , Martha Pye Curtis, widow of the late James Curtis, ini her 84th year. Interment Hampton Cemetery. FLEMING-At Bishaps' Lodgo, 2 Elmsley Place, Toronte, March 25, 1941, Helen Grace Fleming, belaved wife of the Right Rev. A. L. Fleming, Blshep cf the Arctic. PARKER-In Clarke, on March 20, 1941, Frederick William Par- ker, age 78 years. Interment at Orano Cemetery. PEARC-In Tarante, on March 21, 1941, Emma Barker Pearce, beloved wife of Mr. Ira F. Pearce, in ber 74th year. Inter- mept Bowmanville Cemetery. WAT ON-At Taronte East Gen- oral Hospital, March 23, 1941, James Watsen, beleved husband of Lena 'Watsen, 56 Caroline Avenue, aged 53 years. Inter- ment Bowmanville Cemetery. IN MEMORIM BRADBURN - In leving memery of aur dear mether, Mary Edith Bradburn, wha passed away oné Year aga on April 1, 1940. Laving and kind in al ber ways, 'Upright and just ta the end ef her days, Sincere and true in ber heart and niind, Beautiful memeries she left be- bind; And while she lies in peaceful sleep, Her memory we shall always keep. -Sadly missed by family. COMING EVENTS Courtice and Ebenezer Brother- hoods and Bowmanviile Rotary Club wiil hald a joint dinner meeting in Ebenezer ýChurch on Friday, March 28 at 7 p.m. D.S.T. The speaker wil be Miss Agnes C. Macphail; subject "The R0plSri~E rt, Befere and *A.~er. ~13-1 Women's Auxiliary of "Dl' Coy. Md. R., will meet in St. John's Parlsh Hall on Friday at 7 o'clock. Change of time ia due to Capt. Banister's address in the Town Hall.13-1 iOpen House at the Public School will be on Tuesday, April 8th. 13-2 Lions Hobby Show will be on LMay 3rd in auditorium of High Scbool. 13-2 The Girls' War Service Club will present the humoreus, prise winning radio skit of 1939,p "If Men Play Cards as Wbmen Do," ti the Parish Hall on Friday, Aprlil 4th. Program aise includes quiz and musical numbers. Please note change of date. 13-1 IN MEMORIAM REYNOLDS --n ever loving me- mory of aur mother, Elizabeth Reynolds, who died March 26, 1927, aise our sister Edna, Feb- ruay 1ý 1C.-Ellis and May. Real Estate For Sale FOR SALE - 2 BRICK HOUSES with ail conveniences. Apply Box 130, Statesman Office,-Bow- manville. \ 13-1* FOR SALE -SOLID B R ICK house on Centre St., Bowman- ville, modern canveniences; will be sold cheap ta close up an estate. Apply A. E. Beliman, King St. West. il-;tf Specials on Sale March .28th and 29th Goed Sne ORANG-94 . Ayhmer-- - Navels doz. 33C CATSUP --- botti. 15e Readicut White- MACARONI BEANS 2 Ibo. 1lec 3Ib.14c Gol Moedal Golden BAK1AM CORN 2 tins U CLEANINOSPECIAL BROOMS RY"i-striu g49c cc FRESH FRUITS and VEGETABLES, ERNIE LUNN 1Phiais 598 Free Delvery THAT'S WIT 1 CALL Ram SERVICE!" ta serve every brancb of cammunity lits fram YHE FAEM ta THE STORE and TEE PAC- get complote information on NIIA finan- te plan beoks--arid top-grade materlals give you everything lni b uildin g d tior rtght up to fire-proot roofing. -SIPEEDY SERVICE - VAIR PRICES ODPIODUCTS 'ANI Phone 2130 Carda of Thanks Mrs. A. Brndley wishes ta ex- prosa hem appreciation ta Dr. McRonzie, Dr. McNeil, aise Mr. Tyrreil and ber many frienidsanad neighbors for their kindriesa wbich made ber shut-in days more plea- sent during ber illnesa. Mr. Ira F. Pearce wlshes te tharik bis nelghbors and relatives for kindriesses showri and sym- patby expressed durng the ilnes aid passing of his wite., The famiiy et the late Mrs. Martha Curtis wish te express their sicere thanksanad apprecia- tien ta friands and rieighbors for their many acta of ktndnoss and expressions of sympathy duig their recent sad bereavement. We wlsh ta convey ta al aur friendsanad neigbbors aur sicere thanka for thein many kindriesses shown during the last and pro- vieus ilinesses cf our dear sister, Elizabeth Catherine Blackburn, and for the many expressions cf sympathy on the occasion et hon death.. Brothers aid Sisters. For Rent FOR RENT - ABOUT 8 ACRES of land on Middle Road, 2 miles north of, Bowmanville. Apply Gea. Davis, R. R. 6, Bawman- ville, phono 2194. 13-1 FOR RENT - ATTRACTIVE 4 roam apartnerit with b a th, heated, pleasant surroundings. Pessession April lat. Apply Box 128, Statesman Officie. .13-1 FOR RENT - THEE RO0O0M apartmnent i the Cowan Block. All cenveniences. Possession lst af May. Phono 870. 13-tf FOR RENT - LARGE EIGHT roomed hause and garage, hait- mile north and hait-mile west cf Hampton. Apply C>. H. Rab- inson, Hampton R. R. 1. Phane 2611. 13-1* Livestock and Art Fer Sale ticles 1 - - - - 1- FOR SALE-GREY PERCHERON mare rising 4 yoars; gney Per- cheron mare risig 9 yoars. Ap- ply Jas. T. Brown, R. R. 2, New- castle. Phono Clarke 1230. FOR SALE -PERCHERON mare, 9 years aid, reasonable. Fergus E. Morrill, phono 2456. 13-1 FOR SALE - 8 SMALL PIGS, 8 weeks old. Apply Martin Pen- icka, R. R. 2, Bowmanville, at the Blake Oke place. 13-1' FOR SALE - ST. BERNARD male, 6 me. Briridle. Papers. Pnice reasonable. cie E. Cain, Liberty St., Bowmanvillo . 13-1 FOR SALE - SIX YORXSH IRE pigs, .about ninetyr pounds, aise one (soven weeoks>; aise six- hundred-ogg ticubator (ail). Jackson, quarter mile nerth cf Countice. 13-1' FOR SALE-PUREBRED YORK- sbire sow anid 8 pigs (first lit- ter), dam, Grandview Boss 194 530. Bred by William Wold Ca. Ltd. Qualiied i advanced reg- istry. Aise quantity cf. good quaiity midxed bay. Appiy Gar- net B. Elckard, phono 2218, Bowmanville R. R. 4. 13-1 FOR SALE-YOUNG HOLSTEIN cow tin tiret lactation, and boiter cait; caif with cow or will soul separately. Mr.. M. Brown, Newcastle, phono Clarke 1112. 13-1 FOR SALE-PFOUR YF.AR OU) matcbed teazn. B. Jaynes, phono Clarke 1904. 1 13-1 15-1 FOR SALE - AYRSHIRE AND Durhami ccw, 6 years aid, due te refreshen April 9; aise Hol- stein boit or, 18 months aid. Ap- gliy D. M. Kilgannon, Liberty St. outb, phono 697. 13-1 FOR SALE - PIGS. AVERAGE 100 ibs. each. Appiy Malcolmi Martin, R. R. 1, Tyrane. 12-2* FOR SALE - 28-46 GOODISON grain thresher, i god running order, $200 .00, or trade for young herses. Frank Bamsey, Canton P. O., Ont. 12-4' FOR SALE--COMPLETE SET 0F World Books in excellent condi- tien. Reasanabiy priced. Apply Box 126, Statesman Office, Bow-. manville, Ont. 131' FOR SALE-HCYDRAUJLIC RAM, in good repair. Appiy te Ed. Morton, Orana. 13-1* QUIILT PATCHES - FRESH OFFT cuttig tables - Prints, Crepes, Satina, Linotte, 25e lb. or 5 Ibo. $1.00. Also giant slee, 8x9, 4x18, cent each, 79c per hundred. Postpaid. Samples 10 cents. Thik fast for bout resuits. Buttonshop, WVhitby. 12-2' MIATTRESS & COMPORTERS - Inner Spring, Marshall, Beauty- Reut, anid all apnlng mattreases rebuilt 1k. new. Ostermoor anid layer toit mattresses cleaned and rebuilt, aise converted ile iner upring mattresses. New coverings supplied if necessary. Feather b.d. washed, ptripped and made Itot down cenifartors, finest Engllsh down-prot ma- teniais used. Elderdowns meccv- ered. Speclal prices now. Phone 362. 5-tf -4' A "Spilfire" tund bas growri te the $0,000 mark in Sault Ste Marie and contributions lluted i the Sault Star Iiclude such naines as: J. Zurawinaki, 1M. Rumbaco, N. Ballatadt. M. Dumanski. D. Laci- kowic. R. ]Kolosk W t bggkewathat plan aoo ul~ Feed and Se FOR SALE - THEEISTACKS of red claver hay, alàê a quan- tltY OtfIrish C*bbler L*hd Dooley potatoes. H.z Stirtainge>r, Bow- manville, phone 2408. 13-2* FOR SALE - ER B AIN, SEED Gats. Apply N. C. Yellwlees, phone 2260, Enniakflen. 13-1* FOR SALE-MIXED QItÀIN FOR seed, aise red clover sWe. Ap- ply George AlUn, BÔwxbanville. FOR SALE -GOOD SO UNID turnipa, $8 per tunkiréd bushel. Apply W. T. Syans 8Jowmnan- ville R. R. 6, phonoe~1 31 FOR SALE - QUANTI'1Y FEED enta. And I want a lbOrey tan- ring miii in good co-ftion. Ait. Graham, Newcastle. Phono 3321 Clarke. 13-1 FOR SALE-A QUANTITY MED- ium sized pot 'atoos grown froni centitied seed, 30e per bag. Ap- ply Frank Doriand, ,Burketon R. R. 2, phono 2335. . 13-1 IFOR SALE - A QUAIqTTY 0F apples. Apply R. L., Worden, R. R. 3, Bowmanvllle, pheon e 2243. 13-1 FOR SALE-3 STACIcS O0F HAy on highway. Apply Robert Jar- vie, Maple Grave, phono 2383. * 13-1 QUALITY SEED FOR SALE - We have fer sale the finest quality cf the best varieties of grain. Reg. Ne. 1 and Govt. Grade Ne. 1 Oats: Erban, Van- guard, Cartier, Victory and 20th Century; Barley: Nobarb, 0.A.C. No. 21, 2-rawed; Coronation spring wbeat. Ger mina t io n guaranteed 97 or botter. Monoy spent in gaod seed is 'the best t investmnent you carin ake. For full particulars app1y<*,tê- Seed Cleaning Plant , Bowmanville, R. R. 4, phone 2218. Garnet B. Rickard. -13-tf STE WARTS SeedStorîe ÎE AD QUA RTEBS'ý For -Clovers - 'imothy Grass S..ds-Roots We offer hereo onY Purestlai Best -Recleanci Seeds,Got efraded No. 1 for Purlty and 1gh Germination. Prices. quoted' are1 EXTRA SLECILalsbett change wiiotntice owlng te 1 the uncertainty et future value on stock replacements. We there- fore advise that roen purchaseyour requirements without deiay. ALFALFA Per DuE. Ontarlo Variegated No. 1 I18.7I Ontario Varlegated No. 1' (Local (lrewa) ---12AO Western Grinmm No. i-... u»9 Local Growm No. 1 RED CLOVER -Ottawa Valie Grown NO. 1x___ S *Local Growi NO. 1 - 8 Spel Lot Ne. 1 - S 50% ALFALFA 50% RED CLO VER SpeciliNO. 1 ____ 108 SWEET CLOVER W1ite Blosaom No. 1 - 8 Yeilow Bitoaam No. 1 - 4 TIMOTBY Special No. i14.85 khl Grade No. 2 Pumity No. 1 --S CLO VERS Per Lb. White Duteli No. 1- 9 80% White Dutoli 70 %AMaie NO. 1 75% White Dutch 25% Alate No. 1 Ji CLO VER & TIMOMT YMITURf 75% oThmothy 25% oAisike NO. 1 or cwt.1.5 GRASSES- Canadian Bine Grass Ne. 1 .88 Kentucky Bine Grau. Ne 1- .30 Red TopNo. 1 - - Ji i Meadoew Fescue Ne. 1 M 8 Orchard Graus No. 1 .0 Faner Lawn Seel No. L.. ».1 5 ibm. or over - - U 1 Fancy Shadynook Lawn Seed No. 1 -je- il 5 Ibo. or ovor ___.. 4 BAGS New Cotton Baga, esh -' Ji Selectel Use Caotoi Bagi, - - euch 9 RIGHEST QUALITY BULE GARDEN SEl»! STEWART,$S $RED STORE New Location (Moved r thc street, Juat mortl of Bleu Hotel) Phet. sil 1 Bowma"fflo ,Saturday Aprul 5th, 1941-Fe H.rN EliLt 19, -Cari. 8, Darling- tan<I ilenorth of Enniakillen), willl ssi bis 4tari stock, impie- monts, bny, grain,, hannosa, and numerous othen articles. sale. at 1 o'ciock S.T. Ternas cash. T. Mountjoy, Clenk; Ted Jackson, Auctioneer. 13-2 The undensigned ha, received instructions from Stanley Devtioey, Lot 20, Cari. 7, crie-hait mile west of Erinikillen, te sell by publie auction on Wednesday, April 2rid, bis farm stock, aven 50 plgs, cows poultry, quantity of potatoes, ana other. articles. Terms cash. Sale at 1.30 S.T. Theo Slemon, Auc- tianeer. 13-1 Auction sale et tarin stock and implements an the promises et Frank Malcolmi, Lot 18, Con. 8, Cartwright Township dai Tuesdny, Aprü làl, at 1 o'iock. Ternis cash. Ted Jackson, Auctianeer. 12-2 The undersigned bas been authanized by Mrs. E. A. Wight, Tyrone, te sell by public auction on Tuosday, April 8th, aI 1.30 p.m. hon household ettecta, conslating et tables, sideboard, chairs, sofas, organ, washlig machine, churri bedroom turniture, oùl steve; oven, -Happy Thoughit range, valu- ab e bee supplies, and numeraus other articles. Ternis cep Rimher Wilbun, Auctioneer. 1. Miction Sale. The undorsigned bas received instructions from ALFRED PERRIN Lot 17, Concession 3, Northi TOWNSHIP 0F CLARE Haif Mile South of Clarke Ohurci te senl by public nuction, his Farm Stock, Implements, etc. on THURSDAY9 APRIL 3 Horses-Brown Mare, nising 8 yrs., 1300 iba., Bay Hanse, rising 71 yrs., 1300 lb.., teani; Roan Mare, risirig 5 yrs, 1400 lb..; Bay Herse, aged, 1400 lbs.. Cattie-Briridle Cow, 6 yeara, treshenod; Red and White CoiW,5 years, freshened; lioreford Cow, 4 yoars, due Mny 24; Roan Hetter, 3 years, due April 27; 3 Hereford Qate years; ,*ler«ordCýýattle, 1 year; 2 Calvos. Pigs-2 Yockhlr Sows; 7 Pigs, 11 weeks old. *Poultry - 20 Laying Hens; 3 Geese. -Hanneas - 1 set teani harneas, neamly new; set sigle dnlving hamnesu; sundry collars aid bar- nous. Mlay anl Grain-About 300 bus. enta; about 10 tan hay. Implementos - Massey-llarris binder; M.-H. cut box,(Blizzard); M.-H. seed dm1ll1,11 hoe; M.-B. mianunre apreaiden; MK-H. b e r ase rake; M.-H. disc harow, M.-H. sigle plow No. 7; 4 section spike taoth harrow; Prestoni steel fer- tiliser; Cnown double plow; Deer- ing 5 ft. mewen; wagon; slelghs; root pulper; 2000 lb. platfarn scales; icubatar; creani separator, Sharples; fanning mili, Chatham; other articles tea numnou,» mention. . ý Terns Cash. Salenet i pan. S.T. Rimer Wilbur, Auctuoneer;- Auction Saie The undemind a eeived Instutosfm LAVERNE CLEMENS LOT id, CONCESSION 4. Townahip of Darhinglon Hait Mile Est cf Hampton and Soutiz ta sell by public auctionlis tarin stock, ýmplements, etc., on *FRIDAYY APRIL 4 Holatein Cattle-Cow, O.6years, bred Jan. 15, milking goid; boiter, 3 years, bred Dec. 20; cow, 6i years, bred Dec. 18; cow, 6 years, bref Oct. 25; cow, 7 years, bred Feb. il; cpw, 3 yoars, bred Sept. 4; cow, 4 years, bref Jan. 18, milklig good; cow, 7 yeans, Just renewed; cow, 4 years, just renewod; cow, 3 yoars, brod Nev.ol7; caw, 5 yêar, due April 10; botter, 2 yeans, due Apnil 3; helter, 2 years, due May 4; 2 boitera, just bref; Holstein bull, reglateref, 3 years aid. Borses-Roari mare, 8 years aid;. grey team, il and 12 yeans aid' three-year-old, broken sinigle a double. Feed-Quantity of hay; 5 baga soy bean meal; 6 foot ensilage <more or lois). Implements - Binder, Massey- Harris, 6 ft.; mower, McCormlck- Deerig, 5 ft.; 2 McCormlck-Deer- hig cern bindors; disc harrow; 2 gang plows, M.-H.; sigle plaw; muilking machine, Blue El bbon, double unit <eloctrlo); set bar- ;ows, 4 sections; Star ààbtor (paw- er unit); 3 h.p. International gaz origine; '29 Durant sedan; set et toboggan sligba; wagon. Furaiture-Quantity turnitune. Terns Cagh. Sale at 1 p.m, S.T. Elmor Wilbur, Auctioneer. 'Auctioneer ]MUE, WILDUR LicenselAuctioneer Hamipton - Ontarie Speclallzhig ti Farm, Livestock, Implenienta andd Fumnilure a"e TERMS MODERATEC PhaoforTein. Mda14 19-1tq Clauilid Ad Rtates One cent a word cash. eoh inserton(minimum charge $50). Calnc 5 etat made ie dvrhm nl not pald àme week as Inser- tion. Extra obarge of lic wh.n replies are direeteil te a iaem an ibox number. Ahhm Irba th. and marriaes 50o cash. lu HemerMams, 80o for notice plus lic per Une for verse. Cuailied advertise- ment@ accepted ai tutti Dr. H. B. Rundle wlshes to announce that after' April 2nd, 1941, his office and reaidence wll be located two doors south of King Street on Ontario Street. His phone numnber wil then be, 488. 13-1 Notice Re Mumps The co-operatiori of the parents is rqusted ta bhel p central Ibis disease. Eveny child wbo la even suspected. et havlng Mumps must be kept homo frai aschool. It is the duty of the parents or their doctor ta riotlty the Board et JIealth et a case af Munipa itheir home. Notice may be sent tao MR. A. J. LYLE, Sec'y. -Board 6f Health or W. H. BIEIC, M.O.1i. Weekly Feed Speclal WEEKLY FEED SPECIAL - Vanstaneé's Egg Mash, $2.15 per cwt. Otter good uttl April 3rd. F. C. Vanstone, phono 777. 13-1 Baby Chieks BABY CHICKS-BLOOD TEST- ed Leghorns and Rocks, znixed, sexed and started puilet. R.O.P. sired chicks. AU. eggsproduced on aur fanm. Low prices on Racks a nd Leghorn cockeoh. Alvin Clemens, phono 2433 Bowmauvile. 13-âf Tea Cup Readlng TEA CUP AND CARDS FROM 3. p.m. te 10 pan. Darch's To- bacco Store, phono 2884. 8-4 Seed Cleanlng SEE.D CLEN GwE SOU dlean and separate ail tida grain. Clean ail clover seid.i Modern maehinery. Reasonable priceS. Phono 2218, Gamet B. Riokard, R. B. 4, Bawmnanville. 8-tf For Sale or Exchange For SAME-OR EXCHANGE - Stack oet mixed hay, fivo loads. Willson an exchange for piga. Apply Wilson Abernethy, R. R. 2, B owmanvllle, phono 2419. Beauty Cultûte EASTER SPECIAL - $5.00 OIL Permanent Wave for $2.50. Urn. F. J. Cale, Bluebird Beaut Parleur. Phono 339., 13-4 Wanted To Buy WANTED TO BUY - PIVE OR six roomed bouse ln Bowmn- ville.. Apply Box 127, States- mari Office, BowmamvMle. 18-1*ý Wantefd WAI4TED - IKOR S UM ME R mantha, cottage, or apanrtmerit, anl cenvenlences, furniahed, wlth gardon preferred. AppIy* Box 134, Statesman Office. 13-1 WAIITED - HIGHEST PICES pald for sera p batteries. Wben cour batt fils, bhIng ut in to by ournewli- stalled "WMard Trouble Ftnd- or Machine." G. F. Jamieson Tire & Battery Shop, King anà Silver Ste. 46-ti I i WANTEDe- lWoMANOkR GIRL P. O. Box 499, Bowmavile 13-1 HOUSPXEEPER WANTED-FOR elderly gentleman. Home cen- trally located with an caon- lences. Appl Box 129 States-, man Office, Bowmanvllle. 10-4 HELP WANTED-GIRL OR WO- mani for lght housework, easy position, sleop out. Phone 577. 13-1 WANTED - M"IA CARETAXER for few hours work each marri- ing. Year round job. Apply Balmnoral Hotel 13-1* WANTED-FAEM HAND, MAR- ried, for 7. mos. or a year. No milklng; separate quartera; hy- dro, gardon an44ae.Ait. G ham, NewcastlVPhone Clare 3321. -13-1 HELP WANTED-HOUSEId.EP- or for working man's hôme with 1 aduit and 3 achool age chil- dren, ail canveniencea. State age and salary expectod. Apply Box 132, Statesman Office, Baw- manvile. 13-1 Wanted to Rent WANTED TO EENT-IMDIUM- slzed house with garden and modern convonlences, itown or surroundlng district. Apply Box 133, Statesman Office, Bow- WANTED TO RENT- 5 oR e raemed bouse with modern con- venlences tI tewn. Immediate Possession. Apply Box 191, clo Statesman Office, Bowmanvile. 13-2 Agents WOMEN AND MEN W. Inleresting proposition one wbo wants ta Im; situation. We otter yo came our representath exclusive district. sell hundred houseÉhold ne including Tea, Coffea fitable basis. TÊry th wlthoul risk. Free pro cansuniers. Aiply 104 1435 MaritcalzÉ, MontN MAN 35 TO 55, WITHà Watkins Route whlch become available. Cas incneased public buyln wlth the largest compa klndi the worid. ( ciedlt furnished uali Masson. Street, Montrei Notice Tio Creditorgs R.S.O., 1937, Cha. 165, Sm 54-, ESTATE 0F ARTHUR W. AUl pétions having el 'àh against tho Estate of Arthur. W. Annis, late oftho Townshlp di Darlinglr, inte County ofD - hamn, who dled on or about-the. 6th of Marcb, 1941,' are ' hereble notltled te fil-wia the urideï. - slgned, on or befQre the 151hda ef April, 1941, full parti~ao théin dlaims. Imieclately.. af 1er said date, the assets et the deceag- ed wMl be distributed amongsl thoso entitled thereto, bnving nl* gard only ta dlaimusos filed., . Dated this 25th dày of March, 1941. CONANT & ANNI, Banristora, &c. Oshawa, Ontario. 13-2 h ___________________________________________________________________________________ WÉITE BEJWdS -6-. -Ibo. ,;M READY -cuir MACARONI - e Ibe.. 2" QUAKER CORN FLAKES - 2 for 1Me LYNN VALLEY WAX BEAMÉ 2atUn 19c, MOTHER PARKER'S TEA 1/2 Sb. 2 Monaroh lM Breakfast Pastry Fleur e Bacon- - lb. 310 solite Porkc Uortenl'ng 2,lb.23C Sausage -h 9 Cait.d. Vucn Peanuits 2 Ibm. eS Bologne lb. I5e îiMrshmallws lb. 25C Weiners ulb. 19e Domino T"a121lb. 330 b. 65c Cottage RollI L. 25c. VEGETABLE SPECIALS mmW CARROTS - - bunch se, NEW CABSAE - - -lb., 7t: FreshChoice Rhwbarlb 2 Ibo. 19e SpInaoh 2 Ibo.1e Raudiahes buneh Se Boots buneh se I151*]XID The Prescipion.. A document c ortan e cPhilan, Drtjgglt aid Patient, DISspeac acod.. i to aw. A guarantee cf Purity amd Reliahity.i Pureteat Y.agt mend Iron, Tablt 79o Cushioedc FaoeI. 2 boxe* 2»e Woodburyps Faclial Sop MINk of Maga Hot W. moto.e Guarateel e Scott* Emulsion sec t 450e$.'00 Bc to $2.00~OtL~ jury BLovel »M nwe tutes t c ilan>» Woperl Phonofl W. fritee plu UIIIT HOOfl4SH< i R FA s E die WA N TBA mi" 1 - - M.;-, 7Dil -1- , 1 - - 1 ; 1 . 1 ý - lZ,