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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Mar 1941, p. 3

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na fi ln A . oc. sify unme Thmsdy, Aii s Nbi, sunl 2.00 p Mu. vÉhr pdl14th. * lie ZTURNI lem.éinlu'~ p0dTp ca ti, 1941.,2 * *hosun&..hq.iig dUtyà _______ _______ __ of_ 1.'1 . m il TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE THREE TNURSDAY, MARCH 27, 1941 Life lM Nipigon RiverDistrict Iun Iorthern Ontari. God n E. W1fl= ue ^h the leck of snow in the district, Gottrdotan EOsore ontiu labistlat farmners were iorced to haul lettes o the ei r tln aitecwater cOnsiderable distance for resorce aiOntaio ortland thir tck,ead i ore cases dis- Carn Palep' 194o1 eaithindue ta tis scarcity mr Maroh 1ae1:41 ltmosture. This was a rare win- amC1 ter,.and Our onily heavy snowfilr " I ulnmer tnp borne, 1 have aOf tha year came on'May 1, which i many Peple0 dub'ouÇ re- bloéked the roads and rcmained the sub-zr e 'er to *Ith us a week before finally dis-r W h We acclimatize auj appJetrlrg. Wthhexcpi N a durng he iji~ ian~ I4anya wce1k'g heavy snowfall pnd bliz- of these thoughts. are _aa~,. zardï there has not been an cwer-8 exorr atahtewetr saeabundesice. o! the «white blariket' etreme than ln Southérn-n O an rd onlY dùrlng that week have t 't 'a "'ot 8a intense that a h the roadaà been blocked jor trans- i Casnadan could net stand 1t, pprtatibta ti year. Snaw plows b Ttsimyfaurth winter i tiUs, located i1t .trtegîc points keep Section,-two winters af whlch havee highWvàls apen during the been cald, anýd two, moderate. winter, up bore, as in Eastern On- UsuallY the winter setties in dur- tario. lng the.month ai November, and .But although the weathcr bere there Io na doubt atoaut, havlng ais more sevee, it has many ad- 'white' Christr',as. January and vantages. Teei aeo h Ferary are the mantiis af snow mid-wintcr thaws whlch charac- t which determine how long i the terizo a winter at home. Tphere is a sPring, the ground wrn stSUR be very littie danger afilcy roads due 1 covered, and cold. It ls generafly ta a sudden freeze-up ater a Jan-à' iApril bofore one is certain that uary rain. If we plan for a skating C( spring has really arrivcd, and May Party bore on a certain rilght, before the snaw bas cntirely dis- snowfails omltting, there lasnofia appeared. 0f course there are ex. worry causcd that pcrhaps thc ice ri ceptions and the last two seamons *111 not hold. It is truly the ideal . have proved tais. Canadian winter, and anyane who y During the first wlnter bere, enjoys witer sports can be as- CI tac temperature was aiten quite sured af Partaklng ln thern at an sevore, and once or twice droPPed times durmng Uhc winter montas ta 45 and 49 degrees below zero. at the Head af thc Lakes. h Atter New Year's in '38 the ther- And tac Wintcr Sports, Surely ta mometer remajtied at 35* belaw I do flot need ta mention that Utce zero for about a weok. These are Lakchcad, notably Port Arthur, isn Borne af the extreme temperatures, renowned for its hockey teams. th as Most winter days hover about When anc is ncw to this section, it zeto, clear, bright and frosty with is well that he withholds ail co na breeze ta mention. Although ment an hockey until ho proves r tais is cold, tac day bas none of himself- adcpt at the gante ord tac severity and sting af a South- camnes froni a town or City havig dh erm Ontario zero day with a wind. at least a couple af championsips h The lack ai humidity in the air under its beit. (Coming from out- Co accaunts mainly for tac fact that side Osbawai I amn now. able ta re you fail ta notice the extremity of talk with some experience on the ag tac tempematume an a cold winter subject ai hockey). But Port Ar- day. Then everyone dresses for thur can certaly be proud ai thc weather wita wool or fur her hockey tearns, wita an ail- caps, beavy windbreakors, ski Canadian record ai four Allan suits, etc. (nat ta mention a good Cup Cbampianships - three ai warm suit of flannels), and your whieb werc obtained in five ycars battle against the weatber is prac- from '25 ta '29, and champions in tically won.. their Own rights that ail players Iii an average year the sflCw 15 wer barni and. dcveloped in the quite plentiful, belng around four Twln Cities. Can you wander ta five feet in deptb. The winter taon that the Port Arthur citizens af 1939-40 was, an exceptionai take Uhifr hockey mast seriously, year. Whilc tac Central States and practically livo on the subject and Soutaemn Ontario <Bawrna¾.. durlng tac Aflan Cup playoffs? ville district included) were dig- ging tbemselves out 'repeatedlY ln ÇamorOn Falls there la an from uner nowanks th Lae oen ar rnk nd n awinter with Superiar district was quite Im- littie snow, or snawstomms far mune fom it ail. Sa critical was spartp Uhc sanei s kept clear and 1 ______________________everyonc skates. Saturday and Sunday aternoans are the busiest JEN for skating and hockey. Most ai tac cmployees are froc on these Wl a enos, and orne bard-playod shinny games resuit. Oftton theH South. Darlingtan marshes have I payed at Uic game but neyer have S& I ncountete< a marc deteXmnnd R I Mor b »P .- uad thgn w bhave t beme. he res itoa course is that 1 this section ai ýCanada can hold its own agalnst, any and ail toWns.-Le Proma The Statesman I notice E that many journey ta Ennlskiilen AU ta ski. Although net very bifly, i Cameron Falls ls fottunate in bav' Col M ing on~e or two blils situated in thc centre of thc village, and hcm*e the baya and girls fro siyer -particular are quite skilled ini tais geri AW. art. One young lad, twelve years mar Ç of a age, in my rooni at scbool, as would not besitate ta go down any byir -emember ber dsIIy hi» you could poit out ta hlm, HIor and this ho would praced ta do as ing unconcernedly as waUklng on Uicby lffiLl]1 ]tiàfoz level Always he skis ta school wini IheNWbssWyeTekgHMUbgUvoe aranj practically lives on taem i sug She needs added sourcsofve- taec open durlng -tae wlnter boas mins A and D ta moite up for th montas. Nearly every chlld h ere Dom recelves a pair af skis, and you pogi absence cf summer sunshlne and can readily sec tac -advantage ifu- fresh vegetables. The ploacant these chîldren, wlth the Nortbern ia -Way ta give these vitamins l in tr odvethmdl-ad m naturel fon arm a dll doe f sintrbast oferthelddme-aged suar nake il thne diffrne con . Lait year the Canadian Ski Meet a he dis resistanco. IlustWîce as ric was held at Fort Wl i ',and iln an sCdLvr Sunday an ItratoaSki Meet (3) In iti o avrag iBPdsDarCd. ivr w as held there wita Duluth, Mlrm. Baie 011 f avrageB.-sanarTed and other centres particlpating. a pi addition cf a ouW-flta As we were\at Fart Willam iwe Une luit. obtained f rom fresh, lusclous went out ta Mount Mackay where higi orngeta thes palteof ng picthemeet was held, but taeimuli- oaih In astshipdloteo f he aiy s tude ai cars and people (wbich spirî :htidren sild.ofor m ol tse. testif les ta tac keenness exhiblted such Chilren sk fr moe.bore) prevented us fram parking "Tbc Aduits, tao, find Hlibarange a tac car - and incidentaly, wc Mort ipiendid aid for building UP- ce rect wonnd up at Dr. 'A. Er, Allin's Hi utrition end maintaining. nonne! homo for tea. neti wolth. TW ilt ta-day. 1 mentianed i the previaus lot- cr bc ach gram of Haliboronge centaine e htti ilg a e as 792 ..vitamnin A trta hsvlaebsanwCU 114 I.U. vitamin D Community Hall. Tinis atac cen- Loy. (ta be conttaued) SINGERS AND THEIR SONGS Wnlte $elly Or The sttsa elknown Durir by re oey 123 Lake St., St. Cathawlneuo, ont. take 'each' alternate Wednesdai i Preacbig ta théir respectivi congregations.2 As tacy bold ser Vices ini Nipigon an Sunday, tai fnilnisteh cannot core ne o n tha- daY, thus -tac rason for Wcdnes. day church. Thus on Sundays wi are withont any service, oxcopl S nday Scbool, foi the children sa with a good ice surface and embractag air who can resist s real lively game of shinny?. But enaugh of wlnter- sparts, Thepas weck bai been qulte mlld boareand tha naw bai rnelt- ced considerably. Sa anc more monta af winter and tac rivers will be freeofa!ce for fishing, *hile taé saftball will replace the skate and ski. Of sofibail and hardball, tacre ls nat tac sanie ent usasm an d com pétition as ta UcEsst, due ta thé shorter play- ing selson, and the annayance ai black fies and mosquitaes froin lune an. The summor soason la roally de- lightful. This country mnay be stated as having only two soasons -suniaer and wlntcr. Wlta tac last bit af snaw dlsappoared, suri- m may be said ta be bore - and the most delightful , days are ahead frani June ta, Septembor. M'anY refuse ta travol east ta Uic lummor holldays, preferrig tac cool ovenings and wamm days ai thla région, ta thc bot sultry woa- them ai Eastern Ontario. And reaily wben anc beomes acdima- lized bore, you wonder whother 'au are dalng rlght in leaving tac bhoicest and lavelleat manths ai tho year ta summer in tae cast. Next week pmoviding fia one bas cancelled bis subscription due to the publication ai those letters, nd pmaviding ydu can still stand mrioe, I shaîl attempt ta relate on th Nipigon iishig, and the me- 3ources and Industries ai the dis- Lrict. P.S.-I spoke tao soon. Yester- fay (Sunday) we had one of thc leavicst blizzards that hashit tais ,ountry for same time, with Uic .sult that moads are blacked igain for a few days. (Recoivod toa late for last week) Visitars: Mr. andi Mms. John Sbackelton and sons, Bowmen- vlle, at Mr. Fred Cameron's. ... Master Gary Chant, Hampton, at Mm. Retord Camerons. .. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Lee, Diane andi Brian, lKedron, Mr. Douglas Sbeckeltan, Bawmenyiile, et Mrt. A. T. Stai- ton's. . . Mis. A. T. Stainton visit- cd Miss Bernice Stainton, Peter- bora.6 . Mr. andi Mrs. Morley Fhintoif and -daugirters, Meple Grave, at Mr. Wos. Caeoon's.. Mis. Wes. Cameron and Mrs. Robt. Killen attcnded a aurprise party for Mr. and Mis. Delbert Plintofi, lKedron, et Mr. Ed. Brown's, ini Lianar ai tacir fiteenth wedding anniversary..-. Mr. and Mms. Aif. Aync and family et Mn. Hansen Richards', Oshawa. . . Mr. F. B. Glaspell attcnded a shoepbmoed- ens' meeting ta Toronto. . . Mis. F. B. Glaspeil visitoci ber brother, Mr. Ivor Germy, Toronto. . . Mis. Wý. Glaspdl, Oshawa, at Mr. F. B. JESUS ]LOVEIR OF My SOU Gaseilsfrt M.and Mrs.à isus, Laver o!frny soul, Mm. and Mrs. P Lot me ta Thy basoni fly tended the Goc rbile tac nearer waters rafi, Saturday niglit. V/hile Uic tempest stlil la igh Mr. Lloyd S lide me, 0 my Saviaur, bide, home from Bowri Til» tac atorm oais apast; an Saturday nlg] rtce into the hayongude; a speedy mecover 0 reccive my sou at lait!1 Mr. and Mis. A and Mrs. N. Dai )her refuge have I flanc; tendetheUi Provi Hangs niy helpless saul oni Convention at L Thee; lave, ah! leave me nat alone; Scientisis have Sti spprtand cmatm.medicinal, value l My trst on Te lastyd seecis. Apparent Aiem hp ramP hee I bin;ta kcep tac dactx Irm eencresm ed Zgailbeen eating With the sbadow ai Thy wn.otha apple. Pcrhaps fia ather hyin in he iglisb languago bas sa many le- head wita tac ida surrounding its birta or sa wtag," was answ, any staries failowiaig in its train was fired and fia Char les Wesley's best loved that nigbt. (3) MW nn "Jeans, Lover ai My Soul." about "an ungodi ýre are a few narratives regard- ped itt one ai Sis origin: (1). A dave, cbaicd Exeter Hall was 1 a hawk, flying in at bis. open by the siglng of ndow and ligbting on bis bosom, My Saul." Not ggested taec Une "Lot me ta Thy wards ai Spurgea som fly."' (2) V/hon iCounty I tacsang bad rn mmn, Ireland, in a stan aof un- Hugb Price Hu îllyhe was cbased by an preacher of Engla nredmab, he found refuge er af Mark Guy a milk bouse. Mrs. Moore, the West London Mis zncr's wlte, detalned thre pr- vision In bis wl ru whilc Wesley escaped tar' - -u0 OChrist, iege at tac rear, inspirin ic h loudbe parved e "qctber. re«nge have L. none."' stone. This was SIt wau wiritten in 1730 on bis sung as tac bodj e arrivaI fromn Amènica. atter Moody was bein Srllous-storm at sea-b-ence Utihe grave. e"whlle thc tempest sti» is i ( 4) It was the autpourin Thon, 0 Christ, s ,his heart tallawlng Uic groat More than al 1 ritual experlonce that wrought Ralse the iallen,i ra change I bis wbole life,-- Heal the sick, s aou, O Christ, art .a»l I want, blind. e taan ail Ita Tire, I fmd."' Juat and boly is 7 las brother, John Wesley, dld I ami ail unrigl taclude tais hyma in bis carli- False and full of i books af praise, - passibly bo- Thon art full ai se it meferred ta Jeans as a Plenteous iface m or. Ho dlsapproved ai endear- foni termsapplicd tai aur Lord such raf oner cear Lord, lovlng Saviaur, etc.,Lot the healing st [h bis brother Charles used i n Make and kecp r riany ai bis hymins. Ho la re-Thou oa ificthc fi ted as saylng incnaiofhi; revltm non, 111 have particularly en- rivlTotume tw vaured In ali the hynins ad- SRing Ton up w.e ssed ta aur blesscd Lord ta C. Wo id evemy fondllng expression ta speak as ta the Most High rray Ias ai not tais using too !h famillarlty with tac great ~" ai Hfeaven and carta? " luI'0 rhether John Wesley apprav. >f tais hymn hI later years or ~~,<5<< bas not lessened its iluence "M MK *pnlarlty wberever tac Chris- . U M R religion bas been carrled, ta tac nttermost parts of the i~ GPOWLINC h. Henry Ward Beecher sald NOU~ HAVEN" "i wôuld rather have wnltten ANY MILI< MO~ hyn noa Wesley'& - 'Jeans, er ai My Soul' - than to bave OUAN PAg O fame af ail the klngs that ever on earth. It la mare gloriaus; ismore powertanrt; lt wllgo lnging until tac trmn brlngs àthe angel band, anT taon I kit wil» niunt Up an Borne . o the very preuence of God." ridents and anecdotes sunr- iling tais hymn would f111 a rie. Here are a few, brily i. (1) A vessel, paundin ta esn themrocks In theEngLh anel; tac storm safierce that >oats could not be launcbed. )au the tide camne tac words a! hyrnn, "msate into tae haven e,0 recive my soul at last."1 Ksoidier itae Sauta, during Civil War, wau dolng guar3 at nlgbt, pacig up and down onel beat. Just qts the rifles V~< scauting band were tralncd ï, 8 ou 11 The prayer h e, 'wekeênd. *-'-1 -- t.naan Balson andi Pred Cameron et- odycar dance an ;taintan rcturned nmanville Hospital git. We wisb bim y. A. T. Stainton, Mr. n>Ebenezor, at- Méllîe1 Tei'pèrence aondour. edIscoveci ,great i crusheci apple [y i ôur efforts or away we have shadow oai ' lercd. Nat a si attack was ma &r. Spurgeon t [Iy stranger Stf a ur services brougbt ta Chr "Jeans, Lover tathesearcbl Dn but tae appq racbcd bis bea ugbes, that gr( and and co-wo y Pearse ~in alaon,. lcft a p 11 that Ulis i art ail I war aon bis memar thc lait hyi V' ai Dwl ghlt ig lowered in art all I want; In Thee I fInd; cheer tac faini and lead. the !hy Naine; Iteousness: sin I arn; !trVlta and grac wita Thee la au My si; treama abound rie Dure witai tuntain art, tke of Thee; vthin niy heart ity. Amet esley, 1707-1781 13 My~ rT 41VEN IT DAY FPOM )AIRY 4- MORE MEI N BINGCALLED ty re r- Le it 3- )t a 3. e e JEInfield e'Mr. Fred Reynalds, an Enfielci boy, froni Ardrossan, Alberta, at Mi. L. C. Pascoe's. Mr. Reynolds -attended Enficld Scbool about 45 Eiyears aga. lHe was alsa a member aio the Sons ai Temporance homo. His lest vîsit hero was l5 yoars raga. S Mr. ife Hately, Troehearn Man., visiteci iriendff and treatcd them ta nmre aId tirne music for wbich ho la well known. Miss Myrtle Taniblyn, Otona, visited at J. W. Bowman's. Miss E. J. Pascae was entertain- cd arr ber birtaday at Mrs. H. Beaton'Oshawa. Mrs. J. Connor, Port Hape, visit- cd hem daughter, Mis. M. Sîceman. Miss Elsie Samis, Peterbaro, andi Miss Grace Stark, Brooklln, were borne aom rtac woekond. Miss H-elen Stark cntertained a number ai friends ta an aftonoon tea an Satnrday. Sprtag la bero! Marny wood- chucks have boon seon. On March 22nd, borned harks wome seen and- an March 23rd tacfifrat robins were seen. Parcupines have beon trirnmng trees in Harold Ormis- tan's waads this wintom. The sermon on Sunday was an "Thy wl» ho donc." The minister stmessed tac difference botwoen Thy and my wl». Meny ai ns put aursolves flrst. Mr. Neil McCulloch was guest artist at tac Masonic banquet in Bownianvile. The W. A. social cvcning heid at tae home ai Mrts. L. C. Pascoe on March l4tb was well attonded. We off or yau cither of these practical courses, or a Special Military Short Training Course, designed for those wishing ta, join the R.C.A.Fý You do nat need previaus radia knowledge for any af thern. Ceuilied Wkites Op.uatoe Trains you for- well-paid psitions with conmmunicatians services an land, with airportu, an ships. This course laids ta Govemament exam. and certificate. Wonderful peacetime profession andi pportuitic, to. & Any course may be taken by a _proven, practical uystem of hm.mutdy, meina a omient doms in aur modern Toronto callege. Bach course is very rnod- rately priced and may be paid for on budget terme. ,We wil? gladly discusa tbem with yau, and give yau persanal caunsel and advice, witbout any obligation. *Here is positive proof thar 1LC.C. studeat. DO get jobs! Our graduates have becs esnployed by:- Ro'al' Cii. Air Force Hudson'. Bay Ca. -Roy a ar. Navy Marconi Co. CMP. (Can., Eng. & U.A.) Lp.of Transport Philco E tyalCn. Corps of Signais Ragera Majestic ? Ca Airways RCA Victor Ont, ArwaygCon. Gen. Blec. DO . kyways Stromberg.Carlsn Co, Ont, orsryDet Bel Telephone Ca. Pan-A==i.Airwy28s Robe. Sinpson Ca. sud many others dirouglrout Canada ami tire Empire. Plan. l'hy oarly planting and cool, wct wea- ihot Gadner. adc Ca.uauuaflaren Second planted vegtables wii Servi be carrais, boans, cabbage, pota- tp- Sevce tocs andi similar taidngs. These wil Sat BY Gordin Lindsay Smith rcsist a fair amount ai cold. Ton- riat aio der vogotablea include corn, mcl- ng Too1 mucb stresa cannot be laid ns, cucumbers andi taratoo. cal o plnig escalyw reNataig la ta be gatacd by plant- art.On lannngespcialy wereing these befoe danger ai frost la ýeat perennial flowers, shrubs and ver. m s o ealsi a ai thre taings- are amail wben originaily visabie ta make at least three So». Plantcd, bt Mi a iew years it la sawtags a woek or two apart in ie sup hsngbw mnch rooni they arder ta spread thc barvest that 't"y te Thje average persan mticb longer over tac scason. rilplantsj far taa close together Wlta poas tais spreading ont is Innl and in tae case ai trocs and shrubs, secureci by sawtag tarce kinda, an L. far too cdose tatac bouse or fences. oarly, a Medium andi a late, varie- nta As a general mule, shrubs, trocs t3' which wiil rosult. in a continu- and fiawers sould have hait as is spply of- green pas for tac mcb raam btwen as theïr na- table from mic-June until late turc heglt. This mans at least July. Lt two feet apart fr penis, three Proper tinning, frequent culti- spiresa a for -five ta fit ty vation and an accasianal appli- and a hl!fe o the ardiary cation of some gooci commercial1 foot for tac general mun af Cana- fertilizer wl» keep vegetables dian hardwood trees. grawing quickly and quick grow-1 At îrt tiis may sem fartoo ing makes for tendemneas. ce. open, but tic apace may be taken np with annual iiowers, ta tac Next week - Steep Slopes, New case ai a porennial bed, andi witb Vegetebles, Flowers to it.' tomporary, quick-grawing shrub -_________ bery and trocs, wlta Uic athers. In faet, many gardeners naw use It's for tac Bays--Glve a day'sc fn. permenently a mixture ai annual pay ta tac Canadien War Servicesr plants i their perennial bordemu. Fund. In the case ai trocs, it la a weli- .t, established iact that natnre uses %:. the quick-grawing papier as a 8.sort ai nurse crop for pinos. First -came thc popiar, killing ont weeds and grass, and praviding Sideel snrnioundings for the slowem ~gmawing, sbade-iaving pine. Sweet 1Peas As the wet pea devoops ex- tensive noot grawtb and upper vine structure wen tac weather > is cool, It must be pianted jnst as soon as thc sali is fit ta work. Planting directions are simple but important. Successful gardeners - advise a trench, dng at ieast a foot .~ deep, fifled within two taches aof' the top wlth ich sali, mixed wita -sh well-rotted manure ar old lbaves.. . Seed is planted about an Inch or two deep. Rains will wash mare sali into tac trench, fiiling it up gredualiy andi thus adding further ta root growth. Flowers wbicb start in July shonici be plcked daily ta encouîage steady blooni- Vegetable Plantings In planting, vcgetableu corne- under the .beadigs - ha r dy, senti-hardy and tender. Among tac first are uplnach, ail sorts oi lettuce, radih andi gardon p cas. A littie .frait wlll not hurt these. Once upon a tume gardeners ad- viued agaÏmlt tae eariy, uowlng of peas for foan emcci gbt mat In wet, cold ground. Thore la scant danger ai tis, bowever, and big- gest cro» JuvmnablY carne from HARRY LATHWBIL As ci ernployec he studied while working in an Albeta camp. Thif.asdia, btUon and initiative paid hlm bi g dfvldendsl 0niy a Jeu, weeks af te, Passiti hie Gagt. ntamstWe sen bhon go NLew TYorkas Chie!Radio Operatov of a 7,00 ton vessel oing ta Europe. Mauy othe t us dnts haute hen equally successum unds? R C..taunique HomneStudy Applied Radio Techuiian Trains yau thorougbly in Modemn Wirc- lois, Television, Facaimule, Frcquency- Modulation, Electric Eye, etc. Traincd service mon urgentiy needeci on war' wark NOW. This course often îtepping 0 If yau are over 17, and bave at leait 2 years cf Higir Scboal, for the sake cf your awn future yau should 'INVESTIGATE tais praven apportunity ta make tac mt o u-admalit Fil! f ti coupan-withaut obliga-j t--- -d - mail --i--- -D- - IRadio College of Canada, ICS I54 Bloor St. West, Toronto, Ontario. BS IPicase send me full information, FREZ ana wIbmm4t o bligation an baw I cen qualify for a w efl-pald position. INazne I Address Ige GEORGE H. ROBINSON fie studeuî studied ta be su Applied Radio Tlechnician et hie home inu &onewiJl. Mauitoba. Whe= he gvaduai. ed tee faund him teork suth s Taooto Radio Deale,aud laie, with Baiou's Radia Dept. Ne then joinied R.C.A. Victor. 'l'day ha le Soîud !nginiev foi s Chain 0a) aee 70 Matie Tlheat-,es in To-a ronto., lespausible loif full tefvidcing. asud ,aies *My asi.oj.iown installations. Tis succeseful studet frarn Sackvulle, N.B., gvaduseed from oui Rasident 'Course. We plsted hlm wuth Phllca. Co. sud laie, teuih theTesl't aud Inspection Dept. af Roeets-Majestic. He becaine MAà. 9.ualiîy,-Caultfol En- ginceeo-a h:ghly respousîble position. He wuas ieceutly selected as oneta0i1 tine fi-rntht whole af1Canada ta jun tht British Admitalty iu a nete Dept. af Radio Research. adsud teahe ouly I I 1.6244 I ~m ------ - ----- - - - - - - - u FERTIlLIZER FOR THIS YEAR'S CROP Greater care then ever w»]l neeci ta be exerciseci thia year ini tac choice of fertilizers for farmr craps. The Canadien fermers' chiot war Job will bo ta incroase the production af dairy praducta af ail kincis; therefore, tac wise fermer will plan tais year's opera- trans endi purchase bas supplies ai tertilizers end other essentiels wita tais endcin view, if ho bas tac money. Ho wiil also have ta plan hi@ womk sa taat ho cen got alang wita a minimum ai labour- as meny nealize. The requiiod increasoci produc- tion ai dairy producis cen, be mot in part by icreasing the carryýing capacity ai pastures,icreasing tac quality ai bey, anci wbere passible, increasing tac production af grain. The taniifty fermer wi»l givo greater attention ta tac pro- servation andi use o! barnyard manure and wfIU consgder fertili- ,zer chiefly as a supplement ta it. Experimenis conducteci at tae Ex- Poriniental Station et Frederictonj andi on tac New Brunswick Mlus-j tration Stations, tadicate that binationo wta enad meane Lon tr. old stick to Picobac year aûter year the way they do unless they found it milder, cooler, sweeter. So will you. Take my tip and buy a package today. It's the pick of Canada's Burley crop and you'II agree with the thousands who say UgI DOES toute god in a pipe 1" HANDY SEAL.TiGHT POUCH -1 5a W/JLB. "LOK-TOP" TIN - 65e ais. peck.din Pocket Tins* Pm1ý obac GROWN JN $UNNY, SOUTHERN ONTARIO IThe conservation andi careful ut»l- on Dzana barnyard manuro, tacre- ' Ore, hulci e heacfirst cnsidera- tion m inhcmeastag production and in. permanent Improvernent oftha soil. The chiot dufficulty, howcver, la that tacre la usually nat suffi- dient barnyard manure for ail neecis. The use ai chemical fer- tilizons ta stipplernent it la an econanuical practice if judiciausly followed. For pastures, bay end grain thc fillowing fertilizer applications cen ho recommendeci for 1941: «Unlesa a permanent pasture lu abundantly supplicc i wta white claver, a complote fertilizer mix- ture shaulci ho useci, sucb as a 2-12-6 an tac beavler and richer sals, andi a 5-10-5 or a 5-9-8 an ligirter sals low ta nitragen. On mast sals 500 ta 600 pouncis per acre cen be useci wita profit. The application shoulci ho made very TheaCity ai Ataens bas grenteci hnnor y ciinship ta President Roosevelt aid nameci a street in tac Greek capital atter hlm aid awarded hlm thre Galci Medal ai Ataeàs. Rations for tac fimemen and FORTRAI -Au ý 1 1 1 ROY DLJXDURY af Brantfard, Ontario Tis rduate recefued Iris trainng rom 0 0SLWiColleze rhrough a Home 9tudy Course, wlr:ch he completed fin March 1940, arnd received his Government Certificate. Our Placement Department <mme- diately Put him ini touch with hs firt mpoyrand in only -a few days a.1f:er lgraduating he was oft his UPa ta ýew York *City ta foin RiiS. Nerissa as Radio Ojfrer. His jlrst asiîgnment was on the run bc- tiecen New. York, the W'est Indies, :i Bernuda. On returrnng ta New Y'Tork he went ta En gland on an red cruiser, arnd was lir:er trans- fered to service in Indian waters. Although Mr. Duxbury Iras beer in the service for only a short tîme. ànd is not yet 21 years aid, he has aiready rece:vez! pay itrcreases and Promotioni. n position. He ta now servrng in the Indin Ocean as Chief Radio Officer. lns case-history s only orne of marny -whose records ,nay lie seen at the Ïtffces ofRai College of Canada. Drsw Bfgger Puy From the Stant Many Army snd Civils.n Jobs WAITING-Read How Other Men Trsined for Promotion 'P Eneed for men trained i Wireless is greater than L eer before. Neyer again may there be the opportunities that are YOURS if you act NOW! Canada needs-must have-many more wir6less-trained men for vitally important war industries .., as Radio Officergi the Merchant Marine Service . .. in the R.C.A.F., the Navy, and various branches of the Army. Get your traiing NOW, by studying iten- sively for a few months-without disturbing your present work-and so be ready, i either Civil or Army life, for higher standing, better pay, and more responsible work. Sec how these other mon succeeded-they studied the sanie courses that wc now off cm YOU. For over 12 years Radio Callege of Candda has been a leader in training mon in Modern Wireless. Hundreds of ather successful graduates aIl over Canada are the living proof that these caurses are bractical-that emplayers are eager ta take aur graduates. Our Placement Departinent receivès aimait daily requesta for trained men-is naw placing students in big-pay jobs directly they AUSTIN WORTMAN 1 iNGý

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