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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Mar 1941, p. 5

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1~BTT~àDTIL4I27141 Durham couple Celeb rate Golen eding at Mliaitir Ianu One oi the autstanig events iW dd hlstory af thc Miami caMmunity W d was Uiecéclébration an Mai-ch GUi ai Uic Golden -Weddlng ai a wor- Uiy and esteemed couple i he i rdlyLn Persans af Mr. and Ibo.Fred 1IniUic vcstry oa tilnlty Unitedj Orchard at their farrni home on Church, Toranto, an Satutday,t tic Outikirtg aiUcthaWn. March i2nd, Milss C. Norene Lag The happy edaughter ai Mrs. N. A. Lang,reho-i Tu ap vent was notable in came Uic bride ai Mr. Leonardr thc tact that t'ne large family wi Carl BradleyOhwsna r wich Uiey have beca blcssed arc and Ivrs. L. G. Bradley, Ennlskl.t ail alive and enjoy good health len. Lieut.-Col. Uic Bey. G. O. i and prosperlty. 1Falla is flciated.a A With Uic exception ai one mcm- The bride wore a frock ai whls- _eber al Were homo ,and a real fam- per blue French crepe, with l ily rcunlon was cnjoyed. Thaso brown aquirrel jacket cinnamone preseat conslstcd ai Clarence, brawn accessories, an<â patterncd0 Arthur, Hulver and Leta (Mn. baku straw hat. Her corsage was C Lorme Mcerîe) with their f am- ai Rapture msos and white freesia.u flics. Rhea, Mrs.' Caldwel af Her sister, Miss Olga Lang, was Daughlin, was uaavoldably 'Pré: 1r attendant, wearing dusky rasev vcnted foua attendlag. crepe, wlth silver fox jacket, rose & Mr-. and Mrs. Orc11ard, nec toit bat and corsage ai Premier% Hannah Lauma Hockin, were unit- roses and forget-me-nata. Mr.B cd in matramony in Oshawa, On- Haward J. Bradley was grooms- tario, an March 9, 1891., man. . One yoar atter their mariage A receptian followed at' Uic they went West, settling tempor- home ai the bride's imather, who N arily at Carbemry, Man., but in welcamed 11r gueste wcarig a- M 1894 thcy moved ta the Miami dis- gown ai black pebble crepe ac-t trict. cented with sequins, and corsage B This district- appcaled ta thein ai Tlisman roses. Mrs. Bradley C1 ta such an exteait that thcy decid- was gowncd li black sheer, with CE cd ta cstablish a home; and have similar corsage. Atter a matai- sr succceded la cstablishing anc ai trip the bride and'groomn will live thé flacat in Uic district. Mr. Or- in Oshawa. tg chard specialized frora Uic begin- ning in whcat iarming and his success la phenomenRl. During al SIiaw' these years ho has not had a rap S a failure. -Mr-. Orchard as an out- standing example ai what a man The manthly meeting ai Shaw's <an do when ho has an objective Home and School Club for Mai-ch and thc déter~mination ta succeed. b Ris splendid tarais invaiu was held in the schaol house withb part ai hisdistict and his îPresident Garnet Rickard in Uic O eqpasoftisa sri o c a tibuelchair. After Uic usual apcning cx- c] ta Uic pedid thma r aîong teercises the minutes were read by e wi the apgoodimate.mwr ln the secrctary, Miss- Cronk. At the en On Uic odaye. oin Ucfollowing business meeting it was e Oeerina the na owcdlg en decidcd ta buy a piano beach, and dn aérecration wasthelwedwich was ta ocomply with request for layette < taken advantage af by a general frwrwr.Cmite ceBo exadus ai the citizens ai the tow appointed to attend ta these mat- e and district ta pay thoir congratu- ters. AIso -a Play to be given inM lations and tributes in wishing aid ai B.W.V. thcm nmaary more years ai marricd The pragramn presentcd was un- tor lie., der the canvenorshlp af Mrs. Kylc vol Mr. Orchard has given atten- Squair and was as tollows: The tion ta social and fraternl ia- opening number, a piano solo by terests, bcing a Past Master ai Uic Mrs. Otto Bragg, was ta have been Midothian Lodge Na. 90, A. F. & a duet but pastpanement ai Shaw's jo A. bi.1 H. & S. braught it in canflict with 3 Editom's Note-Wc are ladebted the town H. & S. meeting, causing ta Mark Wcstaway, druggist, ai Uic unavWidablc absence ai Miss ex, ia, Man' anather Durham Leta Bragg. Rosa Aflin, accom- tIi Count boy who has made gaod la paniod by Miss Margaret ýPearcc, Ai Uic West, for sendlng us this re- tavorcd with a violan solo. Mr. r part. . Garnet Rickard, the president, was hcr ýOWMAIIVILL, OflTA1U& calcd upan ta intraduce Uic gi. speaker, Bev. W. P. Ragera, Bc -manvifle. This 11e did la teri praise and gratitude for wc donc by Bev. Rogers ini Uic terest ai boys durlng his.pastor i Newcastle and elsewhere.? Rogers fcelingly acknowledg Uic words ai approciation a praceeded ta give a mhoit timi and well Uiought out addre (wlihautline on B.B.) deali wli religlous education and znc al influences hi Uic achool und Uic hcading "Arc Wc Bcing Shoi Measured I lducation?"It sec: hiot cnough 'ta have childi-en ight but bchind that should Uic hIbrcd desire for 1 Iht doli that wlll make lite a jay' nd du a delight, and ail ploasure sa and Banc and sensible. Very pain takingly and clearly Uic speai lcd lais audience fromi cause ettect and waËning ai Uic dangi ai itellectual developmcnt n mo-related wi moral andI spirl ual elevation. At conclusion ai the addi-css, variation Uic audien~ce stood t and sang heartily «"Thcre'fl A ways Be an England," with Mr Bragg at the piano. Another very instructive ai interesting fMature af Uic prograi was Uic lantera lecture givon b Mri. Carveth, Newcastle, showin noving pictures ai Lake Louis, the Bocky Mountains, Victori B.C., and other i-cela af resideni of Newcastle, and anc ai very rE cnt anigin showlag the proi snow plow i action. Aiter votes ai Uianks Uic Ni tlanal Anthem was, sunq. Nestieton The Nestîctan W. A. met in thi basement ai the Unitedi Churcl )n Thursday atternoan. Presiden fra. W. G. Bowles was in tUi liair. Sci-ipture rcading was giv m by Mrs. G. Bawers, graup lead. ýr for Uic meeting. Ladies gavg n blocks for the bale qufit, ani lecidcd ta have a maple syi-up sa. dal at a later date. Mrs. W. G owlcs sang "Mother MacCi-cc' ,adings by ivrs. S. Malcolmn and rs. L. Jablan. Lunch was scrvcc )y Mi-s. Bowers and 11cr gi-oup, or which Uiey reccived a hearty otc ai thanka. The St. Patrick Social an Friday Jght was quite a succesa. Alien Dyod the Irish program and Iris Dkes. Sympathy af Uic community h xtcnded to Mrs. Frcd Hyland InJ ce passlag aif11cr tather, Mr- Lbraham. Beacock, Bawmianviile. Nestîcton W. I. will meet at the ome ai Mi-s. Grant Thompson on UTSINNIDCAR ~~WW 44.MhFW a. C-= Have you setn the Ford ... the big new 1941 Ford. In actual feet and inches it's the roonilest car in its price clame. Greatet inuide length! Greateat total seating width! Extra knee-room and head-room!, Wider doors! Larger windshield! A spring-base'that's inches longer. It'. the big car with the thrifty engine. Only Ford, at this- prioe, la, poweired with an eiglit. Higlit cylin- ders for smoothness as ini Aznerica a higliest priced cars. Gaaolipie economy, that has outatripped all compe- Long life and reliability that, persuades, Ford owners to buy one Ford after another. Wliat's more,, the 1941 Ford lias that big car "feel"-that road- hugging stability on. the curvea or on the straightaway. This year Ford riding qualities are a revelation- a completely new ride made possible by "'Slow-Motion Springs," plus improved shock absorbers, new stabilizer, a more rigid frame. Ford prices are still lowest. Get Iin toucli witli a Ford dealer and see wliat an attractive deal.lie is willing to offer. $35 a month with reasnable down payment buya any Ford. V-8 r, Au F. COI & SON -168 Xin et. W.Authorized Dealer for Ford Parts shw uestSKOLfiP 'rif3 some of the earliest settlers of G. Carnochan on the blrth of a lo-Ontario east. son. is Of The funeral obsequles were held Aircraftman Bill Breck has been rrk on Sunday at high noon, a brief transferred to Quebec province in- service being conducted at the for further training. rate home and at St. John's Anglican Visitors: Mr. Church, Blackstock, with Rey. E. Mr. W. Hoskin vislted his sister, Ied P. Wood i charge and Rey. Dr. Mrs. S. Bragg i Bowmanviile and C. E. Whttaker, Toronto, asslat- wh is I. iey ng. Interment took place in the Me0s. currCrsi1n Churc Cemeery.Cole of Bowmanville with Mr. H. ling ~As father in the hone, as a me- trn. 1er long citizen of Cartwright, as a rt-r friend and neighbor, as a faithful Mr. and Mrs. M. Heard and Ort-man of God, exercisg a fine in- children, Enniskillen, Miss Jean dos fluence wherever he went, we Joms, Bowmanville, Miss Ella doreadily appreciate the fact that Hoskin, Oshawa, Mr. Wallace be Mr. Archer was highly respected Munday, Mr. Walter Ormiston, dng in liMe and deeply lamented in Maple Grove, Mr. Glen Hoskin, ity dah Oshawa, Mr. Bert Hoskin, Tyrone, Inse The large number attending thewthM.WHok. funral desepit h ifculties of EatBek .... alc er tion of the respect and apprecia- Betty Moffatt, Oshawa, with Mrs. grW. J. Galbraith tion in which he was held. Keen T. G. Breck. stctzj,ýand widespread regret is felt at Tpr. Howard Gatcheil, Camp it- One of Brampton's oldeatctzfa the remaval of a man of unblem- Borden, is home on furlaugh. W. J. Galbraith, 92, died ,at hisi!shed integit and constructive Mr. and Mrs. H. E. House and as home, March l9th. Mr. Galbratth go citizenship who was ever children and Mr. J. Shortridge ui taught i Brampton High 5<1101 re)ady to sponsor any movement with Mrs. Blight, Brooklin. Zl for twenty-one years, and wasIii for the common goad. He was a Mr. and Mrs. D. Gatcheil, Osh- Ers spector of Peel County Pub*i staunch upholder of the Christian awa, with Mrs. J. Gatcheil. schools for another cighteon years. virtues, an active member in full Mr N. Hudson with frionds in id He attended the University of Tào- communion with St. John's Angli- Oshawa. m ronto, where 11e got his M.A. de- c<an Church, Blackgtock. He will ________ by gree, and later taught in high be sorely missed and his place will ig schools in Hanaver, Palmerston, be hard to f111. se, Oakville, Streetsvillc, Newcastle MrHAcerlaprvtony i a, ad Brmpto. Hereticd * widow and five children, M Ha pto rIt Survivlag are his widow; one sonl, William Fee, CrwihMs eetn yptyt r.H. re- Scott, Of Bapo;adaduh Meredith Thompson, Cartwright, Cale i the death of 11cr mather, v.ter, Mrs hLouf oewmno.rAuis-e Mrs. Ralph Eccelestone, Sudbury, Mrs. Jas. Curtis, whosc funeral ter Mr. L uis N wma , rsid s.Miss Josie at home, and one son took place from the church on h-i Saskatchewan. David residlng on the homestead. Monday atternoon and was at- Mr. Galbraith was born on a There also survives two brothers tended by a large circle of friends tarin in Darlington township, and one sister, Miss Lizzie Archer, and neighbors who wiil mourn about 5 miles narth of Bowman-. Port Perry, Mr. James Archer, her passing. Mrs. Curtis has been ville. He was a son of tic late Port Perry, Mr. Sam Archer, Port very active in the church and Mr. and Mrs. John Galbraith. Ho Hlope. Mr. Archer was a brother community mcf and will be much attended public achool at No. 10 of the late Thos. Archer, Lindsay, missed. Darlington, now known as Beth- Drs. David and Robert, Port Per- We are also sorry to record the .c esda school. At the age of 13 lie. ry, Mrs. McMillan (Robecca) Ken- passing of another of our older eh moved with his family to OwenidalI, and Mrs. Colwill of Midland. residents in the person of Mr. LtSond Palîbearers were James Archer, Levi Reattoire in the Bowman- Burney Hooey, George Wolfe, ville Hospital atter a short illness. v-- April 2nd. Programin charge of MWm. Sott, Thomas Scott, B. G. Though teeble in health and i d- Mrs. Cecil Wilson. Stevens. advanced years lais intellect was ee id Visitors: Many beautiful floral tributes clear and 11e was interested in the 0- Miss Ruby and Master JimmyT froin friends and relatives were different activities of Uic comn- r. McGill, Janetville, with their un. received lacludlag floral offerlag munity and lais famillar figure on r lM.:ai Jhs from St. John's Anglican Church the street and in his gardon, where Ld Mrs. Nelson Marlow with her and L.O.L. No. 43 of which de- he loved to labor, will ho missed sonAlin~ Wity.ceasod was a lie member. by his neighbors. The funeral ser- ýd s n A l i n i W hi b y .v ic e w a s h e ld o n S a tu rd a y a t r- P, Misses Alice and Mary Hosldn, noon from the church. "y Mr. Melville Henry and Melville Elizabeth Catherine Blackburn Mrs..Gilbcrt Adcock teil on the Tracy; Oshawa, at Mr. R. Hos- yste pringh ws. 'y iin's. Rev. R. E. Morton conducted the Mc tesr aining her w Trt,.t tuncral service for Uic late Eliza- Mr. V. Gladman, Trof nto ,t Mr. Lloyd Henry, Burketon, at bcth Catherine Blackburn at the tne h uea ihsuce Messharnead el hue iiStet ecsl,~ Mr. L. Ineattoire. M r . oh n W il o n 's h o se, M ill S tr et, N e w c stl , o M rs. R u tha C lay to n , w h o h as coMeswrthLaenceand. il Malt Monday atternoon, March l7th, in been with friends in Toronto and n Malcolm, Yelverton.thprsnofalrggaerg Oshawa during the winter, has r.Pte.K utnOtwoissed f Newcastle folk and friends andreuedt11rhmhr. e.g a . few tdays a wom , P n -relatives f the tam ily, T amastly s rv ce w r Mrs.a Noran Uiheam e t- tramDarlington and Clarke tow- ha nofferhg senres w r. ile, withNomissMary aloJanet-ships. Among athers prosent frain hzeld on undywathe Re. H. Mr.avi Msll.emso with Ms ayMlom a distance wcre Mr. Herbert Col- Coir hty a h pca r nd in Port mer socutnad rwAthrDosospeaker, with aur pastor assisting Mfiss ildr mt ron Pr t Ferryut , and Mrs.rthredowCor- inthe atternoon service. Mr. Cro- 11cr aunt M rs Joh W il ia m . h , htbr y . ndM r s. d r s. C has. zier spoke very forcibly at both Mers. R. W. Mron willfiend. Knight and Mr. and Mrs. Jos. services ta an appreciative con- in sa.W alwwt red Knight and Miss Ruby Knightý gregation. In the afternoon his irn n r.JonHnosn Oshawa aldi nSna subject was "The Individual As- Lindaywit ther dugherson.shawtend thesmtie nsunt icpect of the Gospel of the King- Kenney wt t S e a teMbcrcaved ssesaçibohr.dom." In the evoning his subjoct Mr.Bos Adin wih hs ant Paîberesiswerc:anarewdll and was "The Social Aspect of Uic M r . a l e r F r g s o , n i e l . i l u B a c b r n n h w G o s p e l o f U i c K i n g d o m ." M r . Mrs. Jas. Wifliamson with 11cr George, Howard and Clarence AI- swed n NiheomasicBlwmartvofles nieeMr. vanWrgh, iewlake. lin and Chas. Glenniey. seise ndthenmusicthe pat fuh niMs EIven Emright, Voo i, The late Elizabeth Catherine srieadrnec h euiu Msss. "mrsn Bokl4soo«How lavely are Thy Dwdll- ~hEesn ootlakburn was bora ini Clarke nsal'a,, h fenonsrie Mesr. aponmrsn Trotoic teBlackburn home- ig tteatronsrie àhd Edgar NEmerson;, Vïlent, d on Uich Clarke-Darliagton taking Uic solo hi Uié anthem. wlth their parents, Mr. and Ms.tawn lino and was anc. of oight Ail were dclighted with his sing- M. Emerson. n.Corrnee porit Mis Coa Cozir wthfriends cldren born ta William iCarter xng. hoir rtendherie.prpit MisCr rze ih Blackburn and his wife, Elizabeth 1nhisa ahsrie in Toranto. Johns. Before maving w--ith1c ios parents ta Newcastle se lived for Mr. and Mis. Norman Gimblett, same ycars on their later acquir- Margaret, Jean and Helen, Col- obituary cd tarm on thc lake shore, Dar- umbus, with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur mn lington. 511e was always interest- Allan. cdhI Church and Sunday Schoal Mrs. C. Hastings, Oshawa, and toi lr.A. L. Fleng" work and attcnded regularly and Mrs. Leta Sharp, Bowmanville, Gli devoutly ail Uic moans of grace were visitors at Mr. F. J. Groat's. 1 Widely known. for 11cr intercst and study periods when hcalth Mr. Harry Cowling, Toronto, vil i church and mlislonary activities and relief from home duties per- Z&. and Mrs. Percy Cowling and 1 i thc Anglican Church, Helen mlttcd. For many years the care twias, Bowmanvillc, at Jno. Cowl- by, Grace Fleming, wlfe of %iht Bey. of 11cr parents in their declining ing's. no] A. L. Fleming Bishop of Uic Arc- ycars largely devolved upon 11cr; Mr. and Mrs. Will White and tic, died March 25th at 11cr home, in fact 11cr whole lite was dedicat- sons, Orono, at Mrs. C. Johns'. P 2Elmaley Place, Toronto. She cd ta 11cr parents and their home Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Williams e had been i poor health for sev- comforta and nocessities. and children, Sollaa, at Mr. S. eral y ars and a few days ago su- 81e la survivod by three bro- Williams'. at fercd an attack af plcurmsy whiceh thers, Franklin Thomas of Don- Mr. and Mrs. M. Cryderman, dcveloped ito pneumonia. ver, Col., Mark William of Hay- ODshawa, Miss Doris Crydorman, w Itwspartially Uirough her don, and Frcdcrick Samuel of the Courtice, Mr. and Mrs. L. esh, Toi efforts that the Julia Greenshielda aid town lino homestead; and twa Salemn, Miss Muriel Moore, Bow- 1 Home for elderly womcn was sisters, Mrs. Omer Cale (Eva Min- manville, Mr. R. Weaving, Toron- CIre built on University Avenue. Her netta) and Estella May, former ta, at L. Crydormaa's. cousin, Julia Greenahielda, donat- school teacher, who have been Miss Jousie Knox, Haydon, Mis- H. cd a large sum af money for the sharing with their departed sister ses Helen and Betty Knox, Toron- crection ai Uic home. 511e was Uic Uic home in Newcastlc. ta, Mr. R. Baker, Solina, at J. R. first president. The annual meet- Knox's. ing of the Julia Greeashields Mr. and Mrs. Gordyn Brent and Home, which was ta have beon . daughter, Tyrone. at L. D. Sykes'. A held ycsterday, was postponed be- ZionJA Mr. and Mrs. A. Northcutt and Bar cause ai Uic death ai Mrs. Flemn- daughters, Bowmanville, at A. L. Of ing, honorary president. Quite a few attonded the hockey Blaachard's. inai Active in Uic mlssionary organi- game bctween Oshawa and MarI- Mr. Ken Caverly, Oshawa, at tair zatians ai the Anglican Church, boras at Oshawa Arena on Wed- C. W. Sauch's. pas Mrs. Fleming, a member ai. St. nesçiay aight. Mr. Walter Cryderman,. Solina, 6 1: Paul's Church, Bloor Street East, Mr.Alcx M<Master had his ton- at C. Smlth's. mal was a lite incrber ai the Daugh- s"làremoved last wcek. Mrs. W. W. Horn visited fricnds at1 tors af Fredericton, N.B., W.A., Wc are sorry ta lose Mr. and ________________ and also Uic Daughters ai Uic Arc- Mrs. J. W. Balson and Jean tram hdity years Mr.* Arh-earmhas aw- ", Con. 1, prevlausly owned by Mr. B r eo R. Bcde, where ho dieci Mai-ch 6th, 941. Sympathy is extended ta Mrs. cita. Mhy er a.stetiIrish o-f Msiss Rutheat, eachofher a O IR Mobr Acher dwasiUic eth d - s i Tha s. alin Tordto.i e LertnArhereod Elizaeh d- alissRuhalTronto.ahe t D O cent, tram Uic County of Aramth, Archcr's Schaol, Cartwright, took frland. The famnily di to-day, 11cr pupils ta a picture show la therefore, arc descendants ai some Bawmanvillc an Saturday, which Phones 84 and 744 f the fiacat ai Township ai Cart- Uic children greatly enjayed. ______________ wrght's pioncera represcnting Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. A &P COFFEE RED CIRCLE » - » 1-lb. Bag 31c PRIM RID OàRSTlb. 25C BLUIDE ROAST IL20r, SHORT lMn HOST n122C PORK LOIN td23 VEAL FRONTS lb. 18. ANGE CAKE A&P Plain 1". Lcoke15 POUNOCAKEA&P- Ec1 H uts COSS BUI .ls,-< 0 WIARKS 6 Qt. naaket IS LEMONS dmz 3 BANANAS Empire Grown, Cniulen Ripe Ib~ NEW BEETS 2 iba. 13e RADISHES Bunch CAR ROTS Fresh, IpreedeBuneh S G.RAPEFRUIT Mhe«e»Ss m Fu o i ece 8' EahS OANGESNFOODhlrbSTORES I .Oshawa on Friday. and 'i the Cet[Shoîtee- Mr. and Mrs. 0. Frise, Mr. Vic- centage is omewhat lower being ' r Gladnan, Toronto, Mr. C. 2.Th oa hount on depôsit adman, Weston, at F. J. Groat's. at28heendof erur frths Miss Bernice Rogers, Bowman- athre achof la 85.2 sform- [leat ome Paed ith $3,941.56 a year Mo. Rev. and Mrs. H. Crozier, Whit- Tiiere are 528 schools in the pro- 5were guests of Mins L. Bey- vince using the penny Bank. lds. M4isses G. Chapman and Cecile____________ ean owanville, at W. Chap- MsJenJohns, Bowmanville, H. Salter's. EAGLSJ Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Farncomb« ere dinner guests of friends in TDRAL )ronto Saturday evening. Dr. and Mrs. Davies and chil- WED. 8 PML: n, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. Itretig Rible Stuy on Wilcox. "The .Iourney ef Jargeltp FIRL, 7 P.DL: PENNY BANK DEPOSflS Junior Chureh A ccording to the latest Penny SU N DA Y, i . . nk report covering the monthsi In Woréhlp January and February, Bow- SUNDAY, 2 PM.: anville and vicinity is main- Suliday Sehool iing its sual averge fr de sits. Figures show that in No. SUNDAY, 7.30 P.M.: )arlington 39% of the pupils Me Cd Uies hsl Rke use of the banking facilities; Re Could Net. Save."$ the South Ward 31% deposit, RESTINEET IS STJLL ON 0 Model aectrie Ranges mqd Remfrt,. to.ý $5900 BEAUTIFUL CONSOLE RADIO $5900 - Ail wave, for only, MANTLE RAIOS------------595 SSORT1WENT 0F SLIGHTLY USED STOVES, ELECTRIC RANGES AND REFRIGERATORS 'ShIAH ELECTRIC OSHAWA OPEN EVENINGS 38-40 Slmeoe St. N. A& P Low Everyday Prices nmmaHE PrKEB'mls 01 CMEEml. 23,c T E A :u CEM9 YELLOW LADEL 3..rt2 C 0- 1 3 BLACK On MIXEn CATSUP AyImer ljL12,c 2C 3 < SPAGETTI EINz 21TO n-23ç SJEWEL Shortening 2 b.. 25c SO p non ùeps85 P&G 5 Due 19C SAJEON KETA 1--,16. CAMAY 3 Bars 13C PEAS 4 18 1me eTin,9cE CHIPSO i20,: TGMATOES A?22=- 25,c -9 j m . 1 pÂâs -lý#£ . ýý7arjp

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