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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Mar 1941, p. 6

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Thé.uNew"atèIdeedt Floue Clarke 1114 Mr. Arthur Bail went ta Pick- engManayto work an the con- atrctingai he proWetec4 indus- trial plant there. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Poilard and family have moved into Mr. A. 0. Parker's house on the Newcastle- Clarke boundary Uine. Donald Jase has gane ta Ross- mare, Prince Edward Caunty, ta bsis is cousin, Mr. Jas. Broad, in the maple syrup making. UntdChurch Chir has been strengthend ythree nwmm bers, Mrs. H. C. Banathan Miss J Jean Bonathan and Miss PFaiine Mrs. Clarence Osbarne, Mrs. J. Thampsan and daughtcr Suzan, Bawmanviile, spent the weekend wlth their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hennings. vMr. Wm. Neîl, Taronto, paid bis vfirst spring visit to his summer home, south af the C.N.R, last Sunday. Mrs. Neil recently un- derwcnt a successful aperatian far appendicitis. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. S. Hogg, Ta- ronto, and Miss Jean Rickard, Oakviile, were weekend visitars at "The Grange" with Mr. W. F. Rickard, M.P.. and Mrs. Rickard. Mr. Riekard was home fram Ot- ttawa. Speclal prayers ai intercession for aur empire, peace and frecdam were made iail aur churches last Sunday. There was a gaad attend- ance at marning services at St. George's Anglican, St. John's R. C, and the United Churches. Mesrs. Haward and Ernest Pearce, Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Pearce and members ai their faxily, and Mr. and Mrs. W. J. S. Rickard, Stanley, Garnet and Brentan, at- tended the funeral ai their aunt, S Mrn. Ira F. Pearce, Bawmanville, Monday aiternoon. Ncwcastle Rcd Cross Society Get your car ready for the open road to w hizs avec highways to let you enjoy youe sumner week- ends. Forget about car troubles-you won't bave any after a G AR TO0N W. dau't mis A"Mbng 1 " Mo tar tunup " Onlcbwngod * Expert gremang " AdjuSI carburetor IARTON'S MAAGE ]BUS SERVICE Phonem6M, Bowmanvife meets this Thursday aiternoon, and aiter Uic meeting a special meeting ai Newcastle Memorial Library Aid will be hcld. At both meetings it wi]l be Uic sorrowiul duty ta elect a ncw prçsldent ta succced Uic late Mes. J. -A. Butler. Mis. Percy. Brown and Mes. Michael Gogerty entertained fii- teen little folk and their mothers on Friday aiternoon at a birthday pacty for little Sheila Mary Go- gety who was anc year ai age. AUl had a delightiul trne. Na anc is prouder af thc littie girl than her venerable great-graiidfather, Mr. T. W. Jackson. Friends in Newcastle were sor- ry ta learn ai Uic dcath ai Me. Fred Parker, Lake Shore, anc time a ceident ai Darlington Township, where for many years he usai ta manage an apple peck- ing gang in tUic goad aid days. A number from Newcastle, includ- ing several rel atives, attended Uic fuuieral service at Uic hanse on Sunday sud Uic burial in Orona cemctery. He was a brother-i- law ai Mes. T. F. Branton and Me. Thos. Spencer, Se., and uncle ai Mes. Herb. Brown, Newcastle. Bey. R. E. Morton conducted Uic funeral rites. Y. P. U. met Monday night with President Marjoey Lycett in Uic chair. Patricia Pearce, Citizenship Convener, liedcharge ai worship period and prograni. Louise Han- cock rend Uic scripture and Patri- cia Pearce prayed. Prograni con- sistcg ai a quartette by Doris AI- l, race Powell, Kay Toms and Gwen Gibson. and a duet by Patricia Pearce and Louise Han- cock. Reeve C. R. Carveth showed five reels ai mavig pictures, same taken out West and others taken around Newcastle. Me. Car- vcth spoke a iew words ai cx- planation as Uic pictures were eing showa. Edith Hendry mov- cd a vote ai thanks ta Me. Car- veUi for sa wiflmgly showing his iteresting pictures which werc cnjoyed. by ail preseat. FORMER HIGE SCHOOL PRINCIPAL PASSES The death in Brampton on Wed- nesday, March 19Ui, ai Me. W. J. Galbraith, former high schoal principal sud public schoali- spectar, sud bis burial on Satur- day from Christ Church, Bramp- tan, conducted by Uic rector, Bey. Canon R. W. Allen, recalls Uic tUme when Mr. Galbraith was a ceident ai Newcastle sud Princi- pal ai Uic Ncwcastiee11gb Schaol and Me. J. K. Allen, iather ai Canon R. W. Allen, wag anc ai Uic membees of Uic Newcastle Scbool Board. Other membees ai Uic board at Uiat time were: Dr. Bobt. Mcîntosb, Chairman, Me. EX H. McLean, Vice Chairman, (now Judge MeLean, Pictan), Welling- ton Foster, Gea. Eilbeck, Thas. Montague, Samiuel M~oore, Bey. J. Scott Howard- tv . .-±iv Jas. Caulson, J. J. Uglaw and A. A. Colwill.. Before Me. Galbraith lait Newcastle, Me. Moore bad diai sud Me. Colwill had rcsign- cd. TIheic -successars werc D. J. Galbraith sud W. H.'Percc. Only Uiree ai these, Judge MêLesu, Bev. A. M. Icwm sund Mr. Coulson, now survive. Me. W. H. Anderson was secretary ai Uic Board. Me. Galbraith became principal ai Newcastle High School in October 1908, following a couple ai montbs' confusion niter Me. Hugh Davidl- son's resignation in August. Me. Galbraith continuai as principal ti]l thc end ai 1909, wben he went ta Bramipton. Cantemporary tea- chers in Newcastle were: MusaR. *L. Carry, J. W. Bradley. Miss M. Seburn and Misa Agnes Delamore. The late W. J. Galbraith was i bis 92nd yer when he diai. Salem Bey. Gardner observed Uic Na- tional Prayer Day with speclal prayers and a splendid sermon on "1Why do I prny?" at thc service bere Sunday. The choir was miss- Ing. Y. P. U. meeting was called off lest Wednesday evenig owing ta cld wcather and bad raads. 6 East Graup ai Hampton W. I. werc entertained by Mrs. L. Allen and Mns. F. Allen at their home an March 1MU whlle at their war work sewmng, and on Monday evening Me. and Mrs. H. Gaud kindly apencd their spaclaus home when Uic ladies ai the group en- tertained their men folk ia, s0 cial evenin4 whcn a Jolly .time was enjoyed Friday evening Mrs. G. Burrus held a euchre Party in Uic school bouse in aid af her comniunity war victinis scwing, and although the roads werc bad, a gaod]y num- ber turned out. Procceds over $13.00. A fine collection ai work was on display rcady for Uic sec- ond shipment ai woek donc by Mrs. Burrus and Uic Salem cern- munity helpers. Salem friends were grieved ta hcar ai thc suddcn passing ai an- other anc Umre eident of Salem, Me. F. Parker ai Newcastle. Dccp- est sympathy is extcnded ta Mrs. Parker and Uic femily. Salem friands ai Mes. K. Werry are glad ta learn that she is re- covering nicely aiter Uic accident she met with at Uic Training School. Sympatby ih cxtended ta Me. L. Jackson, Town, who broke his ankle in a fail on Uic icy pave- ment. LIONS CLUB (Continued ram page 1) let these peacetinie services go by Uic 'board. Our sovcreign had soctigi" hs ammnd in bis famus peeh.Some Say it is tac heavy a load ta bear ta contibute ta Uic war and keep normal sc- tivities Up as well. But I ask you, wha is bearing the lightest liurden, Canadians or those in England who live amid a haillai boinbs? When I heai, Uic speeches ai Uicl Kig, thc Queca, Churchil pnd! Roosevelt Uicy give me a great lit when I~m feeling 10w; it's as if I were led out ai Uie darkness inta a sunlit space."1 "I'm glad that Uic Lions have incorporated tU i sofaiSight Conservation into Uieir Interna- tional Charter. I know thc work yau arc doig. It la a great work," Me. Lyans cancludcd. Introducci by f GSa"ni Tbroughout thc address Uic speaker delighted bis audience with bis frce and easy manner which made bis remarks very easy ta listen ta. An aId army buddy, Cliii Semis sat an Uic speaker's right ably periarming Uic duty ai introduction. 'In Uic sumnier ai 1917 Uiey met hn Uic trenches and have kept in close touch ever since. Bath were signailers with Uic 2lst Batt. Canadien Artiilery. Born ricar Orillia, Ont.,. Mr. Lyons itaw Iravels widély wVirklng- and spcaking for Uic C.N.I.B. The meeting was in charge ai Chair- man Aubrcy Smith ai Uic Sight Conservation Commnittee, presid- ing etthUic igh Table in Uic pre- sidcnt's chair. Lettees conveying thanks for cigarettes were read from Ptcs. E. Bird, E. Hunt, A. Dcnscm, T. Gra- hem, H. Cameron and Sapper G. C. Flaxman, A goad array ai guests enjoyed Uic progeam including Walter C>-a- penter, Claude Kerr, Toronto, Lieut. Chas. Spencer and Angus Caflaghan. One other Item of interest was Uic drawing for hockey tickets. Gea. White, Duke St., won twa scats in Uic blues and two dollars expense money, end Feank Wil- liams drew a seat in Uic green section plus $3.50 expense manéy, FOR A WOMA'S SPR1NO Spring Coats Your coat makes yaur Eanter ensemble, sesee that it Jh new, and fahonable and becaming. Camne where there is a large cboice i SIZS 12 t. 48 $7n95 t. '32.50 t1f Eaister Dresses New Dresses are here for your sprlng wardrobe. Corne in and Seo them today. We are sure that we have Just what you want ta mnake this a sensational Enter. Ail izes i stock. Upwards trom 15 CURTAINS AND CURTAIN NETS Wlth sprlng cleanlng here, thc curtains wll have ta be chang. ed. We are equlpped ta offer you thc newcst types in the ~ ble materlals. A large assortmcent of curtains and ~Y~py#rdand a full range af side draperies. chnston & Cryderman UmmI ,paid higb tribute ta ber memorY as a truc Christian womsu. Burial fbrma]ities, according ta ber wlshes, were concluded at Uic Fresh Pond Crcmàtory sud ber ashes will finally repose hi Uic James iamifly plot,, Bowmauville Cemetery. HockeyBanquet <Contlnusd tram page 1) gela; if he cen do that a- fine les- so n wiil have been lcarncd for haler 111e. Many boys think because Uiey are oiflhtsaturethere la no chance fo inh sport caoppct- 'eing againt more hcavily -aIt contestants. But Mr. J1eylauçl ire- lated froni bis experlence that this la flot Uiecase. Size doesn't matter - it detefids on Uic spirit and Uihe et. No legs truc in spart than other lilld a lahUicsaying that dpenctice miaks prfé Cobb dldn't develop-bis famais alide i base- bDll without endiesa practice; Charlie Cannacher spent boue up- on hour shooting at su empty g al ta improve bis sUn and strengten bis wrlst; Syl Appa reaily began Ia sports carerx at Uic age af six skating an a littlc patch ai Ice an bis iathcr's front iawn, grad- uafly lmprovlng, -bath on skates and ia other sports, wlithUicece- sult that bis carcer bas been per- hap i most phenomenal In Candinsport. Apps played Jun- ior O.H.A. wben he was only 14; et 20 he was playlng Senior O.H.A. wli Hamiliton, andi at 21 he tura-: ,e4 Pro. Vislting Uic 1936 Olym- W aS n Csada's pole vaultig m.he touehed the mark ai 131 1%", Uic sixtb higlicat junip ai al ogntestants. Cancluding, Me. Heyland stated that la bis opinion it, was ai equal Importance ta, be a good winner as a gaod laser and ta always ce- member Uic other important ren- sono for bclag la the game than jizat ta wln. .Trophles Presented One af Uic town's faremost isportsmen, a former rugby player ai famne, W. L. Paterson presided as chairinan for Uic banquet. He called on Rey. A. R. Cragg wha gave a iew wards ai welcome ta Uic boys in humoraus vein and sagely cautianed "i tne middle ai your good times sec ta it that you arc building a better world."1 The firat ai a long series ai presentatians was miade by Earl Cunningham, B.TS. AUletic Dir- ectar, wha got a big hand from thc boys. On behali ai Uic Rotary Club he presentcd tUic-large sil- ver cup wbich each year goca ta Uic wining team. Capt. Don Gil- hooley rcceived Uic award on be- hall of bis team-the -Rangers. Then followed Uic presentation ai miniature cupa, pravidcd by Uic Rotary Club, ta cach member ai Uic team conslsting ai D. Gilhoa- ley, B. Perfect, D: Dadson, N. Piper, C. Cattran, F. Luxton, W. Woodward, S. Rundle and Jini Southey. Introduced as Uic World's No. 1 Sport Fan, Nelson Osborne pre- sented Uic cup donated by Frank Williams for Uic moat valuable p layer in Uic league ta Don Gil- hooley ta wham Uic award camne for Uic second year I succession. The lest piece ai silverwarc ta dcpart from Uic hcad table wcnt ta "Smnoky" Hayes, chosen as Uic best goal tender In Uic league. Morley Vanstone made that pre- sentation. Aiter Uic singing ai O Canada, Uic meeting merely AdJourned ta Uic Individual homes ta listen ta a continuation ai 'hockey talk' by Foster Hcwitt broadcastlng Uice Boston-Taranto game from Maple Leai Gardens. NEED M85MILLION FOR WAR COS War expenditures for Uic cur- rent fiscal year, cnding March 31, 1941, arc now rounded out. Hon. Mr. flslcy, Minister ai Finance, gave no#cc on Tucsday ai a reo- lution lcadig ta Introduction of a mcasure: «"The Supplementary ePhm.B. MI A .L NMSRBO I4NP.INT- a BOL1DTM DENTAL P4A1l out" armt lte momih.1- NYAL Wl')KROYFCOMPo fer oaata lue d u "th NYAL ANTAOID FoUDUw 0..- 1--- t.l NYAL TAMT IRC a FOR a BALE NYAL K.INEY PILS NiUV M Fainffl ». 21r50. aldId2 lu il SPEND AND SAVE NYAL CORN REMOVER am«Remove.Corna, SW arts. Cailoussa £««esthe Pals CORN SALV9 a OU£SALE NYAL ULTRA LOTION Md ro ne ; Imm Remesni $MED AND $v "35" SHAVING SPECIALS Sbavlmg <kesu Uuvlsg Lotion rfHabDrssala 2 for 35C Relleme t te 2 f« 2OC BABY SPECIALS BoubpFowdu sr,s e 2 fSr2Us Omo SItrp, ne @Is 2fgrne LanNlk 8 fer lc latM B a Ist, @PMchi23, Br a &Umsryriuta Upom19C tectuiSytia. gé,Sel 1e Dies ln New York <Cntinusi from page 1) New Yack City where ho enjoyed a widc sud distinguishcd practice.. De. White predeceased ber la July 1933. Over ail Uic years she re- turned almast ennaly ta mngle with friendsansd relatives sud visit hec parents here. That .ivs ber joy sud recreatian, sbared equaily by ber chlldrcn. Anildat ail ber philanthropie sud social activities she neyer neglected ber family circle l which she was a devoted homo-' mnaker sud mother. She also wus alovier ai ilowers, ai good litera- turc and music. In cecent ycaes she took particular deliçt sud enJoyment ln travel, vislt.n sev-. eral continents, accampanied by famlly or friends. lnansd around New Yack were' many former Durham Couinty, people who came ta ber home and! enjoyed memorable hospitality.t Partlcularly bappy was the close association with her sister Sophia, Mes. James A. Phillilps. It was an afectionate circumstance that Uie, twa sisters daily cnjayed. - She gave liberally ai hec time and talents sud ber measata ber church, The Methodist Episcopa sud ta the Home foc Uic Ageti, ïj whicb, foc msuy ycars sbe was a dicector, and ta organlzed chari., tics. Ia ber quiet, unessuming de- mesuor she cndcarcd herseli ta_ ail with whom she came iCon-, tact.% She is survived by two daugh-, tacs, Miss Mary Mildred White M.A., on the tcachlng staff ;1 Scyrard Park HI gb Schooi; by Dr, Mosetta C. White, sud e son-i- law, Dr. Graham Lewis Bennett,- ail of New Yack City. Aiseo y anc sister, Mes. James A. Phiils New Yack, and twa broUes, Dr,ý M. A. James ai Cleveland anL New Yack, and Gea. W. James, Bowmsuvlle, al ai wbom wcre present et Uic funeral. 4 1 A private service was heid at Uic home, March 19th, conducto4 by Dr. Ralph W. -Sockmen ar Christ Church, Methodist, wboi 3WER- P U D - "iruut --a- n_ ti relif fa hoatimaai Ob LIVRE - "stMa orok 2 for l: 2 fer Sec 2 for lie 2 for Sée 2 fer Lu ai Little Livo M FUforIS I Liiýter mulator BmoOUB *c - fe fr 500 ueo Tonie Taldet des e Food Btas 2 fo 5ec ood Chatti 2 U Zfor 2ke bedrine coughla pup - - S'rrs.c ile Iie2 fer _S& M alet*sIle2frn 18 A. i.. cTs na e tSWf"'2 mic Botonettma ferca50 Efflcht Lit,. Uc5eZ 2for i5k meptol Antetie .M. ne tm 2 foSaSec m ' s c i s a s n e Z 2 f o r S b c oev.eda "&» 2 aefo là si Choealoz ameute LIMivaU Sa f. 2 si Emmebe Dmp~ p the Fou UtS..Z for 2k G.L.ù <-d itatT. 2 f« U5 dIesieWMý okwblma2 fer Sec cà Mouar's Ban i ume aItme IodlasMI%, I oo INOMe UreIdlasme 2 oeuos Dioth iEt 1 iMelWtNa Epsoneiâ Sal lôouscs Iflydrogier oulde,4oOM irydroges FWOrMs, 16 ounc May Rum. 4 ouams Nyai Cold Cuma,14 on. jar 2 fer U 2fer 2ke 2 for 25se 2 fer 2c 2 for ne 2 for 2ke 2for 25C 2 fS Us 2 for 2Ne 2 fr 85e 2 Speca 8 STATIONERY SPEaIALS LMMNN D KID FUMS Fuwmpqi, aie'Let.ie2 for 2ne <umdafui, Lfb ur1tme 2 forlit (lndaPad,Notee Glas se2 fer-i2e GleuIa Navd.LelopS» 2 for 18e P*PeRaetpes 2 for 30e Demie PnltPpa 2 for 15e olesaida Potioll2 for 85e Patie Portfollo 2 for 85e fleadcimé NOSteIBSWa-s2zfor 250 N~sàIoutWus2 for Sec N: ay ie M at h W ae 2 fo r 75 0 hon ni ouaTaie 2for 7ne MF« of mesia T m abisom 2for 72k Nyu NysatTuiet 2 for 1.08 2for 1.oi Nym Fot Sin ~ .2 for nec ~ Casuli m. 2 f or ?. N~uNyCa-A1abot9.2 for 75c lemp iku on aft.m2 for Sec Ny.ffl ae qc...t 2 .aaZfor Sec .0oaMi vu. mosuusfo5 NY ALBREF, IRON & WInE - ktm aibdppial t wimm. A brudn*t me r Etbe Wauh sd ud.m~-StM NYAL MILK 0F MAGNIRSIA - le ,morto.mb. bU bauubum MWaMW mdmthla uduite or chnfte.. 1555.otd NYAL H & M COUCU SYRUF - Làosues the o5. eta m a"u"la ttmet ts st e Md brnai I act-b4f iel NY-AQUA NOSI DROP'S -A.met ppttlfSbaud nimi " b w«iW NY..CET-AL TALm *-Pvempt eMWuf am gu.izsb«amob amstig.m "pix Or~ tto@5 Diaud'. Laxative Tabiela 2fos0 a kau Tauklmm 2Nfr $O Ny-COn-M Cbud TubIote 2 for 1S NEe*ema Lotion2fo O Nya1~~D@msi..n Z for Sec NçtiIesTalé $ ka. Z for 2kc Nyal KeraHdzf~5~ NyiLsmScod.Tabet 2 for 25. Nyal Nyaiol yS Heauaaa N U 2 for 25o UcUtUIâdm. nSe Un 2 for 25e =iuLw Pobonh"mu 2 for 1.00 Clmp.MstrOumn 2 for 35e Wbt DoClltla Mixture yS kauodM . mo ua Zfor SOC Nutritive BypopbblOPl N 'f 10 la, m COlO aNé U 2 for 50. Th t e Fise StmUn2 for 2 5. Nyai Recto.. Olusnt Z or50 ?tm hma Tmt mm N 7N3'Matt Tr . ato12 for 1.00, a 5. I VITAMIN PRODUCTS Coi~~~ OU < d h1.50 Ik!~tLonOcke u M-2 fe1.0 96 e,;Oe=. 2 rw75e Hali ont l eapand:M;es 21.w2.00 Taueauni l Cod Iher On cogse SUNDRY SPECIMS Nbmrod flot Water Dottl 21for 1.75 Nyceat H ltetr Sotde 2 for Lui -----e---rliée 2 for Lu8 ~yailes ape2 for iffl Qotb~ Ciopimni 2 for de a for ne Mena laadoeeliefa 2 foi n8e llo'eseatCaaI for 8ne LaiB'*Ibie a for 15e va W'(C=saà for25 Mena Pooket 0mb 2 for 0 Nival 3bvnfrm for l1 Nyee LadPmel2 for RMeebulal eaC*'l 2 for36 PIaer bgd.2f Xe, S kne Spea MURIEL ASTOR StiMaitlne, Liquld SOÇ Mus 2 for ne Caniphar leSUUi. OeameSO as2 for 8ne CIOUIII C m SC J" 2 foar M laeu de Calcine, 73c Doulie 2 for 75e Fae Powder, 4 e s4I O da»s2 for Sée Lt" ý 4abudes, Ne ise 2 r S Route, 4 isades, soc aise 2 tor56C Tissuse rmNe Suar 2 for SOC vanishinfl ckesm SOCftar 2 for Sne Duatlng Powder. for the Bath 2 for i0 Parfume, 1 drams Bottie 2 foir soc Baund Lotio», for Ctmpplui 2 for sec Taleum Pode. Dorated 2 for Me Wth Hmai Cumm 2 for MOC NYAL AND NYSIS Millant lue Hait O14 2 for Sée Pace Ceam 8OCJar 2 for ne mlrmîtae liaitToule, kam eime. 2 for 1.0 tNyseptol Tootit Pate, larg@ahoe2 for 5ne PÉoTooth Po «e, large eabe 2 for SOC #ingresMTOtb Pmus 2 for n5e AIaiod md-C.cumbs rumsaa 2 for 50e' BuautyDai,lm ad4"u 2 for neC killtatiMIe, Uqul2 for SOC DihatnSmla 2 for Sée >Cocoanut OUnIbmao 2 for SOC Raud lotion, aieGs 2 for Sec Outnil.. mi Seir Toute 2 for 5Me OuI&uIt*kToute. 75e81» 2 fer 75e Wltl amaii m. s, ls 2 for 5ne Faue Powi«, 2 adWea 2 for. 25c Wave seaetu quickiy.8ne i»e 2 for Sne 2 for Sec 2 for Sec 2 for Sec 2 for -set mws oui'. SMRNGTHENING TONIC Aida Digestio14 Empfftem W Appetits a"i Duilds Ute nSW DOTMIC m 2 for $100t a FOR a MAE NYAL DIGESTIVE TONIC Helpe Toue the Stouîuch uni Digestivtsyteu Ijm¶j Rlievos ILu 81.0 BOrrLEIJ 2 for $1.00 PAR SHAVING SPECIALS Siattug Lotin &PAU 2 for 00 Shaviug Te= 2 for26 2tpteFeuIl NYAL M INERAL OIL L A flevy PrMld. 09 Frme Ira Odor Taate ani Caot. ÊMECAL 16 Oumee olde 2 for 75e :i 32 Oumotesi01e 2 for $1.30 WHOOPING COUGU- SYRU?> Ba1p rrlie" duI nSURSI 2 for 5OC _____________________________________________i1WU r n wUmm me THURS. - FR1B.- SAT. AbsrbOnnlase.1 &.2fr Us Aihe d ls.3.lY& 32U.r ne anage,21. m lo'y*>Uw 20 Abmso t eam ls 2 fer 2U Haospitul Collas2 fr 9k Nyai Cars Fadé à fer 25r 1940 Wer Appropriations Act," from March 1940 ta March 1941, bwhich is ta provide moneys over total 885 millions. Anl oi this has >and abave the 750 mnillions voted been provided without much dif- lai the regular appropriations. ficulty and aur standard 0f living LCanada's expenditures, therefore, has flot sufiered. Mb 1'* of Childreng "«Titisbaby le au awful trial. 1 dou't believe Ieou gel tbrouh vwlth my baklsg toiay."1 "You'rc lncursbly old-faahloned, Gloria. No wonm au a bake Sefly Rals am oheaplyqsmlte goal oses you gel aI lthe Carter Fanily'a Dakenhop.e SPECiAL THIS WEEK ONLY Raapbmv Is ý;ïLLT ROI5 pjeIýb1S'ICE CREAM BRICKS Party - Neopolta - Two hayors - Aristooat Vallia. ]Ploie855 THE CARTER FAMILY Halera for Two. Gneralonu Bowmaatvmfe i r "t: - ARIL 3rd-4th-5th Pu Ra COWLIý -P 1 -1 . .&J l 1

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