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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Apr 1941, p. 9

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hithe Dim and Distant Paut' Il P~rom The Statemma Fe -WENTY-FMVE YARS AGO From The Canadian Statesman, April 6, 1916 Price. ai park la abnormafly bigli. Lindsay buycrs puid $10.25 live welght per 100 lb.. We have littie use for the hag hence care Svery littie what furmera recelve for the output.-Ed. Trom Dan Douglas fighing U Rjewhere in France: Frencli lis use Canudian hospltality. onie place we dropped In was an estaninet or Inn.. A anc-man band wai there which would beat aur owii mauth arga band toaa stand stili. The boys enjayod a dance with the girls who served at this hatel. The Bowmanville boys seom well and hungry at mcml Urnes so they're ail right. The speaker t the Methodist Churcli wai Rev. W. H-. Greaves, M.A., af Victoria Caloege. Ho otudied in tho .best schools af ex- pression ln Boston. Weding Roe Giban -The scene ai a quiet marriage cere- xnony on Marci 28th when Vera Beatrico, third daughter ai Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Gilbunk, Shaw's, wa unltod ta Fredcrick Roger Baowe ai Brantford. A pleaiant time was spent in the banquoting room ai Jerusalem Lodge when 60 members ai the crait aisembled ta do honor ta Ca pt. G. C. Bénnycstle who ha orilers ta repart t Halifax for overseai duty with the Army Dental Corps. 1April rd about 40 'frlends ai iss Qertie Cox met at her On- taria St. home in honar af her approachlng marriage. An ad- dress was read by Misa Edlth E. Alln and Miss Mildred Mason Get your car ready for the open road ta w hiz aover highways to let yau enjay yaur surafrur week- *ends. Forgot about car. troùbles--you wont have any aiter a GARTON check-up. W. donIit miss Anything 1 *Motor tuneup *Oil chsnged *Expert greaaing *Admist carburetor GARTON'S GARAGE BUS SEBVICE Phone 2666, Bewmanville mode tic presenMotion of ucvenul plocos ai cut glass., Deuth: Holgafe - Ia Bowmnvilce on Apnil 5th, Fidelia L. Demorest, belavcd wie ai John A. Holgate, ugo 64 ycars. Death: Webb - In Bowvmanvile Apn1l4th, Elizabeth Ana, belovedý e iof Henry Webb, Maffle Grave ug 9 yeurs. Death: Maraaey - In Enai kil- len,- April lst, James Maroney, age 57 yeuns. Mn. Alpha Pinci liai returaed from a ploasant trip ta visit iris brother Bera ut Roswell, New Mexico. Dunllngtoa: Fricnds gathered ta bld Mn. and Mn.. S. A. Burges iarcwell beiore they louve fon ticir new home on fie Kingston roud noir Cauntice. An uddress was read by Mn. R. H. McCalpin and a presontation made ta Mn. Burgess by Messrs. VanCamp and Metcalf. Addnesses by Guy Pan- sons ad Mn. Blackburn wenc in- tersperscd by comic sangs and roadings by F. H. Prost, B.A. Miss Luella McCalpla told a fuiry story for tic bonofit ai tiec cilîdren.... Miss Nancy VaCanrp received wand tuatlier brother Alfred hud dlcd suddealy la Culitornia where ho and his wiie were speadlag Uic winter. . . . Ervine Poster is la tic liospitai iaving been aperut- cd an ton appondiditis. -.-.-.'W. Lindstrom, Belleville, liai takea change of Dunlingtaa station and la mavlag inta IF. A. Crugo's house. Enniskillen: Herb. Stuatoa's littie girl lias been 111.. .. Con- gratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. Herb Scott (nee Floreace Trewin>, an tic birth ai a son and hein... ErvinTf-ull, Hampton, la qulto IM. FJETY TZARS ^GO From Thse Camaian StatesmaB, April S, 1891 A letton framn Wm. Wenr, Rose- landvule stock Farm, SaUina: Wiat are you going ta sow? "SaW Cowsl" Get Uic nigit kind Ot stock ion yourown nequirements, ieed liberaiy. If your fara wMi grow anytiag ltWill grow g00d ioed ion stock and yau con get a goad malrket and little nisk. Amn- enicans are buying fat cattie ut $6 per huadredweight. Forestens "At Home": W. Bun- ncy, C.R. presided. Miss Carnie Bubcock and Master Oscar La- Belle sliawcd unrniatakublY thoin natural musical ubilities. Sans ai Canada catertainnient was well attended. Sangs by H. J. Kaigit and J. D. Keachie need no comment, Uieir naones being a guurantec. A duet by Uic Misses Glovon was sweetiy sung. Daniel Hogarth, SaUna, ha vot- cd ut every palifical election sinco thone was a poll held la Darling- tan ad hanover bast a vote. This cavera a period ai 50 yeans. There la a manean Hamptoa wio asa votai aa long and lat evory vote. Harry 'G. and Bauifes'-McGllI sans ai George McGill ai Uic On- tanao Bank hene, occupy a vcry hîgh positionaifhe Uic nintY Mcdl- cal College examinatiairs. Gea. Fisher, proprietor ai Uic station liotel, dnopped dead Satun- day. Ile was burîcd wiUi ful Masonlc honora. Newcastle Presbyterlan Churcli Concert: Misses Drumniand and Allia gave a piano duet, ioilowed by a ýsang sung wdil by Mn. Jac Atkinson. Mns. B. R.'Emale, ai Ediaburgi, Scotland, capturai Uic audicncc's attention with lier cia- cutian. Courtico: Mrs. Squlrei la about fa move inta eho iuse on Uic farm here.... Hunny Gay is pro- aing plans for a hause ion John H. Tromeer, ZMon. .. . Gea. Garrett ut Gea. AIiin's fell info the Weil ATrue Tonkc for BI@.d end Nerves Invaluable at this season because it supplies the Vithmin B]. and mineail substances no necesaary ta irprove the quality of the bload and help the nervee. CONTAI NS For better appetite, better digestion, VITAMIN btter leep and for better health use Dr. Chaae's Nerve Food. VE.RY PIME should make you tbik of your own property. HaVe you enouqh dependable insuralroe? YoUnnOver know. when it mlght mean sither fu i ndem- nity for nome lois, or a drair en YOur savingi aooount. W. want ta help you understand wbat your insurance re&uiy mem o 0you. J. Je MASON & SON INSURANCE AGENTSJ Phone 681 Bowmaiivll@ Sunday mornilng. On rlsing9lie caught théê pump and cllmbed ta the top. Enniskillen: F.' Ragers begun work Monday ai a ceasus enum- eatr... . J. Young and P. Lee have been an the sick liat. What was the mutter witli their viait ta the clty? . . . The Dean fanm is now tlie property af M.*Lumsden, Newcaitle. The urnount pald la $6,000. . . . Messrs. Stevens and Kerr are apenlng out a new stock af gaods ln tic store farmerly occuplcd by.R. Hutchison. Orono: Antier af thre vener- abie pianeers ai Darlingtonha gone, Mrs. Mayr HM, wlfe af Gil- bort Sumii. She was born in Eaitern Ontario aven 75 years ugo and lived close ta thlà township for a great. number ai years.. A succesaful At Home wui heid u thre resldence oi Dr. Rutherford under auspices of Ladies' Aid ai the Preabyterlan Churci. Kirby: Duncan Gabrath ha moved aut rieur Newcgle whére ho worka thc Wlmot tarai. The home farru will be worked by Isauc E. Chapma on shares for Peter Galbraith. . . . Frlends ai Wm. Northcutt and tumily met ut hi. resideace. Wm. Taylor wai chairmaand a long #rognam wus well rcndered. Hurrniless play wus induige inlatlll 2 o'clock. MISS MAC PHAIL <Contlnued rom page 1) out their pretoations decelved flnceaofUtcediacerning. Commuaity siaging, keynoted by Mr. Leslie Colacutt and Mr. Rundie, covered tho intervulin l cianging tables. A. H. Sturrack,1 Bowmunville, former achoolmutei ai Mias Mucphail, wai an inter- estcd guest. President CeciliRobiason ai Uic Brdtherhood welconied Uic gucats ad thon invlted sauve and cx- perlenced master af ceromonles, Presldeat Frcd Hoar ta tuake Uic chair. Farbes Heyland lntroduced thc speaker. It wus made abundantly dlear ai Miss Muephail lcd Up ta Uic real meaniag ai Uic Rowel-Slrois recommrendatians, that a compre- fionsivo undcrstaadlag ai Uic sub- jeet la impossible wlthaut a study af Canudlan constitutianal histary. The speaker painted aut what people, gcnorafly, are now admit- tlng, namely: "lIt scema dlearnonw that muci wark should havc been donc beforcliand ta acquaint the public with Uic necommendationa ad liow Uiey could remedy Uic situation." The Canfcrence met Jan. 14, 1941. It lasted only 2 days. Thre Provincial prcmfýers, H c p b u r al, Aberliart und Patullo walked out. This could have been uvolded througli an lnfonmed public opin- ion. Thus political demagagues, oaci anlmated with same "lism", each appanently uncancerned witÙ Can- ada's manitest destiny, ecdinl- troverted with a provincial com- plex, and ail coaccraed with pen- soal palitical fortunes, turned back Uiec dock that wai set ta- ward a newer, broader, fuller conception ai Uic needs ai Uic timos. Few can doubt thut iad 1they eqch a firrpier knowledge ai 1 coiïtltuUonal dbýzc1dpments, tift cantemptuaus "1walk out" would nat have occurred. Miss Macphuil pointed out t Uic situation that confronts Can- uda, ta the terras ai thc E.N.A. Act, and especiully asi t 1hua; been intcrpietod by thc Privy Council, la that maay ai Uic prab- 1 les whlch must bo deul with on 1a natian-wide scale, are directly 1under tic jurladiction ai provin- cial gavcrnmcatd. To give a per- sp ofveaidevelopments ai Uic pttcspeaker reierred ta a de- bute in tic Canudian House ai Commons, April 8, 1938, whicli centred about Bill 19, introduced 'by C. H. Cahan, nespecting' ap- Spouls ta the Judicial Comnrttec af Uich Pnlvy Coundil. ;Tiat debate was a classic aong severul constitutioal 1 a w y c r- members aifUiheauso, includlag Hon. R. B. Bennett, Han. E. Lu- pointe and J. T. Thorson, Rhrodes Schalar ai Winnipeg. Miss Mucphail expluined how BJ11 19 purpartod ta nopeal Uic JuçUial Crnimittee Acta af 1833 and 1844 la 50 far ai tliey forra part ai Uic law oai tus Dominion. Tliosc two Acta, Uic anc 105 yeurs old, Uic ather 94 ycars aid, stili lay their dead hands upon Uic autanomy ai thiaflaminian despite* aur boaited sovereignty and tic Statute af Westminster ai 1931. There was alniast complote unaninfity for Mn. Cahan's Bill; it wai pruaed evea by Mr. Lapainte but uis caution respecting Con- stitutionai change, had its effeet la neelgid.taUic-î4eo1o- aur-contiiion a-nd-once powcr becomes Uiui diperoed It la diii- cuit ta chunnel It back as wai evidoaced ut Ottawa ln a uary. Miss Mucphull quoted Guiliver: "«If once judges go wrang, Uicy make It a nul. nover ta came rigit"l - and the boîtersaut Ot- tawa <fleefuily sfaod with those ConUnUilng, sic quat cd: 'lWe ourselves are Uic boat and truesti gtrardans ai our rigita and tra- EV Member af an East Coast anti--a1t one af the many piecci ai delicate-ý. modem Ack-Ack bttcry. ditions. No autianity outslde fi land wiil deiead ticma dequutely in aur sfeud. Canada haaow at- tuined lier majarity and can dis- pense with tuteluge - ovon a judicial anc." Sa wc siail, ai necessity and soon, roopea considerution aifie Rowell-Slrois recommendutions. Miss Mucphail's exposition of, thc Report coincided with tiaf set forth by R. M. Fawler ut the Ruirul-Urbgn banquet ut Black- stock. Siceliud this advantage, thut ion sumutian came atter the break Up ai tic conterence ai premniers ut Ottawa. She reierred ta tic fact fiat, ai SKY aft crcw scans thc alW tirough luipment wiici make up Uic 8- Important bis brought down by Man. R. B. Bennett, the Privy Council threw out 5 of them - the most important ai which so fiar as farmers werecocncerned, *as the National Marketing Act. Il f Canadian agriculture is ever to r et a square deul, this Marketing et must be declared intra vires *-a Sirois consideration. Hon. John Brucken's stand at yOttawa wus lu4ed by Mias Mac- phil who quotedwextensively framn 41s speech and she halls him us among the foremost af contera- poar Canadian statesmen. Miss Mucphuil's speech is wor- tlY of severul coluxnns but space simply wlll naf permit a funl ne- pont. Concluding, sic suid: "«It la inevitable that we will some day stop sending matters ta Uic Privy Council for decisian, but Uic dii- iiculty la fiat even wiea aur SupremeCourt ai Canada wishes ta mukodecisia la ic heligit ai the B.N.A. Act, thcy are hindered tram daing s0 by prccaionts set by the Pnivy Council." Owing ta pressure ai speaking engagements clsewhere, Miss Mac- phuil was obligai ta express re- grets ad accept Uic wiaieieart- cd vote ai thanka tendered by Ex-Roove Gea. F. Annis on be- huifofaitic mca ai Uic Cauntioe Brotierioad, Uic bacielors la pinuaros, tic Ratanluas ai Bow- munville and those' la Uic gailcry wia could nat fiad spuce la Uic auditorium but who were thene ta siaut - au revair. FARIWERS SHOULD HELP EACH OTHER There lsaun old suying tiat "tic Lard liclps those wia ieip themselves," and it would be equaily truc ta suy tiat "the Lord ieips tiose wio ielp oaci other." Many Ontario farmers will liter- ully have ta help oaci otion this yeur if they cunnat get sufficicat ieip for their own individual farms. There wil be, tram ah uaccaunta, a aumber ai "anc-ma" furistus year witli a cansequent reduction in crop acres us a result ai tic farra help situation unies. farm- ers co-operute la Uic old-iushioa- cd neighborly mannen ai cag- ing "wonks" wti caci othen. If wiil be necallcd that during sev- ene farm labon shartagos la the lusf wun, neiglibars- wonked back, and forth ielping oaci other wlth seeding and harvesf aperatiana. A retura ta this method ai op- eraf ion wili rauatiat fermera will b. able ta plant and harvoat marc crop acres ad eed more hogs and cattle tian Uiey would by attompting ta rua Uic fanai ulone. MIIk Pasteurlztion Reaches U8Per Cent Application ai campuisary mllk pusteunizution la Octobor, 1938, ha nat anly made 98 per cent ai ail iluid milk sald la Ontario auto. but ha. demansfrated fiat If la faiblo ta obtain pasteurized milk la smal places. An unalysis, juaf compltai by Uic Ontario Department ai Heaiti, ai tic pusfeurizing planta naw la use, reveuls fiat 36 per cent ai tiese are openuted by tic indivi- duai praducers for pnacossing milk iramn their awn honda. A grauping ai pasteunizatian plants uccording ta tic volume ai milk iandled, shows also that 64 per cent have a duily output ai loss tian 500 quarts und tiat anly 9.5 per cent ai tic dainies soîl mare tian 2,000 quarts. "'Contnury ta fours expressed wion tic mulk pusteunization bill was first presented, tic small dis- tnibutars contrai the greut mu- janity ai tic pusteunizatian plants wiich came into aperation under tuis Act," Premier Hepburn fis week adviscd members ai tic Legilature. The number ai pasteurizafion planta under tic supervision ai tic depurfment iud increased ta a total ai 812 ut tic close ai 1940. This increase la tic consumptian af pustcunized milk ha resuif ai ln a substantial decrease ln those diseases whlch are spread by con- taminated mîlk. Deaths tram typhoid have drap- ped more than 50 per cent to give Ontario the lowest typhoid dcuth rate i Canada. Undulant fever, the germé of whicli are found in nifl from cows sufiering fromn contagiaus abortian, liai dedlined by 45 per cent. and practicaily al the cases naw occurrlng came from iarrna or amaill centres ln which thero la no pasteurizatian. A17y ail-Uinie low ha been reached for tuberculosis and siniflar dawn- ward trends have been rccorded in disasaes such ai paratyphoid foyer and diarrhaea among In- fants und young childrcn. Thm qa otfa the miIk distri- buýted hua pia ymatcrially knprov- ed. Thiifuact la convlncingly de- manstrutcd by the findinga ai Uic provincial lubaratary, whicli lait year exaxnined 24,684 saniples of milk. Place your Bray chlck or der through us. No wrltlna. No money orders. No bother. Pemenai et- tentloft - prompt deliv.ry. F. C. VANSTONE *owm&nvfllo F. L. SYAM Tyrone R. LLOYD STEPHENSON Newcastle JACK HUDSON O.roio u -t *Nowa is the. tira. to see your dealer about a new Clievrolet.6 E y,0#1 q". 0»i Now-wIrile you can get so much motor car value for your money! e. 36tP, -Pu P1.o0ý fa Nozo-wLie low price buys "ail the. necessities and moýt of the lux- n '4 hi'ý0 *1 uries of modem motoring"! Neyer bas a car carried more advance- Il *,%w 34.~ 12. rrili" o $4 '4.1 ,hi3. ments and advantages thon this year's value-leàding Cieolet ... 1 ;. l Z9 ai- Shi.cij no,,Ai, 0Zotc Sil Concealcd Safety Step ... quaity Body by Fiher...comfort- î"eh#: ,6'1.,j,0o..,. increasing Kuce-Action ... Vacuum-Power Shift, at no extra cot... Poitel o pit eh,<,<, Cho 41 great features for '411 The new Chevrolet has been sized ahead, fti'g ooa > 28.Giý0%, u a&tyled aiiad, d.signed ahead for your protection. Eye it, try it, buy C4OW eiICI-. kt today. Enjoy immediate delivery and make sure of thrifty, depend- 38o.Uc?,%4 1. bd a.4 al orig in theeJ'hef f1 a. ROT NICHOLS a COURTICE

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