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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Apr 1941, p. 10

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IIXINO - BOWL dro Horne Ecenomlat - Hello Home Makers! Startingka eCoiumn la alwiays a serlaus busi- nOus. It's samething like begin- nlng ta, brlng up a child. Yoi. can neyer be SURE just how gooc the resultz wlll be. You can only try very hard and hope for the best. So bear witli us while we "bring Up" aour colunl You can hee oby scnding in questions na up gestions and bolstering us upwhen wc nced it moat! We'U try ta be itercstig and informa- tive; Wcil . . . here wc go: 'fsatter "four" . . . schaol's out and tic chiidren came trooping lu."Hi, Moni, a coakie please!" t' a -tceold famillar cry that gaca back ta the days af Grandmother's Cookie Jar ... thc earthen crack on Uic pantry sheli, that neyer quite went empty. The cookie jar 1s'easicr ta f11, nowadays. 0 vcry mucli casier.. an eicctric rcfrig- erator la Uic perfect starehouse frcookie dougli. Then by Uic ' Urne Uic clectric aven lhas been S pre-heatcd, it's so simple juat ta pop Uic batter or do1igh riglit onto Uic bakig sheets and into Uic oven Uicy go. Marmalades and pIreserves make ddliciaus variety when it cornes ta fillinga! Cookle Douth Cookie doughs arc cither vcry sOot or very atif.. A stifi cookle dogIsla asier ta handle if you just put it away and forget it for ten minutes or half an hour. before it la roled out. The mais- Risi CoId 3etorsyom i n v ebcome the refta "misy that cames vith a "VapoRub bUMasge* Wlthtlsmmrthorouzhtreat- met fe pultice-and-vapor atorcivicIa VapoRub marc etoativelyrEEMMa irritated air vapRs , fMUATIchit and ac 1ea warming pouitIce or -- . . -MR- Mmiey ii awy out elht even aidh foRieaaiVaçoRub. LT auraVapoRub Msae V=ti aU ite bneMMfa-masg VapoRtub for 3am na POBTAU'r RiB-AEU& FBor as woli as tbroat and chet - ~da thick layer ou choit vwith a warmod clti. Ba MLatoVuse euinetime-testeci p aturc la absorbed, Uic fat hardena i_ and Uic dougli is not sticky. Your materlals arc Uic saine as i cake making. Soit butter r lard.. fine usugar . . wellIbeatcn cggs . jrpas- I try flour and liquid, ail accuirate- yiy measurcd. ,e Sait douglis may be droppcd ,froin a spoan anta a bakig sheet, ior railcd and shaped with a cut- 'ter, kniie or pustry, wheel. Hlow- 'ever, it talces practice ta rail out a sait cookie dougli. Stiff douglis are usuully roicd ut sd shapd by cutting. Saine- Urnesiy ae made ilto amal bLal ad fiattcned by pressure Kfroin Uic land , a broad knife or sa roiling pin. s In roflimg any dougli, take aut con Uic llghtly flourcd board. (A t est far a lightly ilourcd board rla ta sec if Uic imprint ai your liand can take up anlUic flour in that space.) FMur Uic rafling pin Dsud use anly as much pressure as la necessary ta sprcad the daugli out inta a sheet ai Uic desired Uiickness. If Uic dougl isl too soit ta be railed, more ilour may be >worked in, but Uic texture ai c ookie wil be harder when baked. r* Dip the cutter or knie inta flour sud cut Uic shapes as close tagether as possible. Lift Uic cook- ics with a spatula or broad knif c on ta Uic greased coakie sheet, allowing a littie space for sprcad- ing. Save al Uic trmmings for the lat rolling. The iast coolies will not be ai Uic saine texture because af saine-flour workcd in with Uic zrixing ai these trimmings. Plain coakies may be made more iteresting by Uic use ai cutters ai variaus shapes sud sizes or cutting into shupes ai animals, doils, clowns, trees, etc. 'These may be decoruted with'nuts, can- dies,. melted cliocolate, maralimal- low paste, coiored frostings, etc. .Coakies for a licarty lunch are beat'iillkd witli a cake fiiling orj frosting, fruit paste, juin, jeily,1 marinubade or peunut butter. Suit1 the fiiling tg the flavor and con-1 slatency ai Uic cookie sud Uic occasion. Jamn-Fied Cookies 2 eggs 1 cup sugarý % cup butter (saft)1 3 tbsp. milkf 3% cupa flour 3 tsp., baking powder 1/ tsp. suIt .Thick juin or murmalades 1 tsp. vanilla Beut Uic eggs wdil. Add sugar i gradually, canitinuing ta beat. Add V meited butter, miik sud vanibi. Suft dry ingredients tagether sud! then sift luto first mixture. ChIlI' daugl in lucectric refrigerutar-for t 1 hour ut ieast. Ral aut dauglit %. inchi tbick sud cut in rounds.c Put rounds together in pairs with a tsp.-ul aifjuin bctwccn ecd pair. Pincli edges down sudp lac on greased baking sheet. Baknlu 1' TI'IBmm5c% 1 MILLie TAIL .10 KE5P rT FROM smm$HlttN ME A£DAIRY 46 444 P.' 1 flyl fc rE tl i su W er 91 m Co bi di fo i th ENGLISH LETTER Received by Mrs. P. J. Cale, Ontario St., fram her, alafer living ut 49 Aidridgc Road Villa, West- bourne PI., Landau W. 11. 10-3-41 We are wdl sud suie so tar sud I ain now wuiting for news from Walter before I send ts better du so thaf you wlll get thc latest tram thein. Wc manage ta leep cheerful sud reaily get quite a bot ai fun out f ai fe. To-day I've. gat bamb, greens, patataca sud York- shire pudding, sud balai appies and custard, for diner - aur meut ration la enaugli. Wc always utc fomuci meut. We -are growing aIl sorts ai tlilngs lu the window boxes an aur balcony - famatoes, anions>, sud I shail try lettuce, thc garden bcing dug for potatoes and cab- bages. We save al aur refuse for the pigs and chiclens. I thinll'Il have a cottage lu the country afer this - it's really very exciting growing things. I've even got dafiodila growing lun my sitting rooni. We sec sucli a lot ai yaur boys aver here and I always give flien a amibe - I don't like ta think they arc awuy tram their own homes, but Uiey ail seeni clierful. .Well pIeuse write soon and lil acnd a cabiegramin f we get a bud "do" - poor aid Landau. If was bud cuough last niglit. We werc on iirewatchlng sud al ai aur bouse was up sud ready. God bicas you ail. Ada Culuore. PLIES HIGH FOR SCIENCE Ordinarily moaf canservatîve lu flic altitudes ut whlch its alrcraff fly, Trans-Canada Air Linea wenf "stratosphere"l here reccnfîy and sent anc ai Ifs slips up ta 22,600 feet. The ascent fa marc than the four mile level was Iunflic cause ai science, fa test a tratosphere- type miltary flylng suif. eiectric aven at 3750 for 20 mina. Yild: 48 cookies. Vitainin Cookles %cup lard icup sugar 2 eggs, weil beaten 1 cup molasses 0 1 cup flaked bran cèreal 4 cups slfted flour % tsp. Sait 1 tsp. soda % cup sour creain 1 tsp. ginger % tsp. nutmeg S Biend lard and sugar thorougli- rly,. Add beaten eggs, molasses and Lcercal. Suft flour and measure. eAdd flour, sait, spices aiternateiy -witli saur creain and soda ta the - irst-mixture. Chill dough in edcc- tric refrigeratar. Rail ini tube 1shape. Chil again. Sice off andl tbake ini clectric aven for 8 -12 mina. at 375*. tHere's a Tip: 1. Paate an envelape on the in- aide caver af your recipe baok ta hold extra hints or cippings. 2. Do yau flnd a dark lime leit an the wailpaper or paint when yau change your pictures araund i the Spring? Tack a tiny cark at each corner of the lower edge af the picture frame. 3. Try gluing a paper plate ta the battam of your paint Uin, when yau start your hauaeclcaning painting bee. It catches the drip fram the tin and la a dandy place ta iay down your brush. 4. Sometimes as mucli as hall yaur lighting efficiency isla bt through dust on the bulbs and dirty refiectors. Lct's keep them wiped off with a danip clath much aitener than just at housccleaning Urne! Question Box Anne Allen invites you ta write te lier cia The Statesman. Just send in your questions on hame- makting prablenis and watch this littie corner af the column far replies. BRIDE 15 LOVELY IN 0LDIVORYSATIN On Saturday evening, Mardi. 29th, a cliarning wcdding cere- mony helli at the haine of the bride's parents, united in marriage Elinare Louise Balles, daughter ai Mr. and Mra. 'rederick T; Balles, Oshawa, and Mr. Cliarles Mitchell Cawker, son ai Mr. and Mrs. T. Wesley Cawker, af Bawmanville, w'ith Rev. C. R. Spencer, Bow- rnanvillc, afficiating. The scene af the wedding *vas enlivened with palina, Easter Melis and gay spring flowera. 1r. John H. Branton, umcle af the bride, played the wedding muaic, with Mr. Thomas MvacDowell singing during the signing ai the register. The bride, given in marriage by her father, waa beautiful in her wedding gawn ai old-ivory alipper satin, fash.toned with a fittedU adice, and very fuil skirt fa]lings inta a swecping train. The very tiglit aleeves came ta a pointavr lie back ai the biand and tmny covered buttons trinimed the backt of the gown. A lovely Veil'af il-1 lusion net feil from a caranet t headdreassai satin and pearla, and she carricd a shower bouquet. Mrs. HoWard Davidson, sister ai lie bride, was matron..of-hanar, and wore a gown af Peruvian ink, carrying a naturai bouquetr of sheil pink rases, freesia andC forget-me-nats, with matchings flowers mn her hair. Mr. W. E. SI Taylor ai Sudbury was grooms- s nan. I At the reception heldi akerward fl the bride's mother receivki in a 8 becoming jacket frock ai English P suede lace in-melon shade with v 'elvet ribbon trim ai American ti beauty shade, and matching flow- tî ers, assisted by the mother ai the ti groom who was charniing inel moonstone blue with pink orchid ]R crsage. For her wedding n the v' bride had chosen a dep blue Pl dresamaker ensemble with blue bg tx trim and navy accessories. ai 'lie young couple are making Leir homne in Toronto. Pl ei sud in order thut it may recéive a just sud f air return sud thija be enabicd ta make that contribu- tion ta Canuda's war effort Wbicli la 50 sdesirable sud whlch out -agricultural population so greatly edesire ta malce." This amendinent was umoyed Mardi 26, 1941, sud Hon. Mr. Gardiner, hnmediately foilowlng Mr. Perley, stated: "this arnend- ment. . -. is a vote ai waut oi confidence in this gaverninent." Want of Confidence Iu other words, whcn Uic vote tfinaily came, the btneup wauld be those suppartiug Uic goverument, versus thase oppoaing Uic gaverh- ment. Any member voting agairnat Uic gaverninent, wauld be in Uic position ai supparting Uic Con- servutives. On the foilowing day, Mardi 2-1, Uirec Liberal niembers, Mr. Mé- Nevin, Victoria, Dr. Blair, Well- ington North, and Mfr. Rickar.d, Durhiam, spake in turn as opposed to Uhis government palicy as laid dawn. Opposition was vaiced by mcmn- bers frain bath wqgt and at and it la just pnasibie thut before tia resume gets into print the vote wibi have been takefi and Uic di- vision definitely drawn. The Split is occasioned, appurcntly, over bonusing acreage sown ta course. grains on Uic thcary thut sucli will tend ta increuse western hog pro- duction. In another column we have summarized this bonus plan sud se far as we have read, no anc seema ta have examined Uic Uicory thut the continuing bénps on grass bauds plus the canvenient fluishtng on coarse grains ingt have cven greater adverse effeet, given time, on beef prices. Graz- ing sud iinishing "beci" iA l's bothersome than producing liog. Coarse Grain Bogey Prom Uic ubove, and fram Uic accompanylug article giving a breukdowm an these bonuses, Uic reader may have saine under- standing ai Uic prablein sud Uic i ressons why saine ai those whorn wc werc accustomed ta regard as Liberal stalwarts, have uow, ap-I parently, joinai Uic ConservativeI ranks - but wc should hasten ta add that this may be but a tem- porary obsession, aud Uic final vote may beie ail their protesta-I tibns. Space doca net permit coin- plete reports froin Hansard but we shail include highlights froin 1 variaus speeches which wc hope 1 s'il be bath entertaluing sud il-c Iumluating. The cobumna ai The Statesman have, in thc past, been used treely ta give prominence toe speeches made in the House by our present member ut Ottawa, It is dcemed a service ta readeea1 s'hich no doubt they appreciat teaucquaint ticin with impor X happenings lu the life oaithcnu-, tion. We give you, therefore, l'Higliliglits from Hansard." Fiays Government Arng pertinent pois brauglit out by Mfr. Senn were these: "Ag- riculture la thc only industry .mi Canada which doca not enjoyg some sort ai price maintenance g scheme. Labor unions have thcir V scule af wages; their heurs of lj abor regulations. The price puid t] for manuiacturcd goods beurs jr aine relatianship ta Uic coat ai C praduction plus profit. Civil ser- - vants and salariai people know f their incanica for thec year. Re- a talers sud wioles2lers make f their markups. Doctars, .lawyers, etc., have their scheduics aifiees Rates for ail types ai public ser- tices, freiglit, passenger, tele- c liane, etc., are set by gaverning Pr odies. The fariner l ic eaniy anc H Et a disadvantagc." a "«The price reccived for thc ex- ù portable surplus ta a vcry great ti eteut determines the domestic a price of farin producta. Until ;me other method la devised ta leterniine thc farin . price struc- are, thc fariner wiil neyer enjay lx .e prasperity ta which hli laen- M tied." b "I believe thc farmers ai cas- â ern Canada wli resen.t moat bit- di ;rly flic proposai af Uic gaveru- cc ncut ta puy western praducers ai se urse grains a bonus ai $2.00 an ve =ec wlicn those grains will be icd iM o livcstack wich will compete ai iUi stock froin eastern Canada, vhere no bonus la p aid."e And seon ieudig up tehist mndment.ti Gardineor Grins ci Mr. Pcrlcy took up Uic burden pr id cnlarged It taiclude taking ad rer cievatars and starage: "The et] lunister ai Agriculture knaws the Br ituation. Why does lie nat talke* he action wlifrh he knows isg eccssary sud whlch lielias the coj >wer ta tale? I appeai ta hi a l apparters ta put pressure an hlm wi 'this regard. We remember hais u rrning ta Impnlennt-c-panef HOW TO COMBAT Rlieumatic Pains Dhuac paa aonfidé. ca e acoi I U»ho bld. bisb"duw noya =au s d a d d la yhu éa v" Dodd's KIdnoy PUIs, Durham &M.d WithLbel on WesternIl nder to-day is $240.00; whcn I rted iarming I baught a six- ot bluder _campiete for $120.00. »ut thrce campanica contrai aprice af farmin mpîcinents."1 nuatnuing, lic said: "I aminot a .e trader."1 Aliter surveying the farm-hcip oblein, Mr. Rlckard, i referrlng Uic Federation ai Agriculture, à: "I amn allui symputhy wlth n organizations,"1 and gave Uic >se saine facts whlch wcre Lpclatcd by Dr. J. B. Reynolds the Orono meeting, sud deplor- <Continuod tram page, 1) ber Bek loms Plant sclves to thc changcd situation longbefore Ucthne erUiu aot it."0 And that, no doubt, la what happein.This tendency af 1 Gardie t mile hi Uic face o: seriaus situation and indictie may have been a factor ln tin ing saine oa iis Ontario ioilowe againat hlm. Drlead lax Turning to Uic proccssing te Mir. Pcrley liad thl ta Bay.- "T proccssing tae slouid have bei increascd ta 50e as western pr vincial gaverninent wantcd. Wh, Because Uic price ofai a a bread should not be incrceased ail by reason af a 50c pracessii tax, making whcat came ta $1.: or $1.25 a buahel."1 "The price ofai a aioaibret should not be more Uian sevE cents; There la Uic greatest racki gaing an in Uic big mill-cantrol< bakerles Uiraughout C a n a d There shauld be an invcstigat< by this gaverninent. Yesterday talked wihUiceCanada Erci Coy. in Uia clty. Thcy make4 louves out ai a bushel bi whea At 10c thia cames to $4.60 - an the fariner gets fiity cents. Thcz is somcthing wrang. I h.jvc tai] cd with Uic mills and Uicy hav admittcd that Uic price ai brea was away out ai lime wli tt price ai wheat."' (One would a: moat Uiink hc was, speaklng ubai the milk question). Mr. Pericy, wound Up by suji gesting that producers Uiemscive would adjust theur operations - compeiled by ecanomic nccssity Gardiner HIEs Back Then Mr. Garýdier swung i action witli bath wisccracka ani thc big stick, lu Uic hope, no daul of quelling inurrction. He thre' bath bouquets and spikes at th~ Federution ai Agriculture, diggin into past allegcd history; Inferrinq that Uiey always gave attention ti Federation delegutes and his tri] ta Engiand Was inspircdfirst bi thc Federation, etc. "It was said that we, shouid bý able ta plan for the stabilizatia: of farin prices. Ail I wiali toa] in regard ta Uiat la ta refer agaiz to what 1 said . .. namely, tha- this gaverninent, ever slhcc tht wvar started, and before, lias beer attcmpting to atabilize Uic priceg of farm products ta a point wheri famers can exist under Uic ver lifficuit conditions which pre. vail." (Ail wha agrec, signify in .Ui usual manner! and add anc- aboul lie very difiicuit conditions lu in. lustry and lubor and sa forth.) Mr. Riekard on History On one point at icast, Han. Mr Gardiner and Mr. Rickard werE in agreement-. It is obscrvcd thai both made similar camnirts "This war . la no different frqm other wars in its eifccts upon far. mer. Every War evcriaught ir ny p3eriod of history in any place, vas detrimentul ta Uic farning population both in Uic area hn which, it was fouglit and in the arca from which their food sup- bies were ta be securcd." SAil of which takes in a lot o: ground and a lot of histary and gives risc ta speculution as tc whether in caucus, this politica. hiatary lesson was rehearsed and tic incipient revalutian prear- rangcd as a political pop-valve. Coincidence? SHansard cicarly partrays the tct that Uic speech ai Mr. Rick- 3rd, dclivercd the other day la by lr Uic abicat speech lielias so ar delivercd in Uic House. The -ciaragrupli which opens ts arti- Le I do uot feci that I can sup- :rt it," la nuuificd by his re- nark that: "The member for ïaldirnand, ai course, brought lu Lwant af confidence motion -in he governinent .with which ina- Jon, I wlsh ta say, I do nat On Uic Pence Disagreemeut with bath pro- isals creates samcUiing of a dii- mma. The fact la that Uic mcmn- amr for Haldlrnand brouglit down a amendinent.- It was Mr. Gar- uner who dubbed it "want ai onfidence."' There seenia always everal speeds, forward and re- eïse lu politicai stein raflera, as iay hie guagcd ut Uic conclusion fthis article. ght l a ent, 'n. ax, .lie !en Ly? af at rig .2 0 ad ln ret a. ,I ad 46 t. id re kc ad he il- ut as es to pd bt 1 19 to tP Offer. plan Among lits proposais were these: "I would be mare willing ta pay $4.00 an acre ta seed down, than $4.00 an acre for surnmcriallow, or $2.00 an acre for coarse grain. I would rather pay a littie higher price for wheat, perhaps 72 or 75 cents, and stick ta wheat, than bonus the. growlng ai coarse graina ta came into competition with the eastern farinera whtcli ta my mind must happen. The principle ai the thing sccms ta me absolutely wrang."1 Mr. Pair, a Western member, foilowed Mr. Rickard and wiclded a lusty hatchet. He said: "The hon member for Durhiam (Mr. Rickard) gave us a prctty gaod address - in spots." Agrceing that the Hatise had tao fcw farmer members, Mr. Fair said: "Some .. . even when they are farmers, ait stili and keep their chairs warrn rather than risc i their places and speak for thase who sent thein here."1 "Man la the only animal that can be akin- ned more than once; the fariner inust be a superman for at every mave hd makes leie l skinned." The debate will drag an. The denouement wiil corne. We shal report the resuit. Meantime, this cvening Sang: "«On motion af Mr. Gardiner the debate was adjourn- Businýessof thc House 1Mr. Hansan (York-Sunbury)* What la Uic business for to-mar- raw? Mr. Lapointe (Qucbec East): There are flirce or four bius which siauid mot take very long. We wiil tale any ai thein, sud tien we will go into suppîy-am agri- culture, I 'am pbeased ta say. Mr. Hanson (Yark-Sunbury):, That la a pretty sharp trick, and quite unwarthy aiflthc gavcrn- ment. Mr. Lapointe (Quebec East): Whut ta the trick? 1&. Hanson (Yark-Sunbury): You know what if la as weil as Ido. Mr. Lapointe (Quebec East): I da mot knaw. Mr. Rawc: It la an aid anc-ta ga inta supply lustcad ai continu- ng flia debate. ?&r. Lapoinfe (Quebec East): I cnnnt bring in an.y other suppby. Islioubd be plcased to have thc house proceed wi some other departinent, but the apposition îas prevented aur golug into sup- ply on anything but agriculture. E have no riglit ta bing in any other suppiy. Mr. Hunson (Yark.Sunbury): Whly mat go on w1th flua debate? Mr. Lapotute (Qucbcc East): Which debate? 1Mr. Hanson (York-Sunbury): [Tlits debate. Mr. Lapointe (Quebcc East): /05 B4~ GURNEY HAD BEEN MAKCINO RANGES FOR 54 YEARS rJ'[~excitement and $lumour of the Kondyke GoId T Rush are a part ofthe rugged frondier tradition of Canada. The naine Gurney, too, has hclped build unother Canadian tradition... the tradition of heariy, home-cooked, hospitable meuhs. ,Unlike the GoId Rush, which developed with sudden fury, Gurney ranges evoived siowiy and steadily. Con- sistent 'improvements kept dhecinaiways mure than, abreast of the ines. just as Gurney ranges stili anaintain a tradition of fine cookrng, so, tao,- have they fostered a ncw tradi- tion of beuuty, convenience sud- econonmy in cvery Canudian kitchen, Stream- . .. .. . . .lincd, gleaming Gurney . ranges offer outstanding a- vantages to every home- S~ whceer coul, wood, gas or -t 'electricity la used. Sec these s"' ~ modern mirades of range- .. ........building ut your Gurney dealcr's., Sec Your Local Gumoey Dealer ...............e" ~ ble, unrke direct to the ao Torow We canuot. My ion. friend shouid Pather: The in who marries learu lits mules. rny daughter wlil get a prize. At six o'clocl thc house adjouru- Young Man: May I sec it please? cd, witliout question put, pursusut Tcmmite's niglitinre: I dreaint ta standing order. fiat I dwelt in marbie halls. School was out. Thcy could A sincee riend la ance who sa trundie their hoops - but if bloos nasfy things ta your face lusteaÇ more like the stcam-roiler. ofa behind your back. TO RETAIN THAT SMARTf TAULORED LOOK Have Yýour Clothes PERLUX CLEANED Oshawa Laundry & Dry Cleaning Company, Limltod Pone 419 -We Ct'll and l llr ,rAyc-,r5 e7 7-t] 1 n ed the fact that there were so, iew honest-to-goone f amiers ln the Hos fCamans. "Only about - 35 ... wha know what it means ta do a real day's work on a tarin. "~ ConcludIng, Mr. Rickard said: I0 "«It la ail very weil ta be critical, U but we must afer somcething cap2- structive if we are goýng to get ~ anywhere." --Wh.n Ue sourioughÉ hit MIMC I.segr"z 1*Sti o i auI i ews'falB ik ' rc Mha Mae tteIu falftm An Mhn htyugtfryu oe-h hiln cino Muc' M1-ospwrFEALegie h uhoe ofr ; M) otci pig l rud h euyo ucsnwdysye Fo logMf n eedblt-o hite Mml« -o MC N IP UL DYMNR M r R - RO MIHL O M m i ý"vzw M£v yve Vau aau amuvimw w4mmm""

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