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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Apr 1941, p. 11

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~T, PRf.. , 141 HE ANAIAN TATSMA, INVILEONTRIOPAGE ELEVEI4 ISocia and Personal Phone 4h16O igSyd Hughes was home on leave. #.Cutt la at present at Orono Mrs. Dr. McElroy, Peterboro, vislted in Orono. The Hall fravily, Oshawa, have moved Into Orono. Mr. Henry Cornsh is recover- lng from a badly infected finger. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Yonker and Fred, Preston, visited here. Mrs. Fred Sisson, Toronto, vlslted here. Dr. and Mrs. McCullough ar- rive this week from the sauth. lIrs. Geo. Buttera visitod i Bowmnafvifle. Report of Horticultural social evening will appear noxt week. Misses Phyllis Lowden and Jean White visited i Toronto. Lt.Col. J. C. Ganiey visited i Toronto.. Miss Davidson, Markham, visit- ed. at W. J. Stark's. .J. J. Mellor bas been on the sick liat. Mr. E. Morton celobrated his 8th birthday quietly March 24th. E. R. Ralney was off duty for a ie this week at Cornsh's store. Mr. and Mrs. Art Allen vWere iu Toronto Sunday..i Ms., D. Noble has returned from Peterbara.. SMrs. James Taniblyn, Sr., was taken ta the hospital Friday. * Miss Trewilliger, of Peterboro, vlited Miss Lenora Wood. We undemstand Chas. Wood has the caretaker's job i bath school .and towu hall. We undorstand R. C. Rosborough has rented the Billings residonce and will move there at Easter. The weatherman suroly fooled evorybody by binging another f all of snow. The Casoy f amily dld flot move ta Bowmanvîlle last week as ex- pected. 4 W.C.T.U. met last week and muade plans for their modal con- test. Orono friends extond congratu- lations ta Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Rowe on their diamond wedding. .Mrs. Archie McDonald, Toronto, visited her mother, Mrs. Neil Smiith. .Exocutive of Sunday School de- cided ta give $20 i War Savings caznpagn i favor of the church. Scouts held a quiet session on Thusday evening, -gettlng signal- Jing instruction fram John QradY. Snaw draps are lu blomr - a sure sign that warin weather 10 On the way. Mr. Fred Rowe, Ottawa, and Rev. Arthur Rowo, Cagary, visit- cd friends i the localitY. L. Lowery reports assessmng OSBHAWA, ON1e. Free Air Parking Conditioned Friday and Saturday APRIL 4- 5 96Where there's peril there's ERROL" Er;rol Flynn - Brenda Marshal ln "dFOOTSTEPS UN THE DARK"Y RLalph Deflmy - Alan Hfale REVIVAL *riday, April 4th 6"THEY DRIVE BY NIGHT" Hiumphrey Begart.GeOrge Rat Aa Sheridan Monday and Tuesday APEIL 7 - 8 Fredrie Marci - Betty Field "1VICTORY", with Sir Cedrie Hardwlcke Sig Runiafl - Fritz Feld and by ail mcmiiidon't miss Orrin Tuoker - Bènnle Baker 1Jerry Colonnaad JEdward gverett EHorten ln "1YOUVRE THE ONE" l's a Riet, Wed. and Thurs. APRIL 9 - 10 George Brent - A=a Sheridan 'HONEYMOON FOR THREE"I Charles Ruggiem - Ou aa.Maea Jane Wynm Mdi for your adised joyinet d"FATHERS SON!' John Litel - Frieda InesOort Thie cedor spetacle of the year "WESTERN UNION" la onalRl - watèh for àt so.n ncarly donc, 80 oxpoct tax billsinlu the flot-sa-distant future. Tisas. Lewis, Jack Stobart sud Charles Walker were home on leave. Gardon Watson was Uic flmt anc ta rake his g ass this year -1 but Uiat wan beoare the ncw fall of snaw.1 N.- F. Porter wan lu Croaked Croek Thursday cvenlng taklng J. J. Mellor's place hi Uic War Savings drive. Mr. sud Mrs. M. J. Tamblyn sud Glen sud Mr. George Mitchell attended Uic Cawker-Bailes wed- ding Saturday. Olono Red Cross hoWd a de- lightful atemnoon tes Tisursday. Many iavely articles were eccclv- ed itise sisawor for tise refuge children. W. J. Riddell was i Clarke Union Fiday addressing Uic Homo and School Club in cannec- tian with War Savings. Mrs. K. Wcrry is rccupcmatlng at tise Werry home, having been instmucted ta get away'tram B.T.S. environs for a while. M. and Mms. John Edwards af Oshawa sud Mms. Rexr Boice of West Guilford -called on Uic lat- ter's grandfather, Mm. O. W. Scott, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Shaw, Mr. P. M. Lunn, Mms. A. Bradlcy and Mms. H. Flintoff vislted Mr. sud Mms. Gea. Kcith sud bMm. Jas. Moffatt in Toronto. Orano Bcd Cross packed thc tfoilowing goods lant wcek: 91 Pr. socha, 13 pr. mitts, 2 pr. gloves, 30 scarves, 14 sweaters, 1 iselmet, 3 blanlcets, 5 qullts, 7 pr. pyjamas. Thse Executive ofthUi W.M.. mot Sunday atter churcis udap- painted Mms. A. A. Drummnond a doiegate ta Uic convention at Boaklin Frlday of this week, wlit Miss M. Davy an alternate. The church appeal in conece- tian with War Savlngs certiticates is recoiving f air esuts. Lator an a repart may ho published but at Uic present tme Uic amaunts will bo added wlth Uic other ordinary drive each week. Easter holidays start next week for Uic scisools, sud ail seem suxiaus for this breathing spel before Uic lant lap of Uic achool race. Incidentally, next Sunday la3 Palm Sunday sud Uic tolaowing Sunday Easter, so evcrybody came ta churcis - whether you have a new Easter bonnet or nat. .A quiit made of knitted blocks han been made through tise efforts of Mms. J. J. Melor's sud Mrs. Wm. Armstrong's classes at Sun- day'School sud was an display at Uic' Red Cross roonis Thursday. Another anc la in Uic maklng. Both wll be uscd là Uic war zone. Mr. snd Mrm. J. B. Mawke at- tended Uie memorial service at Waterloo on Sunday ta honor their nephew, Flylng Officer Mar- vin Erown (yauugest son of Mrs. Brown and Uic late Major W. J. Brown of Kincardine), wha wan killed in su almraft accident in England. 1One hundred attendcd Park St. Sunday School session Sunday afternaon, which was in charge of M. H. Staplea who prcparcd tise ~hildren for Easter by telling of Christ's crucifixion. Mms. Wm. Armstmang's clasa was banner clasa for the day and for Uic montis of March. The funeral of Uic late -Miss C. Colville toah place fram hem late residehce * Xhursday 'afternoan, with Bev. D. R. Dewdney àficiat- ing. During tise service, which was well attcnded, Mms. Alex Coi- ville of Bownivilllc sang a hynin. Bearers wcrc Ailisan Cowan and Roy Colvilc* of Toronta, Coille Evans, Colin Smiith, Mac ShilUi sud J. Colville of Oona. Who says gaod news travels fat? Orme Ganisby dld flot know untig, Satumday noan that ho won anc of the War Savings crtiticates at Uic dance sud card party. It is the tirat tme he han been lucky, Orme says. Incidentaily, I cane aur readers -did nat sec Uic bit about Orme inUic Star under Uic title "Over The Teacupsy", we quote: "'Orme Ganxsby of Orona, whose duty it is .ta stock Uic crocha with spechled trout cvcry year in Clarke township, tols us ho eiçn't put thse tish ilest yoar until after Uic fishing season was over. A personal friend in Uic cepartmont of games and fisher- ica, Alex McLeod, msuaged ta dig himupsanie fine ycam old and year sud a half old fish from Uic Petawawa hatchery. Ho slipped theni inta tise streanis an Fair Dgy, when fia anc was about.* Many were seven ta ight incises in length. Sa would-be fishermen will have ta cansuit Orme if Uicy want ta know wisere Uic f ish are CAMERAS SUBJ ECT PARK ST. UNION Unian Monday evening was i charge cf Uic cultural convenemi, Jim Power, who presidod, sud Maria Hancock. Durig Uic .wor- shlp period, whlcis opened tise meeting, Sami Keane rend Uie scripture sud Msuley Littlowood gave a eadng. Kathleen Smith- was appolnted delegate ta Uic convention at Whtby on Saturday sud Sunday. Music cansisted of a pilana sala by Shirley M yles, sud a vocal solo by Mm.. Mary Pisey wltis Mrs. Victor Hancock, accampanlat. The topic was takeu by Jlm Powers on thc subject cf Photo- gaphy. Jiini first mentloned Uic camera club I connection wlth B.H.S. wheme he attends school, sud thon gave hints an getting thse beat resulta from ne ncs cam- era. The talk pmavod most in- teresting and instructive. Recreation was providod by a qjuiz canteat canducted by Jini Powers sud Glen Hancock, i which ail took part sud enoyed. The meeting closod wlithUicee- poating of tise Mizpah benedictian. ".LOAN TO COUNTRY- GIFT TO CIIURCH'y AT PARK STREET Mr. Rasa Strike, Bowmanville, addressed Uic congregation cf Park St. Churcis Sunday mamnlng in Uieiterests cf Uic churcis "Loan ta country, gif t ta Cisurch"' War Savings drive. The idea presénted was ta -buy War Savings certificates ta aid i prosecution of Uic war sud at Uic enid of 7% years give Uiem ta Uic churcis ta aid in eiiminating Uic huge dot icit with whicis Uic cisurchis la aced at Uic present time. The speaker awned Uiat at tirst he was flot in favor af Uic idea but on studyli ich question became in favor cf it. His plca will fia doubt meet wi encourag- ing msuts. The choir selection at this ser- vice was "More Love ta Thoe," witis Mm.. Charles Wood taking Uic sala part and Mrs. W. C. Lynchs sud Mrs. Wood Uie duet in thc antheni. At Uic evcning . service Bey. Littlewaad spohe an thé stary of tise anainting of Christ with pro- ciaus ointment sud Uic discussion sud expmesscd opinians that e- sulted. At this service Mm. S. Littlewaod favored wlit a vocal solo. DIM AND DISTANT From The Orono News of April 4, 1918 ,1 S. Boom Orono Public Scisoal Report for Mardi: Sm. II-Mary Sominerville (hans), Jini Gilfil- lan (hans), frene Whytc, Wesley Wood; Jr. II-Mary Dnvey (hans), Catherine Hall <hans), Kenneth Gamsby, Edna Stutt, George Mc- Pherson, Edward Eber; Sm. III- Lizzie Litan (hans), Boy Car- nisis (hans), Richard Pearson, Thelma Martyn, Allie Wood, Har- old Lunn, Boy McPisersan, Fran- cj. Awde, Cymil Agnew, Ruby Iiddleton, Evelyn Mddltan; Jr. III-Honours, Marlon Dichson, El- sic Whyte, Clittord Wintem, John McCrae, Kathleen Allen, Chale Knox_ Margaret Eber, Doris French. B. A. Wilson, teaciser. Klrby S. S. 14, for Myarcis: Sm. IV-Biseta Brown; Jr. IV-Mil- ton Wannsu, Harald Hocy <ab- sent); Sr. III-Jinimie Brown, Orvilbe Hooey, Boginald Jeffkins, Boy Powers; Jr. III-Winnic Wsu- nan, Marlon Brown, Marlon Mc- Kelvey, Theirna Brown, Wille Wannsu, Muraice Poulter; Jr. II -Charlie Clemence, Jim Harneas; Sm, I-Lawrënce Hooey, John Mc- Kelvey; Jr. I-Margaret Brown, :Clara Wannan; Pr-R a ymon d Chapman. C. E. Moffatt, teacisçr. WAR VICTIM5 FUND PR~OFITS BY CONCERT A livewire cammittoc sponsor- ed acard Part y sud dancehin Uic town hall Friday nlght, as a e- suit af which The Telegrarn War Victinis' Furld wlll receive araund $70.00. The torepart ofthUi evening was spent in ca rda, wlit prizes beig iwon as toliows: Five Huudred - ladies' iigis, Mrs. John Morris, ladies' iow, Mms. Gnuld, gents' isigis, Mr. W. B. Hoar, genti'law, Mrs. Cra nplaying ARan apgntle- Lockhart's School Anothor meeting ofthtie Wam Work Cammittee was held at Mrs, F. W. Bawen's on Weduesday Marcis 26Ui. Another quilt was qullted aithougis not as many an usual were out as Uic oada werc bad. We isad n splendid attendance at Sunday Scisoal on Sunday. Alma, Jack, Mary'sud John Glb- son added ta Uic service by slng- ing Uic hynin, "There hs a groen hll fa away." Our Home sud Scisool are pay- ing a visit ta Antiacis this wco-k. Mms. Barchard las pendlng a few days. in Uic city. Mr. Milton Welch, Mion, spent Sunday wlth his nephcw, Harold Gibson. Lake Shore, Clarke Mm. and Mms. Chas. Alldreds I Mr. and Mms. B. Aildred attended a miscelianeous shawer held ln hanar of Miss Ellen Girn blett, Bowmanville, asat Friday night. Win. Pawell is cuttiug wood along tise shoare. Gernan messies are in tise sec- tion. Bey. Jaynes attended Uic hoc- key game in Oshsawa Monday night. Becent Visitora: Miss A. Hendry, WL.C., WVhit- by, BfilBowand sud B. Alldred, Oshawa, * werc home over Uic weekend. Mr. sud Mms. J. Mitchell New- castlo, with Mr. and Mms. à. Mit- chell. . Mms. C. Bedwlu han heen'stay- ing wli hem 'mother, Mrm. F. Parker, sice hem tather's death. Mr. Robt. Martin with iis son, Mr. A. A. Martin, I.P.S., Brigiston. Clarke Union. Mr. John Fogg ef t last week for four months' traiing at Peter- boftugh. Mr. Ernest Patterson, Newcas-, tic, wan thraugh th is sectioni tak- ig ordera for UieCcanning factary at Bowmanville, for corni, pean, tomatos. Mm. sud Mms. Ed. Grahamansd Mr. and Mms. H. J. Soucis visitÇd Mr. sud Mms. Harry Bailcy at Uic Training Scisool, Bowmsuviile, an Sunday. The Homd sud Scisool met On Frlday evcning. Mr. WlJ Riddell, Orono, was Uic gucat speaker sud gave su address on Hitlemlsm. The Clarke Union orchestra gave sev- eral selections, also Mms. Mary pisasey sang -twa numbema. The' Jmeeting closcd wi God Save Uic XCing sud refresisments. , - Mr. Brenton. Fogg, who han beon wamking at Uic rubber tac- tory, Bownanville, han returned hampta heip his tather on tise f=mn Hoip la very scarce sud we do flot know wisat Uic farmers arc gaing ta do in order ta get their cropai. A large number'from, this sec- tion attended Mr. DçLong's sale asat week. Newtonville Mr. sud Mms.*Céed Walkey have aecured moanis at Pickering and are living there wisile hé han cm- pioyrnlnt there. Bob Hughes was home frani ~NemaretTraining Camp tam Uic weckend. Mrs.' MacMurray was injured Friday evenlng by a car driven by a hit-and-mun driver. Sise was crassing Uic stroot just i frant of thc telephane central wisen the accident accurred. In soite af being rather badly cut wo are glad to say se is reeovering. Mms. John Stapleton han me- turned ta hem home I Newcastle after spending Uic winter at Mm. Wm. Stapletan's. Mms. J. Wnde sud Jack have returned tram a six weekM' visit with relatives nt Lindsay. A number tram home attended thc Bcd Cross meeting i New- castle Thursday. Bey. Arthsur Rawe, son of Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Bowe, from High River, Aita., pmoacised in Uic Unit- cd Cisurcis Sunday cvening. T>é W. A. ofthUi United Church met at Uic parsonage Marcis 26th sud discussed plans tamrtise May 24th supper. Mm.. Dainard, Mms. Lane. sud Mms. Hlendersan served a dainty lunch. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mms. R. J. Rawe who celcbrated their slxtieth weddlng annlversary an Satumday, Mercis 2gUi. Visitars: Miss Sybil Haod sud Mr. Stan. ley Payne, Poterbora, Pte. Bort HildriUi ofthUic"Queen's Own Rifles", New Brunswick, at Mr. Boubou Payne's. Mm. sud Mrs. Wm. Robinson, Kendai, at. Mm. Cecil Robinson's. Mr. and Mms. Tisas. Webster and Mms. Denault, Sm., Toronto, at Ur. Dave Denault's. Mr. sud Mms. Striker, Mms. Meader And Lloyd, Toronto, at Mr. Chas. Marris'. Mms. J. Stark, Mrs. I. Stark and John iPetembora. Precentation te Miss E. Wallac On Manday ovenig, Marcis 24, thse U. C. Sunday Scisool oom was fllled wlit friends wha met ta spend one more social evenlng wltis Miss Eluie Wallace beo re se went ta hem new wark at Pickering. However it was flot s0 sad as it nmight have been as Elsie wll nat ho fer away sud expects stil ta b. wihus atten. Mm. Wni. Laing acted as charman for tise evening anud excelled all past re- cords. -He pmcaentod Uic foilowing pragram: Chorus, 0 Canada; sel- ectioxus b y Uic Camipbell Orches- tra; vocal' duets, Noreen Prouse and Jean Campbell, soprano solo, ORONO) NIEWS 1_ýLionel Hughes; piano duet, ~.Campbell and Jean; reading, hI.Dudley Jones 'Little Things'; Mr.Jones also spoke a few words of Wpreciation ta Elsie; baritone alWby Messrs. Gardon Bickle dêRoy Bickle, Bethesda, Ham- iltori Twp.; violin duet, Mr. Camp- 1>CU and Jean. 1-te chairman thon called on MOr. Arthur Redknapp ta road the address which expressed re- gret at Elgie's doparturo. It spako lùaglowing terms of her services *la4ixocommunity, the church, and th& choir as well as hem cheerful ce-operation at the switchboard. =$"oal mention was made of hem v~special giUt - her beautiful Volte - which was freely used at WIimes and which was an i- ýLItion toalal who heard herj sfgAnd, lastly, Elsie was as-1 's~of a welctme whenever she1 obolée ta came "home." MaryE lâÜo thon presented Elsie with ar pmes of money thsie has spent 19 years i I;éwtonville, 16 of which wereE obent at "Central," and so faund1 It very difficult ta eply but1 eventually overcame her emotionE and expressed hem appreciation,a liitimnating that Newtonviile isr stili her homo sud she expects ta stli be in her place in Newton- ville choir Sunday nights. Ail jolned in singing "For She's a Jol- ly Good Fellow", and then Rev. Thos. Wallace, Elsie's father, and Rev. J. MeLachlan were called on for., speeches.t *Alter singing the National Aný- theni lunch was served and a time pl good fellowship enjoyed. Those present from a distance were: Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Alex- ànder <Hilda Wallace) and Merle and McGregor Jones, Markhamn; Bey. Thos. Wallace, Greenbank; m.Jas. Robinson, Mr. and Mms. Harold Couch (Grace Wallace), Xewcastle. ANOTHER WAR ýI BEINC WAGED Lot us aIl continue ta wago war on the Warble Fly which causes dairy cows ta go dry, beef cattle ta- lose weight, hides ta. be spoiled wlth an approximate five nililion dollar annual loss i Ontario. *Ail the files that will make aur cattie run this summer will ho ini the hacks of the cattle ln March,i Af>mil, May and June, and if al the grub. are killlcd there can ho no flies. Dr. L. Stevenson, Pro- vincial Zoologist who is espan- sible for Warble Fly Contral Work states, "The Warble Files do nat tinvel very f ar, so a man who treats his cattle can easonably ex- -pect ta get results, even if the neighbor neglects ta treat his cattie."' 1Co-operate with your neiglibor by treating every warble that la1 WIN .u/tomobi/es- ttWhen 1 started to seli cars twenty-five years ago there were few standards of values. Demonstra- tions, sales talks and explanatioz3s were long and complicated. "Tody the public, as weIl as the distribjutors and manufacturers of automobiles, recognize cer- tain à'tandards as a basis for comparing quality and performance. Power, construction, finish, speed and materials ail have definitions that are recognized and acçepted by the public as known values." T HE trend ta which this merchant refer8 toward accepted, dependable standar ds, applies ta ather fields also. Take advertising for instance. Twen ty-fiye years aga there was no approved measure for circulation values. Then the Audit Bureau of Circulations was organized inl 1914, a national, cooperative association of publishers, advertisers and ad- Vertising agencies. For the. benefit of advertisers the Bureau m-akes an annual audit of the circulation records of ail publisher members. Verified re- ports based on these audits show, for example, how many copies of a newspaper are printed, where they go and how distributed. These and other facts given in A. B. C. reports enable the adviser to compare circulation values and buy advertising on a business-like basis. Newspapers are ideal for automobile ad- vertising. People read the papers to keep up to date and al car awners and prospects are vitally interested in the latest automobile news. Dealers have faund from experience that their newspaper advertising wili reach the right people and get attention. Added to, that is the fact that their advertis. ing investment in an A.B.C. newspaper ispro.. tected by the verified facts ini A.B.C. reports. The resuit is effective advertising plu assur- ance that the advertisers get what théy pay for. This newspaper fi a member of th# Audit Bureau of Cirtslations. On request we shali gladly furnish a copy of our Iatest A. B. C.rer. S . . C. m AUDIT BUREAU 0F CIRCULATIONS m FACTS M; A MEASURE OF ADVERTISIN4G VALUE Eyesight Education And Efficiency By C.H.Tuck optometrist Dlsaey Bldg.1 1 (Olp. P. O.> IqqaloO amwa Number 171 The banc of this gro*Cth la ta, be found an Uic white ar thc con- junctiva of thc oye sud may at fimat only appear ta be thlckened reddened vessels forming ta a tri- angle i shape, Inter bccaming marc thinckened extcnding slawlyi sud clasely ndhcring ta Uice oye- greater size before remaoval Uic cd wlthout danger at any trne beoe cit encroaches upon Uic pupil, but atter thse pupil is once encauutered its remaval wfll leave a scar that is likewisc a detri- ment ta vision. If allawod ta, assume some greater size beore remolval Uic removal may easily be the cause of other oye infections nocessitat- ing thse use of glasses. I may also add that thc removal of this growth la not possible by any transient who may cail at yaur .house expecting ta extmact thse1 sanie and thon pass on. Where1 your cyca are concerned thc beat attention availablo is flanc to go. (to be continued) shows us on Uic backs of Uiecect- tlo durig Marcis, April, May and June. Mcans of Central 1. one pound of Warbie Fly Pawder should treat at lasat 25 affected cattle threc or four tumes, (oniy treat cattle that have war- bics>.1 2. Three applications are nec- essary: The First--last wcek i Marcis; the second-last weeki April; Uic third-last weck i May. Watch Uic backs of Uic cat- tle in June sud July in cane an add late warble shows up. 3. Only niix the amaunt of pawder required for each treat- ment. One part af pawder ta five parts af water. 4. IMPORTANT-Firat use a curry comb ta loasen scabs sud thon a stiff brush ta apply the lqi.Rub each warble suffi- cntly t loosen scab an opening, allowing a littlc af thse liqiuid ta enter. 5. If Uicre are oniy a few warbles a few draps of tise liquid may ho squirted inta each grub hale with a small spouted ail can. 6. Other Treatments: Tiscre are many other chemicals which may' be used. A drap or two of tinc- ture of iodine (standard strength) applied with a smalail can *in oach grub hale wrnl kil 100 per- cent of the grubs. A cattle awner reports he had good results from applyi turpontîne by the ail can methdd. 7. Practically ill hardware, general stores, feed and seed deal- ors and drug stores.handle Warble Fly Powder. Home Made Derris Treatment If one wishes ho may prepare a derris powder solution cansist- ing of the foilowing proportions: 1 pound of standardized derris powder, %h paund of saap pawder, sud % pound of diatomaceous earth comàbluéd with two gallons of water. The earth and soap are added ta a gallon of warm water and stlrred slawly. When the mix- ture is smooth and soap-like, the derris powder is addod with con- stant stlrring until the mass is liko a sloppy bran mash. It may ho necessary ta add extra watem whie doing this. thon, when a smoath mlx is obtained, the re- mainder of the wator can be add- ed and tho whole violently agitat- ed. It la advlsable ta prepare only sufficient for immediate use. Do your part. Most of the critical things in life, which becomo the stamting pûnits of human destiny, are lit- tue things.-Robert P. Smith. COBOURG JAIL HAS ONLY ELEVEN ENFORCED OQUEST The caunty jail at Cobourg je enjoylng one of its lightest son- son's as ta enfomced guests this year, according ta Gavemnar Fred J. Wight, who la the head of the institution. At the present trne anly il prisoners are enjoying the lau'.s hospitality. This la a decrease froni the registration cf last year for this perlod. At the present time the jail staff Io busily pro- paring for the comlng suammer seasan when the Jail wll once again uphold its reputation for flowem beda. Thse front of the Janl sud thc ear gardens are onc of the tawn's show places durlng thse summer season when a profusion of cleverly planned layouts of flowers sud shrub a adam thse spaciaus grounds. Many visitors are nat content to lbave towfl until they have been pictured in front of thse gargeous bloomsansd bushes that f iii the arena's sur- rounding the jail. Gavernor Wight is anc of tise most popular offi- cials ta ever hald thc office at tise bastile. Trifles discovor character more than actions of seeming imipor- tance; what ane his n littie things ho is aise iu great.-Swlft. Attention Fares Meetings te disouse Agricutu;al Problema adtMe Organia- tion of Township Groups of thxe Federation ef Agricullture wil held at the followint centres: ALL MEETINGS ON STANDARD TMR HOPE - Monday, April 7, 8.00 p.m. Canton - Communti HIl DARLINGTON - Tues., April 8, 8.00 p.m. Hmaptoli - Coin- muUt7 Hsal CAVAN - Wed., April 9, 8.00 Pin. Cavan - Commitflt a CLAKE - Thursday, April 10, 8.00 pan. Orono - Town Hall MANVERS - Frlday afternoon, April 11, 2.00 p.m. Eethaii Towun.Ri CARTWRIGHT - Friday, Avril 11, 8.00 p.m. Blackut.oek, CemmunaiHal (Arranged by Cartwrlght Agriculturli Soocty) There wifl bc a speoal speaker fer mach meeting. Ladies cordlly invlted. A large representatton of ladies ta expected. LET US HAVE EVERTY SCHOOL SECTION WEIL REPRESENTE» E. A. Summers, Agricultural RepresentatiVe. 3. F. Heyland, Durham Federation of Agriculture. W. B. Reynolds, Seeretary- Treamuer. "Ie. seli * 2 I i 4ANVILLE, ONTARIO TIM CANADIAN STATESMAX, Rbjt omahtvm etatronm

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