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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Apr 1941, p. 12

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L W&àV5TECANADIAN ST AN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTAIUO THURSDAY, APRIL 8, 1941 BIR1TSH D£»O Since the Hunis started warfare over Britain, these are the casuel- ties ta date, arnong civilians: Seriausly injured 40,166 Dead 28,859 Total 69,025 Men, women, children, going about their ordinary affaira. The Mpress report states that deaths and Inuries amaong the armed forces are anly one fiftieth aI the above. BOWMANVILLE DOUB LE BILL Thurs. - Fri. - Sat. APRIkS-4-5 "LA CONGA NIGNIS" wlth Hugh Herbert, Constance Moore sud Demnis O'Keefe ad "SKI PATROL" Luli Deste sud Philp Dorai Mon. . Tues. - Wed. APRIL 6 -.7 - 8 AT LASTI Now y.u con se If *xacfly et roodshown. Pull lengfh i Nothlngj cut but the palce 1 Starricg CLARKE GABLE VIVIN LEIGH LESLIE HOWARD Matinees Every Day -et 1.45 Adulte 40o - Children 25e Evening - One Price 50c te al Complete show beglas at 8 p.m. BIRTHS BLUNT-At the Cottage Nursing Home, Weston, on March 27th, 1941, ta Mr. and Airs. Douglas Blunt (nee Daisy Hendry), a son. Mother and baby doing fine. Everybady pleased. HAL-hInBowmanville Hospital, an Monday, Mardi 24th, 1941, ta MIrs. Clifford Hall, nee Ruth Henning, and Gnr. Hall aI the 2nd Fld. Blts., somewhere li England, the gift of a daugliter, Jacqueline Elizebeth. DEATHS COLWILL-In Darlington, Sun- day, Mardi 30th, 1941, John Col- will, in lits 89th year. Inter- ment Hampton Cemetery. JONESS-On March 27th, 1941, at the home aI his dauahter, Mrs. E. Melvin, 1325 Lixin St., Peoria, Ill.' Willia M. Joness, brother of Mrý. F. H. Joness, Bowmnan- ville. RUNDLE-At St., Michaol's Hoas- pitl, Toronto, on April 15, 1941 Mary Grace Bray, mother oI James Rundie, L.A.C. Douglas C. Rundie, R.C.A.F., and Pri- vate John A. Rundie, Toronto Scottish Regiment, and sister of. Mrs. Paul Rabinowitz of Ham- ilton, and Mrs. Charles W. Srnytli, Toronto. WRIGHT-At Biackstock, Marci 3lst, 1941, John Wriglit,*belov- ed husband oI Ruth Whitlield, in lis 851h yoar. COMING EVENTS Open Hause at the Public Sciool next Tuesday, April 8th. Every- body welcomo. Siver collection ta aid af Junior Red Cross Funds.' 14-1 Lions Hobby Show will be on May 3rd in auditorium of Rugi School. 13-2 "Dl' Company, 2nd Bu. Mid- land Regiment (R.F.) will hold a dance on Friday evcning, April 1811. Net praceeda ta War Ser- vices Fund. Fubl particulars at a later date. 14-1 Starkville* Sprtag lime is home. Robins are seen and hbard. Lambs arc gain- boling, thc sun is slining, and we truly say, Praise God froni wiam ail blessings flow. There were a Iew churcl-mind- ed on Sunday and atiended ser- vice ai Slilah. Now liai spring las came let mare aI us attend churcli momembring Uthe mewill come when we ca'l go ta churcl. Mrs, Lamne Todd is laid up or nai feeling well. A feW tram lere altended Ira Thompson's sale. Miss Norma Haflowell is, doing as weil as cau be expected aller her operatian. Mr. A. Dobson is atml quite ill. MIrs. Richard Hallowell la feel- ing rnuci betier and able ta bp up agaun. Visitons: Mm. Delbent Hailowell, Mrs. Frank Bennett and Miss Bertha Hallowell, Tomonto, aI Mn. Jacob Hialowell's. . . Mrs. Wm. Savery spent Tuesday witi Mns. S. G. Halowe. . . mrs. K. Ste- pienson, Pant fHope, with hem sis- ter, Miss Hazel FarroW, at Art McKay's. . - Gardon Trim and Billy Fax were in Torntno on Sunday. . . Mn. Lavern was li Pari Hope an Sunday. . - Mn. Gar- don Clysdale, Oshawa, was home. 1..Mms. Sid Halloweil and Helen are homo aller visiting at Mr. H. Rusk's, Part Hope. . . . Mns. J. CIlsdale and Mn. Gardon Clysdale were in Part Hope on Sunday... Mrs. H. L. Tim was in Pari Hope an- Tuesday. Flowems are love's truest lan- guage-Park Benjamin. rurnurure Sale I have been authorizod to by public auction for Dr. R Rutherford, ta the village of I castie, on Saturday, April 121l 1 p.m. D.S.T., ail us hausel effects inciuding dining r suite, Ledroom suite, and kitc furnilure, piano, 1 ciesterl suite, i reed chesterlield's dressing table,. eiectric was nearly new; 2 staves, 1 ee slave, lamps, office desk, Wl rug, chais beddtag, dishes, cc tag utenis and manyl alleri clos. In this affering thorej beautiful 4-piece bedroon i Ternis cash. Elmer Wiibur, A tioneer. Lost LOST -MAN'S GOLD POCI watchl ost between Enniski and Haydon. Roward. Fii please notify George Cowl R. R. 6, Bowmanville. LOST - PAIR SPECTACLES case in vicinity af Bowmani High Schooi and Ring Sti Reward. Finder pleaso pl 2227. Weekly Feed Specii W EE KL Y FEED SPECrAI Vanstono's Chick Starter, $ per cwt. Offer good until .A 101h. F. C. Vanstone, phone' Livestock For Sale Fbu SALE ~- DURHAM C( age 5 years, dut- Apil l th. Mauhitjoy, Nestleton, Ont.1 FOR SALE - BLACK M rising 13 years; grey mare, mng 5 years. Apply Walter]1 rinder, R. R. 1, Hampton, ph Bowmanvflle 2470. 1ý FOR SALE - 10 YORKSH- pigs about 125 ibs. each. Ai W. Wesley Worry, R.R.1, Hai ton, phone 2471.1 FOR SALE - TWO GELDIN four years old; two good cc McLarey Quebec cook slave perfect condition, top avenj reservoir, $25.00; 50-egg, in bator, good as new, with all tacliments, $5.00; Beatty hi power washing machine -A wringer. Oli'ver, McCuilocli,1 35, Con. 8, Darlingtan. 14 FOR SALE-SOW AND) EIG. pigs, first and third litt( froali cows and gpringers.1 piy Cyril Rundle, R. R. 2, Bc nianville. 14 FOR SALE-SEVEN YEAR 0 Belgian geiding, sound, g( work hiorse; alsp ducksî drakes. S. Powell, phone Cia 1932. 14, FOR SALE-YORKSHIRE SC and eleven pigs 6 weeks old Yorkshire sows,- 150 Ibs.. eaý misa 2 Hlbstein cows, just frei ened. Apply Chas. Rundle, R. 3, Bowmanvifle, phone 2246. P FOR SALE - FtUR YEAR 01 matched teani. B. Jaynes, pho Clarke 1904. 13-1 11 .Apples For Sale FOR SALE -A QUANTITY apples. Apply R. L. Word( R. R. 3, Bowmanville, pli ox 2243. 1 Watch Bert Parker's windc ta see the tadicator rise as Boi manville's War Services Dri, goes over the top. Dress Up For Easter I .Spring Coats Spring Coats inti 1e smart charming colours and styles of spring. Your coal makes your Easten ensemble, su soc liatIt i l new, and fashionabie sud becoming. Came wiere thème la a largo choice ta mlany styles. SIMES12 to 48 $7.95 to $32.50 PI jEaster Dresses NwDresses are home for your spring wardrobe. Came ta and sec tae tday. We are sure that we have just whaf you want to, make thsasensational Easter. AU sizes lI stock. Upwards from ~9 CURTAINS AND CURTAIN NETS With sprlng cleanlng home, the curtains will have ta be chang. cd. We are equlpeod ta aller you the newest types lI the most durable maleriali. A large assortlment af cuntains and curlain net by the yard and a full range af ide draperies. JoIrnston & Cryderman l R.oT New shek Mon uite KsE suite 14-2 ill 14-1 mi 14-1 e.0 14-1 ris- Par- 14-1 FGS, ws, and meu- tat- mnd jith Lot HT ;ers; A-e :ood ahd Lrke I- ; 2 ici; ýsh- R. ID one OF [en, n e 4-i )w- ive c eil T. en er ri on te. En er le 'e il i Auction saIès, Auction sale af fa= stock, m- plements, etc., an thec premïàes of Malcolmi Elford, Lot 13,. Con. 6, Cartwright Tawnship, on. Wednes- day, April 911, at 1 i.. .S.T. Ternis cash. Eliner W.Ilbur, Auc- tioneer.14* Saturday, April SIli, 1941-Fred H. Emis, Lot 19, Con. 8, Darling- ton (1 mile narti af EnnIskllen), wil seil lis farm stock, imipie- menti, liay, grain, hamas, and numemous ather articles. Sale at 1 o'clack S.T. Ternis cash. T. Mountjoy, Clerk; Ted Jackson, Auclioneer. 13-2 The underslgned lias- been authorized by Mrs. -E. A. Wight, Tyrone, ta sell by pu~bliesaction op Tuesday, April 8M, at 1.30 p.m. 1er household effecti, consistlng oI tables, sideboard, chairs, sofas, argan, wasling machine, churn, bedrooni furniture, ail slave and aven, Happy Thougit range, valu- able bee supplies, and nuxueous aller articles. Ternis euh. Elmer Wilbur, Auctioneer. 13-2 On Tliursday, April 101h, 1041, R. R. Byers Lot 7, Concesiab 2, Cartwrght (2 miles souti -aI Baktack and1 mile wesi), wvill sell by public auclion tic fabow- ing: Hanses-i matched pair hors- os ristag 6 and 7; 25 head dual purpose Shorthorn cattle; '20 pure bred Suffolk owos; 3 bnood sows and 20 shoati about 100 Ibo. oach; fun. lino of machinory (nearly new);, 700 bus. gaod grain;* 10 Ian mlxed hay; quantity Dooloy. seed palatoes; other articles too nuner- oua ta mention. Sale at 12.30 p.m. Standard Tinie. Ternis cash. Henry Thompsan, Cierk; Ted Jackson, Auctioneer. 14-1 SEED GRAIN We are offering Victary,- Car- tier, 201h Century and Erban Seed Oals. No-Barb, two-rowed, and a special lot aI O.A.C. No. 21 Bar- loy. Government tested No. 1 germination, 100%, weiglt 53, ibs. per bus. at 80e per bus.- Also Spring Whoat, Field Peas, Sprlng Rye, etc.; Coronation and Colorado Varieties aI Wleat. CLOVER S<ED Our Claver and Grass Seeda are aI the best varieties and govern- ment standard, tacluding Home Gmawn Rcd Claver, Grimm Alfl- fa, Ontario Variegated Alfaif a, Red Claver and Alfalf a Mixed, Yellow and Whie Blossom Sweel Claver, Timathy, etc. Telephone Clarke 2812 A. -W. GLENNEY NEWCASTLE , 1 4-2 Wileon's Furniture Co. huner Sprlng Mattresses $8-M8 Good looking h eav y sprtag-Iilled maîtresses, covered ta durable Iancy ticking. Will give you years oI comlfort. Ail sizes, at an amnazingly low price. Floar Covering Special $ 1.49 Bordorless rugs 6' x 9', inlaids, congoieumns, fellols, lcavy linoleumns, inalal widths. The larg- est dispiay aI floor coverings aand rugs in- tle city. Wilson's prices are lower! Studio Couche s $15-95 Sfiring-fined studio couches in attractive coverings. 50 beautiful studio couches to choose fram at bargain prices that will save you nmany dollars. New Chesterfield Suites 139-50 Modern spring-Iilled C#iesterfield suites, excellent cov- erings, carvod show-wood. A real buy. Chesterfield suites in heavy figured rich velours, luxuriant deep-seated caorn, custorn-built styles, Iully guaranteed construc- tion. We carry a large selection to choose fromn and aur prices are aiways lawer. Bedroons Suites $39»95Triringiy new, smart, waterfail design. This la an ouI- standing buy. At Wilson's you can Iind your leart's desire in a bcd- room suite. Modern and pcriod' designs. Wilsan's lower overliead means lower prices to you. Baby Buggy Bargains $4.88SUp Clioose from a grand selection, ail styles and col- ors. We carry a complote stock of Gendron and Lloyds Pranis and Foldtag Carniages.' Visit oui Trade-ln Depart- meut. Huudreds of bargains for quick clearance. WIlson's Furniture Co. 10 King W. 20 Church St. OSHAWA 14-tf Notice To Creditors R.S.O., 1937, Cha. 165, Sec. 51, ESTATE 0F ARTHUR W. ANNIS Deceased. AUI persans havlng d1a imsa against the Estate af Arthur W. Annis, laIe of tic Townslip Of Damlington,ithle Caunty aofDur- lani, wlo died on or abouit the 611 af March, 1941, are hereby notified ta file wlth tic under- signed, on or before lie 1511 day af Apili, 1941, full particulars af their dlaims. Immedlately aller said date, thie aqss of athe deceas- ed wll be dlstributed amongst those enttled themeta, having re- gard only ta claunu so led.' Dated thus 25th day of March, 1941. CONANT & ANNIS, Barrlsters &c. oshawa, Bàntamlo. CIuaed Ad Rate. One cent a Word cash.,each insertion (minimum charte 35e) . Charte cf 25e extra la mdewhen .advertisèment à net paldsaâne wpek as tuser- dien Extra charge of 10a when replies are dlrected te a Statesman box number. Births, deathusud marriages 50oecd. In Membriam a for notice piu 10o Per lUne for verse. Ciassifled advertise- ment. aceeptcd Ulp until O P.m. wednesday. Notice Dr. H.L B. Rundie wlshes ta an- nounce that his office and resi- dence are now located on Ontario Street, two doors south aI King Street. His phone nuxmber is 488. 14-1 Biaby Chicks BABY CHICKS-BLOOD TEST-I ed Leghorns and Rocks, piixed,i sexed and started pubies. R.O.P.J sired chicks. AU eggs praduced- on aur ifarzn. Low prices an Rocks and Leghoarn cockerels. Alvin Clemnens, phone 2433, Bawrnanvllle. 13-tf Articles For %ale FOR SALE - MAN'S BICYCLE in goad condition. Reasanable price. Apply Wesley Luxtan,. R. R. 4, Bowmaanville. Pliao n e 2221. 14-1* FOR SALE-RENFREW SEPAR- alors, made ta Canada. Repairs easily obtained. Supply tank only 39" high; stainjess steel discs easily washcd, close skim- mers. Prices ivill advance. Buy now. Free service anywhere. New machines froni $32.00 up. Apply T. S. Mountjoy, R. R. 6, Bowmanville, phono 2503. 14-1 FOR SALE - WALNUT STEEL bed and springs, % size; child's white enamel cat, high chair, baby walker and go-cart com- binalion. Mrs. Price Morris, Wellington St., Bowmanville. 114-1*1 FOR SALE-BEATTY WASHER for balance of accaunt. FuUly rebuilt and guaranteed. Enquire Masan & Dale, Bowmanvile. FOR SALE - FARM IMPLE- ments, used seed drills, cultiva- tors, spreaders, ail in good con- dition; aima small Bean orcliard sprayer, recently overliauled. W. S. SImples, Massey-Harris Dealer, Bowmanville, plianeo' 781. . - . 14-11- FOR SALE - 28-46 GOODISON grain thresher, in good running order, $200.00, or trade for Young lorses. Frank Banisey, Canton P. O., Ont. 12-4* MATTRESS & COMPORTERS - Inner Spring, Marshall, Beauty- Reat, and ail spring maîtresses rebuilt like new. Ostehxioor and layer feit mattresses cleaned and rebuilt, misa converted itot inner spring maîtresses. New coverings supplied if necessary. Feather beds washed, strippod and made into down coniforters,. finest English down-proof nia- teniais used. Eiderdowns recov- ered. Special prices now. Phone 362. 5-tf .4* Agents. WOMEN AN]) MEN WVANTED- Interesttag proposition for anyt- one wlo wants ta iniprove is situatian. We off or yau ta be- came our ropresentalive ta an exclusive district selling two humdred household necessilies, lncluding 'Ica, Coffee an a pro- fitable basis. Try lhirty days without riak. Fmee products for cansumers. Apply ia-day: JITO, 1435 Montcalmi, Montreal. 11-4 Beauty Culture *1 EASTER SPECIAL --- $5.0OÙOIL Permanent Wave for $2.50. Mrs. F. J. Colo, Bluebird Beauty Pariour. Phane 339. 13-4 For Rent tAPARTMENT FOR RENT - ,Victor Marror, King St. W., E manville, possession May Apply H. Bateman, 450 Sin St. South, Oshawa, phone awa 1062. FOR RENT-BRICK ROUS] rooms and bath, all coni lences, centrally located, sess!on May lst.- Apply Box cia Statesman Office. .l FOR RENT - LARGE El' roomed bouse and garage, l mile north and hall-müleN of Hampton. Apply C. H.E fison, Hampton R. R. 1. Ph 2611. l Feed and Seed SEEDS - PLANT ONLY O Graded Seed and you k< what you sow. You buyv confidence and economy Stewart's Seed Store wl only highest. quality seeds best prices are handled. See befare you buy. Stewart'aSi Stàre, phone 577.1 FOR SALE--T WO-RO WED? barb barley; red claver se also 3 year aid gelding. A] A. L. Blanchard, HIa m pti phone 2231.1 SEED GRAIN FOR SALE -1 ban oats and mixed grain (N tory and O.A.C. No..21), gei ination and color A-1. Priced soUl. Apply Wilfrid Carruthi R. R. 1, BowmÏanvllle, p h o 2025.1 SEED FOR SALE-PRIZE W] nlng Nobarb seed barley, cle cd at Rickard's. Seed Cleani Plant, 99% germination. Pr 90c per bus. Apply S. Chas.à lin, R. R. 4, Bowmnanvllle, phc 2198. ,l SEEDS FOR SALE - EA Alaska and Victory Oals,t over 40 lbs. ta the bus. Pres( prico 55c. Sweel Clover a: Timnotliy Seod, present pr: $3.00 a bus. delivered. W. Le& Taunton, phone Oshawa 1E wll. 14 FOR SALE - 500 BUSHELS( good quality oats, price 45c 1 bus. Apply Mike Karas, R. F. Bowmnanvillo. 14- FOR SALE-QUANTITY MIM hay, some horses, Timothy h will soU cleap. Orville C borne, phone 2480, R. R. 4, Boi manville. 14 HIAY AND) STRAW FOR SALI J. W. Lancister, Lot 6, B.] Clarke. Telephone Clarke 281 FOR SALE - THREE STAC af mcd claver hay, misa a qua lity aI rish Cobbler and Daa.q potaloos. H. Stirtzinger, Bài manville, phane 2406.. 13- QUALITY SEED FOR SALE« We have for sale lie fine quality af tic best varieties grain. Reg. Na. 1 and Goç Grade No. 1 Oats: Erban, Vai guard, Cartier, Victory and 201 Century; Baly: Nobarb, O.A. No. 21, 2-mowod; Coronatic spring wheat. Gornmin at io guamanleed 97 or botter. MonE spent in good seed is the be invesîment you can niake. F( full parliculars àpply ta SeE Cleaning Plant, Bowmanvill R. R.4, phono 2218. Garnet1 Rickard. 13- Seed Cleanlng SEED CLEANING-WE SCOUI dlean and separate all kinds grain. Clesu aiLUclaver seed Modern machineny. Reasonal prices. Phono 2218, Garnet1 Rickard, R. R. 4, Bowmanvill, Recondltloned Tires RECONDITIONE]) TIRES--SAV up la 50 % an tires and tubei includtag iiOW Goadyears, De minion Tires. Full stock tna] sizes froni $1.00 up. G. F. Jamni son, Tire & Battory Shop, Rin and Silver St. 14-t CALLN ALL FRiUIT GROWERS à meetlIn l .hold tu th0 TOWN HALL,- BOWMANVILLE TUESDAY, APRIL Mi 1941 at 8 p.m. DiS.T. UNDER AUSPICES OF R. DL CALE By Niagara Branud Spray Co. Lt4. J.ter.ating Koving Piotures vM b. show», of Inisot Work and Sprayung Operations in Ontario Orchards lait Alter tihe movies there wiil b. su inormai disoussion on ALL FRUIT GROWER8 ARE CORDIALLT INVIED. 2t~ -IN1 Bow- 14-tf ven- Pas- 135, 14-1* QHT hall- west Rab- lhone 14-15 wiith 1at ,here' s at le us eod 14-1 NO- ieed; PPly ER- Vic- ers, - mne 14-i ean- alng Irice A- ione [4-1 ýLY test ent irico ask, [652 4-tf OF per - . 2, :ED îay os-, [4-2 an- Loey ffw- 42* iest aI Mt. L.C. ion .ey ced Ile, B. I-tf R, Pof IL. ble B. .tf ao- aili oe- îg _tf Real Estate For Sal e 1' Rooms Wanted FOR -&I K 3aICK HbUSE ON1 Ring St. eidence of tic laie1 J. B. Mary.Plane 461l. 14-2* FOR SALE-BIRICK COTTAGE, sixranis' arge, Ontanlo St., Boav=!]lea -Fauteen Hun- dred Dollars. Apply 1220 Ring Street West, Hamilton, Ont. FOR SALE-SIX ROOM HOTJSE, 3' plece bath, electrlcity, garage, god grenc location.Ap- ply a Ms. E V.ScçbeilInsu=- ance AgentBow anvIle,14- FOR SALE - SOLM] BRICK bouse an Centre St., Bowman- ville, modern conveniences; will be soid cheap ta close up an estate. Apply A. E. Bellman King St. West. il ï Ilelp Wanted WANTED - MAN FOR MIXED Iarming, good with liorses and 'rmachinery. Apply at once ta A. H. Dobson, Clarke P. O., Ont. 14-1 HELP WANTED-GIRL OR WO- mzan for liglitliausewark. Two aduits. Sleep in. Phone 844. 14-1 WVANTED - WOMAN OR GIRL for general housework. Apply P. O. Box 499, Bowmanville. 14-1 Wanted to Rent WANTED TO RENT - 5 OR 6 roomod house wlth modern con- veniences in town. Irarnodiate possession. Apply Box 131, cia Statesman Office, Bowmanville. *WANTED - TWO OR, THME roanis for liglit bousekeepln Apply P. O. Box 24, BuwaI ville, ar phane 815. 14-1 Wanted WANTED-PIV LOADS GOOD barnyard manure. Len. Martin, Éradshaw St., Bawmanvlfle. 14-2* Tea'Cup Reading TEA CUP AND CARDS FROM 3 p.m. ta- 10 p.m. Darch's To- bacco Store, phione 2884. 8-ý4 Yes Sir, My larn'es las ail ready for Sprlng PloWlng. 1- had It re- palred at JOHN LEZ Shoe sud fausRepaira ,#cIrà~~ S e The New - "CASE"p 'FLAMBEAU RED TRACTOR On Display At W. H. BRO WN'S- Phone 2610 LOCAL DEALER Dowmanvmie EASTER at.. Your Rexal Drug Store ~wwoe lu 6gdy Easter Wrappings. - lb. 50c Easter 'Novelties Se-5cto $1.00 BLUE GR-ASS Elizabeth Arden hos cr.afed ce dîarming and Sprlng-llke a gaiaxy Of giffi as yo» can Imagie. ail ln lber inImitable Blue Grass Fragrance, Blue Grass PIRFUMI itisif, Elizabeth ArdeWs most fanieus fragrance ln Its dalnty, delightfl bo"l. $1.35 te $32.50. And Blue Grasu FLOWER MST, the freshnngn, fragrant doud of'loveiness whlch foiiows your tub and stayg wlth yos ail day long. .$1.35 ta $8.75. The DUSTING POWDER ln Blue Grass, toc. Slky seft doicateiy scented. $1 .65. And Blue 'Grasu SOAP fer a luxurlous bath. Individual $ 1. Three ln a box $2.50. Th* Original REXALL le SALE la Ct..ingt AprIl 16 - 17 - 18 - 19 ,Jury 8 LoveIl Phone 778 for bpw<y Dolivwy. mien W, Tout 3700 1$la Doue ?ropoely -~m L. MMi 1 - 1 : ) 1 b 1 - ý 1 - 1- 1 1 -- 1 i- [AN, BOWNLUnUýLE, ONTAIUO TRURSI)4Y, APRIL 1 lm. biqwde 1

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