BOWMANVIE, ONTARIIOjý 0.0 Wlith Which Are incorporated The Bowmanviiie P Di p Wd Allr System ldren Should De Fluent hiEnglish, Floh Sais Canad Ian Club SpeakerWC aelvMd Urges Canada Look 1 Javrl Md Sou«thward for Fut-New Justicè of Peace ure Trade - Depiet Cha ac er 0f th Te ppointient las been an- kimo. noucdby Hon. G. D. Canant, Attorney Gencral, ai W. C. Cav- TIc hefpurpse or wichUiceniy. aiBawmnanville ta thc office The hie pupos fo whch he i Justice ai the Peace for the Canadian Club ekista, >nainieiyUtlîed, Countica ai Durham and banishing local conccit by leara- Northumberland. This la a dis- ing more ai wîat la going ýon l in cl lionar wlich las came la an Uic womid about us, was ampiy oulslandig citizen of hils tawn fuliillcd la Uic lecture ai Revland one wlichidl very gratifying ota Uicclizens as Mm. Caveriy la * A. L. Fleaiing, D.D., Blishp o! thc well -and 'favorabiy known as a Arclic, Who spake ta thc mcn of straiglil forward and lonamablé Uic district Manday night on Mian. varions aspects af ifMe l h1e nat He may nol know al thc intri- co nnl. His lernilamy rendhes cacies ai iaw and court procedure fram Geenland wcsl acroîs Can- aI present but le may be counted ada, and le la f amiliar wihMail upon ta 'uphlod thc dignity and other parts ai Uic Northi American respect ai. mcli an Important ai- Continent as well. fice and adminiter justice ia "UVp ta now Grecnland has been manner that wll distingulsh liai ar ciosdd country," lhc Bilop rc- as a. man ai good judgaient and latcd. "No anc could even put int abauadig cammon sense. a larbour withouî finit obtalning Owlng ta Uic death ai R. M. permission from thc Danili gov- Cotton the office lias been vacant crament agent. But sc in c h out- for thc pal two manUis and mucl break o! war Uic country lias ipeenlation was rife as ta wlie bpen under a joint Canadiah-U.S. n man mgît be iound toande- 1 commission o! six men. There la qunteiy fill il.t nal a soidier or aicaber ai Uic Mr. Caveriy la recent years liasp R.C.M.P. la Greenland, a Point speal the major part ai lis lime t] on wliîch I lave beea continu- snpevan a thrlvmng groccny I onsiy aiisquoled. buiess, since coniing la tawa «I am aiways asloniîhcd aI Uic sôme twcnly years aga tram Mani- * linquisitic . ability oa. the resident toba wlere le was la thc lumbcr Danes Ihere. Most lave neyer business witl isi brathers. He lias beca oulside - tîcir own country mancansiderable active interest but Uiey lave leanned ta speak in public affairs af thec town. He sevemai ather langues fluently. was a. meaiber of tle tôwn cana- Palhapi Uicy lave donc so as a cil for a number a! ycarî, was malter o! enligîlened selfislftess president af tle Business Men's for il certamnly would-liave n bene- Association, and a direclor ai thc ficial effecl on trade. I Ilial we Clamber of Commerce. slionld take a lesson fraai lIaI, Ia palitica le is thc local stal- Canada's logicai future develap- wart and campaiga manager of aient is loward Uic sanlI. Our tle Liberai parly, laking a icad- aclooal cdludren shouid be tanglit ing Part ln tle paît election dam- Frendch and Spanlishla addition'ta palga which ensurcd tle suecess Englisl." o! lis party. Well qualifiicta speak as an Rec la a mia wlo laves hobbies. ellnologist, Bislap Fleming as- Evcmy Fail secs Mr. Cnveriy and serled le believes the aigin of liii companlans cnjaying n lollday thc Eskimo la distinctly ,Mongol. -in thc nath country dca lhual- .He les done cansiderable original 4ng, always, returalng wi a bag research work alang ibis line and whÎcl indicatea lis judgnient -i la a IFollow ai thc Royal Geogra- taking a bead on thecquarry la el& IL jSociety. -A2tiýÀe-Uher-e qulte ast keea as ln aUier more arce any alIer- opinions about prosele maltera. At home, his low thia race ariglnatcd, le b.- hbuse and garden recelve mum Ti Ileves ils Asiatic saurçe can be attention, lis iaiposing nesîdence w casiy traced. Ils wlole contour, an Clurdli St. . bcing one of thc th its fol lare, customs, liplements most beauliful i own. convince liai Iley are one people. «'Any people who are Uble ta ,wnest a living frorn the ArcticH w N tin lS n b ave ample intelligence," he îaid, o tilâ -k s rutistceudelugl th e wa- tivscrdethu le a .tedat D iha inl any way inferiar ta Whites R l td tD r i mentaliy. Their «language cm- braces a complete vocabuiary and grammar aimoat Ioo large ta be NEW PRESIENT S81 <Contlnued on page 7) Newcastle W.M.S. QdhIt and Serve Tea On Moaday aitarnoon ia the O kltdlien o! the communnty lianltle C Western Group af the Unitedda ClurcI W.M.S., under tle leader- :S slip o! Mmi. W. J. S. Rickard, licld a quiiting and servcd. supper m oifliat mashed patataca, hamn, sel-se ads, pickles, biscuits, cake, lants, la wlippcd creanietc., for the nom- ta inal chagte ai 25e a prate. BesidesOf thc ladies dwelling Ithie wesî me extnemity ai the, pastoral charge rm other membema ai thc gronp i active service wace Mesdpaes E. tai C. Fisher and H. R. Pearce, forai- the erly o! Shaw's, and Mmi. W. E. hig Beman wlio maied a Shaw's or- ter chardist. A heavy patchwork quilt 1the wlll a bianket lning was on the Col fame aI theewesI end of thc îup- h ac per room anad the womk ai Iying M tils went on unceasiagly until I t Dr. D. D. looal ia was finlshed. Sometiaies a lea Rcoad we: patron, not a meaiber ai the gmoup A former Inspectar ai Torontoa wauld saciably oit down and l d Pnblic Scola who was eiecled waS a îand. Thc quilt was being. mnl cr for ncedy filaerfolk la Ncwýio.'d-President ai Uie Dumrham Club ailu land. Quile a number of menfolle Tamnlo aIls annai meeting wh, parlaok o! tee wihîle ladies. wlildl la neported i another son' coinain. E Newtonville Honours Couple On DiamnondWedding Day on Saîurday, March 2Ml, Mr. Mn .W. C. Robb, Wetmount, and Mmi. R. J. Rowc af Clarke Que., Mmi. M. T. Lenalner Na- hcid a family neunaôn and celc- gara la.Ont, Ma. Alice hoC- Sîceman, 'fronta, Mr. P. J. Rowe bation ai lIcir bîamond Wedd" ecent member af lIc Honsea ding Annîversary. Although Uic Commans for Athabaska, bMm. F. exact date lsan few days istant, R. Rowc, Ottawa, and Rcv. A. H. the gathcming was heid i order Rowe, Calgary. ta permit some members ai thc Among those prescat wcre li- iamIly irmn distant peints ta be leen grandcîuîdren, ihree greet- present.. grandchildren, and Rev, J. and o . Rawe was bora et OronoMmi. MacLachlan of Clarke. 4 and-dauglber <of R..JOhn .Mr.and MrqlIow, recelved, , one, wha wiUi lis two bro- Uicelatter hI'à 4a qof ai,_ck lace 'rs founded thc Bible Christian over net, 'wlit hand-mià>VcNee- Clnmch. M. Rowe was bora et tiena lace vesîei lvory, andware Blackalock, moving aI the age* ai a corsage' of orclida and swee -one year ta Leskard, near Orono. heart roses. lie lu wdfl knawn I olial.and The table was cenlrcd bya lierary circles. Boh ML. arîdMmi. three-leedwdin a e d Rawe nave always mIken an active arated la silver and crystal sur- part la dhurch and social luc. aiounted by orange blosais. Thc One daugîler, Mmi. A. E. Sy- table flowers wcre raies and car-' mons, was killed I a motai' cccl- nations. Silver and crystal nsed ,dent several yeans ago. Thc e- lad been la the iaailly for four mainlng aine chuîdrea were pre- genemations. Dumlng the eveinu sent et the celebratian. TIey are: Mme. Rowe were eah Igro. J, T..Pearce, Mmi. F. QGlmer, prcaealed wi a purue froni 110fr 31. S. A. Rowe, al ai ClaIe, childrea. Bicycle Club Taken la Harny "Red" Foster's KCig Edward Hotl Studio aller the broadcnil an March 21s1, lIe plcture abave sliows principals aI lie formel presentalion ai Uic firaI Safely Banner ta Bowman- ri1lle Lions Safcty Club. Standing, TiuckuWaated The last item i arranglng the salvage campaign i Bow- manville, but the most li- portant, has yet-to be arrang- ed. Citizens owning trucks and trailers are being asked to volunteer their services for as many hours as they can ai- ford to make the rounds to collect the salvage bags i the eveninga. Collections will, begin next week. Men wlth trucks - here la an unusual way you canL help, Canada wmn the warl For details get i toucli with i Sd. Little, phione 380j or Cliff. Samis, phone 569. Mr. and,Mrs. B. C. Fenneil, New roronto, were la town over the weekend and also visited her fa- 1er, Mr. Win. Mutton, Cobourg, 'ho is in bis 93rd year. y Came To Reine M ClubMeeting Owebourne House Scene of Plriedly Get-together byr Durbamites Now in City - Dr. D. D. MoDonald New Président. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. McLaughlin, ,hawa, entertained the Durhami !untyr Club of Toronto, Thurs- ay eveniing, March 27th, at the herbourne Hanse. As this meeting was the last iônthly gatherlng of the current Rson, President Dr. L. B. Wil- rns announced his deternination ,resig, fas, he had filled the Éflce frour years. Mr. George ILaughi volced the unaninious agret of the members when he derred to the continuous,. pains- Lng and. efficient interest of Le president i maintainlng the ýh standard of addresges and en- ,rtainaient se often illustratcd by Le wlde selection of Durham ounty and Ontario views that Rd enabled the interested mem- 3rs to visualize existmng condi- ns i the old home county, as ill as throughout this province. Thle story of the "Maple Leaf"' as the subject of a colored pic- cr presentation by Dr. Williams ho stressed how a previous eye- 'e on Yonge Street roadside op- btc Mount Pleasant cemetery,I Ld in the creation of the Maple af Memorlal Gardens, been ansformned from a place of aban- mment to a Thing of Beauty, ailed i every color af tic Me- Drial and flowers, in picture of< rubbery, block-stone, rlppllng .ar, wecpig wllaws and con- utlng wlnter snows. Nature's idy at Its best was ln one pic-~ ce portraycd la ail the varl lred attire of a public school Dup, headed by their teacher, on Bbanks of Uic stream amld a 'y of bloom and culture. FOl-t 'ringtis came a street scenet the Alexander Muir dedlcatory t kpe tree, and his monument in Dunt Pleasant cemetery. Mr. S Llnden's splendid voles ren- red "The Mapie'Leaf Forever" a orlail accompanled o i ~e. dl ~uceedIng feature ly ture was a revyeallng spectacle. t] lie Intinate story of "The il Lle Leaf Forever'l was given t] a descriptive, upliftlng and y lootie address by Mrs. W. D. il bbins, wlfe of ex-mayor Rab- Lof Toronto. History of «The Maplo Lest" p omig wli my parents from Ui village of Malton, 1 reglstered a pupl at Gladstone now Dwn es Alexander Muir Sdhool. h gas dellghted ta meet there Mr. n L.Hughes who lad been a fre-à <Oontlnued on page 4) f( Lei tra dam dcl sIr Ira atu tur colg gro tle bev low ai 1 ma] Mo Doi der. pici 'T Mal île as kna 1Iwi J. 1 i C 1 m su tic Ti ag il 'i fi vl Ho hP Th a1 Pl 'i ti Mo Br ne Bi >1 9 I a social half-bour closcd Uic eting. VObTTP. R' 77 V %JÂYLU iir a iPresented With fety Banner ACDN ITMSri eo LEFT AT ROADSIDE M«ay BeR o BY TWOSOLDIERSPalaear ar T"tMt M NeOwnlfl, eWo.-______ Driver Getas x r -Receipts in Uic Canadjan Wlien crassing thc higîway in War Services Fund cmag day evening, Mrs. W. J. MacMur- weelc have totaled $1,000, the hn-rn driver. Later in the even- reports. Whule thîs amaunt is igtwo slir rr eaaa vr rtfig otiuin Iwerc arrested in Toranto and for the latter part of the wcek charged wiî failing ta remain at need ta be mare substantiai thc scene. ai an accident, ta meet thc local objective o! Officers Morris and Thompson $2,500. Do your part ta pro- and Chef S. Venton were callcd vide some camforts o! life for out and made a widespread seardli the figlting men. Watdh the for the car without suces A giant thermameter ln Bert description of the car was ýfor- Pre' idwsa I warded ta Toronto witli Uic re- top. suit that Pte. Herbert Hawkins _________ and L.ICpi. Clarence Beechner Were later picked up there. Mrs. MacMurray sufcred sev- M Ve ere lcg and lead injuries. Mo Last War Beechner was found guiity às< charged when lie appcarcd befor Magistrate A. E. Gee i Bowman- And Late NewsSo~en ville court Tuesday aiornlng, be- .'~: ing given five days la jali plus court casts. He lad aiready serv- E9nmilMen and Hgampton cd Uic sentence while hled in Chrcmn eoPcue d % à ~~~~custody. CucmnS itrsM Accodin taUicdrier' str ar Dr. Hoskin. leit ta rlgît, Cliarlie Carter, o:~ t 'awford, Alan Strike, J ame s a rld bis woth i s stkin ganzer ai Uic Club, Eleanor John- f utt, Airraftman Ernie Roberts, wlia latd br idc n es 1 Hewfr nt st T e E n kien Crut Bo stan, Lion aPker, Gcorgq ,Harry "Red" Foster. Seated: Irene with hlm, lliey were driving frornm clo'e n h nikle Roberts, President Ted Chant, 0i,'nningham, Nellie Parker, Alne Petawawa ta Toronto. Eariy i hrodmti h nikle Harry "Safety-First" Savage, thc- Xcrthcutt. The Bicycle Club will tle trip anc ai Uic passengera lad Clurch an March 2611 to enter- script wrller for the Young Can- aiceet in St. John's Parish Hall trîed ta shut Uic right front door tain the Hampton Brotherhood. A ada Club Program, Lion E. W. nicxt Saturday at 10 a.m. whiîe the car was in motion. He very exceptional programmewa was jcrked aut ai Uic car and thc given by talented allaiss fromc door saiasled back, partially Oshiawa and Toronto. These aiea breaking the glass., His injuries gave lIcir services at thedm own D uihamn M e is er Breaks were superficial and lie wiped the expense when thcy fouad the pro-t th L b il v ram ent wt a handkemchief which was War Victims Fund. Mr. Merlei found in the giove compartaient Thompson ai Burketon kindiy act- t a!hL b ra e eo the car. cd as chairman on very shortt Whcn thcy reached Newton- notice. The meeting opcncd witlir ville, Hawkins, then sitting ia the the singing ai tle hyma "Faillid On W e te n I. us Pl nfront, again attempted ta close ai Our Fathers." Rev. Hl. Lackey t on________________ the door whidli was sprung ietting gave a prayer of thanks for aurn in a strong draught. Beecîner many blessings. Aiter the minutes il jamxncd on tle rakes and thc ai tle last meeting lad been read, F SPEAKS INX OUSE W F. Riekard, M.P., door again siammed causing thc Mr. H. Stafford, Oshawa, gave twop SUP rstofthe glass ta be thrown out, numbers, "Thc Sermon on Old Says '" WiiI Not Su some in the car and some on thc Mother Hubbard," and "Ghunda port Bonus Proposai road. Witness admittcd this hap- Din." We were now given Uic 3V Ganpcned just at the point wliere first o! severai movie pictures toa ,ýJf tbe Coarse GanMrm. MacMurray was lit. They cnjoy. We wcrc taken back ta i: - =f Es Left li- stapped, wcnt back ta dlear the 1914 ta seecocnvoy duly l ic h -glass from the road, and upon lalt war. Wc also saw a ncws rccl er Of AgricUl- bcing tld lIat a woman lad juil of 1939, bringing back theim a- tubeIntoducd S bbcn knacked dawn by a truck portant iiews of Ilat year. Weî fièr Intoducd Su decdedta drive on ta lry and werc laken on a trip, througl thc jeet. locale Ilie vehicle. jungles af Africa wlierc wc saw îc Earl Walkcy, Newtonvillc, who lians, tigers, giraifes and antelope was coming out ai lis bouse aI the ila 11dm naturai surraundings'. l Frn ai ansard, P. 2113, wc quote tume, tcstificd le leard a womaR's Next we.saw pidlures ai thc ocean s W. P. Rickard, MP., Durham <01ncdo ae7 (OlIlOdo ae7 Counity, as follows: "As far as this _____________onpage__7) _____________ onpage__7)_ la proposai is condhrncd, I as an Ontaria faraier, do not feel that can support il, especially if hC p .B n se La d W o k D e m coarse grain clause isla i n . 1 a t a ise ad W r o e o hope, Uic governaienî il cn-M sidr this seriously, etc. '" B W rSe v c s DUin A Thc debate hinged' upon leatc govmn ien raW a evce yd .A m bonus diversion o! western wlieat, acreage. Officially thc subjeccl Dry Canleens Patromized Thrýee WAR OF NERVES came before lhc House ia Com- ta One, He Declares - Town a: milIe af Suppiy, introduced by Hall Packed to Hear Scintil- ci Hon. J. G.,Gardiner, Minister ai c Agiulture, under 422 Speciai: latiflg Musical Show. C. W. F. Riekard "To provide for payaients on beui Membr for Durhiam County wlio rediictionin lawleat acreages, un- Intcrest ran higli aI Uic Cana- CJ brake with is party on thc pro-decoitnsrsrbdbyUcia War Services Fund show of aosed Western bonus .plan i an governor i cuncil for adminis- presenled in Uic Opera Hanse i iddress lic delivered hIHanse o! tration cxpenses la connection Friday nigîl. Prom Uic final nuai- li Commons last*Tlursday. therewth, and for Icmporary ap-be cn h prograrn laUic last tle P lIntetstaI may be equire audience, wlucl filled thc hall, ed notwithâlanding anything con- dcnivcd immense entertalament sei tained ii Uic Civil Service Act, tram Uic sangs and anlics ai the ~a Mwantoba Preimier $50000"Kinagston troupe and werc laspir- i In explaining why thc malter cd ta gel Icarl and soul belilad Subscrier " ota be deait with îy way Uic War Services drive by Rcv. " of a bill, Mm. Gardiner advanccd CapI. W. F. Banister's accouaI ai IsNe ubch e seveýa1 renions, one o! whidli was: how thc moncy wsbigset'ik "Il las neyer been canîeadedeby a the govemament thal the proposi Onecycar go ta the day, Capt. Ps. Wc arc lonored ta WclcOaic maklng necessary Uic expenditure Banister leit Bownianville, going au Ion. John Backcn, Premier Of of this amount o! money epre- as a cliaplain aI Barmiefield Milî- led ,anitoba, as a paid-la-advEncc sent a permanent policy." tary Camp. Since lIen lie has had T6 abscriber 10 thc ever wldenlng Apparently, ilierefore, the mat- every oppamlunity ta observe the Frank M. Dowsett the Ircle aif Statesman readers. Sarneter la anc ai teniporary or im great good Ilese auxiliary services o! the Gutta Percha & Rubbcr Ca. ai ie ago, evidently attractcd by provlaed policy and as sudh, con- are doiag for thc soidier. wlo will adclress tle Central On- las le Slatesman's programme for demnation may weii have been "We must have these extra scr- tarie Division ai the Industrial ma gricullurai relief and support for withhld among gavernaical sup, vices ta kcep up Uic soldicr's Accident Prevention Association ag he Rowell-Sirois proposals, Pre- parlers until all e implications moralc," le assemted. "Wlcn a, aI a dinner meeting in the Gen- $58 aier Bracken askcd that le be in- weme iully apparent. persan is a long way from home osha Hotel, Oshawa, on April 7Ui. pai luded as a rcgular subscriber. Embmacing the usual idea that it makes a difierence In lis ac- Subject: Beating Hiîiem's War ai the Sanie 30 years ago, lie and Lieut. the policy o! the apposition is ta tions. Oid resîrainîs are swept Nerves. Vie LL. Baker, Associate' Edilor, appose, an amendmcnt was moved away. The soidier, aiter a lard ok part idcbates la thc Capital by M. C. Sean, (Cons) Haldimand, day ai intensive training, la tired. !iîy oi Saskatchiewan, on curent Ont.; seconded by E. E. Periey, He needs liglit enlenlalameal. t e ~ ' incas oi thc day, and their views (Cons) Qu'Appelle, Sask., in these MucI as we try ta maintain a hig W ome ' M ,ve prýtty wcfl calaclded ever ternis: "Resolved that Uic govcmn- standard in camp lie, nothing can Ince. ment take immediate stcps ta takc the place o! Uic home which Thae wrcUicday wen oncreate a parity o! prices as be- moil o! these boys have neyer let CyovernTYIent A4~d Dnnalag waa che na tawhenH . tween agricultural and ailier pro- before. The continuous masculine ýha. Dnnig ws cmin totheducs inarder ta improve the con- environment and inevitably drab )re i the Sask. Coopenative Ele- dition a! Canadian agriculture surouadinga 'gel lim down'. Anetuasimeiga!W-2 ator Carnpany., aind juat for efan- omsc lei . 1 umendations nsidered Shon ian Predcts, Miss Agnes Macphail Tells Men'is Gatherlng the Istor>' and Sub- stance of the Report- Courtice Pastor mni- tiated to Rotary' Club at Home Church. Bowmanville Rotarians, diing with their hasts, the Courlice Cir- cuit Brotlierhood, aI Ebenezer Church, Friday, Mardli 28th, en- joYed a "refresher" course in con- stitutional history when Uic dis- tinguislied gucat of thc evening, Miss Agnes C. Macphail, Ex-M.P., rose ta address theai on Uic sub- ect, "dTe Rowell-Siros Report-. Before and After."1 Fiaas a farmner outstanding Ontaro schbol teacher, and second as an outslanding pariamentarian la Uic Hanse af Commons, where, for 18 years shc tilted in debate with sudh national and inter- national figures as Hon. William Lyon Mackenzie King, Hon. Rich- ard Bedford Bennett, Hon. Arthur Meighen, Hon. Ernest Lapointe, and others - flot forgettlng Social Credit - Miss Macphil could not fail ta have thc knowledg, the rnanner and the Positive piattorai authority which are thc attributes that unpress any intelligent audi- ence, no matter what lIe political convictions. This Ebenezer gathering May well be described la Hollywood termns as a "smnash lit." Thc Idea a-as an extension af Uic Rural- [Jrban-Rotary get-together and the hiappy choice cf such an aI- tractive and distingulshed speaker required twa separate servings at dining*tables ta accammodate Uic ;hrang. Il was a "brotherhood"p !nceting and from her experience in lecturing over 240 men in Uic RIouse af Comnnons, Miss Mac- LIail was quite at home. Organizers of Uic arrangements were Cecil Robinson and Pastar WI. C. SmithI for Uic Brathcrhood an resident Fred C. H-oar and R. R. Stevens for Rotary. mrs. Gea. W. James, hastess ta Miss acphal on her visi owin ili, accom paned ler at Uic guest table. Becausoe it was a mcn's affair lcal members cf Uic masculine cex, drcsscdhIn pinafores over stre claUies, servcd thc suaiptu- Dus luncheon, which Uicy nondha- lntly took credit for coaklng- <continued on page 9) ROTAR-Y CLUB GUESTS COURTICE CIRCUIT IMEN Perliaps neyer before lias a ninister been inducted as a mcm- )r of a Rotary Club in has homne lurch, but Friday night Rev. W. ' Smith, pastor Of Courtice Cir- III, was farmaliy made a mcmn- er of tic Bowmanville Rotary lui when Ratarians were gucsas fCourtice Bratlierhood at a de- ihtfui, banquet and get.togcther eld in Ebenezer Church. Past resident D. R. Marrison peýrai Uich initiation cercmony, pre- Enting "«CUif"Smilth with a cop Ui tecode af ethica and Ila off- !al classification badge ma ked.* Protestant )Ministers."o A notable feature of Uic even- 19 was thc auctianing of two-oil aintings by HarrY Stafford of shawa. Durharn* County's ace udtioneer, Elaier Wilbur, rival- .d the efforts oif Lucky Strikc's obacco Auctioncer In ruanng m bidding up. Finally Uicworks art were knockcd dotnto the et biddcr, R. ýE. Osborne, Bow- unville, who presented theai as gift ta Ebenezer Prsonagc. The 9.00 realized from sale <if Uic intings lias been contrlbuîed to ~EvdnigTelegrain British War itims' Fnmd. gte Discusses minisrt ion 1. ~t~t~mInY . The Newcastle Independent, And The Orono News IJRSDAY, APRIL 3rd, 1941 NUMBER 14