ÊrM àP , i TEE CANADIAN MANVILLE, ONTABIO PAGE Luelu ipigon Rfrer District In Nforthemu Ontario Letter N4. 8 Camer-on Falls, ont. Dear Mr. James: When one opens a Geograpir; Text on the resources of Northerr: Ontario, he invariably finds thesf words - Nipigon River-, noted toi its speckled trout. And thus il lias been, although in thre future thre text mey be clienged to --waE Snoted'. Prom newspaper reportE ~Plus tire first-hand informatioin ,from veterans of this district, the b*'tr-out wes no idle boast. 1According to a Star Weekly re- port of a few weeks past, when the C.P.R. Put its rails tirrougi Nipigon Village in the early 80's the Hudson Bay Co. was reputec as heving two ice houses, con- taining five specked trout nirre pounds or better-, packed for wln. ter- consumption. About twenty years later- when the C.N.R. was being constructed from Longlac to Port Arthiur, the workers would desert their dinner pail àt noon- hour- to walk througir the bush approxhinately one mile distant to Camer-on Pool, tire present loca- tion Of Cameron Falls. This pool was much noted for its trout of 6 - 10 pounids which could be talc- en with very 11111e ability of an agile fishermair. There were botir species, speckled and reinbow. Thre larges- speckled trout on record was taken fr6m Nipigon waters around the village of Nipi- gon by a Dr. Cook of Fort Wil- liam. Its weight was fourteen and one iralt Pounds. Every year, yearly compétitions are carried on for thre speckled trout fisirermen, and to be a winner the fish must run over ten Pounds to eclipse tire others. Sorne Big FIsh Yet Fishing i the Nipigon during thre past few year-s has been spas- modic and undependable. True, many large fish still dwell i the river, but in diminished numbers, as the influx of roads and tourists into the country, flot 10 mention tire local fisirermen, has lessened tire same. Ini order to fi for specledt troul to-day, one must take a trip up the Nipigon River to' enotirer- series of fails called Pine Portage. The trip itself la reelly grand, witir the tail majes- tic walls of rock towering straight up fr-om the river in places, and tire wirole covered wlth the ves- tare of spruce and poplar. At Pine Portage there can s1111 be caughl flsh weighing from. 3 to 8bS. in weight. Although I have been present and seen tliem. caught, he big fellows have so far eludd y reel and line, but tiranks to éther fishermen we have dined on tris elite fisir. Fartirer up the river, at Virgin Fells, tee moutir of Lake Nipigon, there is also good fishing 10 be1 lied, but due 10 a succession of1 rapids these grounds are orly ac-, cessible from lthe rallway et theej east ide of tee lake, with thé. aidj of a motor .launch. South Bey inj Lake, Nipigon i i possibly one ofi THE ONLY NA~TIONAL APPEAL' THIS YL&Rt FOR OUR 1MIN IN UNIFORM the lait feeding places of titis battling fish, and ettractsI many tourlats. One>tourist cornes yearly IYfromn Texas, U.S.A., to his cottage Mon one of the mnnumerable islands se of the lhke, and remnains there tili Dr the hunting season is over. Need- it less to say he is a verya freat re booster of the Northland, & the RB way from the Sunny South. ts I mnentioned above that trout )n flshing le flot as successful to-day ie as in past years. One reason for Uhis is the construction of Hydro Electrlc dams on the river, to change the course of the water ,through the power houses to pro- duce electric power. At certain times the men open the dams to *'spil' water, thus, any fish that lare swept over the dam have no 1. chance to ,return to their breeding yplaces. In late years pulpwood ts has been floated down the Nipi- tgon ini large quantities varying dfrom 5,000 to 100,000 cords. The j. continuai scrading and rubbing of hthe logs as they corne over the orepids, barks them. When the bark becomes watersoaked it qdrops to the bottom of the river ýfat the foot of the rapids, covering over the feeding grounds of the trout. Unless pulp floating is car- ried on i a different manner in the future, the Nipigon River is going to pass into posterity as the 'once' home of the famous speck- led trout. More About Flirh Other- game fisir are aiea quite numeraus linlire watersaf thee district. In many beys and river-s tire Northern Pike cen be pulled ouI up ta 25 pounde in weiglit, and elthougir large, il le no trouble to land theen. In tis point, traut sur-pess thace as a fighling fisir. A six-paund trout will tae con- siderably mare patience and skiU1 10 land than a large pike, whicir aller e moment's flurry and dasir may be pulled out as lifelees as a log. Fishermen in generel ar-e glad bo ses theem rid from thee river-, as they devour- iuge quasi- tilles of smeller trout and white- fisir with their carnivor-ous ap- petites. Piekerel le quile ebundant. Be- fore tee war broke out and guards- ware stationad ar-ound the plant, il was e lest minute custorn be- tdre retiring ta go ta thee lead- worke of the power- house and maire a few caste for- pickerel. These would be visible in teej water wilh their ct-likeesyser-e-i flected in the lights of tire power-1 .hausa. For- axcitement, these alsoa excel tee pike. Alteough basa ls not aven- ebundant, some lakes mey be fished for not allier- but base. About five miles wesl of lier-e lias a leke celled Bass Lake. During tira summer- and autumn, a fine string of'fieir will generally ne-j ward you for your walk in. There1 is a boat et tire lake whichi l usedt for- turing in the deep hales. Myi tir-st trip ta the leke two autumfist ega,. iconpany wltir two'othens,i was ovar tee uphll trail t te lake in tee early morning. only to find anoteer party had advanced before us, and obtarned the only boat. After fishing unsuccesgfully from, tee shrore for the morning wa made tee r-eturn trip i efeU- ing light rain. Needlass to say, I 8enjoyed by r-ast tiret night. 7Laketrout fisliing Is an Imiport- 7ant industry i teis country, car- ried on in Lake Superior, Lake Nipigon and most sinaller inlancy lakag. These are elso a fine gamé fish. A 40 pound laketrout was tlended lest year around Rossporl by hook and line. The catch of laketrout Is shipped east daily to tMontreal, Toronto and other C an- e dian cilles, as well as New York. The Sportsman's Paradise In the autumn teis country le the ver-iteble Sportsmian's Pare- dise, and many Aner-icen touriste travel up tee river and spread over the sur-nounding country. Moose and deer are teken on te outskirIs of tire village. I have seen deer varlous times in tee sea- son within the camp's limi'te. The early inhebitants here recali a moose herd which hed their sleep- ing spot et the rear of the village. *Dogs and rifles have mostly been the cause of depletion of the moose, but deer being more diffi- cult to frigirten 10 new territory, rareiy leave their intimate feed- ing haunts. So it ls quile ordinary ta observe a deer or fawn dur-ing e walk through tee bush. At night deer will often run down tee road ahead of tee car in the ligirle' glare-then, when you have near- ly r-eeched them, they will pause And leap for the bush. If I lied hed a flasirlighl buib and film one nigit, on my way home froni town, I could certeinly have ob- tained a wonderful snepsirot of the sarne. Sometimes e bear willwander into camp. These usuelly get a warm reception, as one feilow did1 e yar ago. A irousewife in camp q thouglit she heerd someone et her J beck door, but hen visitor whenc sire looked out was a 500 pound 1 black bear. When tee beer visited 1 tire next house tee owner was 1 waiting with tee shotgun. That i bear was certeinly a big one-and c one Ihal didn't gel away. The dis-i trict around is kept relatively free 1 of bears as the people feel tiret 1 for the total sefety of their chul- r dren the bears sliould be lessened s in numbers. t Indian Traplines The country is r-el trapping countr-y wite lire Indians as trap- Pers. Thera are two Indien settie-. mente ithe district, one et NIpi- gon and te aller about fivemie down the Nipigon River- from liera. The Indianà have arganized treplines and catch sucli animais as aller, mink, fox, tisirer manlen, and muskrat. Dog leams of course are the communication meane of tire Indians, and il le quite usuel tg ses a dog taam on the r-oed heuling supplias.- '. Alteougli tishing and trapping1 may have been chiet attracfians and. industries of tee pasl, they cen no longer ba consldered so ' now.-Surrounding us I evar-y direction are hundrede of miles of lÔlest. lanld,- spruce, jackpine, a Por the ablngs abat are aot glven to a Eighdaojg Mau with hlm unlform . ,.inuga at arm not par of hissMliary equpmen ... ahîngs of the sait.. . -Caada's fghtiag sons, wh«ever hey moay b., reiy oe you. T'he Goveiiament provides theni with uniforms, rides, ammunitica.- but for cOmfons-recrea aad wholesome opporaualay to make abir Predous Moments Pfleluure a genuine boon . . . hey weiy on you. * 0f course you h.lp to boy airplaaei, guas, ships, tanks-BUT for tbe thingo abat express to the soldier ahe affectionanad ahougrhtfulnens of the foîks back home . . . ho relies on YOD. Six réat national organliatioas labour unceaslagly to provide hlm They can do la oaly wlth ypur money. Yournsoney seared t'isa wonl-your moaey la needed to carry l on. The néed is urgent. Bs generous. Leat the volunteer helper who calla on you carry back your pledge of fuleit support for our fightiag men. THE BOYS RELY ON 1H! FOLKS IACK HOME 'f yuhv ot been canvasd-lf you are not canvassed--aead your conibudvo a your local committoe or to: Nomlenul Nedq.a.on1oa" kSt., Tent., Cmm 40 Six APPIALS IN ONE*tb1e' AIR COMMODORE Air Commodore Harold Edwarda Air Memler for Personnel on Canada's Air Coundil. poplar and birch chiafly. Tire dis- ticts around ail rivers and streanis are optioned off 10 tire different lumber cancerns and Pulpmnills. Spruce le lire cirief pulpwood used and cul. Tire pulp le. cul during tee feUl and winler montre, tien drawn by sleigir end liorsetam to the surface of e lake or river, or haid back by poles on tire benk pr-eparatory te pulling tire sae and allowing tee pile ta slide into tee river. The spring floode br-ing il to tire Nipigon and Lake Superior wrre il is kapt separats by booms, until delivery ta United States pulpmnifls by lakeboate, or dr-awn by lug 1 te paer mille et tee Lakeiread., Tirugliaut tire upper Nipigon River section thre bankrupb Abi- tibi Pulp and Paper conduct te cutting, and running of tee lags. Lest year epproxiniately 100,000 cor-ds were floalad down tire Nipi- gon by tee Abittibi elone. This kept tire river covered with pulp for a greet por-tion of tee summer whlich of course prevenled smail craft frani travelling up tee river, and disr-upted tlie femous trout fisiring. Wlian tire loge irave ap- pracired tee Hydro dame, te nen open tire semae by pufling some of tee logs, in tira dam, and lie wood spilis over witi te waer. As most of these logs cama Lown tire wirole lenglir of 30 add miles of tire Nipigon, you cen sea th inestimable damage tee bark of teese logs will do 10 tee feed- ing places of tee trout. The Paver Industry At tire Lakehead tee logs go 10 one of tee many mnille itee Twin Citfes. A visit to. a pulp milI, 10 view lire process of peper- ail the way frorn its-inception in tee log forni, is« ver-y interesting. Lest year With tee co-operetion of the local Board of Trustees, tee senior pupils of the school here ware conveyed'to the Provincial Pulp and Peper, in Port Arthrur, te ob- serve tee opéa-tion of pulp to paper. Wite tee grain elevators whicir Une tee cilles waterfronts, tlie pulp mils forni the basie ini-- dustrles of -tir a Lkehead Citles, and wite tee veet tesounce of for-- ests -in the district lthe mille teere are assured of a long and profit- able operatiop. Next week I sheil includa com- ments on the gold section of this district located about sixty mniles te, tir a et. Your's tnu]y, Gor-don E. Osborne. SINGERS AN» THEIR -SONGS Wrltten *pecilly for Tii. Statesman by weIl known Dur-hanm boy, Fred R. Foley,j 123 Lake St., lit. Catharines, Ont.I I amn thinking 10-day of teet beàutiful land I sirail reach Wiran tire sun goate down; Mien tirougli wonder-fui grae by my Savioirn I stand, Will tireabeaeny stars in my cr-own? Chorus: Will tirer-e ba eany stars, any stars in my crown, When et evening tire sun goate .down? Wlien I weke wiltirte blest in tira mansions of r-ast, Wiil teere be any stans in my crown? At tels Lenten season the thougirte and ireants of Chirstian people are dinecled ta the Easter- message. Ester- comas la. tire wonld.le tee Spring of the yaar, wiran, tirnougliout Nature, we ar-e greating nawv lite, Ie tee pirysical world teare are'evidances of r- sur-r-ction, change and beauly. In the religiaus lie tirea letire teoughi of'nesurrection, ascension and tee bsginnlng of a new lite in a spiritual world, and ona looks for-ward ta tiret langer lite wiricir le but a crown of ona's efforts har. nsetis 1111e star-y, found on e pae of my old scr-ap book, autirorsirip nol noted, tire is a glimpsa of a busy toiler, wirosa resurraction itire home of thee soul le a gled Eastertlde. Thare le in l, 100, encouragement for- those wirose tasirs hans araeirum- dr-uniand wiro seem 10 accamplisir 11111e for tira Master-, but wirose service le faltirful and loyal. Tira stony fallows: The mather died and went ta Heavan. Sire led bean e busy toler in a humble welk of life and gledly laid aside her wark; sire was so tir-ad. Wiren tire King said ta lier-: "Wali dons, gaod and feithtul sarvant," tira attending angel Was about ta place a cr-own on lier iead and, behald, it was brigirt wilh many star-s. The ma- lien drew bacir a littls le great surprise and stamniered: 440h, tiraI cannot ba my crawn. Iwas caltirhe means of savlng any saule. Tire must be sorne mis- teS"But tire angal, smiling etly upon her, said "You have left behmnd you foraver the world of mistekes."1 "Then what are Ihese stars for; *theY cannaI be for souls saved, ao we used ta sey on eartir?" 'Yes, for souls saved," replied ltb. angel. "Now, lat me tell you Whom these stars represent. This Ofle is fortiret weyward brother O~Yours. You were lis favorite atr, and, altirougli ie aiways .*e ligirI of religious things, yobUr consistent Christian life in ifi home had e greet influence Over hlm. And when ire lefI home tal few eernest words you said 'lhtears, and your eannest un- ing prayers ware ever with .,,Mt seid tire moIrer, "ire wes ~verted in one of 9Tor-rey and .Mexander's meetings in Toronto. U,Ïbuld naltirhey have their ne- '*îüd?"' "They sirail have Iheir *itward," said tire angel, "but this stalei yours. Had il not been for m th influence" of your lif e and words ire would not have attend- .the meetings and, but for your Ixtcsant prayers, wauld not tiren hae Yielded to tire spirit." ")This star," tire angel continued, "afor your eidest son whom you >consecrated befora iris birte, and pr.ayed for and wiîir, until lie con- secreted iris own lite to lii God. Tiiee twin stars are for twa girlsj I tiret Sunday Scirool class you taught for a few mantirs until ptèSing home duties celled you ateay tram il. Because tire girls had not tire goad influences of a CFi.stian home ar-ound tram, you epoke ta theni per-sonally and earnestly, and put te oving arns of Your deily prayers er-ound theni until, et revival meetings i tiré home churcir, tirey bath made a public pr-ofession of faitir in Christ. And tis star is for your nearest neigirbor. In irer deep afflction you visited lier and t4üght her wiere ta turn for coni- fort.", !And now," said thre engel, "you younself will recali alliers for wliom. you pr-eyed and over whose salvations you r-ejoiced, altirougir you thouglit il brouglit about by othar inslr-umentelity tran your owýn," and ire placed tie briglit crown in lier lands tiret sire might admire il and count ,ils many stars. In tire strenghrofthtie Lord, let me labor and pray, Let me watch as a winner of 'souls; Tiret brigirt stars may be mine in tiret glorious day, ,When iris pr-aise like tire sea- billows rails. Canadian Garden Service By Gordon Lindsay Smith *Steeply sloping, narrow lots are not a matter of pity but of envy, practical landscape g a r d e n e r s maintain. With this sort of ground the creation of a really unusue] and individuel gerden is made 9=epe. Experts do flot; advocate 3ca 'ing on as *it is, however, bul wdgiJ sharply divide the differ- dnt levels. To do tis a variet3 ,of devices is recomniendedsuct as a aton~e wall, a less ornanenta] >but stronger concrete wail screen- ed with a hedge, or a rock garden with a few stone steps connectihg the levels. Sometinies, where fhe slope is very great and over a few feet wide, a combination of ail three methods will be the most precti- cal and effective. Big trees wil] be depended upon to hold the general slope in plaèê, with herE and there extra support furnished by steps or short bits of wail. To atternpt handling a slope as an ordinery lawn or flower gar- den is'both unnatural and diffi- cuit. The grass will almost certain- ly wash awey, and even m.wing will be impossible. Try a New Vegetable In vegetables, as in flowers, scientiste have been givlng us many improvements. Their work has been carried out .in two direc- tions:.. fi.rt, the introduction of vegetables unfamiliar to most Canadiazis, and second, and prob- ably more important, vast im- provement in those varieties that have been grown in this country for years. Of the vegetables new ta most Çanadlans.there are several worth a trial ln any gerden. Many ex- perienced gardeners make it a habit to try at least one new kind each year. Full descriptions will be found i ny Cenadian seed catalogue. In reguler vegetables there has been improvement all down the lie, wlth the object of gett:ng more flavor, succulence and a longer season. Corn l l a typical example. At one tume it was possible to get only one variety of Golden Ban- tam. Cobs were short and the sea- son also. Now tirere are offered three or four different Bantani BEDOING SPECIALS SUPER VALUE BED OUTFIT, fuil salid waerfail panai, cable spring & $1 fQ.95 Quelity Mettrese ___ DROPSIDE COUCH, makes double bed, for spare room, steel trame and cable, spring, attractive cretenne $10 f.95 m e t t r e s s - _ _ _ _ _ £~ BE» DAVENPORT, for bedrooni, sitig room or apantinent, al steel and cebla frame, wite cail spring supports, mattress and 2 cusirione in smart colors $14-95 Regular $19.75 - A FOLDING COTS: Ail steal and cable, complele with mattres69 Regular $8.75 BABY CkIBS i walnut steel tubing, 27 x 51 complete wite mattress. $ 19.95 Regular $15.50 I BED SPRINGS, factory samples, $_9 irait pr-ice, 15 only, reg. $11.50u PILLOWS (whiite label) fresir new sof t feaher- down, strong striped $ .25 ticking. Extra Speciel, 15 pr. only $ COTTON FELT MATTRESSES, a quality producl by Canada $q.95 Comforter Ca.___ 5 JNNERSPRING MATTRESSES, 210 $.95 coul, cannaI repeat froni --__W We carry a fuil, lie of thre famous Marshall Mattresses Tirase may be pureiraeed on our Budget plan. FURNITURE VALUES 3 - PIECE CHESTERFIELD, wine and green. Sae $20. -on trie $495 suite $49-__________ 3 - PIECE CHESTERFIEL, $ 79 00 velour, mulbarry, blue chir. E 3 - PIECE CHESTERFITEL», white show- wood, ail ovar velour, webb $89-00 construction tirrougirout.- BEDROOM SUITE, walnut finishi, 3 piecas, venetian style mimrons, lowar 0 thap ica _________ $4900 3 - PIECE BEDROOM SUITE, beautiful wehiut werfeil design, triple $~A5 mur-r-ors, 3 suites only540 VANITY DRES SERS, solid bircli, coni- plate witir mirrar. (Unfinieired). $10.9 Extra Special CHIFFONIER, solid bircli, ini two Ions wahiut finish, $49 4 dr-awers ---- ___ STUDIO COUCHES, i homespuns or heavy corded repp. Spr-ing filled $ 7 LINOLEUM, CONGOLEUM and JASPE RUOS OSHAWA'S NEW FURNITURE STORE 156 SIMCOE ST. se, OSHAWAj "Quality Merchandise at Competitive Prices" types, sanie extra early, sanie reg- ular seasan, sanie laIe. Cobe have 1bean lengthened, kernels made bîggar. One cen enjoy thee insst ttable car-n for- over a monte in- 1steed of but a waak or- two as in tire ald days. Flowers 10 Fit Tirer-e ara gardens tiret fit ai- most eny situation. For trace pao- pie who haeve neiterentlime nor inclination, tirer-e are plenty of an- nual flower-s thet tenive on neg- ledt. A 11111e digging of tee ground in laIe Spr-ing is ail tiret is ns- quired. Tae sucir teings as alys- suni, dwartemarîgolds, partulaca and Celifor-nie poppies for edging. Thesa ar-e little flowar-s tiret al- niast saed Ihemselves, crawd out weeds, do well in anyr location but prafer sun and light soul. Once star-ted lhey will look afler teem- salves. For tire centre of bede or- near tire bacir, large flowers sucir as calendula, nesturtiuni, poppy and phlox will niake a goadisliowing, and for ecreens castor beens, dah- lias, cosmos, sunflawar, tlU mari- gold are advisad. For scant, especially Itire ave- ning, a few nicotine, carnations, mignanette or- stocks wiil par-fume tire wirole gar-dan. Next Waak - Don't war-k soul tao eariy. Spraad -ouItee vege- SuggesÀ Farm Tractor Ownrs Aid Nelghbors Agricultural Reprasenlatives of lira Ontario Depar-Inent of Agri- culture, all'of wiram ara in close toucir with te general farniing situation in tireir respective caun- tis, are expressing tire irpe liraI owners of traclars will aid tireir "hoarse" power ierigirbars 10 pr- pars lireir land for spring crape. Tis would be ana excellent way ta meet tire undoubted ferm labar shor-tage ln Ontarioalis year, tirey state. In discussing tire malter, ana Agruculturel Representetive point- ed ouItireat teere were a nuniber of fer r ractors in iris county wirich ordinarily wsrs flot work- ed ta anything lika full capaciîy. Tira awners luslled tirrougir ter work by tractors while ovar tira tances lireir neigirbors were doing an squally good but slawar job with hrrse teenis. "It's really a sheme," lie seid, "ta ses tiresa traclars idîs wiran lirey could be daing a r-eeliy good job on e naigirboring fam i speeding up war-tinis production. if fer-mers wiro awn tractors could work out a plan wheraby thase machins vould ba kpt ging for longer iours or for a greatar- nun- br- of days itier-on lira home trni or neighboring trns, tire would be e mucir baler chance of gsling land for- rps worked t tie proper tima willi a consquent increasa iproduction." "No par-son would suggast teal a racor awner- neget iis own field, but I would appeel 10 hlmf to look round iis neigiborhood and go ta tire aid of tire man wlio niay irave losI iris hired man toae munition facbry, and help i gel his crops planted." Tira Englisir nation le caver stronger tran whan Fate le tsar- ing et ils fier-vas. I irave ireard an estimaIs teat il wauld taes ive years ta r-e- irumaniza tire aver-ega young Nazi. "You popr wilted thing. Ill bot you'fl fool as good now as I do when Nom brings home broad from the Carter Pamily Eakeshop."1 BREAD 13 YOUR BEST AND CIIEAPEST FOODI1 EAT MORE 0F ITI THE CARTER FAMILY Bakers for Two Genoratlons Phono 855 Bowmanvlfle AGENTS FOR MARSHALL MATTRESSES AND SPRINGS OHAIRNCAN FOR ONTARIZO: OONN SIMg ES Q., TORONTO OHAIEKAN FOX OOUNTY: W. B. STRIEZ, ESQ., BOWXAMAI(I ýt 1 ýTORONTO 94 cli ale àiný TIbiv(irý Yletel 1000 Rooms wiiýi bcith Rates ab io- o, 2 PER PE RSC)rJ P KIRBY HUNT M--q- PAë.E TUE CANADLAN MANVML% ONTAMo Phone 855 Bowmanvine