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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Apr 1941, p. 4

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Phone e641i Don'ft Wôàrry About The NaI oalDebt Mmli mrouei the national debt la flot one of our grueta problerna- t*a prolem in lao ««In a world i Wbkh rad pro- *r <r ius possble. _________ If I were ta state that the debt $4,000 than it formerly wus ta of the Dominion of Canada had crry tih. $2,000. been cut i two since 1933, yau In 1933, the. national incarne, would flot beleve me--you would that la the incarne o! ail the peo- b. foolish if u didi pie of Canada, taken in anc lump The debt has nôt ieen reduced. sum, was $2,640,000 000 In, 1939, It lias been mncreased, from $2 860 the total Incane &i'd risen. ta million in 1933 ta $3,658 niuha $4,040,000,000, s0 that we were a in 1939 - an increase o! almoat great deal more able ta pay our $80million, obligations in 1939 then w. were Tei strange tiiing la tint the in 1933. cost o! carrylng the. debt, the. i- Wiiereas it took a littie more terest pnyment which we make than five cents out of ev.ry dol- e~eyyear ta those who hold lar we received i 1933 ta pay tieeobligations, has decllned ticeiiiterest aoi tue national debt, during this period. Tiei nberest it taok on]y a fraction over three charges were $138,700,000 in 1933 cents out of every dollar in 1939. and $129,077 000 in .1939. It doesn't look very big measured Tii. burden of the. debt has been i tht way, do.s it? reduced in anobiier way. If you W. may dauble the. debt cf owned a farm of a hundred acres Canada in ttus war but, if out of with a martgage on it for $2,000 this war there cornes improved li onc year, and the nexb year conditions, greater frcedom ithe. you buy anather f anm, also of a exchange of goods, less fear and hundred acres with'a mortgage o! same removal of tic burden O! the same size, yau now have a armnaxents, wc niigiit have a debt of $4,000 instead o! $2,000 much happier Canada, a riciier but your capaciby b9 produce has and more prosperaus nation, even been daubled and it wlll not b. if aur debt were three ies as any harder ta carry the load af large as it is now and it certaily _____________________s nat likely ta reach tint spec- i I tacular height. The. interest rate is an imnport- tuski ess Directory ant factor in cansidering, the bur- den of the debt. I 1922 w. were paymng 5.164% an every dollar o! aur national debt, by 1939 tuis iad Legal fallen ta 3.528%. If the 1922 rate iiad continued, interest charges IL 0. *. GOULD. B.A.,L.E would have b;en $187,70q,000 i Rarriater, Sdlcibor, Natary 1939 instead o! $129,077,000 as Phono 3 51 they actuafly were. Bank of Commerce Bldg. It is sometinies said tiat the Bowmnanville debt would neyer be paid. This is nonsense. lb la stuPid nonsense. W. I. STRMETii. borrowing is baking place Barriater, Solicitor, Ntary withln the. Dominion o! Canada. Solleior for Bank of Montreal While the war is going an we are Ikoney ta Loan . Phone 791i actually reducing aur foreigmi ob- Bowmanvilfl, Ontario ligations, tint is, we are rcducing .the. amaunt of debb which we have IL.C. MASON, B.A. abroad. Unless some change takes Barrister - Solicitor place, the situation in regard ta Notary Public - Etc. the debt, at the conclusion a! the Law i al Un branches war migit b. stated in some such Office lmmediately east of poyal form asbthis: PThnes t Home 53 <. the people of Canada will Phons: ffic 88; Hoe 53 0 same of the. people of ______________________ Caada mare than thcy awed Dental ta them before the war was DIL J C. DVITTFour men sit down together at DR. 1. . DEIT~ a table. Each la worth, $1o,000. Assistant*' Dr. B. W. Sissan On. of them proposes ta expand Graduate O! Royal Dental Col- his business and h. borrows from lege, Toronto. Office: Jury Jubilee each of Uic others $2,000 for this Bldg9., Bowrnanvifle. Office houi-5 purpose. Tii. wealti of the. group 9 a.m. ta 6 pam. dally, has not been altered by this trans- .egeept Sunday action - in fact, it has probably Phone 90 - House phon. 883 been increased - it has, if Uic X-Rsy EquiPmIenbi Office borrower could maike more effec- __ tive use of the. moncy than the DI. IL O. DICK86N lenders. Thire. of tueni have less <Terauta) and New4,affle, Ont. money Uian tuey had before but Over Langnian's Store, Newcastle. instead, Uiey have a note or sanie Office haurs: Saturday only, other fan cof a4ligation froni Uie 9 a.m. ta 9 pm fowth man. . The p-s as - competent to meet its obigitions Fumerai DIrectors as it was before tue transaction FUNERAL IRCTORS Tic situation in tue Dominion Servceany our anydy wil be somcwhat tue sanie but Serice an hor, XIYd5Y witu this difference - we have F. F. Morris Co. no tangible asset for tue money Moden Mtor quiment A-we have spent in this war. Tii. Mode Maar quxmen, 'Z'~ cost of tue war is not tic money bulance and Invalid Car. Tele- whicii has been cxpended on it Phone 480 or 734, Asistat 573- .but tue waste of material and Veternarylabor whlch wc pourcd fortu for Veterlarythe purpose o! winning it. Even DIL0. . BOTH- ints, it must be remembered DR. G R. OOTHthat muci a! tue labor was idie 833' Kift St. W., Oshawa, Ontario and prabably would have remain- Piiene 21 .cd idie but for tue war. LargeuanS8mai! Anbia Surgery But have we mia asset? There hs no niaterial asset arhsing out of WILFRLED W. SHERWIN the war -but vlctory will give us B.V.Se. V.S. sometulng greater and marcimi- Velerlnary surgean portant-far more important. It Office: Mlain St., Orane wiil give us liberty. As slaves o! Phane 56r7. nl-ti Germany, wc ,,ould b. better dead. As free men i an Angla- Saxon world, we live-we mny even prosper more Uian we have Fpraspered before. vue Tic debt ih anc o! aur minor problems. Wc shail not worry OFàÇabout it. Tii. depression wiici the ebt hichwM fllowtic GR IM E war but tiink-think as you never tuought before-of the. way i which you may remould your life W ITH O UT and thus help ta remould the. lives o! otiers, s0 tuat the people o! GCanada and thc people o! the C~l ID I world may learn how to salh SCWWUUEE conditions in whlci-and I put it ______________ in tue slmplest passible fanm- men and nations can iv.tte ZP- What Boys. and Girls Can Do To Help Beautif yNewcastle Concluding Essaya la E. G. R. Ardagli Conteat Number '7 Tiie writcr pointa, out tint New- castle la about bwo miles long and about anc aid a half miles wide and tuat lb la this area wich la bu te consldered inyfurtier beauification achemne.a tic firat place the boys and girls hiavc a personal remponslbllity foi, they are part of bthe landacape. lb la tueir duty by bichir appearance, and by belng caureastiaugit- fui, kind and ind uus ta make a good impressioni upon visitons. Boys and girls augit ail ta b. gaod sports, pleasant and congemi- ial 4t ailUrnes.ey siould make it 'their busness t become cori- versant wltu ail phases of civic administrationtemanagement o! sciols, % c mai.ntenance o! ronds, tic care a! parka and otuer public prapcrby, etc., so tint whcn tuey grow up tuey will be able ta progress wi tite tumes. One thing enci boy and girl could do each sprig la ta plant n tree. Trees always add benuty ta tue landscapo. Speaks a! the birds and tucir economuc value in nat- ure'. scicme o! bcauty. Boys and girls siould love and protcct tueni and be caxreful net ta destroy bicir nests. Suggests tint bue baya and girls abtain permission ta build rock gardens and. plant flower beds ini sultable locations sucii as on tue aide banks coming inta and leaving Newcastle and on tue way ta the lake. Tiiere la scape for further beautification along the lake front. The beach could be made more attractive by planting shrubbery, placing coni- fortable seats, maklng attractive batuing houses. Visitors cen be abbact.d by beauty especiafly if tie boys and girls are on tue spot ta enterbain tieni. ,Parks should b. beautiful, restfu.l arid have fadilities for, atiletics and yautu cauld have a part i prsunding tue autuorities ta do mare alang this lin.. A lot o! beautification work has been don. by atuers in tue past for whici we accord tueni ail hanour, 50, now "We must carry aur torci high and live aur lives as near to God as w. can, for God means Beauty. Tuer. la n snying whici snys, You are near- er ta God in your garden tien any place cisc on eartu, 50 may we continue aur planting o! trees and shmubs and flowers in ti pretty little village a! ours." Suggests thnt. tic boys and girls ion .a "lBeautification Society" and tint tue members migit talk ta each property owner privately about ways and means o! furtiier beau- ti!ying uis or her property. Tii, Association niigiit also persuade tue telephane and' electric i.igit campanics ta do somethig about the. unsigiitly posta braughaut tue village. "If the girls and boys could accomaplish this, Newcastle bic Nent, as lb la now called, wauld be cllcd Newcastle a Beautiful Garden o! Ontario." Number 8 Enuxiciates tue axiam bat ench home in tie village hs part o! Uic whoie and bhat enci fnmily can lielp a grent deal by keeping lb. own place dlean and neat and tidy. Fabier and motuer, bayé and girls cen al ielp in tuis wark. Elab- orates on tue necessary wark and processes, suci as keeping tue lawn dlean and tue grass mown regularly, trimming tue hedges and pruning shrubs and trees, caring for the. perennial bordera and tue annuni flower bedsa nd potted plants in tue house, burn- mng refus. and rubbish, keeping tue backyard tidy às well as tue front, tic removal o! ail unsigiit- ly fonces. In general practice ail the shade trees in tic village siiould be timmed every aprinI, tue side- walks siibuld have n little trench dug along each aide in an endea- vor ta keep tic grasu froni aver- growxng tue walk, and tue weeds siiould bc kept cut along tic sides a! the ronds. Boys in homes where thcrc, are any could do bila work and not leave lbta otuers. Sanie familles mpigit have mia anc ta keep tue street in front o! their praperties neat and tidy but would want ta have sameone do tic work for tue sake o! appear- ances. Boys and girls ahould not. spoil otier people's lawns by cut- ing corners, non break windows in vacant houses by birowing M.aW w ieaoh do les eC inW.The dae ofWteI~Si iSa5etr Iuawu six40,u u. Labska, PM (la tbe U.8.a* for '<Gis.) m U Hesd @1 Canadien Corps Endormes AuxlUIary Services <lb t tute great social and welf are organizations, grouped ta- gebier for convenience o! admin- istration i Canadien AuiclllrY Services, tint w. look for the pro- vision o! tue valued extras itue way of conforti and canveniences and personal ielp wiich otier- wlse, could nat b. made available on distributed ta tic individuals w. desire ta benefit,"1 Liub.-Gen- eral A. G. L. McNaughton, Cana- dien Corps Commnander, stated in a broadcast froni England this week, i behaif of tii. united ap- pen o!tueY.M.C.A., Salvation Arry, andian Legian, Kiiights o! E Cou u, Impenial Order Dau- gîtera o! the Empire and Y.W.C.A. "«Tue wiiolesome use a! teiâure and tue satisfaction o! personal needs are problens whlci do not lend biernselvea ta being solved ef.ctively bhrough tue complex and higily sp.ciallzea meclanism o! military procedure," h. point- cd out,- adding,<'lb la in tit!ield o! useful and constructive effort tint tic great Canadian social nnd weif are oiganizations have sougit anid found their opportun- ity for uscful service, and it la through tieni tuat the people of Cafiada con give -expression ta their tiought!ulnesà and goodwill for their fellow citizens itue Arnied farces boti overseas and yet in Canada." KEEP SUNDAY DAY OF REST' by mowing lawns, weedlng flower bcds, slipping shrubbery, raking lenvea and building bonfircs. As tue schoal h one o! tue moat Im- portant buildings Ini the village and niaintained especially for tue boys and girls lb nntur#lly !ollows that biey siould centre much o! their 14terest on tint building and its grounds, and the. V.I.S., could organize tue basic o! furtuer beau- tifying tiien. Tue boys could make, f il and paint winuaw* box-1 es; tue girls could help planit themn and cane for the plants and also cane for marc phtnts i the achool.1 Suggests n large flower b.d along each aide o! tue aciool driveway ta b. cared for by tue pupils; also the making a! a del' fl eool park at tue soutu en of the play1 grounds by the plantimig of ire..,i abrubs and flowers witu tue ad-i dition of sanie wnter ta complet. tue inviting picture.1 Tue essanyst ail point out thnt9 the litter a! paper wrappers, sanl cartons, used papen hankies, papor1 bags, fruit siins, nut shela, acmaps o! envelopes and lettens and abher refuse aten seen on n village street are inimical ta beauty and would discourage tue al boa pr.- valent hanbit o! turawing suci things down promiscuously. Gar- J. H. McKEEVER bage censà ought ta b. placed in suitable locations and ail refuse dcpasited in tieni in order ta keep tue streeta dlean and tidy. lb would secm froin a perugal o! ail the essanys bat tue achoal pupils are really in earnest i their deaires ta iielD beaubi!y Newcastle. They haire advanced valuable suggestions, propounded somne new ideas and indicated serious intentions o! engaging i the wark o! civic beaubification. Great thiga i tuil lin. by tue Newcastle boys and girls may be looked for tuis comig spring and summer. The parish magazine af an Eng- lish churci publishes tiese nulea under tue heading "'Recipe for Killing n Churci": 1. Don't corne. tint is pecullarly Its awn, namnelY, ta instruct ail the people under its care in the proper use of this day as one of rest and worship.- The church has no right ta asic that citizens be cornpelled ta performn any religiaus duties. The state has donc its duty when it secures for its citizens such freedom froin labour as wiil enable thern ta use this day for rest and worship or any other legitimate purpose. It la the church's duty-to urge upon its people flot only abstinence fram unnecessary labour but also ta devote the iday ta rest of body and mnd and the cultivation of the higiier thin.,gs af the spirit. Dr. Coburn praised the leaders of thec Red Cross far not approviflg .f the holding of concerts or the- atrical performances on Sunday. FH. praised the work o! the Lord's Day Alliance and the churches acting jointly in combating- a move ta legalize Sunday excur- sion ski trains. AMR LINESTEWARDESSES ANSWER CUPID'S APPEAL Stewardesses are employed for an. average of about a year, ac- cording to-Miss Patricla Ecclestoti, supervlsory stewardess of the Irans-Canada Air Lines. The company tries ta keep them lang- er but competitian with Cupld is too keen. They don't marry pilots or passengers but the boy friends they le! t at home. Miss Eccleston has 17 girls an her division. One of the things that keeps her busy: hiring new stewardesses. AND WORSHUP "4Te people oa! biS cuntr," declared Bey. Dr. John Cobummi, Assoclate Secretary o! tue Board o! Evangelism and Social Service, at tueir annuel meeting, "are i favour a! maintainlng reasonable Sunday leglalation and the. chun- cies cen rely on n great body ai public opinion itue figit ta maintailb. lb la alsa obviaus tint constant vigilance on tue part o! tue Christian forces a! tue country is abaolutely necessary. "1Whilc fighbing itue polibical and judicini eréna to mnintain bie weekly nest day, the church ha. a duty wltu refernce tabhia day The quota o! 4690 meni set by mflitary authorities ta begifn flrst four monthe' training perA under the Natural Rescurces Mo- billzation Act turned out ta be exceeded by seven after medical exaininatiolis were completedi, the. first day of the new terni. O'NE wayto out aofliet- 1 'ing your home ln te avold "'Ashpit Waate". BY that 1 mean the amaunt of coal sakn through the. grate before It lis been eom- pletely burned. Hre are a few precautions Whleh wMflhelP You tb eut down thus waste: 1. Burn eoal af the. Prop.r aise. Every heater la deslgnéd ta hurn aparticuler ise Your dealer an he1 you decide the. Shako the. grates oeutIp- and anly when necemay ta make room for freali fuel 8. Keep the. au pit dlean sud clear o!fashes.This i. mont li- portant ..beeause thi aa Iit serves as a chamber from w?, air lu gupplled ta the. lire. Wlth- out an arnm le uupply of air, com- p lt ombusation of the. col lu mossu'ible.' .Une ahlgh quallty Pennuyl- analadcoal. (19) BOWMANVILLE s pledge for War Savinps TUMA AMAW #MET C.R 0Wili MAUFWMu iiio-tgA M u4Vl Nom LETý US MAKE -YOU A .DEAL ON YOUR, PRESENT CAR You'il Be Surprised IIow Small An Amount a Month Will Put You Behind the Wheel of This Beautiful Plymouth Roakng Special!i THI DEST INOINIIRID CAR IN THE LOWIST PRICE FIELD - WL SUHISII . 1 - 1 1 t 1

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