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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Apr 1941, p. 5

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ýtUSDÀY# APRM 8 , 1941 TECNDA TTS WAVLE NAU AEFV Nestieton Mis Mary Hoakin 1fr Melville Tracey and Master blen*Wheeler, Oshawa, at Mr. R. Hoskin's. b;r. -and Mrs. John Nesbitt at Mr. R. Nesbitt's. Mr. Frank Wilson, Oshawa, =@nt the weckend with his iam- Miss Miiam Wllilams, Mr. and ,Mrs. Dlan Black, Jean and Dora, at Mr. Geo. Johns'. Mr. and Mrs. Bobt. Ewers and MisNoa Portdous, Oshawa, at Mr .H. Porteous'. Te BadmiAnton Clubspnoe and Mrs. R. Ewers. Mr. and Mrs. John Hendernan, who weîe visitlng their daughtcr Mis. K. Samelis, have returned ta Lindsay. Mr. and'Mis. Merwin Mount- joy, Burton, at Mr. Wm. Samells'. Mr. and Mis. R. Haskin with Mis. Jas. Williamson. Master Beverley Veale with Mr. Fiank Emerson. * Maklng maple syrup la in ful swing. Wc hope it wiil be a good * seasan. Service ln the United Chuîch an Sunday was nat vciy wchl at- tend éd awing ta thc condition ai flic roada. Salem "Wbat is sn?" was the subject ai the splendid sermon given b* Rcv. Gadner at thc Sunday f ternoon service, and the chair wcrc an duty again. Y. P. U. mèeeting Wednesday evening, Mach 26Ui, was opencd by the president, with a hymn, and prayer by Bey. Gardner. Mi. B. Darch took charge ai the pro- gram in the absence ai Miss B. Thompsan: Bi.*)lercading, Mis. L. Richards; tapic, Mis. L. Squair and Mis. G. Burrus; readinga, Mis. H. Barrie and E. Doidgc; piano solo, Miss M. Cailacutt; vialin selection, Mi. L. Coombes;.1 mauthoîgan solo, Mi. W. Taylor. Mi. and Mis. G. Buiius and Miss Daphne attended a shower an Thursday evening ai last week given ta Miss Gimblctt Who is ta "GcO PLACS" FOR EASTER SPECIAL LOW IES Beetween ail points in Canada and ta certain destinations in the United States. Fàr. and One-Quarter FPOR THE ROUND TRIP Tickets gaod goig any trne Thursday, April 10, until 2.00 .Pm:k ona 4i14. Retûril *Lîir f&teave des- tination not later than Mid- night Tues., April 15, 1941 MINIMUM SPECIIAL FAIRE - 250 Take adatage et this long week- end for a, visit home or. aw57 with trlends. 4 For face and information ask any Ballway Ticket Agent. CANADIAN PACIFIC became Uic bride ai Mi. E. W. Burrus ai Oshawa, brother ai Mi. G. Burrus. Aiter a blackade ai snow for nearly twa montha anparts of Uic 4th lUne Uic îaad bas at lust be- came passable for cars and trucks. Deepest sympathy la extended from Salem. fritends ta Uie rela- tives ai Uic latte Mr. J. Colwill who for many years ba been a hlghly rcspected realdent ai Hampton vlcinlty. Wamen'a Association met at Mis. James Hall's. Mis. L. Squair opened Uic meeting. Scrlptuie lesson waa read by Miss Thelrna Werry. Mrs. E. Silver had charge ai the following pragiam: Bead- lngMs Sam Buttery; vialin selectian, Mi. Wm. Taylor; read- ing, Mis. Doldgc; "The Value oi Sehi Contrai"' was the subjeet ai Mis. R. Wrlght's address; violn selectian, Mr. Les. Coombes. Bus- iness was dlscussed. Mis. Silver and ber graup servcd lunch. Tyrone Y. P. U. met on Thursday night with Uic culture canvenor Laina Hooper in charge ai the progiam. The worship opcned with hyman, scripture by Art Hamilton, paem by Laina Hoaper, and prayer by Bev. Gardner. The programme apened with a readlng by Wesley Hilas; piano solo, Agnes Scott; reading, Percy White; Mis. Base- vear gave the tapie; vocal ?çuet by s. Dudley and Mis. Bradd. A bean bag conteat iollowed, bring- ing Uic meeting ta a close. Wamen's Institute met at Uic home ai Uic president, Mis. L. Goodman, with Mis. Floyd Dud- bey, vice president, in the chair. Meeting opened with Institute Ode and Uic sanig There'l1 Always be an Engiand. The business per- lad being attcnded ta, the follow- ing pragram was given: Openiing sang, The Old Bugged Cross; piano duet, Mis. Howad and Mis. Gardon Brent; îeading, Mis. B. Scott; piano sala, Agnes Scott; paper by Mia. Goodman; piano duet, Mis. H. Brent and Mis. G. Brent; cantcst by Mis. Giaspeil. The draw for Uic apron was hebd and Miss Helen Youngman was thc bucky winner:' Lunch wgs served by Mis. L. Haoper's giaup. Attendance 16. The boys ai Uic Midland Begi- ment have retuined ta Ottawa ai- ter two weeks' furlough. Mi. and Mis. Clarence Waodbey visited Joyce ln Uic hospîtal at Thistletown. Joyce lai ipioving slowly. Congratulation an ber llth birthday, April lat. Visitors: Mis. Babt. Burgess visited ber sister, Mis. Ait Stephens, in To- ranto. 1t Misses Gladys Bradley, Grace Thain, and Muriel Wilson, Mr. and Mis. Carl Bradley, Oshawa, Mi. and Mis. Leonard Bradley, Enniskillen, at Mi. Eaul Luke'a. Mis. Stan Beckett and Joan and Mis. Dan Cameran, Bawmanviile, at Mis. Laura Virtuc's. Pte. Art Spicer, Mis. Spicer, MariY and Eileen,, at,,Mi. E. AX Virtuels ' Major F. Dudley, Ottawa, i home for twa weeks 1ubuh Mi. and Mis. I. W. Larmer, MU brook, Mi. and Mis. Edgar Rose- vear, Port Hope, vislted at Mi. Gussie Rosevear's. Mis. Willis Stewart and Mi. Will McDanabd spent a day wli frienda iCobourg. Mi.. Wiib Virtue, Mi. Russel Virtue, and Mi. Jack Thanipson visitai Mi. Ed. Virtue at Thorn- bll who la under Uic doctor's care.a Il11 Al"CONDITION? L, your house sound in strctur? Ileii protecred and decorated inside and out by good paint? Is the roofrain-and-snow- proof? Is your kitchen equipped for light, happy, work? Have you a bight, sanitaty bathroom? If you need money for renovations, ciscusi the matter with'our manager. You will appreciate his helpful approach to your problems. UANE -0P NONTREAL 'A B" kWh.nE» MUmm w %» uat Ae Iem." Bowmanville Branch: F. 0. McILVEEN, Manager MODERN, EXPERIENCED DANKINO SERVICE ... th# Otng ofa 123 Yeos' SCcolsfsl Op#ratfn ... 1 Blackstock The United Cbuich W. A. met Tuesday aiternoon, March 25Ui, at Mm. John McKee's wlth 19 present. Bey. D. M. Stinson taak the Bible study. The rail cail was answcred by a current event. Mis. Albert Wright was in charge of Uic progiam. Mis. CecilH11l read a letter frôm Bey. MerrUl Ferguson. Beadinga were given by Mis. M. Fisher, Mis. A. Wight, Mis. W. Archer and Mis. J. Mc- Kee. The meeting closed wlth Uic National Anthem and Uic ben- ediction. Lunch was aerved. Mis. Florence Crawford apened heet home last Wcdnesday aftei- noon for ladies ta came and brlng their knitting. A silver collection was taken up for Bcd Crosswork and Uic pbeasing sum ai $4.55 was realized. fia We enjoyed a good skate at the Tink last Saturday nlght. Sympathy la extcndcd ta thc fagmily ai the late John Wright who passed ta bis reat ah Monday, March Mat. Glad ta repaît that Mis. Rupert Werry came home from Uic haspi- tai, Toronto, an Suzlday. Mi. and Mia. H. VanCamp and Glenn and Clara Marlow viaited with Mi. and Mis. D. Hcaslip, Janetville. Mi. and Mia. A. Bailey went ta Preston on Manday. Miss Joyce Tctlaw, Scugag Ia- land, with Mi. and Mis. W. Pearce. Solia Mi. C. D. Pascae suficred from an attack ai lumbago. ~Mis. S. E. Werry visited ber uncle, Mi. Jack Short wbo is quite ill in Bowmanville Hospital. Mi. A. L. Pascoe and Mis. Bryce Brown celebiated thei birthday at a littbe party Saturday night at the formcr's home. Quarteily meeting next Sunday at Eldad and conmmunion service. Owing ta Uie unfavorable wea- ther when Uic Brathcrbood meet- ing shoubd have been hcbd at El- dad it bas been decided to with- draw it altogether for this season. Mi. Bryce Brown was under thc doctor's care bast week. Miss Doris Milison ai Uic public achool teaching staff ai Bawman- ville la home wiUi Uic munips. Miss fleen Balsan la nat im- provig as faut as ber many fr1,r ends would wlsh. Mi. Francis Wotten was in charge ai Uic Young le meeting Manday night. Xs Gladys Yellowlees gave Uic de- vational story. Mis. Wes. Yeilow- becs and Miss Grace Truil favored wiUi a vocal duet. Mis. Iaac Hardy gave an interesting tapie on Photagraphy; piano solo, Miss Dorathy - Hardy; reading, Mi. B. G. Stevens; mouthargan and plana ,,nsici Messrs. Harold Patter and p rancis Wottcn. Miss May Mer- riam, had charge ai Uic recreation. The Libîary Board met at Uic home ai Mi. C. E. Shortridge q0hen these aiiiccrswere, Pres.-Mis. BoR LagmaIà Se. Mis. Wcs. Yellawlces; Treas.-C E. Shortridge; tdbraiian-Miss fleen Baison; As't.-C. E. Short- ridge. Thcy donate 30 books te the saldicra. Mi. F. L. Mason's many friends here regret bis receat illneas which causai bis reaignatian tram the industrial work and Uic Ped- lai People. Frank la weil and favorably known here havig bought an old worn out faim a braugbt It up ta a high state of ieîti]ity and built and improvcd the buildings and *fences wondcî- fully before he sobd it ta Messrs. David Broame and Sons. Wc hope be wiil soan be restoeaita bis usual hcabth. Visitais: Mia. David Broame vlalted in Taranto. Mi. Bull Lammiman, Oshawa, with ald frienda. Miss May Merriam with ber sisters and brother in Toronto.' Mr. and Mis. Frank Vice and Mi. and Mis. J. Short, Oshawa, çalied an Mi. F. C. Shortridge. Mi. Gea. Wciry, University ai Toronto, was home. Miss Muriel Baker, R.N., Peter- bora, with ber parents. Mis. B. J. McKessock with ber daughter, Misý. Eiliott, Oshawa. Mi. and Mis. Percy Dewell, Myrtie Station, at Mi. H. E. Tlnk's. Mi. Frank Wright, Bawman- ville, and Misa Grace Yellawhees, Oshawa, -visitai at Mi. Ernest1 Hockaday's an Sunday. Mi. and Mis. Bruce Tink vislted at Columbus. Mis. Jno. Baker with frienda at ver -th; eked Mr. and Mis. James Rutherford at Mi. Roland Hoblingsworth's. Dorothy Hollingsworth at home. c Mr. and Mis. Erwi Farrow and 1 Arthur, Garden Hibi, et Mi. Thea- i ,dore Stephens'. 1 Mis. A. T. Perrn, Toronto, at t W. A. Reld's. 1 Mia. Chas. Bedwln at ber nio- i ther's, Mta. Purker, Lake Shore. CHURÇ'H LEADERS ATTEND RITES FOR BISHOP'S WIFKE Many representatives oai mio- sianary oranilzations of the Au- glican Church and the JifS Greenshields Memorlal HometJ board attended the funeral a vice held March 27th for e~ Grace Fleming, wife, ai Right Bey. A. L. Fleming, Blshap ai the Arc- tic. Blahop R. J. Reinison conduet ed the servicei St. Paul'a Churth Bloor Street BuTaranto. A$-, sisting in the sevie wcre Ae blahop Derwyn T. Owen, Dr. . ai Toronto; Right Rev. L. W.' Broughafl, Bishop oi NIag~ Blshop W. C. White and Bishop Ai D. A. Dewdnèy. A nuniber ai residents. af Julia Greenshicîds Home of wi Mis. Fleming was first preside& were present. The Domlnib1fl Board ai the Woman's AuxiliarYl ai the Church ai England i Cn- ada attended in a body. Canon LZ A. Dixon represented the Mission Society ai the Church ai Englandf" in Canada; Canon W. W. Judd,- the Social Service Council ai the Church, and Canon R. A. Hilt, Mrs. R. A. Williams and Canon D. B. Rogers, the General Board ai Religiaus Education. Honorary pallbearers were: Re#. T. A. Nind ai Graiton; Rev. C. P. Muirhead ai Toronto; Rev. R. J.. Shires ai Toronto; Bey. Canon C. R. Spencer ai Bowmanviile; Bev. G. S. Despard. ai Toronto; B'ey. S.. V. Abbott ai Schamberg, ail onle- time rectors at Bowmanvifle, and' well known ta Mrs. Fleming who spent many summers therç. Active pallbearers were HaniW ton Casseils, K.C.,'Grey Hamilton, IC.C.. George andà Gerald Mols- warth, C. L. Faster and -0. R. Rowlcy. Interment was, in St. James Cemetery. Obituary. Mrs. Ira F. Pearce Aiter an illness which was pro- tracted with varying intensities for the past iew years, Emma Baiker, belaved wiie aifIra F. Pearce, Bawmanviile, a s se d peacefuily ta rest iTaranto Gen- eral Hospital an March 2lst. She was i her 74th year. For about six weeks previaus ta lier death Mrs. Pearce had beeln i haspitals in Bowmanviile and Toronto, but always bore ber Mt ness with great fortitude and eùhý joyed life ta the last. She was daughter ai Samiuel and Mar Baiker, ai Farningharn. England; Her iorcmaost hiterests in life be- yond, the iamily and home circle, were in the church, bemng a mem- ber ai the former Methodist and United Church and a faith fur worker therein. She was a char.- ter member ai Ebenezer ChurI W.M.S. She was also a membe ai the Women's Institute. Surviving are her husband two, sons, Henry, at home, s Gardon living in Toronta. O one sister la stiil living, On Mo-n ay, ,>arch 4t¶7 funcral was held fromn the Pearce residence on Concession St., wlth Rev. Sldpey Davison canducting the service and Bey. H. W. Foley assisting. Then the cartege leit for Bowxnanville Cemnetcry. At ber passing many beautiful tributes, in flowers carne iram many friends nélghbors, and from the organizatlons i which she had ljad an intereat. The' pallbearers were Garnet Bickard, Stanley Biekard, How- ard Pearce, Ernest Pearce, Percy Thompson and Ros Pearce. mMis rtha Curtis On Friday, March 2lst, a highly respected citizen in the person ai Mrs. Martha Curtis, bcloved wiic ai the late James Curtis, passed ta rest aiter a lingering ifncess. Deceased was the daughter ai the late James and Sarah Pye ai Dar- lingtan. Mrs. Curtis was an en- thusiastlc worker in the church, bath>4 at Tyrone and Hampton, al- ways ready ta do lier part in the W.M.S. and other organizations. She was a gaad nelghbar and friend ready to hclrp at any time. She leaves, ta mourn- ber bass her daughter, Mre. E. H. Cale, Hamp- ton, and one brother, Mr. Harry Pye, Bowmanville. The funeral ser\rice was held in Hampton United Church on Monday atternoon, Mgrch 24th, canducted by ber pastar, Bey. W. Rackham. The palîbearers wcrc Messrs. A. E. Billett, Bert Stevens, ýJohn Cawling, Frank Rogers, Joe1 and G. W. Barron. The fering, whlch extended over a C pcriad ai mare than two years. a b .,eloved former realdent ai Janet- ville, i the persan ai Miss Viola fi Henderson. Viola, who wua thlrty-nlne years tA old, was tic eldeat daughteî of a M2r. and Mi. John Hendersan and vas a lice long resident ai View- 0, lake until îllness necesaitatcd their Y~ cemporary remavai ta Lindsay, a cew montha ago, whcre ahe pass- ed away. The d.ceaaed was a valucd C Buy "CHI-NAMEL" ut savings that may nover again b. off.r.d. SHANDY-SIZES 5 816 BARGAINS WSY TO USE DRUE QUUCKUY WEARS FOR YEARS IN 32 BEAUTIFUL SHADE SAVIE MASON & DAtE zsember ai the United Cbuîch and aster, Mis. John Sandera, To- a taithful woîkeî. She had a ronto. pbeasing peîsonality and despite Over 30 ladies irom the com- her ilineas, was always bîigbt and munity gathered at the home ai cheerful and was unbelievabiy Mi. and Mis. Leslie Collacutt last optlmistic under ail circumstances. Wednesday aiteinoon and quiltcd Left ta cheîisb the memory ai foui qults for Uic W.M.S. a loved daughteî and sister are Quartcrly service next Sunday. îer-parents and anc sister, (Fioa) Ms .Wih netie .M'rs. Kcnneth Sameils ai Nesieton. Ms .Wih netie A private service was conduet- number ai ladies on Friday even- ed by a former pastor, Bey A picàsant time was cnjoycd Wo1lfraim ai Qucen St. United wîth various games being piaycd. Church, assistcd by Bey. J. Fui- The hosteas served a dainty lunch, laid, William St. Baptiat Chuîch, - and $8.25 was îaised for thc Tele- at Uic residence, Lindsay, on Sun- gram's War Victima Fund. lay, March 16. Later at 2.30 p.m. Maple Grave Sehool News apublic service was hcld at the( arySodnGae6 ranctylle United Chuîcb whîch anBille rySkoen, Grade 6, vas iilied almost ta capacity, Ond Monday moîing wae b5d when the pastai, Bev. R. H. White- O odymrigw a aide brought a message ai com- aur regular music icason. We are 'ar bainghisreaîk onthethleaîning -a ncw patriatic sang, fort Dear Canada."m.r.s-onasheFriday cbapter ai Bevelation. During DUirCaoy adak."e ie ot Fai h the service Mis. J. Howe and heî h osto heieoto h iaughteî, Mis. M. Armstrng shed and that la "good-bye" ta oui rendced. by special reusiogfav skating îink and hello ta thc ce- orite hymn, 'Wc'll Say Goodnight ment. .. . April tool bas came et HeeBut Good Good Moîningu last and the fun bas begun.... hec U The Spring birds are back. It bas E'herc," with Mis. F. Joblin pre- been reportcd that the cîows, iding at the organ. starlings, robins and meadow ,The palibearcîs weîe Mr. Keown laîka havé beca ilying irequently if Lindsay and five Janetville aîound looking for ncw homes... Lelghbors, aamely Messrs. R. J. Wc have ncw sparts sucb as skip- Burn Newton Armstrong, Ivan ping, anti, anti over, and foot- W1right, Crawford English and baill... Some arc îiding bicycles Victor Blatherwick. Inteiment ta school seeing the snow bas took place in the iamiiy plot at gane. Nestîcton. Maple Grove Cadmus Mi. and Mis. Kcith Ormiston 1Mis. Oscar MeQuade bas re- Oshawa, witb bis parents, Mi. and' turnai fiom spending a week in Mra. Edwin Ormiston. Oshawa with ber daughtcî, Mis. Mia. L. C. Snowdea spent a Rager Oke. fw days la Toronito. Misses Muriel and Zetta Me- Gunner Charlie Smith, Toran- Kee Oshawa, spent Sunday with to spent Uic weekcnd with fri- tbei parents, Mi. and Mis. Sam ands. MK W4. Fred Miller, Queen's, King- MKe stan, Pte. T. G. Lyle, bat Midland Miss Guelda Jahnston went ta Roglment, Ottawa, at Mrs. L. C. Oakviile hast week where she bas giowden's. secured a position. 1. r. Thos. Snowden, Mr. Char- Quite a aumber near here are lie Saawden and Mi. aad Mis. H. suiferig from Uic mumpa. G. Freeman visitai Uic former's Mi. James Wilson and Bill spent On* quart $1.20 (ouler puice $1.75) SAVE .0c 30<(mog;Iar pflce SAVIE.45c mb. (ouler pice. DO WMAN ýVILL E Sunday et Lakeview Cottage. Mi. and Mis. Gardon Brown and Mis. Wbitfild spent Sunday with Mi. and Mis. Russell Brown. Marlow and Stewart Thçmpsan, Oshawa, werc home for the week- end. Mi. Eldan Thompson is home for a short time due ta illacas. Mliss Inez Hicklng spent Uic wcckend with iricada near Belle- ville. Books are standing counselors and preachers, always at hand, and always dlainterested; havig this advantage ave oral instiuc- tors, that they are ready ta repeat their lesson as aiten as we phease. -Chambers.. Fbawers are God's thoughts ai beauty taking faim ta giadden mortal gaze.-Wilberforce. d b1 Your Choice &f Over Two llundred Patterns ln New and Attractive Designu A Palper for Every EBoom, tram 10e a roi and up SPRING US PAINT-UP TIME We carry a complote Une af patt, varnishes, uheilaea, wax aud everything you need for decorating your bouse with quality praducta. FLO-OLAZE-Canade's Fineat Product OLD COLONY - A Good Lower Price Paint. Phone 556 Je Wu JEWELL " me sol, flowmanville THE CANADL4» STATM BRANDRAM-HENDERSONý pail j Io kap iliiii(lj painied LI rllýýi 1'l- F-7 rED OWMANVMLE, ONTARIO PAGE PM %dR"ý4;e IÏ4

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