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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Apr 1941, p. 6

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MsH. G. Mertyn, Stratlord, vesteJZher sister, Mrs. T. H. Cie. mence. Mr. Jonathan Tebble, Klrby, vlelted bis brothers, Joseph and Harr, Newcastle, last weekend. Mis rene Brereton returned from Oshawa hospital lest Wed- nesday week and ie convalescing nicely mter her aperation. Mr. . A. Awde an the advice af his doctor, lias Leen in lied for over a week taking a reet cure end Is now feeling maucli stranger. EASTER CHARM FOR WOMEN Easter * Fashions designed ta fit and flatter every wo- man. Our collec- tion oaieco atsais comaplete. Large Range ai Reversible Coats and cth toats from $14.95 Fashion Hits Dazzling, smnart, ini thue latest colours of Sprlng. Wlde ehoice asit ilattering BUDGET PEICES TO $14.95 t The Evlyn Shop MES. CLWFFOEI) CAVERLY Phono 594 Dowmauvlle *Ij 1, Mr.% R. A. Delve and Mu. John Doive, Osliawa, and Mus. Harvey Curtis, Orono, were Sunday-guosts af Mu. and Mus. W. N.-Butkley. Dr. mmd Mus. R. O. 4ck»oan d daugliter are now P figla part aio Mu. and Mis. E. E atro' haux;âgjowJg' tue United Citizeme mmd fermers now note etuat ion tue fuel ltime in years rtue Bank ai Commerce bas its 1doans open la tue public.througli- ouI tue noon hour. Mu. J. T. Brown le mal recover- ing very fast from. tue foot lnjury ho received same three weeks aga la an automobile accident when lie was on e tip ta Brockville. He is sill quile lame. Mies Boatrice *Mcînlasi was olecled prosidont ai tue Newcastle Rai Cross Society et its mantbiy meeting on Tliursdey, Mardi 27tu. Mis. J. C. Hancock wes slepped up ta tue office afis8 Vice Presi- dent and Mus. Percy Haro was elected 2nd Vice President. Rev. R. E. Marton prechod la a lerge congregelson in the United Churchl ast Sundey mornimg and La moderato sized onoe t niglit. The Junior Choir sang et bath services. The basket ai beaulitul flowers la tue churcli was in memory ai tue laIe Mis. J. R. Fisher on lier birtliday. Macler Ronald Dickinson colo-î braled i second birtuday lest Tuesday aiternoan liy inviting a number oailudren. eroundis awn ege la ion some gaines mmd tee. Mus. Dickinson was assistai in enlerteinmg tue ciildren mmd tuefr mothors by lier motuer, Mis. Fred Cowmm, mmd lion aunt, Mis Odie Warren. A represontetive ai tue Ontario Saiety League will pey an annuel vieiltat Newcasle next Tuesday, April Stu, by arrangement witu tue Board ai Educatian mmd tue Newcastle Schools. A tehi on safe- ty mmd accident provenlion, illus- tralai by stil and motion piclures, WMl lie given in lie cammunity hall la tue aitermoon mmd ail tule school chludren witu tueir teeci- ers wifl attend. i a body. In consideretion ai Albert Peerce hevimg temporarily in-1 'CaPacileted humeeli e number oai young mien from seven meigibor-1 lmg ferme caine ta tue rescue on1 Wodnesday'aiternoon, Merci 26, a.xmed witu crosccut saws, axes and atuer waodsmen's tbale and warked vigorously la the bush compleling tue job ai getling reedy for tue circuler sew a sup- ply ai next seasom's wood. Mes- dames H. R. and A. W. Peerce were deliglited la serve supper in tue eveming. Seventeen members ai tue f am- ily cannectian met around tue festive board et dinner lest Mon-1 day et Mi. mmd Mis. Ed. Poweil'cy in lianor ai Mi. mmd Mus. Gea. E Janes, Chicago, wlio woro hene an1 a vieil. Present besides tue family 1 aif tue hast anid lostess were tue . TI~E CNADIAN AN, BOWMAtLIXL, OI4TAIUOTUSAYAPLa11 g- 4-' *YNB&~ 0F GREECI TOILL DEOTHERS INiSOUTH ABOWECA TILML LANRGE AUDlIENCE Ellsworth ToU tald the tale of the Toil Brothers' edventurous iking tour tbrough South Amer- ic ta an audience af over tliree hundred ln the UYnlted Churcli on Pridey evenlng, Mardi 28tli. This is e new TOU Brothiers' trevelogue and it was lluetreted by sIil and motion, pictures in colour by a riea h nln co equimen se-conpaed iththa poisbave become symb* olica li usedon teirfirs viit hre.that; is beautiful and lestlng inx Mad n h ei f rthe sTUiero. Greek civilization. Stin magnhfi- thers' sixteen months' trevels by cent, ee nisris hsAh foot and hitch-hiking. through Acropolis wae erected in the deys Lati Anierican countries in 1938- ai Pendces but the treesures it 9 i the Toronto Telegramnthe >nward, and ather papers,1 but and Margaret et Mr. Fred Aeh- these lively accounte could give ton's, Toronto. Lthng like the thrill end excite- M.edMs e.Cmrn rient one receives an seeing and Jeck and Joyce, e M. IaCadi-on .earing one ai tuese remarkable rane's, Bowmanviile. voung men i persan and being Mr. Fred MartinadMis er borne a-long as it were on tue ec- gurt eln oantoiet Mr- Lal trip by seeing the yaung mien gueos. Martis Tooto. r mnd tlie people they nxeet in action hsMat,. Dn the screem. There was a goad Messrs- Hans Geissberger and xeesure ai Geagrephy, History, John Sutter et Peterbora. Commerce, Botany, Zoolagy, Hu- Mr. Al. Ayre and sons et nour, People and e fine spiit ai Paris, Ont. Bon Entente interwoven inx the Mr. and Mis. Fred Plummer, ý'o hours ai instruction and en- (Marthe Hansen), Trenton, et Mr. ýrtainment. John Cruickshanks'. Ellsworthi Tohi, wlia represented Mi. and Mis. August Gelesber- 'The Brothers" on Ibis occasion, ger ýand iamnilY, Herrnony, et Mr. zave fll credit ta tueir expert Hans Geissberger's. icbnician and îentern aperetar, Mis. M. C. Selby, Oshiawa, et [r. Ross Upiold, wio 30 effi- Miss Be Are'ceste. oPtr iently screened the pictures and braM iss e.feSanoPtr )erated tue saund mechanism. Mi oadhomi.NetnEgr lie prograni began with patriatic d oycewto Edgar, M.Vro s ings, mncluding, Tiere'llwayis orne i. gardMr. HVnenonidi- )e an England, and cancluded rnM. n rs ase ih vitu a colored. picture ai their ards, Oshawa, et Mr. A. T. Stain- tan's. [ai esties, King George VI and Mr. and Mis. Ivor Gerry, Alan Zueen Elizabeth taken an tueir m rhr oote i .B iisit ta Canada. Bey. R. E. MonArhTrntaM. .B tn apened tue prograi wth GlapellaMi.A.T Santn )rayer and briefyinrdcedtlie Mris. S .mTSnowden oi- all Brothers ta tuose wio lied Mr- aet Mr. Orme Boweetys or lot seen theni an tue screen be- Hope. M. re etts Pr bre. Tlie travelPgue was given Misp.LecitM.Wm W- ride tueaus icaitu aunge 9liams', Bawmanville. Miss Jean ee's Union rwhich wade- Leach hlid lier tonsils uemoved on tand the financiel returns. Near- Mamday et Bowmaxiviile Hospital. Y ail tue public and high schoal iUpils were present and went CAP.B N TR way higily pleased with Elle -______NSTE voll Tol's autogrepi in tlieir Ibums or other boaks, (Contlnued from page 1) as attractive as Passible and tupy are run on e non-Profit basis. The: Enrnskillen Canadien saldier le certemnly mat e _______drunkard. In fect I do flot; be- Visitors: Mi. Osweld Pethick, lieve there is more drinking in ®ronto, Mi. and Mis. Bruce lie army tuan in civillan life. 0f *oad and Nancy, Osliawa, et Mr. course every maen kmows that ýPethick's. . . Mr. H-. Wrightl, wlien lie joins the army lie is s0 ikeiield, and Mr. A. Wright, Sa- many steps mearer the end ai his na, et Mi. Wm. Wrigts. . . Miss11e, but the philasopliy eat Lzel Wright, Osliawa, et Mr. E. dinmk and e meriy, for tomarraw Vriglil's. . . Mi. and - Mr N we die" is mat indulged toany 'adeyHarony Mi mm N.f degîee. On the contraiy most ai 1.Bradley, Osliawa, Mr. L. the men are lookimg ilorward toaa hompson and Mr. N. Muirhead, return ta civilian life and pre- yrane aet Mi. Jas. Bradley's... paring for it. They malcè use ai rs. E. C. Ashton, Mu. O. Asliton, the Y.M.C.A., Canadien Legian, r. and Mis. G. Beech et Mi. 'I. Knigits ai *Columbue and Salve- ýTrevelPs, Oshawa . . mr.w. tian Armi> educational services. ilim et Mu. W. Oke's. The library et Barriefield lias Mvrs. E. C. Ashton, Mus. G. Beech 2,000 books, hall ai theai detec- d.Mis. F. Beckett attended th tive stories and the resI an technii- 'uble funeral ai the lete Mu:. cal subjects. Even my theological iac Radman and Miss Rebecca books are frequently borrowed."1 eider, Port Perry. These ladies "The concerts provided for the ire sisters, and mother and aunt men are designed ta give the fMi. Stewart Rodman, part movemont and choor their life "Pmy. would otlierwise lack. The army Sunday Scliool meeting, ta make Protects the physicel healtu ai lans for aur anmiversery, wac your boys ta the higliest 'degree id et the home ai the Superin- Passible but the auxiliery services ffIdent, Mi. Wnx. Moare. A deinty Prolect the healtu aVhxls coul."1 ccli was served by the hast and CapI. Bamister, wlia 'bes cquir- Dstess. ed the reputetian, ai the "Marry- Shemiock , along with green ing Padre" e B'iriefleld, was âd -white streamners, were decore- introduced by the clahairnan ai the One placod iaur churcli base- evening and Wai Services Caunty Lent for the W. A. Annuel St. Organizer, Ex- Mayor Ross Strike. atrick's cafeteria tee on Frldey The first substantiel choque in ,efting. Aitor everyone lied set- tue caxmpeign was afficielly pro- fied hie eppetite from tables set sented by lwa members ai the it Irishli pgst,bats, etc., Mr. E. local Veterans Home Guerd ai 1Sunimers, Bowmanville, show- Canada ta Mr. Strike. He reed- 1hie moving pictures and the aloud the lbIter from Cal. L. T. Udren from the scliool iavared McLeughlin, O.C., begging accep- lb sevorai cliorucos. tance ai Ibis chieque for $65.00 Our Young Peopio's Union heid from hie men as filows: Lir St. Petrick's Party Tuesday Dear Sir: ieing. Warship service by Mr* Please accopt the etteched A. Werry. AU took part in choque io 6.0fo h fi ,s gaines and contesta. Lundicerh n ~$50 rn u 11 as srved cer andother Renks ai Company ______________ Hoadquarters and No. 4 Platoon ai tue 32nd Ca. Veterens Guard ai Canada. Ail the men in tue V.G.C. Zioon served- in tue army during the _______years 1914-1918, and mil know the Mr. J. W. Balson moved ta greet good tuet wes dame by these ampton on Tliursday. Mr. Thos. organizetiane. We bave alweys Àrtin and family have moved to appreciatod tue wondenful liene- W. Balson's faim. fiîts that we recoived from tuem Little Janet Naylor hec an et- and we want tue toops now in ck o Geman service ta have tue same k ai Rss e abisoo ixedventagos. We wish your com- 'le, Elsie Lysan, Jean Cameron, mitee Iprancessskeepikupli tty Balcon, Joan Morgan, Mary more iotune Iofapi gu h issborger and Ruth Rolibine, ta oaeo h ros ,ctice singing et Bowmanviile Membors ai tue V.G. alsoaected iSaturday and visited hier ma- as usiers for tue eveninig. ei for e short lime. Entertainnment "RHot Stufi", J,. IThe NecwcauieNdpedt Phone Clarke 1114 once houeed are naw lin the mu- seurne af the world. -Today Greece needs our help. Support the Greek War Relief Fund Tag Day on Seturday. Help Greece ta help Great Britein. the decoratiane and preparlng for the pragrarn. "'Tve neyer yet lied anyone tell me they liked ta canvees," con- cluded Mr. Strike. "The men and womnen who call at yaur door next week are domng it because 'it's their duty - s0 meet them with' a smile giving as mucli as you cen. Remember this le the first Urne in the war these six organizatians or any others under governnent supervision liave asked for an outriglit donation for the wark" DURHAM CLUB <èontlnued from page 1) quent; visitar in the home ai iny grandparents et Meltan. Mfr. Hughes turning ta me seid: "This le Mr. Muir who wrote the sang "The Maple Leai For- ever," e capy of which I meiled ta you e few months ega." Child-like, af course, Istarted to ask Mr. Muir questions, end in answer lie told me thet one autumn day he went for* a welk elong the water-frant cerryIng hie overcoat on hie arm. On returning home northwerd on Laing Ave. he set down ta rest under e large meple tree, end as a breeze spreng up the beautifully colared leaves fluttered ta, eartli, and one came ta rest an the lepel af bis coat. He picked the leai up, and as lie set looklng et it lie heard the voice of sameone lin e nearby house singing thie Netional An- them. As lie continued ta, gaze at the Maple Leai the limes af the san.9 we know sa well took shape in hiis mind. Teking e littie book rom bis pocket lie made note of them, and then putting an hie coat he cantinued aon liareward. A. O. Parker fanxfly and members ai Mrs. W. J. Hockla's femily, I- cludlmg Pte. Jas. Hockin ai tue Mldland Regiment, Ottawa; alea Mrs. J. S. H. James and deugliter, Mrs. McFadden, and deugliter-in- law, Mis. ]RasseJanes, Taronto. In tue evemlng tue group motored ta Whitby ta pay tueir respects and offer felicitations tao nu. J. Gardon McGuire and bride wio were merrled on tue previaus Baturday. Hall 6WAY HAT $1,69 Perfect casuel hat for Spring! Classc feit with stltclied-bia. Wear it 6 diferent weys. Pas- tels, nevy, solçller blue, duety rose. ~lng St. phoneO 451 EASTER .Wit'îRadiant Ckharmn Walker's Fashion Clothes Assure YOU Of style leadershp at a price you cam afford. Coat, Dress, lilnery, Gloves, Handbag lloslery, Uinbrella-- TOUR ENTIE EASTER ENSEMLE 18 WATING FoRt Tu HERE. CiIOOSE YOURS TODÂYI Girls' .Spring Coats Sizes 7 t. 14X $7e95 Girls! Your Sprinî Ceatis llier. I1Choose fnom a nainIer cf new spring styles in. cluding the "Holly- Wood" , a tempting modol with ahurrod back, and e Princesa model with a nipped- in waist. The accept- éd spring colon in- elude -- Dusty Rose, Liglt Blue, Navy, Beige, etc. The Value 38 outatanding. ., xt tis pzice we dun- Cerely believe then. is a saving cf a: lhast 2590. Mornln SWEATERS that are new, gay, and perfect for Spîlng into Summner. Fine kmit sweaters ini lovely.pastels. Ladies' Sizes $130$1.98 G irSes $1.00-$198 LADIES,' COATS Outatandlng Vaun aM ReverBIilïeat 1O.95 CHARMINO DRESSES Self Colours or Lovely Printe $.9-$2.98 -$3.98 Q When Mr. Muhr arrlved home, lie removed hie avercoat and lie agalin found e perfect Maple Leai stick- lng ta hie shoulder. He was 50 Impressed tuaI lie et once st down mmd added otuer limes ta tue sang: tuatIslenaw. 50wel known. As tue yers passai, .I met wltu different people wha spoke ai tue tree under whicli Mr. Muir lied set, mmd tuey tld me wiere Il was. At e flawer show. I met Mr. mmd Mis. Soutuain wlo inslsted tuat I came ta see tue tree. Every lime I heard tue sang I icît tuet tuere *slouid lie something dame ta mark tue tree. Several organi- ,zation talked about Il, but notu- lng was dame about It umml The mon ai Trees sent tueir repre- sentative ta me, and tue result was Iliet on October 2nd, 1937, e brasa plaque whlih telle tue story ta tue passing warld was bandai ta me t>y Mi. Robsan, tuen Piedi- dent ai The Men ai Trocs, and I lied tue pbeasure ai ettechlng il ta tue tree. Peoplé from ail welks ai life were there. Represonte- tives fram lie Provincial Goveun- mont, City Hall mmd tue Board ai Educelion and alsa clergymen from mmmy ai aur churclies wero prosent on flue occasion. This tree àr on Laing Ave., just soutu ai Queen St., on tue lewn ai Na. 62, tue home ai'4 Mus. Soutuem. Mu. C. R. Purcell oi "The Mon ai tue Trocs" spoke ilaepprocia- lion ai Mus. Rabbins mmd Dr. Williams addiess and pictures, emphasizimg tue vital. need ai trees for tue maintenance ai cani- forteble living on this continent, as lied been found necessery in otuer parts af tue, world. Thoir disappearanco wes tue direct ceuse ai iloods mmd drouglit tuaI ,praduco unfartunale dlimatic con- ditions. Ho quoted ex-Premier Drury as saying "The removalo'a forost growtli ceuses irost la en- ter ta suclia e dptu tuaI mucli velueble top soil is lost by eerly Épring reins. Of a trutu, "Ho etuat plantetu a tree is a servant ai God."1 Axnongst a numbeofaiwol dia- son selections, tue saolit, Dorotuy B. Addison sang "I stoad et tue gale ai tue year," from tuo Kimg's Christmas message ai 1939, tuaI lied boom put ta music by tue accompanisl, Mi. Edwin J. Pull, iormerly organist ta King Ed- ward VII and Quoen Alexandra et Sanr agim. Ho le an inter- manelyknawn composer ai compositions for voice and organ, alsa a weltl ai cliurcli music includimg a speciel cantate, «"Sil- ver mmd gold have I1mnon." Dr. D. D. McDonald, wol- known former school inspectai in tue city ai Toronto, whom lie Club lias boom forlumaeeil per- sueding ta accepl tho important office ai Presidoxi fanrIthe camrng yoar, spoke briofly soliciling tue continued loyal support ai, all members and friends ai lie soc- iety. Amongsl Ithe out ai lowm guests were Mi. and Mis. Milton Werry ai Oshaewa, Edilcu and Mis. Gea. W. James, Miss Ethel Morris and You CAN Duild On Tour PeetIncome Dld you ever stop to thhnk fluat $30 a moth tt 1s~0'in rent recei n S5ymss. .'SQ0 with Wbioh youan bu.y indepeade ncesd bappinemu for Mei? Iuatead cf Érikng increaaedrent lu an old-fsabloned bouse, build with WW'ityou iiow psy for rent!1 $W.00 a gio builda a cbarming homne under the National Bousing Acf Plan. See Our ar.w me Pl=a Book MW PUN Information on N.H.A. Vhmmu mslg ndMatrlais PEONE 2130 NA WOOO MIS con êý"4t Wcost, Oshawa ýALKER STORES,LMTD BOWMA>ZMLIE Phone 2362 NYAL 2 FOR ~SL This Week, April 3 4 5 Thura. ou l. e a gte Buy one article end get a different article of same price FREE In th face of rising prices and the scarcity of some chemicaIs and~ drugi stock up now at, mouiey-savizig prices. TRERAT SERED IGRAIN NOW Moth Killer or Larvex USEC PROTECTS AGAINST Ceresan Powder MOTUS Lb. - - - 1.10 Moth KIIU.r lb., 3c 5SLbe. - 4.40 Larvex - 83e -1.29 Filme Developed FMEE e95n P. R. COW LINGÉ ,Phm. B.fot Mrs. Alan Willianms ai Bawmen- pouring ai coffee by editors' wives vilne, Mr. end.Mis. Thos. Marshell of the two leke-front papers, was and Mrs. KCirconnel ai Port Hope. marred by ilmnesa af Mis. Wilson What wes ta have been e ges- of the Port Hope Guide. Mrs. ture ai the retiring president's Donald Linden assisted Mis. Geo. apprecletian ai courtesy oi the James of tlie Bowmenville States- wholé Durham County Press, inian EASTER aSPRING and FLOWERS More than et amy time of the, year, EASTER and*1~ the advent af Spring, means "FLOWERS." Prcs the same as all year round, and we will *greýet you W'ith the finest selection of Easter Plants and Flowers at the Kingsvay Flower Shop WB DELIVER Phone 772 mommaum Wr Bh M. 1 TEURSIDAY. ÀPlàý, #,,»41. TgE CANADLALN i wh- iifi

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