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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Apr 1941, p. 8

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Donald,. Audrey and BIUly, King- mu iurketon stan, 'were recent guesta th1e ~~~number of men from Burke- HL R ETOH PORAads sr M.F. Worden , tan attended th1e Brotherhood ëiRITAINI Sympathy là extended to rela- meeting at Enniskillen last week. tives of the late Mrs. Ira Pearce MUW Aircraftman Ewart Breck has MN and Mr. Sam Trick, who were ___________been transierred ta St. John, N.B., residents of this canimunity for ma u Our mail couriers are idn much regretted. Sgil oe l e min s tegaing bard these days, with BowmanvAlflc. Saturday, April 5th ______ Loue ~ e i-tithe side roads in bad condition an h hgwy al k&d of theHa pto )efeaed byNiagaa INI 27000 Reeht Visitois:Hapo _____________ Mr. and - Mrs. H. Barber and G E -,ÀRR LE U 0Cnrtltost r nMs - famfly af Toronto spent Sunday EEK-RLE jame ]Pl&yOd in Toronto p1,. concludes thesports activities at Wth Mrs. B. Caughi. BHavClrk, eAdvancede. PEIA da EenpgPrve bbeBHS for the year. Mr. and Mrs. H. Gin and Mrs. f» ENROSt rc lre c rc ahr PCA dyZeigPoo ob ..S. Senirs-Patsy Dustan 4, J. GlU matorcd ta Bobcaygcon._________________ ty, wha were married at the par- Hw' lo ls u w ln ptStruggle. Marian Macdanald 5, S hi1 ri1e y Mr. and Mrs. H. Strutt and sanage on Saturday aternoan. HaeaF.o la Campbell 1, Jean Woodward, Mar- Phyflis, Oshawa, and Mr. and birs. Gretce Needs Our HeIp. Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Farncamfb- 1 QUART TIN PLUSPr b Th 71 cr ywihB ian Hooper; guards, Margaret S. Moffatt, Oshawa, with Mrs. H. entdprtainedna nurhbereani fgrienda 40 OZ. -,~ Th 71 cr yw ich .H.S tarey, Jean Rice, Jean Pattinsan, House. S5LtcanawC itl-ooite uniue ra senior gIjls' basketball team was Lursua Slecp, Helen Willams.' Mr. and Mrs. J. Richards and DaltLtl eTO t inro rdycca rFr-'r ram-q dcfeated in Taranta Friday even- Niagara FaUls-L. Jainette 12, Mr. sud Mrs. N. Feast, Toronta, Miss Bailey, Blackstackeiscarar $1.25. Value Lxr @' lng was ne indication aifcthe eT. Joinette 9, J. Astle, A. Smillie _____Mr._B._Gin. atm oniinedà. uta ler bcd. ai gaine that was played. Re 6, R. Leo; guards, M. Cannon, A. ___________________lier___________for_98__B girls came up against Niagara Mathcwg, B. Herrington, F. Over.. No book can be sa gaod as ta We extend sympathy toe 1 ol o B leRbo U Falls Celeglate and Vecational all, G. Hart. be profitable when negligcntly family ai the late Jno. ColwilTau - O Up Ute uc age coof erePyli rfîts ed-Sn a THCLUB E eezrwio passcd peacefully away on and itu a much ls aige caeRfee-Pylsurni-s rd-cnc.PORT VL___Sunday cvcning, aller a short i- Grapefruit Julce Poedle - U til tUec sat quarter. The gaine - mm fNfqTTT< IfrIT7 Srie nSna ce ness.50a.Sad - - SO Commlaercn se. rUSUeS Il e iK I'fl chrvceso udywr n Mcnmbqrs af thcW.M.S. enter- 90.S of plaCdomeas Hg c ho ol .urtce c str apture Ttl APU ESsmiYchre the aRcv. W. Ctaineci the Mission Band and Baby 2 for 49c Lio' - 5 The twa Joinette sisters led Uc-thel(XffT'Pfl T1 utdaVa l l earce cnr-Baud snd their mothers in Uic Niagara teain on ta victory scor- £W.4gu 'ru~ A iL L buse vcl s oat Uic mornlng bagement ai Uic church on Moki- CABWBELL'S ing 21 ai Uic 27 points. Patsy Dus-SoUuh VOnta i Leagne at Omhawa F RBoyT.ALS s"asse ihUc ,~dyccig 'mt~ I tan and Marian Macdonald as per Boaserie teeve..... On Wcdnesday cvening, March Toato J.iUC RN igsual werc thc main supporters sevce.126tb, a number ai yaung friends 20 OZ tin of Uic Bowmanville score sheet. i"Jumbo", Chartran'. "Farmiers", win Uic gamne and Uic serles for The W. M. Society held thir u egbr e tUchm Margaret Starcy played an ex- Defeat Palm Billards In De- theni. Defeat Bowmanville Club 9-'J in long pastpancd meeting in Uic S. M. and MbrsmeCla e oe o a OC ThHcr uigtefrthlf cdn aet aeDw e ld luJmm Chape ______ snd opened with Mas. Annis, s sed a social evenlng beforead Finalp aSctuek wuledhe Gtait S.orrinom wiUiop keir epa t a t their home near ALL VAM ITIES OF 1FHlouu li ruewt imhn nte S-Jh' nlcnCuc iepresident, presidiug. Tl nBurkeo.They were Uic rccip- FO ORLNEFREltMILOU N athp and oftuck iUi i o un t Hocisyhi Outa" ruewt afu auMaUc teon's AnglitHoca Cureh "Citizcnshlp" was ably given by ients ai a set ai dishes ORTUicLNENI Uiecocmpletion ai pe trid q-4.A opening frame whcn he banished thenP'H s b, artHoe, cartrcd A. J. Oke. Mrs. R. C. Pearce cMpn. wiENU tUic cudaillU iit- Hockey Lthethie Billiard players and oe anc Uic F.H Man Deancryarpte-and Mrs. Frank Wardcn were the tird er- ____ ber Bowmanvan lleprhadtequathrbaisal ThMrdi 25i ttheyte addeegtotiateY. P. U. met- on Friday. Madiyn Haneymooners' score but Uic last "Jun" Chartrain and lus Cour- otte.Pnliswr vnyfae e~~ncCu - pi en eda ro-Wilcox took charge ai Uic worship tra m e waFaadiffs"eon toryarcneCo uriitc e e ies re ve fur te arhh a nll e e we nC u , - Fi in re b ti t h . T heu o i n dt wa service. M ary M iller read U ic Ca Har y game nded 7-10.This l ice "amrl nMrh2t distribuled ic h second frame, hard fought c9nmpetltions. This t osi.Mdy icxra ended27-1. Tis alnostcaptured Uic chsmpionship ai Uic but the third period saw Gearing was Uic final gaine ai Uic sche- in charge ai Mrs. R. R. Gay wiUit Wrhp aly lcxra .Ih..y Iu ' andOgdn case fo roglu due.short readings given by Mrs. Dcv- thc Bible lessan. Thelma Rabbins South Ontario Hockey League blinna dgMrs.chF. W Wrorden, sud .gave a reading and Betty Rogers ROUND TRIP virtue ai a-7 ta 5 win aver Harry housing, Gcaring for five and 0g- Th ic hefirst lime that St.lprae r y F.icW e oriedled in prayer. Pragranu was in Phn 7-6FreDlvy Doveand is alm illard wic, Meomb Walersand ry-John' has won Uic cup Since it Part ai Chap. 6Wc Matt. was read charge ai Muriel Sn-Ath: Nellile Phn37-6 ue" A icseonRgin a ter onii a WaGessd rySwsf irst put up for compéètition by Mrs. Gay wha alsa spoke an Armour gave a rcading; Edith April 4 - à - 6 gast en eis ortc olr league Ibis year wiUi 360 pints,' "India" w-as read by Mas, Sith dFllowsbip" was preseuted by also won Uic first gamne by a two Eddie Brisbois, in Uic Courtice with Newcastle runuing second wbo also iavored with a piano Wilfrid Smale. BOWMANVILLIE to goal margin, Uius finisbing up Uic nets, had a slight cdge over hi5 with 33 points, and Bowmanville solo. Meeting closed wi hymiu W. M. S. met at Uic home ai series with a four goal lead, clear opponent Slack, in Uiis tussle, in a 27. 348, and prayer by Mrs. Annis. Mrs. A. Blanchard on Tuesday TORONTO $ 1.10 proof that their victory was cîcar- game that dcmanded notbiug but Ini former ycars St. Murk's, Port 'The Mission Band held its aflernoon wiUi Uic president in daughter Joy wiUi friends at awasdsnPiaeCa.Mls GWsAX$.86ecut ansu dd . h0etangaal-tending technique. Hope, had an eutry in Uic league, meeting on March I9t at No. 4 charge. Bible reading, "FPoilowing Grçenwaad.MianRgint ihrsJa. HlMTN $&5 ndefeating last ycar's chain- During Uic sustained attack Put as did St. Peter's,- Cobourg. S.Rprswr fvnadri ~:Crs' a a i oe a r.E uhsl iirltvsMc15 GODERIR H$ 5 pions Cutc hwdpet fup bUiche"Cues" during Uic last Peler's, Cobourg, bas held tUict-cupdras e bre i ays absered Tue hitaken b y stRha Hm," aersEBèAmsviile t eltvsMissb ltoUy .. evcrything it takes ta wiu a lea- twa trames, Brisbois rase ta Uic five times.. Newcatle twic sud 1obrshprod ysopeed.Thepray- which Mrs. R Saftr t r Ba Mas.G.FrcbwihTonBwmvieaL.ruls KiEM NER 1&8 35 gue penuant. Even with a two hcights, anasared 11. ighdta owmsvile one. r iby BlURuudlewith Era. he membH Ser stod ifer a- t red..M.adMs o raO OWEN Sou» $"0 * goal margin, Uicy wcnt out and thc terinif"champion net-nl- miupwi onalype arca iln Uicscit resso. eme slncers t cmor a mi fi e s. EectEloIsdaa tMs .Aeys cCRIE 179 upd four goals past Uic bull- der." Slack tuiiicd t is iis usal scntcd ta St. John's Club at tUic rs.Ceil Worden ada .r psigaioaaianmbr, daugutrs Oshawa, M ottas.R.J ,c. aS.Jh il, aotwt SUBRt7U latS a ic hefirst period ta excellent gamne but did liat have sunual AmglcanCucDeanery ew n tas iall~stoy.MaingJame ofurtis, al er hichauers Osdaa,udMas. R. .eMs ctie owl. give Uiemselvcs a six goal lcad, as much te do asinthe Uicnirt gamne.Mens Club banqutw cwil uiyBaucha;s olw or, Myvrse Jam es risBferUic ic UiatBonSanatJCanan M Ud anint - pin su ad practicaily put Uic issue in Uic alUiough 11e showed Up wel when be held in Part Hope luis 'Yesr reyeauvca dueloMurryBvrsdof"BastsugBe .Mth e e a . ua.W paki ami f181its t i e Ihe pint[ratb ang eforemUicves Tevsecndn-Courtice foi'waids Uireatciicd. Tue date ai Uic banquet hli snot.Anna Vclmass;reading, GwnO-Ivtd tedeMsin Band .ad Ms .Spak ,To- Po- aest ohe eit, imt, sgid hnieve. u scnd -Opened Bcorlng Early yct been set. on;tosnsb 1eJnos nie eatn i iso ronto, at Mas. Jno. Colwill s.. TeehotUcestfar tu transvric, cousut Affent5 pcriod saw boUi tcams rccr t GborePeeranoikne;ud ary w.Balar, ecetry i as Cv hryercclug n eemee onMtdanatgissJnsi Hgarhowan sees a ol upil hadsu Osone etron icel n RrY .Balrd eceuyo soyM ir;when Uic ladfes 'wilefrnoo at Mn esieHo. h Bwm-btakplastytaUcere POOLTRAIN SERVCE good hockey, wlithUie resuit Uiat T. Barber were Uic Courtice Uic Deanery Mcn's Club..associa- Tmprace rks Peacditrysupr.AsonnW...aineM ack o. g Trata es iUcgodesa t e Ui "us"otsocdUc inesmsrksmen in Uic openiug trame, tien, occupicd Uic chair during tosdpossber asetg tend treokhtMr. sdJas. CW. gr ntHem s conadian Canain3 ta 2, sudithUiclest periad Palm toa a hrt a. i aqutbur u is e- by <s C.<»'<en on'Teii osil r skdt ttn i ome. .enly a.Sui Pacfl - Ntioaioutscored Uiem 2 ta 1 but Uic tle scarcd 1the Palm's iirst tally ai comed i iitg lb .>~persuce. o rda.TeDrra. ar sbtniaanddeue b or-Ucgin na euiflsl efr a.EasRTrno.wU hscageaHasorkamn rs ao, otHoeatW.Wnucdne ____________________tice praved enaugh ta cventually Uiat saw Uic brilliant defenceman Rev. Canon C. R. Spencer,, presi- daugrgter, Mrs. WC.S ,atUcpyrpreseniugar mAssoat stickbsudle lis way througlu Uic dent of the association, gave a parsonage. wak rTiidd ourUisle Pred Tamublyn, Orona, at EMRWLU ____________________________________entre Caurtice squad te serai a short address during whiecl he Mrs. Robinson, Toronta, vhsited starY ai Miss Archibald taken by Wilhburs. quick anc past Brhsbohs. Sutton praised Uic work aif1the associa- wiUi friands and relatives over Mas. Stephens. Others taking part GiAcks . Hampton - OntaOshawa sud "Bobby" Dave addcd îwa tien for Uic wark carried,-on by the wepkend. wcre Mas. A. Blanchard, Mrs', C. a. sd Maks. DulsRc-Seiizn iFrLvsok - aond period, with Pickeil solaing fellowship it.bas created tlitgti Ted Rose who have been at fro- Visitars: R. ,Brn uddage, ra ra i ODRT E xtxa V alu e mr tM(Plmtta Uciniidaucusrnnorsc ewecanbckd. u, a. are udMs.Rcka. haBamnvleM.BuaMsrbpamnrau,~uulue ae for Courtice. The final period saw out Uic deaner3r. Rev. J. liS, tri- quois Falls. Ma. Rose will have a Ma. and Mas. R. Suttan, Orono, Oshawa, at Mas. Jas. Burns' and plenty ai action, wi each tesmn sali, rectar ai St. John'., IaSO Position ah the Pickeriug plant. at Mr. W. Watcbarn's. S sys hn o enssdDt a ~~ sa 4qrlpng tram penalties. Peter- spoke, as did Roland Bate, *e- a4~r.lvaPcel M.-sdMs LDgcrSud Mrs aid s. Ca.PlaOb omavfe22 ouf f18-', iDï so cred ý*fbm m ' scrtùnble"Ibr tary oft-Me BdvOinvlllêlu M a4nd -hs.Mils -h Caurtice's lest tally, and Bryson Byron Tysen, secretary of St.-1 sud Little finished up Uic scoring Jahn's club.________ j. u'E E5for Uic Palm. Line score: T IP -O The firàt Courtice lise ai Péter- Port Hope- son sud Uic two Barbers easily 53 32 37 36 48 54 45 34-9. Js, À . U bstole Uic show both* oifeusively Bowmaville- Tailcr,.e -to- easuc> Cothe 1 sud deiensively, sud had more 44 32 50 18 50 40,142 37-7. ÇJotes Uan a slight cdge overtUi ce Palm Une ai Bryson, Perry sud1 Pickell sud Balson were consst- Foresters. 1nnt O HI ently steady, breaking up PalmT combinatian attacks wiUi mono- r L tonous regularily. Osborne, Wal- Many New.ivemners%, support for Uic winners. r Harry Doves s eserBowm'Caauile metoaiForesters» ia a a>,Dr a n uy tget exactly nowhere in their when a class ai candidates were best efforts. seemningly ýuîable ta presented ta Uic Dihtrict Depiity - cope willu thc baffling tactics oai ligh Chici Ranger R. B. McCabe. thc winners. Sutton, Dove sua ebn rn ortOhw EUIU Mullen on Uic second line covered were welcomed by Chief RangerA AUIL miles but werc unable te accem- H. H. Richards, sud a&~ong those plish mruch with Uic opposition. present were, Bras. Turk, P.S., A nvesr Coutic, nt gvenmuc chnceR. Burr, chairman of 111e sports a at Uicenging iUihchsascencommittee, E. Fanton, Sec. sparts ' when Part Perry entered Uic coim- coinnittee, G. Hurat, directer oai eciai.*ooelooe' . petition, are thus wortliy winuers sports, and Dusty Claus, coach of CON OL aif1the League tille. Nat given Uic Court Oshawa Blues. Beuiu 3$2.00 coans ole Automatie tunlnt, short and long mucb chance ater Uic convincding . wavethevely wlnut cabineti1- li î tao0 beating at Uic handsaof tian, the newly initiated menberà ujitb built-lu antemia, feath- wvlvl antcbnt11 Uic plucky Bill's Place, Uiey camewecpsnedt 10Dt1t -ctyeuigloorpb. speaker, latent type tubes for oniy back strang ta take Uic deciding Dpt h aeams mrs n eeiinolea o ______________________ gaine, and then pracccdcd ta take sive evio uttofr bath ends ai a two game, goals ta Daug. Taylor, Chairman -of ceunI, series with Uic Palm. Tc Court Bowmanville Sports Ccim-, ofl7_____________________ showed that Uiey had the truc te ,rptdonsotat- worth ai champions, able ta score le. HI tte hta on ail wben the chips werc down. meeting held in Bowman- E ville on April l0h, intheUi lodige. $ ,95IUne ado And se, ta Jumb Chartran sud roma. Mmesud nonm anel Ra o 11 tam ge 11elaresforIbs e are cardlally invitcd. Court V ln yaur ebolce of coleurs i- ci alng the"ares"tafa t, s o orte togrl'Bu, hns ri lb ta crs thansame aiUic othrqtearn these eama wil operae in tw "Asa lier my race hs now inn, "~E R Sa shift me up higher away frain Tue calleges, while Uicy pro- £lI. ,~~. , Uiche ire, vide us with libraries, lurnish no____________ '~- ~'EYTo maIre room for that Blitz- professais ai books; and I Uhilk SOLD B hanglng Hun."$ ne chair h se much needed.-Erm- _____________________ ________________ erson. Bar Be as careful ai Uic books you -M M ~~~~~~~Tue book ta îead hlal Uictheanc read, as ai Uic corpnsy you kec' 84 IceS . saw al n ke edSri wbicb Ibings for you, but Uic onc for your habiteansd character 84 lceS.NOhw ai n IciUa 'lePoe8-4 ee4deh Store whlch maIres yau tUnIr. No book b. as muclu infiuececd by Uic far- lnthUi worid eau ale Uic Bible for mer as by thq latter. - Paxtou- ~ Ibat.-James McCosh. Hood. Txup£bAy, -APzý4l PAGZ PIGHT MSMM, ]BOWMAXV=aý 014TAMO THE CANADLààx i

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