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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Apr 1941, p. 9

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TH ANDANSAT~ BOWMANVD=I,- QNTAMIO PAG I M~ TORONTO lm0 omswth bath S275 PER PERMOt MUY umd M", $100 semds 300 0 SWEET5 CAPORAýL or WINCHESER cgrte s$1 .00 wilI send ether 1 lb. of OLD VIRGINIA pipe tobocco or 1 lb. of SWEET CAPORAL cigarette tobacco (with Vogue ppers) toe Canadiens servig in C.A.s.F. over- secs only. Alto to Canadians sevi i n the British Forces in the Our responsibilit y ceoses when parcels are delivered te Postal Authorities or other carriers. If parcels addressed to Conadians in the C.A.S.F. overseois connot be deivered or fonwarded f0 addressee j delivery wilI b. mode to O.C. ai addressee's unit. If porcels oddressed ta Canadiens 16i the British Forces in the United Klngdom cannof 6e delivered or 'Eorwarded f0 oddressee, dellvery will be mode fe Heudquarters of Canadien Auxiliary Services, Lon- don, for distribution te Canadienà Troops. $2.50 sonds 1,000 cigarettes ftaOun individuel or unit.1 Send your remittance, iwth number, ronk ond name, und unit of the soldier oversecs to SWEET CAPS, P.O. Box 6000, Niontreol, P.t Lufe i Nipigon River District In Noitheru Ontario Number 4 shutt, LittUe Lenglac, Hardreck, Cameron FaIla, Ont. Magnet, Tombill, and Bankflcld. Dear Mfr. James: As this Is a mlnlng camp, the About tan years ago the Gov- town la not built for parmanency. ernxnant's proposition te abandon Ail buildings are wooden in con- the old Canadian Nortiierri lina struction and are built for naces- runnng btwean Longlac and ani'sd aconoiy, than for dura- Port Arhuwaa consldered. Lsck tlon and cofrt. Balug situated ef trade and business i this ares, on low land, Uie town has alse wlth the railway yearly loslng axperienced dificuity in drainage monay, was the resson. This 'spur' and sawage disposai. During tha lina frem Longlac te Port Arthr'wlntar months the town supporta was at onaetUme the main route a hockey teani competlng wlth of the Canadian Northern Trans- Port Arthur and Fort William, continental Rallway. With the and for the past threa years has amalgamation of seveararilways beari the runner-up to Port Ar- under the Dominion Governinent, thur for the district title. In '39 the rosd wss joinad from Longlac their tesm succumbed only in the to Nakins, a point forty miles fifth game, to Port Arthur, thc north on tha Grand Trunk Paci- team whlch won the Allan Cup fic, and a more direct route to that year. Winîipgagnsd the *est, was af- Farthar West from Geraldton la forded. Sice the Canadiari Paci- sltuatad the village cf Beardinora fic servad the Lakahesd Cities, the in the centreé of tic Leltch, Em- Canadian National Uina could b. pire, Sand River and Sturgeon absudoned and plans wera being River mines. It was the Empira considered. mine who picneerad in tic min- And then the lohg cherlihad ing field ln '34 by pouring the drcarn of many prospectersansd first gold brick, whilc Little Long- intercstcd mining mon came lac followcd vcry shertly afttr- about. Gold was discovered at warda. As the mining field was two district. along the line ti pay- naw sud there was no definita- ing quantities. 'Mia was in the nasa regarding the axtent or valua yaars ot 1932-3 and Uic added cf the ncw ares, the Hydre Elec- prica te gold per ounce by Uic tric hesitated building a lina to the Roosevelt administration, waa Uic minas, wharcupon Uic Empire fln- rcquirad impatus to open up a succd the building cf thec Une tc new Ontario gold-fleld. Like ina- theiz- propcrty from thc Hydro gic thc news travallad scross thc plant at Caniaron Fansa. With the continent, sud Uic C.N.R. bcing discovcry of othar properties sud the only access to Uic area, be- the assurance that it was -a paylng came thc most activa cf suy lina venture, Uic H.E.P.C. toek over across Canada for the tma. TheUiheUd followed up with the Newmont Corporation cf Califor- construction of power lines te Uic nia staked a claini fer Uic Empire other mine properties. Thus Hy- mine. Tony Oklend, a 'lucky' dro la connectad hand in hand prospector, struck it rlch with bis wiUi the dcvclopmnent of Uic north discovery of Little Longlac mine country,, for without electricity farthcr ecnt, while 'Hard Rock Uic mines would ba foreed te op- Biîl' Smith pioneered in Uic Hard- arate aither at a much higiiercest, rock mine sud saveral others. or in corne cases net at ail. That Au ares which a faw years ba- thase minas have contrlbuted fore was confinad solely ta hunt- their share to Canada, sud justi- ing sud fishlug now began ta take fied thair operation, niay b. writ- on appearances of a settlement tan ta tha tune of areuud $500,000 under Uic uew 'settlers'. In Uic monthly, or a yaarly production centre of Uic Eastern group of of approxiately $6,000,000 - sud minas, Uic town of Geraldton tht. froin a district which ten grew ovcrnight, whilla artiier years ago was primeval forest. West and serving a fewcr number Scrving tbis miniug area t. the of minas, Uic village et Beardinore Canadian National Railway. But was buit. 'Due te diffîcultias in lyaar as anotuer link in Uic choosiug sud payiug -for suilabla Trans-Canada Highway, Uic road properly, -the town ot Geraldton was exlandcd froin Nipigon to was built on a lpw flat area of Gcraldton sud Longlac. Frem land, with a situation net as fav- Longlac to Hearst ofly 153 miles arable as might have bean ob- separate Uic two ends cf high- tainad. Ils statua as a town was ways which i another yesr wlhl oblained in 1937 wli a population permit an ail Canadian route be- of over 2000 people - thiic elween Eastern sud Western Can- rcmarkably short Urne of two or ada.. lhrce ycars. Sltuated around tha The minerai whlch first attract- town are tha minas upon which cd attention to Uic Lakchcad was the town depends: McCleod Cock- riot gold but silver. Everi bafore CONSTIPATIONI A LIFELONGSTRUGOLE Relief Found ut Lait correspodetrie:- er ion MslongasI cýmiremebr n taken ail,%sort f tigsw in orne cases ueemed to do good at lnbut afterwards to haLve no affet hn I thought I would try Kruschen inmy tea every mornsng, aind 1 havp don. no for ovor a year. I arn pleased to say after the Siut month 1 had no more trouble with constipation and 1 have very ati,"-(Mr.) G. M. S. Kuihnhelpa to maintain & condition of internal cleanliries. The several saeitn luKrusheu stimulate the organs of elimnto to smooth gentie action. Your %ytini hu:kept cleofcogn waste vu noooa Ures. Uic birth of Port Arthur as an In- corporated town prospecting for Uic white matai was carried on, auch that Uic present city, situat- ad as it la on a humlide, is built on mluing dlaims of eider days* At tbe end of tha Sleeping Giant in Thunder Bay, betore Port Ar- t 'r, l Silver Isiet. Years age a flouriahing silver mine hhrivad at the hip of thia peninsula. Due to the difficulty of keeping the mine frac of waler trom Lake Superlor, sud the daclining value et silver on the market, the' mine was abandoncd sud to-day -stands many feat eut ln the water. Se la the end et a mine clsimed ah one time te bc very rich in ailver ore. Wban you travel through the Stahe et Minnesota, 'south et the brder', sud acroas Wisconsin sud Michigan, you are amazed st the great hilasetfiran orc, sud Uic huge deposits of mined ore ready to b. tranaporhed. Aithaugh tron t. s moat important minerai on Uic south shore ut Laike Superior, no paying quautihies ofthUi ore hsd been dicevered on north shore, omitting Michipicoton area to the east of Uic lake. Within tue last vo years testa taken at Stccp Rock, a point approximata- ly 150 miles west ef Port Arthur,, show unlimitad qusutities of tbis mineral, very hard i textur, lylug close to the surface. Mucý of Uic ore lies, on thc bottomiofat laite, sud in order tok ramove the ircn lie lakc must first be drain- cd. To operate thua field Uic Steep Rock Iron Mines Company haa bean formed, sud suficien,, tunda have been'raised ho fnu thc. project. The draining of Uth lakc together witu* Uic hransnls-ý sient cf power ho Uic ara s t.under tua jurt.dicllon of the Province àf_ Ontario, sud at present thc sub- ject la being debatcd lu Uic Legie- lalure and lu tinancial cirçlas, as you may have rcsd lu your daily ncwapapcr. Here is another new industry, onc which Canada may, well afford ta bave ln thc prescit crias, rcady ta be developad, anctd an indushry i which electricltr will play no amanl part ti its de" velopinent. Prom t .Step Rc r tie Lakehead by rail. This necesaltate the building of citheèr sineiter turnaces at Port AriUr, or long ore dtzmplndocks for 1odu UcIke aoisfor de- ,,?vr o altse.M e, Hamil- ton sud other Ontario cIlles. Au undertaking oft tus exhent nalur- ally enlails millions of dollars but with proper tinsuclal backing il will mean a great new lndushry 'and employmcnt ah the Lakehaad. Sa the lwi dUtes et Port Ar- thur sud Fort William, alUiough net dependent on Uic minas of 1he district, owc ne amail part et thaîr prosperlty ho the mineraI wealth of Uic district surrounding Uicm. Thcy have become the. cen- tral focal point for ail iaohiery and equipinant. The wcsith la here, sud requires only thc dis- covrybythe prospector, te- gethor ' Vlithman's lngonulhy and skl adevelop il into peace or wartime maherlala. 'Yours truly, Gordon E. Osborne. Canadian Gardon Serice 133 Gordon i Lndsay Srathl Nqthlng is to be galned froin wrngsoil before it Is ready. Irtct with heavy ground, ac- cording te garden authorities, tee early digging is about the worst ,Pogaib1e thing one can do. Net onily Io It a messy job, ln the first place, but the stick' dlay is quite likeIy ta bake* later into hrd lumps, suitable perhaps for tam- porary building materlal, but not for growlng flowers and vege- tables. As a matter ef fact gardening la flot claased as heavy work, and certainly lifting mud ia. One should curb the natural impulse to be out digging in early Spring and watt unitfl the surface watar has coizipletoly dlsappeared and one cari walk and work in the. gar. den wlthout getting the shoes muddy. When the soli reaches this stage it h fit ta work, and not befare. Good garden sali in the rlght. worklng condition crumbles and breaks intc> fine, tiny pleces; It dees net pack into lumps. Don't Plant To. Soon This warning agalnst working sili toc soon also applies te plant- l. Many more tlowers and vegetables are lest hough -plant lgtoc sean thari toc late, sud tI wsr Urne especially we cannot afferd such wante. There are, it la true, a fow thinga that are net hurt b y owlng early plat that naturalyeproducoemn eivas in Canada. Ini tht. category wlll be onions, gardon peua, parsnlps, let- tuce, radJah, etc., among the vege- tables, aud ti the flowers - cos- mos, batcholor's buttons, sweet posa, alVuaum. AUl df these anid some more wilfl tand! moderate frost anid tbroughput mont of Canada cari b. sowft juat as soon as the soit cari b. worked. But thare are a great many more flow- à_ýrs and vagetables Uiat will net survive frest. These must net be sown outsidc until the waathcr really hurna warm. Actually they .wlll net make any grewhh until the soil ia warm, usually i mid- Màay or later. Thera t. nothlng le be gainad by rushing them in toc soon. Sprcad Out Sowlngs Exparienccd gardenars newa- days spread thair sowlng over lwe a r thrce weeks. The old habit cf utting in Uic whola garden on ei Quean's Birthday was not a Itood oe. Many hhiugs plauted tee soon and Uic entire garden goig 1i àt ence res lted ti the feast of fresh garden pean, corni, carrots, beans, etc., lashing only a fcw lweaks also. A properly plsutad gardan, with sowing spread from arySr rg ta early Summer, 0hou1 provide a otcady supply cf eh fraact gardon vegetables fom the first wcek i July unhil Weeks after klUlng frost. This of course la a ganeral stalamont and does flot apply te those extra balmy areas of Southarri British Columbia and Ontario where tha flrst vegetablca are rcady in June. To Prevent Jungles One can do wonders with flow- crs alone, but atlil more amazing results will follow where wc com- bine flowers skiltuily wilh grass, winding walks, ahrubbery ànd bits of stene-work. In tuis cern- bining, however, we must taka care te net reproduce a jungle. A li111e preliminary planning and a rough sketch drawn approximate- ly te scala will help wenderfufly. Fiowcrs and shrubbery must not be se crowded that thhy become spindly and weak., There should be a ganerous foreground cf good lawn. Little flewera must not be bld- dan by tll things like full size marigelds, cosmos or zinnias. Beds must be so srranged that w. .èan keep down weads sud remove fading fellaga. Next Weak - Window boxes, taking backbreaking eut ot gar- 'dening, etc. Eulogy of tii Spirit 0f Canadian Soldiers New Uiat our Empire ta once more at war and Canadian sol- ,4iers are gcared for battle thua 1bulegy efthte spiit of Canadian >boys in thc Seuth African war may preve et prasant intarcal. Mrs. Robert Gray, Newcastle, sent ,us the following pocin with Uic 1 eminder Uiat il was. at Ibis lime C4apt. Milligan, Newtonvillc, gave Ilis lita. LITTLE HLART RIVER March 31, 1902 eZt in Uic blood of baIlle, Nat in the rage-et ahrife, PNot in thc musitets' rattle j That ningles death with lita. boct in Uic vlctor's stary, Net in Uic tighî's result, oh for marc emply glary Do we thia day exuit. .becausc tar frain aur bordera, -oecr'hthe> burnii' ne, disu lads hock thelr erdiers d poured out their lives like Just off the ses, just mustered, . Raw and unused and untricd, Thcy lay on the veldt quit. un- flustered, Detcrmînad le slay hîll Ihcy died. Tuer. ail about were Uic horse- men, The tireless Boer Centaur, Bold ns of yore were thc Norse- men, Toughaned and scasoned in war. hIere was Uic whiskered pandour, South Atrica's tierce hussar, Matcbcd witu Canadian valor In tUic sharp, tierce shock of war. Like a dust devil awept from, 1 windward, I>own on Uic lina he came, Reih-free tue sheed unhlnderad Leapedas if fres to the gsme. But the Metford's bark waasleady, Stesdy sud truc sud strslght, And Uic galloping foc wcre not Toready Torush in tic face of fte. ~Give il theni, lads," cricd Ca?- ruthers, And Uic rifles answerad his ,words, As thie lesaoning baud ef brothcrs Slghted fer twe hundred yards. But tha lasht usilade tairly stop- ped them; They staggared, then halted, Ihen wheeled, And Johnny just said "We've stop-t ped thein," And sank in the spot wliere ha'dc kneeled. 'Twn victery sure, but ghaatly; Neyer a man but wits uit; Nine had arrived at their "laslly,"t Fort>' were bleading s bit. Nine died, but tiair naines -arc immortal On glory's iminutable relis, Par within deatu's darit portal C We follow these dsuntleas soula. TIi.> could dia, but tic>' could nol; surrender, Could not smirci Csuada's naine, And wa who survive will ramem- ber Their deed, ticir deahh and their faine. John A. Ewsu. 0112 TO WAR PUNI) NOW TOTAL 11,400,000 Fraewlll gift t 1Canada'a War Furid now reach tue respectable total of $1,400,000. Day b y day, large and small, they roll in to the MNifster et Finance. Oný bun- drod sud aeventy-tivc veterans of the last war are contrlbuhig olther Uic wboe or part cf their montul>' pensions. And additions are Ïtii made te the penaloners' roIL. The las itf o contributions Iiocludes seven more pensloners. Danors wbo wsich ta romain anori- ymouns snd $66,420.50. gare Pou Dean ovedfookedi LET'S 'MAKE IT A WHIRLWIND FINISH!1 (i. Borh ys Rely on the Folks Block Home") Thousands of firms and individuals, in ail parts of Canada, have respond. ed magnificently to this Six-n-On. Appeai. but there are other thousands equaily ready to help. You may be one who has stili to be heard from. This is an appeai to every Cana- dian who has been overlooked. We wish for every Canadian, at home, an opportunity to support our men in uniform. The Fund is now weil on the way to its objective. That objective definitely can be reached, probably exceeded. For the sake of "The Boys", let's finish it with a bang that will raise resounding cheers froni Coaat to CoastIl HOW You Con HeIp If you have not yet been called on by a War Services worker, and ii you have not yet sent in your sub- scription, make up your mimd NOW what you are going to do, and do it TO-DAY! Fil in the coupon below and mail it to youir Provin- cial Hea4quarters at the addresn shown. If you know of some friendli who have also been overlooked, get them to do the same. The forni is self-explanatory. Simply check on the left in the appropriate place, and if you endlose a remittance, make it payable to Canadian War Services Fund. An officiai receipt wiil b. sent you by return mail. Every Dollair Do.s Its Job Remember-ail nionies contributçd to dia Canadian War Services Fund wiil be divided in accordance with government-approved budgets, amongst thre six o>rganizatiions em- braced in this campaign. A non-profit corporation widi let. ters patent froni the Dominion Government la your guarante. that every dollar that you subacribe will b. properly provide coni- fort, cheer, recreation andi needed personal services to our fighting forces-services not provided in any other way. Your conutributon hargetly ueeded1 --------MAIL THÉS COUPON TODAYI.-------- ------ Provincial IHeadiquarters, Canadian War Services Pund, 200 Bay Street Toronto, Ont. QEnclosed isa<Money rder,.....ssyomiluo .yu ud IPos3alnote) QPlease send me in duplicate offcial pledge card provldlag for innaanen payaient., whkb I1 tindertake to complete and retura, subscribing ail told te sum of ................ ....... Naine (Mr., 1fr, or Miss> .......................i......................... Street Address............................... «.................................... City, Town, Village or R.R........................... .............................. Telephone (if you have one) .................................. 1..................... ----------------------------------------- THE ONLY NATIONAL APPEAL FOR OUR MEN IN UNIFORM FIBRE FLAX AS A CASH CROP War conditions have led in Canada te lncreasad demand and iuiproved prices for fibre flax. For tht. reason, and I view of the prevailing low prices for many other farm crops, the production of fibre flax la lilcely te prove an attractive enterprise on many f arma in Estern Canrada. Varlous factors governlng the successful production of tht. crop indicate that it la particularly sultable as a cash crop on d#%ry arins. A brief discussion o.0these tactors mnay be tlmely and iteresting. The Statesman has frequcntly dlscussed the flax question. one factor whlch makes fibre FAST ACTION NHELI'S PUEVENT MAlT COLIS From DvuOpg RVOLÉ atStut Atthe arstsgn Of a old, put a few dropa of Va-tra-nol, UP MM hnottriL Ifsstlulalngaction a&Ma Nature'. .And .oebar-when a bead aold nakes FOU ufer, or tanstent oags- swolen mmbre..,(2) natali passages, ....~. obl artn eogn Um1 mww' maw@the reli It bdgoe. fiax a suitable cash crep for dair>' cemmcnded that fIax b. growr inl farina t. that ilt. desirable 10 a five-year rotation which mlght grow it in sinaîl acreages on in>'comprise sucli a sequonce as hoed farina rather than in large acre- sages on tcwar farina. This con- crop, grain, clover, timotuy bay dition arises in part from, thc un- or Pasture, sud fiai. This rota- certain future fading ail agricul- lion fils lu vcry well wlih te tural proj acta in war lime, sud in average crappiug practices an part from the ralativel>' high labor enstern dairy tarins. raquirament par acre et fibre f lai Certain precautions, however, production. >Probably a satisfac- ahould b. obaerved in - uwing a tory arrangement would be le de- sinai acreage of fibre &là on Uic vote frein 5 te 10 acres par 100- daim>' tarin. 1ht. important, for acre farin ha fiax production, instance, tuaI a flax miii, for-pro- Such an arrangement would cause cessing tue raw fibre, b. avial. littie interferenca witu Uic main able. wltbiu easy trucklng dis- tarin enterprise, sud would not lance. Otuerwlse, frelght consaon involve suy sarîcus lasses shouid Uic buiky raw materlal mur ren- flai production evcntualiy prove der production unprotable. In unpratltable. some district. of Eastern Canada, Another factor wbici favors the fiax processing la conducted on- a production of fibre fiai on daim>' co-operative basin, wMt connider- zarmist that thua crop should b. able benefit tohoeicfsrsm con- grown i a sail improving rets- cerned. tlon wiici includes bath hoed crops sud grass hay.. Fiai does nat compate succasstull>' wlth wceds; sud hoed crops, sucb as 2iI>m silage cern, afferd a means of con- !WU trolllng weeds. Morcover, fiaxi l attacked b>' s form of wilt which ta effectively controflcd b>' grow-« ing tuis crop not more frcquenly tian once in fiva ycars on the i j~ j saine land. Still anather consld- fol aratian t. thah fibre flax t. har- vested b>' pulling, wbich leavesF na stubble sud 11111e rol residue i thc soîl. Il Is desirable, tucre- fore, tuaI the resulling lois of organlc malter in the .011 should be otfset b>' ludluding so l im- provlng crops sud applications of manure luinthe rotation. IaX, howcver, la subject ho mnt gmowtu sud ledglug wheri growri on mauurcd land or on land ii i nitragen, 50 liaItuheplace of flax I a rotation shouid b. somte- what rcmoved froin manur.d crops or legumo. To meot a&U of thUi foregoig conditions, If in me- THE CANAI)LAN STATM !jý

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