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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Apr 1941, p. 10

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4~44 q ~ ' S 'I'V*~ j *'~s- 4' T'7 1 IM AND WRITE FOR YOU ~ publshed 5 3ohn C. ikwood 1 want ta recommend ta the - dust which the workeru sucked readeoaifle Statesman a book into their lungs. There were noa jus pulised- "Hawk's Nest," ventilation fans to draw the dust by Hubert Skidxnare (Daubleday, but af the tunnel, and fna wetting Doran). I cannot say that 0ti ftedst ntecus f pleamant book, yet I cana say that months the tunnel workers de- lit la a dlean book - it does flot veloped the disease which to-day dol i wth sex. It la a baak ikely la cailed silicoss-a very deadly ta b. read fr-orn first ta iat be- disease. But ten yeara ago, when emue afiIta downrlght Interest: this tunnellirng operatian was be- one wants ta know what happen- ing carried an, silicoala was a dis- cd ta this onc and that one and case which bàfied the doctors. yet, when okie bas read the book, Indeed, it was flot called silicosia. anc's curxoity remains unsatis- It waa called "tunnelitis" by the fled. The author la nat attempt- mine doctor and by the Afficted lng ta carry bis story beyond a. ones. It waa thought ta be tuber- particular point, and when tbis cuoais or pneumonua. As the point has been reached, the story work toak on age, the numbers quit. properly ends. af those suffering from "tunnel- The baok la a picture af the itis" increased rapidly, and deaths lives of individuaI men and wo- multiplied at a terrible rate. The men, same of whom were single, cantractars' undertaker was kept sarne married yet childless, and furiously busy, and men were smre having children. These per- buried two and tbree in a grave sons were brought tagether by the wthin an hour or two ai theire circum tance that they sought death - without any buriai ser- s wark i a West Virginia commun- vice, and generally ln their worka lty called Hawk's Nest. An ex clothes. It la this phase of Mr. f tensive tunnelling operation pro- Skidmore's story whieh makes his l vidai emplayrnent far a large baok painful to read - this great number af men. The news of the nortality ambng workers and the passibility of ane's finding em- cailousness and the harshness and playment on this operation had 'the cruelty af the cantractars and Z spread far and wide, and sa frorn thefr foremen and their constable. a various states and from many re- The cantractars compelled their i mate places single men, including aperatives to buy frorn their own N blacks and whltes, young mrried stores, and ta live in their shacks; j couples, smre familles, and some and in other ways they "gyppai"d fathers, travelled* with hope in their workers. These warkers - j their hearts, ta Ue place where at least those whosc stories are h, wark cauld b. obtamned. Arrivrng, tald i the baok - were trying ta v they faund wark - work for a earn enaugh maney ta provide farà ycmr or sa, or until they died. their awn necessities, for the J J C x needs af their familles, and ta The rock ta b. tunnelled tbro' build up a fund which wauld en-P was almost pure silica. The rock able thern ta re-establish then- .W was drilled; then dynamite was selves when they returnai ta their N pluggd ihua the hales, and ex.. homes and f amilles. They had 01 pio ai. After every cxjIlosion the their dreams ai botter days toal~ tunnel wms filaid with white dust carne. Yet, in the end, they found al themmselves dcfeated - by death d] or by their inability to save t, [I.UiIeSS Direch»ryI moeyand, i n mhy instances, toal contractors cut their wage, or dis- p ~missed them whenr tliey becamne' tao ilU to b. kept on the payrofl. h U90al J CKh But it la thc magnificence ofails M 0G. V. GOULD, B-4--LE the characters ai the men and ta Barrister Solictor, Notary warnen whose indiduai tofes pi * hNm 351, are told by, Mr. Skidmore which Bank af Commerce Bldg. makes bis book sa recommendable Eowmanville - so weli worth rcadig. Moatsi of these men and wamen were W. IL STRMK illiterate, or nearly sa, yet they Yc * Barrister, Salicitor, Ntary were rich i the virtues af loyalty, Salleltor for Bankr, of Montreai charity, neighbarliness, seif-sacri- be moiiy ta Loan M hno 791 fice, honesty and kindlihics. They Pi Bowmnnviflo Ont"o wanted ta 'slork - ta get up and l"ÉONan;-, ey wanted ta live docently; I. . M B41&NA they were nlot ust animai, lving Earisuer - Solicitor frarn day ta day for ic !indul- Notary Public -L% gence ai grass appetites. They Law in al lus branches had the quality ai affection in Office lmmediately eat of Royailarge measure. They had aspira. Phonos: Office M8; Home 553 with children watedtheir chil- dren ta have education. Dental Hiere I recail other books by the sarne author - books which DL 1. C. I tald about in former contribu- Assst. 1) r. & . q1 n tions ta The Statesman. One af Gradateof oyalDenal ol-these books hmd as its titie 11 Wl Gradateai ayaiDenal ol-Lif t Up Mine Eyes." It was thc aeTaranto. Office: Jury Jubile. stary ai a very noble mother who B%, l, Bowzmnvlfle. Office haurs lovai Uic land. She and her hus- 9 exi.ta 6 pmrn dally, band and family had been carn- except Sunday pelled ta leave their hlll-tap pateli Phono 700 - Bouse phono 883 of land because ai its iferity X-Ray quiPment ln Office and their iabillty ta make it pro- duce enough ta feed Uiem. They Pinterai Directors went ta a lumber and mini tawn, 'and there Uic mather saw the de- FSNERL DIRWCTORS teriaration af Uic characten ai her Servie.m ny hour, any day husband and her eldest san. Ai- F. P.Morri c<~ ways her burning desire and pur- F. F Morispos wer togetbac tothoir Modern Motor Naupmon, Arn- littie farrn, and this she was able 'bubn.. and Inval Car. Toels- t do ai ter her husband's tragic Phone 480 or Ut4 ,Ambitgnt 573. dcath. Another Skidmore book has as Vêterhiary its titie «Heaven Came Sa Near." It la Uic taie af a mother and her DR. G. R. *OOTH son. The maUier slaved i order nsKtax St. W., oi".... ont" tsUht her on mlght have an cdu- ]Phono Il cation which wauld fit hlm ta Lam i 9i nfAWMU Sigi y teacli ichool. Thc son wms ta b.- gin teaching in the auturnn, but WII*DED W. SHERLWIN beig falselY accused af having n.V.80. V.O. killhd Uic girl wharn he hoped ta Veml ySugo maéry, and bavlng been scntenced Office: lisa t., cmao ta deati, ail hlsmomther's hapes "'m tf lbroughtt augt. Stilnremains, however, Uic mernory of Uic ma- ther - Uic glorious mather.' MM In him new book, "Hawk's Nest,", Mr. Skidmore gives us several stonies ai noble wornen - and noble men; but partlcularly ai Uic lves ai these fine womcn and men la a forbidding anc. They arc set i a carnmuniuy whlch contri- frm i .dmuscles butes nothlng ta cantentrncnt, or, ta !ln Lvoýnno oper- $My Win lot tolenat e cexplai- tation ci flic poor and whil prateet ail -wtlllnwarkers againat un- empicyméat. But whatever rnay happen, oaeIs need for books ai do ue"' - books which will make the world aware aofUihei- justice and tie cruelty ai cm- Ploya. Net unwI westare mdc acutely conuclous ofwht l, won S are we lIke1y to do anything ta côrrect wlia$ lwagi, The~ book, . WAT IllmEABOAM D CORVETTE Members 9f Uic crew aboard a Canadian corvette in active service crowd around Uic table at mealtime in Uic ia'c'sle The salty tang;ai sea and Uiceliard open air wark ai eaman's lite make for hemSty appetites. Many corvettes are naw belng buit i Canadian shlpyards for Uic Carfadian and British navies. Each cot approxlmately hIlta mnillian dollar. 'Uncle Tom's Cabin," had a tre- nendaus influence on cantempar- ary American and warld opinion in relation ta lcga]ized slavery. M~any ai Uic novels ai Charles Dickens expased inlcjuitaus con- ditions. Upton Sinclair'm "The Jungle" made Uic great packing îauses ai Chicago and elsewhere get rid ai hideans conditions in their respective establishmecnts. John Steinbeck's novel, "The Grapes af Wnath," exposai cvii Practiccs i Calionnia. And now we have Skiddiüorem ,I-awksm Nest" - a book which will, many of us hope, give powerfui help ta all persans ai goodwill and rnercy and compassion who want ta sec driven pcrmanctly frorn Uic mc- tivities ai business thome injustices and cruelties and ihumanities whiclimake daily life a heflili ex- >erience for s0 many. Because «"Hawk'm Nest" ilaa hdgh-level boak - a dlean book - a heartening book, 1 suggest that it Should have a wide ncading. Cer- uin]y It ouglit ta b. put into ail publie libraries. Wlfe: "'Dear, why do you cca-i ionafly wrap up what's leit ai aour taast and carry it off?" Artiat: "Why, I do sme of ny best charca sketches wli it."-_ Pasadena Post.9 -Haydon <Inded *for last wcck) Ribow Girls Cas met at Mrs. H. Ashton's Manday evqbing.- Thc cvening was spent in cutng out qults for war wark. Lunch was mcnved. *This list bas, been ment ta Uthc Rcd Cross at Bownianville: 3 wo- men's sweaters, 22 scarves, 0* liel- mets, 6 pn. seaman's macks, 8 pr. wamen'm ankle macks, 1 pn. khaki machs, 7 pr. wristlets, 2 wah cloths. Mr. George Cowling vislted bis son, Lieut. Gardon Cawling, Llnd- may, who was home on leave. lins. Fred Ashtan, Billie and Marlene, have rcturned to To- nantoatmter being with ber par- ente. Mr. and Mnm. F. Osmnond and Miss Veda Purdy, Bawmanville, visited at Mrt. W. Thornpsonîa. Wc are glad ta see Mr. and lira. E. Stephensan and Vaugbn back iOur village. Although there la picnty of no ytspning must be araund tic canner, as Uic tulips are mp- Mesdames L. Ashton; 'W. Tre- win and A. MeNeil attended the trousseau tea I Toronto an Satur- day, i hnor ai Miss Ruthi Mé- UNUSUAL SERIAL WILL COMMÈNCE KKOFM NRI ON F I M W E K L YESTABLISHE D 1817 Conmmencing on Api 23rd, Uic Faznilly Horald and WecIkly Star "'a bamk -wbre smal accomnts arc. welcome" viiipresent a serial that la as unsa, as At tmely. RealeUti, mri nd tremendaus]Ly stir- ning% e Mystcry ai Mar Saba, Bowmanville Branch:..O. McILVEBN, Manager bya Scots-Canadian wrlter, J. H. Cuntr, las for ite theme a sen- stional Nazi plot ta dcstroy- 142 C bristi mn ity a s a fir at ste p t aw a rd _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ wonld conquest. Set l hi Hoy Land, a backgraund ai deep sg nificance, this taie brlngs int iolenaiyn.It co mbit h pg n es A sclentiat amys lu is Uithoe r ecimlly when oanc opens Uic lower help hlm decipher thc signature thr lgatoa edrrmnepart ai Uic mc, not Uic cycs, thZat Ipart ai Uic face. jon a worthlcscheque. It read andpriondspritallnlgt. give away ane's Uiaugbte. Es- A merchant asked Uic police ta '«U. R. Stuck. Neil. Leslie and Roy Graham have secured work i the Goadycar. Wmr Relief workcrs have sent a donation af i large qullt, 2 crib quilts and 1 baby qulit ta the Red Cross, and 2 large quilta and 2 crib quilthe Uc aivation Army. Two lrg group quits have aima been sent ta Uic Saivation Arrny. Y. P. U. met on Tuesday even- ing. Wonshit>porlod was given by Mns. Cowln and Miss Bessie Blackburn and a solo by Mrs. Lloyd Ashton. Topic on "Thomnas Edison" was abiy given by Miss Jessie lKnox. eadings weregflven by Mns. Lackey, Miss Eieen Cowi- ing, Clifiord Trewln, Archie Mc- Neil and Howard Oke. A spelllng bewu enjoyred. adMs E Wcrry at Mrs. E. Sklnner's, Oshi- awa. Mr. C. Siernan wlth friendai Vernonvilie. Severai from lier. attendcd Uic presentation for Mr.'and Mrs. C. Waadley at Tynone Tuesday eve- ning. Mr. and Mmm. L. Ashton and Roy at Mr. W. Brownlee's, Lemide. Hcling Rands Class met at Bruce Garrard's Fridmy evcning. A social tirne was enjayed and lunch was served. Trousseu Tea, Mis Mabel Brown, Toronto, en- tertalned on Saturday at a trous- seau ta i honar of her cousin, Miss Ruth McNell, whasc mmm- fiage ta Mn. Douglas. Fontaine takes place an .êpnil il. Recelv- ing wiUi Miss Bnawn and Uic bnide-elect, waa lier mather, MIrs. A. McNell. Mrs. A. Fontaine and Mrs. Findla% preslded aver the tea w e as r arnangai wlU sprrn lwr.Thc assistants wee MisesJenMcNIven, Mar- ion Goudie, Lois Bnitan Irene Sharp, Viola Bradleyan Anne fil W. Je CHALLIS &~LIS~AD'dIip 2~A~ Ir Tou' BAIE Phone 2653 ANrOW~jviL TifS CANADIAN A,BO( TaundwAy. A-tu TO AYIncome Tax' you must keep a completê record of, your income and expeniditure. If you open a chequing account- at the Bank of Montreal, your pass- book, with the stubs of your cheque iook, will provide you with a valuable record of receipts and payments. a 0 0 0; Discun the matter with one of our oflicers today.

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