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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Apr 1941, p. 11

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TEE CANADIAN STA TMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE ELEVEN cW cudPersonal I O Phon O. mv t The Cloughà aemvdt EBowmanvillc. The Green family have moved ehto Orono. ~Mur and Ron Patterson visit- ed at Mr. Caracadden's. .1 Mo. C. S. McLaren was i To- ronto. OSHAWA, ONT. Free Air parking Condltloned Friday -and Saturday APRIL il - 12 Adventure - Tlirilhs - Romance In the old West "WESTERN UNION"V Robert Young - Randolph Scott Dean Jauger - Virginla Gimnore REVIVAL Tonighl; atI11 - TME MARX BXOS. "AT 'THE CMCUS" Mon..- Tues. - Wed. S APRIL14 -15 - 1 BING, DOTTY AND BOB treading their hilarloua way along the «"ROAD TO ZANZIBAR"V Bing Crosby, Dorothy Lamour, Bob Hope, wlth Uina Merkel and Eilc Blore. If yen don't làugh - se yoiI doctor. Put your stralght jackets on now and save yourself thie trouble aiter seeng GEORGE FORlBT Inu "KEEP YOUR ,j SEATS PLEASE" wlth beautiful, Florence Des- moud and sie-aplittlng Alastalr Slm Tbree riotous days only Thurs. - FrL - Set. Mi.' Os Cowan lost a valuable mare. Robt. Keane bas jolncd thc air force and awaits the call. Mr. RoerToronto, vsted Mrs.J. C Gamy. Mi. Neil Yellowlees was in town Friday. Mi. S. Payne and Mr. and Mis. D. Jeffreys were ini Montreal. Mi. J. J. and Miss Viola Gil- fillan vislted i Bowmnanville. Mi. and Mis. Piper, Toronto, vlsited Mri.Jh Gibson Sr. Mi. and Mrs. A. A. Druxnnond and Alec were Ini Toronto vislting his father -on bis blrthday. Dr. and Mis. W. McCullough arrived home Friday from thc South. Cemetery Board beld a meet- ing regarding thc proposed $ 10,- 000 mausoleuin. Arncliffe Wannan, Camp Bor- den, was here for his uncle's fun- eral, Mrs. Delbert Flintofi and son Donald and Mi. Clifford Flintoff, Oshawa, visited at R. H. Wood's. We bear someone swiped Peter Wheeler's prize thc nigbt of the card party. Corne on, constablel Herels your 'chance to show your authorityl Among the Newcastle folks taking in thc Horticultural social cvenhng were B. E. Patterson, Jim Patterson, Lawrence M or t on, Reeve and Mis. C. R. Carveth. Sunday visitais at Wm. Sey- mour's wcre: Mi. and Mrs. Elgin Scymour and Joan, and Mi. and Mrs. Gordon Suggltt and Nancy, Toronto. Frlends wcre glad ta greet C. J. Hughson, Orono's 93-year-old, at church Sunday', thc flrst service 11e has been able to attend sunce the ice and cold weather ai last fanl. John Morris- and Os Cowan have avoided a free-for-all about the tooth brush (for false teeth) wbich Os was awarded. John dlaims he had a lower score than Os, but Os says John can have the darn thhng for ail he cares. There la a probabllity of Girl Guides -bcing formed ini Orona after Easter. A committee and two leaders have been appointed but nothing can be donc until Uic, commissioner from Osbha wa, cames. Charlie Cawker gave Oronoltes a thril Friday morning by stunts performed in an acroplane be- tween bis aunt's (Mns. M. J. Tam- blyn) and thc achool. These ini- cluded thc nose dive, a particular- ly breath-takhng performance. Those who wltnessed thc exhibi- tion condole with those af us who mlsscd it. the War Vlctims' Fund was a de- cided succSu, $38.00 belng realiz- ed from Uice gale af baskets alone. The program, under chairnian- shlp afi Hartwell Lowery, was varied and much enjayed. J. J. Mellor spoke in thc unterests ai thc War Savings campaign, and H. Lowery, Mis. Wannan, Grlie __________________________________________________________________________________ & _________________________________________________________________ N ow Is Chapman and Ern Bryson were appointed a canvasshng commit- tee for the school section. Union meeting Monday cvening was in charge af Misses Audrey Cooper and Myrtle Tamblyn. The scripturc was rcad by Audrey Cooper. Miss Stella Best favored wlth a vocal solo, 'Jesus, Lover ai My Soul," aiter wblch she read an intercsting article on Uic origun of the hynun. Mi. Robt. Sberwln took Uic taplc on, "«Sacraments.Yl Miss Hazel Whntcr gave a readlng. IntersigrprsoUicovn tio t WibywregvnbyMs Kathleen rliadM.Ge Hancock. Piano solos foflowed by Miss Mary Sommerville. Orono W. M. S. hcld uts Eazter Thankoiferhng service Tuesday. Mns. Logan prcsented Uic funan- cial report. Worsblp perlod ini- cluded script¶xi' reading and stary by Miss M. Davy; prayers by Mis. Littlewood and Mis. Meilor; vocal àolo by Mis. A. A. Dru.inond, and a vocal duet by ai. R. Smith and Mis. Drummond, Mis.' R. H. Brown was accampanist. Mis. H. T. Thompson, Toronto, Secretary of Christian Stewardship and Fin- ance for W.M.S. of United Church, spoke en the subi ect ai Giving. Her talk wasa revelation t auai, and at uts conclusion Mis. M . H. Staples moved a vote af tbanks, seconded by Mis. Charles Wood. Lunch and social ha]; haurwcre enjoyed. Palm Sunday was flttlngly ob- served et Park St. Churcb Sun- day. In Uic mornin$ Uic pastor told thc story af Uic triumpbal entry oi Jeaus Into Jersalem, dcaling mainly wiUi Uic Uiought of Uic cnjoyment people get out ai pagcantry and parades. The choir selection was "The Saviaur lives again." At Uic conclusion ai Uic service communion was ad- minlstcrcd. At Uic evenung ser- vice Uic pastor deaît wiUi Uic story. ai Jesus and Uic money changera, cbiefly concernnd with Uic reverence due church build- ings. At this service Mi. R. E. Logan favored with a vocal solo t'The Palnus." BOYr SCOUT NEWS A Court ai Honaifl for Uic Orono Boy Scouts was organized on April 2nd. These offlcets werc electcd: Chairman-Don Staples; Secrétary-Carman Connisb. Ail thc Patrols werc rc-organizcd and these were appointed leaders: No. 1 Patrol-Don Staples and Glen Tamblyn; Na. 2 Patrol-Jim Lin- ton and Howard Myles; No. 3 Pat- rol-F. Tamblyn and H. York; No. 4 Patrol-Bob Cooper and Car- man Cornlsh. Ab. Mitchell was elected Troop Leader. The boys arc very busy now at thc Salvage Canipalga and fid It a big job. Several badges bave been won and will be prescnted toi ê.-winnemat1-f. future date. They are alùo planning a social evening wben Uiey wiil entertain Uic members ai Uic Group Coni- mlttec. The drive 'for money 'for Uic Graup Comxittec heu been ai- mast completed and Uic response bas been very gencraus. Thanks very mucb. The Ti>me 'The Budget WiII 1Be Qut oon Duy Tour ESotrieei Appliames NO W !_o CLECTRIC REFRIGERATORS Brand New General Electrlc Regular $230.00 Value NIEW 1941 MODELS ELECTRIC WASHERS .Regulor $79.00 Value Only *62.o95 DONCHRISTIAN ELECTRICI RADIO AND ELECTRiC SERVICE Slmcoc St. N., Oshawa Phone 84-744 Enthualmom Show. - Over Pictures "Oh, would samne god Uic gitie gle us, ta sec aurselves as others sec us." Sa said Robert Burns long ago, and Wednesday eveniln- ai last week Uic people ai Oronô bad an opportunlty aif dolng Just that - elthough Uic g Ut was mcrcly Reeve C. R. CarvethU camera. The occasion was tic Horticultural social cvenhng, bcld ln Uic council chamber. Mns. E. .. Hanun president, welcomed Uic gather ng, and cailed an ReevC Carveth ta show Uic pictures. There were several groupe which Mi. Carvetb showed wlth comments. Two. were taken out West, two et Newcastle, anc at Leskard, and two others in other parts ai Canada. Some werc taken by himsclf and some by other people. In the western films were sucb places as Lake Louise, Eni- crald Leke, Yobo Valley, Twin Falis, Peace River, etc., and thcy also included piçtures ai Uic Car- veths and their homes, waving fields ai wheat, and a super-wan- derful picture ai swans on a lake. Ini Uic Leskard film were Uie school, Uic church, the Connishas and their home, etc. One ai the Newcastle films was talcen Uic day aof »e Clvic Holiday bail games and la it were shown sucb distlngulshed personages as Uic Rickards, the Mercers, Charles Miller, J. W. Hall, W. H. Bowe, W. J. Rlddell, Elmer Mlddlcton, Fred - Bowen, and others from Ncwcastle, Kendal and Orono. One film was taken up north and. at Ottawa Experimental Station, and proved interesting. There wcre two films ai beautiful flow- crs taken i different plages-one picture being taken at the New- caslic Community HalL. Those taken ini Dr. Butler's garden wereý exceptioneily fine. - Ail ini an it was an haur and a- bal ai. unadultcïratcd joy. E. J. Hanm cxpressed a vote ai thanks ta Mi. Carveth, whlch was beart- ily cndorscd by ail. Tables werc then set up and, 500 and crokinole played until il o'clock. A lovely lunch was scrved and during Uic soallla- baur prizes wcrc awarded. E. J. Hamm annaunced Uic wunners ini 500 ta be: 11gb lady, Mis. J. R. Cooper, 2840; low lady, Patricia Yeo, 200 wiUi a circle around it; 11gb gent, Frank Hall, 2630; low gent, Os Cowan, 170. Milfred Sher- wln announccd Uic winners i crokinole: 11gb lady, Mns. W. H. Rowc; low lady, Louise Marga; higb gent, E. E. Patterson; low gent, James Eagleson. Mis. C. Harrison, the untiring secretaryr, prcsented Uic prizes. Ta-day th~e achool 'children and teachers beign their Em*ee--holi- days. Tbere's goig ta be. accidents If thc chidren ai titis town persist in rafler skating on Uic highway and smof-ai Uim even banging on ta UiceI>ack of cars and buggies ta make Uic goig faster and casier. ORONO Mrs. John Wannan, Sr. Just five days aiter the death of her son John ini Orono, Grace -Burgess Wannan, widow of the late John Wannan Sr., passed ta rest at the residence, Con. 5, Clarke, on April 8th. The late Mrs. Wannan, who was 90 years old, is survived by one son James, and three daughters, Mrs. Hooey, Mrs. Bellamy and Mrs. Henderson, and several grandchildren and great-grand- children. RED CROSS MEETING Orono Red Cross met Thursday ~ ening, with the vice president charge. Mis. R. A. Forrester was appointcd secrctary for the meeting. .Mrs. Mellor read the tréasurer s report ini absence of treasurer, showing a balance qf $368.14. Mis. J. R. Cooper gave the purchasmng committee report and inspection committee report, and also read A nice letter from Fred Lorriman thanking the members for the sweater they sent him. Mis. H. flean gave the workroom report and Mis. Forrester the finance re- -port. Announcement was made re- gardmng the next tes and refugee children clotbung shower. .The Easter War Cry was on sale luat weck and proved ta be an eccllent edition. .Iellne from here attended a bas- kiçt '- ocial at Kirby Friday even- lng 'in aid of British War Vic- tirnWo Fund. Several from here attended con- ventions at Brooklin on Friday and Whitby on Saturday, the for- mer W.M.S., the latter Y.P.U. The War Savings have paussd The flrst report af ploghng ln Mr. O. W. Scott intends leavlng the $10,000 mark, the Orono ob_ Orono village cornes from 0ho. Ifriday ta spend Easter wlth bie jective also being reached. Good Cowan who has bis garden daughter, Mrs. W. K. Sloane, Pet-. work! ploughcd. lerboro. *auou Iusai is #ho mnMcmghUi- BdCh jiumsp.rort Cnj>. Wisb 118"'weebw :Ihut conl.t he mufched eWA have nover tried te, sec how cheap are typicaly Buiêk quality ilirougiout a cr w coId uil - nd he r fl OW, Mountod on a U18 wheelbase, theso new moecompact Buicka we've juat added Buieka represent concen&arod quality- ao ur SPEcIAL Sorie are no exception. bettor cars ini trimmer aise at lower Thoy're cram-packcd with value - pricea. And tJhoyre aturdily built ta give thritier, more efficient FmEEAL straight- you years of dependable service. Ton cight engines; soft coil apringing ail minutes' experience with their casier araund; sturdy X-braced fr-ames wit.h handling, steadier ride and livelior per- torque-tube drive; Buick Surma-inapir. formance will show you why Buick's cd styling; finish and equipment tha t your best buy. CANADIAN-BUILT IY GINERAL MOTORS M-1 1416 ROY NICHOLS aCOURMIE NEsWS Obituary John Wannan After a very brief illness there plsped ta reat April 3rd, at his rmsidence in Orono, a weil known Aad well liked citizen ini the per- jOn of John Wannan, aged 58. Mr. Wannan was a faithlul and efficient mail carrier on IR. R. 2, Orono, doing bis duty no matter what weather conditions were like. He was a lie long resident of this district, having been born Where Mis. C. Harris lives. He kaves bis sorrowing widow, two daàughters, Mary and Doris, two ions, James and Bobby, a brother James, thrce sisters, Mis. Hooey, Mrs. Henderson and Mis. Bcllamy, iùd bis aged mother.who is quitc, Ji at ber graxiddaughter's, Mrs. 4h~n Stone (nee Wlnnie Wannan> . The funeral took place Satur- t y from St. Saviour's Cburch, v. D. R. Dewdney officiating at die service wbicb was largely 'attended. The choir led ini the ulpging of two bymns, "The Lord's My Shepherd" and 'Abide With Thee," and also at the conclusion sang the hymn "'Now lettcst tby servant." Prayers were offered and seripture passages read by Bey. Dewdney. Interment was mnade in Orono Cernetery. At the funeral tbe post office staff, with ,Which Mr. Wannan was first con- nected 23 years ago, was repre- scnted by Post Mistress Mis. J. C. Gamey. Pallbearers were Messrs. W and A. Wannan, J. Middleton, Hlenderson, Bellamy and H. Hooey. NOw that the. warm westher le hure we want to renew our ever open Invitation te, Fou te take advantage of our new sprlng attractions and corne down to the Regfent for the 'Bent Plotures - Firut'. To -BuyI l ( -p * CHECKC TUE 0 pecalValu« Listed Roee BUT BUY TIiS WEEK TO BE SURE OP TODAY'S LOW PRICESI SUPER DELUXE, ALL WH.UTE. WASHERS Regular $89.00 Value OnIy *69.50 Ae= 10, Ï941 PAGE ELEVM Tm CAkADL4N STN VMANVMIX, ONTARIO

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