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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Apr 1941, p. 9

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AY, APRIL 17, 1941 TEE c!ANADIAN STA N~MANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE Nfl~ M M M TUE MI-XING6 DOWL Dy ANNE ALLAN Hydre Nom* Ecenomlit Oatineal Ùeflo Hamemakers! If you thrill ta the marmow, atheUic airl i theUi pipés, yau'll be sure ta feel that oineofaitUicbest reaians for oct- aial n Uic menu, la that moat *'eawart Scotchmcn werc ralacd on thia nutritiaus cereal. A good heant>' breakfast will ictiai>' sud build up energy for th. whole day. A *ell made lot cereal seema ta "stick ta the iba" ind a toasted cereal brcad makes thc thought af a bard job casier. Oatrneal na>' be used for elther. Yes, oatmeaila an old-fashloned cencal, but it's not always hi a porridge bowl, nawadays. If you are up-to-date on nutrition yau know low important it la ta have a suppi>' ai this whale grai con- egi, aiways on hsud. Use aatmeal and rolled oaso i pacakesi cook- les, bread, biscuits, Scotch meat *cakes, puddings, etc. sud don't foxget ta bring porridge up ta date b>' labnobbig it wlit Aus- traglisu raisins or maple syrup. AUl cereals are idl inl carbo- hydrates which suppi>' lest sud energ>'. But since there la no ti- suc building value, we suggcsh adding milk - or caoig i n llc. Rules for Taaty and Digestible Cereala (1) AUaow- enoughi water ho swdli and saiten ailUichestarch. (2) Cool cercal long enaugli ta swfl starch sud soten Uic fibre present, sa, that standh ma>' be cxpased .ta Uice action ai lest sud water. * (3) Coarsel>' ground or un- ground graina require marc tille ta cool than finel>' ground anas. (4) Céréale mc>' be bled dir- ectl>' aven Uichest; steamad, as is double baller, or caaked is wefl-cooker. The flrst mcthiod la* quicleat, but requires attention, 'ta prevent. stlcking, even when stlrred frequently.' However, ta- day Uic modern electric range pravidea fast leai ta brn heUi water ho' the bolling point quicl> sud thon wlithUtceclosed clament turncd "off" the cereal coaka. An occaslonal stir and a tlghh-flthlng caver la rcqulrcd. (5) For eccl cup ai oatrneal use 4 ta 5 cups ai waten. Tis makes four cupa ai porridge. If you pro- fer gruci, add more wster - for mun, leua water laused. (6) Taste differs i the amaunt ai sait nccded, but camiae rule is i heaspoan for ecclquart af water used. Ostineai Coakies i cup sugar %k cup malasses 1 cup lard 2 eggs 3/ cup sweat milk 2 teasp. groutid cinnamon 1 teasp. gnaund claves %k teasp. soda i cup chapped raisins sprinklid with 2 table- spoans flaur 2 cups oatmeal MlxhIngredients in thc order given. Moît thc fat bafore adding 1h sund sit Uic soda sud spices with Uic flour. Drap b>' teaspoan- fuis an greased pans and bake in su eiectrlc aven (375 - 400P.) Oatineal Pancakes i cgg 1% cdupa cooled oatinoal '.cup idl i mlk ¾cup watcr 2 tbsps. meited butter 'cup slfted bread flour 1 teasp. baklng pawdcn i teaap. sait Beat egg wdl sud combine wi thc sited flour, sait sud bakhig powdcr. Add thc oatineal, milk, water sud melted butter. Prehoat Uic alectric wcffe Irafi and bale as smllwsffles. A lieav>' iran skllet mc>' ha uscd. Preleat 1, add calittle fat, thon turning the electnlc element ta miedium pour pancake ixlture on ta forrni pancakes ai deslred aize. When bubbles show Uiraugh the surface ai the pancake and the edgca are set and .slightly brown, turn and cook an other aide. Serve hot wlth maple syrup. 1 Oatmeal Bread 1%' cupa, boillng water 2 teaup. sait 1 hableapoan butter 1uprlled oas 2 cacescompressed yeast 3/ cup lukewarrn water % cup molasses 1-3 cup brawn augar ,5 cups oifted brcad ilour Combine boilig water,- saît, butter. SUr lni-the rolled oats and let stand until lukcwarxn (about %k haur). DisSOlve Uic yeas i lukewarm watr; add molasses, brown sugar and i cup flour. Beat until smooth. Combine wlth Uic rolled oas mixture, add rcmalnlng flour-and mix well. Turn an ta well-flaured board sud kncad until snlooth and elastic (about 10 minutes). Place dougih i a warmed greas- ed bowl; brush surface wlithmoît- cd butter sud lot risc hi Uic warmig claset ai electrie range. 1h la best ta place chapping board on Uic bottoin ai drawer if utensil la tin or aluminum. Lot risc until double in bulk (about 2 hours) . Remave dough ta a lightly flourcd board; flatten It out; di- vide into 2 parts, beave for 30 min- utes covcred. Shape ito 2 loaves and place in greàsed pans. Brusl with melted butter and let risc until double i bulk (about 1 haur). Bake in -an electrlc aven at 3790 for 40-50 minutes. (Makes 1 loavés.- 1 lb. each).. Question Box Miss W. H. aks for suggestions for aven meal that mc>' be started i a cold electric oven. Answer: This roqucat las been sent ta you b>' letter. Mrs. C. R. asal: "Whahtom- perature la uséd for bakrng cus- tarda?" Answer: (a> Custards are bak- cd in a greaacd casserole ah 250* until a knife blade runito Uic contres cames aut dlean. (b) Cus- tarda are aiten baked i greased, casseroles that are placed ln a Pan ai lot water sud cooked i about 40 mina, ah a temperature ai 300*. (The Hydro Flat Rate Water Heators are always a boon ta Uic bus>' houscwifc when lot water la needcd 80otten). MmE. C. A. B. asks: "Tl<anlc you for thechcocolate recipes but wl>' wauld the cake bail oveX?" Answer: (a) Do not beat Uic cake batter aiter beatlng hi Uic eggs. Fold hi Uic flour alternate- ly wltb Uic milk. Electric mixera should be turned ta 'slow" or NO& 1 speed aiter the addition oi eggs. (b) Piaje Uic cake batter in an 8"1 x 8"1 a ansd iptoa apre-heated elechrlc aven ah 350'. Do flot raise thc tempematune. Be praud ai su automnatic temperahure contrai oh your lectric aven. Anne Alsun invites you ta write lier cla The Statesman ofilcc. Just scnd in your questions onl home- makig probloma-- snd watch thia littie corner ai the columu for re- plies. ) THEIR EXCELLENClIS SPRINC PREVIEN SENJOY - :W 0F ROCKIES T HE Governar-Ganeral, the. Eari aof JAthione and Prinesa Alica stop- ped et Jasper National Park dur- ing aer Western visit and anJoed Srinf preview of thie e e ncie «wthea nany beauv' spot inthevlclnlty aof.Jasper Par LadÉe and recaived a demonstratfl that Jar luianart a-seassn ski contre. 'Athabaska Valley, and 49 year roi- TRiey clmbed on ta the, glacier at dant. Now. at 75, Mrs. Swift, presanted pout EditR Cavel ta witn.rn a en- t Jasper station. recallad that as a eul ski dlaplay by experts froar, he hld she ..cap.nled her parants Jasper Ski Club. TheirxefbCO on buffalo hunts south of Fart Zgd- met ~ ~ 'Suas n arulapr t-monton. Mm. Swif t tg ai Saulteaut cludng (lower rlght Un. LU Swit Indian and Trench parentag.-Photo- wldaw lai thie first white settior ln gTaphs, Canodian Naioal RailwaVo Y.PRU of District Convene ini Whitby Visit Ontario Hospital At IWbltby lu Two-Day Convention et Presbylaery Unions-Naine Officers Oshawa Preabyt of>'t hem Ufit- cd Clurch ai a annual çon. vention ai the Young' Pca' Union was hld in Whitby aven th week-end with over 150 deiegates i attendance. A number o ;ïm- presaive addresaes wena given b>' several speakers, including Rev. Stanley' Osborne, ai Ecton Memor- lai Cburch, Toronto. Thc convention includ'ed a viait on Sunda>' aiternoan ta Uic On- tario jiospital, whoro Dr. D. R. Fletcher, medicai superintendentý spole bief>' on çare sud cureoz Uic mentali>' sicI.* Thc young peo- pie ao visited smrn e Ucbexid-,, .Presild d ve b>' Raoy Ommistoni ai Broollin, Uic convention on Saturda>' aternoon eleched Uic following officera: Honorsry pro- aident, Rey. S. J. Davison, Bow- manville, clairman ai' Oshawa Prcsbytery; past presldent, Roy' Ormishon; prisidont, Hugli Miner, Ciaromont; secretary, Misa Jean Bathie, Oshawa; treasurer, Carl Don Oshawa; scrctary Chris- tian ielowsh , Misa Ruby An- drews, Pickig; missions, Mis Zona Gec, 'Whitby'; cltlscnship, Bort Jolinston, Bawmsuvlbc; cul- ture, Glen Hancack, Oono; pub- lications, Allen Ellcath, Locust HMl; *ieadership tralplng, Miss Oflve Reesor,'Oshawa; recreatian, Stanley' Gomme, Oéaswc;.eig- loua education, Rev. S. Lithlewoad, Orono; baya' work, Murray' Klrby, Oshawa; girls' work, Misa Edna Green, Gnecnwaad;. dramatica, Merle Thompsan, Burketon. Finals hi the Presbyter>' Debate were won b>' Uic Young people ai Blackahack, wlo defected Kig Street* Churdli, Oshawa. Banner for Uic Union havlng Uic largest athendance ch the convention went ho Slrncoo Street, Oshawa, which had 85 per cent afi to membens on lsud. At the sunuA1 drame festival in thc evening Trinit>' United, Bow- manvilie; Slmcoe Street, O5shswa; Blackstock sud Clarmmnt coin- ected, wlth Uic Evelyn Gay' Cup Zan awarded.ho Bladkstodc. Openlng addrcss ai Uié convan- ioni on tUic subjeet, "Following Chimst', was delivemed b>' Uic Rov. A, D. Camneht, aif Simcoe Street Churcl, Osawa, wlo mcdo an esmnest piea that >'oung people til lthake c more sonlous view ai an It est iproblera aifthc da '. Other speakers werc: Rav. Ciluord Park, of Wlhitby; Rev. W. J. Smnyth, P , aPnnsd Rcv. M. R. Jenk 0ib, i Pckering. NawtonvlloUnion ad charge ai the aitarnoon drama festival. Rev. Mn. Park wqlcomed Uic young people tathIe Whltby Clurch. A challenge ta young people ta preparo for war's aftermcUi was the keynote ofitUiclciaing address Sunda>' evcning b>' Rev. Stanley' Osborne. Durig ts service, Pncmdent-eiect Hugl iMllier pre- slded sudthIe ncw officers wero fond>' instalied. A candielight service 'rougît Uic convention ta' c close. BAVE TOU OLD MAGAZINES? Vcmn Ott, who la hi charge af cofloctig'uscd magazines for use ai soldions, reports that lis flrst efforts have nehted about 1200 but mare ara nocded. Many arei cheerful>' caoperstig in this lit- tic matter ta big anc ai thc coinionts oa ifictathIe soldions. Nexh wel le expecto ta coliect suothen thoussud or so - including (we hope) the dozen whldli now clutton up Uic aditanhal deal, Taklug Il Serions "Now perla ps youli wanta, slave?" queled thIe barber wha had Juat glven fivo-year-ald Bob- bic lis finît prafesonai Isaircut. Babbi. (siten feeling ai lis face): "I guets thare wauldn't be onough shévigs, wouid Ilene?" jCanadian Gardon Service By Gordon Liudsay Smith In this age af invention and ,mass production there la little need for back-breaking drudgery, and certaily not i gardcning. A few simple and iexpensive tools will do moat af Uic wark. Tirning la alsa important, according ta Uic aild gardener, wla maitais that it is ten times caseir ta kil wccds :Just as soon as Uic>' start ta apraut Instead ai waiting until Uic>' are wdil established. Other chores ai giardcning, like thining and cul- tivation, are iexacti>' Uic sanie categar>'. Donc at Uic proper tume and with gaod, sharp toals, it is no job at ail, but loi t a week or two then there la a roal burden i catching up. Toola Are Important fIt la important to have Uic rigît toala. Ini Uic first place, as an>' an will confirm, Uic>' Is&ud be in first-class warking ordoér. This means that lacs, spades,' weeders, spuddcrs, etc., shoU1d be shrpsad cdean. An old file will do Uic trick. Lawn mow- ens must be kept hi Uic sanie con- ditian if Uic>' arc ta beave neat work and nat grass pulled right out b>' the roots or left uncut. Thon there sbould be Borne sel- ectian. A littie hand-drawn cul- tivator will help speed the wark I a fair-sized garden, whule a whccl hoe will soon pa>' for itsclf in lebar saved if anc gacai for a large suppi>' ai vegetables. For gething under bath ilowcrs and vegehables and for killng Uic wceds undor shrubbery, a sharp Duteli hoc la anc af Uic most use- fui implernents. There are dif- feront sizcd ralces, sud difforent wldthhai hoes. There la an cdgcr for trimming lawns alan g drive- ways and flowcr bedsansd walks. Tliee arc spades ai variaus wldths sud hgndle lengths. For fine work, i closel>' planted flowcr beds, and for ransplsuting, etc., a amall trowell sud a Uirce or five-taothed hand cultivatar are usaful chore savons. For Prunlnt For prunIng, there arc varlous typesoa good clippers, whidh arc niùch handier than a jackknifo and do a cleaner job than break- hqofa brancl. Thare la also a speLalI type ai pruning saw witl a removable blade. This la casil>' set ta saw et any angle, lcavig a clean-cut, cash>' g r o w n-o v o r wound. The cast o ai Us sort ai equip- ment aen in war time la, liko ail othar gardon accossaries, extrome- ly moderate. About a dollar will bu>' most types ai lacs, rakes and apades, a little lesa for the amail cultivators and trowells, sud a little marc for the hand-drawn cultivators. Fiowers in wlndow boxes or hsnging pots represent the most higîl>' Intensive sort ai gardening. Thia means that ver>' nicI sali slould be used and, in addition, c fafri>' frequant application ai clernicai fertiliser during thc soc- son. Boing expasod on ailiaides to dryig winds, s Uioraugl wat- ering once a day ai thc wlndaw box lsasdviscd. Thc box or pot must have bales i the bottoin ta pravide drai- age, and ao a layer ai gravai, dindons, brolen crodlen>' or shrnI- lu matenlal for the saine purpaae. Along thc iront ai widow bax- es are pianted traillng Nastur- huma, Garman Iv>', Lobelia, Alys- qum and simîlar plants, wlihPc- tunlas, Ageratumi, Beganias, Verns, Geranlumisud other plants uepall>'recommendod for ts ipurposo iarther bacd. Sheiter amm Uic sun fan a dc>' or twa Ahould be pravldcd until 'thc plants get ostabllsled. Naît Weel - Cantiuous colon I lawer Gardons - Don't rush vegctabies. Caniranted wihUicetask ai paraphrasing the sentence, "Hie wuu cladia suit ai mail," a sai boy wnate: "Hie wane c pommsu' un1form."ý-Tlt-BIts. EIE.RY MEAL ENDED 1- SINGERS AND THEIR SONGS Wrltten speoilly for 1%e Statesman by welI known Durham boy, Fred IL Voler, 123 Lake St., St. CJatharines, ont. CARRY ME BACK TO OLU VIRGINNY Carry me bacli ta aid Virglnny, There's where the catton and and the corn and 'taters grow, Thcere's where the birda warble sweet in the sprlngtime; There's where the old darkey's heart arn longed ta go. There's where I labored sa liard for oid Massa Day alter day ini the fields af yellow corn, No place on carth do I love so sincerely, Than aid Virginny, the state where I was born. Over the air a few weeks aga there came a very intcrestig stary about this ever popular sang and its author, Jame A. Bland, the noted calorcd comedian of a past generatian. It was tald by his sister, Irene Bland Jurix, ini a clear, resonant voice. Immediateiy I thought of aur series, Singers & Théir Sangs, and wrote for the star>' and permission ta use itV The clderly lady mast graciously replied, enclosing her star>' with a picture af her famaus brother and the free use for publication. It la with great pleasure I present ta aur readers this valuable can- tribution ta aur sympasium. Carry Me Back ta Old Virginny and In the Evening by the M5oon- light, two world renowncd ballads that have been listened ta b>' millions; sùng, humrned and whistled around the warld for more than hall a entury with practicailly no one knowing who the author was, until the lato Dr'. Kelly Miller, who after ycars af researchi revealed ta the world the author of these two and man>' more ballads now recorded in tic Congressional Librar>', was- James A. Bland who sprang frorn a long lune af free colored people i Charleston, S. C. James was born in Flushing Long Island, N. Y., Oct. 22nd, 1854. The father ai this muslcal prodlgy and eleyen other children moved lits farnul>'ta Washingt-on, D.C., where the fa- ther became Uic first Negro ta be appointed examiner in thc United States Patent Office. Y o u n g James attended the public schoals of Washington, and finished his academic training at Howard Uni- versity and with his father later registercd in Howard University' Law Schaal. His first position was page in Uic House ai Repre- sentatives. James A. Bland, who canstituted a unique character in Uic histar>' af lyric literature, wrote that sang of lasting fame, Carry Me Back ta Old Virginny, i 1875, which braught him ta Uic notice ai Uic musical world. About We Make It Sparkle Like Newl If Yeu are Mekameut ef th. great maJorlt> ef Omuadiauswbo eanaot afford a new car tMis yar why net brlgm S y ar u sud lat un irive it a thorough CLEAN-UP and a SDEONIZ lob. Il wl make ItloIoek lke new. Save your car made resdy for Sptng cd u umer drlving, hava the wluter metor ail drained, fluiled sud refiled with 'the proper surnmer grada eft Whito Rose Mater 0OU (the pick oethIem &aU). We do nat repair your car, but we apeclali. lu geaI lubrles- lion le belp keep your car tree frons reacr bils. aud lest lme. SIMONIZE ad LEA-UP ..$5110 C. Dean Hodgson WRmIT OSE SERICE STATION King St., Easat PhaseU8 SPRING JUoIlIE i *ha Mo e eei oehn oe h e PCASMUtdo * ta th eypcueo pgtad 18 heb» hyr oeýom thilig cto ad rm.frs syln. ac.n m-oe hrlin t aMl *oe inMie * t issmtigee oeta h e * eeofr uncuitdwt uc. mc s1%t * ht uic selie ére s ome mare- tu he n e SPeCULS montd. *s vhal ues ver> 'ctre of g h a nd 118' wn eebarsn the're maare moni- * tbillin al cti and tn mfr s ctyl forg. patna-otbrilan loglintfae. It ly a a dm igeenmre thin an thoe - y iow drop n r * mos telkeasbouî atomile in here au e try 'eout -dyu lie d M *er Canaa -itscthe vmach as utaing giner elo ucksnw IEDL Bmck n ai aur ong IAtor>'. r S taigliMCtMgtEgu.Hr o a It e afllg e reordpac - akig et il he act abut ompundCa-121 auenfR iend aOngpaLe ueinadhwI p iegs M Pied ge for War Savings that turne ho became end masu in thc famaus Negro Bull>' Kersanda' Minstrela. Ai ton years ai much succeas in Uic United States ho joined the Callander Miatrels tourig Europe. His Londanper- farmances were aiten attendd b;' thc late King Edward, thon Uic Prince ai Wales. For mare than twcnty years le was Uic star per- former in white minstrela cam- panies touring England sud Scot- land, receiving a salary ai ton tlousand dollarsa year. Na anc knows low hc acquircd his tech- nique ai composition, but aut ai lis poetic hcart sud saul, andj thraugli the sheer creative energyi ai genius le wrate marc than five1 bundred ballads during thc 57j years ai lis lice. The Boston Pub-i lic Library records that le pub-i llshed 25 different sangs in Ger-à mn. Hc was uniartunatel>' a ponr business man, iailing in man>' i-1 stances ta copyright man>' ai his1 famous sangs. He dcrivcd coin- parativel>' little from their carn- inga while Uic publishers made fortunes fram lits productions. Hec rcturned ta Anicnica without funds sud much discounagcd. Ho died Ma>' 8th, 1911, in hilla- delphia, Pa. Sa lived and passed anc ai the greateat troubadours ai ail times whose sangs shail live in Uic hearta ai men and continue ta bning jo>' and comiant ta the lives ai millions. The state ai Virginia bas adoptcd lis sang as their state sang. Irene Blsud Jurix, Sister ai thc composer. IN MISERY But Hie Indigustion Was ReIIeved by Knaschon Thea treatment wbich put this maân rht inuit arakyb.e worth tkying usevary cea oPimdigastion Resd what he say:- 'Trwo ym ýagoI auffered very mueli froin hlndgaetioE 10" 61 appatite, énd a mont severa pain in my ack. Food aourad m Mny stomah. Ifuit meât misarable sitar meula, and bat! no duemly or appetite for thom. A fiand advlsed mu ta, try YKruucE Wt. Idid no, and 1 aram ostha p tatf>' that sitar a short tima I ut thse taut relief. I contimiad taking K;s=a tll 1 felt mrf uettrand a I did twanty ago."1-WB. The gaverai sait. m .Krumceu combine aid Mi pramoting aulrt and halp cloansa y aur systemnoc dao pome ud impurltlas.M. Bon tae te littho daly doue-." At ail drugstores. Bisc Creumastancus Shc: "Sorry .1 can't acccpt you, Bill, but circumatances over whfch I have na contrai prevent; me.,, Ho: «'And what are those cir- cumstances?" She: '1Yours."ý-Montrea1 Star. YOU WON'T DBlumVEIT'S The SAM CAR à À ýAY, APRM 17,1941 THE dANADIAN STA PAGE NINZ WMANvnj£, ONTARIO -l ý 1.1-- --

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