and Joyce McGill; recitations by £nfeldWA. Grant Werry and Elgin Heard, Joe McGill, Bille Werry, Clark Visitors: Misses Pearl Taylor, Werry and Keith MoGili; vocal Toronto, and Evelyn Taylor, duet, Marie and Ronald Ashton; Blackstock, at Mr. T. Taylor's. . . piano f3olo, Allan Werry; vocal Miss Grace Stark, Brooklin, at Mr. du et, Donalda Griffin and Isabel J. Stark's. . . Miss Vera Stinson Rahm; song, Dorothy and Clar- at Mr. T. Whiflier's, Toronto.... ence Stainton; doîl drill, Cordilla, M and Mis G. Bowxnan and Mary Judit hand Frank Stenger; chorus, Helen, and Mr. and Mrs. W. Bow- Happy Easter Day by the Primary man at Mr. T. Bowman's, Port Class; an exercise, Resurrection Perry. . . Misn Corsina Samis, story by 12 old children; piano Ouhawa, and Miss -Elsie Samis, solo, Alan Ferguson, Bowman- Peterboro, at Mr. M. Sands'. . .. ville; Mis. Ferguson, Bowman- M. Frank McMulen with friends ville, told a beautiful Easter story in Toronto. to the children which was much Sympathy is extended to Mrs enjoyed; piano duet, Jean and W. Ashton on the death of her Audrey McLaughi. An Easter fRther at Lindsay. pageant "On Life's Highway" was Sacrament was dispensed at the Crs. e yMsdmsE ae close of our Easter service Sun- Crossman, W. Rahm, S. Trewin, day. The church was beautifully C Virtue, W. Sanderson and G. Beech. Ice creamn and cake were decorated wth plants and flowers. enjydfrlnh tbrough the kindness of Mr. W. jydfrlnh J. Ormiston. Enniskillen Hampton _______Visitors: Miss Alta Brown t Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. L. Gril- her home at Merlin. . . Mrs. J. fin and Jean, Blackstock, Mr. j. Shackleton and son Keith, Bow- Grifffm, Toronto, at Mr. R. Gril- manville, at J. W. Balson's. .. Miss fn's. . . Miss Lorna Rahm with Nancy Johns, Toronto, Mi. and Mms. G. E. Bradley, Toronto. ... Mrs. Will White and sons, Orono, Mfr. Clifford Stainton, Toronto, with Mrs. C. Johns. . . Mrs. W. with Mr. H. Pye. .. Dr. C. Dor- MeMillan, Peterboro, Mis. W. land, Mr. and Mis. J. May, La- Cunningham and daughter Hazel, peer, Mich., at Mr. J. Dorland's. .. Carneron, with Miss RubY Clat- Mr. H. Austin, Chatham, at Dr. worthy... Misses Gertrude Petit, C. J Austin's. .. Mr. and Mrs. H. Toronto, Cecile Petit and Gladys J. Slemon and Greta, Toronto, Mr. Chapman, Bowmanville, Master and Mrs. S. H. Annis, Kelly John- Jimmie Woodley, Tyrone, at W. ston, Detroit, at Mr. H. Annis'. . . Chapman's. .. Misses Helen Knox, Pte. F. Beckett is at home for a Toronto, and Jessie Knox, Hay- short holiday. . . Miss M. E. Vir- don, at home... Mr. Hairy Cowl- tue, Toronto, with relatives and îng, Toronto, at Jno. Cowling's... friends.. . Mr. and Mrs. F'. Lackey, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Reynolds, Master Eail, Mrs. Jas. Lackey, daughter Lenore and son Alan, Miss Mary Lackey, Miss E. San- Toronto, were guests of Miss Lulu derson, Mr. B. Sanderson; at Rev. Reynolds... Miss Jessie Hogarth, H. Lackey's. . . Mr. F. Pethick, Bowmanville, Private Bruce. Ho- Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. B. Wood garth, Ottawa, with their parents. and Nancy, Oshawa, at Mr. S.. . Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Cathmoir Pethick's. .. Mr. and Mrs. Walter and baby, Bowmanville, at Mr. Oke and Mrs. Wesley Oke at Mr. Jno. Mils'. . . Miss R Anthistle, T. Robbins', Pickering, and Mr. R. Brantford, at Mr. E. Anthistles... Hall's, .Whitby. . . Mr. Wilbert Ross Trenouth and friend, Toron- Smith and Ros. Oshawa, Mr. to, with his mother. .. Mi. and Donald Cari and Miss Blanche Mrs. Raymond Burns and daugh- Beech at Mrs. Ella Smith's... Mis. ter Barbara, Oshawa, with Mrs. S. May and Billy, Toronto, Mr. J. Burn.... Mrs. A. ]Parker, Mon- and Mrs. S. Rodman, Port Perry, treal, with her mother, Mrs. M. at Mr. E. C. Ashton's... Mr. and Goodman and sister Louise... Mrs. I G Tiaveli, Beth and Bruce, Master Jimniie Brodie, Toronto, at Mr. G. Beech's... Mrs. W. Van- with his sister, Mis. J. R. Rey- Camp, Misses Susie and Helen nolds. . . Miss Doreen Perrett, VanCamp, Blackstock, at Mis. F. Manchester, at home. . . Misses Werry's. I Eileen Wray and Doîothy Adam- Rev. H. Lackey gave a fine Eas- son in company with Mr. and Mis. ter message on Sunday evening P. Corbett, Bowmanville, spent and the choir sang a fitting num- Saturday in Toronto. . . Mr. A. B. ber. Cryderman, Glen Millar, with re- Practice for oui anniveîsary latives. . . Mr. and Mis Fred commenced last Sunday. West and daughter, Toronto, at Mission Band held a concert in Mr. W. Greenaway's. .. Mi. and the basement of church on Good Mis. W. W. Horn with Dr. and Friday evening. The members Mis. Wallace Hoin, Port Hope. opened program wth verse of We extend sincere sympathy to "Tel me the Stories pf Jesus." Miss Reta Kerslake and Dr. E. Rev. H. Lackey led in prayer. Keislake in the loss of their fa- Piano duet by Misses Mona Brunt ther, Mi. F. G. Kerslake, who Be Stylsb for Spring 1CHARMING COATS Sprint cos ina utart colcurs sud latest styles. Corne whore there la n large many different modela. sises 12 te48 $7.95 to $32.50 MODERN DRESSES Nwdresses ar. homo for your sprint vvadroe.Colours and styles to match your perucnality. ABl aises in stock. $L95 t. $13.95 WEEKEND SPECIALS <Éhiffon Milury *pr. 50c GlogS Combluation $1.00 lil VS il d& dk id $ COUCH JOHNSTON & CRYDERMAN I WEUmm t otTo. Lte e The Original REXALL A L E Continueis LoveIl lo w. toot 070 It la dome proporly THE CANADIA BIRTH PURDY-Mi. and Mis. Hardy E. Purdy wish to announce the arrivai of their daughter (a giand-daughter for Dr. and Mirs. L. B. Williams) on April loth, at Kiikland District Hospital, Kirkland Lake, Ont. DEATHS EDGERTON-In New Toronto, on April llth, 1941, Joseph Owen Edgerton, age 40 years. Inter- ment Bowmanville Cemetery. ELLIOTT-At Port Hope Hospital on April l2th, Luella Augusta Wade, Port Granby, wife of Uic late Bruce A. Elliott, i her 67th year. Interment at Newtonville Cemetery. KERSLAKE-In Hampton, April 13th, 1941, Frederick George Kerslake, i his 75th year. In- terinent Bowmanville Cemetery. LaBELL-In Bowmanville, April 15th, 1941, Joseph O. LaBelle, beloved husband of Caroline Greenaway, aged 100 years. In- terment Bowmanville Cemetery. MERCER-In Kendal, April 12th, 1941, Jennie Mercer, aged 83 years, widow of the late George Mercer and mother of Mis. N. Patton, Mis. E. Luxon, John B., C. G. (M.L.A.), Roy D., Hariy M., and William. Interment Or- ono Cemeteryý. STAPLES-At Newcastle on A pri 12th, 1941, Margaret Staples, widow of the late George Sta- ples, aged 85 years. Interment Bowmanville Cemetery. TURNER-Mis. Victoria M. Tur- ner, a former resident of Bow- manville, passed away April 16, 1941, in Oshawa. Funeral service at thec Luke Funeral Home, Oshawa, on Fni- day alternoon at 2.30 D.S.T., with interment in Bowmanville Cemetery. Card of Thanks The family of thc late John Colwil wish to sincerely thank their friends and neighbors for kindness shown duiing Uic sick- ness and death of Mi. Colwill and for beautilul floral tributes. Thos. Cartwright wishes to thank has many friends for kind- nesses shown him, in his recent accident. He is glad to report he is about again as usuai. passed away on Sunday evening atten several weeks' iliness. The funeral which was pivate took place ou Tuesday affennoon frosa his resideuce 10 Bowmanville cemetery. His death remo ves an- other of oui older and highly re- spected cifisens. A short Easter program was preseuted at thc Sunday School Sunday affemnoon when Mis. Rackham gave an interesting Eas- tor story. A short dialogue on- tltled "Iu Uic house of Calaphas" was given by foui young ladies - Thelnia Robbins, f aking the parf of Rachel; Edith Rackham - Dru- silla; Judithi - Bertha Armour, (maîda in Uic palace); sud Naomi, a beiever, also a servant in Uic palace, fakon by Mis. W. Green- away; and potraying flic story of tlic Crucifixion sud Resurrection. Mis. Greeuaway's clasa of girls prcsented 'a musical tableau ex- orcise onfitled "The Gloiified Cross"; Miss Helen Knox a solo; and scnîpturo essons wene read by Mis. Nlddery and Hilton Pet- ers. Bcd Cross supplies f0' date, are as follows: il pr. seamon's socka, 28 pr. day socks, 3 pr. mifts, 2 pi. ha]! mitts, 13 sweaters, il ses- men's sweaters. Hampton W.C.T.U. W.C.T.U. -mnet at Uic home of Miss Reynolds, wlth a good af- tendance te greet Uic -Prosideni Miss Kattson who was in charge, aftcn having »)een confined to bcd for several months. Affer Uic bus- iness perlod Mra. J. G; Burns conducfed tUic devofional.perlod. Prayer topic, 'Tor Oui Empire, Our People sud Our Work, and for a Lasting Peace." Mis. Rack- ham led i prayer. The Clip Shoot entitled "Liquor Moans Loss"' was pueseuted by Mis. B. Ferguson sud Mis. A. Treuoufh. Mis. S. Williams read a chapter of the National Temponance Sfudy Course. Discussion followed. The president's letten fuom the Tld- ings was read by Miss Katenson. If was voted to seud donations f0 Uic Dominion S. S. Fund, Uic County Life Membcnship, and flic Budget Fund. Arrangements weno made for fthc District Annysi Con- vention'to be held hore lun May or June. Next meeting at Mis. R. Katerson's on May 13th. Hampton W. L Meeting There was an attendance of 35 at Hampton Womcu's Institute meeting on Thursday affernoon whlch was presidcd over by Mis. J. B., Kuokc, in the absence of Uic president. A short finie was tak- en for business sud a rol cail of poultry and garden hiufs. Mus. Warren conducfed the pro- gram icharge 0f Uic Nofth gîoup: "11he Maple Les!" was sung; Mus. Arnold Damant sang "In Uic Gardon of my Heart"; "Agriculture sud Canadien Indus- f ries," whlch toplc was assigncd fo Mis. A. E. B llletf, gavesa p pcn deallng chlefly wt l'"oRigera- flou" sund Uic msuyluses of ai-. ficlal tee; Miss N. Hora played a piano numbor, sud accompanled Mis. Damiant i her second vocal selection "Smilin' Throughl"; Cui- ront Events Ivere read by ?&s. W. Chapan. A social tinie was en-1 joyed over a cup of* tee. A cookie demionstration wll be s speclal festurieat flic Ma y meet- Ingf and Uic rol cail "My favorite 'SrA.TESMAN, EOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO TEA CUP AND CARDS FROM 3 p.m. f0 10 p.m. Darch's To- bacco Store, phone 2884. 8-4 Beauty Cuture EASTER SPECIAL.- $5.00 OIL Permanent Wave for $2.50. Mis. F. J. Cole, Bluebird Beauty Parlour. Phone 339. 13-4 Weekly Feed Special W E E KLY FEED SPECIAL - Chowmix Chick Starting Feed, $2.85 per cwt., made fnom a Purina-approved formula ac- cording f0 their instructions. Offer good until April 24th. F. C. Vanstone, phone 777. 16-1 Real Estate For Sale FOR SALE-i GOOD BUILDING- lot for sale, excellent location, pricod reasonable; also 1 large' extension table in good condi- tion, cheap. Phone 2248. 16-2. FOR SALE - FIELD AND PAS- fuie with runniug wate, 5 f0 6 acres, north of C.N.R. subway, Newcastle. Box 75, Newcastle. Phone Clarke 1112. 16-1 FOR SAL-8 ROOMED BRICK houso, hardwood floors through- -ouf, 3-pîcce bathioom, hydro, 2-car garage, good garden, fruits snd perennial plants. Opposite church and ucar good achool. Apply f0 owuer, Mis. Cecdlia Burgmaster, Enn ila k i 1 1 e n, or phone. 16-2* FOR SALE - GREEN HOUSE and Market Gardoni Lindsay. Consisting of: Frame House, 241 x 30', seven rooms; Lord & Burnham Greenhouse, 24' x75' and fwo addltional greenhouses' also tool house, stable, coîd frames, gardon tools, hiot water heafing system, etc. One acre of laud with privilege of leasing or purchasing more. Immediato possession. For price sud ferma apply f0 The Victoria Trust and Savings Company, Lindsay, Ont. 16-1 FOR SALE - BUILDING LOT, excellent location, on Scugog St. at foot of Church St. Apply Iowner, P. O. Box 485, Bowman- Iville. 15-3 FOR SALE-SIX BOOM flOUSE, 3 piece bath, electnlclty, garage, Igood garden, nlce location. Ap- Iply f0 Mis. E. V. Scobeli, Insur- ance Agent, Bowmmanvllle. 14-3 FOR SALE - SOLID BRICK house on Centre St., Bowman- ville, modern convenlences; wll be sold cheap te close up an estate. Apply A. E. Bellman King St. West. Il tï. FOR SALE-BRICK COTTAGE, six roonis, garage, Ontario St., Bowmanville - Fifteon Hun- dred Dollars. Appl 1220 King Street West, Hamlton, Ont. 14-41 Readinle MRS. BR A NTO0N, OSHAWA, will be at Mis. Howard Chafls' Temperance St., on Thursday, April 24th. For appointment phone 2692. 16-1 For Rent TO RENT-HOUSE AND GAR- den, will rent cheap, ail modern convenlences, 3 miles from town, good îoad, lovely summer home. Also 2-ton Chevrolet truck for sale. Apply Mirs. John Luxton, R. R. 4, Bowmanville. 16-1* , 1 - IN MEMORIAMr ALLIN-In loving memory of our dear mother, Mis. Grace- Allin, who passed away April 21, 1939. Nothing can take away The love a heart holda dear, Fond memorles linger every day, Remembrnce keepa hon dean. -Ever remembered by hon daught ors, sou and daught or- in-law. BRUCE - lu loving memory of Robert J. Bruce who passed away April 19th, 1938. To-day brmngs back a memory 0f a loved one gone to rt, And those who think ofhm t o-day Are those who loved hlm best. We wouder how we live with- ouf him, We miss hlm all thec while, But n one kuows ýhe sorrow And grief that lies beneath oui smile. -Ever remembered by Wif e and daughters Mac and rima. BTLLIED-Iu, loving memory of E. Bullied, died Apuil. l9th, 1939. Sadly missed by Gertrude. Nothing can ever take away The love' a heart holda dear; Fond memorios linger every day, Romembrance keeps hun near. KILPATRICK-In lovig and af- fectionate memory of a dean husband and father, Ernest Jos- eph (Joe) Kilpatrick, who pass- cd away April 18th, 1938. Gone from us his smiling face, Those happy, cheerful ways, The hearf that won so xnany .friends, ,Iu the happy bygono days. Thinking, always thinkmng, Lougiug dear husbaud for you, Wishing fthc skies could open For juat a glinipse of you. -Sadly migsed by lis Wife and daughter Helen. KILPATRICK-lu loving memory of oui dear son, Ernest Joseph (Joe) Kilpatrick, who passed away April l8th, 1936. AlWays lovingly nememnbered by Mo- thon, Dad, Brotliers and Sisters. safely, safely, gatliered i,. Froc fnom sorrow, froc from sin, Passed beyoud all grief and pain, Death for thee, is frucat gain; For oui bass wo must not weep, Nor oui loved one long te keep From that ho mo of nest and peace, Wheie ailsin and sorow 'kepf God himself lis soul wiilcep Giving oui beloved sleep. Tea Cup Reading FOR SALE - 50 YORKSHIRE piga, 6 weeks old. Apply H. C. Pe d we11, Newcastle R. R. 2, phone Clarke 3823.' 16-1 FOR SALE-12 PIGS, 8 WEEKS old; 2 sows, 2 years old; Jersey cow, 4 yeais, Ayreshirc cow, 5 years, both fîesh milking; one Melotte separator, good condi- tion. Wm. Risnek, 1/ mile north of Couitice. 15-2* Feed -and Seed FOR SALE--STACK OF =MIE hay, about 5 loads, $16.00. Ap- ply Wilson Abemnethy, R. R. 2, Bowmanville, phone 2419. 16-1' FOR SALE - QUANTITY IRISH Cobbler Seed Pofatees, gnown from registerod secd. Also a quantity mixcd liay, red clover, yeilow blossom sweef clover sud f imothy, ibarn. Apply Green Bros. R. B. 3, Bowman- 1ville, phono 2161. -16-l' SEED FOR SALE - QUANTITY of wel cuied Timothy hay, Piso No. 1 ruban seed oas. Apply R. K.* Squair, R. R. 4, Bowman- !iUe, phono 2210. 16-1l SXED GRAIN FOR SALE--SOW regisfered grain and produce your own dlean seed. Fine qual- ity registeied Erben and Van- guard oats'for sale. Garnet B. Rickard, R. R. 4, Bowmanville, phone 2218. 16-1 SEED ORAMN FOR SALE--e ER- ban Oafs and Spaiton No-barb Barley. W. R. Robblns, Hamp- ton R. R. 1. 15-2 SEEDS FOR SALE - EARLY Alaska and Vlctory Oats, test over 40 lbs. to the b us. Present ý rice 55c. Sweet Clover also lmothy Seod, present price $3.00 a bus. deivered. W. Leask, Taunt on, phone Oshawa 1652 wll. 1 14-tf QUALITY SEED FOR SALE We have for sale the finest quallfy of the beat varieties of grain. Reg. No. 1 and Govt. Grade N o. 1 Oats: Erban, Van- guard, Cartier, Vlctorytanid 20th Century; Barlcy: Nobarb, O.A.C. No. 21, 2-rowed; Coronation spîlng wheat. Germination guaranteed 97 or botter. Money spent in good seed is Uic bout Investment you can make. For full particulars apply to Seed Cleaning Plant, Bowmanville, R.R. 4, phono 2218. Garnet B. Riokard. 13-tf B EUS - EVERYTHINO IN Hi1gb quality Seodo at stewart's. Clovers, Timothy, Grass Seed, etc. Certied S..d Potatees, Boiots. Govt. tested. No. 1 Bulk Garden Seeda, Cholce Lawn Seed, Fertilisera. See or phono us before buylng as oui puices are low, oui soja Uthc beet pro- curable. We. Deilvor Gadon bols. Phone 577, Stewart's Seed Store. 10.1 Articles For Sale FOR SALE - BAY MAIRE, 12 yer lweight about 1350 lb.;' also Fords',on tractor in working order; somne No. 2 aize Irish Cobbler and Dooley potatoes grown from certifled seed; 1000 f cet dry henilock, 131 long by 2 4" thlck; -1000 feet dry pine inch lumber, ail lengths; also some square tumber. Apply Har- vey McGill, Enniskillen, phone 2357. 16-1 FOR SALE-tSTERLING GCXTAR auditorium aise, wil soîl choap. Apply S. J. Hartwig, Kuiglit Block, King St., Bowmanvllle. 16-1 FOR. SALE - FOUR BURNER Guincy gar range, good condi- tion. Apply W. Slaght, Welling- ton Street.16l FOR SALE - ONE RECONDI- tioned copper tub-electric wash- er, guaranteed. Priced for quick sale, $Z4.50. Inquire at Mason & Dale's. 16-1 FOR SALE - GOOD FRAME building suitable to be made into a cottage or smallhouse. r Phone 789, 16-1 FOR SALE-PIANO, DOMINION, upright, i firat class conio, nice tone, also bcnch. Bx 426, -Bowmanville. Phone 508 . 16-1* FOR SALE - ICKER BABY Buggy, in excellent condition,-. nearly new. Phone 835, Bow manville. :16 pl* FOR RENT-TWO HOUSES FOR rent neai Tyrone. Apply R. J. Hodgson, Tyrone, phone 2323. 16-2 GARAGE FOR RENT-REASON- able. John Buckley, Church St. at Division. 16-1* FOR RENT - CHEERFUL, FUR- nished room for single person or couple, reasonable rate. Mirs. Edwaid Cook, King and Divi- sion St. 16-1* FOR RENT - THREE ROOMS f or rent for light housekceping or for boarders. Mis. Heney Pearce, Concession St. Phone 860. 18-1 Livestock For Sale FOR SALE- TWO GELDINGS, foutr years old; two good cows; McLarey Qucbec cook stove in perfect condition, top oven and reseivoir, $25.00; 150-egg incU- bator, good as new, with ail at- tachnicnts, $5.00; Beatty hand power washing machine wlth winger. Oliver McCulloch, Lot 35, Con. 8, Dailington. 1 16-f FOR SALE -HORSE, 9 YEARS old; alfalf a hay; mixed grain; car-tractor. Apply Pete Stack- aruk, R. R. 2, Bowmanville.i-l FOR SALE-TWO SHORTHORN bulls, 7 and 9 months old, from exceptionally good m ilk i ng dams. Russell Osborne, New- FOR SALE - ONE RECONDI- tioned vacuum cleaner, guaran- teed, for only $11.95. Inquire at Mason & Dale's. 16-1 BABY CHEICKS-BLOOD TEST- cd Leghorns and Rocks, mlxed, sexed and started pullets. R.a.P. sired chicks. Ail eggs produced on oui form. Low puices on Rocks and Leghorn cockerela. Alvin. Clemens, phonec_2433, Bowmanvlle. 13-tf SEED GRAIN We arc offering Victory, Car- fier, 20th Century and Erban Seed Oats. No-Barb and a special lot of O.A.C. No. 21 .Barley. Govein- ment tested No.1 1 germination, 100%, welght 53 lbs. per bus. Also Spring Wheat, Field P cas, Spring Bye, etc.; Coronation and Colorado- Varleties of Wheaf. A limited quantity of Erban Oats. Subject to Govt. test. These are splendid oats at 60c a bus. *CLOVER SEED Oui Clover and Grass Seeds are of the best varieties and govein- ment standard, Including Home Grown Bed Clover, Grimm Alfal- fa, Ontario Variegated Aif alfa, Red Clover and Alfalfa MIxed, Yellow and White Blossom Sweef Clover, Timothy, etc. A. W. GLENNEY Telephone Clarke 2012 NEWCASTLE 16-1 'q llelp Wanted 1WANTED - MAN AS SALES- mani for dalry work. Apply e Bowmanvllle Dairy. 16-1 HELP WANTED - GENERAL mald, 20 or over, sleep in. A- rply Mis. Alex Gilbert, Black e stock, Ont. 1- HELP WANTED - COOK GN cial, must be thoroughly cap- able. Beet wages. Apply Mis. W. A. Luke, 156 King St. E., t Oshawa, phone Oshawa 211. 15-2 WANTED - ELDEIRLY COUPLE to share home with elderly lady. Give use of house free for board. Central location, ail con- yeniences. For paiculars' ap- ply T. H. Knight. Phone 565. 15-2* WIlson's Furniture Co. lImer Sprlng Mattresses $8-MS Good looking h e a v y spiing-fiiled mattresses, covered in durable fancy .ticking. WiUl give you years of comfort. Ail aises, at an amazigly 10w price. Floor Coverln; Siiecial $1-.49 Borderîcas rugs 6'x 9',' inlaida, congoleulma, feltols, heavy linoleums, in ail widths. The-larg- est display of floor coverings and rugs in the city. Wllson's prices are lowei! studio couches $15.95 Spring-fiiled s *tudio couches in attractive coverlngs. 50 beautiful studio couches to choose from at baigain pruces that wil save you Many dollais. New Chesterfield Suites 539-50 Modemn spring-filled Chesterfield suites, excellent cov- erings, carvcd show-wood. A real buy. Chesterfield suites in heavy figured îich velours, luxuriant deep-seated comfort, custom-bûilt styles, fully guaranteed construc- tion. We carry a large selection to choose fiom and our ppuces are always lower. Bedropm Suites 5399Thrillingly new, sarat watcrfall design' This is an out- standing buy. At Wilson's you can find your heart's desire in a bcd- room suite. Modemn and period designs. Wllson's lower overhead means lôwer prices to you. Baby Buggy'Bargains $488SUP C h oosae from a grand selection, ail styles and col- ora. We carry a complete stock of Gendron and Lloyds Pranis and Folding Carrnages. visit éur Trade-la -Depart- ment. E'undreds of bargains for -quiok olearace. Wllson's Furnîture Co. 40 King W. 20 Chnrch St. OSHAWA 14-tf Doors sud windown Boofing shingles Cesnen* THURSDA'Y, APX li, 1 Plot owners i Lakeview Cere- tery, Newtonville, please t~ notice that a meeting wlll beh May lst, at 8 o'clock, Stan~a Time, for the pur pose of el~n trustee and gencial business. '~x H. Burley, Sec.-Treas.. 18-1 Waented WANTED - A BAIING PRESS. for the Red Cross. Apply to Sld/ Little, Concession Street, or phone 380. 18-1 Auction SlesOn Saturday, April lSth; Mo. L. Mountjoy, Lot 12,, Con. 8 Dar- lington, 1% miles east of linn- killen, wll sel by public aucton hei llvestock, implefaents, fied and furnituie. Sale at 1 p.m. S.T. Ternis cash. T. S. MountJoy, Clerk; Ted Jackson, Auctioncer. 15-21 Notice To Credîtors TAXE NOTICE that alpeisons having dlaims against thepEstate of Frank Robinson, late of the' Township of Darlington, in the County of Durham, Mechanic, De- ceased, who died on or about tic Eleventh day of March, A.D., 1941, are hereby notified to send any deaims against the said Estate to- gether with proof thereof to flic undersigned on or before thc Flfth day of May, A.D., 1941, after which thc Executrix wll .procèed to distribute the assets aniong those cntitled thereto having re- gard only to such dlaims of whlch she then shaîl have notice. DATrED at Oshawa, this Tenth day of April, A.D., 1941. JOSEPH P. MANGAN, K.C. 14 % King St. E.-1 Oshawa, Ontario, Solicitor for Josephine Robinson, Executrix. 16-3 GOINO UP!1 Sare paint is golng up, but not If you boy here while 1 amn ireduclng my stock. Act qulek- ly as 1 amn selllng everal Unes at a reduction while they luat, for cash. Weekly Special Old Dutch Flouir Wax Worth 400 Pric. 25e Painter andlDeoorator Phone 431 Bomnli Fann For Les. I with The New CASE Se. the. ncw Tractera on Display W. H. BROWN P'hone 8610 LOCAL DEALER' Bont the Labor Uuortag. wlth Cà si Bowmaav le MAKE HOUSE CLEANING EASY by havlng your- CURTAINS, DRAPES, CUSIIIONS AND FURNITURE COVERS CLEJANEID AT TIE Oshawa Laundry & Dry Cleaning Company, Liaited Phone 419 W. Cail and Doivr 4> r New Porches insuintiona Burdwoo4 Floorlng SHEPPARD& GILL. LUMWBER CO, LIMITEDý Phono 7185Dw-~y CHECK YOUR HOME AND REPAIR NOW! FOR SALE - LINOLEUM AND Congoleum rugs. Select yours ýrom over 300 patterns actualy in stock. You are invited to view these at BRADLEY'S New Fui- niture Store, 156 Simcoe South, Oshawa. .16-1 FOR SALE - WASHING MA- chine, almost new, also Quebec cook stove, nearly new. Apply Ira F. Pearce, Biadshaw Street, phone 860. 18-1' FOR SALE - MASSEY-HARRIS ll-hoe seed dril; 5 ft.- M.-H. mower; 3 section hariows; bug- gy; 2 furrow plow; set of wagon wheels; single plow. Apply to Clarence Gibson, Lot 26, Con. 3, Clarke, Newcastle P. O. Phone Clarke 3904. . 16-1' FOR SALE -PERSONAL RUE- ber Goods, mailcd postpaid in plai sealcd envelope, wlth price lst. 6 samples 25c. 24 sazuples $1.00. Adults only. Dcpt. F, Atex Rubber. Co., Box 231, Ham- ilton, Ontario. - 15-8 FERTILIZER - "AGRICO" AND "«AA. Qtùaiity", Fertilizerai. For rapld ddlivcry phone local agent Fergus Morril, Bowmanville 2456. 15-4 RECONDITONED TIRES-SAVE up to 50 % on tires and tubes, including new Goodycars, Do- minion Tires. Full stock Ial gises froin $1.0(Y up. G..F. Jamie- son, Tire & Battery Shop, King and Silver St. 14-tf FOR SALE-SOW AND LITTER of piga 5 weeks old. Apply Dan Kube, Maple Grove, R. R. 3, Bowmanville. .16-1* FOR SALE -JERSEY COW; also cow part Jersey and Hol- stein. Apply E. E. Downey, Manvers Road, Bowmanville, phone 423. 16-1' FOR SALE - 8 YORKSHIRE piga, 7 weeks old. Apply Victor Szold, Hampton, or phone 217e. 16-1 FOR SALE - HEREFORD BULL about il months old, from pure bred stock. Apply T. S. Mount- joy, R. R. 6, Bowmanviile, phone 2503. 16-1 .e(fil lif D,,,w WAý N Te ÏFRFA USE A -os ý 1 àl- 1 - dýý 1 1 - 1 - f. 1 - 1, 1 - ý i