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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Apr 1941, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR TEE CANADIAN 81% ;MAN, EOWMMIVILLE, Ol~TA1ItO THURSDAT, APSII* 17, 1941 AS-I eet.I Br CaPIt.Elme Phlpo# CLIMAX COM[NG The- worid stili waits ta see wliat Germuny is gaing ta try ta do about Jugo-Slavia's slap ice face. The more I examine thc fada Uthe more certain I arn that Hitler must attempt ta liquldate ibis deadly ibreat ta bis position ini Eastern Europe. And hie must move quickly. For what lias bnp- pened in Uic Baikain kingdom threatens ta tbrow a glgantlc monkey wrench i mia Uicmosi vital part ai German strategic machinery. Time and again 1 have written i these columns about Uic double nature ai Uic German drive ta- ward worid power. Step by step, durlng Uic past few montbs, Ger- mani armiez have cdged taward Russia. This inovement was qpt opposed, but indeed facilitated by the strange arrangement with Uic Soviet. As Uic Red flag maved west i Poland, Finland, Esibonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Bessarabia, so Uic Swastika flag moved sauth and casi. The net resuit la Uiat ai ibis very moment Russian and Ger- mnax armiiez face ecdi aier on a longer front than thcy have ever occupied befare. This faci lias tremendous im- plications. It obviously means Uiat Uic Red armies might strike a mlghty and sudden biow at Uic Nazis wben- éper Stalin decidcd Uiat such a move was advantageoua for Soviet interests. It alsa means Uiat Germany mih t try ta liquidate ibis poten- tdmenace bysending ber awn IRaenssDàtry Legal IL 0. V. GOULD, E.A.,LIE. Barrister Slcitor, Notary 1hone 85 Bank of Commerce Bldg. Bowmanville W. IL STDIK Barrister, Solicitor, Notary 1 Salicitor for .Bank of Montreal Mosiy ta Loan- Pluome 791 Bowmanvifle, Oniario L. C. MABON, BA. Barrister - Solicitor 1 Notary Public - Etc. Law i aill is branchez Office lrnxedlately casi af Royal Theatre Phones: Office 688; Home 553 Dental DE. Z. C. DEVnT Aubtardt Dr. B. W. Bumn Gweduate of Royal Dental Col- bToroeitq. Office: Jury Jubile B .,Bowamnvifle. Office boums & am. to à pm. dally, - et uday Phole 70 -House phione 883- K-Bey EqulvatIent xOffice Funeral Dfrectors wu OERAI DIRECTOUS Service any hour, any day F. IF. Morris Co.. Modern Motor Equipseent,, Am- bulance and Invffld Car. Tele- p~hone 480 or 734, Assistant 573. VeterIniery DR. G. I. EOOIH SU8 King st. W.. Omwa, Ontario I'hame1si Imm ge asa# Smq An" ual fferyl WuiLVE W. SHERWIN D.VT.Sé. V.B.. Vetpfnay Srgeonx Ofe: MinSt., Orono limon. w. 11-t!f BVILIN<à MiLk FPl' 011W RAI DAIRY ê WIL15 AJWAYS eilIV M6_ (MA LFT. -à divisions crashing tbrougl the Ukraine. Any sud allempi by cubher army would lave suci prafound co ua alworld hislory 'wolfd u cenged i e meler ai L Naturafly, for Gcrmany toata- ttempi any such offensive againsi what lias been considcrcd 'the second strongesi milllary power in Uic world would involve gigan- ttic rialis. c But Uic pointis thUat Gcrmany could neyer even ettempitat talie bathse rislia with n hostile Juge- Slavie Inhier rear. BRRIDLE Acute observera bike Herman Bauscbning, Leland Stawe, Henry Petersoxi and aibers have al cx- presscd Uic opinion ibai Hiler wili ettcmpt te seize thc wleat and ail ai Russie thia year. Tiare are variiatnhinibeir bine of argument, but Uic main points al agre. as foilows: Hit11cr wiil bu slawly but gurely istranobed by the Briltihblockae unless lie can break it. One wny ta Io tbel woubd b. by successiu4 invisioxi ai Britain. AnoUher woubd be by seizing central i Uch Medilcrranean-whidh would in- valve e drive Ibraugh ta Uce Suez, and occupation ai Gibraltar, or Uic shore opposite. But n third way would b. ta greb Russle's wbeet and Ruasie's ail. Wblle bhat seems fentastic ta Uce laynn et firat glance, il might looki very différent , thUi Germens. For Hi111cr and the Ger- man general staff Uic essentiel decision 18 net thc exteni or di- ficulties ihvolved ih Uic attempicd invasion ai Russia. Il 18 wlebher ibose difficulties scem more sur- mauntable bhan baose wbicl face Germany clsewherc. STALIN ASLEEP? Tic grrn Jolie about thc whole situation as bciwccn 1Hi11cr and Stalin i18 bat eci undersanda thc aiber. If people Ilie Rauscli- ning linow that som: ir, fitler's adviscrs favor an hnvasion afi Rus- sie mather tien ai Turkcy or EH-. tain, Stelin knows tint faci much mare vividly. Tic important point la liow gaod 18 thc Soviet army? Nabody wll ever knaw for sure until il is put ta Uce reel test egainsi some firat class military encmy. Thous- ands ai people like Lhndbergh and Wybe Williams binli tbcy lnow. Mine will tell. My awn guess l i tctheGer- man nrmoured corps mightt md it rciativély eàsy ta crash Ibrough for long gains in UceUUkraine; but bhen discover (as Nepoleon did) Uhal il was casier te gel in bhan out. Meanwbile whaicver cisc Sta- lin's stretegy las donc or f ailcd la do il las hclpcd surroun4 Ger- many with -à tYb*gýôft jOtntial enemies. Thet was ajrcady ap- parent beicre Jugo-Slavla upset thc Balkianr pplecari for 1Hitlcr. It 18s doubby abviaus naw. FrUTrUREOF RUSSIA Regardless ai Uic autcome ai thc manoeuvres by Hitler aund Stalin toaeccomplisi Uic downial ai Uce other bhis war 18 certain ta end one complete phase ai Soviet histary. UitUc Soviet autwits, oulwnils, or ouifigiis Nazi Germany anc reuit oai bis war 18 baunid ta bu a greatly streigthcned Soviet Un- lob. I and wben Nazi Germai»' nIceis uullitary defaiet Russie is .1- mast certain ta continue ta cx- tend bier domain la more aifeait- ern and southeastern Europe. A Soviet Union stretching al h wey from icheRhie to tUcPacifie la muci mare af a prababllity Uean a unifled Nazi Empire caver- hng Uic sanie ground. Sucli an extension hIdicaes meny possibilitica. Tic worsi b Buýîth Ucpoint -la b-fha t -eany hour we may face the greatesi criais whlcb lias ever beset aur wvestern world. 1 se no convinc-j ing evIdence bhat Canada as aj naatinyoreCaliaasba Uicopi- havlanor Caniadiensa atpe opt- come ai bhis war, and the course of world lista mepoaalbly do- pend on wliatkCaa=a do or do à 'would be Uic dawn ofai e rs0a Red Impcriallsm wib Uthc use oi thc Red armidez ta impose Saviel rule an ail cauntries accessible Vc those farces. Thc beat would b. a transiorm. ed Soviet baneatly trylng ta de. liver ta Uic comnion citizen wlbh 1i Uic Red bordera ihose tliingi promiscd ta ibase ta whom Mari rand Engels addresscd their invi- tation ta unule, because Uiey bad nollihg ta bace but their chains. f REVIVAIL IN RUSSIA . I expeci my chidren, If nat my. tself, ta live ta sec Uic day whex anc ai Uic greateat revivalsih ai] Uic histary ai man taliez place Nowberelail iliely ta bave marn vitality Uhin hat vast territar3 we ceil Russie. Wbet -Ru a'ans muai bave iearn- cd ihi ast quarter century iE bhat no gospel ai materlalani Marxien or any aiber kind, will ever setisfy Uic soul aifman Marx wrote dozens ai pondcroui tomes ta prove, among othe inga, thel Uic cxiating systen ai civilization lied within itse1J Uic acedu aofits own destruction If Unit is traglcafly evident ta- day it 18 no more clear tien tUn Marxiam 18 nat Uic anawcr. Thc greaet aal tragedies ol Russien histary aince 1917 18 noi Uic calculnted brutality ta entire classes, not; Uic murder af thous- ands nor Uic dlsguiscd slnvery al millions. htis in Uni lest idealisn ai Uic millions ai Young people wbo gave cvcrytbing iiey had tc give in Uic creation ai ibeir ncv state; who endured evcry bard- ship for bheir ceuse, took every risk, made every sacrifice !-- tUie saw ibeir joint achievement turr flguratively ta dusi and asies bé- fore their very eyes. Thst 18 wby I belleve hi the inevitability ai anc ai Uic greateai rebiribs ih ail human histary, be- girnlng: but nai ending wiUi a re- liglous reaurredtian. Thceiiappieat season ai Uic ycar bhey tell us, used ta be Russa Hasiertide. The universal greet- ing was "Christ is risen."1 Not so many years hence baese worde wll bu heard again, and as a plain statemeni ai facinheUicland of Uic Soviet. And wlien they are Uic cansequences for good will be felt in every nooli and corner of Uic globe. TUE NEXT 100 DAYS We have already survivcd sc many ahocksisnhreceni months Uiai we are wbat Uic sports writ- crs cail 'punch-drunk.' Thc warn- hng bhal Uicfate o ai h e icworld wiil bu scttied for a long while to came by wliai beppens in Uic nexi 100 days is nat easily faced. Yet ht 18 the saber truth. lI thc nex bundred days Uic gigantic mass production machine ai Uic United States wiil be gath- ering momentuni. At Uic end ai hai lUme il will bu delivcring war maierials ai sucli a rate as ta roar aloud for al Uic world ta hear thet Uic death warrant ai Uic dic- tatars is sealed - if Uic decision is. ta rezt with machine producis. In Uic nexi lundred days Uic verdict .wM lbu rendered -on the Battle ai Uic NorthlAaiintic flice- line - where we are now lasing shipping about iwice as fast as ht can bu replaced fram aill visible sources. lI the nexi hundreds days Uic real Baille ai the Balkians will bu over - for there as ncarly everywliere cisc 1Hit1cr muai win quickly and campleiely or Jase al hope ai final victary. lI Uic next bundred days Hit- ler muat ituer try ta invade Bri.- tain liersebi - or admit even ta bis own iroopa ibat be can never attempt la do so wibhout Uic adda againsi successa hcreasing swiitly from day ta dey. lI Uic nexi hundrcd days Uie Britishi peopies wii know wle- ther Uiey cen win bheir firsi war alm, as defined by Winston Chur- chill: "Uic demnantration af aur ablliiy ta survive." lI anc phrase, Uic next hundrcd days wll show wbether Hitier bas any hope of wlnnlng ibis war -whchin the truest Aense of the word 18la arace 4pgne. *CHmUECHILIAANTERUMPET Wlnston Clinrchlll'a blunt wamn- Ing ta Uic world, an Uic day Uiat thc Nazis smasbe ibrougi ta Selonika, ibal Uic deuiiny af whli continents 18 still trembling i Uic balance, was as fine a ser- vice as he bas yei rendered. There la nul pari- ai al Uic work whicb contains more sleep-walkers Uian aur. own Dominion ai Canada. W. cet explain, excuse, magnif y or minimise aur war effort hn floods ai words. Notal al Uic words i Uie worid gel around Uic simple feci ibat a mare vigarous> miliiary City BoysForlFrm xIn jusi a. few wccka a large number ai Ontario boys là ibeir late teens wlll bu on tUih way from their tawn and City holies ta Uic farm..Encaureged ta,o . cby Uic Ontario Government , lbese lads wlll approadi their, 4ýpcri- once wibh a feeling bhattlmey arc dolng soetliig of a bivlae le Uceir country. Practically al ai ibem,;WM ib. green and ewkward at tliê xicw Obitwary Mm ,WiliVaM Gimblett A grand aid lady hn thc persan ai Mrg. Willli~m Gimbleit, wiffc ai Mm. Wma. (Bub) Gimbleit ,pesaed eway April MU, et Uic honte af ber daugliter, Mme. Fred C. David- son, 172 King Street Hast, Osh- awa. She wualnhi er 8Mt year. Besides hem busband aie le sur- vived by- two daugliters, )&s. F. C. Davidson, Osliewa4 and Mmi. S. Begley, Toronto, e brobher, Tios. Veale, Bowmanvllle and a sister, Mrs., John Cale, Anuer, Sask., ise lwo grandcblldren and five greai- grandcliildren. Thce.late Mns. Gimbîcit, -thc for- mer Blioda Veale, was bomn ih LangtryDevonshire, Hngland, hi September, 1861, and -came ta Canada wben a very young girl. She lied spent Uic greater pari ai lier UfeicnhDerlingion Township and Bowmanville, golng to Osh- awa about 15 yeers ega. She et- tended thc former Meibodiat Churci and went wlth Uic churcli ict union i1925. Thc funemal was conducied by 11ev. J. N. McNee1y, miniater ai KhngýSticci United Church. lI- lerment i hie'icBewmanvillc Cemetery. John ColwilI Tiare pessed péacefully ta rest ai bis home ni Hampton anc ai thc oldezi and most respecled mc- sidents itic persan ai John Col- will, wlia was in bis 8M yer. Deceased wes bornin hiWitatone, Cornwall, Hnqlend, and cerne ta Canada wlien lie was 22, and llved et thc homes ai William Hoskin and William Btoy, BeUicsa. xIn 1879, September 30t, lic marricd Mary Jane Cann, who predeceaaed hlm ciglit yeam eaga. Mm. ColwiIU was an active and succesatul farnier, and was inter- esled l hibs lin. ai work and fol- lowed this occupation as long as ! lh, and strengib permitted, wblcli was up uxitil tic lest bree years. He livcd practlcally al bis long lic hin thc vicinuty ai Hamp- ton. Tiose wlio maurn lis passing are anc son, Clifford, who 'livas on Uic feri, wlere bis f aller aise residcd; lwa deugliters, Mme. John Willis (Mabel), Toranto, and Bea- trice ai home; Uhrce grenddaugh- ters, Ruth Colujil (Mme. B. Yeo). Bowmenvilie, Ruby Colwil ai Hampton, and Evelyn Willis (Mme. Franki Pyati), T oro n to; two grendaons, Lloyd and Harold Wil- lis; ans-liv. greai grandcbildren, Misses Dorcen and Greta, Ralph and Frank, Pyoti, and Donne Py- att, al ai Whom wcrc present et the funcral, whicl' was beld et snet dq - and how qulclily and ri efeclively tbey do il. 1 We marvel ai Uic "fact blind- anesi" ai Humpa cn nations' wbo J wcre picked off anc by one, 'wibh- rout even attcmpllng ta mésis in thc only possibly effective way- colectivy-uniil il was toc laIe even ta attenDt tbat. We icard from Uic lips of Mm. Churcîfil hiniscli bhala y car'aiter thc hor- srible exemple ÔM Uic fate ai Nor- way, Denniark, Belgiuni, Rolland and al Uceallers - that even 'reaen ich face ai imminentl ag- t gesson Turkcy, Greece and tJugo-Siavia could net gâtetol- gebher ta discuss joint defence. Whet wc secmingly fail ta sec 18 bhal wc arc jusl as blind, just as over-sanguine, Jusi as stupldly complaceni - righl bere ih Can- ada. DEFEND CANADA - WHIRRE? Hitler's bid for woridcetcry L18 boti 1k.eand unlike o hsuch previaus bids. Ris military, ic l- nique 18 simple-divide anÇ con- formulea!ofUicemybhical Greeli giant. He Intrigues wiUi lis ver-. loua intended victims scparately vt Uic promise ta cech tbat bth. uther victinis Willb. eaten fiit. Astonishlng as lu accuslbe bas successiubly uacd Ibis trick pobcy againsi every single great power h Ic h werbd. Tiat w as Uic ruai basis ai Uic agreement wiib Brl-ý tain and France et Munichi, and vit Soviet Russie a ycar leteir. >Hitler did net bave la make an ..egreement viUi Uic United States ita bhal .eiecl. Tic Wheclers, the rNyas, the Lindberghs, ibe-Fols and alUiceallier isolationists n .eppeesers did bhat for hlm. We Canadiens have nothing but cantempl for mci as those nanf ebove. But what we feil la sec la bhat aur own war policy seperetes us only in Uic malter ai degrèe from the outright enemies ai cm- battlcd dcmecracy. r Our Defence Minustera jointly btell us bhat wc pieed or wMilsoon need weil over 100,000 fit meni la tae. beir places In Uic fighlIng services. Inxi vew ai aur past ox- perience what hope is tbere of tever gettlng bhis, numaber af mMx on Uic outwomi. unfeir, undeamo- cmtic a yitem ai voluntery enliât- ment. Ton per cent ai Uic young. 9mon given Uic anc wontb'smilii- tary r nidUiey lht con- Lcelva ly elasometie, some- wberc, perhapa peraps. Thcy 1ke ail ober fit mi should b. com- geld t do whatever bhey are est fitted th do ta hclp win bhis fight. Ticy are net foois. They knQw, as we ail do, bhat the real iseo bhis war 18 wheter Riller or somebody cisc 1ke hlm Wlib. able, ta impose - permaniient' co- scription on hurnan beings, not Just for the duration ai bhis war, but durlng urnes aif*"pence .as wdIL. DITONS PlOT SLACKE.RSP. Voluntary enllstment la cve- wlere a f ailure, as wefl as grosy uni air ini bis total war. People'- espeiiythase tbausandu of] mies nway - are naw hinced t1. idealize thc British juitnow aWm4 ta picture very oaiar as beroas. W. cen tae ail bat for grented, and thank Uce M- miglity beit British fartitude h«s enabled Uiem ta face bheir o Mn ordeal wthout flinching, and 2V- cen us lime ta bclpsanve oursel'to. Voluntary enistiment was 'a complete failure hn Britain. Eyet lest monthbheUicMnistry ai Lnbo« was forced ta institute Uic prlim4 ciple ai compulsory service ior womcn lI industry because the vobuntary plan lied proved a ce plete inilure in hducing ave»' able ilb womcn tlenexier suai sef'vice. Tic spirit ai Brîtain did not change wlien bhai great mnothçr- land ai frcedom abanduned volgpI-, tary enlisiment. Tic dreits werc net mlmeculously chnnge4. But tic point was telt beceuse Brîlain ected whie tbere w§s satil lime la ac b lie s been n leao survive ta date. upl, ie Wiln Canada wslcc I tme Or wlll- we bè saved by the exér- tiens ai abhers wlieber wc doe serve ta beu sved or net? JH. Mc KEEVER -Phone..6.41 BOWMANVILLE b.e home and waa conductcd by Etev. W. Rackham, wlo spolie vcry cômfortigby ta bhe large circle ai frienda and relatives present., Thoffe who bure hlm ta hua lest restlng place werc Meurs. H. Rundle, A. Peters, J. R. Knox, L. D. Sylies, S. Colwlll and J. Wills. The floral tributes werc meny and beautiful whicli iestlficd ta the hg esicer n hwhlcli Uic de- ceasewas held. Besldez flowera from relatives and friends tributes werc receivcd fram Recrention Club, Daniorth, T.T.C. barns, thc Hampton Womcn's Instilule and Aduli Bible Clasa. James Emmérin Potter There passcd eway ai bis home et 378 St. Julien Street, Oshawa, April 13Ui, James Emmerson Pot- ter, a icé-long resident ai Osh- awa and district. Mr. Patter bad been i poor hcalbh for twa monulis, but wasaeble ta bu oui Saturdey night. Sunday he sui- fered a' beari nltack and was found dcad et bis home. Mr. Potier waa born i Oshawa on April 28, 1883, and lias lived i Oshawa and Caurtice al bhis Mic. He was employed as a mcmi ffin- isier ih Uic body room af General Motors,. until, twa monbhs ago, wlien lie was iorced la go on siclc leeve. Hc was predeccascd by bis wile, Leure Lymer, hn 1914, and 18 survivcd by onie son, J. Milton Patter, ai Tic Oshawa Timez, and thrce deugliters, Mme. Albéri Ro- gers, Mrs. Dean Craig and Mra. James Wilson, al ai Oshawa. One aiter, Mrs. George Mailett; Osi- awa, elsa survivez. Thc funcral was bcld Tuesdey, service belng hn charge ai Rev. W. C. Smih of Ebunczer Unitcd Church. Temparary iemment was i Union Cemetery Mauso- icuni, wib interment ta ioblow ai Ebenezer Cemetery. Eli1abeth Glabil Bennet A promient OfbraiKn Street United ChurlOsiawa M. Joatben Bennett died April 14h i Bowmanvillc Hospitalin ber 73rd year. Mra. Bennett ied been I poor bealth'for same monts. Mra. Benneit's malden namne was Elizabeth Glenbill Lobb. Sic was born in Cornwall, Engband, Merci 6, 1869, daugiter ai Mr. and Mrs. James Lobb. 8h. came ta Canada 55 years ega, aellling firsi et Bowmanvillc. She was unuted in merriage ta Jonathan Bennett 47 years ega, tUic cere- mony ieking place ai- Oshawa. She lived I Oshawa for over 40 years, durhng whici tume she made many friends. She was jsn active member ai Uic variaus wo- At Your Service.,. Drive li and çot the service and oourteou troatmont yoxi re outitlod to 1 Water. Check lires. PoUaeh windows. Check oil. Bout of a&U youl iolb.e h quality work and frlondly atlmoaphero. *Motoa, tune up * Expert wash mPats fxe eGroauigjob *Oil rodfilOti eOvorbaulHng. LOW PEZOU . IGE QUALITY WOIX GARTON'SGARAGE. Phono 2M8 BsServie. Creet Of Servies Jobs. Many ai Uiem wlf miss at first Uic excitement a iltrfei. But if Uicy approach tlieir. work witb thc idea tbat Uiey are taking the places ai Young men from thc rural areas wbo bave enllated in Uic armied..forcez and ailiers wbo have joincd Uic ranlis oainhduirial war workers, tbey mnay appiy a seriousness ta Iheir tasks bhat wil mnake Uicm useful ta liarassed farmers. Wibaout doubi, a large number ai Uiese boys wiil take baclita Uic city next fail a new eppreclation af Uic mcanig aifliard work. Several ai them sbould gel a new saent on an aid truUi, Uiet I or- der ta praduce anyting worth wbilc, a man must put real effort hua Uice process af production. 4 SMANq BOWMAUVUJA, 01«AIUO*,- PAGE POUR me,âoraniains ai King Street1 lalncy appointmonto woee for Unitd Chrch.oversema seVice. 'Our Cbaplalns, She la survived by lier sorrow- are naw ai. woik lni the Royal lng husband and tbree sono5 andi Caxiadiaii Air Force, ilthe Royal two daughera, Gordon Bennett, Cnda ayadÎeCnda Toronto, Lamne Bennett and rankcCiaii ayad1.Cnde Bé-nnett, Oshawa, Mis. V. Snlder Active Service Force. SOmne ai Uic (Porothy), Weston, and Mrs. J. Chapiainu bave been appoiâted ta Murdock (Doris), Oshawa. Uic recently organlzed training Interment was in Union Cerne- cap.I addition ta ibeue fun- tery. rne appoinimexits ibere are gev- UNuTEDCHORCH Army and Air orcUie vy IN More than 60,000 women ai the MINISTERSM United Cburch of Canida have, WAR WORK praduced anc million articles for tecomiori of Uic Armed Forces' These articles -inelude.: 00M A total number ai 67 ministers sweaters, wrlstleis, sc*rf, IM ai The United Cburch ai Canada and gloves, mattresa and b.d dh, have been appalnted ta fuil-tirne aling, pyJamas sheets, plo-w wark cubher hi Uic Canadien cases, towels, oandag, pneu- Chaplalncy Service or lnitUic mili- manie Jackets bed Jackets, lias- tary brandi ai Uic Y.M.C.A. and ptl gowns, sýlt, helmets, caps Uich Canadien Legcan. Ffity-three face masks blenkets, quilte, ha=. minbutera entered Uic Chaplalncy les, rnI8c eleouI&sewn rtiles, and Uiche reinder oi those ap- misceilaieous knltted artic-les, poited became members ai the cbildrcii's garmenta, -refuge. ri Y'.M.C.A. staff and Uic Canadian cles and abher hoapital, supplies. Legion, thrce being ithc latte Distribution lias been; arranged service and Uic remainder hi Uic ibrougli Uic Canadian Red Cross Y.M.C.A. Twelve ai Uiese Chap- Association. 1- l-ý- ýl 1 ý ' 1, l , àmàm Tirup.BDAits, APRM 17,'1941 THE CANADIAS

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