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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Apr 1941, p. 6

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teAGC SIX IThe newcastli Il Plioue Ch Mrs. Jesse Basiterville is in To- ronto visiting her daughter, Mrs. Gordon Clark, and farnfly. Mr. Carl Fisher has been en- gaged as sexton of the United Church for summer months. ReeveC. It. Carveth was in To- ronto atféradlng meetings of the Caunty Councils' section of the O.E.A. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Allin visited Mr. and Mrs. Harry McBain. Mrs. McBain has been quite il but is naw recovering. Mr. Geo. Gray returned home for Easter from a wcek's visit in Toronto with his daughters, Mis- ses Charlotte and Mabel Gray. Wr. Tracy Manes, Mechanics Instructor for the Dominion Gov- errnent at the Collegiate Insti- tute, St. Catharines, was home. Rev. J. McLachlan, Newtonville, wrn occupy Uic pulpit cf the Unit- ed Church next Sunday morning, April 20th, exchanging with Rev. R. E. Morton. Wr. Keith Aiken, who baught the duplex dwelling on North St., vacated by Dr. R. T. Rutherford, wiIl be moving back ta Newcastle from Bowmanville. Miss Ballagh, who has been living with her cousins, Wr. and WrsJ. E. W. Philp, went ta Co- there wiUi a heart condition. Wr. C. A. Cowan, agent for Brookdale-Iingsway Nurseries, spent two weeks tourig Western Ontario. He has now returned ta bis regular agency work ini Peter- bore district. Wr. and Wrs. E. *S. Van Der v Veer, Glaversville, N. Y., visited her father, Wr. J. W. Bradley, and teck Mr. Bradley home wiUi theni fer Easter and a week's visit at Gloversville. Wrs. Parnaby Martin, wha ha. been i St. Jaseph's Hospital, Ta- ronto, underwent an operatian an ~' April 8Ui. She received many cb.ering Easter messages from frlends and relatives. Mrs. Jna. Douglas, accompaied by Mrs. Digman, attended thc wedding cf her grand niece, Miss Ruth Jennie MeNeil of Hayden and Mr. Albert Douglas Fontaine, Tarante, at Haydon on Good Fn- day. There were a lot cf cars and people i town an Saturday even- ing, when Local 189, Uited Rub- rber Wrkers' Association, held a pre-Easter dance in Uic Commun- ity Hall, with thc Rocky Ramblers Orchestra providing the music. Members of Durham Ladge, A. F. &A.M., have contributed through Wor. Bro. H. J. Toms, P.Dii.G.M., close ta $80.00 ta- wards thc fund being raiscd by Uic Grand Ladge fer relief of Ma- sans i Great Britain and ta be cabled to Uic Lord Mayor of Lon- don. The Young Men's Class of Uic U.C.SS., in conjunction wiUi Uic CG.IT girls, held a crokinole U arty Tuesday evening with a arge 'attendance of -j'outh and' adults, wha can stili dexterausly milaetheir sheatlng fingers. Pracedswetot Telegram's War Wrs. Mary MeLeod ih probably Newcastle's anly nanagenarlan at present. She is in her 93rd year andls quite wdflagain after hcr ilUness. She is also daing a wor- Uiy shatg of war work, being en- gaged * i tifing her 50th pair of sacks for Uic soldiers since Uic present war began. Congratulations ta Wr. Frank Parker, Clarke, and Miss Florence Eddy, Clarke, an their marriage ~' at Uic Unted Church parsanage on April lth. The ceremony was performed by Rev. R. E. Morton. Tegrooamla the son of W.s. Fred Parker and Uie late Mr. Parker, TECANAIAN Strà to Chicago ta live with his daugh- ter, Wrs. Jno. Chubb. Y. P. U. met Manday wiUi Pre- ---- orsident Marjory Lycett in Uic éhair. Arke1114Edwin Hancock, mlssianary con- vener, had charge of this pragram: Misslanary play wiUi Francis Jase Lake Shore, and Uic bride is Uic as Jamnes Evans, Tracy Embley daughter of Uic late Wr. and Mrs and Neil Brîttan, his interviewers, Chas. M. Eddy, Third Line, Clarke. and Sam Brereton as radio an- Mis Htti Msonspnt asernouncer, "sermon" by Murray issrotoat i M asoniuent aterWaltan, tria by Tracy Embley, in oratoand15reminig iiiilNeil Bittan and Francis Jae. A Uic Festival of Music in canne?- set of slides of Uic work donc by tion with Uic O.E.A. pragnam. 's James Evans in Canada was aver. She will have 12 pupils shawn while Edwi Hancock gave singing in Uic choruses, but Uic Uic explanatians. Patricia Pearce lSth, Barbara Bonathan, was un- and Edwin Hancock each gave able ta go, not bcîng suificlently short reports af tUicocnventian in rccovered fram Uic injuries she Whitby. Y.P.U. are holding anni- receivcd from a f air frýom Uic versary services April 27Ui, wiUi toncwork cf Uic C.N.R. subwaY Rcv. Park, Whtby, as guest south of Uie village, speaker. Thene will be special The Primary Class of Uic United music. S. S., Mesdames W. E. Beman and Among Toronto people wha own R. E. Martan and Miss Irene or rent cattages at Uic lake and Rinch, teachers, marked Easter have been down during Uic past Sunday by a donatian cf $2.00 for wcck werc: MW. and Mns. Fred thc Telegram's British War Vic- Treleaven at "Trelwood"; Dr. W. tims' Fund. This ama0unt was H. Walton-Bafl and Miss Eleanor raiscd by personal contributionsanMrRuslGodnt"Hri from Uic small members of Uic andge W. lGo Ro nd."aris class in lieu of their receivmng a Ladeli; W.d W. G and M ss u chocolate egg ar bunny for Eas- Hay at Uic Hay cottage; W.s. I. ter. This is Uic class' second con- Duncan and Irskinc at Uieir cot- tribution ta Uic fund. tage; Wrs. Braoks and daughtcrs H.B ~sewl nw ryrat ««Tinturn" which i. being va- cf B manilcladdaarf catcd by Mr. and Wrs. E. E. Over- 25 fat cattle at Uic C.N.R. station end and f amily, same of whom an Good Friday and shipped Uicm were here last week removing fur- ta Montreal. They wcre brought niture; Wr. and Mrs. Gea. N. Bull in from Uic f ans ta Uic station at their cattage and gladiali gar- stock yards by truck. This 15 Uic dens. Dr. Annie Higbec is plan- second car Mn. Foster has loadcd ni.ngta agai summer et "Tin- here far Montreal this spring. We tag fl and Mn.. J. G. H. Wallace don't know Uic exact prices Paid and sons will summer Uiis year at for these cattle, but it would be "Dam-ale." no small figure. Howard Allia The joys af Eastertidc ini New- for instance recently sold a couple castle werc tingcd with sadness of fat steers for $100.00 a head. consequent upon Uic dcath of Mns. Sr. C.G.I.T. Group met at Uic Margaret Staples. Rer sister, Wrs. home of Uic leader, W5s. frwin Fred Fligg, had been staying with Colwill, April llth. It was truly her and although her hcalth ha. an Easter meeting and Mrs. Col- long been fragile she was only will explained Uic real meaning of seriously il for twa days. Besides Uic Easter story. Each girl ans- Wrs. Fligg her cldcst granddaugh- wered the roll call with "What ter W.s. Chas. 9. Hogg, and Wr. Eastcr Means ta Me." Details of Hokg werc with her whcn she the coming Birthday Tea werc passed away. She had lived ta sec discussed. The graup decided that her husband, Gearge Staples, her sincc Uic coming wcek is a holiday son Frank and her deughtcrS, wcek our ncxt meeting take Uic Wrs. W. F. Rickard and Mn.. Mcl- form of a hike and Picnic. MWs. bourne Wight, all in turn taken Colwill scrved cookies and candy.: fram her. Besides her sister, Wr.. The Lake Shore Sunday Schaol, Fligg, she i. survived by her Mr. Robt. Martin, Superintendent, granddaughters, Mrs. C. S. H0gg will celebrate an Sunday, April and W.s. J. F. Edwards, and Miss 27Ui, Uic 50Ui anniversary cf its Jean Rickard, and her grandson, faunding in 1891 by the late Mr. Mr. Jahn Rickard, who were join- Asa Thompsan and sisters and the cd by many relatives et Uic fun- lete Mr. Simon Baskerville. Mr.- ral from Uic United Church on Robt. Martin is now Uic only one 'Easter Monday afternoon. of Uic old guard stili living and Emter Visitera activcly scrvig in Uic Sunday Miss Eleanar Anderson, Wind- School. Mr. Joseph Caulsan, how- son, Mr. Hubert Anderson, De- ever, a long time resident of New- Havilland Aircralts Ltd., with Mr. castle, is a native of Uic section W. H. Anderson. .. Mr. John Coul- and has always taken a warm in- son, Mns. R. C. Levekin and sans, terest in Uic school. Jas. P. and Richard, et Mr. Jas. The Waman's Associatian of Uic Coulson's. .. Miss Clara Caswell, United Church met April 1OUi oranto, at Mr. Jno. Caswefl's... with Wrs. J. H. Jase in Uic chair. Mr. Gea. Bonathan, Taranto, with Mns. H-uffman ncad Uic scripture Mns S. R. Banathan... Mr. Stan- lesson, and Mns. Percy Brown ley Rickard, Toronto, Miss Mar- pnesided for Uic prognas. which ian Rickard.. O.L.C., Whitby, at consisted of rcadings by' Mrs. Wr. W. J. S. Rickard's... Mr. and Herold Alun, Mrs. Brown and Mns. Chas. S. Hogg, Toranto, MW. Miss Jean Bonethan; vocal solo by .and Mns. J. F. Edwards, Kingston, Miss Pauline Deline, accompanied Miss Jean Rickard, Oakville, at by Leurence* Motôn; '"duct -by Mn. W. F. Rickards... Miss Ares- Misses June and Doris Allin, ec-' ta Martin with Mr. Parnaby Mer- companicd by Mns. H. M. Alla; tin. . . Mn Walter Blackburn, and a piano solo by Laurence Janctville, with Mn.. Omer Cale Morton. Mns. Irwin Colwiil play- and Miss E. M. Blackburn... Mr. cd for Uic hymns. Mns. Brown's and Mn.. Rate, Taronto, at Mn. group scrvcd lunch. -Deve Shew's... Mns. Robt. Gray, Dr. R. T. Rutherford's sale cf Pontypool, with Wrs. W. J. Melley. household, articles, conducted by . . Mr. and Mns. Norman Williams, auctioneer Eliner Wilbur on Sat- Gaît, with Mns. W. H. Pearce... urday, drcw a large crowd. Good Mr. and Mns. Kenncth Pearce, prices were realized on most Midland, Miss Minnie Pearce and things, for bidding was keen as it Mr. Fred Dempsey, Toronta, et generally hs at these househeld H. R. Pearce's. .. MW. and Mns. sales. One ef Uic top prices was Collnwaod Daniels and daughter, paid by Thes. Brown, Newcastle, and W.s. Ed. Warburton and dau- fer a much edmired 4-piece bcd- ghter, Oshawa, with Wr. Alonzo raom suite which was nun up ta ....n... Mr. and Mns. Chas. Col- $85.00. Dr. Ruthenford has been a will and Jack,. with their little prectisig physicien in Newcastle evacuee bay from England, Wind- fan 8%i years and meny are sorry son, Ont., Wr. and Mns. Wm. ta sec hlm leavig. He 15 goig Hanna, Jean and Gordon, Car- * SSAND THAT MEANS MASSEY-HARRIS UIT Xaaey-Harrio Farm Eqmipments earned their spurs EIUITAEIU the bard way - by produoing satisfactory rmuliu undr *iadm m 5.4Etlpmeut actual condlitions I Asic any old-tim.r i this vioinity, and ~icomut oesb.Winlauswer "You oan't boat auey-Harris for depend- ,,pI ability and low-coot maintenance!" InvOst i .qupment that will b. bringingin resuits long alteInerlor inaies IIa*IaD-i te 1.junk hsap 1Beu us today Expert Machine Shop Ser-ice pijlU LNE QriMASSEY - HARDIS REPAIRS WL STA1'LES .IÉE S&àiWo Dowînvilo 1 Argeil, Mr. and Wrs. Richard Al-j lia, Mn. and Wrs. Albert Colwillj andM~r and Mrs. Richard Colwill, donad by members o! their1 familles, many of whom wcrc present to womship in Uic chumchj of their fethens. The Baster illes wcmc donaed la mcmony of lavedi onca by Dr. J. A. Butler, Mrs. Perey Brown, )Mn.C. B. Carveth,, jBQkA~VLL1,ONTARIO I ANNIVURSAIT SPEAKER bett's Point, Mr. and Mra.B.. Clemence and Mn.. Gertrude - Taggart and nurse, Oshawa, m- ing on relatives here and attend- ing service in Uic United Chûr 1 i on Easter men and thias pre~ ig hallowed associations eof th ....... Mr. and Mn.. H. J. aei Toronta, MW. and Mn. ROYDo- las, Haileybury, with Mrs.ý Douglas.. . Miss Ruth Honey, <1 lege of Education, Taranto at Geo. Eoney's. . . Wrs. Ïjormà 1 Beflyou,. Trenton, at Mr. IL". 'Banathan'. and MaJar H. w.l>âà- ley's. .. Mr. John Quigg otf bé- Hevilland Aircrafts Ltd., wlth 16l. Jas. Qulgg. . . Miss Joyce Lr' Bowmanville, with her- cousins Misses.-Yvonnýe'and Vivila Medt. Pte. Wm. Allia, Newnmarkl Trainig Camp, at Mr. ImviiAi, lia'., . Mrs. W. H Darlinglont, Kendal, wihW. sJack Glover. . . Mr. Ira F. Pearce and Mr. and Wrs. Henry Pearce, BowmênvlUe, at Mns. W. H. Pearcels.. .Mr. Jàé. Broad and sister, Miss Hattie Broad, Rossmore, with Mn.. Merk- ley Clark and Mr. and Mns. J. 1L Jase and bringing Mn. Donald Jase hame with them from bié, Uiree wecks' expercince i mal&1 syrup niaking... Mr. and Mrs. 3. H. Smith with their daughtei, Miss Marguerite Smith, in Hemif- ton. .. Mn. Code, Bank of Cern- nierce teller, i Woodville with his parents. .. MW. A. E. Mellow and sons Rodger and Kelth, ift Napance with hi. parents., SR. C.GlIT. MEETING Sr. Canadian Girls In Traidg group met April 4th. Birthdey Tea will be hcld April 26Ui. Pro- cceds to go ta the Tclegram Bri- tish War Victinis Fuad. From April 18 - 20, there is a C.G.I.T. Conference in Toronto. This greup has delegatcd two of its memobers ta attend, Paulie Deline and Jean Gray. Mns. Colwill and Pauline Deline have gellereu$Iy cffercd free transportatian. YOUNG WORSHIPPERS iRECEIVEATTENDANCE AWAR]kS As part cf Uic Eastcr service at Uic United Church Sundey morn- ing was a recagnition service fan membens of Uic Yaung Wonship- pers' League. Members went ta, Uic front cf Uic church as their names wcre called by Rev. R. B. Morton, and Miss Grace.Powell, sccrctary, prcscnted ta each anc who answercd Uic roll an attend- ance award of an illustrated Cew'f tificate of membcrship and a booklet with a titie of somne lead- ing Bible character. There were many cf these titles, such as Jas- eph, Esther, David, etc., sa thet there wcrc not mny duplicatians, The following attcndcd church cvery Sunday in 1940 and werc crcdited with 100% attendance: June Allia, Glenn AllUn, Clae Allin, Norma Allin, Ruth Alln,- Hazel Farrow, Francis Jase, ,BcRd-, ger Mellow, KciihMellow -9. Those with a 75% record were: Eilcen Allin, Mildred Allia, Helpu Allin, Marie Allia, Jackic ie Anne Cryderman, Seldon Pal4' Ted Hoar, Ndil Bnitton, Mary Toms, Marjorie Toms, Jean Toms, Calvin Muray, Mary Sdlimid, Rannie Hockin, Marilyn Euwnight, Doreen Eawnight, Connie En- wnight, -Barbare Bonathan, Chris- tine Alldread, Newton Selby, Dor- cen Sclby, Hazel May Fisher, Merle Fisher, Billy Fisher - 25. Those who attended 50% o! the Sundeys or up ta 74% wcre: Grace Ana Preston, Vivian Megit, Helen Turner, Jeckie Watson,, Nanma Alldread, Mary Margaret, Bonathan, Joyce Martin, Alex Martin, Lloyd Mertin, Raiph Go- heen --; 10. The age limit for mcm- bcrship has beca lawered fron 14, ta 12 yeans. EASTER SUNDAT SERVICES AT ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH Services in St. George's Church on Easter Sunday, conductcd by Bey. D. R. Dewdaey, B.A., wcre marked. by a large attendance o! local perishianers and visiter. from other points. The sermons by Uic Rector and Uic music by Uic choir found their inspiration in Uic glad tidigs o! Uic mesur- rection of Uic crucificd Christ. Vases o! white snapdragans and yellow daffodils erranged'by Uic aller guild, adorncd Uic sitar, and beautiful arrangements o! Easter liies, forsythia, hydrangea and other flowers decorated Uie chan- ccl steps and Uic puipit and rcad- ig desk precincts. Followig Uic momnig service and Holy Com- munian et St. Gearge's Rev. Dewd ncy drave ta Omona and held Holy Dcv. G. Rowland 1Ministcp o! St. Peul's Prcsbyteriaa iChurch, Part Hope, who wii pmcach et St. Andrew's Pnesby-j temian Cburch, BewmsunvIlle, on April 20Ui. Next Sundey marks the 104Ui anaxvcrsary o! thet communion. Mns. Wallace Holmes, Wrs. C. A. Cowan and Uic West Gmeup e! Uic W.M.S. lIc he ecning Uic paoter spake o! that wonderful appearsuce o! Uic nisen Christ ta Uic lwo dis- ciples walklng ta Emmaus, whe later ncmarkcd ta ene sather, "'Did net aur hearts burn withia us, while he talked with us by Uic way and wbile he opened ta us thc scnlptures?"l The choir rend- cncd Uic suthem, Hellelujah, Uic Lord has Tniumphed Gloniously, with H. M. Allia, Wilbur Basker- ville sud Mesdames C. R. Carveth and H. M. Allia singig e quar- tette part. Bath afler Uic mamnig service and Uic eveniag service, Bev. B. E. Menton drive cul 10 Clarke and conductèd a second service, giving thc congrégation theme ilwo services fer Uic day. A litt1e group o! Newcastle memben. accamp- anied him. la bis nanthcrn charge. Cadmus The ice cleared fram Browa's Lake on EButer Sunday neerly two wecks carlier than lust ycar. LEser Service wus grcatly en- joyed by e fair congrégation. Theý duel by Mr. sud MW.. C. R. Faflis, "Have Thine Own Wey" was much appreclaed, also the radio equipiacal wlth amplifier sud loud speaker which furnlshed ex- tra Easter music, installcd by Clame PeliUèh lisadhi o Mr. Lowe L Fu sud hi. mo ther, Mns. W. H.I eintrc on Tuesday from. a three months' trip te - Flanida, Celifornie, sud other poits in Uic southema SStates. Thy travelled- 12,000 V Congratulations la Mn. sud MW. Vic Williamst on Uic arnivel of a youag daughter. Visiter.: Miss Merjonie Galbrali, Peler- bora Normal, et home. Miss Helen Fewler, Newmnarket, et home. Mr. sud.Mns..C. R. Fallis, Joan, Jack sud boy -friend, Toronto, et tbeir cottage here. Mr. George Wolfe, Myrtie, et Dahlia Del. Mr. sud MW.. Gardon 'brown and Ros.sud Mr*. Whlt!ield, To- renta, et Russell Brown's. Mrmi; Bill Robinson, Annansd Ralpb, Jsuetvllc, with Mn. sud Mn.. C. H. Fallie. Mr. sud MWs. Rager Oke sud Miss Norme I4cQuade et home. Miss Inez Hlekllag et ber home in Allcnwoed. Helen, Paul and Bill Brown, Omemee, with their aunt, Wrs. Ruissell Brown. -Maple Grove Visiter.: Mns. Everett Hall, Miis Murmel sud Audrey Hall, Londan, Wrs. S. T. Bartlctt, To- rante, with their sister, Mm H. R. Poley... Wr. sud Mrs. J. L. Boake, Toronto, et Mr. F.- Swaliew's. Mr. sud Mn.. Charles Pllcb, Nia- gara FeUs, with he;r parents, Mr. sud W.s. Arthur Gibsan. .. Ms .Laura Folcy, General Hospital, Klngslon, wihMrn.d MW.. J. D. Stevens. .. Mn. sud Mns. Lamne Munday, Courtwnight, with rela- t.v.o.. .. Miss Daisy Gibson wli ae istn, MW.. Charles Pilch Nia- alls.. . 11ev. H. W. *oley, M.J. D. Stevens sud Miss Jean Stevens vislted relatives, near Cmnninglenand attended Uic fun- oral a! their causi, Mr. Je F. Jewell.--ý.Mr. and Mn.Ray Snowden sud f amily, Taranto, wIi their parents. Mn.r. Snawden aan1 cbildrcn rcmaiaed, for a visit. Mr.H. G. Thempson, Westea, nd Mrs. Douglas Thompson, = yond sud Donald, Mount Dui, Mrs. John Nichols, Cour- tic., Mm.. J. Tumey sud Bobby, Mr. and Mn.. Robent Vlckery, Mr. Itarzl Brockwell, Oshawa, wli Mr. sud MW.. Chus. Greenhen... Mn. sud Mns. Wllfred Brown and bgby Nancy May, Miss Mary WII- Içini, Courtice, et Mr. R. L. IWor- den's. , . Mns. Norma Burgess wth Wrs. Henry Knighl, Town... Mr. and Mns. Fred Stevens, M'as Doris and Muster Harold Stevens, with Mr. sud MW,. Jack Hopps, Tpronto. .. Gunner Chas. Smli, fatfard, with frlends. . . Misses NleSnewdcn, Suile Laird sud Thola Freeman, sud MW. Law- ronce Wmegg t t heir homes... moved te their aew home an the highway. There wes a good turneut on Suaday te hear thc special BEuter sermon by aur paston. Speclal music by thé choir, wlth Miss Jean Stevens slaging e solo. W. M. S. Basten Thaakoffering service will be held an Sundeyý et 2 p.m. (S.T.), wlth Mn.., Helen Clark Young, Toronto, as guest -speaker. Cangratulations ta Mn. and W. Braie Burrus (nec EUlen Gimb- lett) on their- marriage. Two showers wcre hcld previous to the wcddlng. Mn. Leslie Aldrcad and Mrs. Russell Gimblett hcld e mis- cellaneous one, and Mns. W. H. Brown e kitchen shower, when Uic bride-te-be received e lovely let a! useful presents. ZMon Visitars: Misses Peggy Killea, Toronto, Emlly Killen, Oshawa, et Wr. Robt. Klicn's. . . Messrs.* Mike Nemnis, Robt. Killen, George Kil- ilen, Miss Annie Illen et Mr. 1John Kaox's, Tarant. .. Mr. and .WMs. Wcs. Cemeron, Jack and iJoyce, et MW. Morley Fliatoff's, 3Meple Grave.. . Mr. and MW.. Gem- taid Balson, Miss Jean Balson- et Wr. Chas. Ferguson'., Thonnton's >Corners.. . Mn.,and Wrs. Christian Star, Toronto, Mn. H. Schmid and children, Newcastle, et MW. Hans Geissbenger's. . . Mn.. W. Glaspel, Oshawa, et Mn. F. B. Glespel's. .. Wrs. N. Edgar, Miss Joyce Edgar, Mn.. H. .RIickards, Oshawa, Ms »lleen Staintan, Bowmanvllle, Miss Berenice Staintan, Peterboro, Miss Audrey.Ayre et Toronto. .. Mr. and Mn.. A. T. Staintan and femily et MW. Ross Lcc's, Kedran. ..Jas. McMastcne t MW. -J. W. »MeMasters. .. Stanley, Jini and Bull Staintan, Tenante, et Mr. A. T. Stainton's. Russell Rabbins sud Hans Geissbergen eech lost ea horse. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Belsan, Mr. Gea. G!7 son, Mn. Chas. Fergusan sud Bobbie, Thornlan's Corners, Mr. and Mns. Anson Belson, Mr.. Land Mris. Alf. Ayrc, Lloyd and Boyd, altcadcd Uic hockey geme 3in Toronto on Saturdey night. The church service on' Sunday -hadl a gaed ettendance. Two beau- tiful Buster lilies wenei frent cf Uic pulpit. Bey. Rackhiazhi gave e fine Easten message and Uic chair sang an atheni. At Uic Suaday Schaal Uic C.G.I.T. . girls had charge. a! Uic worshlp service and 9Doreen and Betty Balson sang ï"The Old Rugged Cross." Bvcrybody will be glad whcn the roeds gel nid a! their soit espots. 1 Haydon« r Visitons: Ronald Ashton 15 holi- deyig at bis eunt's, Mrs. W. Brownlee, Leaside. . . Norman Hall and Lloyd Hall, Oshawa, et Wrs. D. Gnaham's. . . Mn. and Wrs. F. -Osmond, Bowmanville, Lloyd Tbompson, Miss D. McDon- aid, Newcastle, et Mn. W. Thomp-1 son'p. . . Arthur Trcwia, Miss Vernis Trcwin, Oshawa, Misses Anne, Grace and~ May Tncwin, Ta- rante, et Mn. W. Trewin's. . . Miss Unsul McNeil, Miss Irene Sharp, Toronto. et Mn. A. McNclls.... Walter Bleckburn, Ja ncet vil11e, with Mis parents. . . Noria. Both- well, Maple Grove, Gardon Mer- tin, Oshawa. Stewart Hooey, Long Seult, sud Richard Haoskin et Mn. LE. Mauntjoy's. . . Mr. sud Mns. Bert Ashton, Miss Viola Bradley, *Toronto, et Mn. B. Bnadley's. ... Wr. sud Mrs. Anderson, Torento, Let Mn., T. Cowlig's. Congratulations ta Mr. sud Mns. Douglus Fontaine on 'their mar- 1riage. t Coagratulations to Mr. sud Mrs.. Richard McNel an cclcbnatig thein 33rd wcdding analvcnsary; te Mn. and Mns. Alex McNel on their 22nd wcdding enniversary; sud ta Mr. and Wrs. Leslie Gra- hem an thein 21st wcddiag sai- versary. The War Relief Workers have mavcd 10 their new heedquarters ln the brick house Uirough Uic kindas e! the owner, Elia Ash- ton. W. A. met et Mn.. Charles Gar- rerd's on Thursdey aflernoon with President Wrs. H. Ashton pnesid- ing. Bible redng was given by Miss Winnie Tnewin sud devation- a4 by Wrs. H. Ashton. Readings were Riven by Wrs. T. Cowling sud Mis essie ,kB B leckburn; sole by MesissWlma Wotten. sud a duel by Mises Blanche and Meta De- meer. A centest wes eajeyed. Lunch was scrvcd by Miss Bessie Blackburn's graup. "Mamie Mle>My$>' o -me - 'No àbMyai>'ui aaswer, Fox- BIVER 'N gvEaI" «#That m me laugh, chaRbbyl Just sask her V!se woull 1kO t. Jud u l u atht o e at istfe Cartér 1mi1'Tea -Stop ln for a refreshlng pot of Flowerdale Tea - m lOc BRICK 0F THE WEEK -Maple Walout - *each 25e THÉ CARTER FAMILY Bakers For Two Gsaerations ~lsone 855 D.wmaavillo THUROSAY, APM.7 14 FREE DEVELOPING SAVE 10o ON £ACH ROLL 0F FILM 1W100 10 cakes 01ma A.ML S. & C. A. S.AOstile Krcsohen Tai 1s . Tableta J Soap Saits 9c 19e .19e TREAT BEED GRAIN FOR SHUT MMT Ceresan RINGS >INSTANT BASE 1 lb. 1.10 (rOM e% 5 Ibo. * 4.40 Fornialin Mb. 25e g> lWUM c-c Dew - - 33c-57e Arrid - - -SO-O Odo-Ro-No Ice - 35o Odo-Ro-No cream 38c Kier al l)b. 2UIbo. 390 25C NOXEMA le BALE COLGATECS POWDEI 350 Noxema 19e Tooth JPowder 38o Tooth Powder Both for 36e Both for 34o Moth Bats -29e-4Uc Diebloricide - 53oi Woods Blookettes 100-25o Larvex Spray 83e-1.29 Bayera Aspirin At -. 22e- SOc-98 tit AilAlka Sellier - 39e-51o Tuma -3 fer 25o luiEx Lax ' -150-33c Carter'. Little Liver Pilm - - 330-690 Feenaanlnt 19e-SSe-89c Chue'. K & L PiMl M Anacin Tablets At tZe2-43o-69c W. Test Ey»e nd Fit Tmsses Ph95" P. R. COWLING, Phm. B.z , tas read, in unison. Miss Betty Mrs. Florence Pearce and famlly, .Smale gave a devational reading. Toronto, at Mr. Harold Pascac's... Miss Pearl Leach read an inter- Mr. and Mrs. Russell ÇF4bertandi est=glette - from. Rev. Merrill Miss Velina vlsited at Toronto... Fguon. Master Clifiord Miller Mr. Ivan' Elllcott and Miss Jessie gave a piano solo, and Miss Ella YloleOhwa r .C Milison gave, a reading on Peace. Yeflowlees'...sohelen Bker.,.C Our younà people. are busy Peterboi a omne. .. Gea. Wer- practising their play "Simple Si- ry, Toronto Dental College,- at mon Simple." home... Mr. Herbert Parker and Visitors: Lieut. A. L. Baker, Miss. Doris Grooms, Torýonto, at ,Bowmanvifle, and Mrs. L. C. Mr. S. E. Wverry's. . . Mt. Archie flnowden, Maple Grave, visited Cation, Toronto, has returnedl Mr. and Mrs. T. Baker. . . Mr. and home from, visiting his sister, Mrs. Mns. A. L. Pascoe visited at Pick- N. C. Yefluwlces. . Jlm Smales ering. . . Mrs. J. W. Reynolds home from Gait. -.Miss Eleanor vislted ini Toronto Friday anid Mr. McMillan at lroronto. .. Miss May eynolds and family went Up Sat- Merriarn with her pgrents at Rice urday and brought her home.. Lake. misslonary program et Sunday Scbool. Betty Smalea gave a read- ing and Pearl Leach sud Gladys Yellowlees sang "The Old Rugged Cross" and Mms. Langaiaid nead a mlsslonary story. S. B. Werry has lnstalled e new mllk cooler. Miss Pearl Leach was ln charge cf Uic Young People's meeting Mandey evening. A mlsslonary program wau given. Bible leaen- Bsàagt f

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