"PAGE MEIT TIM CAkADIANSt N OMNIL N1An USAt Wh.n The. Appe Pt Wus Opened (Note: In the flot so far back past mnany fermiers would "D1it" surplus amounts of apples, potatoes and other hoe crops whah' they did flot have enough cellar or other shelters i whlch to store the mathrough in the winter. The process Is glvfn* la the poem hcrewith.> When we opencd the apple pit early in Sprlng, No one but a boy knew the joy it would bring; There were greenings, pound pippins, and russets and spies, For applesauce, duniplings and deep apple pies. There were sheep noses, Tolmans, and snows, just to est And a big yellow kmnd, most dellciously sweet; How we youngsters would munch 'cm, you'd think we'd ne'er wtW~~ Aithough there were bushels to lait 'tiil next crop. 'Twas a real happy job when those app1es we'd stow h ftic "pit" in the fanl 'gainst the cold winter's snow; W'd select a small rise where the gpund was some'high, So the water'd run off and the place would be dry. Then we'd dig out thc pit and we'd MUI It wIUi straw, Dump the apples on top, but flot one with a flaw; Thcn w'd lay on more straw 'till wc'd hld every bit, Next, we'd cover it ail with thc dirt from Uthc pit. Then we'd add stiil more drt from a trench 'round about, To make sure that ini wlnter Uic frost would stay out, Vent holes li the top we would wcdge with straw tiglit, Then that old pit would lie through thc long wnter nlght But when 'twould be opcned, so early next spring, No one but, a boy knew thc joy it would brmng. -RALPE GOPDO13. 628 Crawford St., Toronto. _______________ Wedding Clulke-]Docherty A pretty wedding took place March 29, in the pursonage ut Hanipton, when Rev.- Walter Rackhani unitcd i mainiage Miss Gnuce Ann Docherty, eldest daugher o! Mis. Docheity and Uic late John Dochcrty, to Mr. Bruce A. Clarke, oly son o! M: mmd Mis. A. J. Clarke, Ham~pton. The bride was gowned in a French blue acadia ciepe diess cut on pnincess limes wlth match- ing batmd blue accessories. Sbc wore a corsage o! sweetheart Lroses and sweet peas. She was ttendcd by her sister, Mis. Henry Anthony, Oshawa, who was becomnmgly attired i Jubilee rose mmd brown miracle rcrepe frock and bat to match and ibrown accessonies. Her corsage iwus. o! sweet pes anmd roses. The groom wus attendcd by Mr. K. Anthony. > After Uicecnemiony Uic bidal garty neturmeil to the bride's core whcie a reception wuk held. Mis. Dochcrty rcccivcd Uic guests, wearlng navy blue flowcrcd chif- fon and Mis. Clarke, mother o! Uich groom, wore wIne triple sheer crepe. The jroonis were prettily decorated 'with pink mmd white streamers and a big white wcd- ding bell. The table wus decon- ated with sweet peus and cemtrcd with Uic wcdding cake. There wenc about 40 guests present. The guest o! bonon wus Uic bîide's grandmothen, Mis. S. Luke, Oshawa, Miss Docherty be- ing Uic oldest grundchild. Aiter Uic reception Uic bride and groom lc!t on a motor trip to Montreul. > Mis. William Clarke, Zion, Mn. mmd Mis. Roy Cunliffe, Mr. mmd Mis. Mcl. Arnold, Mr. mmd Mis. L' Mcl. McCabe, Mr Ernest Bnock, 5Miss Wmmda Clarke, Osbawa and 1Mr. mmd Mis. Louis Crydeniman, 1and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Yco, Hampton, were among those who attcnded Uic ceremnony. On their ictuin Uiey will ne- ide iHampton. The youmg couple rcceivcd many beautiful ýgifts us tokema o!Ue ic hbesteemi lui which they werc both bcld. Among Uic1glifts was a cheque to F Uic bride from hen uncle Richard Luke, Oshawa, mmd a beautiful ercclinimg chair from ber associ- ates in Uic Genenal Motors. There fwere guests froi Oshawa, Lind- rsay, Camp Borden, Niagara Fais .and Bowmnville. Newtonville , aater Visitois: Mr. and Mis. C. ,Robent mmd Lurny, Bluirton, ut ber -parents, Mr. J. E. Andcrson's. . MacGregor Jones, Markhaxm at home. .. Mn. mmd Mis. Hariy Lame -und Leona, Coîborme, ut Mr. W. C. 8Lane's. . . Mis. Mark, Fenclon tFalls, with her sister, Mis. Sami Smth.. . Miss Bertha Thompson witb friendai Toronto. . . Mr. 2and Mis. James Stone ut thein daughten's, Mis. Douglas Ogden, Oshawa... Mr. mmd Mis. Arthur Redknap at Mr. Wm. Cheste'., Oshawa.. . . Miss Inez Symons, Monish, Mr. Arnold Sîenian amd Mr. J. T. Pearce, Toronto, t Mis. J. T. Pearce's. .. Leland Millson mmd Kcith Builey, Oshawa, Edgar Million and Sherman McMurray, Newmarket, and Harold Burlcy, Toronto, t their homes. , . Mr. and Mis. By ens, Mis. Howson and Mr. Garfield Hutchison, Toronto, ut Mr. Sid. Hutchison's. . . Pte. Bill Hoskin, Ottawa, mmd Mr. mmd Mis. Ivison Tamblyn, Oshawa, ut Mis. C. Hoskn's. .. Mr. and Mis. Gordon Smith, Port Hope, ut Mn. Cecil Burlcy's.. . Miss Pcg. Gallon and Mr. Clarence Davcrn, Peter- oro, and Mi. Jack McLachlan, Gananoque, ut Bev. J. McLach- lan's. Jack reports to Head Office o! Bank o! Toronto this week.. Mr. and Mis. Athur Bell and Duwn, Bowmunville, Mis. George Thompson mmd Ronald, Port Hope, Mr. Thos. McNcil, Orono, Mr. and Mis. G. C. Martin and family, Lake Shore, ut Mr. G. J. Staple- ton's. .. Mr. and Mis. J. G. Moore and Howard, Scotlmmd, t Mr. Kelly Lane's... Mr. and Mis. Jas. Payne, Toronto, ut Mis. Wm. SmiUis. . . Max, Ccl and Donald Stapleton ut Mr. G. E. Stapleton's, Port Hope. . . Miss Lila Payne, Pont Robnsn, Miss Sybil Hood and Mr. Stanley Payne, Peter- boro, Mr. and Mra. Dolpb Payne and Douglas, Toronto. with Mr. Reuben Payne's. . . Miss Gwen Giliner wlUi ber parents ut Stark- ville.. . Hugl Stapleton, Picker- iguthome. .. Chas. Ross, Mon- tea md Mis. Jas. Pollard, New- castie, ut Mr. W. Mlligan's.... Mis. Foster, 'Mis. Hlbbard and Joyce, Mr. and Mis. Looney mmd Mrs. Frank Atkinson, Markham. Glad to sec Mr. Willis unes out after his 'long iliness. H1elen. Morton is home fr4iû Uic hospital fceling some bettet,, t Cecil Walkey is recovcring.from ra serious case of pncumonia., Deepest symipathy is cXtefided to Uic Elliott f amily ii Uic toms of their lovlng mother, Mis. Bruce Elliott, Sr., who passed away on April l2th. At the W.M.S. meeting April 8th, Uiere was considerable busi- àness discussed including Uic bale to be sent to Newfoundland. A lovcly quiît including Uic lnIng,. presentcd by Mrs. J. W.- Lancaster, was gratefully rccived. Mis I. Laing, president, conducted Uic business, and Mrs. Wills Jones was in charge o! Uic progran which consisted ninly of a splen- did. report of Uie Preabyterlail at Brooklin by Mrs. Cecil urley. Men's Club, met April Mt, with >a good attendance. Stanley Rowe gave an intcresting. and enflghten- img address on "The Fcdertion Lo! Agriculture." Speaker for'May jl4th wil be Mr. W. H. Carleton, I.P.S. for Durhami; subjett "nTe Larger Unit of School Adinfis- tration." Some from here attended-the funerai of Mrs. Staples at New- castle on Monday. Mrs. Staples was a much estccmed resident of Newtonville before going to Neêw- castle. Kendal Progressive crokinole, euchre and dance, whijçh was bcing held this week in aid o! getting ma- teniais for quilts, etc., is post- poned. The bail roads, leadirg.queaUu from Rendàl, have occasl6ný much inconvenience to Kendall folks and their Easter visitors. In niny places Uic bottom seems to have dropped out o! thex oad. At Hailowcll's hiil stiaw and gravel werc put i 0 fthc funeral could pass over. A:ftcr a short ilbe Mrs. Geo. Mercer passcd away guddenly at her home ini Kendal, April 12tli, in her 84Ui year. .-The funcral service was hel4 on Monday ini Kendal United Church. As ]Rcv. Mr. McLachlan had another fun- erai service, Rev. S. Llttlewood of Oromo officlatcd. Interment was made i Orono Cemetcry. In spite of Uic bad roads many friends sfrom a distance were present. Euster Visitors: Miss Olive Gor- don, Port Hope, at home. . . Miss Beatrice Thompson, Toronto, with relatives. . . Mr. and Mrs. Ross Patterson and Bill, Tononto, with Wm. Patterson's.. . Mr. Wn. Dar- lington, Whitelake, Mr. and Mrs. rJack Glover, Newcastle, with Mns. A. G. Darlington. . . Mr. Don Little, Kingston, Mr. Aylward Little, Hamilton, and Miss Doro- thy Scott with Mrs. Neya Little.. . Mr. and Mis. Harold Thirtell, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Farrow and Mr. Stan Thirteil at Mr. Walter Thin- tdl's. . . Mr. and Mns. Albert rColon and son Roger, Hanilton; 4wlth her parents. .. Pte. Glbert rGrclg, Ottawa, was home. . . Mr. 1and Mis. Rosi Sommervcldt and 4friendi, Toronto, at .Mr. Eber 1Luxon's. . . Mr. and Mis. Perey Collier and son Clifford and MiL. Tom collier, Toronto, with Mis. rHllditch. .. Mr. and Mns. Harold Little and Garry, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Littlc at Mn. and Mis. Ive Little's. Miss Annie Wright bas beed home Uic paît two wecks. Mr. and Mis. Gco. Clark were at their sumimer home in Kendal. SPECXAL' Gospel Su'rice The Ford VamiIy of Toronto * SUN»AY, 7.30 P.M. SPECIAL MUSIC ANI) SKNGING TIME TAULE9 CHANCES Effective BunayApi1 l 7h,14 Browns Conrtlations to Mr. and Mis. FrankPanker on their marriage. Home and Sehool Club voted in favor o! lnvltlng- Lake Shôre'Club to its May meeting. Freeman Eddy, Ast vice president,, hadi charge of thus progranL- Reeve Cecil Canveth, Newcastle'showed movig pitures wheli wene graty njyed: vocal solo by Miss Gwen ion; readlng by' Sain Turner; musical sciection by,,Aiss Gwen Qibson afid Clarence Gib- son. Gaines, and contesta follow- cd. Citizens are passlng away their spare tine by sucher flshlng. Bifi Clark ha gone to Kingston for an examination previous to signing up for Active Servlêe. Visitons: Miss Phyflls MeNeil, Oshawa, Miss Helen Coucis, New- tonville, Mis Lillian Gumeil, Hamilton, and Mr. Melville Samba, Newtonville, 'wfth Miss Wyhna Farrow.. Miss Betty Stephenson at her aunt's in Bari. . . Mrs. G. Arnold and Mr. Truman Clark i Oshawa. . . . Miss Junc Brown, Tweed, at home. .. Mis. C. Turner in Oshawa. .Sa.lem' "The Cross of Christ" was Uic theme chosen by Bey. Gardner for his fine Easter message on Sunday. The church was decorat- cd with Easter hules and spring floweîs. The choir nendercd spe- cim1 Easter music, and Mr. G. Bur- rus sang the solo «'Open Uic Gutes." Y. P. U. meeting April 9Ui was opened by Uic president. The pro- gram was I charge of Mis. L. Squair, missionary vice; Bible reading, Mis. I. Barrie; topic was ably taken by Mn. F. Blackburn; vocal duet, Mis. G. Burrus and Mr. G. Barrie. E. Doldge had charge o! thc recreation perlod. Visitors: Mis. P. Cator svent thc Easter holidays wlithMn. mmd Mrs. J. Cator in Toronto, recuper- atlng after having dental work donc. . . Mr. J. Cator, Mrs. H. Hobbs and childien rnotored down from Toronto on Sunday, brlng- img Mis. Cator home. Mis. Hobbs and children ncmnained for a visit. S.Mr. mmd Mis. L. Annis mmd Marlyn, Toronto,- wlihher Par- ents, Mi. mmd Mis. W. C. .... Miss Sybil Hocken, Toronto, with her sister, Mis. C. Pollard. - . Mr. and Mis. F. Hurst, Miss Lois and Mis. Moody, Toronto, with Mr. and Mis. H. Gaud. .. Mis. L.,Rlch- ards mmd childien with ber par- ents, Mi. mmd Mis. F. Lame, Pro- vidence., Salem friends extend symipathy to Mis. H.'Humpbries ini Uic dcath o! her husband. Syxnpathy is extendcd to the relatives o! Uic late Mr. F. Kers- lake o! Hampton. Mis. A. Richards was called to Toronto owimg to the illness o! hen aiter. Mr. and Mis. G. Burrus and Miss Daphnc were weddmng guests at his brothen's weddimg on Sat- Blackstock 1Good Friday services were held i thc Anglican Chunch by Bey. E. p. Wood for both congregations. Mn. and Mis. Creighton Devitt and Mrse Florence Crawford are attexiding Uic Orange Lodge con- vention at Belleville. Agiculturul meeting in Uic community hall on Friday night was weil attcndcd. Bey. D. x. Stinson wus hI Ot- tawa Saturday attending a wed- ding. w. M. S. was held at Mrs. Jas. ?barlowrs April MU. Bey. D. M. $timson had charge o! Uic devo- tionai. This prograzn was given by Mis. Cecil Hi's group: Mis. Hernian, H-ooey took Uic Study Book "Lite o! Rev. Oliver Jack- son, Apostle o! thc Outpost"; Mis. jabez Wright and Mis. Ernest Larmer sanig a duet; Mis. Frank Stnon gave report o! Uic meet- ngheld in Bookin; Misses Joyce md ,Fern Cumnpbell sang a duet. Asocial hour was sment. Rupert Byers' sale was a huge succesi. Some vcry etrprising ladies o! the United Church W. A. gold bot dogs, *Pic and coffce at' the sale and learcd aven $15-00 to buy War Savings Certificates. .The roads arc in a vcry bad condition. Word bus just been received that Robert Steele has died up nortb. Sincere sympatby la cx-. tended to Mis. Wm. Steele. Visitons: Mi. and Mis. Fred Ialley, _Mi._anil Mis. AnturI Trewin Scott. Proceeda $15.50. .Major F. Dudley bus'*returned to Ottawu. Thursday evenlng thc Y.-P. U. met with Wesley HiUsh ichange. Seripture was read b y Evelyn eaU reading by Art Youngman; àïuoical sélection, Cranston Scott; SHE LIVEO ON THE ",BACK STREET" 0F ROMANCE k' 's' 'r,-' -j' topîc by Mis. A.- HUis; prograin closed wi a contest. W. M. S. was li charge o! Uic service Sunday mornig. Rey. Gardner gave an excellent sermon on The Call o! Uic Cross. Special Easter music by Uic choir. Mr. Gordb)n Brent sang a solo. Visitors: Mi. and Mis. Theo Down and Billy, Lakefield, with friends. Mr. and Mih. Albert Wood, Bowmanville, Mr. mmd Mis. Har- old Trevitt, Toronto, ut Mi. Henb. Camieron 's. Mn. and Mis. Leslie Slcigbt, To- ronto, Miss Winmie Brooks, Har- mony, ut Mn. Leslie Brooks'. K Mr. Albert Rundie, Mis. Herb. Rumdlc, Humpton, Mr. Glenn Hou- kmn, Oshawa, ut Mr. Lorme Hos- kin's. Pte. Walter Park, Ottawa, ut Mr. F. L. Byam'Is. Pte. Harold Tubb, Kingston, at Mr. Thôs. Tabb's. Mr. mmd Mis. J. Bull, Kenneth and Miss Paterson, Oromo,, at Mr. Will Viitue's. Pte. Norman Thompson, Ot- tawa, with fniends in Bowman- ville. Mns.. Lonne'Hoshin, Murray and Allyn, ut Mr. Tennyson Pciemun'ls, Columbus. Mr. George Aldicad mwlth fiends i Newcastle. Mi. and Mis. LorneHoîkin ut Mr. Frank Hoskln's, Toronto. Mr. mmd Mis. Earl Luke ut Clan- ence Bradiey's, Asbburn. Higbway t ram!eircacbcd surn- mer proportions over thc long weekcnd but no serious accidents wene rcported. On the' whole motoiists seemed to' be travelling slowen than usual. Could it be duc to Uic wutchfulness o! Traffle Officen W. F.. Thiompson cruising bis beat in the conspicuous ncw 11prowIl' car? jura H[DROELECTIo PI&MOMIBIQ F N 0J CHAULES ROTER ad Margaret Suiavan, the ce-tars of Univerms al' "k Street."l ~e MrksTheatre, Osawa Mon., Tues.,, Wed., April 21,e 229, 23 AT HARRY ALLIN'S [AN, BOWMANVUJýE, Ô"A-RiO MMMA It.