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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 May 1941, p. 4

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0 âne im Nipigon River District la Northeru Ontario Letter NO. 6 Cameron Fas, Ont. April 10, 1941 Dear Mr. James, Wednesd& évenigiApril Mt, saw the openigoainaviatina the Lakehead *when te Mapaini Secord teamned into Prt AtUr harbour at 7.19 p.m., makngthe earliest navigation openm since 1907. The enthusiasm of ~e citi- zens wap such that a large.crqwd was present ta wîtness the en- trance of the ship. To-day.,the steaxnship wlilbe steamn±g out again bound for Goderich, with a cargo of wheat. With~ the advcnt of the first steainshlp, the shack- les of winter seem ta drap off - but after the glorious wehther ,of the past week, none .can- dôubt that spring is in, the' aire With the harbour again 'aliVé, wlth action, the erectian of, the ncw elevator construçtion bins, b OSHAWA, ONT. Free Air Parking Condltioned Frlday and Saturday- Mnusle Gimour - R9omance »ON ALICE CARM~EN' AMECHE FAYE MIRANDA "THAT NIGHT IN RIO" fu Glorlous Teelnicolor Revival Friday at I 1I JAMES STEWARTà MARLtEN'DIZTIWHf "lDostry Rides Again"2 Mon. to Wed. The Stagre Succesa Mat la brluging thenq bmck again and c agalu in MsSth Year - NOW ON THE SCREEN s 'TOBACCO ROAD' For Three Days Only Thurs. - Fr. -. Set. q BARBARA STANWICK1 BUNRY FONDA 8 d'THE LADY- EVE"F Seel Te fali-of mma -1941 t Wateh this spae for thse c Current Sereen Rits. As aiways thec Regent wMIi brlng yen C "THE DEST SHOWS - FIRST"I the puipmails working -in fui swig, its rematas with the Bydrc Electnic system ta provide thE power necessary for the mainten. ance and full-steam-ahead. ai ai these industries. Thus the Hydri has been compelled ta enilarge Wt present systemn in Thunder Ba3 i order ta supply these factanie with electricity. A view of the map ai Northerr Ontario disclases thatè the Nipi. Lgôn River derives its water firn Lakie Nipigons. As mentioned ti #nevious letter a dam at the mouth o! Lake Nipigon, at Virgin Falls, Lcontrais the amnount ai water t( Lbe let down the Nipigon, in ordez .ta ensure a steady flow for the »electrlc plants ail year round, 1Hawever duning flhc past several years, for variaus reasans, the level 'Of the lake, as the reservoir, lias not been maintamced ta a leve. high enougli ta affard mucli spili- ing of water over the dams. Ther the added increase in war produc- tion in the district compeiled the Hydro . to cut off its- supply ai secandary power ta the pape: mills, as it l'equircd ail its curreni for primary power. This was a lass ta bath parties concerned, as if forced the milis ta novent tIb coal and steam as a poa.wen, while if meant a lass ta flhc Hydro in that it could be selling extra pow- er if if was available, from the installation ai extra power units and the raising ai the water love] of the lake. The Hydia subse- quently has been laying plans ta divert other water ito the Nipi- gon basin, that there inay be su!- ficient electricity at. ail times, and that extra power may be secured af' any time if the emengency arises. As early as 1924 the Hydro Commission recognized the possi- bility ai diverting water itt Lake Nipigon. Many miles north ai Lake Nipigon flows the Albany River eastward ito James Bay. one ai the largest tribufaries -ai the Albany is the Ogoki River, separated irom the Nipigon Basin by a ridge ai hills. The superviscd survey ai the project planned ta ýd4Mi, f4e Ogaki River. ta prevent its water Ïfrm *rëaehdn i th AP bany. This woubd nesult in the formation ai a new and large lake about 120 square miles i area, north ai the divide. -W.ith ' the .raised elevation. he wafer,,and à êharffiel through the diviçIe, thec water would be diverted tata Sey- mour Creek itt Lake Nipigon, controiled, ai course, by dams. This esfimafed tlow ai waf e?. '000 c. f.-s., obtained_ by the diversion scheme, would resutit an aising flic waters af Lake Nipigon faoits former heiglit, and by- mens -ai fli Virgin Falls dam at the mauth ai Lake NQipigon, this, extra- 4000 c: f. s. flow ai water could lbe let out at a lifortn rate -an as ne- quired. Since the diverted water, alten being used on thelicNpigon River, flows it thfcGréat Laites and down the Niagara River, the plants bocated M .Niagara ,would also benefit by thc extra amaount, as would the Sault Ste Manie timated that an additional 112,000 harsepawer ai clectricity wauld be added ta these plants, thus permifting thern to expand suffi- ciently for any past-war indu 's- tries that miglit be set up ta On- tario, or if the war continues, it will be utilized in aur prepent cause. Nor wiil this extra water inta Lake Nipigon mean the raistag ai ifs level anly. For many years the THE BEST is DoDO too good for YOUR' CAR! Now is the Urne to put your car in shape for Summer Drlvlng YOUR CAR NEEDS TUE F OLLGWINO Tboeugh lubricatlon for thc entire clissais. Drain and refli fthc transamaon wltli summer lubricant. lhMan sd roi lithli differeuflal wi summer lubricant Drain, flah and refuitfhecmetor with White Reou 1<01r OU. » rabn mnt-freeme, flushi aud put rust retarder iu radiater. Cliselibattery and cdean terminal.. cbeek TW Wg WILL DO T3E ABOVE SERVICES FOR $4.80 to $5.90 *UY TIRES »OW ~ ..~usre expatf advance sharply In price. Wliy nof lot ~p<hrOy~gg piason a new set of Goodrioli Silvertewns or ~odymra W. ilInike you a generous allowauee on your od tires. C. DriHodgso'n j~ITUW5 555VCE STATION Poo87 ýs s i a i 3, TTY-FPIvEYEABS' SERVICE R. Clark, James Grant, E. Li Mitchell, Supt. A. DL aÉ~ When a quarter century ai faifliful service is clialked up lit fthc Goodyear factary the event is always officially nofcd. Twa mare emplayces have been presented with their 25-year pins. They are James Grant and Ernie Mitchell. Grant is beffer known as "Scotty" about tawn. He was firsf emplay- cd by Goodyear ta 1911. In 1915 ho enlisted, served with distinc- tion overseas, naf returning until 1919. Ho ha: been employed in fthc carpenter sliap for many years. The Bowmanville basebal and hockey teams, have naot had a more fait hiul 'fan' than Scatty. Ernie Mitchell ha: worked on many operatians in the hase de- partment and is now employed by the Porter Service. Bis interests are in gardenmng, ta smoking lis patent briar and he is a fiaithful attendant ai several badges. The men werc pnesented with sub- stantial choques as well as the 25- year pins. R. Clark ai the Car- penter Shap presented Scotty with hi: pin wliile Mx'. Nanson presented Ernie with his. harbouns ai the Great Lakes have sufiered severeby, due ta the 'Chi- caga-water-steab' and v a ri o u s other reasons. This extra 4000 c. i. s. would not be a great bene- f it ta Lake Supenior whose waters are regulated by the cantral bocks at the Sault, but ta Lakes Huron, Michigai and Bric, itbas been estimated that an tacrease aif2.1 inclies ta the bevel ai thc laites would result. The addition ai anc incih i depth, iti :ciaimed, means about -$500.000 ta shipping inter- ests, sq b > it an these figures, lh Èè*aet iveîrfe fird"Hudson Bay ta flic Great Laites, should represent a savfng ai aven $1,000,000. Even Montreal liarbor at suchup distance away froni the diveFsi bftparit, should receive an increase lot'1:*4 inches in water lével. In the November copy ai the Hydro Bulletin, flic Ogaki water diversion sdheme is discus- sed, an which the above iacts and figures are taken. The Ogoki diversion is naf the only acheme ta benefit the indus- tries and secure the raw maferials ai the Northland. About four years ago the waters ai Long Lakte <a laite sa named because afitis shape - betag a bang laké aver sixty niiles bang and onby a iew miles wide), were changed ta somcwliaf the same manner as the ogaki diversion, ta run itt Laite SupeM~br -instead ai James -Bay as iormerly. Damns were constructed af bath ends aiflhe lake, flic norfh Kçenagami dam ta block the wat- ers ai. the laite froi lowing ta thaf direction, and the south dam' ta contral flhe amount oi flow ai wafer running itt Lakte Supeir through the canstructed chane aver the ridige which fonmerby blocked thc wafer irom ilowing sautli. This diversion ha: opened Up an immense new area, ai pulP hitherto untauched, because oi flic lacit ai economical transpor- tation fa Laite Supenian waters and pulprrigis. And sa we have aneas ta Uic nothland, which a iew ycans ago were unsuifed for profitable manufacturing, belng brough-itot use ta-day, througl the ingcnuity ai engineers and foresigltedness of the govern- ment. If would be pleasant ta imagine that al resources ai this negion are betag obfaincd with little on no waste, on destruction ta the disadvanages ai the future. The fimber question whlch is at pre- sent bcing discussed and debated ta the Provincial Legisiature, is a problem which must not go un- leeded, on disreganded for the future benefit aifail concerned- Because of flic vastness ai the for- esfs, rnany pulp companies and tadependent bumbermen have no respect non cane fan hflie nst; af fer fliey have removcd. their pulp. Wkereas all slash and bark should be piled up and destrayed in order fa give new growth a chance, ta mast cases this is dis- regarded ta the extent, flic slash (in heaps) dries oufta a crisp - a dry speU ta sunimer,a match or spart, iirst flic undengrowtli, and elin flic orests arc abalze - spelllng total disasten toa ai plants,- aniniala and life, for many years ta came, while flic poplars stand, gaunt neminders of a beauty whlch once covered that section. Wlth flic nemoval ai trees ion pulp. or destruction by fine, thé Ontario. gavernmnit lias a pnob- le. whlch must nat go unanswer- cd,: for upon flic fonests are de- pendent Uic ilshlng, hunttag and trapping, rnanufacturing anid Hy- dro Elecfnic industries. .The future ai this country is ever pointlng northwardS. Miles nort fliailene, beyond flic Albany ]River, in flic district af Patricia are mare gald mines - Picitie Crow, Uchl,ý Central Patricia and ,othens. with a hisfory only a i ew years old. Even in this fan non- thern negion, flic Bydro Electric lias constructcd a plant ta furniali power for flic development aiflice area. In flic expansion aiflhc country*, electriclty pravides flie itey ion ifs advancement and suc- cess. Whatcver flic developmnent o! Canada wlll be in flic nexf twen- ty-flve or fifty years, no section af Canada ofiers a promise or future greater than Thunder Bay. This possession of icli resources, wifh careful management aiflice same, will do mucli ta increase oun standard af living and aur na- tional wealth. Gro .Obre w OOPLETED 25 YEràUm Wm. Willilams belng congatula-ted by T. E. Prout W.William: completed twenty- five yoars with Goodyea r in March. However if is onger-since Bill first joined- thecocmpany. but he had several changes in the -first few years causing broken service. Mast of his service ha: been in'the MRI Room. Bill has few hobbies but anc really important anc which keeps him busy mostai the time is kecptag hi: pnoperty in fine condition - in his spare finie lie can always be found gardening or worktag about thc lawn.' Nestieton Nestieton W. I. wfll ieet at Mrs. Harry Philp's on May 7th at 2.30. Election of officers.. Mn. A. H. Veale and. Mrs. P. Wright, who have beean away. for the witer, are home. Sympathy is extended ta the Suggitt i amily i the paissng of Richard Suggitt. Alfred Samelis has a new car. Visitars: Mrs. Fred Stuckey, Malone, with her sister,. Mrs. Geo. John.... Mr. and Mrs. H. Wiýieeler and f amily with Mrs. R. Hoskin. Mr. Wm. Hawthorne, Port Hope, with his aunt, Mirs. Jas. Wiliamson. .. Mr. and Mvrs., L. Joblin with Mr. Geo. Jo. . . Miss Ellen Emerson and -Mr. Ed- gar Emerson with their pArents. ..Mrs. R. Hoskin withJvlrs., L. Joblin. .. Mrs. Anson Taylor with her daughter, Mrs-.,S. Malclm... Mr. and Mrs. Creighton Devitt and -Miss Evelyn at Mr. R. Nes- bitt's... Mr. Sid Bridgeport, Ep- som, with Mi. and Mrs. David Johns. . . Mrs. Jas. Samnelis with her daughter, Mis. Fred Rogers. ..Mr. David John: and Mr. Sid Bridgeport visited Mns. Bella Johns, Janetvile. .. Mr. and Mis. S. Malcolmi and f amily at Mr. Marvin Nesbitt',s. .. Mr. Laurajice Malcolmi with Mr. Laurie Hos1i=. ..Miss Muriel Hyland with her sister Lucille. at Mrs. W. G. Bowles'. . . Mr. Murray Wood, Bowmanville, at Mi. S. Malcolm's. ..Mis. Jas. Williamson with Mis. R. Hoskin. Busiess ivectory Legal M.L G. V. GOULD, B. A.. L.L.B. Barrister, Solicitor Notary Phone 351 Bank of Commerce Bldg. Bowmanville W. I. STRIKE Barrister, Solicîtor Notary Solicitor for Bank a1 Montreal vney ta Loan - Phone 791 Bowmanvile, Ontario L. C. MASON. B. A. Barrister - Solicitor Notary Public - Etc. Lawli ail ifs branches Office lxnmedately east of Royal Theatre Phone Office 688 Home 553 Dental DR. J. C. DEVIT AssIst. Dr. E. W. Sissn Graduate af Royal Dental Col- lege, Toronto. Office* ur ubilee Bldg., Bownianville. Ofce hours 9 a.m. fa 6 p.m. daily, except Sunday *Phone 790 - Houge phone 883 X-Ray Equipimcnti nOffice Funeral Directors FUNERAL DIECTOIRS Service, any hour, any day F. F. Morris Co. Modern Matai Equlpment,M.- bulance and Invalid Car. Imee Phone 480 or 784, Assistant 573.. Veterlpary DR. G. R. BOOTH 323 King st. W., Oshawa, Oatarý, Phione 21 Large sud Smal Animal Surgerýï WMIRED W. SHERIVIN Veterluay Surgeon Office: Main St., Orono Phoene 56r7 IR. B. MURRAY Veteriuarian Churcli St. - Bowmaunie Phone 843. 172 Auctioneer ELMER WILBUR Llocnscd Auctioneer Hamipton - Ontario Specializlng i Farm, Livestock, Implements anid Furniture Sales TERMS MODERATE Phone for Tersas and Date to« Bowmnanville 2428 Obituary Robert G. Steele Wlth deep regret w ord af the death o! Robent G. Steele was received. He died in the hospital at Foleyet, Ont, on April 15 1941 from pnevimonia, after suf#ering severe burnai a fire at Foleyet which raged for seven hours on April 9. Robent was the youngest son bonn. ta the late William Steele and Mrs. Steele, on the McKee Line in Cartwright on June 14, 1901. They later moved ta Black- stock. Rlobert was in the trenches in France li the Great War at the age of 15 years, 6 months. He was very tani for his age. He was with the 136th .-Battalion, later transferred ta the 75th Battallon. He -came home in the fali of 1917 on sick leave, stayed a year, then went uP north ta the lumbe camps. He was connected with the Pineland Timber Company. . The fUneral service was held at the home of his mother, Mrs. Agnes Steele. Blackstack an April 17 wih Rev. D. M. Stinson and Rev. E. P. Wood i charge of the service. Six soldiers were bear- ers: CpI. Lawrence Mountjoy, John Venning, John H-anfiton, Frank Bailey, Maurice Samueils, Ross Lancig, assisted by Lieut. Charles Vennmng. Instead of flowers, maney is being cantibuted ta the British War Victirns' Fund i his mcmn- ary. Interment was in Cadmus Union Cemetery. Leit ta mouni his loss are his mother, Mns. Agnes Steele, and two sisters, Mrs. Russel Wiilan and Mrs. Geo. Rapley,, Toronto. His brother John was killed in, the Great War. Mms. Margaret Staples Reference was made ln a pre- viaus issue aiflice death and bunial af Mrs. Margaret Staplès, New- cast le, af 'Easter finie. She was born near Lotus ta Manvens Township, a daugliter af Mr. and, Mrs. Ferguson. In young woman- liood she marnied George Staples, a member ai a widely numerous iamiiy cannecf ion. For same yeais they farmed between Tyrone and Lesitard and affended the Presby- terian churcli at Ennisillen. Bore and fhrougliaut ail lien lue she showed lien warni attachment for flic churdli and lier appreciafian o! slif offered inthficbuilding Up ai a Christian lifé and homo. She prized flic chuncli and ail ts ser- vices and made a point of attend- ing twice every sabbatli wleneven possible. Aît er lier husbarnd died, a camparatively young man, she moved witli ler liff le family fa Ncwfonville, wlicrc she had f wa sisters and whene lier son and fwo dauglitcrs attended public school and grcw up under Uic benign in- fluence o!flice Presbyterian Churcli. While resident ta New- tonville Mis. Stapbes taugltithefi Presbyferian Chuncli S u n d a y Scliool ion 16 ycars. In course ai time lier chidreni passcd Uic B. S. Ent rance examinaf ions and at- tended Newcastlc Higli Schoab. Ber son Frankt, who died ta carly ife, after lic lad become a sdliool feaclier, was flic first pupil ta wta thec Samnuel Wilmat Ga1d Modal ta 1900. Bis name is Uic firsf on flic honaun ral whicli langs ta Newcastle higli school. And lic was probably flic yaungest stu- dent ai ail those who have won if in the succeeding 40 years. Some twénty yeans ago Mrs. Staples mnoved fa Newcastle wliere, as al- ways, she lias sliown lierself a de- vaut Christ ian lady, liaving im- plicit faifli in Uic wisdom ai God a$U c ae ai hi: Son, althougli itheli lass of loved cnes and lien grievous bereavements she liad mucli ta to and test lien faifli. Brief mgntioq, lias been made ai Uic tuners! on Apnil 14th, con- ductcd by lier paston, Rcv. R. E. Morton. who spake ai deceased's noble Christ ian attributes and lier preparedness fa leave this life fa. rjIn lier faniily, wlio lad al gane on before. The choir led in flic singing aiflice hynnuand Mn:. C. R. Carvcth anid Jvls. H. M. Al- lin sang in duef, The Cify Four- square. Besides lier four grand- chldrcn there were relative: pre- sent fnom Rochiester, N. Y., and from Toronto, Oshawiq, Dundas, Bowmanville, Onano. and oflien points. Many beautiful floral tri- butes atteaf cd the fond regards ai fhe donars. The pallbearers, all relatives, wcrc: W. S. Staples and Melbourne Wight, Bowtaanvllle, Carl Billines, Orono, Std. Hughes, Dundas, Sld. and Cecil Ferguson. Toronto. 'Inferment was made ta Bowmanville Cemefery. luilane S.Id Dsrhum County st aIPort Re ste Draw Up Age.ment Tisidint Terrltory * ,,. ~oGovernanent -An Interestiu# histories! xnote an fthc diutrct, .unties la relpted' by The Qbseiyé>, -wrltag intahUi Lindoay'Poit: 1"One hundred and fwenty-fhiee yýears .ago .fils week," fIe viiter says, "Uic chefs a! Uic six Missis- saga tribes ln this district gather- ed at Port lHapç and surrendered ales blockts oailand fa Uic Cravin colonization' purposes. This tract comprlsed the modern coun- fies ai Victoria, Peferboro, Bast- ings, Northumberland, Durhiam, Ontario, Musitaka and Haliburton. The purcliase price was set af 740 paunds in goods ta be delivered yearly fonever fa flic tribes ai the dâinte. Alter fhe slgnlng ai Uic contnscf Uic Indians viene shamne- Iuly dceed by Uic insertion o! a Jokier annauncing fIat flic gav- ernnrit, proposed fa Issue ten '.CalWas in gooda annuallytf a cd taxi woman and child alive at flic oie iflhcsale, flic payment ta cease at their deafli; and indlvi- duals born ait er 1918 would ne.- clve nofhlng. Thc seven Ontario townships really passed irom flic handsoaiflice Indians ion a beg- gardly dole ai menchandise. 'Ia Saggested Modo Color Combinat, Body Trim 3 58 Od Ivo7y 188 Sbrnser Gren 278 Cream 808 Se,,! Brown 268 Ivory 748 Ma,.oon 448 Golden Glow 568 Apple Gren 568 Apple .groon 268 Ivory Phonle 556 QI? with ern ILAESN - - H. AU ions: à Points and Enamnels Color is a dominant factor in today's living, and paint means color beauty as well as surface protection. To '"color-style your home" means paint styling it in such a way as ta bring out its best features and give it a character ail fts awn. The Council for ilaint Styling, conlposed of beading decora- tors and color.experts, have studied thousands of homes inside and odut. They have developed a new way of using and combining paint calons ta give homes individual beauty and charm. Color-styitg for hornes i a new as tomorrow/ Corné in and idé us tel you about it. Don't just paint your house. Color-style it with Fla-glaze Paint: and Enamels inithe Iatest modern colons! lo-glaze levels out smoothly mnd evenly, lm~ing no kwrhs marks. Dirt has no Chanceta lodge an this smaoth peint film. The natunai teins wash it doa. J.W. JEWELLS "BIG 20" Bo m fl A AR AVIG ET IATE q&y MOVIES BRING NEW CHAPTER CHURCH HI1STORY King Street United Churcli, Oshawia, wrate Uic first sentence ai a nevi chapter li Oshiawa churcli hisfary an Suxiday whlen a two-reel religious tallting picture sliown there replaccd Uic evcnng sermon for Uic first fiie li fat or any other local churcli. Thc filmn shown vins "Falit Triumph- axit" vihicli portrayed episodes fn1 Uic life ai St. Paul as nelated li flic twentieth chapter ai Uic Acts af Uic Apostlcs. The higli points ai flic film viere, isuccession, flic re-enactmenf ai St. Paul's ap- peal fa Caesar and lis appearing ta chatas before King Herod Agrippa, flic puppef monarcli who won flic uphappy lifcrary immon- tality by tfduing fhe -ApostIc * f the Genfiles, "«alniost Uiou *per. suadest me fa, be a Christian. Oshiawa Tmes.1 HAVE PL iML YOU CAu TO DUT i'vnq'vpu'iq'p~ -is YOU KNOW that Canada's War Effort requlres *0 steadry flow of money-weêq b~,.,Month, by month-Ioc ned from the savlngs of ker people. If YOU HAVEN'T pi.dged yourseIf' -ACT NO* 1 Canada needs AIL you can save and lcnd. Thene arc the visys ta pledge: L. Ask your employer ta deduct a speci.* ficd su- tram your salary or w4get each psy day. 2. Authorize your bank to deduct ih cach monti tram yodr savings account. 3. Sign an 'Honour Pledge" ta buy Stamps or Ccrtificates for a specificd. &Moiunt af regular intervals. If YOU HAVE plhdged yours.If -keep up yaur pledge. Sec your inveat. ment. grow a&,; îhe maudis go by. INCREASE the amont yon have pro. mised ta save an4 iuvest And rcmem- ber tluat, in addition ta your regular pledged aWount,] you can, at any time buy extra.War Sa viags Certificates fram yaur'local BaiW-Pdcst Office-or you cad~en~ yurmoncy direct ta the. War Savlngs'Conunittee in Ottawa. Pu4, <$0 7O#0Mr a4/&4ie/... ou INCREASI YOUR REGULAR INVESTMINTS IN

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