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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 May 1941, p. 7

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THE CANADIAN STATEMW SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Phone 663 Mi'. ID. J. Chanmbers was home weekend guests af Mns. M. J. over the weekend. Hutchinson. i Mns. K. M. King (nee Kate Dob- Misses Myrtle and Helen Young- aon), Quebec, spent thse weekend man, Arthur Youngman and Stew- wlth Mrs. Harry Fpstfr.. art Hooey expect *0 spend Sunday Mvra Florence dùaiire spn at Ed. Youngmaris, Pontypool. theeekehd 'Wth'lÇr. and Mrs. Mrs. J. C. Vaàstone and daugh- Geo. Ig1ey -Q*IIwa. ter Nancy, Toronto, have been Mr.FredHge visîtdhriil!g Mr. and 1%rs. F. C. Van- ~,usnsp,M1<r;and Mrs. Chas. Bail, atne ýOshawa. Courses at Queen'a Unitversity, andI~'rs.Rusdi ErwnKingston, concluded la* week and ussll Bownand Misa Kay O'Neill and Miss have seeured a position near New- Diana Wheeler have returned Castle. home. Mrs. George Graham spent the , Marshafl Mattreas and Congol- weekend with her husband, Corp. eum Rug given away at F. F. Mor- George ,Grahaus àt Ottawa., ris Co. Saturday, .May 3rd. Enter C.R.G. Cooxnbes, RC.A.F., your name foi' these prizes at the Brantlord, has been spending his store. 1- leave in town. Have a slini youthful figure Miss Dorothy Richards, Toronto, with a Gossard Garment. We can apent the weekend with her par- fit you to make yau look your ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Richards. best. The Evlyn Shop features L.A.C. H. K. Colmer cailed on the only experienced corsetiere his mother, Mrs. F. C. Coîmer, in town. Frlday before leaving for Portage Mr. W. j. Mils and daughter la Prairie, Mani.> Mrs. A. G. Wilsorý, St. Marys, cal Spr. Kenneth McQuarrie, R.C.E., ed on aIl friends in this district Norths Bay, Mrs. D. Atkinso, To. Sunday including Mr. Wm. Vir- ronto, visited their mother, Mrs. tue, Tyrone. Jas. McQuarrie. Correction: Two names were in- Mrs. Frank Burke, Ottawa, and advertently omitted frofi the list MRrs. E. J. Gale, Belleville, were of Women's Canadian Club execu- Don't Fo'rget "MOTHER" On HER Day Sunday, May llth Givo É or'YLOWEà or a COROAGEC or a IPLANT or au -Arrangemmit Nfcely made up Plants. We drcas up and a$end*11cm *0 Ber, to do and say the thlngs that yau neyer eaus»Y wIth a»y- thlng else ecept wIth "Flowers." * Lýet us help you to "Remember" the beut '3fé*ér" Of *1cm ail. KINGSWAY, FLOWER SHOP Phone 772 We Deliver Phone 263Z CERTIFCATE5I Monorch FLOUR 7-1b. bag 29e 24-lb. Bag 81C: mothw ~Park.r'g TEA :Vellow Label ~lb. bai 3 7c COFFE 1-lb. bag 3 9<: MATCHES Maple Leaf 3 per. 23< PEAS Iona 4-Sieve l1-3j ý , f aT ToEus Fao;2C5 JCE Tomato 25wcm loe SOAF CHIPS no..27c GATS Robnbaod 1M 19C FEAS Green Giang 2 =-1.27c: sousS Heina 2 '-o.25ç: KETCHUPHalos 2 ~35c: YodVEAL LEGS Ib.Z.Sc RUMP FILLTSIb29>.c TMA BonelesaRoast lb. l8C BLADE IROAST ib. 20<: SHOIT HIM BOUT lb. 22c: DOHELES ImoKE FOIX SHOULDIS lb. 25c: Unl Sliced Cooked ib. 49C: FRITS and VEUETBLES APPLES Doasq8tie -6 2 mmAC Frsh-Curly Leaf Ia 7 Frsh-Green I bo.. <~JU!II CALONA 'LII nu 7c PINEAFCUDAN - EXTRA LANG E Eair1 ST1UAWDuR Irs. PtBox 17,C îg"&] IWIle]nM h r. St. Johns, A.Y.P.A. held itc meeting Wednesday night in thE formmai a Theatre Paty aiter the regular opening exercises all go. -ing ta sec "Strike Up the Band" y at thc Royal Theatre. M. Waltr HaUl Jr., LaVec Mmpgs, Northern Ontarlo,.îs spend- ,_jing a iew days w4th bis parents. -Walter is foflowiag hi Uic foot- steps af his father, being a apecial , police constable at Uic mines. k The Walkcr Store was closcc M Friday aternoan out ai respect t< d Uic passing ai Sir James Wood, 85, President af Gardon MacKay & -Ca. Limltcd, and proprietors of -the Walkem Stores. rPart Hope Rotary Club officers e for the coming year are: President 1 .-Geo. W. Garnctt; Vice President -K. J. Hodgert; Treasurer-J. T. e George; Sec'y -R. B.Baxter; r Ass't. Sec'y.-W. E. Box#evillc. A . Paul's United Church-Rcv. e .R. Cmagg, MA., Assaciate Min- ister. Sunday, May 4th, il a.m. and 7 p.m. Sunday School Anni- r versary Services. Special prcach- - c, Rcv. Fred Joblin, B.A., ai Dcci tPark United Church, Toronto. Bowmanville Bieycle Safety Club and incidentally the tawr -itself has obtained much favorable ýt publicity thmough "Red" Foster -reporting thc Club news on the air. On the Monday program he again nentioned activities here Lsaying that Oshawa Rotanians weme investigating the idea to sponsor a club there. On the same pogram Uic No. 10 Safcty Banner was prcsented ta the Oakville Club similar ta the No. 1 award which came ta Bowmanville. A big jamboree ai Bicycle clubs is ta be held in Port Hope FridaY but few iran here will be able to go on accaunt ai the Hobby Show. Many Statesman readers wiUl be intcmcsted ta know that word cames iran New York City ai the binth ai a son, Denis Cromwell Stewart, ta Mr. and Mis. Rodney Cromwell Stewart. Mis. Stewart was formcnly Barbara Adams, daughtcr of Ethel Frceland Ad- ams and gnanddaughtcr ai Mr. and Mrs. Robert Frceland who livcd for many ycars in BOWnan- ville. Mr. Stewart, whosc niother is a medical doctor and whoac f a- ther is a well knOwn physiclat, cames iran Iowa. Bath Mr. and Mis. Stewart are connected with the theatre in New York, having reccnly bcen nembera ai Uic New York company ai Uic popular comedy "«The Man Who Came ta Dinner." TORONTO PASTOR SPEAKS SUNDAY AT ST., PAVLS On Sunday, May 4th, St. Paul'a United Church Sunday SchaQl ih celcbmating is anniversarY bY special services in bath nornn and evcrung, at which Uic prcach- cm will be Rev. Fred Joblin, B.A. Mr. Joblia, who is Assistant Min- ister at Deen Park Unitcd Church, Tôronto, supplicd thc pulpit at St. Paul's for several SuadaYs ia May and June ai last year. At that timo he made a vcny favorable imnpressian as a preacher and won nany friends among Uic nembers of Uic congregation wha will wel- came hlmn on tis Petiirn visit.,, Mr. Jabla canes ai a faniily which has contributed severa] ncmbcrs ta Uic miaistry ai Uic United Church ai Canada. His father la now at Scugog Island, bis brother Kiaglscy la thc minis- ter ai Westminster United Church, Wcston, and his brother Elgie is la chargc ai Uic Canadoc Indian Mission in Western Ontari6. Mr. Joblin hiansel islawll-known in Toronto as an effective young copie's speaker, being particu- ?aly i demnd at- meetings ai Uic famous York Bible Class, and hie messages should prove inspir- lag, not only *0 Uic members ai Uic Suaday School, but toa ah wha attend Uic AnniversarY Services. st. Paul's sunday School has a long record af service ta Uic chil- dren >and young people ai Bow- manville, many hundreds ai whom have reccived mligiaus instruc- tion la ita classes. It la hopcd that ail former nembers who can pas- sibly do sa will be present on Sunday. By attending Uic special services they can not oaly show their appreciation aiý wh4~t~ Sunday School has meant toln but also inspire Uic present 0î- emltendent, Wllfred CarX, and bis staff, ta continue tht ,o9d wark whlch. bas beca carled on in past years. Mr. Caruthers also extends toalal friends and mcm- bers ai st. Paul'a Church a cordial invitation ta be present at these services. wreath was laid on the atone ime- ,nowance ai Uic pleage ta those BRZGAER Brigadier E. L. bi. Burns, O.B.E., iBrigadier Gencral Staff of Can- l. adian Troops i England S OVER THERE y'Twas at a woman's war-work n meet,- ýe A member sat apart, ýAnd working on a sweater, neat, e Seemed happy, inilher heart. eBut, 'neath the happiness, she ,e showed, S (I fancied I could trace), 0A tinge ai deep anxiety, e Upon hier kindly face. eI said: "You seem ta take great joy cl In this taak you've ini hand, 1This making conforts for some 0 boy, Inl that far o'erseas land." She sweetly said: III did not know *My smiles showed without came, IfI am happy, it's because e I've two boys over there. Il "But I am only typical, y (I frecly this-declare), 0 f other mothers, who, like I, Have dean boys over there." 7. -RALPH GORDON. 0628 Crawford St., Toronto. who "gave their today for aur tô- miorroiv." ci On returning ta the lodge roomas hthe guests were given, a hearty gwelcamc by t4el.oca4 officers and vvotes ai thanks, tehdcred ta Canon rSpencer and those in charge oi 0arrangements for the service. Cowanville Church services weme with- dnawn Sunday owing ta the Sun- day School annivensany services 'at Lake Shore. Congratulations ta Kathleen LSimpson who is home for the yterni, having successfuily com- tpletedhlen studiea at Orono Con- The majarity of the farmers are wellalog wih teirsowing. *Visitars: The Simpson family, Mr. and Mrs. A]!. Perrin at Mr. *Robt. Hendny's, Lake Shore. eJack Barnes at home. .. Mr. and IlMns. Stan. Parteous at Mr. R. fHas- 'kiil'sj Part Britain. . . Mr. and Mrs. A]!. Perrin at Mr. H. Simp- son's, Salina. . . Mr. and Mrs. Clexn Parnell and family, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Graham, Mr. and Mrs. eOs Cowan, Mr. W. Robinson anid 'sister Mary, MsJones, at Mr. Stan Porteou'fil.i Ws aMidred Brown with thélStririger fanfily. -.Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Stringer at Mr. Mac Stapleton's. . . Mr. and Mns. James Rutherford at Mr R. Hollingsworth's.. Mis. Charlie Cowan with lier daughter, Mis. Smith, Newtonville. HOBBY SHOW f <Contlnued tram page 1) community. The Club *also goes ta considerable expense in its pre- sentation and although prizes are given they cannot be large, and habbyists should remember when they put work an display that a truc amateur doea hot expect too, tmuch rewand for his work. Classes ta be -. shown have enaugh varied intereat ta please evenyone. Aduit hobbies aie ber- ing featuýred this year mnore than ever. An addcd exhibit, *111 be~ seen th'aey car atheic h Scisocl Camr aClub co-aperaté ta put wron display. No, en%,f ie is thRrgèd aand the only way .tée hb bas ai meeting current expensca M ,by 'lhe admis- sions at tic dooDr *hic# have beehi set at 15e for, àdults and 10c. for childrehi. Exhitorsare provlded with passes wýich they may .use any time durlng thç day. For information Ëet in touch COMIN ruEVgNT Plan ta sec and hear. Jlm Hunt- er, Toronto Telegrm news coin- nentator, i Opera House, Friday, May MU, when Guides, Rangera an Brownes will presnt an en- tertainnent for thc British War Victims Fund. Admission 25c. 18-2 music Teachers and Pupils PAGE S'VEN tive published last week, Mis. L. T. McLaughlin and Miss I. Toland. Ia the obtuary ai Josepâ Ed- gerton in lIsat week's Statesman it was omitted that he la also sur- vlved by his- father, Mr. Herbèrt Edgcrton, Bownanvifle. - -, -1 il il EVERYTHINO FOR LOBABY PRICES Your I.D.A. fitore carnes a complete lino of baby supplies, Baby 1'oods, Pablwn Baby Powders, fliapons, Crib Shoots, Baby Syringos, ____________etc. Whon your baby noods phone 792. Our service is courteous, tho delivory prompt. BABY SCALES For ltent - per week 15C CASTRIAFletcher's 29c - 59e INFANTS DELIGHT SOAP 2 for 9c LACTOGEN -- - -79cé- 1.53 PABLUM, 1 lb. -----45c DEXTRI,-MALY0SE, 1 lb. .- -65e STEEDMAN'S POWDERS 25c ~- Bring baby ta, our store to bo weighod. Baby iosies -, " are ready for your use in aur Baby.Department. TRIÂT EED GRAMN FOR MIUT th~. 1.10 - 5 Ibs. 4.40 'Formaldehyde 16 ozs. -- 25c 32 ozs. *- 40e FOR EXIALTE AND VIGOUR TAKE Mdater, 16 oz*. 1.25 PmI $PAUIw io YOU LuN *CONOMY av" oue se SUR 1599 9810 309 FIGET NOTES WITH PROVEN. PRODUOTS Moth Killer Crystals lb.----- ------- ---39o moth ga19o S- 25e--49e LarveX --8e-1.29 GI . Moth Dalla, 1 lb. li1e PULLS moth Fla&es, lib. -15e TWe sis Wood's Math Kilier Bwokottes - lOc - 25e C D »3C - 59C WhbmInhet Kiler 23 - 43e ALWAYS UNIFORM3fo25 JUNIOR FOODs 2 for 19o eayer Aspirin, Igo 98c Mocca, Ige. - - - 790 SENSATIONAL OFFER P. BOTTLES AlaSoltzor, Ige. - 57 o Carter'. PlM, Ige. 0- 9o PRESCRI~PTIONS A SPýECIAI.TY ýAEXMCO.RIEOO,.R Phone 792 Wc Deliver v 1 MAY 1, 1041 m 1 âX, ÏOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO with Chairman A. M. Thompson' or, one of his committee, E. L. Oliver, R. C. Stevens, G. L. Da- vldge. And read next week's Statesmnan for the names of wmn- neri who excelled ln their partie- ulut classes. -WIDOW WINS SuiT (Continued from page 1) ino 'U rance company. These wit- nesss were of the opinion Mr. XÎM had died as the resuit of fflon monoxide poisoning. The miaiù witness for the plaintif f was D.R. G. Atmour, weil known edical authority !rom Toronto, wh* held that the term "suffoca- tion" was a general one. Unlike other witnesses he believed the .flire had burned fiercely by rea- sonof the very inflammable sub- stance in the chesterfield and that àùr. Ross had been overcome by a sudden paralysis caused by the in- tenfie heat and was unable to rise e om the chesterfield where he a' sleeping. In his judgment His Lordship stated Mr. Ross probably fell asleep and dropped whatever he was smoking with the resuit that the chesterf ield took fire. The fire burned his face and neck and belng deprived of his senses the victlm was unable to rise. He drew the inference that death was due to burning in conjunction with strangulation or asphyxia- *105. Solicitor for the plaintiff was W. R. Strike, Bowmanville, and for the defendants, Fasken, Rob- ertson, Aitchison, Pickup & Cal- vin, Toronto. MIDLANDS (Contjnued tram page 1) Iuck" to, someone whom we knew. As the large crow*a stood around chatting with the lads in the cars someone called fromn one of the windows, "Are there any girls here who are sorry ta see us leav- ing Ottawa?" Here and there in the crowd a hand went up. Then, l anyone sorry enough ta kiss us goodbye?" One attractive young lady was flot bluffed. She stepped quletly to the side of the car and, ;hileh soldier was lowered te window by his feet, she proved the smncerity of her regret. (*will be useless for anyone to ask for further information on this incident. I positively do not know either of the parties concerned). Innmediately there were requests for more volunteers but evidently wlthout results. As the trains pulled away in the darkness the boys cheered Ottawa and Ottawa cheered the Midlands; Froni the distance floated back the strains of their cheery songs while a Highland band piped them on their way. Thus the lads from the home counties lef t Ottawa, perhaps with sonie regrets, but they'll give just as good an ac- count of themselves somewhere else, A good deal of favorable com- OSHAWA MAY 2- 3 E*enings On!>' - Oshawa Arena PRIZES - FUN - GAMES FIEST PRIZE 1941 Chevrolet SECOND PRIZE $100 War Savings Certfficate 100 Percent Profits ta *the War Effort PAINTSAL,,E 4 a figDargains-4 Florenamel Four Hour Enamel A bard quick-drybg flow~ paint For furnituro, chairs and waflh SALE PRICEfl, Reg. $1.05 qt. 9 I~ A 35c cmsfor only15 ROCK SPAR VARNISH 1Glidden'a Famous Hard Varnish :LeALElcSALE This is the greatest Varnish Sale put ovor in Canada by any Company. - Buy any quan- tity ana you get an equal quantity for le. 1 gai. $7.20 and another for le1/ pt. at 60e and another for Ic 1 qt. at $1 .95 and another for lec 1 pt. $1 .05 and another for lec ]Bargains luInWallpaper An excellent selection of Suntested and Sun worthy papors - comploteslinos in stock JORNSTON'S ]BOOK STORIE nhone 651 AGENT FOR NEW SERVICE CLEANERS Dowrnville ment on Uic conduet of the lst Battalion, while in Ottawa, has' been heard irarn variaus sources. This applies bath ta their bcaring when abroad ia Uic city and their amartncas on panade. May it be suggested here, that thc numcrous fricnds ai the boys kcep la constant touch with thon by correspondence, for nathing la more acceptable ta Uic civillan saldier abraad than the iirst hand news ai home. S. F. Ferguson. Those who wcat ta Ottawa frai Bowmanvillc ta. sec the saldiers off included: Mrs. A. Baustcad, Mis. L. M. Curtis, 1%&s. Waltcr Cochrane and Jean, Mrs. George Purdy Jr., Mir. and Mis. George Purdy Sr., Mis. A. Connor, Mrs. Lyle Wilson, Mis. Dean Bickie, Mr. and Mrs. T. Cannons, Josie Cannons, Darothy Cannons, Miss Lena Barrett, Mns. A. A. Honey- man, L.A.C. Jack Honcyman, Mis. Gco. Graham Sm., Mis. Gco. Gra- ham Jr., Mis. Jack Poulton Sm., Mrs. Jack Poulton Jr., Mis. B. toke ENOS FRUIT SALT' King, Miss Gladys King, Mis. F. Burns, Mis. George Richards, Mis. Max Tucrk, Mis. Clarence Bell, Mis. Art Spicer, Mis. Nanann James, Miss Dorpt y Edger, Miss Grace Mitchell, Mns. E. Rundle, Mms. Patciield, $s A. Spencer, Misses Mamian ox, Jessie Ho- garth, Dorothy Tapsan, Helen Bird, Mary Ca wan, Canal Martyn, Bernice Kimble,1 Mary McAlls- ter, Margaret Wcstaway,- Wm. Tait, Mr. and Mrs. Roger Bird, Tommny Bird, Mi. Francis Clarke, Mis. Wm. Clarke, Harny Callacutt, Miss Jean McMullcn, Mis. Gea. Lyle and daughtem, Miss Bearnlsh, Mis. E. Dawney Jr., and'othens. ý j 4pei9îe-,Fll 0 1

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