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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 May 1941, p. 9

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eAY, MAY 8, 1041 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, PAGE NMN VMANVILLE, ONTARIO ORONOI Jack Stobart was home on LASC socà 1CudpasIla . CilWood spent the weekend PA Phone 40r16 at home. 111ff Joncs, Hamilton, was hi Ms L. Brown was in Orono.w. the mi Miss Eiîcen Joncs is home from Park Si sJoncs vlsited frlends here. Oshawa. lotft an Soveral -attcndcd the hobby Mr L. Bron spent the week- oveillci thow at Bowmanville.ed ee. selectio 1Miss E. Stutt, Grafton, visied h and m here. . Mrs. Sturgess, son and daugh- have i Gordon Leaman was home on ter-in-iaw, vlsltcd Mr. S. Cutteil. music1 bae.Ron Patterson was home on mrsh George Mitchell had a muscle leave. and su strained. Mr..and Mrm. V. Saunders, To- wood1 Mns. W. Waters celebrated her ronto, visited his parents. to the 75th birthday cjuletiy. Scouts met Thursday cvcnmng te d Mr. and Mrs. D. Jcffrlés enoy- with 21 present. aheona cd à trip to Haifax. GiJet etwa oe ongt A number attended a dance in ib et oeon Autrt Newasle niay igt.Mrs. I. Cobbiedlck h now once tor cho The.WA.tA. Roi's heuse. t again living in her own homo. ades," Mrs. . A.Rolp's huse.Dean's Bakery has received a moderr Congrats. to Mr. and Mrs. coat of paint. workin Toilisononth bithof sn. Miss V. Noden, Toronto, spont howeve the weokend at homo. wages) Miss Bernice Best was guest of ditioni' Miss Stella Best. lSid BRAY R.E Mrà. Smith returned home af the'bar ter spending the wlntor wlth her toîd th For IMDIATE mother, Mrs. H. arbl. thda Mr. C. Thonipson, Toronto, ac- Good companicd Mrs. Roy and Margaret known Tfrt glanco, it May hm.Dy nlot nomsibef Visitors at Chas. Shaw's Sunday hs cal! A 2 psibefr you wcrc: -Mr. and Mrm. A. Bolton and DadW ta order a flock eft hcks Mis eaCrTrno d nowv, grow thcm eut and gt' s eaCnTrno d theni into tje nests li te Some I.O.O.F. members took li ToS ta cash i on thc hxgh- Oc- the church parade at Millbrook aitdrnc teber-November egg prices. Sunday evenlng. led by But you cmxi IF you start Misses Helen Tlghe and Helen bratet good chicks and start them Sumersford, Bowmanville; were Lodge NOW. We are running all guests of Miss Muriel Tonnant. herent ourincbaorsat iil cp- Chief item of conversation since cucic aclty and are prepared to Thursday - What luck did you sÙpply yeu'with chicksat a have? vocal moment's notice-not i just AtohHmem 1ai lbsri one or two breoda, but li meetto-nhtoe adith MarieCHan-shrti any anc of a dozon pure mc oascnvet ih*roHn-r.swort breedsanad several crosses. cc scneo.wr Good chlcks, too--the ldnd .Mrm. J. Eagleson vlsitcd Mr. and Orono, yeu cmn depend on te livo Mms. Russell F. Crusoi South Hope, anmd grow fast. The kind cf Menaghan a few days at week. chicks that develepite Miss M. McLcan, Toronto, visit- early-laying and hcavy-lay- cd Mms. J. Eagleson one day last l lng pullets - thc kind cf weck, on her way te Kendal. chicks Robert Carnegie. of Mrs. McPherson has returned West lll, Ontario startcd - home aftcr spending the winten The at May-BXAY ëHICKS. i Toronto. seexm Mr. Carnegie writes: 11 Glad te, welcome back Mrs. L. people nover saw a nicer lot of Smith whose health hs much im- ormen birds; nover lest anc through proved. She has beon spendig thougi sickness, and my pullets somo montha in Toronto. accred started ta, lay at 4 % months W. Dont was home on leave. in the aid."0 Mr. Stei, stock buycr at Whit- citizen Get a f lock of Bray Chicks by, a former resident et Orono, ward) started under your brooders paid his firat visit to, aur village Poses NOW--"catch Up and cash in 5 years on Saturday. as any I" 'on Uic usuai hlgh egg ' . frleft t prices noxt October and The elimination of solossfr~ax NovmbrhUi Music Festival teck place aest f ac November. nlght (Wedxiesday). The chorus 'o c lordOPyour Bray 01110kW, tta'ted . competiïton takcs 'placé to-iùdr- -Sre Puliets and Turk.y Poulte row, night <Frlday). away tofrmLargest trout repontcd caught Oes F. C. VANSTONE, se far hs 18", but It was caught far a nap Uowmanvlll.away 'rom Orono by anc of a par- to kel F. L. EayAJ, Tyrone yIt may be a whopper of a tale yout FRED 1. THOMA,NeWcS*tie instead of tlsh. wîth. or JACKHUS ,ano Citizens i the seuth ward were suggei 'l __________ M__ amused whcn a pig was flung Out ticipal _______________________ ef a traller àttached ta a car ad tishinl -7<landed on Uic pavement where it about sat with a surprised look and 15",ir "loinklng" piteously. retrai J. J. Mellor has several Home specki aT A S nd School Club- meetings te at- fih POT'S nd PA S tea within a week. H's an ex- ample ta, provo the aid adage, "If y ou want somethlng donc, ask SPI ICID ' C EAN the busicst mani or woman te do c m sThe Central conixittee for the Par' Donnybrook fair met at Kunirite afttor Inn Monday ovening and made Little, further plans and suggestions fer A ,his EASY way entertalaiment and committees for me the event. '1Je Executive of Durhamn Temper- mr ance Federatipn met ta discuss ,te slnc -' ubin md.~b.Temperance situation iMjurham. shipc 0 nOlO t bigM %b and transact business., Plans wcre subje N bing to jet pomee ad bard- started for -thc convention in Oc- dutyg balS fSdoff OU M Pm-tober when Dr. DeMilie, fermer Theie kod offpos P~-paston, wlll b. a speaker. The GlUatts Lye eub riiht thrOugh Stan BoWen was rldng an a led b3 dirt of any hindi1 load et boxes at thc Forestry lat turc weck when ancetfUic boxes tlp- Black Use GMfett's Lye, too, to kem pepd, throwing hlm te the gnound. wlth fel.The hersés ran away, being caught ing tN dhMn u loan an ngfecy some distance away. Stan was off C. L3 Dosn't hurm o==Wo or plumb- duty for a fcw days. atten Mr. F. Duncan hs building a thei Ing. Keep a ti =y bungalow at thc back efthUicbouge Japar li whlch ho new lives. Pency bnif ~au sON I r" aowset Chapman has the cantract and and1 Uoo&Ietdth.boyibspoumtîlul wlll begi building soon. At the eniy1 dow dmns .. fflut- p rosent time Uic barn there is linedl bom mamcf W nbclng torn down. in E onor am M Don't 'fonget te woan a flower K~V'YWIdI4 ~mdsL~ n ext Sunday when - or if - you ANC t@. ~ go te church. It's just a little thlng, but It's a custom, that adds much to the beauty et Uic mether. themo whrch mlnistors speak an that day. at tl 1Mr. and Mns. Rex Boico ad speak daughter Çýrol, with'a gIrl friend, ship Mn. Wm. Bolce. Mr. Wlbert Hecni IOR IRROBLEMS STORS SUBJECT .OàO.F. MARffHES sion' Band teck chargceto nuslc Suxiday mornlng at St. Chunch, tillng Uic choir id the pulpit piatform ta nwing. hey rendencd two tns lni excellent mannen, nany favorable commenta been heard rcgarding thein and good behavicur. Cre- duc Miss M. MeDowell and Ym. Armstrong for trainig ipenvisien. Rev. S. Little- in lieu et a sermon talkcd ,children about diffonent is in ether lands, chlcfly litterencc i relgieus torm gthe Christians in theso ries. tho evoning service the pas- iose as topic "May Day Par- i which ho dealt with Uic rn labon problem. from Uic Lg mani's peint et vlew (net vor condening autrageous ), and aise the fanonrs' con- ks. iday School was attended by Wrs. Armstrong's class being nner ciass. Mrs. Dnummond tie children the stary af the and st new picture, "The Shopherd." As is well n, noxt Sunday h Mothor's lawevcn, Uic Suxiday Schooi ling it Parents' Day se as won't teed tee much neglect- St. Savlaur's Church in Uic oon about 75' Oddtellows, y the Band, marclaed te colo- Ui etounding of Uic I.O.O.F. 'and with friends and ad- it, iled Uic church te ca- y.oRe. Dý R. Dcwdney lied an excellent sermon and Mary Phasey tavored with a 1soie. Beforý and. afttheUi ce, lodgcs and band staged a parade. Bepresentativos present tram the iodgeu et , Pontypool, Milibroek, Port Bowmanvillo and. Cobourg. Mt Season Open* For Blg Catch ýopenig of Uic traut semuon L te tax tUic mmds et some ol as te whether ardent fish- a possoas as much fane- ght as Uicy werc tarmerly ýdited with. This laappcsaed ie case et threoetofousr local Dns <twa nesiding li the south 1) who te all intenta and pur- senjey a goed sleep as muai -ything. Suftico It ta say Uiey their conifortable homes at n. and arrived at their scene ztivity long befone daylight. jone suggeoied a, drink xd Sr went the thermes bottlc .h ncessitated ail being dry. suggestod Uiat his friend take p until Uio inn arrivod, which, .ep witlain Uic 1mw, permits te fiaih. Tihis was complled ýThon somegneofe the party ýested lunch and this was par- atOd li. The rouult ofthUe îg expédition was a catch ai it 45 tish, the largest being i length but the tisherman aina fnem - telling: how many 1les wene on this particular LENDUD TALK ON STEWARDSHIP irk St. W.M.S. met Tuesday 'non, with President Ms. S. lwoodpreiding.. r invitation ton Uic uocioty tc, tat Mn.. M. H. SImples' in awas accepte&. Ès. A. A. Drummond gave a nid tm]k on "Thc Steward- et Personality," dividing her ,ct ile two pýarts: (a) The eto solt dcvelopment, and (b) moans et self devclopment. âc wonship pcniod tollowod, by Mrs. LittlewNoad. The sari lossan was noad b y Mns. - e7 :kbunn. A hynin followcd, iMrs. A. A. Drunanand tak- twa verses as a solo. Mns. W. ,ynch nendoned a piano soie, rwhlch Mns. W. MottaIt tedk study bock ."Wltnesses hn an." Mrs. M. H. Staples spoie 11y et the wonk of Ms i Miss MaKinnan <bath terni ,Korean mlssionarîes) as eut- hilnUic bock "Living EpistieE :onoa."1 GCLICAN CHURCH IUOJECT AT UNION~ J. Mellon was guegt speakoi the Union, Monday evening aklng an "The Fonm of War. i UicAnglican Ciunch.' prcceded lai. taik wIi a sherl th et sevenal et Uic 1l Eng. cathodrals ho. has seen, in. Jing Westminster Abbey, St L's Cathodral, and a smàl edral - Uic smmllest in Uit .d - lni Wales. Ho divided hi cinte tour parts: <a) Ccnflr don, li whieh ho empliasizec training the young peoplo ne, cd; (b) the service iself witl pnayers and chants whici havi îblimeness, a dignity, an mç j and a stnength et their awr Communion and (d) singinfi 1tlk pnoved vony intenestini 1instructive. Lsical numbens wone pnovlde Gien Tamblyn and Manie: loewood who tavored with îcet duet; Lonora Wood wl- c, a vocal solo, with Audre lngs aI the piano; and Carc kpes wie rendened a plian o.Sanîptune was nêad by RZul >de and a neading was gîve Myrtie Tamblyn. Glon Har ,k aise gave a neading. Mien Hanceck,' président, a: uncd that ho and Bey. Littig od laad attended an executli .tlag 'et leY. P. Presbyte Ilers ad tliIf lie park cou] secured th ic iuaweuld i Id Wai OrmononJuno 141h. ORONO RED CROSS FORMS SOCIETY IN LESKARD Bcd Cross meét Thursday oven- ig. Mn.. H. Murray gave report of' the treasuner. Reports were heard as tollowa: Finance, MNs. w. Armstrong; Purchasing, Mns. j. R. Cooper; Inspection, Mns. John Armstrong. M.H. Murray was appaintcd te look atten the framing cf Uic chant. Messages et thanks wcrc ne- cclved fan sweaters handed eut ta Onanoitos who have iateiy become soldions. The wonk et Mns. Casey, now ef Lindsay, was spoken et wli appreciatien, and hon nomoval with regret. Mms. R. E. Logan, Mns. Chas. Wood and Mns. H. Mercer woee i charge et Uic May attennoon tea. Mns. W. Armstrong announccd the fonming, et a unit iLeukard with Mns. L. Rabbins i charge. This means that the Leskard lad- ies wifl sew and knit and brig the articles into the Orone noom ton shipment. The matton et uued clothing (which ahould bo pentectly alcali and respectable leeking) ton Uic netugees was iftt li abeyance, al- though it was poited eut that Uic Bowmanville Salvatien Anmy wS daing considenable aleng this line. Clarke Unfion J Seeding h well advanced I this section.-Someof et Ui annnsarc through. Mn. John Berry broko lis ici while spraying tan Mr. William Armstrong. We trust befone long te uee John around again. is son Roy was away at Uic tume having a contract deivcring nu.rsery> stock. Mn. and Mns. KerIieth. Cain and son et Sudbury are homo on a visit. Keeaneth has been wonking li Uic mines at that place. His, health is net et Uic best, causing hlm ta look ton a dittenent job. Messrs. Edwin Sandcrcock and. Frank Brown have sccured a-Job. i the forestny.1 Mr. Vanderbilt and t miiy, who have been living on Uic Cowlikii place, arc movlng this weeh to thc Marchmont place. Mn. and Mrs. Gordon Powers Lontertained frionds ta dinnxer on LSaturday ovenig. .Visitons: Mn. and Mns. Swin- 1fond, Bob and Dorothy, Tenante, rat S. D. Souch' s... Miss M. Pewér t et Oshawa and, Miss Mamie Arch- er et Bowmanvillo at Mn. Garder Pawer's. . . Mn. and Mn.. J. W. Jeiiwdl and Mary, Bawmanville, aD Xt. 23Sol*h'u. M.and -Mrs. H. J. Souda and Efleen at James Rutherford's, IKlrby. * Brown S Congratulations te Helen Zml- fjowski, Betty, Peggy and Bobby gStephenson and Sami Turner who 1won prises on their oxhibits in rthe Hobby Show hcld i Bow- rmanvillc. Red Cross Committce met at Mrs. Robt. Graham's ton a quilt- ing. The commilttee handed i quiîts, 4 pair ot.socks, 10 pain ef epyjamýas, 1 kimona, and 12 pain of two-way mitts. Next meeting ef Red Cross at Miss Joan Penrin's Fon May l4th. 1. Mn. Freernan Eddy and Mr. FrInk- Pankon anc workmng in the D Oneno Fenestny. .1 Mn. Bill Clark has Jaid the Active Service Fonce and h at Rpresent stationed i Kngetan. .*Miss Wylma Farrow ententain- c d the Nowtonville Girls' Club. a Mn. Gea. Stephenson enjayeda )tishing trip oven Uic, weekcnd. L Visitons: Mn. and Mns. Wni 1Huggins, Oshawa, at Mn. R. Gra- ham's. .. Mn. and Mms. A. Hunter and Mary visited Mn. Passant in Bawmanvillc Hospita... Mn. and -Mrs. C. Turner, Ms.R. Graham and Miss Wylma Farrow in Osh- awa. . . Mn.and Mns. Henry k Reichrath and Beyl in Bowman- LI ville. .. Mn. and Mn.. Jack Mack- e lin and family, Oshawa, at Mn. Ti i Clark's. ,rt re -d a no d Lxi "O0bedience is the key to every door."-.George MacDonald. "TIRED"I ALL TUE TIME sika -Foav1u$1 M& lAtush of adt dby awoo. 112 Dodd's Kidny Pils Kendal Pte. Gilbert Greig, has inoved trem Ottawa te ffltia. been Nova NEsws Visitera: Mns. Peter Laing, Mn. and Mna. George Laing and son, onono, at Mn. Wm. Laing's.... Mr. and Mns. Thos. Bunkoîl, Mn. Cieland Lane and Gloria at Mn. Carbrry'a, Nowood. . - . Mrs. I'has. Stapieten wiUi lien brother, Mr. W. W. Hendersen, Bowman- ville.. . Mn. and Mns. G. N. Smith, Stankvîlle, at Mn. George Jý Sta- pleton's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Mark Saper, Kendal, with Mns. C. Hes- kin. . . Mns. (Dr.) Mullett wiUi Rov. and Mrs. J. MaLachian. Mr. and Mra. VW. T. Nicholls, Ai- fred- and Carroll, Wesleyville, Mn. Ray Webster, Toronto, and Misses Euniae and Enla Jackman, Bew- nianville, at Mn. Sid. Lancaster's. ..Mn. and Mns. Bruce Whitney and Gladys with thear COusins, Mn: Stanley Whitney's and Mn. Frank Dixon'as, Brighton. Olive roturnod home witi thcmn. . . Mns. J. Stark and Donna with friends at Castieten. .. Bob Hughes, Ed- gar Mison and Sherman Me- Murray, Newmarkct, at home.' )&. and Mns. Harold Littlo and son movod inte Uic villagc last week. 1Miss Annie Nesbitt la home at- ton being in Tarante for tic spnlng miUlinery season. Amang those on Uic siak list reaentiy are: Mns. Cecil Robinson, Messrs. W. C. Lane, Wm. Laing and Lanson Milisen. Thc Girls' Club met at Miss Wylma Fannew's , Newcastle, at week. Mn. Wm. Stapleton aold a herse ta' Mn. George Robinson, New- castle, last week. Master Jim Savery came honie from Uic hespital Menday and i. doig niceiy. Misa Mary Hendersen la assiat- i Mrs. R. E. Menton, Newcastle. Mns. C. Hoakin and Mr. and Mns. Pency Heakin attendcd tho tunonal et the tormon's brother- in-iaw, Mn. Wmn. Beatty, at Elisa- bethviile, Menday. Mns. <Dr.) Mullett, netunned missionary on tunlougla froni China, was gucat speaker at the United Church Sunday ovcning. She gave a ivery intereatlng ad- dres. on conditions In China and her relations with Japan. Af ton the service she invitcd ail te Uic ciunch basement where sie uhow- cd sides et China inciuding "The Burma Road."ý Sho aise displaycd handcraftet the Chinese. Starkville Glad to nopent Mr. A. Dobsan able toauit up a tew minutes caca day. Mn. S. G. Hallowell has been under Uic dectar's cane again, but glad te say lic lu much impnoed. Mnr. Jean Stone et Onano laa been traclor piewlng fan Mn. Frank Stone. 'Mn. Lew IalowelU la having a telephone instmibed In lais home. Our saheel spent tUiclaosc of Arber day plcking tlowcns li Mn. S. G. Hallowell's wceds, atter -*lalcl a ligit lunch WUa senved. Mr..and Mns. Warren Carson attended Uic funerai of hen un- 'l i * Mn. Evan Quantnili, wha has beesi in Nichols Hospital in Peter- borough this past two weeks, was biïought home on Saturday. Mrs. 3itâdley et Orono is leeking atter hjil.- We hope lie will be able te b. aneund again seen. * Visitera: Mn. and Mrs. George Clarke and Mn. Beb Alexander, Tr,,Dnto, were here for the week- en... Miss Mary McLean and e àcns, Toronto, wene at her gUmmen home here. . . Mra. Flon- ence Wright spent last woek with hon daugliter, Mrs. Leneard Falls. .ýPte. Walter Wright, Pte. WilIis ,Wright and Pte. Albert Mavin *éte home on leave. . . . Mrs. »owes and son of Taronte arc vlslting Mr. A. Greig. . . Mn. A. Littie and Miss Dorothy Scott ;Were with Mns. Nova Little on Sünday. .. Mns. E. R. Bostock has been with lier son Dick for a couple et weeks whilo fiixig up hon eld tarm home. . . Mr. and ,Mrs. Milton Robinson spent Sun- day in the city. .. Miss Marjony Patton, Port Hope, was at home. Lake Shore, Clarke The Red Cross wrnl meot Wed- -neday atternoon at Mrs. H. Row- land's. SRecent Visitons: Mn. and Mns. -Lxeone Souch and Allan, Bow- manville, Mn. and Mns. C. Hilton, Mr. and Mna. Humphrey, Toronto, Ët W. Adam'. . . Mn. and Mns. W. Adamsanmd family with Mn. and Mrs. M. Seuch, Oshawa. ... Mnr. and Mrs. James Payne, Te- ronto, Miss M. Petons, Port Eni- tain, at C. Mitcheli's. . . Mrs. L. Lav ety, Harmony, Mrs. E. Ton- kin, oshwa, with Ms. T. Powell. ..Mr..and Mns. A. Turner and iEeien, Lockhart's, with Mr. and Mns. G. Martin. .. Mn. and Mrs. 1M. Heard, Port Hope, at C. tBrown'a. . . . 'Mn. and Mns. C. rBrown, Mr. and Mrs. L. Allin, Mn. Land Mn&s. R. Alldred at R. Pater- gson's, 5th Lino. .. Mr..and Mrs. N. Gathore, Pickering, Mn. and Mns. E. Wicks, Toronto, at S. LPowell's. .. Mrs. B. Jaynes and k Mna. C. Brown in Tenante. 9,Lake Shore Homo and Schoai 1,4seciation heid thoir April meet- tjng. The pnegram was mn charge 1cenvonor Wm. Rowland. Vocal soie by Pauline Delixie. Reeve C. .I R. Canveth et Newcastle gave an fntenesting meving pictune show et local people and nesidents ef 'Newcastle. Lawrence Monten > gave a piano solo. Newly electec etticens are: President-Robert 8 Hendny; Vice Pres.-Mns. Chas. 2 Alidned; Roc. Sec.-Mns. W. Bas- kenville; Carres. Sec'y.-Audney Adams; Teasurer-Gordoii Mar- ,tixi; Convenors-Mns. R. HendrY, r*Mrs. C. Brown, W. Baskerville, C -. Alldred. Lunch was served and ic meeting closed with Ged. Savl Uic King. Newtonville cie, Mr. Wm. Beatty of Elizabeth- ville. People et this district wene shocked te hoar et. the death et a one time resident, Mn. Thos. Mc- Mullen, who passed away at Belleville and was buried in Bow- nianville an Menday. Mn. Mc- Muilen had. lived in this district for a number et years, and the sympathy et this section gees eut te his tamily and sorrowing fri- ends. Visitons: Fniends tram Toronto visited Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Tini on Sunday... Mr. and Mrs. Mont- gomery visited at Warren Car- son's... Mr. and Mrs. Lew Halle- weli and tamily visited Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lyttie, Newtenville. ..Mns. Hl. L. Trim h vlsitlng in Toronto. .. Mn. M. Shutka, Danny and Noule, Oshawa, were home aven Sunday. .. Miss Marion Far- row, Toronto, was home aven Sunday. .. Fniends fromn Oshawa isited 'at Mn. Shutka's on Sun- day. .. Mn. Raymond Farrow ef Whitby was home Sunday. . Mis. Bert Tnim and Mrs. Silver were li Port Hope on Saturday. .. Miss Edna Farrow visited Miss Bennice Andrews, at Cowanvile, an Sat- urday. Be-thesda The May meeting et the Beth- cada Community Clubwas heid in the school on Friday nlght with President Raiph Giaspel in the chair. The meeting opened byUic singing et O Canada. The late et off icers for the next year was braught in and approed. Theyl are: .President-R. Wright; VIce- President-Art Hamilton; Secre- tary-Mrs. D. Stainton; Treasurer -G. Miller; Pianist-Helen Wer- ny; Assistant Pianist-Mrs. How- ard Brent; Cerresponding Secre- tary-i-Mrs. Clinton Bigeiow; Press Cornesponent-Flerence Rundie. The program for the cvening was in charge et Mn. R. Wright. It opened with a selection by an or- chestra from Oneno. Tho Devo- tion was taken by Mns. R. Glas- poli. Mr. Burrus et Salem taven- cd with a vocal solo, accompanied by Mrs. Burrus at Uic piano. Mrs. H. Brent and Mrs. R. Pooiey gave a piano duet. The guest speaker for Uic evening was Rey. A. R. Cragg, Bowmanville, who gave s splendid talk on Education in, Engiand. Following Mn. Cragg's address thc orchestra from Oronc tavored with anothen selection, jatter which Mn. Burrus sang again. Lunch was senved and the meeting closed with God Save the King. n.Dewn South, a Negro woman cwas buying eggs in a store run by t another Negro. lodesc aigs 3.tresh?" she asked. The salesman 1_ nopiied,1 «"se net sayin' dat dey ain't." To which she encountered, y"I1 ain't askin' yc ain't dey ai't, l'se askix'i' dey is?" Tyrone Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Wal. Findiay and Mr. Ed. Virtue, Thornhill, ?r. Norman Byers, To- ronto, Mr. J. Thompson, Mrs. Chapman and niece, Orono, at Mr. Wil Virtuc's. .. Miss Pearl Snith, Port Hope, with her parents... Mr. Trewin Scott at Mrf. Herb. Scott's, Orono. . . Mr. and Mrs. Dave Park and Tommy, Bow- ruanville, at Mr. E. S. Trimni s... Mrs. Floyd Dudley and Jean visit- ed Mr. Scott's at Brooklin. . . Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Cooke, Bowmanville, at Mrs. Floyd Dudley's. .. . Mr. and Mrs. Marwood Heard and family, Enniskillen, Mr. Glen Hoskin, Oshaw6a, Mr. Bert Hoskin, Burketon, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Warren, Hampton, Mrs. W. E. In- nes and Judith, Brooklin, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Hoskin. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Don Davey on the birth of a dau- ghter; also te Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wood (nee Edna Carneron), a daughtcr; and to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wood (nee Dorothy Mc- Roberts), a son. Y. P. U. met Thursday evening wlth Rev. Gardner, Hon. Presi- dent, in charge of the worship which opened with the hyran, On- ward Christian Soldiors. Rey. Gardner gave an interesting talk on this grand old hymn. Scripture in unison folowed by prayer. Mrs. IR. Virtue took over the program. Readings were given by Helen Youngman, Wesley Hill and Marie Thompson. Mrs. Gordon Brent and Mrs. Howard Brent gave some very fine selections of mu- sic. A quiz was conducted by Lorne Mortson and the meeting closed with a contest by Mrs. R. Virtue. Congratulations te Miss RubY White and Pte. Charles Robinson 3on thoir niarriage. t Enfield Visitors: Mrs. Cecil Crossman and Jean, Haydon, with Mrs. D. IHall... Mr. and Mrs. Earl' Bow.. Sman, Vincent and Jimmie, Kit- Bchener, at Mr. Wilfred Bowman's. r..Miss Verna Ormiston, Oshawa, at Mr. Hoaken Smith's.. . Mrs. aConnor, Port Hope, at Mr. M. iSicoman's. . . Mr. and Mn. Ev- S erett Orrihton, Bowmanville, at iMrs. W. J. Ormiston's. . . Mr. and Mrs. M. Samis and Fred at Mr. 9Cecil Collacutt's, Salemn. e Rev. H. W. Foley, Bowmnan- eville, gave a splendid temperance address Sunday. Mr. Norman Stinson is sporting aa new Massey-Harris tractor. y Sympathy is extended te Mr. :s James Parr on the death of his ri sister, Mrs. Byron Nesbitt. 1 "Waiter, neyer bring me a steakl tlike titis again." "Why not, sir?' "Well, it simply isn't donc." IuiauDirectory Legal M.L G. î GOULD, B. A., E L.. Baýrrster, Solicitor Notary Phone 351 Bank of Commerce Bldg. Bowmanvlle W. a. STEIKE Barrister, Slctr Ntr Solicitor for Banck oi 1onrea Money to Loan - Phone 791 Bowmnanvllle, Ontario L. C. MABON, B. A. Barrlster - Solicitor Notary Public - Etc. Law i ail its branches Office immediately east of Royâl Theatre Phone Office 688 Home 553 Dental DR. J. C. DEVITT Assistant: Dr. E. W. Sinson Graduate of Royal Dental Col- lege, Toronto. Office: Jury Jubilee Bldg., Bowmanviile. Office hours 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily, except Sunday Phone 790 _ lieuse phone 883 X-Ray Bquipment iOffice Funeral Directors ]FUNERAL DIECTOIRS Service, any heur, any day F. F. Morris C. Modem Motor Equipment, Am-. bulance mnd Invalid Car. Tele- phone 480 or 734, Asistant 573. VeterInary DR. G. IL BOOTH 323 King St W., Oshawa., Ontario Phone 21 Large a Samali Animal Surgery WILFEED W. SHRIRWIN L E.V.80. V.O. Veteriaary Sureoa Office: Maia St., Orono Phone 5wr 'Auctioeer 1 ampton - Ontario .SpeclaUing li Farrn.Livestock, Implements and Furniture Sale 1TERMS lMODERATE Phone for Terrns and Date te: Bowmianville 2428 8 The program comrnittee of the Young Wemen's Class met at Mor. 5K. Gantby's and made plans for 1the May meeting at whlch Mrs. A. A. Drummend will be hostess. 1 Ye

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