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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 May 1941, p. 10

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PAGE TEN TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTAIIIO THURSDAY, MA? 8,ié4~ Jean reiectlng suitr: "No!.A COMING ÉVEM SBIRTHS Hlip Wanted Ca iidA ae _________ thousand times na!" __ ______________________Llvestotk For sale Jini: "Don't rub it in, I on]y Home cooking sale will be held RUNDLE-In, Bownianville Hos- NEEDED AT ONCE-RELIABLE FOR, SAL 0GO IS askcd you, once!" in aid of the Red Cross ini the pital on Sunday, May 4th, 1941, man between 35 auýd 85 years of One' cent a word cadi, ool $810 Pr.; chaict qladiolus bulbe ________________Cowan Block en Saturday after- ta Mr. and Mrs. S. Chas. Rundle, age, with car, needd nimedi- Insertion (minimum 'é,arÈe lc each; spruce trees 3 ta 5 ft. _________________noon and evening, May 17th. 19-1 Maple Grave, the gift of a ate, ta hand out Free Saap in 250). Charte of 25e extra le high, 10c; pasture for cattle. C. b _______________daughter. nearby rural route and supply made when .advertlsement hs Mitchell, Newcastle.c. 19-1* --- Salvation Army Special Moth- established dernand for Every- flot Pald.same week asiser- er's Day Services, Sunday, il a.rn. WOOD-At Bawrnanville Hospital day Necessities includig Bak- tion. Extra charge of, lSc FOR SALE- COW. 5 YEARS You Only Ltave and 7 p.m. Selected singing by an TueSday, <April 29th, 1941, ing Pawder, Spices, Extracts, when repliés are directefi to 61d, due* in August. Apply Dan the young people. Address Sun- ta Mr. and Mrs. Albert E. Wood Medicines,. Cleansers, MineraI- a Statesnia box number. Kube,. (Maple Graim), Eaw- day cvening by Lieut. Sybil Mut- ' (nee Edna Cameran), the gift of izde Tanics and Fly S ray, etc. Bilrths, deatha m arae anil :R .l-1* ton. a daughter (Audrey May). Farm experience helpRi. Sell- 500 eaoh. in Memoriains, 50é,, ing experience nat-fnecessary as for notice plus TOc per lUne É ÔOXSALE - w M-Ô,PUREBRED TH R Anniversary Services of Tyrane DEATtIS' We train you. For full particu- for vferso. V ssfieI adver- YOikshire'gilte, 63ý rûonths old. United Church Sunday School wrn '4lr eadngti pnn, ieet cetýd" xap ti_ Aléo quontity Daaley .poattes. be held an Sunday, May 118 h.McMULLEN - In Belleville, on write Watkins' 2177 Masson St., 6 p.m. Wednegday. Z -Abbly L. J. Sleman, R. R. 6, Always gontle, understanding, t91ievie t1.3 .. i> audYMy"141 hms Mtrl Quebec. Dept. 0-B-9._____________ B mnvle phone 2508. 19-1* Giving much, but asking naught, 7 p.m. Standard Time. Rev. A. R. William McMullcn, b e laovoe d 17-4FO SAE-2YRSH E Pacifying, ne'er demanding, Cragg of St. Paul's United Church, husband of thc late Martha Mc-'FO SAE--2YRKH E Livng s ic astr augt; Bowmanvile, will be the guet Mullen, in is 76th year. Inter- WANTED-GIRL FOR GENERAL For Rent Pie3nonsad.ApyF speaker at bath services. Music ment Bowmanville Cemetery. Hotel work. Apply Balmoral Elmor.Cox, or phane 2488. 19-1 Loving, sacrificing, ever, by Sunday Schaol under Uic lead- Apply 19IviPRs. RE.T DRhiNT l, 1- FR- AL---KHIE OW Strvin bu t ese te ry, ership of A. H. Brent, and Uic MORTON-In Newcastle, an May APyMs .E imwlSl O AEYRsIEsw Strffivg u acsl a, Carruthers Mae Quartette -from 7th,. 1941, Elizabeth Mortn, HELP WANTED - AN .EXPERI- ver St., Phone 784. 19-i* due ta farrow in about nc Stafst athufaltering nover, St. Paul's Church will sing at Uic widow of Uic late Richard Maor- enced girl or woman for gen- - weok. A. W. Martin, Bowman- Memory hallows Mother's Day. cvening service. Everyane wel- ton, i her 87th ycar. eral housework. Good pok. To HOUSE TO iXENT-ABOUT TWO ville, phone- 2594. 19-1 came. 19.2 Funeral from the residence of work i North Torontofor f ar- mil ewst of Bowmianville, 7FO AE1GNRLP - Don't Disappoint Rer her daughtcr, Mrc. E. E. Patter- ily of three. Fond of, childrcn. roins, email gardon. Ap lyFO SAE4GNRLP - cali t th Dane spnsore by ocal189, son, Newcastle, on Saturday Apply 80 Roxborough.,Ave., or Box 143, cla Statesmnan Off ce, >5 nrh farsi io U.R.W.A., Bowmanvile, ini Com- May lOth, at 3 p.m. D.S.T. In- poo33 saa 1- omnil.19-1* 4; gênerarpohre, risiri 4 hng munity Hall, Newcastle, on Satur- terment Orono Cemetcry. FOR RET-*ATR OR 25peGant Sm ,Bwnn K I G W May ke% îth.' Rocicy Ramblers ioESBTT Wawmnvmted BRtEsosNT PAe TUÉEcf and ville.nos, 194*n genlean ofic wrka;ce- Cuc, ownavilepho velle.m ' Furi 9ur Co p.m. Everybody welcomc. Admis- Eoizbyo es Prbitt ii ed wfe ghta oion.Appy orkt cn 145, 2120.lphn W iiâ!...uriu o Flover Shop sion: Members 25c, non-members o yr n emet Hampn ern- Shta ati n Of. AWOR oxRENT212 .e OMDHUE Phon 77 WeDelver oc.yea. Iýerent ampon em- Statsma Ofice bier Sprint Mattresses Poo72W eie c.This is fora good cause so etcry. FRRN - O lets sc tatcvey Uionmeber___________________W A N T E D - CUSTOM WORK furnished if desired. Canyon- Gaod. lookhng h e a v y attends. Came and have a real * a~u~~AAwne o rce.Pon 49 ~cs adnadgrg.Oesprig-filled Mittressec, covercd goo tie. 9-1 AJ~IVi~iV~JIIF~VIGarnet Symons, Bowisnville. mile froin Cacsarea. Write Wil- 1 . ST:,-n 1vgmr-ry1ANE- -,192 liami Lamb, Nestîcton, or phono you years- cf conu!ort. Ail sizes, _______________________________________________ ort erry12414. 9-1 an amazigy low price. cfada rteSADDLE.HORSES. Floor Coverlng Speelal awary M te, 196.ho, pffled Apply giving color, markings FOR RENT-4 ROOMED APART- $.9Brels ue6 ' Trn Mamoy fades and6. and price, also saddles. Plea-- mont i the Cawan Black; 'niod-$ 4 ýdres us6X' sures, alley Ranch, Oshaw, ern conveniences, electric utovo nadecnoensflos ev This partss ta ha phono Onhawa 1654311. 19-1* and electric refrigerator. Phone lin: ewis, là ailwiFths. The larg- You'll live forever in otuSrhoarts. a ffor oeig n -Ever rcmembered by Sister WORK WANTED - CLEANING 1570. î9-uf est dispayoforcvrhgan Y' ) __i nalngtm.1yadcttn rs, d osruge in the city. Wilson's prices Annie and Brothcr-i-law. yrs uti rsodjb, O ~ OMDPRaelower! ARMSTED-I mmar, c ou puntngetc AplyH. verst nisiied cottage at Bowmanvillè StUldIo Couches stead, who passed ta* his rest WANTED - TRACTOR WORK. screened, fireplace, and.garage. couches i attractive caveringe. May Mt, 1936. If you are rcquiring work donc Rent roasanable. Apply Mrs. A. 50 beautiful studio couches ta God called hum home, it was by tractor, phono 2100 for in- Tait, P. O. Box 477, Bowman- choose fromn at bargain prices Uihat His wiil. formation. 1 i 9-i* ville, phono 388. 18-tf-i* will save you many dollars. But ini our hearts wc love him W AN T ED - EXPE1UNE O ET-ATR O H New Chesterfield Suites -Maud, David and Uncle Jack. lady desires position as house- ceason, plenty cf waten and $»9.50 Modemn sprig-filled keepcr. Capable.ta taking. coim- shade, Lot 14, Con. 4, Darling- Chesterfield cultes, excellent cov B~RWN-n mmon cfa dar plete charge. Apply Roôm 24, tan. Apply A. H. Clemens, R. R. wif an loingmoterJeanie Bawman House, Bowrnanvillc. 6,'Bowmianvllle, phono 2433. engcrdso-oo.Ar wiE.andron w h passJdawaye 19.1* .1-fbuy. Chesterfield cuitas in heav. E.__Brown,______________________f igured nich velours, luxuriant' -May 3rd, 1936. WANTED TO BUY- SOME deep-seated comfont,, custom-built thal ougt i arr Al~-Ever remembercd by Husband ycung cattle. To Sll-Eggc for Articles For.Sale styles, fully guaranteed construc -_ Iagree with You, lt la somle and Farniy. cetting; gcod Irish Çobbîer pc- tion. We carry a large selection ta at his 10w prîces. tatoos and came second grade FOR SALE-AN ALL-ENAMEL- choose from, and our prices are - Carda of Thanks potatoes. R. Stenger, Ehpilski1- led ice refrigerator. J. H. Jase, alwayc îawer. lon (on highway anc mile north Newcastle, phone Clarke 1121. .Bedroom Suites' Mrs. Helen Curran wishes to of Ennickilen).FR ,E 3 APELlFo hiligy c, mr thank the friends and noighbcrc, 1 hilnlynw mr We have every kind of tea that 'e <on the mrket. Net only alse Mrs. Smythc and nurses at Weekly FeedfSWecial fr1ck,- 2½ tan stakhe, 165 i. waterfall design. This is an out- have you a wlde seleetion but prices are the lowest lu own the hospital, Rcv. Mr. Davison andae 2x ies ul tnin u. tWlsnsyo a Dr. Harold Ferguson, for kindness W E E K L Y FEED SPECIAI - tvheels, 7' 4" by 12' 8" racks, 7-. find yaur heart'c desire in a bcd- Na in l SnaCaaand sympathy oxtended in her Vanstone's Grewing Mash $2.15 tan license. Will sacrifice forronsut.Mdm adprd na Sauta Clara ~recent bereavement ini the lascf per cwt. Offer good unth May quick sl.PooBtany dsgs isnslwroeha Prunes - 2 Ibs 25e her aunt, Mrs. W. Sewell. l5th. F. C. Vanstonc, phono 'fl7. 20-23. 19-2* mneans lower prices ta you. £1Mr. and Mrs. James Henry and 'FOR SALE - BABY PRAM, $ 8 U hoefen Figs - - - - lb. Ise family, Blackstock, wish to thank Real Estate For Sale brown, in good condition;ie$ 8 U 1 cefo E G G he taf ofBowmnvile osptalrefrigerator, cap. 50 lbs. Appy grand celection, ail styles and col- for J'theafffBowmn: i M.RA SAEFR Aý-E .Rne DHospitar ,ble -St.Or-;Wecarr acomplte stock f Stoneless Hduring Mntills. sRablESTATpERty S aLEDEpMtoRaceAon S.Gondron and Lloyds Pranis and W E I( Dqes - - l lc Mr. T. H. Clemenco wishes te with hard and soft watr and in. excellent condition. Write TRADE IN BARGAINS express hic thanks and apprecia- furnace. 2 acres o! land,, with Box 144, Statesman Office. 19-1 Sacrifice pnices for imnrediate EGGS tien to Mrs. Smythe and nurses of mixed fruit trocs; bqrn ., 4iFOR SALE- clearance. It pays ta visit aur "A"Lare -- dz. 5cBawmanville Hospital, alto Dr. chicken house. For partîcu1r - LàiFTLEUM AND) trade-in departmcent. The largest "A"Lare ds. 5c'Birks, and to his many friende apply -Rata Kerslakc, Ham1ptn Congoleum rugs. Select yours stock in aur history. Xedim - doz. 2& and relatives who sent flowers or phono 2541. 1. frein.aven 300 patterns actually 3 sdCetril help___in____________________FOeini stock. You are invited ta viow 30uit est$5.00eîd hi eped naccn te aydri FR SALE - SQLI]) BRICK these at BRADLEY'S New ur- Sues$.0p _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ h i r c e n a c i d e t .h o u s e o n , C e n t r e S t . , B o w m a n - n i t u r e S t o r e , 1 5 6 S i m c o e S o u t h , 9 D n i n g R o o m S u i t e s , $ 1 4 . 0 0 u p ville, modemn conveniences; wiU Oshawa. 19-ff Qucbec Cook Stoves --- $5.00 uii REMEM BER MOTHER ON MOTHER'S MunJoymish o eten t be sold chcap ta close up:,an LreAmntrRg- 60 DAY ends, neigih'Çrs,.Hmta om estate. Apply A. E. Belln'ani, FR GE-98 O D D , Buffett---------- $6.00 en' Isttue ndHampton Bible King St. West. il t! in excellent conditien. Gro' Extension Table $3.00 _______________andHamptonBibl Moton Sales. 19-1 Cupboard $4.00 Give lier a Class their heartfelt thanks ini LOT FOR SALEC)N LIBERTY Dresser - - -- -$4.00 their recent bereavement. St. North. Phono 538, Bowmàhi- F OR S A LE - 28-50 HORSE- Beds $ 1.00 UP -ville. 19-f power Hart Parr tra4or; 36-.50 Several Breakfast Suites, Kitchen WIRISTIE'S CAKE for 35c Notice Gocdison Separater and Inter- Cabinets, Couches, Wardrabes, _____________________________FOR SALE - 1. ACRE,, SEVW national Ensillbge Cutter. Thesc Heintzman Piano, China Cabinets, Ail thase not wishing tc con- raomed heuse; %MteMxside h must.., zoldtc close an estate. Cribs, Prams, Desks. tinue their share in Enniekillen ouHdo Apply te P. O. Box WU<si choap. Apply Mns. Corne early for choice selection Beef Ring, kindly phone 2357 or 163, Bowmanviilc. l19l* David Grahâm, R. R. 6, Bow- a hs agiswl epce Hr yl i ,2293 as early as possible. 19-1 Vtrnr manville. . 19-1 astes pranswllbuicked HECREGRCRCHANGE 0F PHONE FRVALe-terinaryRE DLIER T ECRJOE SEYMOUR, T R U C K E R, R.1 B.1 MURRAY plants, Senator Dunlop $2.50 Phono 867-368 Froc Delivery Manvers Read, hereby notifies Veterinanlan per 500, $4.00 per 1000: wjAlso Wilson's Furniture Co. _____________________________________ clients hie phcnj has been Church St. - bowmanvllle. came Premiers. Apply T. But- 40 King W. 20 Church St. changcd frani 494 ta 2822. 19-1 Phone 843. tory, Scugog St., phono 2190. OSHAWA 18-4 18-2* _________________ FOR SALE-FORDSON TRAC-' tor and Fleury Plows, formrnely owned by Mr. I. Munday, Bew- manville. Apply Mn. H. Roy -ON P Goodrich, 196 Athol St. E., Osh- b N P 01awa. 18-2* Sure paint la going up, but not FOR SALE - DOOLEY AND if you buy hore whilo 1 am Katadini potatees, 14 suckling reduielugmY stock. Act quiek- f P j! ffJ j/ Tpige, DeLaval separator, and [y as 1 amiseslllng several linos choice mixed hay. Apply S. W. ai a reduetlon whlio they last, Brooks, R. R. 4, Bawmanville, for cash. phono 2227. 19-1 OSHAWA'S NEW FURNITURE Wekl Secal TO EL SR TEStore - Everything i moenx, LOOI n M EL é: ~~~~~chestcrfield, bedroom dining Wrh$.0prq suites, and studios. Bedung;gnd Wrh0.0ze i floor coverings a specîaîty. CASH SALE PRICE ï ~Quality merchandise at coin- Until May 15th On tus, the Golden Jubilee Anii Sim ias, a New Slumberiag Mattre un"ed New inner-ceil contruction si added coulais 50 au already fine coi mattress, supreme in its ppuce claât. peresi"lient COUiS..saaltary Fre . . . hosvy saoeen. wovoa stripod covot outstaading value for_ confort and b.i $25300 *SLUMBIR KING SPR Givet perfec, balaced support ta the Slumnber K trous or toa ay apring-filled mattress. BulIt ta lx hoight for easy bed-making; cannas tour fabri looking andeasy ta kecp dlean. The Siamber Kinj the spring that cannas sag, bas beon a favourite f Put thia Sinisons mastorpiece on rour beds and differoaco. F.NF.MRS cou Funerai Service - Furniture Forsary af ' t1 1 42 Y M . IS . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __X es5 il pre- MLUGMs 'A] VflIDUh ,Separators - manlkn oeforable d separatons Pur1a'd,.er- N..I 242 tom- VI"t. 1 Phont. »0# .t Fo«gws vfl ruff adih edge MOnrrll,'40Wdfnv *20 W handios. 1-1 rs... au FORSAE-PESALUB'54ra t auty.berGd. na1d oa4 i Can le ed nvelp, th pnice TO THIS SWORN tetsamples 25c. 24 samples $1,00. Adulte only. Dept , FOU Atex Rubben Ca., Box 231, Hatn- M lon, Ontario. 15-8 OP I * m ohrdb FERTILIZER - «"AGRICO" AND) gnorual fte lOur Uns Mat- "IAA Qualty'l Fertilizers. For eCap. It'8rs =e. ox sprang. napld delivery phonoe oicalagent ha.neoun ploasani s; cloua Forgus Morrill, Powrnanylle odor,anddrieuquckly gSrg, _2456. '.15-4 'ath tiomfse ai for years. RZCONDITIONED TIRES-SVE muacular smon and note the up ta 50 e on tires and tubes, pain, joint oprain or lncluding new Goodyears, Do- stlffneos, tlrod foot. mIion Tires. Pull stock in aU Excellant for colda and oMdlnay sizesfon$10 up. G. F. Jamie- mmr uothm4too. Gei a bottle ai son, Tinoe&Batteny Shap, cg drgl'saaykepi and Silver St. 1-tfy 128 BABY CHICKS-BLOOD TEST-M I Orono dLeghorsand ocs, ixed, see adstredpllt.. LP IN A R D'S - in Clamen-a, phono '24ail U M EN 'l Tee Cup R aftTree planting Urne la hers-~ ' - t - time to recail thé 'pâftlng odvigè. EA CUP -AND CARDS t'-Otdf of a. Scottioh lafrd to hls suoh: s- 3p.n., ta. 1G pin.Dmrh's To-ý aye stickingiin a tree, JocIÊ It w bacco Store, phono ý2884. 8-4 be growln' while y're sleeping." D9PENDABLE HEADQUARTERts for QUALITY FIELD AND BULK GARDEN SEEDS MANGEL BE Glant White Sugar; Yellow Leviathan; Ylo.lut modiate; Yeliow Ideal; Golden Tankard; Red Leviaih Mammoth Long Red. or- -v TURNIP BlED Canadian Gem; Jumb.o or Elophant; Perfect mode ;Buot of AUl; Purple King; Derby; ]Irish King; Hal' Wentbtsry;' Groystone. FORAGE OR FODDER PLANT SEED Sudan Grass; Soy Beans; Sorghumn; Sunflower; Kale;,ý Dwarf Essox Rape;, Tares or Vetches. IULLET 3ED row; Emp)ire; Golden; H1unganian; Japuse;, Siberlan; CORN; Hybrld ln Stock; ali other yarleties arrive May 151h. Our corn pnices aré always rlght. SEED -POTATOES -Certiflol P.EJ1. Cobhlers; Warbas; Kathadis; Chlppawas; Coarse Sait' Fertilizer Bug Killer Wo Deliver Gardon Seeds Phono 577 &iWa Otaaêbdr BLUE OSS FLOWER MIST PL(li A *O VEt TOM 'ER Caudies are alwa. s'ýn ceptable. Choose your froiniale famous, lino - AIl iattractive Mother'i Day wrapplngs EITE PACKAGES $1.00 and $1.50 IM An>' Mother Will Be Thrillod te Recolve a gi t Tolloinles "Pink Clover" by Harriot Hubbard Ayer- Perfume ai $1.25 Whth Atemizer -- 2A0 Cologno ai - $1.50 Bath Sait.ait $1.25 or "Apple Blossonu" by Helena Rubinstein- Cologne ai --$1.15 Bath OU ai -$415 Soap ai 5 r~ta owdler 84U5 sudl Xoff1>' Sête by Tard- 17 inzd Adriemn. D n Nsoes sudanAsua- driftst atreat roduo&u jury. 0 oveli Phono 718 Wbus we-oweyw Ale do"o popul PAG E M THE CANAIDIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTAMO (ralIImt.d tfla n fy Ta taiow th. comploe.dolight of Bue Grass Flower Must, spray it on cheýr every bath . .. aft.r .v.ry shewer. The fragrance linges... ex4uislte -and unfor- geffable,

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