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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 May 1941, p. 3

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MA ,1941 THE CA.NADIAN STA )WMANVILLE, ONTARXO Spring Style FDFFY YEARs AGo l'rom The Canadian Statesman, May 13, 1891 Aiternoon program of the Queen's'Birthday ln Bowmanvile: Procession formns at .1.90 on the Markcet Square. March tlirough the principal streets ta the Pair Grounds where races will be heid. (Signed) W. E. Pethick, Secretary ,jt the Commlttee. The 45th Batt. Is the only, corps sending three men ta the Bisley team this year - Ptes. C.A. Win- datt, J. Horsey, and D. D.Beach of Bowmanville. Capt. W.Mlii- gan of Clark. is also a member. The, Statesman heartily con- 33/4% OO uvamloed Tff celUese 1 Traaa FOWda uoeiud làn.II urrt. T"f ST RLNGT RUST E C@Up@RA'1mm 1 CORbORATIOs gratulates Rev. J. Crelghton, B.D. of Blackstock on hi, election as Rural Dean of Durhamn in the stead af the Bey. Rural Dean Al- len of Mlllbrook promoted ta the Archdeaconate. W. H. Osborne, fariner, livinga mile east af town, killed a fine specinren af Canadian otter ithe woods. It measured 3 ft. and welghed 13 pounds. A new order of Christian en- deavor has been inaugurated bî an eider hanglng an thc churci fence endeavorlng: ta get a glimpse af his best girl i the Young People', Christian En- deavor meeting. The streets cammitte. of Oshi awa ýcouncil asks for $4,475 for 1891 expenditure. Bowmanville is $2,500. Oshawa asic, for $850 for poor relief, while Bowmanvhile wants $1000. patented by John E. Bal aof Cart- wright, son of Ca pt. J. Bal!.% Thre farm, buildings on Lot 32, Con. 5, Clarkce, owned by Mrs. Wm. Renwick were tatally de'. strayed by fire. The tenant Wm. Chappeli hast a quantity ai im- plements. .Miss Ndllie R. Livingstone whose father, a Presbyterian min- ister who formerly taught schoal i Bowmanville, has receivcd $5000 damages in a Buffalo court tram Frank 'W. Knox, a promin- ent* Pennsylvania lawycr, for breach ai promise. Newcastle: Harry Tuer, our cen- terprhsing baker, cuts quit. a aweii wlth his handsoMne new de- livery cart. It was mbnufac 'tured right here i Newcastle on uis own design aiter scientlfic prin- te ie Le a e e a r Whethor You Lîve In . XANPTON, TYONS, NIWCA8TLE, ORONO~, Bow- XAEVIL OR TEE SURROUNDING DISTRICJT There li oniy one place to corne for the best ln Engine Repairs Grease Job' Body Repairs Gas Oil, Lubricants Electrical. Work Accessories Tune Up Th-nt Place la GARTON'S GARAGE .M Phonoe 2M 8«,É«Sevi IN GOOD CONDIT Itî.pays in more efficient operation es satisfaction t0 have your faihouse, ba ings in good repair and weil equippe, If youneed money for improvemenas cati upon us. Weshail be glad t0 givey Àý4EAN.K 0F MONI "A BANK WXEREOUMALL ACCOUNTO ARE / 'a Bow iaville Branch: F. 0. McILV EEIN, ~WARN fSAVNGS MODERN, BXPERIENCED BANKING SERVICE .., t&e Outorng WILL ADDRE88 ZW8PAPER CC Russell T. Kelly ai Hazniliton, Weekly Newepapers Association - di a town or villaje af 1500 or and Hon. Angus MacDonald, Min-. which will be heidi Hamilton,- less population ini Ontarioansd ister ai National Defence for Nav- on May 9 and 10. The. J. T. Clark Quebec. This handsome trophy ai Service, Right, will address thc Memorl Traphy, Centre, wil be Iwas donated by J. E. Atkinson, annual convention ai Uic Ontario- presented at Te convention ta UtceI President ai The Toronta Daily Quebec Division of Uie Canadian best ail-round newspaper publish- Star. *ciples. Tii. fine upholstercd seat if they remain quiet.. Roger is just big enough for the. driver Bird came aver ta headquarters leavlng no roorn for deadhead ta sec me. W. had a great vist SIRGERS AND J cake eaters. . . . A sad gloom and a fecd, ai course.. . Nearly spread over thc village when cveryone la in great condition news of tihe death of Counc. physically."1Wl HE O G LHedges' wlfe was annaunced. ... Citizen, ai Bowrnanville wilb. Richard Warren is puttig the lat- iterested i the annauncement Wrltten specigny for The est paint rush flourishes an Dr. that C. H. Haddy bas sald hi Statesman by well known Farncomb's hause. E; Sinurons is jewdilery business ta Alex Elliot Durham boy, Fred R. Foley, building a new fence around .... wha has been the manager ai Uic 123 Lakce St., St. Catharineg, Granny. Hayes, aged 85 years, store since it apened three years Ont. walked tUic 3½ miles distance ta town. the other day. She is stll Ao. e roM.DoadMc hale and hearty.. . . . helotebfronMs Donald Melac-ineesig t beloftgig ta Messrs. Graham sud Dnl este neetn try - Capph wre urnd. .. at ofa her travels i 'The Glarlous THME MARSEILLAISE OF TUKE armne M. Wilson, wlf e oain. Ws' EOMTO Payne, aged 25 years, was bunied From C. H. Carlisle oi theAmghyfrres. orGd i Orono Cemetery. Bey. S. T. Goodycar: We are willlng ta ad- A mighy frt erea linurgo Bartiett, who but 15 months aga vise your readers ai aur intended AOur iwaprk nefaidhe ng jained Uiem in Uic bonds ai holy operatians in~ Bowmanville. There OrHle c mdti la isntsufficient heîp w. ncow 0Of mortali ils prevailng. wedlck, erfomedthe.cere- 15nioanrt hei.hOUinl on-Far stil aur anclent fac m pton: Th lamesasnEinattaemploy and w. have lost a num Inoth seek ta work us wae; Hampon: homs Eliottbasber ai employees from autaide Uh i s crait and power are great, got his mil ireshly equipped wit town on account ai them flot And, armed with cruel hate, the most modern maciinery... bei able ta iind ladging. Thec On earth is nat hi, equai. Hampton football teain expects ta future developinent ai thc rubber Did w. in aur awn strengtli con- beat ail former records this sea- business hi the country will b. fide, sone.tSteensmare rapid than in the past. Our Our striving would b. losing; Ennisicillen:Gibr Stvn present plans. are ta erect a tire Wcre nat the right Marn on aur and iamily are settled i their plant i New Toronta and con- side, new home. . . . Arbor day was tinue the manufacture af hase, The Man ai God's awn choosing. obscrved at Uic schaol with Mr. beiting, etc. in. Bowmanvillc. Dost ask'who that may be? Young and Uic pupils putting i There la a possibilty tint we mfay Christ -Jesus, it is He; a hard day's work. establisii a reclaiming plant there. Lord Sabaath is His naine, To get ideal conditions i anly rom age ta age the samne, tawn Uie industries should be di- And He must win the battie. TWENTY-FI V EAERS AGO versfie for few wish ta tuvest in praperty where Uiere are only And though this warhd, with de- From The Canasdin Statoaman, anc or two sources af emnphoy- vils fiiled, May il, 1916 ment. Should threaten ta undo us; A pheasant evening took plac Wc wiil nat fear, for Gad hath Promn Dan Douglas i Scotland: when Major C. H. Anderson an wihled* "1I'm as near Uic North Pale as. behaif ai ils company* gave Segt is truth ta triumph through us. Uiey could get me. (I've Just been Wilkinson, leader af the bugleTihe prince ai darkness grim, laughing s0 much I hurt my leg).- band, a surprise in honor aifus Wc tremble nat for him; Tho' I'm a Scot I dld not have the birthday. Tii. silver bugle bore a His rage we can endure, chance ta visit ny relatives 'here suitable inscription. For loa! hs doom is sure, befare. It's a c uriaus Uiing how Our heartiest congratulations One little word shall feu hui. small Uic world is - ln thre bed are extended ta twa former pu- opposite me is a drap from Osh- puls ai B.H.S., Grant Liriton, Whit- That Word above ahi earthhy awn; hi, naine la Dan Shaw and .by, .and gva,,M.. McGl]l, Toronto "' , powers- he knows soute' fW-the Bawman- on receivig their B.A. frain Nà>cthariks ta them-abideth! ville boys.", Queen's. The. Bpirit and tic giit are ours, From Pte. R. G. Dickinson in Pred J. Prout, a native ai Baw- Tbrough Hirn who with us Belgiumn: "0f course at times manville, received. the appoint- . ideth. there is danger ai being exposcd ment ta represent thcehectrical Let goads and kindred go, b y Uich lrTs buÏ It is difficuit ta engineers af Uic State af Tenies- This mortal life alsa; distinguish men at any distance sce on Uic new Navy Advisory The body they may kill; Board. God's truth abideth stiil, Hamnpton. Fred Corden will HI, kingdom is for ever. Amen. make sabre aiterations and in- -Martin Luther, 1483-1546. provements oribis home. ... Miss Tr. by Dr. F. H. Hedge, 1805- Mldred Sauch la lmpravlng nice- IY. . . . At Uic W. L. meeting at For four hundred years and Mrs. C. J. Kerslake's Uic showcr marc thus sang has been ringing o f camionts for Uic soldiers ithre in court, corridor and cathedrai ~I D N Strenches resultcd ini a generous t hr o ug haout Christendom. It 9ILD IN GSsupply beig contrlbuted. Ahl shouid be very near ta the heart present were saddened by the. ai every Protestant Christiain for death ai Mrs. Chas. Stonehouse, it was barri in that memorabie anc ai Uic mast active Red Cross ycar Uic word "Protestant" was workers. indellbly staniped on the pages 10uIN o ai hstary. It was anc af Uie atchwords ai tic Reformation, SPECIAL PRODUCTS cheering ame ocnlc n BOARD APPOINrIED sustalnlng believers in the. hour ai fiery trial. It is as vital ta-day What la ta b. knawn as a Sp.- as Uic day it was penned by a cialProdcts oardha, ecn msasuwho bains large in the. Iis- taie rdusByarderhs Condestory ai h3>'nnohogy - Martin Lu- tablshe byan rderin ounil.ther, Uic father ai the, Reforma- Tus oar whi hae poersandtion. It was sung on the. day ai functions similar ta those af the hils death and the, flrst lin. ai lie Bacon Board and Uic Dairy Pro. hymn i fittingly inscribed on tne ducts Board and will deai wîthmabe on ettatigrt several agricultural p rad u c t s,mrermern Wetege whetiier processed or unprocessed,reomrt tenrg that it mny be necessary ta export Befare Luther's day the. music ta the United Klngdom during the and singing wcre vestcd in the. period ai Uic war, and for vwhch chergy or choir boys and cansist- na speclal board has been cstab- cd largehy ai Latin hyMns, canti- iished under agreements with thre ces and Psahms that were mono- British Minlstry ai Food. Thre in- tonous and unfamiliar ta the. peo- mediate nced for tis! new board ple. To Martin Luther must be arase througii an agreemnent which givcn the. credit of estabiishirig han recently been made with the congregational singing. H. trans- British Mlnistry for Uie export, of latcd and adapted many ai the. cggs. Il las exPected that other better class ai Latin hynins and sinula ~gcenent wll bc mdecorftpased many others ai price- foth sipment ai eggs u e es velue ta the new order. On fa r~quet ~'ir aon ilute h.. originated tunes and an ararnodct. harmonized and fîtted thcm into The net Immediate need is oth ke od aiofreligius worship. He iidings as you are of tigate ail tUic cher speclal boards netatapaeGdinsg sud fid out if sanie may be dis- a a natural desire ai mari sud d lie stck'solved to pravlde man-power on he ~awrote hymns and chose tunes farma sudstockrc'statwould appeal ta the heart faris nd n tctolesThee'sand mid and wauld -nat be duli s weHas i peronaltoo many .armu-chairs hI ttawa. or diflicult ta sing and they made i wei as n peronaian lImmediate appeal ta the pea- arns and other build..ON BIG LOAN Martin Luther was barr inl ed. Saxon y November 10, 1483. The Cauada's forthcomuung war boan, day aiter is birth, accordirig ta the third ai Uic preqent war, wll ii h customifn ai it time, he was ;, yu ae ivicd ~be oiiered ta thc public In a'cain- baptfrcd and as it happened ta be s, you are be caied t ag satng June 2nd. It wll on St. Marti's Day h. was nam- i you full information. leCle Vctowy Loan 1941." ed Martin Luther. Even as a lad The amount ai thec ban has nat h. had the giit ai sang and aiten yet been detenmined, nor have sang irom house ta house ta gain Uic teons. These wIll b.filxed at a living and fit himseii for schoal n inter date wiien the national and it is quit. natural thnt, in arganliatian for the. War Laan later liUe, ie should cavet for the canipaigri, undcer Uie executive Ciiurch the refiing influence ai direction af G. W. Spinney, ai Tiie sacred music. Ws EL Cte Oa wll efo E"e ichelad with is talents E W E C O N ', 700,00,00.for mnusic sud edu cation and as- sistcd. hlmi his colege course. IREDUCED PARUS FOR Tiien he becaine an Augustinien 1Manager HLDT monk. He lived and dld as otier monica but he found no satlsiac- Canadian.-rnl wy llofier tioný or peace i hi s soul. RÉàHe i.. .-A. _.uc.fae fr o'igga t enwUcBil ad hag eventful lufe closed in the city aof hi, birth in 1546. He might truy have said as did one ai old «I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith; henccforth there t, laid up for me a crown ai righteous- ness which the Lord, the right- eous judge, shall give me at that day." Trainees Continue In ArmyRoutine Graduates from the four months training camps will go into cagst defensan internai sccurity units ixistead ai being demobilized, Defense Minister J. L. Balston announced Saturday. Interviewed at the camp a num- ber af district trainees bonsider- ed the move was satisfactory. "It's tihe anly fair way," S. R. Ashton ai Bawmanvilie thought. He ha, been a bank clerk for two yeasomebody has ta 4o the job," he observed. «'If conscription hbas ta, corne, it must, and it', juat taugh huck for those ai the right age. The army doesn't exactiy appeal ta me; too big a change frorn what I've been doing, but I wan't hase any sleep over ail thus." W. R. Allun ai Newcastle, a farmer's son, said: "It looks like the only thing the Government could do. If I had my choice, I'd 1 returri ta the farrn aiter my regu- lar four manths' training, but I haven't my own choice, so there you are." "You know, the army isn't hard work, 50 it's flot that,"1 Alun said. "The arxny isn't as hard work as farming by a long way. But I pre- fer farming. However, here lil stay and I'm nat complaining a Cadmus Mr. and Mn,. James Wilson, Toronto, werc at ticir cottage "Lakeview". Thc traut iishing seasari opencd on May hst. George Wolfe, Myr- tic, sud three fricrids have been cngagcd in fishing in Brown's Lake sud have beeri successful ln ianding a goadly number af specklcd trout. Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Falils, Jack and Joan, Taronto, were at their cottage. Adult Chasai Cadmus Sunday Sciiool was re-organized Sunday with these afficers: President- Edgar Gibsan; Sec'y. Treasurer- Oscar McQuade; Teachei,-Mrs. Milton Grey; Assistant-Mrs. J. E. Elliott. Miss Zetta McKec, Oshawa, Mr. wherover yen appear wearlng ~IL BON SUITS 4 PIE RANGEO --4 - $19-75 -$21.50 S$24-50 * $27.50 Have a suit made-to-meeure *ro tram Uiwdc seleellon of mat- criai IN avelotte COME 1W TODAT * Ready-Nade Suitu We boataoeo e a t aest sle- tions of men's suite tu town - Neediesa te uay therea largeit selootion of coloreanad st7les et .,ariping Priees. $12.50 te M00. LADIS'STYLISE CATS We still ave ln stok a large number of woens amuate«te. Sizes and colorea Bil rive a wlle range te choose frein Priced from $8i95 t. $35.00 COUCH JOHNSTON & CRYDERMAN 'J- Phono 836 Eowmanvlfle 'q Harmy McKee, Peterbaro, spent Sunday at Mr. sud Mn,. Sam Mc- Kee's. Sympathy goes out ta Mrs. Frank Harris sud her two sans, Edmonid sud Howard, on Uic passing ai Frank Harris in Baw- manville Hospital Saturday. The funemal was ieid iran Uihainoe a member ai aur lodge dieu sud ai Edmand Harris an Manday and we sit up with tire corps.!" burial was made i Dvitt's Cemn- etery. RasPilp ha, purchased a new Massey-Harrls tractor. "Is there any nigit iteicnh your town?" "Oh, yes. Evêry once in a wblic IN 7THE DIM AND DISTANT PAST From The Stateama Fles lÀ 1 DVadANVMLE, ONTARIO PAGE TE= Phone 836 Bowm»Vine

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