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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 May 1941, p. 5

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- MUSIDAY, MAY 8, 1041 Lions Cilub Hobby Show Prize Wimners for 1941 The Hobby Show comiittee has MCrayon Drawing Landacape- announced the naines of c 'pywin- Mrion Tlnk, Lydia Bates Ralph ners from those receiving hlghest Lanb KithMGI, ara. nulnber of points. No award ronlph.g AtonRs çould be made in the Junior Di- CrynDaigAto-Rs visin aspoIi wer ~ ~ eil Alldread, Audrey Richards, vistibuteasonwee o6 E4 -Barbara Cole, Edward Breslln, een 'Todd, Starkville, is Senior Brbrao rai. U Lf wxnner with 107 points miade up ryoDawn1 tiiLe of il firsts, 7 seconds, and 5 thids Herbie Cralg Marion Tink, Bar- 'epo RsBwm ile lob ara Norris, tarbara Norris, Jean Aio cuss w ma 85 , Lemon pris ang irth,85 points cd - Poster - Health, Safety, Patrio- thisin lfrthe 3seconds an 3tic-Alberta Ott, Wm. Roenlgk, tidn. the Intermediate sec Margaret Dustan, Ralph Lamb, ion.led prize money may be Janet Dale. DrugStorat Aex MGregr'a Greeting Card or Calendar- Dru Strefrom Saturday morn- Ralph Lamb, John Longmnan, Lor- ing on, but winnerB are asked to na Sudds, EUeen Vesna. calin as soon as possible. Mural, '8" x 20"ý-Lorna Sudds, Following is the official list of June Snowell, Bob Payne. (ae wlnners in the Hobby Show. Firat Piece of Applique Art (ae three naines win cash prizes, with Medum)-Evelyn Kane, Marion fourth and fifth awards of honor- Tink, Ralph Peters, Irene AllUn, able mention. Namnes are listeci in RtIssell Afldread. this standing except where other- Clam ln - Collections wise designated. Sections in each Stamps - General -Bihl Harn- class are numbered as they ap- den, Ehona Evans, Ray Dudley, peared in the syllabus. Donald White. JUNIR DIISIO -To TÉS Coins - Gental-Kelth Shack- JUNIR DVISIN-T s flS.leton. Prises 25c, 15c, 10e Scrap Books - Marilyn Moore, Cia,, I - Art Helen Zmijoyski, June Bickle, Pendi (Action)-Ràlph Lamb, Lois Dovey, Laura Burgess. Judith Stenger, Jimmiry Alln, Bul- Headings of Newspapers-Peg-" ly Harnden, Carl But. ' g Step>henson, Sam Turner, Ray Pencil Drawing, Still Life _ Burgess, Kelth Davey. Gary Dilling, Rhona Evans, Anna- Woods (showing bark & grain) belle Adcock, Teddy Ott. -Lorraine Farrow. Ink Sketch-Helen Rogers; Jean _Any Other Collection, flot listed Kersey, June Snowefl. - Virgina Hopkins, June Bickle, Water Color Sketch-June Bic- Peggy Dippeil., kle, Ralph Lamb, Shirley Grant, Claies M - Manual Training June Bickle, John Longman. Bird House - Barry M a s o ri, IAYLMER Choico Quallty TOMATOEIS 2 Tins 250 CLARK'8 IPOREi &SE Jus~ 3 Tins 25e GARDEN SEEDS Devon MINCEMEAT - 1PLO ¶WAX - lb. 49c Cohos BALMON - 1 M. tin29o Slit. Shorteaing 2 Ibo. 25e Blue RIbbon Coffée.- lb. 52C Sunbrite Javel Wt.r 2 for 15e Habitant 2 for Vegtabi. S'oup 25c Habitant P.. Soup Un lOc Blue Ribbon TOU - 1/2 lb35C Ritz 32 oz. jar Salad Dr.stlng 39C Mu~KIN 2 tins 250 Domino MOTOR OIL- 6 qtS. 1.09 Cuban PINEAPPLES *-2 -- for »c LZMONS - dos. 250 Golden. Ripe. BANANÇAB - 3 Ible. 270 GARROTS & BEETS 2 BunohÏes - - - lic GRAPEFRUIT 5 for 25o TIM CANADIAN STATÎ Douglas Heyland. Model of Beat-Bille Harndi 3rd. Sample of Coping Saw Work. Allan Werry, Carl Brunt, Bar Mason, Jimmny Woodley, Kei Davey. Paper Construction-Keith D vey, Barbara Spencer, Patay Mc fatt, Shirley Flintoff, Er vi r Brooks. Plasticine Model, any toplc Barbara Norris, Philip Piinne Glen Fry, Shirley Mutton, Be bars Mason. Soap Carving - Fred Tuer Jimmy Allin, Joan Duncan, Ha old Knlght, Margaret Dustan. Clams IV - Hgousehol Science Darned Sock-Vivian Cowli 2nd. Sample of Patching-Lorrai Farrow 2nd, Betty Flett 3rd. Knitted Scarf (Mîlltary)-Vi Ian Cowlin. Dressed Doil-Vivian Hopkir Lorraine Farrow, Judith Stengt Mary Humphrey. Corkwork Article-Bill Argei John Swltzer, Jane Marierrs Helen Rogers. gample ot Weavlng - ýMuri Stevens lst, Nancy Varcoe 4th. Cians V - Uomestie Science Plate ot Candy <any kind) Glen Fry, Janet Dale, Bobby Mc ris, Jane Marjerrison, Evel, Kane. Cookies, 6, any kind-Eleas Crbwe, Lydia Bates, Audrey Rie' ards, Doreen Wood, Peggy Di peil. -Butter Tarts-Ray Dudley, Lo raine Farrow, Lydia Bates. Bran Muffins - Allan Wern Mary Southey, Yvonne Hawley. INTERMMDIIATE DMVISION Ages 10 to 13 (inclusive) ]Prises 25e, 15e, 10o Cia,.1I- Art Peil Drawing, Acton-Juni, Ross, Ethel Gilbert, Bill Rund] IBobby Craig, Joan Longman. Pencil Drawing, Landscape Don Quick, Bfi Knox, Gera Wolfraim, Junior Ross, Ethel G' bert. Penlciî Drawing, Still Lite Alex Staekaruk, Bll Knox, Leo erd Smart, John McKay, Audi Hanna. Ink Sketch-Ethel Gilbert, Jiu Dusenbury, Gladys Hersey, Ph; lis Niddery, Jack Smidth. Water Color-Bob Rehder, Di Quick, Ethel Gilbert, Joyce AIE Jean Anthistle. Crayon, Landscape - Juni Ross, Stella Bonk, Donald Las, Bll Knox, Andy Host.' Crayon, Still Lite-Tunior Ro Anne Moroz, Evelyn Hall, Dore VanCamp, Gordon Heard. Crayon, Action- Junior Rossa and 2nd, Ethel Gilbert, Andy Ho Florence Heath. .Poster, Health or Safety-Ju ier Ross, Evelyn Hall, Edwa Ford,- Isabelle Rahxn, Leà Quinn. Poster, Patriotic, Travel, etc. Dorothy Higgins, Bill Knox 21 and 3rd, Junior Rosa, Alan Stril a Crt o on - Junior Ross, B Knox, Gerald Wolfraixn, Au&i Farow, Bill Knox. .Greetlng Card -or Calendar Cordula Stringer Dorothy Evai Mary Paterson, éordula Stringt Royal Hall and Evelyn String 5th. Design, Repetitive, 2 colora Isabelle Virgin, Phyllis Nldder Ethel Gilbert, Audrey Beauchan: Isabel Vivian. Design, Ail Over, 2 colora Gladys Kersey, Florence. All Audrey Prescott. Stencil with Printed Pattern- Isabel Vivian, Gladys Kerse Phyllis Iliddery, Joyce Alh Hloward'Davey. Ldino-cut wth Prmnted Pattern- Audrey Kersey, Jean Anthiatl Jim Martyn, May Herrick, JIi Martyn. Piece of Applique Art, Papt medium-Gladya Kersey, Geor, Forsey, Douglas Caverly, Gladj Kersey, Joyce Allun. Cut out Silhouette-Don Quicl Phylls Niddery. Original flustrative Compos tion froni Social Studies, etc. Collette Ferguson, M a r g a re Thompson, Mary Alldread, Evi lyn Brooks, Eileen Todd. Spatter Painting-Audrey Kei OWMANVILLE, ONTARIO Fudge - Audrey Humphrey, Todd, Lloyd West, Robt. Brown. Loryne White, Mldred Wilson, Cookies -Elleen Todd, George Gerald Morris, Pearl Sreslin. Martin, Ernest Burns, Elleen Far- Any klnd ef dandy net listed- row, Marian Welsh. Joan Greenfield, June Luftman, Butter Tarts-Doris Thempson, Muriel Rogers, Marie Thompson. Elleen Todd, Lloyd West, Robt. Cookies - Vivian Prout, Joyce Medonnell, Elleen Farrow. Buttery, Joy ce Grant, Evelyn Baking Powder Biscuits-June Woodward, Aiudey Farrow. Allun, Robt. McConnell, Elleen Butter Taris - Dorothy Evans, Todd, Ernest Burns. Bernice Wehsh, Ornas Mowers, Llght Cake-Eileen Todd, June PAGE FIVE ----------- Ian Woolley, Lorraine Somer- len scales. SBaking Powder Biscuits-Aud- £_ -rey Venton. rry .Light Cake-Fay Fry, Audrey 4th Farrow, Marie Moise. )a-________ e White, Orma oes of- THATRE YerBresin, Audrey Sturrock. n e BOWMANVI LLE' 'Bran Muffins-Joyce Tennant, XreMoise, Loryne White, Dor- enJeffery, George Brown. ýey, Vegetable Salad Plate (one ser- a- Thurs. - Fr1. - Sat 4ing)-Faye Boe, June Luttman, rk,[ MAY 8 - 9 - 10 JM argaret Moore. ar- D ul I SENIOIR DIVSION "The House of the _-Pencil Sketch, Action - Betty ing SynGbO, Sisson, E Dumarco and W. Nich- 'v G.Sanders - Margaret Linduay Jlack Welsh, Eileen Todd. aud Vincent Price Pencil, Still Lite -Milton Ste- sud ..,hony, Betty Sisson, George Ro- nt, "ICa'nGvkYuSketch-Betty Sisson, Roy on aftaleE. Thompson, 'Doreen ADyLhiID But Love,' hiEle od iel ilL Water Color - Irene Cunning- Dauy' ham, Roy Staples, Doreen Phair, witla Irene Cunningham, Roy Staples. - Rroerlc CrafordCrayon, Landscape - Eileen o-Pegty Moran Todd, Doreen Phair, Dorothy Nor- lyn Gertrude Mitchell ris, Louise Sellers, Marion Calver. Crayon, Still Life-Josie Con- ior rnors, Louise Sellers, Doris Thomp- h- Mon. - Tues. - Wed. 'son. i MAY 12 - 13 - 14 Crayon, Action-Isabelle Ells. Alexader KrdaPoster, Health or Safety-Geo. or- Aexaner ]ordaForsey, Ian Hovey, Allen Martin, TYpresents Eileen Todd, Don. Wolfraim. ry, Poster, Patriotic, etc. - Elleen 'The Thief of Bagdad' Farrow, Margaret Ash, Howard Aluin, Dorothy Norris, Austin ln magetc clr Stephens. starringCartoon - Doreen Phair, Bull Conrad Vedt - Sabu - iune Stepheiis, George Roberts, Dore-. Diapres thy Snowden. le, * KW Greeting Card or Calendar- orSl'Dre Par Roy Staples, Josie Conners, Eileén Todd, Marjorie ______________________________ ilpatrick. ld Design, Repetitive-Alan Brown il- sey, Mary Alldread, Helen, Stack- Stella Prescott. aruk.. Design, All Over, 2 colors-Dor- - Cover Suitable for Loose Leat een Phair, Stella Prescott, Daisy n- Note Book-Howard Davey 3rd. Gibson. rey lam - CllecionsStencil wîth Printed Pattern- ey Ci,. H- Colectons ileen Farrow, Alan Brown. Stamps,, Canadian - Francia Lino Cut-George Onich, Eileen ne Jose. Todd, George Martin, Eddie De- 7l- Stampa General-Harry Snow- Marco. den, Ïuti Snowden, June Luff- Mural-Elsie Switzer. )on mnan, Lillian Osborne, Raymond Piece et Applique Art-ýStella lin, Stacey. Prescett, Don Wolfraim, Marion Scrap Book - Dorothy Morris, îCalver, Louise Sellers, Dorothy lor Bill Rundle, Mary Paterson, Bet- Norris. ai>, ty Stephenson, E. Kerr. Cut out Silhouette - Dorothy Snowden, Wm. Stephens, Irene Headings of Newspapers, etc,. nigaMrre Rude Dss, Bob Stevens, Bob Stehenso n wnnCamoverley.unle en Morice Tamblyn, Clayton Brown, Cvrey Dre Lawrence Jacobs. Original Composition -Dre îst Samples.of Wood-Audrey Par- Phair, Dorothy Snowden. st, row 2nd. Spatter Painting-Eileen Todd. .Any Collection net listed ab9ve Ciass Il - Collections i.n- -Audrey Venton, Jim Martyn,, Stamps, Canadian 1:- E il ee n Rrd Jack Munday, Daisy Gibson, Dun- Todd 3rd. necan Phillips. Starnps, Br. Empire - Eileen - Bird Houses-Bob Stevens, Roy- Stampa, General-James Stutt, >nd al Hall, Junior Ross, Bill Calvers, Ray Rundle, Eileen Todd. ke. Lloyd Winacott.- Scrap Books-John Hannaford, 3il Model et Boat-Andy Hoat, Bob- WNm. Werner, Duncan Haycock, ryby Cralg, Murray Robinson, Samjune Allen, John Wild. ey rng Mrc aby.General Collections-Don Wol- - Sample et Coping Saw Work- am Murry Rbfiion owàd. Dvey 4nyCollection not listed-Mer- 2nd and Sd r"in Welsh, Elleen Todd. grFrancis Jose. -lytn oods-Jarnes Stutt, Jack Rut- er Heusehold Article (wood) - ter, Eileen Farrow, Bill Donoghue. *Howard Davey, R. Rippen, Har- Cia, M - Manual Trainint old Hooper, Murray Robinson, Bird House-Jack Saniis, Frank npDavid Craig. Piper. Sample et Metal Work-Junior Model ot a Boat-Erie Mcîlveen. Rosa lst and 2nd, Ji Martyn. Sample et Coping Saw Work- jn, Handy Farni Device -Francis Wm. Dale lst and 2nd, Tommy Jose, David Craug, Murray Robin- Hobbs. son. Household Article (wood) - Wood Carving-Murray Robin- Eric Mcflveen lst andi 2nd. L'y son, Orvulle Hindnian. Saniple et Metal Work-George Mn Îotion Toy-Murray Robinson, Foraey. LOrville Hlndnian, John Moroz, Handy Farm Device-Eric Mc- le, Lloyd Allili, Bobby Cralg. Ilveen. lm oa Carving - Junior Ross, Wood Carving-E. Thonipson. DrtyHardy. Motion Toy-Sam Bonk, Austin )er Relief Map, any medium-Alan Stephens. geStrike, Glen Williams, Junior' Soap Sculpture-Robt. Stainton, ly oss, Audrey Venton, Bll Knox. Elleen Todd, Clinton Henning. Paper Mache Work - Helen Relief Map, any medium-Sami kLewis, Wilda Hooey, Dean West, Bonk. George Shae,. -Puppet or Mask -Glen Allin, si Aeeroplane, Flying Model (over Jean Gray. 3-)-Clifford Miller, Junior Ross Aeroplane, Flying Model <over et 2nd and 3rd. 30"1)-George Forsey, Eddie de- re- Aheroplane, Flying Model (less Marco, Jack Rutter, Austin Ste- thn30")-Junior Ross, Ronald phens. ,r- MacDonald, L. Smart, R. Rippon, Aeroplane, Flying Model (less W. Rnn.ta 0ý_akRteGro ý Aeroplane, non-tlying model- Wileox, Austin Stephens. G. White, D. Burdett, Ronald Aeroplane, non-tlying model- Longman, Francis Jose, Vernon Alex Stackaruk, O. Evans, Neil Joncs. Metcalf, Austin Stephens 4th and Model et any other Military 5th. Equipment - Junior Ross, Ray- Cia, IV - Household Science mond Rundle, Kenneth Davies, Sample et Hemstitching -Eul- Junior Rosa. een Todd, Evelyn Woodward, Class IV - Houzehold Science Marien Calver, Doris Goulah, Sample of Hemstitching-Aud- June Afichin. rey Venton, Jacqueline Heyland, Patching-Eileen Todd, Efleen Bernîce Welsb, Evelyn Hall, Eliz- Farrow.__ 1 Aluchin, Margaret Ash, Eileen Farrow, Lloyd West. Dark Cake -Doris Thompson, Bîleen Tedd, Ronald Boltz, Elleen Farrow, Lloyd West. Bran Mutfins - Ronald Boltz, Lloyd West, Elleen Farrow, June Allin, Elleen Todd. Vegetable Salad Plate--Mamaon Welsh. PROJECTS Prises fer Sections 1 to 5 lat 50e, 2nd 30e, 8rd 20e (Double prizes given for excel- lence and ne. et entries) Sect. 1 - Project worked eut by an individual in Grades 1 and 2- Donald Turner, Clayton Brown, Elizabeth Budicky, Royal Hall. Sect. 4 - Individual (open te Grades 7 and 8)-lst, Junior Ross and Collette Ferguson; 2nd, Bill Knox and Bernice Welsh- 3rd, Collette Fergusen, Gwen Îfooper and Derethy Faulkner; 4th, Ethel Gilbert, George Forsey and Don Welfraim; 5th, Evelyrn Hall, Mar- ion Kersey and Stella Preston. Sect. 5 - Individual (open te Grades 9 and up)-lst, Eleanor Johnston and Jack Rutter; 2nd, Betty Sisson and Gwen Caverly; 3rd, Brian Barnett and George Roberts; 4th, Dorothy Snowden and Don Quick; 5th, Don Quick *and Irene Mitchell. Prises for Sections 6 t. 14 îst $1.00, 2nd 65c, 3rd 35o Sect. 6 - Classreom Project (op-!- en te Grades 1 and 2)-lst, S. S. 11 Darlington; 2nd, Central School Miss Tighe's room; 3rd, Central School, Miss VanCamp's roem. Sect. 7 - Classroom Project (open te Grades 3 and 4)-lat, Beys Training School, Classes 3 and 4; 2nd, Central School, Miss Vandamp's rooni; 3rd, Central S'chool, Miss Bragg's reei,. and S.- S. Il Darlington Grades 3 and 4; 4th, Cent. School, Miss Bragg's rom; 5th, Central School, Miss Millson's rooni. Sect. 8 - Classroem Project (open te Grades 5 and 6)-lst, Central School, Miss Morris roem;. 2nd, Central School, Miss Morris, rom; 3rd, Central School, Miss Bragg's room. Sect. 9 - Classroom Project (op- en te Grades 7 and 8)-lst and 2nd, S. S. 4 Darlington. Sect. 10 - Classreem Preject (open te Grades 9 and up)-Srd and 4th, Group 3 Bowmanville High School. Sect. 11 - Classreom Murali lst, Maple Grove S. S. 6; 2nd, Jean Anthistle. Sect. 13 - Mother and Daughter Project-lst, Vivian Prout; 2nd, Patsy Ann Smnith. Sect. 14 - Family Project-lst, S. S. 4 Darlington; 2nd, B oy s' Training School, South Ledge. Sect. 15 - Special Display et Articles for Red Cross purposes, (prizes $2.50, $1.50, $l.oo) -Mit- chell School S. S. 12 Darlington. PENMANSHIP Prises 25c, 15e,, 10e Grade 1-Bernice Hansen, Kath- leen Joncs, Clark Werry, John Bunner, Barbera Nonrs. Grade 2-Francis Crowe,, Ma- ion Dippell, John Staintoni, Janet Dale, Annabelle Adcock. Grade 3-Lorna Sudds, Eileén THE EVLYN SHOPPE Exenmd Gorsete Phone 594 Vesna, Mary Perfect, Patsy Mol- fatt, Allen Werry. Grade 4-Mena Brunt, Harold' Strutt, Bobby Philp, Leone Quinn, Alan Clark. Grade 5-Mary Aldread, Hilda' Turpin, Peal Brealin, Mary Pat- erson, Douglas Berrett. Grade 6-Ruth Cole, Ormna Mowers, Leslie McNamaa, Billy Devlin, Donna West. Grade 7-Johnny IR o ma nko, George Jenkina, Derothy Higgins, Dawn Moffat, Joyce Tennant, Grade S-Doris Goulah, Bernice Welsh, Gordon HMilis, Audrey Beauchanap, Psy Fry. Grade 9 and up-George Rob- erts, Don Taylor. OPEN CLASS Prises 50c, 30c, 20o ClamnIl - Needlework Specumen et Embroidery - Helen Pritchard lst, 2nd and 4th, Mr. G. E. Pritchard 3rd, Jean Ste- vens Sth. Crochefing-Mrs. G. E. Pritch- ard, Mis. Somerscales, Rose Somi- erscalesm Knittlng-Harold Crook.- Needlepoint-Mr. G. E. Pritch- .Mmu Clifford Caverly erd, lot and 2nd. Cutwork-Helen Pritchard, Mrs. Vivian, Rose Somerscales. - Bridge Set-Rose Someracales. Cushion Cover-Harold Crook. Cross Stltch Embroideiry-Chrls Robinson lut, Rose Somerseales 4th. ClamM I ludutrialCraf t Leather Article-Harld Crook., Cian IV - coieotu* Knots and Rope Work-Denald Mdllveen. Clame V - Pbotography Portrait - R. Corbett, lot aud 2nd. Landscape-Walter Goode. Natural. History Study-Walter Goode. Silhouette-R. Corbett. TRAVELLING ATHLETES YEARN FOR ICI. CREAM What the wefl-ted athlete re- quires at table is indicated by in- structions issued te a Dining Car Steward o! the Canadian National Railways covering a meent move- ment-et a- teani. "Provide steak for dinner includlng chocolat. Ice creana," were his orders. S CIENCE and t.chnologtcal progress havewrought wonders ln the rr.alms .>of transportation, communication and industrial engineering. The. ease and speed of travel by car, and now aeroplane, the. practical eliminctian of space by telephone and radio and thie convenience and comfort of elec- tric lights and electrical iiousehold appliances are worth-wbule achievements towards the. more abundant 1fe. In keeping with this progress is the. contribution of the implement maenu- fac'cturer toward lightening the. labor and increasing the. efficiency of tii. farmner. Farnung has aiso been transformed. Ail too liftle recognition in thus respect has been taken of the. tremendous advanc.s in farm tractors. In design-more practical and attractive-with the. ease of starting and operating of an automobile, operating at low cost, making possible aistounding reductions in the. cost of certain farni operations, and with greater power, at prices wich put them wltiIn the. recii of even the. smaller farmner. This more tractable end flexible source of power revolutionizes farming practice, eliminates the. back-breaklng work of days gone by, end makes it possible, in many instances, to operate yalnfully even under existing difficuit conditions. MASSEY-HAR RI:S COMPANYm IMÂIED <I- Lo7ok SLIMMER A Perfect Gift For Mother's Day

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