TEE CAIqADIAN B1~A~ VILLE, ONTABXO THUBSDÂZ Tikl~ I~~~~ Th ecsl The ede ndei 1 Phono Clurke 1114 Newcastle uow bas a new ma- chine sbop sud fan luapement agene>'. Ida, wcre wcekend M b parents, Mn. sud Mns.< ip Afin. Miss Mrgarecf Uic weektd gcst . sud Mns. Mn. sud Mns. Fred Wood, To- rente, are now spending their weekends at their cottages, Wood- holmc and Tuckaboe. Miss Margarel Tams, Reg. N., Western Hospital, 'Toronto, sud friend, were Sunda>' guests cf ber parents, Mn. ouI Mns. Herb. Toms. Mn. Douglas Vanflusen bas gone te Belleville wbere be bas a job in a f acter>'. 1115 brother, Mn. Pbllip VanDusen, te lu the sanie place. PIes. Wm. Alun sud Roy' Ash- ton Newmarket, spent the week- ndà w-lUi their parents, Mn. sud Mns. Irvin Alun sud Mrnsd lira. W. C. Ashton. Qulle a nuniher cf Newcastle public sud higb acol pupils had exliibits at Uic Lions Club lgpbby Show in Bowmanviiic 1aI Satur- day sud wonminu>'prizes. Mn... D. Denaul, contracter, Newlonviile, bal men aI work 1aI Saturla>' cxcavating for Uic hasement sund foundation of Uic bouse be is building for Mns. Floyd Butler on George sud North Sta. Mr. 'Denaull bas at SpeclilSale Jap aA aLac Palauts hap-a-Lac, for furnture, 'chairs walls Four Hour Enamel Reg. 35e 1510 Glilldn'a Pamous Bard Varulsh lc SALE Rock ipur Varnlsh lc SALE 1-2 Pt. at 60e or 2 for 61c Other quantitios price aceorMinly Florenantel Renovate with A har<1, uk drFlng fnseWallpaper paint, reg. $1.45 qt. An excellent selocton of Mother's -Day Greeting Cards guaa' ls Mo4er'. Day. Remini her of your affection b>' - sending h«eracar. JOHNSTON'S BOOK STORE They look alike -- but AU rane poUieslook v017 muah you receive afler you bave bad a loq, or a accident, aid present your claim W186 property ownero are -Comnpany conacibud" -th"y look mto th. stability and.reputatioli of th. oompasiy back of their pelioies. J. Je MASON & SON INSURANCE AGENTS Phone 681 Bowmanville An Important Message To Evcry ilouseholder: We ul=reyadvlse you to make. arrangements now to lote rot wiùter's fuel supplY. There iglenty of coal available at the present timiD. and prices are definitelY at their 10w. No one can pre- dict what the situation will h. next laU, but we are certain prices cannot ho lowei' than they are now and the possibility is they niight ho considerabl>' hlgher. You have nothing to lose and everYthing to gain, by .rderlng at this timne. you'11 gave money: you'l have urcoal i your bin and you'U ho adini an emergencY. ala a eeiedadvantage to order "blue coal," ho- this tradernarked anthracite assures yuc etn you asked for-the world's finest anthracite. These wtth go many fuel problemn, substitution or milidnig necmsity ho more prevalent than before and tiis Inferlor heat and more cot te you. But with *pet,, the blue colour that you can soe at aL glance, anisfl the quality-,and guaranteos delivery of the in ptl touch with us by phono to-daY--and we ~ ~~ou wIU thank tus net f ai for the suggestion .eýmkhWu.te you now, because wo sincerely ho- fh"j * wbt wO 8 15true: you'U hbo tter off in 4rqs' gttln "bue oal" and orderlng it right d £611Lumber Co. LiMited Ba ____ k Large quantifies of knitteI arti- cles for U the f the *rmd forces an~d supý1Ï forlUic yic- lima of Uie bombl areu-ýin BEpg- land wcre brougbt lu, lthe lot In- cluding a numbor of splendid qults. In response te the appeal for unlimited quqntilles aI blan- kets for war victim $100.00 was výotcd tobehosent te headquanloes lu Toronto te buy blankols foût .this purpose. Arraa ements were moade le caler forethe Hall Board 1scene until a few days afýerwards hepu busy in every spore mamn- on il might have been kept eut eut planning sud dolng -the spade cf the woods, especially if the worxso necessary te make anY- Newcastle fine fighting cqulp- big undentaklng a succeas. Ho waa 1ment bad been asked for aid as asibted by Gee. Davldgo, chair- ln the case cf the fine at the Low- ni4p i 1940, sud oided b>' bis or Marsh on the Sundoy previeus. Yopro. The other two cemunilttee pnuotIcal experieuce hIfermer çIaier: "Sin, about that steak iambers, Rosa Stevenhsud E. L. you ordered. How'd you like to .0Ilv«, aise. worked fa or l ri-- have It?" d* nlght sud ail day Saturdoy at 'Customer: I"Vei'y muth $udeedY~.»eshow, wlihthe assistance o0*a LZ m least two sud porbapa lhree more new bouses to build lu Newcastle tbis summer. Sunda> guests with Mrs. W. H. Pearce wene: Mn. sud Mis. Rus- seil Colwiil, Roy' sud Jean, To- rente, Mns. S. C. Scuithorpe, To- rotoIsd ,.Ira F. Pearce and Mn. ud Ms. Hnry Pearce, Bow- Dmsuviile. Newcastle Girls' Softbail Team, .under Uic-.management cf-Mr. _Geo. Cnowther, bceld thein finst 1practice cf the, season*ln. Uic ball 1park on Frida>' evening, May' 2nd, wilh about fifleen positive suc pe#tial, p1yeiW4n.atenda4ce. D». sud. Mrs.> 'uro,'Cleveland, O.,su tIer'~l~her MiiMary Munno, who bad justhn"ished. an- other year as su Arts studeul at Qucen's University' Kingston, were lunchcon guests cf Mr. anc LMns. Percy Haro last Saturday. Mna. Robt. Joues and son, ne- cently cf Bowmanvlle, are nov resident in Mr. Fred Treleaven's new cottage on Bolton St., New- tcastle-on-the-Lake. The busbsuc sud father te lu the anmy, a mcm- ber of the Midisud Regiment, now iu New Brunswick. Miss E. L. Trenwitb bas roturu- cd from Toronto te ber Newcastle home, "'Cloverîca." Officcra anc dinectors of the Horticultural Society' were pleaaed to sec ber in ber usual place once more at a spocial meeting in the council chamber on. Monda>' evening. Rev. D. R. Dcwdney and Mn. D. J. Gibson wonl la Toronto or Tuesday ta attend Uic meetings of the Anglican Synod. Mn. W alto] Crowtben, aiseo ala>' delogae from St. George's Chunch, went up on WeýInesday. Mn. Frnk Hall ste cloy delegate from St. Sav- ioun's, Orono. Mns. D. R. Dewdney bas Oc., cepted Uic position sud taken over Uic dulies cf leader of St. George's Cbuncb Choir wbicb bas liern witbout a leader for somo lime. Mns. Jno. Garnod continues as or- ganlat, a position she bas capablY f illed since Uic dcath of Mns. AI- fred Farncomb. William Coulson Hunten, son of Mn. and Mns. Hugb Hunter of Toronto, formerly cf Newcastle, te an honour graduate cf Univer- sit>' of Toronto '41 Class lu Cern- merce sud Finance. Mr. Hunter plans te do poat-graduate wenb at Rulgers Coilege, New Jersey under bis brother-in-law, Pnofos* son H. Johnson. Mn. Brentan Rickard, Who bas been werking for the Downham Nurseries, Bowmaiiville, since finisblug bis school year, bas talc- on a position with the Bell'Tele- phono Ce. sud gone te London. Hoj wil spend Uic finatlfe* 'wecks at scbool hcarning techulcal know- ledge pcrtolulug te telephoues ond their installation. Jack Crayford's Orchestra of the Embassy, Toranto, pnovided the music for Uic commninty hall's Board cf Management dance on the evening cf Ma>' 2nd. Thero was a foin sized attendance en- abling the Board te meet al cx- penses. Newcastle Rod Cross servol lunch in the basement cf Uic bal sud made $25-00. Mn. Jack Haro, medical stu- dent at Queen's University', ing- ston, w4l be hoUrougb bis ycor'si werk this Thursda>' sud af ton a short visit with bis parents, Mn. sud Mns. Porc>' Haro, will go ta Pbiladelphia for Uic removal cf a foreigu substance fnom bis lung. Aller ho bas sufficient>' recovon- cd be will go 10 Cleveland for a lurther perIo of convalescence. The Girls' Auxiliary cf St. George's Cburcb, -Mns. D. R_ Dcwdney, president, bad a dis- pla>' oI work lu Torontl at weclc aI thc annual convention of the Wcmen's Missionar>' Society' cf the Anglican Cburcb. The arti- cles, ail Uic bandiwork ef the Newcastle girls sud destined for mission fields, altracîcd mucb at- tention sud noceived man>' favor- able commenta from those lu at- tendance. Mr. Truman Clark sud bride, formiet-ly Mrs. Arnold cf Osbawa, who wvere married at Uic Newcas- tle pansonage on Saturday, Apnil 201h, b>' Rev. R. E. Morton, mode a three day boneymoon visil ln Toronto befone returning le their fanm just scross Diewcastles east beundar>' lino. During thein ab- sence Mn. Rd. RoUle>, wbo belpod Mn. Clark wiUi the sprlug seed- ing, remnained lu charge cf Uie fam sud stock. Hoý bas since ne- turned tb bis work in Tenante. Mn. aud Mns. R. B. Baxter, Part Hope, were Sunday guesta of ber parents, Mn. ' sud Mns. J. Scott Montgomery', recenîl>' aI Bloom- field, who moved lulo their New- castle bouse lat Weduesday. Newcastle friends extend a sin- cere welcome 10 Uiem on their bome-coming. Mn. Montgomner>' nqw reltiréd from the Canadrign Suggestions, S th. i eded t.r UN SLWRon~eBbtt -and fomily hi their IN SILVEMotherLs DatY2service next Sun- daywil h a 2okdock. Specl from pregrams being pirepared. -~ Mrad Mrs. S. B. Werry and Mr. WseWerry were guestà ot NAIthe Poker-GCroonis weddingi it FLOWER $ 1 .0 Toronto audyenng [j CENTRES __$1. " Master Glen Robertson e- turin t hm Qne aokDryden I"USH __ $1 0 after spengtwp, YIÎM .t.Mr. ItIS$1.00- Btu, o,, 1, éfILÈMrs. J. T. Rundie eniiirlned a y PLTES $1 00 number ,of relatives ot a hirthélay PLATES 'Vpaxty Saturdoy evenhng whcn an t CANULEenjoyable lime waa hod. 1, STICKS __8W Vstr: Pte. W. M. Dewefl, ci C.A.S.F., Ottawa, waa at home... ILOWER $ Mr. -aund Mr. Bfi Carrlck, To- BAKTSfro$22 ronto, ot Mr.. Jack Recynolds'. ... BAKTSVo Mr. sud Mrs. Frank Passmore, 'S -CASSEROLES, gel95 Miss Elsie Brown and Mr. Clinton from ._W& U Whetter, Toronto, at Mr. Bryce Brown's. . . 1Mr. and Mrs. Jack ~PE IALYelowlees at Mr Les.ThornR: bort, Baflyduff, at home. .. Mrs. 4-PIECE TEA SERVICE Ed. Miflson and RUla with friends e Complote $1 I at Nestton... Mr. and Mrs. Gra- ____ *$10.9 ham Willau, Toronto, at Mr. S. E. ti Werry's. . . Mr. azed Mrs. Chas. Allin, su ad Mà Clore Allin Hudesof other articles, and Robert, Bowmanville, at Mr. atoechoose from. Wesley Yellowlees'. .. Mn. Frank il Bronton,.Oshawa, Lieut. Arthur ?. Drop> in and look arounl L. Baker,, Miss Jean Hogarth and under ne obligation t. bu>'. M.flFrank Blunt, Bowmanville, Mr. sud Mrs. J. D. Hogarth, r q ~ r. Donald Yellowlees, Tononto, JYJUA. ~ J at home. .. Miss Kathleen Baker, j Phono 463 King St. W. Oshawa, Miss Elaine Onxiston, Bowmanvllle Hospital, at Mn. J. Baker's. .. Mn. sud Mrs. Andréw Minty, Toronto, wfth their niece, Mrs. Wilfred Dewell... Mr. and r of* Management dance on May 2. Mrs. H. E. Tink at Mn. Perey Ona usay.c 9hUc ruc eweil's, MynIle Station. .. Mr. packed and sent to headquorters and Mrs. Bruce 1[lnk at Mr*. Or- iu Toronto the following seamn'a mîston's, Columbus. . . Mr. and comfnrts: 7 turtleneck sweaters, Ms.C. McBride, Buirton and 8 ribbed helmets, 8 pra. seameu's Mary, Peterboro, Mr. sud Mrs. long stockiugs, 15 scarves, 10 Clarence' Tink, Kathleen, Mar- sleevless sweaters; and for the garet sud. Marion, Hamnpton, Mrs. army sud air force: 95 Prs. socks, Bort Williams, Owen Sound, and 24 scarves, 13 prs. two-way mits Miss Ethel Law, Toronto, at Mr. 1 pr. gloves, aud 8 sîcevelesa ereWies sweaters.GereW t's r COUNCUL cLAKE SHORE SUNDAY SOHOOL ANNIVERSARY <Coflttiued on page 8) which would infringe on town Reference was made last week- property. A. base was granted in Newcastle sud the Lake Shore hlm at $1.00 a year. news to thc 5th anuiversary cf Mns. E. S. Ferguson sud a Lieu- the Lake Shore Sunday SehooL tenn uteGr Guides wene Rev. R. E. Morton Of Newcastle gstdpriio to use the 'United Church dehivered a str-toware toiun1rbondit con- ring anniversafy. nméssaesdcn. oohrp congnatulated the Lake Shore A requeci from G. P. Jamieson people on their maintenance of a te ereet a* gasoline aign was ne- Union Sunday Schoel sud the ferred te the Roads & Streets success that had attended their comnittee with power teo ct, enterprise. Miss Audney Adami From the Premier cf Ontorio played for the singmng of hy2Ms M. F. Hepburn came a request and Miss Betty Allin for the quar-' for council te cooperate lu issuing tette wbich rendered a special a proclamation te citizens about number. The membors of Uic June lst te decorate thelré build- quartette were Ross and Stanley Ings te atirmulote enthusiasm for Allin sud Misses Doris Allun andý the Wor Loan campalgu soon to Betty Enwright, Newcastie.- be launcbod. Mn. Robt. Martin, Sup't. re- Fine Chief L. Hooper is te ho viewed the early history of the instnucted te attend, if possible, »school and how it was fi nauced. a convention lu Toronto next sMr. Fokies Walbridge, Newcastl'2,MWk. Ho wfll ho gtxen wage ahad told bis nephew, Mr, Asa .equlvalent sud expensez. Thompson, -one of thc chiof pro- - ICèportùg for thc finance cern- rmoters of the Sunday Scbool, to mnittee Deputy Reeve Morris roc- Scanvass the wbole section for omxuendod the passing of accounts funds sud whatever they secured tetoiling $1,971.88, plus $53-33 for »on completion of thein task, ho relief. i would contribute an eé q u a 1 Seven uew coats wiil b. pur- amount. This was donc sud the chased for firemen at a coat of Sunda>' School got off to a good $12.60 ecd. stairt in 1891 with !4r. Simon Forty tons of calcium chlonide *Baskervie the firat Superntend- are: being bought te keep down o nt and Mn. Asa Thompson th6 the-dust on as large a street area Bible Class teacher. Nearly even>'- as teossible. fbody attended Sunday School The Cemctery sud Propert>' - those days and many offered their committees were ecd empower- Dservices as teachers' e* d 10 ýUy ý,peW lawn MOWer. r Mr. A. A. Martin, Î.gPe, -I.P.S., Brigbton, son cf Uic Sup- - WhDINS -eintendent, mentioned the name____ -of Miss Sarab CouJ.sou as the one *Contlnu.d trom page 1) wbo final suggested thc opening o f a Suuday Scbool lu tic section beside thc troops. She was revlv- rte combat thc evil tendencies cf cd by soldions on a nearby lawn1 the limes lu tho comniunity. Ho with a& glass of wotor sud romain- 1paid worrm tribute te thc zeal and cd te cheer thc boys on. The child eself -sacrif icing efforts of thc was unhurt sud laughed wben ho ifounders of the school sud point- tunibled wlth bis mother.1 r d eut the influence for good it There was plent>' of kisaing too.1 thad been tbroughout thec cer- Girls held up te the windows and1 -munity during al the years il had even, a corporal, Corporal Rousie 1been ln operation. Ho told cf how of the Ordnauce, was amnacked by -the achool had had a largo part soldiers as ho was held, kicking. ein sbaping sud moulding his But the payoff came wben Con- -young lic oand cf how, because cf stable Bunny Wadsworth, on duty this school, ho had carl>' acquired wlth brother officersansd zuoter- tthe Sunday School going habit cycle police, aise came lu for a rwhich ho beieved was a good julçy ksa from oeeof the boys, toneO. who abouted "Bring me that tout On thc desk werc two lovely cop. I wanna kiss hlm." bouquets of fbowcrs in memor>' sevenleen - year - old Jimmy cf the loto Misa Sarah Thompson White cf Bancroft got lettons frem and the loto Misa Anibel Swim, six girls before b. left akin. rformer teochers cf the Sunday hlm te marry Uiem. Ail six wneie' rSchool, .wbo so tragîcail>' bat on thec platforua, but ho cscaped.. it4eir lives by fine this past wxn- ]Lance-Corporal Mrs. E. 7Taylor1 dozen or more voluntar>' wonkers. The great Hob>y 'Show is over fôr another ycar. We have to11 practicail>' uothing about il lu Ibis article. There la only 0one way te find eut about lt-go sud see il. And se until next ycan iwben, ne doubt, a grealen show wiil be ataged Uic beys sud girls of Eow- manville sud district w-lU kep woôrking at their hobbies, and acqulnlng useful knowledge te maire Uiem better sud more use- fui citizena. ROTARY CL à (Contlnued tram page 1) clamp down toda>' on meat salies thc supply in starage thrcughout Uic Dominion would nol lasI mou>' days, that la, unleas Cazacdhns, Uic warld's beovicat mest cotera, lrasticaliy cul their consumption. Nine thousand catlle are dail> conaumed lu Canada. Pif t>' Swif t Planta When G. F. Swift at the age cf le kiiled bis final heif or sud g eddledl Uic moat frein deor te "on ho laid Uic foundation fei the vast organîzation now hoar- ing bis namne. His butcher trade branched cut sud at 36 ycars cf age he was in Chicago dcvcloplng a nalional business. Today Swifts have 50 meat packing plants sud bundreds of conibutany proPf.r- lies. The>' have consistonti>' made moue>', although Uic marglu in Ibis business la ver>'aoilasd the market uncertain. Except for throe depression years when with the rosI of world business Uic>' sufferel adeficit Uic compan>' bas steadil>' forged ahcad. Last year's prafit was over eleven millions. Animportant feature cf Uic Swift organisation te its good ne- lationship wli employeca. Pen- sion plans, holidays wilb pa>', goal workmng conditions ail con- tribute te Uic general prospenit>' of the business. In Uic Canadian division nearly everyoue emplo>'- cd la Canadian, albhough Uic or- ganisation lteimternational lu scope this -pion te a natunal one sud barmonizes with Canadian econouiy. Mn. Allcn's addncas was a ",Classfication-tolk-by-proxy" for whidi Bonanville's famous f ar- il>' butcher cf nearly a century continuous business, Wesley Caw- ker, was responsible sud ho lin- lroduccd the speaker. Dr. Slemon w-be canfes te an lutereat in marketing -hveslock lu bis edni>' days bock on Uic fanm, offened a vote af Uiancs. Guests cf the day inluded D. V. Mott, Toronto, HarrY Jamles, Oshawa, Ivan Law, WhitbY sud John Sonde, Caesarea. BUILDING (Contlnued from page 1) ors activily in Oshawa te wel knawn sud the inlustrial develcp- ment aI Pickerng bas put bous- ing accommnodation in Wbitby at a preuniuni. However one of the lgeIpoperly owners lu town yetray declarel: "H oeusa i n g shortage? Rubbteh! I've gel Uinee fine opartments te lot but nobol>' te rushing to taire Uiem-and just this morning a friend was telling me he bas a nice Uinee noomn apartment for nent." Officiai infarmation on building activities la bord te gel, thase "iu the kucw" belng reluctant te 80>' onything te the prcss. But it la common knowlodge thal the pres- ont building boom was, in part, precipitated b>' Uic decisien ol Uic tewn council lasI >'ean te sel vac- ont lots aI a nominal surn. Itlat also kuewu thal the lown's largest reai estate owncr. Mn. J. Hl. H.. Jury te concretel>' eiprcsslug bis falth in Bowinisvilce's future b>' nusblng te completion work ou four more bouses, two on bis ow-n property an Uic corner af Temper- once sud Wellington sud 1w-o on Wellington St. fading Uic Davis- Hoult factery' The latter building te, b>' Uic w-a>', lso shaw-ing the effodla cf Uie building boom. Il; bas talcen on a more robust oppeanance having bal al Uic windows boandcd up as protectioa goinst vandais breaking glass sud enter- f>t.roperty te cbanging bauds Uiese daya tac. Mr. Fred Knox, prominont sbcc dealer, bas bougbt "The Bungalow" on. the cerner cf Division sud Lowe st. whlch Mn. and Mrs. Knox.now .oceunp>' ,Ver>' few-bouses are being of- fered for sa1éý ' owover, owners prbahly..suticip;lng geçltt ing hber re;tWlu the future. CclAllIroad la building on Ïiberty St. Win. Afin la rush- 'gte completion bis attractive .ie home o.» Scugog -St. Law- ronce Goddard bas purchased o Spring Tonies Syr. Hypophosphltos 890 Burdock Blool Bitters ose fron sud Yeast Tabs. 69o Ironizel Yeant - - 980 Wampolea Extract - 1.00 Beef, Ironand Wlne 89e Mosby's Tonie - 1.17 ho building reaidences for Albert 0. Seole in town while othor re- ports of building cannot ho voni- fiod with names as ownors don't wish to, ho pcatered with contract- ors and salesmen when their plans becomne known. Ail this activity and proposed building seems tc> ho littlc affected by the 8 per cent sales te* li- posed on building moterian'Ls e recent budget. When it i realized that some f ifty or more omployeca are finding work ot one industry alone over least Decembér one can oasily account for thec unproced- ented building boom. All the aflied trades do not re-. port benefit, atrangely eiiough. One painter declared that he had beon busier many previous springs and with help being sarce bis business was flot thrlving as might be expected. A Trainload of Lusclous, Ripe ?~I~APLES* JusI riMt'I r Ubleuse and preaerving At Special Low Prices Gem CO"IEE Rulbbers IPka. jupe .11RBQMMVIG Zinc loi. SPECIAL, HANDY BRA» IED BIRD A M M Fresh Vegetables Daily Colioe Domeatio aud.Imported ,. ERNIE,LUNN I The, Biggost VaIue in Tow AmnisLaurie Chocolates An endieos uksortment 01. Ohooomue to mke your Kother 1h, pe m mother in toçm. TU1E CARTER FAMILY l« fi Two Goneatlona MM W. Test Ey.s â.nd Fit Trus»s e5P. RL COWLING, Phm . B.z::mp Porinaldohyde lb. 35o Freshpack Chocolates For lWother's Day 50o - 75o - $1.00 98 0 300 TM CAXADIAN à-rïlï Cowing bug Stor Free1 Developi g aves you 10o on eaoh roil eof IIM, Try our prompt serviCe. Pinkham'a 100 A.S.A. 400 Doll'as COMP. Tablets A3.LS; & C. pub, 87e 19ic (J M oth Protection Garment Bana 29e - 49o Molli Mfer Crystal 1 ib. - - . h390oý LF Bkhlebide - s&. Blookefttea - .0 215 Moth BallaP. lb..S 25eKL *Ceresan Kilts Smiut M U "RI lM. 1.10 5 Ibs. 4.40 I ~ SA " 1 850 aine Fitch Floor Cliam's Riais' CL Shanpoo WAX Nom P ood 49e '33-S9-89 39e 49e ____ ____ ____ ___Speclal ~'iRENS 4 CAKES sUDUODET lTOITSIAPý WOBRTSSA TySilverwood's Delicious tee Cream JuBricks, Cones, ]Pies or Bulic Baby Needs 1"ablum - - - 45e Dextri-Matose - 6-0 Lactogen, - 690- 1.59 Baby'. Own Tablets - 230 Hoinz'Strainol Soupa 3 for 25o Juior Fooda - 2 for 19o Baby 011 - 490 - 980 à v MLE., ONTAIUO TWJMDA*I,