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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 May 1941, p. 7

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MAY 8, 041 TEECANADIN STATEMAI4, MANVILLt, ONTARIOPAESV1 Dmrham Couuty Music Festival United Olsurciz, Port Eope, ont. May 139 149 15, 1941 N1. B. - All Sessions on Standard Time. .TUSDAY, MAT lsth. Ciaas49--Rural - No previaus *faner ____ 9.00 a.m. ta 11.00 'j-Ura (one room~) VzhLbsi -- 11.00 a.m. ta 11.45 ÇRural 1 roolt) Part Song 11.45 a.m. ta '12.25 ~RurPw*o-roo) Pasit Sang 1.35 p.m. ta ' 2.88 ~lRhythm Band - e ý 2.36 p.m. ta 3.00 SUUrban - Part Sang -- 3.100 p.m. ta 3.25 52-Boys' Chorus - Open -_____ 3.25 pms. ta 4.15 1ý51-Public Sehool Part Sang . Open . 4.15 pan. ta 5.10 2-Mixed School Chorus - Open 7.00 p.m. ta 7.40 22-Tenor - Solo _________ 7.40 p.m. ta 7.55 1-Mixed Chorus Open 7.55 p.m., ta 8.15 25-Boy's Solo - Under 20-years 8.15 p.m. ta 9.00 20-Mezzo-Soprano Solo ____-9.00 p.m. ta 9.25 23-Baritone Sala-------____9.25 p.m. ta 9.50- WEDNESDAY, MAY l4th. Cia. 41-Boy's Solo, 9 years and undèïr, Preliminary .--~ ___ 9.00 a.m. ta 10.20 44-Girl'. Solo, 15 years sud under, 102 t1.4 Preliminary 1020a.m. t 14 41-Boy's Solo, 9 yrs. and under, Finals- 11.45 a.m. ta 12.15 42-Boys' Unchanged Voices, Preliminary- 1.25 p.m. ta 2.40 44-Girl's Solo, 15 yrs. and under, Finsals- 2.40 p.m. to 3.10 45-Public Sèhàol Duet, Preltminary - 3.10 p.m. ta 4.15 42-Boy's Séla, Unchanged Voices, ]finals- 4.15 psi. ta 4.45 45-Pu.blie School Duet, Finals 4.45 p.m. ta 5.15 39-Violin Solo, 16 yrs. and under -___ 6.50 p.m. ta 7.00 40ý-Orchestra, Open 7.00 p.m. ta 17.20 21-Contralto Solo 7.20 p.m. ta 7.45 12-Piano Solo, Open --- 7.45 p.m. ta 8.05 ;7-Cornet Solo, Open- 8.05 p.m. ta 8.25 ý4-Ladies' Quartette, Open ------ 8.25 p.m. ta 8.40 *-Trombone Solo, Open 8.40 p.m. ta 8.55 - Ladies' Duet------------- 8.55 p.m. ta 0.20 1 Brass Quartette, Open ---- 9.20 p.m. ta 9.35 6-Band, Open------- ----- ------ - 9.35 p.m. ta 10.00 THURSDAY, MAY lSth. Clasa 43-Girl's Solo, il yrs. and under, Preliminary -- - ------------------ 9.00 a.m. ta 10.20 43-Girl's Solo, il yrs. and, under, Finals- 10.20 a.m. ta 10.45. 16-Piano Solo, il yrs. and ù.nden --- 10.45 a.m. ta 11.50 15-Piano Solo, 9 yrs. and under - - 1.00 p.m. ta 1.25 17-Piano Solo, 13 yrs. and, under 1.25 ta 2.15 1&m-Pisuo Solo, 16 yrs. sud under ~2.15 p.m. ta 3.20 19-Soprano Solo ~7.00 p.m. ta 7.55 28-Piano Solo - Challenge -____ 7.55 p.m. ta 8.10 31-Mixed Duet .-- - -__8.10 p.m. ta 8.30 34-Urban Chuich Choir (30 members)- 8.30 p.m. to 8.50 26-Ladies' Solo, Challenge 8.50 p.m. ta' 9.30 35-Urban Church Choir (Open t D. & N.) 9.30 p.m. ta 10.00 WHRSCHOOlà AUDITORIUM THUIDAT, MAY l5th. Clasa 59-Boy's Reading, 10 yrs. sud under -__ 9.00 a.m. ta 10.20 56-Girl'. Reading, 7 yrs. and under 1,.20 a.m. to 11.35 57-Boy's Reading, 7 yrs. sud under - 11.35 a.m. ta 12.25' 58-Gil's Reading, 10 yrs. and under 1L25,p.m. ta 3.15 53-Solo Folk Dance _______ 3.15 p.m. to 3.40. 62-Choral Speaking 3.40 p.m. ta 4.05 61-Boy's Reading, 14 yrs. sud under __ 4.05 p.m. ta 4.50 60-Gil's Reading, 14 yrs. sud under -'..~24.50 p.xp. ta 6.00. 14-Reading'- Open-------- 6.00 p.ta. la 6.40 Ail competitors must be present filteen minutes befare their respective competitions are scheduled ta commence sud report ta the Secretary ini charge. Byreférrizig ta your clasa nunil»r you will find thse dates sud times on which youi competition will be held. A concert by the First Prize Winners in al thc competitions will be held in thse United Church, Port Hope, an Friday, May l6th, 1941, comnsencing at 7 p.m. standard time. Ahl sessions open ta thc public on thse. payment af a smal admission fee. Adults - Monninga lOc,Afternoons 15c, Evenings 15c; Children - Molrings and Afternoons Free, Evenings 10c; Final Concert - Adults 35c, Childien 25c. A. E. FULFORD, Pkesident. ELEN MOBRRI, Secretary-Tnreasurer. A&P MONEY SAVING LOW EVERYDAY PRICES CHEES ou i23 .w49C FrLOUE B*l14 241,69c PINEAPPLE C s-o5 BO0KAR COFFEE 1-b. bag 39 Aglcake souFs aka3 Tin, 18t IRSE STEW clark' , 2 r»* 23c Chck. 'onoiessiW: 20c PMR LAID 21b». 1l'. Liptous TUm Rd Label 4,- b37C 'PUS Groori Giant 2 27Ç SILlON Koa ilS Vu6.Lam~ Leai2frr23t d&- u'cTISSUE Quoonsbury Z2n19c SPAEETIUbby's 9'c-o g ~r~s~jr SUS 1' II HOST lb.23. BoueleiS Smq.ked 19Park Shoulders 27. BOJ4 'aTU <DCL «M 0 PRUNES ymCOWIUYTBM 1-1ob. cO b.3 2 BM27C W(lbK~. FRUITS M4D VrgKTABLEÏ OTA Nw crop Grapofruiluge mine 'l Ibo. 1lc 5for 2st A&P FOD S-ORE I SOCIAL AND P N I Miss Ruths Ferguson, Oshawa, was guest of Miss Evelyn Plekard. Robert McIlveen i. -workingin l Nobel as assistant In a chemical laboratory. Mr. sud Mis. R . H. Pickerd sud Mis. Pat 0'Heron, Kngsv'llë visited i 198 f' trWt Pickard. Miss Clara Aohlee wh*r 4anuis. lng at the Rivera ioiatioi Hospital Toronto, visited Miss Vaet Yileeters. Word lsu been received here annÔunclxàtheUicsale arrivalinl England af Capt. Rev., W. F. Ban- isten, pastor Ôn leave tram St. Pàul's United Churcis. Winné, af Marshal. mattress at F. F. Morris Ca. was Mis.C. G. Churchill, R. R. 4, BowmsuVllle. Winner af congoleum rug was Mis. Henb. Brown, Newcastle. Mr. W. Blake McMe ty as netuined ta town sud rcened thse family rÈesidence ater spend- ing Uic winter wit daugisters and grandchlldren in Toronto. - C. E. Thomas, 106 Jarvis St.,. Orillia, in nenewing his States- man ta end cf 1942 write.: Wc certuinly would miss thc paper' if we did not receive it regularly. Mr. B. B. Furber lias given up business, having sold out, ta Wm. Vintue. Mr. sud Mis. Furber wil visit friends in, Lindsay, Bobcay- geon and Tononto for a few weeks. L.A.C. Bill Colville has been transI erred from Lethbnidge ta No. 7 Flying Scisool, M eod, Alta., sud Sgt. Alex Colviilèhas been trsusferred from Dartmouth ta Newfoundland Airpont.' j Plan ta sec sud hear Jin Hunt- cr, Toronto Telcgrum news com- mentatar, in Opera House, Frlday, May 9th, when Guides, Rangera sud Brownics will present an cen- tertainment for tise British War Victima Fund. Admission 25c., Always ta Uic fore wlth attrac- tive window displays theICiKngs- way Flower Sisop isu shawmngsu unique- design for Motiser's 1Day. A gisut pink carnation has been skilfully nmade to 1111 Uic entire. window sud lu ttùrning thougita ta thse speeial day to be ciebrated next Sunday. Another Bownville boy whd lu yearly gainiug frcas distinctions lu Leonard Wilson, son of Mr. sud Mis. Paul Wilson, now endhng his fifth year in University studying Tiseology. He won a $50.00 scisol- arship tUiluycar sud la now preacising Ion the 6urnen manths in the city of Sasksatoon. Mr. Mtthew Coýlins, saller on Uic Merchnt Marine, "Norths Sieilds," Northumberland, En&- land, visited his cousin, Mis. Juci Nichols, Elgin Street. Wilc here Mr. Collins had thse pleasure af meeting Sgt. Kennetis Nichais, Gait Aircraft Scisoal, who was home on leuve ta. celebrate his 18th birtisday.- Thse first Ruminage Sale for War Work conducted by Murmel L. Dunn gat off ta a big stant Satunday which netted $54.00.- One could flud anything from a can opener t alal kinds aI wear- ing apparel, books, pictures, foot- wcar, etc. Mis. Dunn wishes to thank ail those who s0 gencrously donated articles ta make thc sale a success. Bowmnviile Rotary Club was nepresented at thc District Rotary Conference in Toranto this week by Uic followlug members sud their wives: Messrs. F. C. Hoar, R. R. Stevens, J. H. McKeeven, Mr. sud Mia. F. Wiliams, Mr. sud Mis. Rosa Strike, Mr. sud Mis. M. A. Neal, Mr. sud Mis. T. W. Cuwker, Mr. and Mis. Rasu Stutt, Mr. sud Mn.. Gea. E. Chase, Mi. and Mia. Len Elliott, Mi. sud Mis. Morley Vanafone, Mr.,sud -Mis. T. H. Knight. *About 25 friends of Kathleen ILuxton uttended a sisower liniser hanoui at the home of Mr. and Mis. Gea. Somenscules. The show- er held Fntday cvening was! put on- by Misses Gearginu Somer- scales, Ivy Passant, Mildred Lux- ton and Ada Dudson. Miscellsu- CNRDS Send Your Mother or "'Saze- body's Mother" thse card that secuis te b. wrltteu ospeelally fer her frem yon. W. have a large am>tment at aul prises. We have new knlttlUg. baus, znottqs, pictures,, boqks, çhlna Seo eur aelocton fer you"solf . Wu JEWE Phnoe558 "ZIg 20 ;l 1 cous gilta were heaped upon thse bride who was quite ovencame by the number af gifta. At thse con- clùslon, a deligitlul lunch was served. Ha mpton Výisitorg-: Mi.-ànd Mis. T. Salter with relatives in Toronto. .. Miss aen White, Toronto, with Mis. R. lCatésnan d Mary. . . Mr. sud Mrs. E. Degeer with fÉriends in Pickenig... Mi. and Mis. C. E. Horn wlihfrienda in Linday... MI&. Alisu Parker, wisa has been with her mother 'and siater, ne- turned ta Montreal on Fniday.. Mis. W.- W. Horn and Mis. R. Avery with fnienda in Oshwa... Dr. sud Mis. W. -R. Horn sud Mis. Catherine -Jacob, Port Hope, at Mr. W. W. Hqrn's. A numben af udults and achoal ciildren attended tise hobby show in hBownianville. Mis. John -Colwill la in Baw- manville 'Hôspital with a broken hip. aM a result af injuries receiv- ed ,thôugh, a. fall when struck with a* bicycle wlile returning from a zneighban's home on Tisurs- diaý evening. Haydon Congratulations to Mi. and Mia. Roy. Thompsan on Uic arrivai of a son. .Y. P. U. met April 2Mti. Miss Meta Degeer toak charge of Uic warship peniod. Bible readlnag waa ncud by Miss Blanche Degeen, a short talk was given by Mr. C. Slemon, a duet by Misses Bessie Blackburn sud Eileen Cowling, sud a reading by Miss Jessie Knox. Progrumi was in charge af Rosa Asiston: Reudung was given by Stuart Preston; piano duet by Mia. Lackey, sud Mis. Annis; neading by Raymond Petit; solo by Mis. R. Ormiston; reading by Bruce. Garrard; *topic* by FPred' Stannard; suda solo by Wilbui Blackburn. Rev. A. F. Gardner gave su in- spiring message Sunday. Thse chair was in attendance. S1.mday Scisool session ha been changed ta 10.30 a.m. for Uic auminen. Sympathy. ta extended- te Mn.. Samin Waadley s i h Pth lg S iser sister in Uic West. Visitons: Mi. sud Mis. Elmer Hawes, Whitby,. at Mi. Wm. Tre- wuu'ls. ... Les-. Qarrard, To- iauta, at Mr. C. Garrard's. . . Mr. sud Mis John Graham, Oshawa, at Mn.. D. Grahani' . . Mr. sud Mis. C. Ashton and Roy, Buike-1 ton, Mis. 'B. Power and Betty, Toronto, at Mr. IH. Asiston's... Mr. Lloyd Thampaon, Miss D. Mc- Donald, Newcastle, Miss Veda Purdy, Bowmsuviile, Mn. Boy Thampson, Leakard, at Mr. W. Tisompson's. . . Mr. sud Mrs. Fred Ashton -ad faudnly, Mr. sud Mia. Bert Ashton, Miss Viola Bradley, Toronto, ut Mr. E. Bradley's... Mr. sud Mis. Hanny Brooking, -Wcsléyviile, at Mr. C. Slemon's.. . Mr. and Mis. E. Sanderson and family, Miss Laura Philp, Toron- to, at Mr. John Sandrsn's... Harold Wilson, Oshawa, with Don Mountjoy. .. Mi. and Mia. James Aikenisead, Toronto, at Mr. Lloyd Ashton's. . . Mi. sud Mis. Ross Richards sud Maurice, at Mn. A. Richards', Salem . _Mr. sud Mis. Leslie Graham n sd f amily at Mr. C. Ashton'u, Burketon... Mr. sud Mia. Douglas Fontaine, Mis. A. Fontaine sud family, Mial-vnsul McNeil, Toronto, a tMi. A. Mc- Neil's. Zion Tise Adult Bible Class visited Uic Hampton Bible Class on Sun- day altennoon. Miss Joan Morgan entertaincd Uic C.G.I.T. girls ut her home on Satuiday. Thene wiil be a baptismal ser- vice next Sunday ut Uic Mother's Day service. Visitera: Mr. sud Mis. Ivan Cochrane sud daugisters, Bow- manville, Mr. Clifford Johns, Col- umbus, ut Mi. Wes. Cameron'... Misa Annie Killen ut Toronto fan a few days. . . Mis. J. Staluton sud Grace ut Mis. G. *Short's, Maxwells. .. Mr. sud Mia. Ivor G sud Aithur, Tarante, Mr. and i. Gerry Glaspeil, Whitby, ut ~rF B. Glapel's... Mrs. A. T. StÉiuton and Mia. Eileen Stain- ton ut Mr. Rasa Lee's, Kedrofi.. Mr. sud Mis. Al. Ayre, Mra. R. Penkins, Mi. sud Mn.. A. T. Stain- - on, Mi. J.W. McMaster called on Mis. R. Avery,.Hanipton... Mn.. R. Stainton sud Mi.. Refond Camenon ut Mn. J. W. Balson'., Hampton. . . Miss Audrey Ayre u t- Mi. J. Marr'u, Bawmsuvlle.. ..L Juclg-"The sentence la twenty Iycars' penal servitude."i IPrisoner-«"But, my lord, I wont anvMe Uv. thut long.", 1 Judge--"Never mid, just do 8111 u icýh best you can." Blackstock Canvass of Cartwright Town- shipi for "Toronto Telegram's Bni- tish. -War Victims Fund" is in pro- gr*es#. Splendid response has been rmadp* Up ta date, everyone realiz- ing the urgent need of help in the -bombed areas in oui home- lanids. Canvassers will cal at every'home in due courge. This donation is in memory of the boys who gSave their lives in the first Worid War and those who have since passcd on..É 13t. John's A.Y.P.A. met at tll,. home of Mrs. Perey Phayre ThurÉday cvening,, May lst, wÎt -tMdance of 15. The Bible read- Ig «4was given by Tom Hodge. é.~h Correspondence was read by 32ss Vera Farder ini absence of the,,eorresponding secretary. A conmittee was appointed to look aitir and make arrangements for the Ascension Day service ta be held in the church on May 22nd at 7.30 p.m. when representatives are expected from ail branches in Durham and Northumberland. A ncw sticker for the A.Y.P.A. char- ter was received. Threc more yOugme,.former members of aurA..P..,- Stanley Rahm, Donald Clarke, Robert. W. Smith, have énlisted for active service - Stanley with the heavy artillery and the other two boys with the R.C.A.F. We wish them God- speed and aur prayers will follow :thein. The cammittee reported that 10 Prayer and Hymn Books had been purchased and present-. ed to'the church. Alter the busi- nes prayer and benediction was made by the rector. Mis. Wm. VaîhCamp read an interesting let- ter from a friend of Donald Clarke, stationed at an Indian SchaÔl in the Hudson Bay Dis- trict. Roy Phayre and Oliver Smith favored with several piano selectIons. Meeting closcd with social time. The W. A. of the United Church met at Mrs. Wesley Bradburn's on Tuesday evening, April 29. Rev. D. M. Stinson took the devotional part. Treasurer reported $17.00 clear from their enterprise at Mi. R. Byers' sale, to be used ta buy War Savings Certificates for the church. Mrs. Osmond Wright, Mrs. W. Bradburn and Mis. C. Marlow gave readings. Mis. Cecil HMl gave an atricle "The Minis- ter's Wife," with a sing-song fol- Iowlg. 'ypathy is extended to the faiyof Mi. Frank Harris who pissed away at Bowmanviile Hos- piti on Satuiday. ,R4v. Wm. Stocks, Church As- cernâlon, Port,. Pçrry, exchanged pulpits with Rv E P. Wood on S unday. MI. Jas. Henry ta now home from Bowmanville Hospital. Rév. E. P. Wood is attending dhe Anglican Synod in St. James Catl'edral in Toronta this week. Mri. Waod is also in Toronto with her sister who ta sick. Visitars: Mir.and ivins. Gardon Strang and f amily, Mis. Robert i Bruce and Miss May King with Mnr. and Mrs. R. Curtis, Cobourg. le Miss Ruth Marlow and friends, ar Trnto, with Mis. James Mai- w LOWEST PRICFN SPECIAL COTTON DISPENSER FREE - with Cutex Oily Pouah Remover Both for 35e TREAT SEED GRAIN FOR SMUT ýCERE.SAN Uic duat diinfeetaut lb. 1.10 - 5 Ibe. 4.40f 16 oas.I Formaldehyde n -HAVE CREAM IIoudid P L OUI au qE o endl.n 290i. *l U" ety .~43# BRIGHT NEW HOUSE DRIESSES 0f Fine Tubfast Prints Good Patterns & Smart Styles $1.00 and $1.50 AUl Sizes MOTHER WOULD LOVE ONE 0F OUR SMUAT NEW SCAR VIS We have a ehoice Self White, Pastels, Stripes, and gorgeons floral designa ln Satin, Crepe, Taffeta or Voile 59 c 0$ 1.50 -NECKWEAR! Coilars and Sets of every size and shape, for wear on coat or 1r ehs. 0f fine Madiera Lace or Pique. You'll be amazed at tie tansfo monyou eau effeet wlth Just a collar! 59C t098C FLOWERS That Rival Naturels Art and "Make" you r2 GLOVES HAN in our vari will find Gi Mothers of e, MODER Phone 451 LINGERIE By "Gordon" Every Woman Knows That "GORDON" LINGERIE Ras "CinC" Smartly tailored, neat and eomfortahle, wtth well-sewn seams. Dalnty as eau be, yet wlth amasing stamina for wear and washiug. Slips Vests, Bloomers, Briefs and Panties lu Satin, Celomuede or Crepe chale PURE SILK HOSE CHIFFON SHEER In These New Shades Riosun Troplenude Aloha Blush Sizes 9 te 101/ 89cI Better Stock Up Nowl I ~** OILSILK UMBRELLAS A fortunate Durchase allows us to offer a splendid aaaort- ment in ail colours In Floral Oilsllk at the speclal price of$1.7 Ail Spring MiIIin.u'y Reducod Reg. $198_ CLEARMIN Our Entire Stock of La~le SPRING COATS AT GREATLY REDUCED PuICES Reg. $12.95 $ 9 Reg. $15.95 Now __$12.95 and <)Ladies' Reversible IDBAGS ,.P/Coats e-Reg. $10.95$85 ed assrtmeut yen Now $8.9 lifts te appeal te every age aud taste Childrens Coats Bowmanvmfe lw. .. Mr. and Mis. David Rut-. Mr. and Mis. George Latimner, ends. - Miss Aileen Mountjoy, ldge and son, Mr. and Mis. Leon- Toronto, with Mis. Robt. Parr. R.N.,' Toronto, with lier parent&. ard Goolick and son, of Bancroft, Mr. and Mis. Norton 'VanCamnp.. Miss Eva Pair spent last week with Mis. Joe Forder on Sunday. and f amily, Listowel, with fi. in Toionto. REMEMBER MO 0T'HE R'S0DAY SUNDAT, M«AT llth Your remembrance ta, your mothen need flot b. an elaborate present. Juat a single, inexpensive gift will convey your sentiments perfectiy, and .qxe will appreci- ate your thoughts ops this, iser day af day.. W. lit some practical suggestions below. Phone 792 and place your onder now. SLAURA SECORD CANDIES Spec $1.5x0P aasrtmenta 30c i LU$1 NEILSON'S CHOCOLATES 25c -- 50c - $1.00 PAGE & SHAW' CHOCOLATES 60c, - $1.00 *-$1.20 - $2.00 MOTHER'SAYCèARDS - Se to25rc STATIOMERY - - 25e e- c-1.00 TOILET SETS - - - - 25e -5.00 NEW PRICES Castoria - - - 3e 680 Ironlzed Yeast - - - 98e Kling - - - - 34-59o NOXZEMA4 N LIMITEI 01*111W >y way ofilntrodue- Srmla)1e jar of NOXZIii4A'8 double action Cold Cruro f cmlv ic-wleh a ng- ulat MW* 35 Jar Of NOMA luftoolv Big ZftMau id'. 16r- Ce.t#hi& arpin today. i NEW IPRICES HutaxTooth Paste - 89e-u3e Adhealve Tape, 1" x 2 y"s 20o NewERra Guame - - 5 yd& 40e PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECUALTY ,J ALEX McOREIOR Phone 792 W. Deliver y- SÉVIX 'huy op 1941 THE CANADIAN STA'Mlst",

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