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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 May 1941, p. 8

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'~Wj~GZ EOET TEESCA1XADÏ&AZ< *Î SMAN, ~*~fVXLONTAMO i*R1AY &ioM kIfls and Miss Lamie King, Osh- sou>m,"S LETT Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Cailacutt, Dear Mother: Misses Pearl and Lenore Colla-............. cutt vlsited at Mr. W. H. West- Here we are once again, this '"' lak's, Solina. time 1 amn writing whlle on P.A.D. Y. P. U. held its closing meeting have gone out on draught, Iriclud- of the year Friday everdig. Guests gmstothbysw m1wa independent basis and in order to and talent fram Bowmanville nMotothbyswo Iwa Foreter ToSposorkeep the teas ba]anced no senior Trlnity Y.P.U. presented a fine WIth ini Petawawa; of the 18 Foeses o pnsrleague players will b. allowed to program, arrangements for which Bomadiers who passed the course hIter-cityBailOCliii> y Claus, coach of Court Grove~ prçsident Miss Mldred tr.Ters aeÉn oji thegil loop a least fîve ten-s heard the Trinity play '1Mrs. mlsfo odn twsjs Canad.îan Order of Foresters, will take part. . O'Leary's Cow", excelently pre- mi luck tn nont thi wa.D..usi-t .*. Oshawa, wiil sponsor a soft ball A second meeting wiil be held sented. Other numbers on the ness. I had a eeken P-Msil league for Oshawa addsrc May 8th to draw up rules and programn were solos by Miss Dora-sin -ed I ad salwed o oseeal known as the Canadian Foresters schedules for both boys and girls thY Niehols and Miss Jean Ste- Ron, however I was unlucky tliis Soft Bail League, and will com. tearns. yens, while' Mss Ruth Hutchin-ti. priseboth oys ad girs tearns.son gave a much appreciated re- ie pris boh bys nd grlsteais. H. B. McCabe is presenting a citation. Alter the conclusion of Well, Mother, believe tornt At tlieir first meeting repres- cup ta b. played for by the girls this ar fTergamtrewacuiyhdtke in nte entatives from Bowmanviile, sh.tearas. The league plans ta open wasartmofsunt ptheluck" oer w tualy twahad treUp espte awa~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~n anbPckrml gapinntth eas nda dancbyh. dsupper served which certainly lie- ially by aur famous cooks h when H. B. McCabe was appoint-inbalgesudaac. lied its naine as the Young people cooks of renowned skil. Hkowevhr ed Hon. President, Gardon Hurst, O rdyngtDsyCai n ussstlddw ata the turkey ended up in a stew af- President and Reg. Burr, secret- Blues defeated Barton's Bowman- business.- mast heartiîy. o ht ar it was served in such a way. arJ. Bwavleasrepresent- ville Roamers in the first exhib- It reminded me like Raus Strike ed by Messrs. Braun and Barton. ition gaine played at Bathes Park, Maple Grove Sehool News digging into the Rotary barrel Thslau iloeaeo nOshawa. (By Bille Smith and Stanley they have for raffles, and pufling Thi lagu wll peateonan Bath teazns presented many new Snawden) out a ticket. In our case thie ladie ___________________faoes. The Rosiners took the lead South Darlingtan teachers and sunk deeply into the kettle, only which theY maintained until the Mr'. McEwen met in aur school ta came out with a small portion I final frame, when Dusty Claus Tuesday evening, April 29. Plans ai meat-if you were lucky. 1 was sent in his heavy artillery ta wi were discussed regarding the quite lucky, I received a wlshbone ATTENTION h ae1-2 etDra xii o oot frm fot.A rsn aeWRMM CN PEDLAR PEOflE Bownianvile ]Roaniers-Brown, Exhibition this year. Boys and~ the wishbane tacked ta aour room WR " IE EG NM ED IO Dawney, D. Goulah, Johns, L girls of West Durham! Let's e door, with these words lnscrlbed Fr ca sti oet rnsnwsokasrea Wiseman, B. Goulah, J. Large, behind this and put Durham oni below: -'He laid down bis lfe, that The Frd stelws- srns e hc TMPOYE Wannon, L. Large, F. Clark, the rnap. Mr. Lycett was elected others might live. Such is the hf e priced car in Cnada.'At its pr« new kind of ride stabilsr Ail the.leiliar Peol.le em- Woodward, Hamnm, Gibson, apid H. leader for South Darllngton tes- cf a 'Turkey' in this- war." tofeaexetinlfauor it TM Ford, too, isoerdwtati ployes are Invlted te attend Large. chers' group. . .. On the first cf Ltlrteboshaebauns nzsurR0Meý, _ a Steel Workers Union Oshawa Blues - Hoauston, May, which was Arbour Day, w. Lvnately teros h el nithavebenr- MORE S igeAT mOO M-eta doommarili amerooidneeteBfi n<<~i Ji~t~/. nie meigôleSilick, Snowden, Slater, hdavr laigsurprise w eiving usas umbe f acelsantd i odro .Bgt eouinr ig comnfort, as k a Ford dealer to(hw o Suimday, May 1Ilth Prest, Holmes, Gone Claus, Gîb- Mr. Chase cf Public Utilities of wseema jut you get acqualn ets edthe De Luxe models. whatexrvau o at ~son, Ruth Claus, Miers. Umpire Bownanviile brought M.1 . get wihov guy, to a om eaugtsBhe It lias more passenger room tb. extra vcalueyugt. h et 2 PML ~VanLuven and B . Henderson. Lake of the. Sales Dept. H.E.P.C., ptget hvedoutan drauht. BteRâtmoo n te a tayhr ers - la the. United Automobile wha gave us one thrilling filmin laputdsgtangs se etwehaen had Worken union an'. 17% elecricityand antherFonddvV-S senglrandsluchese.t ts smooth ord V-oatgmag rideIeisi o$35 aomong rdewith45raamona tlh dows SieeSt.. North, Oshawa. BALL FANS These were very interesting and ae grand louns, at least l theaelrm a. made possible by new slow-motion paymens buys any FordV8 SELWBE UNION instructive, W. wish ta thank aegadt s STELWOKESMAY EXPECT Mr'. Chase for this treat and I have been able ta fallow Bow- 'srvice of the ___________________GOO SE SON~5~~gt R.R. tevns for manville activities quite well' It armies o et b' ________ this beforehand. ... We certainly is a pleasure ta get Emom.e ______________________ s yt n oficil etris hvewere w.ll pleased with aur re- good reading for a change by been made ini the Town Softball sults ini the Lions Club Hobby god readn entegoj l League but f rumos mea any-Show on Saturday, May 3rd. We sport section. I iiaticed there bas ,7#f foL ea teauthi umr nr. Mmish ta thank the Bawianvlle been quit. a number of proirent týing, softball fans should be in Lions Club far this wonderiul citizens passed away, Mr. Cottn fae r neack.ris have en eutn oppartunity ai showing sanie cf especially. He was well known O V asignd ubaers forethe îasttthe things we coni do... . Friday and weil loved.CA Al week and ais san as the schedule evening, May 2nd, the Clark. The. little lad across the chan- EC teachers visited Mr'. Lycett at aur nel is starting to suifer for hisFO is announced will start practice schoî. The night was spent in raids naw. For the lait week the. OSHXAWA, ONT. in earnest. _________ ai ' AIOA4 President Sid. Little rerninds ail showing the merits cf the. activity weather bas been wonderful, tue V % AAIW P C A the eam whcwis ta ointhesystem, which we carry on in aur nights haye been very b'*htr the Friday and Saturday thegue at whe i entiesmuthe.scbaol. moon brings a deep s' fram HENRY FONDA in beicre Tuesday evening, May aescai the boys . w er we BARBARA STANIVyCK 13t. A meeting cf the. league of- ar etecaing esubrie t erry"gh ficiais and all those interested has isgtin upisseerlh _________________________________________ '1E AD ~been cailed for that night at the he Editor's Mail no. Sa far this month the re- 0 ~F O XC O ,TELD VI tcwn hall. cord for 'downed' nazi planes far 18Kn t .Atoie elrfrFr at -The. pleture Adam and Bye It was rumored carlier in the _____________ xer ls they later mo ntb.Te B.W uhrzdDae o odPrsOh shud' aefallil t e c- week that a teain would b. en- bohersnight the y. Inoc e fn ShOhdI'thav tE ss.- terd romtheHih Somoitute3 Bauontp Scbmbesofomtbusky 3m3sliBeaumont_____Rd._________________________plane____________________in_ Revival Frlday eti11 due to large.numbers leaving the Da Rochester, N. Y. slawmy iirt pane come dws In school ta accept positions this bas DarGeorge: fhavemfes. haabsiotut ainad.h etia fmsc h > been found mipQssible. Howevr, Do you remember when Buzzie hv ienhadabu lmlng ail1 hILU*sd t tmufsial ai ms c. The 'VI ROINIA CITY many cf these lads who are un- Furze and Dingy Windsor were Plae . ue ge i thn nN W uUe h I 8U 1 h 1 f~ » lsngmsclnmeswr Egrrol 'Flynn, Mirim- Hopkins, doubtedly gacd phayers are stil the "Beau Brurnuels" of the to>w yn g t'eaihtya cut oretcors y the U ion T Jr'sank available for the other teanis ta with their brawn velvet coats, Well Mathe'r, I'il say 50 long -for newA E mprTat cof the gUion Jack, pu flandolph Scttpick u rown adwhite srpdtrausers, o. oemy ltrf inds every- Rni new ta many ai the guesti pre-No Gaine officials, a niew set of and brown christy stifis? one weil sud phease remember me___________________ sent, and 0 Canada.No hipoes MSiayandTusdy rle ad aplceta play wiil ail And the Vann twin brothers to ail Carlisle neighbcrs sud fri- Prof. Ardagh, in presenting hIs wt b. decided Tuesday eveniing, so it wha alsa wore velvet coats sud ends. Lave toalal, Because ai sickness among the Sangs: A - danated by Dr. Butler $4.00 prize, intlmated that he was e.a -liso the utinast importance that the onl way thir friends could Ed. teaching staff sud pupils sud ta Yvonne.Megit; B - donated by considering repeating the ofier Rv n m .Kr 'Fight From Destin sai ocre boysn. elte aat a aryhde58,Br . .Roeother circuinstances the usual Mr. J. A. Smnih ta Neil Britton. this year, but wlth sanie mcdiii- Week nltsect a, thre. more hairs in his moustache No. 1 Canadien Artillery Newcastle Public School Coin- Masonic Prises for the bighest cations. The. subject ai lait year's Thins ithelthan Billy. If la girl had a date Holding Unit, "A" Bty. R.C.A. tnencement Exercises were not standing on En#ance te: New- campetitive essays wai: What SP GeraMdine Fltzgerau apl t.rrW. with theni, ah. was neéo - sure Canadisu Army Overseai. >held lest fail and thpb.presentation castle Pupil -Marilyn Enwrlgit;ý Boys aud ,Girls Can Do To'Help. B'anday ilam1mi .0pe M1 ~ whether it was Harry or Billy. p.S-Ax enclosing a little poem of prises won by pupils during Rural Pupil : John McKay. Beautify Newcitle. The. essayas o i _____ ym this year will b. on what they ~ WI fJ7iecn hi lam"s Stejuhemn ogauain a~ n How many remember when we boys made up. It requires a lot the academic year 1939-40 hai The Nora E. Coleman Memorlal are actually doing in 'this lune. taleztlEaneit -ALBO-Cnai. uleticns thera riva ,oa ille Quick had a grocery store of thought but nevertheless bere been held in abeyance for some Prise in Public Speaklng - won Before the prograin opened a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ hs flrll rtw ts o ai oofne ghre sudmeatmakofonafeiso t tis months. However, Friday ai ter- by Murray Walton. etstrldtruhteromEAGLSC a thrill orhewrnaer yeniendsyai fise gobt.ide ai King Street, near fIe ice "That Frosty Frlday Moru" noan at a heu elabarate sud for- Appreciation Prises in Public vievw-mg sud admiring al fIe y'hcay red o r. r eain prlerI thik it flistOntaerostyFridathorSpeaking donated by the Board of ppl'huiokwogtt Sk OdTJarvie will b. pleased ta luiow cem alr Itmai istO rsyFrdymr hldfun rcon athfescho ize4 n dcto oDre nrgt uis adwr ruh nTAENAL have been 55 years aga, or mare. When the bhoody war is over, clrenreceiveshoir pris udEdcaio toDren npigt-pusu thfe n.w scool courses Mhts em oiagcly a teospiertawwitba erBly ncaedyaug PrmWen site tar bi an s oar, enderdasctpogai s-Mary Toms, Marie Cafter, Sainsdeamewt uhaa wPh ATE GE»ON a itorsh eoia o spgiUCI t feA strtreBiydcrtdlsWe aarriassoundedrlotic sud other numbers for the Brereton sud Barbara Bonathan. andetat teiryothul artisti wwntth W vrynLc YunE Victoriae bnseeror, edification sud entertatament aoefPie- o IeBsmE5yientai sud sklll pi exec tithe Nick Carter ani ranto, where ah. underwent an cali, which was much adxired by Wen, fIey've taken down the fIe get heselcue u N-rtew by a eni or treain pupsi n aeranodourillustraetiosaongsh my.Cmtn-Dnl ek oeisManed-b onns, on.t eye.n wtrcoor lusrton f og l'is . nw- diieent kifld Mss1gdred Snowdenated tep larty wen sud widnhy i kick- dlathods etlights; era pret.chottushseud subject "What a.Boy or Girl by fIe two grlze Winners, Yvonne Tis mjta ew-y il YO ed the.Parker-Groms wedding e h lt ls ido.Bly ltteadothers who had coin. ta make cid ehl euiyNwa-Mgtsd B tn ofl mysera i efljy 's eyoo spn701ayt1feciy pasted the. shattered glass f0- When a a nucmi se. for certain presentations. The program took cas ti e do at y Profesar ____and ____________ ta Toronto on Saturday sud gether sud put a big placard tip Who he's taking home at nights. placen tass Norma F. Orchard's Arahs u-done by Doen En wil cetaily njo la en fol sentSunay n te cty.which read, "The ast kick of iiy When there ain't 5no mcre amry P hc is fIe largewtn0f fIe wrigEf- kin plainly see'Mother's Day service next Sun- cali." omwihistelrs ftewrg. da___________ rations, -oesek, tbree public achoal roins. Mr-.Tme chiliren opened fIe pro- CAPWITALISM, S Wed. for 4 Days a ses Marjary Rundie, Ellen 1 was mucb interested ta Edwy And they issue Tbn tas Howard J. Toms, Chairman oifIh gramn wîth twa popuhal e og, SERVANT OF SOCIETY Il. ary azll h tef AeretyDoisStvesMesr.Whites letterin tawhich le wrote When the bloomin' noisy Ser- Bada dctepele u lIMs asa ntfewpinos, ,TheHary Fnify l thir Berthynowdr is Ruvns, esssd cf Jinunie Charbanesu, sud also geants.BorofEuain esd nd itMnMana hepnHRb (Jomedy Treat Baer anewd eeriv de d his pleasure in reading niy lettérs Las. their lusty vocal POes made a brief opening speech in The. King Is Sfta n London, sud, "A great deal ai nonsense is A V50 Bfurh m eber ci n S ny. a hc rt fLli e-Adfewater's s eine arnwhicl he humorously likened theThe. Queen Is Stil in London. about capltahiam," wrltesLord 'Andy Hardy's Privat FreSer îit on M a k'n SinHaIson sud ofbie ers.AndWhe o ot ae&soe; expectation and winning of prizes Mary Purdy nicely, recited, Our Londonderry, c h an celler ofi OLEN RAED Y 1115ad' Piae Fe ece eto Mna okn, Si -asnadohr.Whnyug otk iso ; ta a litt le sugar on your porridge. Qen ih ifeppl idaQensUycst tBhfs u -u.PrU OJ join the R.C.A.F. at Toronto. I remmlaer Eddie White very That wiil le the day, my lads, .Mr. Toms aise presented fIe Norýa rlytm dse, and ttelgîf, someid ai urlaiUnverstyt BlastI. d cur- GunerChaleSmihBrnt-welea Smivdtuh, .saBeaont-be laemIt au er brn . ooefnprie .50,.5, hthhe n ookpat i ti. ri, ldart Roarin agsie. Mi- COU GE SefrdcspnttI. wekndwith neighbcrhood for many years. i We'1l tcss away oui' baffle dress W.Hoefui rz i 50.5scn ac ithMs Mo i ev os aitrutmsgae been with M CKEYt tNEY friennd.alsc remember Jimmrie Charbon- And heavy army sloes, W .RegrdimfIeic Piofg51sf0cfat feopi an.eIfwlll bs aveben pched ... (b-tut) itareil isa r with WCKEY ROONZY friends. eau. ~~I think lis brother George We'll watch the. cooks al dining RgrigtefloigBto ttepao twl aebe rahd...(u)i elyl LEWISSTONEMr. and Mrs. R. R. Stevens sti lives in Rochester. But Eddie On their awn myteriaus stews; prizsstfe denors were on hand noted that Jacqueline Smith won power for luman well-belng built LEI T>Evisited their daughter, Mrs. Ray stilil peen nmero Imtroduçlng- Snewden, in Toronto. Mr. Stev- h as my brother ail wrong, I did We'il nof lie on churcî parade, taro nal rsn ubro a prize for fIe test original nielo- by individual Initiative sud char- KATERYN GRATION ens atfended tue Rotary conven- flot have a brother Ed. and my Na guards sud ne fatigues, ' thG. - . .R.ABt ho aePai d y. Thcqe ods omfesic n s et t ate. -a gldenveic fla. F.brothers were o Young to gc No blistering rcute miarches, G.RArghwocm dwnsquie'mscwaswty "We have foday ta fIe world --as. C.ldavidsan, Oshawa, round wtl Eddie; altheugh some imagtaary Blifzkreigs; from Toronto fer the. occasion, sung 4~y Catherine Dewdney. Ten fwo finest possible examples aiof ANN RUTHERFORD) visd . . . reemOsawa, yesrs 'ago when Eddie made su W,'il hang aur rusty rifles Mrs. H. S. Brittan, Mr. T. A. Rad- aifIth pupils, trained by Miss capitalismn sud communisi, in v ises ers udG oreen wl ffca4istf4ocef±Sav-'ante"uarter Msster's" wal, ger, Miss H. A. bEsson, MiSssMascn, who wenftao Toronto sud Anierica sud Russia, respectively,"l tien Arniy my brother Cecil went We'il give tiback fe fwa-by- Norma F. Orchard. 0ter mak- sn nfeOEA hrsa a-ti rfs ttsa onsof to cal on him. four Ing presentations were: brs. W. ter, rendered fIe thre. songa, ta "The United States las a higI ____________________________________ Kindest regards ta you sud He issued us lait fal, F. Rlckard on behali ai Bowman- three parts, sung by the chair'ai standard ai living sud higI wag.s; hyours and ail old friends. And when aur web uipment ville Wamen's Canadien Club,, 00., They were: Vesper Hm, Russa, a low standard ai living Sincerely, Scme fariers mule aorns, Mr. J. W. Bradley for Durham' This Joyful Eaiter Mlme, sud For sud low wages. 'These are elo- ~' S a O A EAllie Welsh Shantz. We'il al lie very ha Lodge A. F. & A. M., Mi'. C. S. Ail TIiy Car. We Bleu Thc.. quent facto!": P."C- -L D he littie1p.em Ifenclosee On-fIatyFros4y-Fr1"aPy Mr. -Horrocks for Mr'. J. H. Jase, Rev. Immedlatehy at er fhese pleang tsinin s4. _ weu t- - ~~~~And, l'ai ur., as truc a pleasure doch r a.~rize - conor, Mr, . . . ancoclc; SMý4DtD leplng'Cm sait aresapproxlmately 1 5-s ns *levrko on by Mary Schniid. p. er plute, Io the hotu I give f0 dreaming Whetber h b. harnees or shoe ., owmanville Womneii' Cana- - (,~ etmomodatoion Sleeping Cars AdduttonaL In fIe twilight's peaceful 910W, repaira ig; an bak o;i t be- .f.ian Club Prize in Social Studios Illorn ",I acehieked, Stopovera at AU Point. enroute.Ithe inquisitive traveller 55w luhi > ~'m -Ti ila oprMmral Cement ~SvuepueJOM M Western te Ewitera Canada DnIng u Wo Irve ansu bl~ ualc Prise for fIe Best Original flae ered watched, him lauling up water. lgPM NLAHRýMeody - won by Jacqueline Cobato Mflj ýw»eratosad l Ifomtinfm "Flow long have you been daing AL .PISNLETE 'gi. Bleepflg 0w ent.s sdal imaunfri ils?" soked the traveiler. 4"Tin GOODS A SPEcILITY Prises for higbcst standing on Paint auy gen. - yeaa, oi'. "Ad hw nanyears work In Music - donatcd by AmCroit HANDBILL T-137 buciietaful do you carry off ina «JH EZa aan1:Gae6 ud 1-8-.2 day?" "lTin fa ififtc.n msr"I "Duar onathan, liagirl; Grade 7, Fran'. E P R IL L M E G I I dear, Now, how mnue waîter wouîd Bhshea ntiHaras Repair ' Jose and May ury Grade SHE P R ' IL ýUMÎ C u I CANADJAIN NATIONAL y0u~~~( you had carried alice you Kng St.Dwavie , enAlna aat star ? "Al Uie wafer you doa't 5ew Prises - Beut Water Color Phoe 15 Dom vle ________________________________ ose. flore IIow, soi." 1ut onsaiany 12 Scliool ~44 ~ 4444 J ~ i -'44 J 4- J~4, -~ s 4 I 1" -4 4 -4, Y1 r>~y

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