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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 May 1941, p. 10

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Pv ILT I~AGE TEN THE CANADIAI'T STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTAB.IO THURSDAY, MAY M",1041 COMING EVENTS. Dance wiil be held lu Tyrono Hall, Thursday, May 22ud, spon- sored by Salem Girls' Basebal Teain. Admission 25c. Goad mu- ' sic. 20-11 Homo ooaking sale will be held in aid ai the Ried CrQshi uinte Martyn Store, corner7Klng and Division St&s, on Saturday alter- noan and evening, MaY l7th. 20-1 Angudress and pictures in nat- 'ura1' Jbour photogmaphy iu New- castie Comniunity Hall on Friday, May 30th, b y Dr. L. B. Will--às, Toronto, undier auspices of New- castle Horticultural Society. The pitue wiII deal with soul deplo- iocnservation and reforesta- tion in Durham CouantY, withi many beautiful gardon, field and landscape scenes within the county. 20-1 Anniversumy Services of Tyrono United Church Sunday Schoal will be held an Sunday, Muy lath, 1941. Services ut 10.30 San. and 7 ..standard ii.Rv A. R. ragof St. Paul's United Church, Bowmanvillo, will be Uic gucat Speaker t bath services. Music b> yeundu>' Schoal under the lead- ership af A. H. Brout, and Uic Carruthers Mule Quartette from St. Pau1s Church will sing t the evening service. Everyano wel- came. 19-2 Annivesary Services of Ennis- kîllen Sunday School will be hold on Sunduy, May leth, t 2 and 7 p.mù. Rev. M. Uenkinson, Pick-1 ering, will be guest speaker. Mu- sic by S. S., assisted by Orona Brasa Quartette. A libetul affer- ing is asked for ta carry on Uic wark ai Uic S. S. as thero will be1 na tea this year. On Saturdu>',i Muay 24th, Uic Braoklin Dmumatic1 Club will proscut their pluy,i «Uncle Jash Perkins,"Il t 8 p.m.1 Music bctwoen acta. Admission:. Adults 25c, children 15c. Ail ser-c vices an standard lime. 20-1 PAINT SALE ALMOST TOO GOGO TO BE TRUE FIo-t0Iaz and OId C.Iony Owigto a re-orgÏauzstofo shades we are clearing ouf st bss than cot while the llmited uppiy basts, the quantities of these colours now I stock. Qt. Pt. FLO GLAZE 95 50 PAIWT __ .9 .5 .1 FLO GLAZE 1.20.6 OLU COLONY 8 .4 *ou usmutafqulckily totake. advaaitage of tuila oppborttiY. Je W. JEWELL Phono 556 Bowmanviile VICTORIA DAY LONG WEEK-END FARES Dtween ail pointa in canada and to certain destinations In United States Par. And Ont,e-Quarer FOR THE ROUND TRIP Ticket& good goina Friday, ma y2s'. until 2pM., Suday, My 2ë. 1 Return Limit to lbave destination not later than ridnIqht, Monday, MINIMUM SPECIAL. FARE Adulte or Chiidron . ..... ....... 25c jFull particulars fromn any agent Canan Paclflc Maple Grove Viitors: Mms. Ever ýtt Hall and Miss Audrey Hall, Landau, Mrs. S. T. Bartloît, Toronto, ut Mns. H. R. Foleys. .. Mrs. B. J. Gay', Miss Evelyn Gay, Oshawa, Mrs. E. Hurt and fumily, Harmony, Mr. and Mra. F. C. Duvidsan, Mrs. Wm. Ridiug, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Colo, Wetaskwin, Sask., ut Mr. w. J. Suowden's. . - Mrs. L. C. Snowdon and Mr. Bob -Suaw- don with hem parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Baker, Solina.. . Mr. and Mms. Ernest Bunres, Omhawa, ut Mr. Thos. Gimblett's. . . Mr. and Mm.. Wm. Kent, Oshawa, wlth Mrs. H. Evans. .. Mr. and Mns. Lawrence Staples and son, Beth- an>', ut Mn. R. D. Trimble's... Misses Jean Jurvie and Mildred snowdcn wilh Mr. Robt. Jarvie who la dolug nicel>' alten hem OP- orution and is expected homo ta- day... Mrs. Bon Brown, Oshawa, with Mrs. R. L. Wardeu and Mrs. E. Twist. .. Mn and Mms. R. L. Worden with Misses Bemyl and Domecu Wilkins, Oshawa. Mothen's Day was obsenved ut the church service, with Miss Sybil Langmaid, Oshawa, giving a splendid tulk an "Homes ai the Great," in the absence ai our pustan. Miss Thelmu Frocruan bold the star>' on "'The Qucat."y Lename Cllacutt and Marjorie Ruudle moud the acipturelosn. Baptismal service nexl Sundu>'. Maple Grave Sohool Nows By Hum>' and Bort Snawden, Grade VI We are ver>' glad bo heur thut Doris Stevens and Loryno 'White ai senior girls, and Ru>' Munduy ai senior boys will epresent Ma- pIe Grave ut Uic Durham Count>' Festival, having won ut Orono festival. . .. We are workiug an sevemul murais such as Birds ai Canada, British fighting planes, and St. George and the Dragon.. . Lat Fridu>' we received aur treeS. .Doris Stevens won 'Mis. Robb's ciasa pin for music for Uic girls, and Ru>' Munda>' for the baya. Obi.,uary Mmm. Richard Morion There pasged ta est t the homeofaihon daughter, Mms. E. E. Pattenson, Newcastle, Mu>' 7th, 1941, May Elizabeth Halbit. daughter af the late James and Catherine Halbit and widow ai thc late Richard Morton. The late frsm. Marlon was born ln Sultash, zngland, i 1853 and was baptized in St. Jahu's church thore. At Uie oarly ugeofaifive years sho came ta Canada with hem parents. She wus trained iu art and wus also a vocal soloisl lu communit>' churches. Ou Dec. 4, 1889, sho vas mur- id la Richard W. Martou. The>' lived au a farm ou Uic 7th con- cession ai Clarke until 1920 when they Imoved ta Orono where i 1931 Mr. Morlan pussed awuy aller a lougUiy illnos. Mrs. Mar- ton thon moved back id the f arm. with hem daughtor. son-an-law and grands" Jim. Ini 1936 the>' ail moved th Orono where the>' lived for 4 years. Iu Oct. 1940 Uic>' moved ta Newcastle where she passed uway aller a period ai illness. The funemal service was hold Suturda>', conducted b>' hon pas- tan, Rev. Richard E. Martou, as- sisted b>' hem former pastor, Rev. S. Liltlowood, bath af wham bnought cauiforling wards ta th e bereaved. Boeaeravoere: Mosars. F. J. Brimteambe, Alex Edmonstone, Ralph Stutt, Carl Billings. Rab- ont Marlon and Spencer Marlon. The fuoral wa largol>' attonded- and Uic man>' beautiful floral trîbutes tostified ta Uic esteema in which deceased was held. Inter- mont toak place in Orano cern- etery. "What is eal>' wanted ih la light up Uic spiit that hs within u boy. lu some senso and in some effectuai degrec rthere ih in ever>' boy thé materiil for gaod womk in Uic world."-Gladstone. "JIyau are gaing to do an>'- thing permanent ion the average man, you have got tabegin.befOme ho is a man. The chance ai suc-ý cesa lies in working with thc boy -ual the mu."-_Theodore Roose- volt. BIRTiIS KITCHEN--On Monday, May 5th, 1941, at Oshi*a General Hospi- tal, ta Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Kitchen <nec Arletta Maynard), the gift of a son. 20-1* SHERWIN-In Bowmanville Hoas- pital on Tuesday, May l3th, 1941, ta Dr. and Mrs. Wilfred Sherwmn, Orono, a son. 20-1* TOMLINSON - On Friday, May 2nd, 1941, in Bowmanvifle Hoas- pital, ta Private and Mrs. Wm. A. Tomlinson (nee Doris Wan- flan), a son, William John Fran- cals. DEATIlS EARLY-Sudden]y in Saskatoon, Sask., on April 28th, 1941, Violet Fishleigh, bcloved wife of J. Hunter Early and anly daugh- ter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Roger Fishleigh, Bowmanviile. HARRIS-In Bowmanville Hospi- tal, on Saturday, May 3rd, 1941, Frank Harris, beloved husband of Victoria Ginn, in his 73rd year. Interment at Devitt's Cemetery, Cartwright. 20-1* HOGARTH-At Solina, on Satur- day, May 101h, .1941, Mary Ho- garth, daughter of theè late Dan- iei Hogarth, in her 90th year. IN ME4ORIAM- ARIMSTEAD-In loving memory of a dear mother, Elizabeth Emma Armistead, wha passcd away May 2Oth, 1937. Gone and fargotten by some you may be, But dear to our memary you ever will be. -Ever remembered by Alinie and son-ini-law. 20-1* ARMISTEAD-In memary of aur dear mather, Elizabeth E. Arni- stead, wha passed ta her rest May 20th, 1937. Calm and peaceful she is sleep- ing, Sweetest rest that folaws pain; We who laved her, sadly miss her, But trust in God ta meet again. - Maud, David and Brother Jack. 20-1* PURDY-In laving memory of a dear wif e and mother, Harriet Purdy, who passed away May l2th, 1938. Sweet niemaries wiil linger forever; Tinie cannot change theni, it's truc; Years that may came cannat sever Our laving remembrance of yau. -Ever remembered by Husband and family. 20-1w Carda of Thanka Miss Joyce Woadley and her parents, Tyrone, wish ta thank their maxiy friends and relatives for their many kindnesscs during her lengthy illness in the Sick Children's Hospital frani which she has recently rcturned. 20-1* Mr. Leslie Jackson wishes ta -express his sincere thanks and appreciation toa al his friends and neighbors who callcd an hini ta extend their sympathy during hîs unfortunate accident. 20-1* Mr. Byron Nesbitt and family wish ta thank the kind friends, neighbors, palîbearers and honor- ary pallbearers, and thase who sa kindly provided cars, for their many acts of kixidness, expres- sions of sympathy and condolence and for their beautiful floral re- membrances--at the time of their recent bereavemeçt. 20-1* The faniily of the late Frank Harris, Cartwright, wish ta thank the nurses of Bawmanville Haspi- ta1, Mrs. Glen Martyn, friends and neighbo*> for their acts of symn- pathy and kindness in their recent sad bereavement. 20-1* Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Patterson and son Jim desire ta express their grateful thanks and appre- ciatian ta Rev. R. E. Marton, Rev. S. Littlewaod, frlends and neîgh- bars for their kind acta and words of sympathy during their recent bereavement. 20-1* "Many people do not yct realize that this is a war of idgas. No compramise is passible wýth thc Nazis. They regard ail concessions as sigus of weakness. Nar will they ever understand that because of its spiritual quulity Englaud will nover be beaten."ý-Madame Kutina Paxlnou, allen called "the Bernhardt of Athens." [PEUT NOTOR REPAIRS AUD SERVICE oou me. like to serve anybody, * uo iamy caS owneru are our friands mMy yucor, that we get a particular Kio « ervrng thlem. We must r,0ppretty well, too, boumsla e»WVuming bac# for more. OIL NOW --Towiug MARION DOUGLAS, Highland Creek, Ontario, Canadian winuer on New York Radia Pragramen- tertains an Concert Grand i lo phono, Cathedral Chinies and Or- chestra BoUls, accompanled by Whitney Leach, Planlat and Sing- er. Additional talent pravided up- on request. Book oarly. 20-3 llelp Wited.FOR DOMESTIC HELP - GM1LFO generai hausework, steadyecm- ployment, good with chfldren. Apply Mm. A. R.î Cooke, 488 Massan St., Oshawa. 20-1 HELP WANTED -DAIRY route sulesman. Apply Glen Rue Daiiry, phono 444 or 443. ý 20-1 HIELP WANTED-GIRL Ça Wo- man ta, help with hotasewark. Apply Mrs, Fred Graharu, New- castle, phono Clarke 3321,-~ 20-1, HELP WANTED - E PR~ C_ ed girl or woman for general housework. Famnily of 3 adults. Sleep in.. Good wages. Apply Royal House Furniture Co., 35 King St. E., Oshawa, phon Oshawa 260. .20-1w WANTED-FINISHER, MIDDLE- uged man, with alround ex- perienco. Apply H. Simpkins, Cabinet Ca. Phono 633. .20-1 WANTED-GIRL FOR GENERA hotel wark. Apply Balmoral Hotel. 20-1* NEEDED AT ONCE-RELI-ABLE man between 35 and 55 years of age, with car, needed iimedi- utc ta hand out Free Soap in nearby rural raute and supply established demand for Every- day Necessities includini Buk- ing Powder, Spices, Extructs, Medicines, Cleansers, Minerai- izde Tanics and FIy Spray, etc. Farn experience helpful. SelI- ing experience not necessary as we train you. For f ull particu- lars regarding this lapening, write Watlçins, 2177 Masson St., Montreul, Quebec. Dept. 0-B-9. 17-4 Wanted WANTED-'ý37 OR '38 CHEV. OR Pontiac coach on sedan; must be in final clasa condition. Pnivale. E. Laird, carner Concession St. and Manvers Rd. 20-1* MA SO0N WORK WANTED- Brick work, tone work and plustering. Phono 2501 Pow- manvillo, A. G. Skoyles, Z#rke- tan. 20-6 W A N TED - CUSTbM WO:RKI wanted for tructar. Phono 2459, Garnet Symans, Bowmanville. 19-2* L O C A L CORRESPONDENTS WAIqTED: Que ai loudtag news and foulure ugencies ai America wanta a local correspondent in ever>' city, town, and lacality, mule or female. Splendid op- portunil>' for expÉerienced per- san ta further cancer or for no- vice ta break luto f ield. Write ta: The North Arnerican News- Press, Confederution Building, Montréal; Canada. 20-1'* For Reiit FOR RENT -OFFICE ON DIVI sian Street and 3 raamed apami- ment. Appi>' W. J. Martyn, phono 461. 20-2 FOR RENT-5 ROOMED APART- mont with bath for eut. Apply Mrs. R. E. Dinniwell, Chureb Street, phono 784. -20-10 FOR liENT-5 ROOMED STONEC house ou Lot 21, Con. 3, Clarke; reusonable rent. Apply W. A. Adamis, Newcastle R. R. 3, phono Clarke 1911.261 FOR RENT-4 ROOMED APART- mou in, the Cowan Block, mod- cru conveniences, electric slave and electric refrigeratar. Phone 870. 19-tf FOR RENT - 7 ROOMED PUE4- nished cottage ut Bowmanvilfe Beach (Eat), 2 venandaha, 1 sceened, fireplace, and garage. Rent reasanable. Apply Mns. %. Tait, P. O. Box 477, Bowiui- ville, phono 388. l8-ttml1 Llvestock Fer :Sale FOR SALE - SEVEN YORK- shire. piga, six weoks; also n about seventy paunds. Jacksn quarter mile north af CourýtEIýe.- 20.1*. FOR SALE-COCKER SPANIÉL puppies, 6 ta 7 weeks aid. Ap ply M. Hourd, Enniskiilen. 20-f1 FOR SALE-HEREFO*D BULL, purebred, about nine huudmed. W. S. Mofiat, phono 15r17, Or ooa. à20-1 FOR SALE-YORKSHIRE"PIGE 6 weeks ald. Phono Bowmazi- ville 2208. 20-1 FOR SALE - HOLSTEIN 00W, frcsheued this week. Apply W. G. Wery, R. R. 6, Bowmanvillla, phono 2253. 20-1 FOR SALE-14 CHOIéE YQRKC- shine piga, 6 and 8 weeks aid. Phono 2403 20-1 Bawmunville (Manvers Road). "Ail the vagabondage iu Uic wold begins lu neglected child- hood."ý-Victor Hugo. "The serlousness af this war ta Canada cunuot be aver-emphasls- cd. Il la the dut>' af everyane ta leud his 1 ilsupport, ta back Up ta the Uit the efforts af thouo lwho are fightlng aur baille."1 -Premier Hepburn. Articles For Sale HAYLOADER FOR SALE. IN gaad repair, cylinder stylaetice $25.00. Jas. H. Farder, Black- stock, Ont. 20-1w FOR, SALZ-ONE GAS STOVE; onte eectrlc stave, bath large, suitable for town or country home or hatel. Mrs. Chas. De- pew, Queen Street, phone 517. % ~20-1* FOR SALE-DEERING MOWER, Il' cut, tractor hitch. J. C. Ail- dread, phono 8M0 20-1* FOR SALE -1 LARGE SIZE electric range, 4 burner, with aven, warming closet and shelf, i goad condition, price $1000. Apply Box 146j Stutesman Of- fice, Bowmanvillc. 20-1 FOR SALE-BED, SPRING AND mattress, und bureau with bey- diled. mirror. Phone 538, Bow- manville. 20-1 FOR SALE -ONE BEATTY Electric Washer, for balance ai account. Rebuilt, fully guaran- teed. Apply Mason& Dale. 20-1 FOR SALE- WICKER'BABY buggy, in good condition. Phono 835. 20-2* FOR SALE - HARLEY-DAVID- son motorcycle, 1938, 61-O.H.V., compîeteîy eqipped, excellent conditip, wiilsoU cheap for cah.Aply Traffic Officer W. F. Thompson, Queon St., Phono 2226. .20-1 FOR SALE -'36 MAPLE LEAF truck, 2 % ton stake, 165 i. wheel base, 32x6 tires, dual wheels, 7' 4" by 12' 8l racks, 7- ton license. WiUl sacrifice for quick sale'. Phono Bethany 20-23. 19-2* FOR SALE - LINOLEUM AND Congoleum rugs. Select, yours from over 300 patterns actualY i stock. You are ivited ta view these at BRADLEY'S New Fur- niture Stare, 156 Simcoe South, Oshawa.-,j-ý., , 19-tf OSHAWA'§S-NEW _ FURNITURE Store - Everything in modern, chesterfield, bedroom, dining suites, and studios. Bedding and floor coverings a specialty. Qulilty merchandise at coni- petitive prices. Befare buying visit Bradley's Ne* Furniture Store, 156 Simcoe ýSt. S., Osh- awa. \ 19-tf FOR SALE -ONE BEATTY vacuum Cloaner, complote with uttuchments, for balance of ac- count. Apply Mason & Dale. 20-1 FOR SALE -- PERSONAL RUE- ber Goods, mailed postpald ln plain segled envelope, with price liai. O6amples 25c. 24 samnples $1.00. Aduits oniy.~ Dept. P, Ateî Rubber Ca., Box 231, Ham-j ilon, Ontario. 15-8j RECONDITIONED TIRS--SAVE Up te 50% au tires and tubes, includlng new Gaodyoars, Do- ,minion.Tires. Full stock in al sizes fran $1.00 Up. G. F. Jamie- son, Tire & Butter>' Shap, King and Silver St. 14-tf BABY CICKS-BLOOD 'l'EST- ed Leghorns and Rocks, m-Lxed, sexed and started puilets. R.O.P. sired chlcks. Ail eggs produced an aur ian. Low prices on Rocks and Leghorn cookerels. Alvin -Clemens, phono 2433, Bownanvlie. 13-tf GMELECTRIC FENCER Complete with batteries, ground rod, 60 poreelalua, 4 coyuer spoola, 50 ether wshera, i gate hook and sprint instruction sheof QUARANTEE W. gwuaate. the. QEM Foncer Unit, and wil repair or replace free cf charge ai car factor>' any part found defective. STANDARD GEM ComploeW $1 5.00 HEAVY DUTY GEM Complote. $18.-50 Mueo dmelr for Gem 11<1k"Coolera ad Mlil u Aehiu W. S. STAPLES Phepe 781 - Dowmanvilie 'a Mon of 30940y501 PJP, VIIIVIGMoS, moeaa? tVaut omalut4ow taueathula, oale bma Gel a oeta auios iotrcR 85.Ti bsaid anra o UdvA ' to aY. rangsaaial good dg atom.- ClauiiedAd Rates iOne «àt a word cash, oseh insertion (iminimlum charge Sie). Charge of 25o extra is 1usd. whoà -advertlsement la not psu marne week as laser- tien. Extra charge of lec rwhen replies are dlreted to a Statesman box number. Dfrhha deatha aMd marriages SOc cadi. la Memorkaaq,5se fer notice plus 10e ýper line for verse.Cbiafed adver- tisementsa acootod up until O ..Weftueday. Auctlon Sale J. A. Haugh, Lot 23, isauth half Con. 8, north half Con. 7, Darling- ton, will seil by auction May 201h, ut 1.30 p.m. S.T.,. his stock and iruplements including teami horses, rlsing 5 years, 10 shoats, bey, 125 bus. barley, 300 bus. oats, etc. Ternis cash. Sec bilis. Ted Jack- son, auctianeer. 20-1 Real Estate For Sale FORI SALE -.- TWO LOTS, AP- p»roximately 66' x94' and 66' x -1651, on Quecu St. East. Apply Clarence Mutton, Bowmanvîile. 20-1 FOR SALE- SOLID BRICK house on Centre St.,.Bawman- ville, modern canveniencos; will L be sold cheap ta close up an estate. Apply A. E. Beliman King St. West. il ï LOT FOR SALE-ON LIBE .RTY St. North. Phane 538, Bowmnan- ville. g19-tf For Sale FOR SALE - GOOD PASTURE for several cattle, $3 ta $4 per season. Ornnnmental S pr uc e treos 10c ou. C. J. Mitchell, New- castle, phone Clarke 1914. 20-1 FOR SALE - HUSTLER SEEDÎ Patatoes lc per lb. for qulck sale. Apply W. G. Wotten, R. R. 2, Burketon, phono 2377. 20-2 FOR SALE - A QUANTITY 0F timothy hay, second aize Grecn Mountain potatoos, also pasture for 10 head of cattlo. Sid. Tre- Win, Enniskillen, phono 2351. 20-1* FOR SALE-QUANTITY GOOD mixed grain, 40e per bus.; choice mlxod huy; also pasture for a numbor ai yaung cattle. Apply E dg ar Proscatt, Ennlskllen, phono 2261. 20-1 FOR SALE - DooLEY PoTA- toos, 55e per bag, field *run. Ap- ply Mns. E. Mountjoy, R. R. 6, Bawmanvillo, phono 2505. 20-1 Willsn's Furniture Co. iner sprntg attreass $88Good looklng h oua v y sprlng-filled. mattresses, cavercd in durable fancy ticking. Will give you years ai camfart. Ail sizes, ut an amuzinglY low price. Floor Coverfng Spoclal $ 1.49 Borderless rugs 6' z9', inlulds, congoleums, feltols, heavy lino0leums, in anl widths. The larg- est display ai floor coveringa and rugs in the clty. Wilsan's prices are lower! Studio Couches S15M SSpring-iiilied studio couches in attractive cavoringu. 50 bçautiul studio couches ta chooso from uat bargain prices that wlU savo you many dollars. New Chcsterfieid suites $39n90 Modern spring-filled Chesterfield suites, excellent cav- erings, carved show-waod. A roui buy. Chesterfield suites lu heuvy figured rich velours, luxuriant deep-aeated confort, custom-built styles, iully guaranteed construc- tion. We carry a large selection ta choalhe fram and car prices are always lower. Bcdroom Suites $59U9 Thrlllingly new, smart Wateriall design. 'This !a an out- standing buy. At Wilson'. you can fmd yaur heurt'. desire in a bed.. roozn suite. Modern and perlod designs. Wllson's lower overhead Mans lower prices ta you. Baby Buggy Dargains $4.S8,up Choose frQm a grand selectian, ail styles and cal- ors. We carry a complote stock ai Goudron and Lloyds Prama and Folding Carniages. TRADE IN BA19ÇAJNS Sacrifice prices for ininediate clearance. It pays to visit Our trade-lu department. The largeot stock lu aur hlstory. 30 Used Chesterfield Notice To Creditors lu thc Estales, ai ANNABEL SWIM and SARAR ANN THOMPSON.. Ail pensons huving ,dcaims against the estatos ai Anuabel Swini and Sarah Ann Thonipson, late ai the Village ai Newcastle, i Uic Count>' ai Durham, deceas- od, who died on or about Uic 28th day ai January, 1941, arc hereby uotified ta seud in ta Uic under- signed solilitor au or before Uic lst duyof June, 1941, full particu- lana ai their daims. Immcdiately alter the mid 1.1 dity of June, 1f41, the assola ai Uic mid deceaied persans yUl be dis- tributed amougst Uie parties en- tltled theneto, havtag regard ouI>' ta dlaimia aiwhich Uic mid solici- tom shail thon have notfce. Dated ut Bowmanviile Uiis 14Ui day ai May, 1941. W. R. STRIKE, Solictor,' Bawmanville, Ontario. 2042 Tee Cup Reading TEA CUP AND CARDS PROM 3 p.m. ta 10 pan. Darch's Ta- bacca Store, phone 2884. 8-4 Lost LOSr - LICENSE PLATE NO. 90457. Cail Bort Johnson, R. R. 2, Burketon, phono 2290. 20-1* LOST -HEREFORD QOW, wandered irom pusturo. Finder pleuse phono 73n11 Orono. 20-1 Veterinary R. B. MURRAY, V.S.; B.V.Sc. Veterlisnmi Chumch St. - Bownîavfil Pnone 843.' Rob Your Rost Many Peo0lo ove, te ga ao"a Iught'sreaL Thoyhuma mdb»oai av ' aad ct asop. Ohm..tboy bisai. hom %w"mov"mi.. t m-, b. therhldusoy. Hoakthy hl dsUter poismon theb hleed Ifthyrelutad spossp Doddi Kidnoy Pis Swnmertime Is Camera lime Do' isthe thriill o wandering foot-boose Lwithe. grest out- ofdo a fi summer wvith a camera. Aaiyone can take beauti- fni photos nowdays. Lot -un overbaul your camera ire. of charge. Visit the camera oounter--all klnds of film. Unique Photo Flnlshlng FIret Ald We.k More accidents ocr in the home than aaiy éther Place--EU Proparod First Aid Kits 35c - $5.00 ALL FIRST AIED ME 22c KODAKLarge VIGILANT JR., AT. ,~HIS nov popuiar priced cam. for' J.. ra la packed w th Leatuüres GOm Polie 90 you'il like. Largo walaî-icvei snd Id efln and ey.lvi ndors. Carofly ui dur e =Oerd1-point support construc. OSASI 8 tion ehat Iuaures accuraoe poition. - ,ai,_________ ing. Kandy openiun ad cosug mechMom Andstyiug ehat's up. to-the-mluute ln foldiug camera fashion. Available in evo Ions and shutter combinationan d ewo camersaaie. Vigilant Jurlors are rce aLonly *1 .00 aud $14.25 foreh5SI-20 modela; 012.7 Sand 816.25 for te.tagor Sx-i6 modelai Seo JuryBLoU Phono 178 Whou we tt e e.Ifi. laoue propewr. SIEWART'S. SEED SYJEi DENDABLE HEADQUARTERS for OUALITY FIELO, AND BULK GARDEN SEEDS With Stewart',s Goverment]Bu&k Gardu. B3ee yott. get mnore and botter seed for your mobey. MANGEL SEED GiatWhi=tes gar; YelIow Leviathan; Yelow 1I1nte modiste; Teilow Ideal; Golden Tankard; Red L.,viathmUi- Mammoth Long Red. TURNIP SEED Canadian Gem; Jumbo or Elephant;, Perfect Modei-'oi * of Ail; Purpie King; Derby; Irish King; 11al'.,Wutby * Greygtoe. FORME~ OR FODDER PLANT SERD, Suda Grass; Soy Beans; Sorghum; Sunflwer; le; Dwarf Essex Rape; Tares or Vetches. MILLET SEIED Crown; Empire; Golden; Bungarian; Japanese; Siberlan; Hog. CORN Haybrid in Stock; ail other 'sariettes arrive May l5th. Our corn prices are ýIways right. SEED POTATOES Çertified P.E. Cobbiers; Warbas; Kathadins; ChiPpawaa; GLreen Mountains; Dooleys. vpC oaN* Sait Fertfllzr -Bug Kliler We Deliver Garden Seods Phone 517, COLD ST ORAGE Bave your fur coat tored li certif led Cod Storage Vaultu. Scientlflcabby refrigecratcd to give cold dry ir fer Uic protection of yeur garmenta aginit aaiy *damUae by motha and ether luseetas, as ;vell uas m- mer hoaf. Ost-hawa Laundry& Dry Cloaning Company, Llmited phene 419 Wc Cabb anid DoUives maq RE Daý,d USE WANT ADS -1- LI: 1 a . 1 1 -1 - 'l. TH2 CANADIAN STA=SMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO

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