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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 May 1941, p. 3

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TEURSAY, MAY 1,14 I NTHE DIM AND DISTANT PAST I ProftmTh 1% e mnFil, TWENTY..FIVE TERS AGO Prom The Canadiau Statesman, May 18, 1916 Maj. L. T. McLaugblin wmite te bis brother Byron McLaugbljt Enniskillen: No doubt you hav S seen in Uic papera an accountc the attack of April 26th. No mau te whom I have spoken was eve ,41ucb a tierce ~ombardment.I Slarýted at 6.20 weun they bicw,uî a mine on our front Une. It wa perfect bell for 2% heurs whi Itilet up a little. They came ove, ln the portion efthte trench I wa, holding but did flot stay long. abell struck in Uic trench on 'T rlgbt killing five men I a row- 1 was knecked over but not burt I got a few little pieces et Iror the ize of pin heads out ot n3 face the ncxt day. We tbink thi Germans got the worst et it.. all the same I hope wc wlll nevi bave the like te come Urougl again. Prom Pte. R. G. Dickinson, It' ramîing again. This countmy cci. tainly holds Uic record for raun One morning a mine explodcd. I was several miles- away but the gound sbook enougb to awaker us. And then thinga turned loose, I have scen enough et 'shela tc Imagine what it was like at the ether end. Dan Douglas injuries arc seri- eus but bis spirits arc undaunted and he longs te be with bis com- rades: "The one thing I ca't get used to la this bcd. They're Scotch and Uicy seem- te have economized on inateriaJ.s as muci as possible. 'm about threinches tee long for the bed." Congratulations te Clark Pow- cr Taylor, son of M. and Mmi. .Alex Taylor et Bewmanville, on passlng bis Pharmacy exami. stanig second place in a large clas. Cas.L. enfund, Frank W. Hawkins, Oshawa, and Chai. W. Thoms, Newcastle, are also among Uic successfl students. An old and respected citizcn bas passcd to rest-.-Mrs. Arnold, agcd 78 years. Her funeral to place from the reaidcnce of ber daughter, Mms. R. Dumas. Mrs. A. M. Hardy waa cailec te Detroit owlng te the scrieui ilineset ber brothcr, R. L. Web- ater, formerly cf Whitby. Maple Grove: The infant dau. gbter et Mr. aid Mra. Albert Wil- kins underwent a critical opera- tion in Uic hospital. . . . Mms. Grace Everson la under the dec- tor's came at ber daughter's, Mis. W. J. Snowdcn. Enniskillcn: Congratulations toi Misa Esther Stevens on winning tirst place in the oraterical con- test at B.H.S. . .. Mr. Stainton left for Saskatchewan on Tuesday. Hampten: C. N. Ruse bas been 11; bis brother S. W. Ruse, Bow- For KITCHEN. and BATHROOM You «ed Giliet's Lye in the kItchen sud in the bathroogn ICep it ha.udy for draina, for, pous and pana, for numerowu othe houvehold tasks Giflett's Lye Win mve you Mou f hard -work-it'a thse esy, eficent, economicsl wqy of cesning. -Mm »0diu in à« LaUheWt»tr. TA. oeSLon Of the. 1" 114t A h..* 1h.uwuo Why Use A u"Sissyll M bel contpaion Iasodo *pW Sondcnditi of Ie.,u, m 1h tise colea or l~~Uarg ntne. ThGe who ko r ha' nsst4 e1aý bweilathor- Klday-Xvera eIte tQG Oughjy e lr fron n evalue et a rmaeul r ie wbloh tu o ore a vlctlm ef net oalyeffit a thorouhea- abronieconSstipation and poisoaing in e coon or karge==wi u Of the system wbich mm eul a aisearou m eiver and kldaeys coltis or other "serns iuse, te activlty in fitrn ions trorn fW Mild or %W' y"laxtive. rn eibleod. cause a movement of the bowei Once y&U haveproven thse menit. witbout fetn~a theroughcoleaa- of Dr. Chaes'*Kdne -Lver PMl on ut oet theol on or larée bowel. ou wlll ner rtumra te .urne ef Fe hsreson you are rn ate 'lay" laxatives. Keepeury thnkngtht ou irm del ilyng &H.Chaes ldas er cia ~.... teoecreacaitptdâ ll once or twlce a week. II~ e serving of a cup ef tea, wlthi *dwicbes and cookies, there be- 9nine varicties of cookies mpled, a demonstration of lcb was ln charge of Miss W. ach who offered the recipes of me. June meeting la ln charge of eEast gmoup. Roll cail, "A mnmunity Need."' The speaker ,vice was chosen for ibis ycar preference to a short course. manville, visited hlm. .. Epwomtb League was i charge et Miss Lottie Horn with Oscar Ward and n, Wallace Jetfery takiug part. Ebenezer: Mr. Fred Balson aid Miss S. Robinson weme. quietly es married at thc Parsouage on Sat- Un, urd4y. . . . Howard Taylor goca Me wth bs battalion te camp.... et Elmer Rundie bas enlisted lu To- jî routo. . .. Mmm. S. Thiompson at- Fe teuded Uic tuneral of a grand- It cbild in Toronto. lp as FD"ET ITRS AGO re ras Prom Thé Canadia Statemman, A May se, 1891 ny rt. Business at tbe Piano and Or- on gan Factomy la quite lively. A fine ny show moom bas been titted up for me Uic exhibition of products. It is an inviting moom and meflects cre- ~dit ou J. B. Mitchell at whose gh suggestion it was laid eut. The instruments will be exbibited at tBthe Industrial in Toronto in Sep- W_ tember. [n. The "Sun" bas been publishmng It alanderous articles as comespen- he dence. The two letters sigued by nh "Citizen" last week wemc products e. of bis own envieus and cerrupt o mind. e J. A. McClellan, Ontario Bank in Peterboro, bas corne te Bow- i- manville wbeme he takes the posi- ad tion et teller. Scores af bmîgbt a-cyca aid warm. bearts bave gmowu etaad over bis departure. ce Congratulations te E. T. Slemou ce et Haydon on receiving bis B.A. lh at Victoria College, baving passed es, with very bigb standing. New Haven: Neigbbours sym- -pathine with Mm. and Mms. John i.Carr in the les. et their cbild... IDuriug Uic unseasonable May iweather tarmers have been seen te witb mitts, fur cap and overcoat Cou. . .. Farinera are buay plauting ipetatees; seed la vemy scarce lu 10 this district.., W. Britton bas an addition te bis family-a daugb- In ter, this .im..... Walter Osborne, 1Cloverdale Cottage, la under a Ic doctom's care. Solina: H. Argue bas rented S. Cetteu's farmet 50 acres on Uic d 7th... D. Montgomery bas been 1overbauling bis mesidece... Jne. Tmemeem's new bouse is ready ta be bmicked. Orono: A. Leigb la pusbing a dlaim, for compensation against the Belleville Electric Light Ce. i *amounting te $500. . .. At a s pe- 1 cial meeting et council ta consider 1 thei position Uic township bolda i respect te, the roadway known as 1 9Tucker's dam, Uic matter wîsi tinally postpeued until legal ad-E vice could be pmecured.C Ennlskillen: If Uic fariner wbe iwai helping hinisclf to a ucigb- -bor'sas on Wednesday uigbtE 2will ceme back fer -bis bag be can have a bushel if be meafly needs - tbcm. His naine la on Uic bag ho lett in the oat bi.... Xk Hanna bai memoved te Prince Edward County te engage in Uic bock trade. Befome leaving be present- cd cdi member et bis Sunday Scbool- dams with a copy of Sam Joues' sermons. n To aur noble tire brigade aid t ail others who worked se nebly P to save my bouse from the late tire at Crawtomd's foundry: Wbat 'm 1 cannet do te rcward you I boes] God will, fer be meuderctb unte everyone according te their womka. IE Wltb the frlght and over-exertien C I bave been dangemeusly 111 but P tbaik God I am semewbat better R at present. (sigucd) R ic ha r d w Péate. D ai Blacks1[rotock P (Intcuded for lasi wcek> The United Churcb Young Pea- ple prescnted their play "Aunt Tulle Gocs te Town" In Uic Hall lait Friday nigbt. The preceeds are for Uic W.A. for certificates. FolUowing la'an item of luterest taken from, Uic Bancroft.Times: "Mr. aid Mrs. John Rutledge et Mouteagle Tewsabjcclcbrated. their Golden WeZd ganulver- ut mayon Sunday, Apru 20Ui, at or ter farm home., Joined by all wi members etoUith anily and a itt number of frieuda wbo extended ho congatulatlens. Tbey were mar- of rieon April 20Ui,. 1891, I Zion D( Cburcb, lMenteagle. Membems et et Uic famlly now mesldlng in other gr Parts et Uic province aid thc gi' US.A., aise Wallace ut berne, Io, .joined their parents on tuis aus- ho ricicus occasion. They are ai fol- tic a: David Rutiedge, Margaret mi E.' McNally, Isabel M. Wright, i Susan F. Keiusky, William J. Rut- qu ledge, Charlotte A. Farder, Josepb laî B. Rutledge, John G. Rutledge, et.i 1 Inmruce For Autos Comnpulsory automobile insur- ance, recently pondered by the Ontario Government, would not guarantee safer highways because compulsion bas no relation to ac- cident prevention, Percy M. May, told the Ontario Insurance Ad- justers' Association. 3 The State of Massachusetts, in its search for a lessened hlghway toil, had put compuisor 'y is~rance inito force inl1927-he only spot On the continent te try this legis- lation. But, between 1926 and 1938, collisions had lncreased 46.5 per cent, injuries 88.4 per cent, wbile car registrations had risen 0ny 0.5 per cent. Rates, too, had gone up at Ieast 27 per cent, butM.My thought the total i- crease probabi '.ynearer 40 per cent." And he New York Bar Association bad branded rate-fix- ing ini Massachusetta as something "lke a Political football gaine."1 In its object of increasing safety on Ontario routes, the speaker suggested, authorities would do better to reinforce the exlsting Financlal Responsibility Act which, in 8 years, had driven 20,- 000 bad drivers from, the road. The State of New Hampshire bas a more effective financial. re- sponsibility kaw. Under it, the driver in an accident which bas led to death, injury, or property dange of over $25 must, iminedi- atly produce evidence ef fin- ancial responisibility and, there- after, must file such evidence yearlY ail the while he drives. That New Hamipshire kaw went further than the present Ontario law since the Ontario statute does not; require a driver to produce evidence of financial responsibil- lty unlescbarged by the police or until he has.been sued success- fufly for damages and failed to pay. The Ontarioo kw, too, might well be aniended to relieve in- surance companiea of the respon- sibility of deciding whether or not a suspended licence should be reinstated. Mr. May suggested that the authorlty grantlng the licence ougbt to decide reinstate- ments. He consldered that of- tenders whose licences would be reinstated ini production of an in- surance policy, and major offend- ers who would neyer get their licences back, insurance policy or none. "In Ontario," cQncluded Mr. May, "we have put a large number of dangerous drivera off hie high- ways and it is reasonable to as- sumie that this bas dene omre gooçl But greater safety on the ighways must be sought in other directions. The answer !pay be found in hlgher qualifications be- ing required before drivlng nc- ences are issued; in thc education of the drlving public to ncw standards of carefulnnesa; ini strict- er law enforcement, or in hlghway engineering, but certainly flot ini uiy tom of compulsory insur- Cowanvle (Intended for lait week> Mr. and Mrs. A. Bedwmn have moved from bis father's farm to te Lake Shore and are living i art of Mrs. Parker's bouse. We wish Mrs. Charlie Cowan, who is in Oshawa Hospital, a ieedy recovery. Visitors: Mr. 'and Mrs. W. cempster, Toronto, at Mr. Brooks owan's. . . Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Perrin, Toronto, at Mr. W. A. eid's. Mrs. Perrin lastaying# the week. . . Mr. James andMises ')orothy and Kqthleen Simpson tMr. H. Simpsores, Solin... Mr. id Mrs. Bob Hendry at Mr. AUf. crmin's. .. Miss Lumb, Bowman- Fille, and Miss Mather, Mount Prest, with the Stringer famiiy. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Reid at r.Reg. Elliott's. Hanipton (Intended for laut week) Hampton W. L There was an attendance of 37 Uich Women's Institute meeting nTburaday afternoon. Roll cal ras respondied to wlth "My favor- esalad." A report of meeting id. at Bowmanvllle ot district fficera was given by Mmm. W. G. oidge, district director. A report fwar work done by the East roup during winter months wai c Canada bas reason to count her blessingsinl these days of triaL Canada la three thousand miles away from the sound of guns which are devastating Europe. The broad Atiantie Ocean roUa hbetween us and the ruthiesa savagery of the German Arxnies. flic strongest fleets in the world - British, American and Canadian-patrol the sea between us and the enemy. We have a great friendly nation, prohably the richeat and most powerful iu the world, at our aide. w PAGE TIUtEE THE CANADIAN STATECSMAwl Nestieton Nesteton WÏ. .,met at Ma'.. Harry Pbilp's May 7tb. AU offi-, cers were re-elected. Tickets ha&- ebeen sold on a mater rug for RBcd tCross and the draw was made bY' eMaster Calvin McKee. Mr. Rich- ard Hooper beld the lucky ticket Plans were made for a qultinit bec. Heamty vote of tbanks ws given Mrs. Philp and ber hlea Congratulations to MissElé Gravson and Mr. Ivan Hosklia Toronto, and Miss Mary Hoakin and Mr. Melville Traccy, Osbawa, on their marriages. Motlier's Day service ln thé United Church was quite wcll at- tcnded. Miss Jean Malcolm sang "Mother of Mine." Mr. and Mrs. Harold Nesbitt had their baby Allan Rosa baptized. Visitera: Mr. and Mis. H. Wbeeler and family, Port Perry, visited ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Hosk.... Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Taylor, Blackstock, with ber bre- ther, Mr. S. Malcolm. .. Mm. Sans Crawford, 1Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Sutclifte, Toronto, at Nestieton... Miss Nora Porteous, Osbawa. witb ber parents. . . Miss Jean Mal- colin and Mr. Neil Malcolm with friends at Brooklin. . . Mr. sud Mrs.*Leslie Wright, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Rac Malcolm, Yelver- ton, witb Mms. Peter Wright. .,- Mrs. Jas. Willlamson witb ber sister, Mrs. Byers, Janetville. Cadmus Mr. and Mrs. Everard Sander- Son, Helen, Jean and Marion, Te-i ronto, visited 1Mr. W. B. Fergusonj on Sunday.à Mfr. Milton Slcmon, Lloyd andi The compaiy also contrais 230 isted for generations bctween the facilities, but because they kuow two countries. I M B-'1OWMANVILLE, OnARIO F'Gordon, Haydon, visited his mo- ther, Mrs. Siemon. ILowell Faillis is busy delivering itruck loads of telephone poles. J~A Splendid congregation met on r- Sunday morning to enjoy the Mother's Day service. The story Of "The Quest" was given by Miss A. Mountjoy. The life of Frances Willard and David Livingstone by Miss Mari crie Galbraith, and the 1, J1e of Florenýce Nightingale by iMiss Audrey McQuade. Bey. D. .M. Stinson spoke on the Import- iance of the home in the training lof the chjld in the Christian lite and the necessity of Christian teaching in the home supplement- ing that of the Sunday school and church. A baptismal service was held at which Clifford Lee Dayes, Donald Malcolm Elford, Audrey, Laurence and ]Ray Larmer receiv- 'ed the rites of baptism. Mr. and Mrs. Gfibert Gibson, Douglas and Allen, visited Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Gibson. VICTORY FOR BEER BARONS (Collingwood Bulletin) The Penetang coundil fluniked On its proposed by-law closing beverage rooms at 10.30 p.m. by accepting a proposai of the botel men that they continue ciosing at il P.m. on Saturday nmghts. in -approaching the suggested com- promise, a representative of thei hotel men is reported as "Ipromis- lng the co-operation of the hotel men in gettmng the people out asi orderly and soberly as possible."1 Think of that as an admission. Toj get people out "as orderly, andt soberly as possible." In otheri words, let them spend their mo-J ney, fuli up to the lmt, and then1 put them out on the street. What( a product does the beverage1 A CANADA CAN AFFORD HER SACRIFICES This war la a mechanized war. We have the nickel ... copper... lead .. . zinc and other metais the war industries need. We have access to the iron. We eau make the steeL We have the organized industries to fabricate these metals and make the trucks, and tanks, and guns, and planes, and the ships. We have skilled workers and the planta for mass production. Canada bas the wheat, and the food supplies. Let us count our blessinga, and tighten our heits. Canada la rlch-one of the richest countries per head of popula. tion in the world. Let us lend our strength to thc utmost of our Power. Our national future'depende upon Victory. We muet win to live. THERE WILL BE FURTHER CALLS There have been many cails upon the people of this country for money ince Canada entered the war at ýh aide of Great Britain. There wiiI be further eaU,. Let us face the future unafraid. Canada can carry the load. But every Canadian must shoulder hi@ and her share. This la the moat critical hour in our hiatory. Let the future historians say of Canada, as they wili aay of our Mother Country: "6This wa» their finest hour." Get under your Ioud...uid LIFT DIEP A RTMM N T 0 F FI1N AN CE, C A NA DA PAGE TEMM DURHAM TOBACCO COMPANY REPORTS EXCELLENTYEAR Tobacce la Found tW b. Bout Quality Bringing Hfig Pi. Durham Tobacco Plantations Ltd., held its firat annual meeting in Port Hope last week. President W. R . Prouse and manager Hem- mai Smith prcaented succesaful reports aid predicted greater suc- ceas for next year. Because this venture la comparatively ncw, the public, gcnemafly, kuow little about it. Here are some of Uie il- luminating tacts brougbt eut at the meeting: The acreage under production for Uic year was oniy 32, including some test plots. Thc ylcld was 1200 lbs. per acre. The' grade avcraged 9 per cent bîghcr thai that cf older ficlds. 'The market value was $8,800.00, et which Uic Company kept approximately $4,650.00; Uic balance te the grow- AilÀ overhead ad expenses bave been fully paid. The cash bal- ance on baud la approximatcly $3,798.00 aid $3,140.00 la current- ly duc from. Uic sale ot Uic 1940 crop. Presideut Prouse pointed out that through the foresigbt etf Uic management supplies ef glass for greenhouses had been pur- chascd at pme-war prices which will permit of expansion from this tirat unit te full utilization of aIl Uic laid now ewned, wbicb weuld comprise 19 complete units with from 60 to 110 acres cacb. acres et tiniber land from wbich was cut 45,000 ft. ot lumber ta provide for 14 new kilns. Accord- 1ing to Manager Smith, the tobacco producled in Durhai l superior both in yield and quality te Uic average and bmought a general price cf 23 % c per lb., which 's 3c above average. He anticipates yields up ta 1400-1500 lbs. per acre. Election et officers tom Uic comn- ing year: W. R. Prouse and W. B. RSenolda,' Hope Townsbp; R. W. Trattan, Guelpb aid R . H. Cook, Tonto e e-elcted ta the di- rectomate. of Canada "Let Canadians do everytbing possible te make 'Guest of Canada' mean something more thai a slogan for a windsield stickcr,"1 said D. Leo Dolai, Chief cf Uic Canadian Travel Bureau, in a tatement issued at Ottawa. The Prime Minstr et Canada, Rigt Honourable W. L. Macken- zie KCing, bas issued a cordial in- vitation te resideuts et Uic United States; Ue Canadiai Travel Bur- eau aid other organizations Urougout Uic Dominion have been putting forth strcnuaus ef- forts te induce Ameicans to spend their vacations in this country; Uic United States pressansd travel agencies have co-operated in the fumthring et intemest in travel to >Canada. Despite anti-Canadian propa- gaida, wbicb runs Uic gamut ram food atining te gasoline at 90 cents the gallon, It la cxpcctcd that millions et Amemicans wiIl corne te Canada this ycar.' They will crne nt, only ta cnjoy. our scenemy, sprt and recreational fTENDERe FORt COAL AND COKE SEALED tenders addressed te the Undersigned and endoraéd "Tender for Coal " will be received until 3 P.M. <EDStThuredoy, May 99 19'1, f the supply of coal anid cokefor the Dominion Buildings throughout the Province of Ontario. Formiet tender wlth specifications and conditions attached1 ca be oh- tained' from the Purchaaing Agent Departrnent of Publie Work,, Ottawa; and the SuPervising Architeat, as Ade- laide St. East, Toronto Ont Tenders should be maâe on thé forme suppiied by thé Departrnént and ln accordance with departmental speci- fications and conditions attached theréto. When thé amount of a tender ex- ceeds thé sum of 85,00.0-whether it be for one building only or more-thé tenderers mnuet attach to their tender a Certif led chèque on a. chartered bank ln Canada, made payable te the order of the Honourable thé Minister of Public Works equalte 10 per cent of thé ameunt oï thé tender, or âearer Bonds of thé Dominion of Canada or of thé Canadian National ltailway Company and Its constituent cern- panies unconditienaliy guarànteed as te principal and Interest by the Do- minion of .-Canada, or thé aforemen- tioned bonde and a cértifled chèque, If required to make up an odd amount. Thé Départmnent also réservés thé right to demand from a.ny successful tendérer a security deposit, ln thé form of a certified cheque or bond a above, equal to 10 per cent of thé amount of his bld, te guarantee the proper fulfilmnent of thé contract. By order, J. M. SOMERVILLEm, Secretary. Department of Public Works, Ottawa, April 29, 1941. 18-2 that by visiting us they are asit- ing in Uic promotion of our war effort. Sucb la thc spirit of good- will and friendshlp which bas ex- rooms produce! c A 1 ' 1

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