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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 May 1941, p. 12

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TEE CANAI TES~4AN, BOWMANVILL~, ONTAflIO TEURSDAY, ~AY *2, OVEN-GLASS PIRE RG 1*'. new, attractive, practical, and lnexpenslve-fully guaran- Ideal for weddlug and shower COVERE D' ÇASSEROLES »ýwith Pie plate Covers BACH ~50e - 65c - 75e BAKERS 45e and 55c CUSTARD CUPS 4 for 25e 6 cups in rack 59e PIE PLATES 20e and 25c PAINT AND WALL-PAPER A wlde selection at attractive prices. SEE OUR1 FLO-GLAZE AD. Je W. JEWNELL "'BIG 20"f Phone 556 Bowmanvile TAKE NOTICE! CAMERA FANS Be preparod for the holiday weekentl. The greatest snapshots are made on Kodak film. Whether you are expert or mcex- perlenced, for day-lu, day-out picture satisfaction - Develap you negatives thc Unique way. AlL POPULAR SIZES AT OUR CAMERA COUNTER Verihoe,Paaoc-,Spr Film and all-around Plus-X Film for miniature cameras. Whatever your picture requirements, the Kodak Film you'Ili eod is ready fryou here. £'owder -35o Minis -250 Roti for PICNIC SUPPLIES Plemsnt weekends ahead! Stock up now wlth what it takes te make a meal out-ot-doors a happy one. Thermos Botties, Lunch Kits, Paper Cups and Plates NOLYNos TOURH PISTE Nov .47e Jury.& Loveli Whon wo test oye, It la doueproperly s- SDellvery TOUR DMOTOR vil Pau ilike a - Kitten! Have It Ovethauled aI GARTONS Your moter wili hum quletly, umnoothly and et- flclently atter you'vo had it ovorhauled here. Ont expert mochanies use aH the lateot equlpment aud eau do s perfect Job, even on Uic complote rebufid- Ing et a metor. Pnices arc always Iow. Ask us for a froc estlmnate. GREASE JOBS WHILE YOU WAIT 'S GARAGE Towing ENNIILLEN' Congratulations te Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Ashton on their marriage. Previous te their marriage Bruce and Marie were *presented with a set of crystal given to them at a shower by their immediate fâmi- lies. Bruce was aise presented with a beautiful case ef silver by his friends in the General Motors, Oshawa. Veterinary R. B. MUJRRAY, V.S.; B.V.Sc. Veterluarlan Church St. - »owmanvllle Phono 843. GOINO UP! Sure paint la golng up, but not If yen buy here while I am reduclug my stock. Act qulck- ly as I am seing sevonal linos at a reductlon while they last, for cash. Weekly Special ENAMLS Worth $1.10 per qt. CASH SALE PRICE Until May 29th 85c per qt. IL H. AERNETHYf Painter and Decorator Phono 431 BowmanvIlle VAN DYKE - In North Oshawa, on May l5th, 1941, Alfred D. Van Dyke, beloved husband of Ida Mitchell, in his 76th year. Interment Zion Cemetery.- IN MEMORIAM COUCH-In ioving memory of a dear mother, Winona (Parsons) Couch, who passed away May 24th, 1939. Whie you, dear mother, rest and sleep, Your loving memory we'U al- ways keep. -Sadly missed, Fred, Eva, Blanche and Stanley. 21-1* COUCH-In loving memory of a dear mother, Winona (Parsons) Couch, who passed away May 24th, 1939. We love to think of yeu, dear inother, In mansions bright and f air, There Jesus reigns in glory, There'is no sorrow there. -Always remembered Iy her daughter Denelda, Sid. and grandchildren. COMING EVENTS Reserve Fridsy, June 27th, for Canadian Legion Carnival at the Rotary Park, Bowmanville. Grand draw and games to raise funds for Legion work. 21-1 At the Women's Institute meet- ing to be held in Parish Hall on Thursday, May 29th, at 2.30 p.m., Mrs. L. J. C. Langs wili speak on "Education." 21-lf Salvatien Army, Sunday,- May' 25th, Special Service at Il a.m. and 7 p.m., conducted by Mrs. F. Smith of Hamilton, the S. A. Sing- ing Evangelist. Salvation Army, on Thursday, June 5th, from 3 te 5 p.m., a show-~ er of children's ciothig for war victims. Socks for boys and girls prof erred. Eldad Anniversary on Sunday and Mondsy, May 25th and 26th. Sunday services: 2 and 7 p.m. Rev. Ivan E. Kennedy, Claremont. Special singig by the sehool un- der the direction of Mrs. J. Baker. Monday at 8 p.m. a play "Simple Simon Simple" by local talent. Music between acta. Admission 25c and l:. AUl on standard time. Dance, at Newcastle Commun- ity Hall, Saturdsy, May Slst. Local 189, U.R.W.A., Bownmin- ville, again sponson a- dance ta raise funds fan patriotie purpasçs. Rocky Ramblers Orchestra willl provide elassy music tram 8 p.m. tiil 11.45 p.m. Round and square dancing. Members 25e, non-mem»- bers 50c, and a grand timne is as- sured. Local 189 thànka-the pea- pie for thc splendid tutnout an' May loth. Camne again and have a reai good time. 21-2 Anniversary Services etf Burke- ton lUniteçl..Church Sunday Sehool will be held May 25th at 2.30 and T.0pm. D.S.T. Bey. E. W. Row- LhndMark "St. Unitçd Church, Peterboro, will be gUèat speaker at both services. 'Special music by S. S. at the afternoon service. In the, evening, Baison Quartet, Hampton, will render special mu- sic. Offering in aid of S. S. work. p.m. D.S.T., Tyrane Y. P. Union will present their play "Closed Lip ." Music between. sets. Ad- ult: 25e, cilidren 15e. .21-11, COOKING BALE NETS EIGHTY DOLLARS FOR _RED CROSS Eighty dollars was raised for the local branch of the Red Cross Society as the resuit of a sale of home cooking Saturday. The sale was conducted under the convenorship of Mrs. W. E. Gerry and Mrs. R. Clarke and members of their 'committes. Everyone they asked to assist in providing the deliciaus pies, cakes and cookies put up for sale gave generously and a good attendance of wiiling buyers made the attair an outstanding success. Miss Carnle Martyn graciousiy heiped in this enterprise by giving the use et her store on Kig Street for the day. The Red Cross workers in Bow- manville are in a state of con- stant activity In these days of great need and are contributing substantial quantities of food, money and elothing to relieve suttering. The Enniskillen Branch has sent In an addltlonal $35.55 they recently ralscd by the raffle et a qullt andqoclal., TALENT MARION DOUGLAS, Highland Creek, Ontario, Canadian winner on New York Radio Progri, en- tertains on Concert Gralid Xylo- phone, Cathedral Chinies and Or- chestra Beils, accompanied b~ Whitney Leach, Pianist And Sing er. 'Additional talent provided up- on request. Book early. 20-31I -DEATHS MARTIN-In Toronto, on Friday, May 16th, 1941, Laura Martin, beloved wife of Mr. Parnaby Martin, age 56 years. Interment Bond Head Cemetery, Newcas- tle. RED-At 274 Nassau St., Oshawa on May 15th, 1941, William Duncan Reid, in his 72nd year. Father of Mrs. J. H. Alldread, Bowmanvile. ROWE-At Calgary, Alberta, on May l4th, 1941, John L. Rowe, beloved husband of Margaret Hambly, formerly of Orono, Ontario. PASCOE -Suddenly, May l7th, 1941, at her home, 181 Lauder avenue, Toronto, Mary Lackie, beloved wif e of Wesley Pascoe, mother of Myrtle (Mrs. J. Stuart Wilson), Edna, Margaret and Marion (Mrs. Reg. Boyle). TRUTLL-In Clarke, on May 19th, 1941, Lottie Vera Truil, wife of Fred W. Trull, in her 58th year. LOST - A RONSON LIGIITER with initiais C.R.B. engraved, on Saturday afternoon between Bowmnanville Nurseries and Stewart's Seed Store. -Prized as gift. Reward if left at States- man Office. 21-1 Wanted MA SO0N WORK WANTED - Brick work, stone- work and plastering. Phone 2501 Bow- manville, A. G. Skoyles, Burke- ton. 20-6 llelp Wanted W AN T ED - SOMMOE TO 'share comfortable furnished home. Heat and rent froce'for board. Mrq. F. W. Couch,' On- tario St. 21-2* WANTED - YOUNG MAN TO learn egg Igrading and do gen- eral store work. Apply Harry Aflin, Grocer. 21-1 HELP WANTED - GIRL FOR general housework. Steady cem- ployment. Applye~ox 147, dlo Statesman Office, Bowmanville. 21-1 HELP WANTED - GENERAL maid, 20 or over, sleep in. Ap- ply Mrs. Alex Gilbert, Black- stock, Ont. 20-2e For Rent FOR RENT-7 ROOMED"BRICK house with lights and furnace, 1 %~ miles west of Hampton. Apply David Broome, R. Z. 1, Hanipton, phqono 2369,,~ FOR RENT - OFFICE ON DMV sion Street and 3 .roomed apart- ment. Apply W. J., Martyn, phone 461. 2M.- FOR RENT -7 ROOMED FUR- nished cottage at Bowmanville Beach (East), 2 'verandahs, 1 screened, fireplace, and garage. Rent reasonable. Apply Mrs. A. Tait, P. O. Box 477, Bowmaný- ville, phone 388. 18-tf-l1 Real Estate For Sale FOR SALE - I HAMPTON OU paved road, geed trame house, furnace, hard water inside, sta- ble and chieken house; 2 acres et land with mixed fruit trees. (Would selU 1%1 acres separate- ly). Appiy Rets Kersiake, phone 2541. 21-1* FOR SALE- TWO LOTS, AP- poiaely66 x 941 and 66' x 15,onQuen St. East. Apply Clarence Mttn,'Bowmanville. 21-1 FOR SALE- SOLID BRICK house on Centre St., Bowman- ville, modern conveniences; Zlf be sold cheap to close up an estate. Apply A. E. Beliman King St. West. il LO'r FOR SALE-ON LIBERTYr St. North. Phone 538, Bowman- ville. 19-tf Llvestock For -Sale FOR SALE - DUAL PUR POSE Shorthorn bull ready for ser- vice from R.O.P. dam and sire bred from high record stock. T. W. Scott, Oshawa R. R. 2. 2142 FOR SALE-WEANLING YORK- shire pigs tram re91stered herd, 6 and 8 weeks aid. Apply Fer- gus E. Morrül, phone 2456 Bowmanville. 21.Ï FOR SALE.-TWO REGISTERED IJersey cows, four years oid, just fresheiied; two Jersey heiters Ione year old; also fifty hives oï Ibecs and apiary equipment; property of the late Wm. Beatty, Elizabethville. Apply to J. Mor- ley Wilson and H-. Victor Wil- son, Executors of the estate, R. R. 1, Port Hope. Phone Gar- den Hili 1712. 21-2 Court of Revision And Appeel TOWNSHIP 0F DARLINGTON. Notice is hereby given that the first sittings of the Cou.rt of Re- vision fôr the Township of Dar- iington will be heid in the Town Hall, ini the Village of Hampton, on Saturday, June 7, 1941, at the heur of 2.30 p.m. Standard Time to hear and determine the severa complaints and omissions iji the Assessment Roll for the said Municipality for the year 1941* Ail persons havlng business a the Court are requested to attend. J. D. HOGARTH, Clerk of the Township,' etofDarlington. Dated at Hampton. this l9th day Otý14py, t i.21-2 CIauuified Ad Rates One cent a word cash, eaebk Insertion (minimum chargc1 250). Chage or 25e eta- made whenavertseent flot padsie weekasnsi- tion. Ext'a charte et 10o when rebles are dlrec tt a Statesman box number. Blrths, deaths and marriages 50o each. lu Memorlams,50o for notice plus 10o per Une for verse. Claasfled adver- tisementsa aeepted Up until 6 p.m. wednesday. Articles For Sale FOR SALE - FORD COUTPE, good every way. Evenlngs. Bort Curtis, Wharf Rd. 21-1 FOR SALE - COOK S TOVEB, Quebec heaten wlth oven. Wal- ter Murphy Division St., Bow- manville, piÈone 388. 21-1* FOR SALE - CEDAR POSTS, l'8 ft. long, 20e post. Phonoe ow- manville 2122. 21-3 FOR SALE - '28 WILLY$- Knlght sedan, in f air condition, a bargaln for $40 cash. Howard H5flrnan, Bowmanvllle Glove & Mtt Co., . 21-fp FOR SALE - WICKER BABY y buggy, in good condition. Phone a 835. 20"9 FOR SALE - LINOLEUM AND Congoleum rugs. Select yours in from over 300 patterns actually Ir i stock. You are lnvited to view Z, these at BRADLEY'S New Fur- ;ý niture Store, 156 Slmcoe South, ar Oshawa. 19-tf RECONDITIONED TIRES-SAVE up to 50 % on tires and tubes, ccl including . new Goodyears, DO- 50 minion Tires. Ful stock in allec, sizes from $L.00 up. G. F. Jamie- wï son, Tire & Battery Shop,.XClng and Silver St. 14-tf BABY CHICK.S-,BLOOD TEST- Ch cd Leghorns and Rocks, mlxed, er sexed and started pullets-R.O.P. bu: sired chlcks. Ail nus produced fi, on our f arm.Low prices On di Rocks and eghorn cockerels. st Alvin Clemens, phone 2433, ti<, Powinanville. 13-tf chc OSHAWA'S NEW FURNITURE aim Store - Everything ini modern, chesteriield, bedroom, dining$ suites, and studios. Bedding and W& floor coverings a specialty. stal Quaiity merchandise at coml- firc petitive prices. Before btiying roo visit Bradley's New Furniture des Store, 156 Simcoe St. S., Osh- me, awa. 19-tf VOR SALE - PERSONAL- RUB- ber Goads, mailed postpaid i plain sealed envelape, with pride list. 6 samples 25e. 24 saniples $1.00.- Adiaits only. Dept. P, Atex Rubbér Ca., Box 231, Ham- ilton, Ontario. 15-8 Notice To Creditors IN THE ESTATE of Richard Habbs, late ot the Town of Bow- mazWille, in the County et Dur- ham, Retired Rubber Worken, Deceased. Creditors and..ô-thon having dlaims against the above estate are required ta send full particu- lars et such dlaims te the under- signed on an befare the 23rd day et June, 1941, after whieh date thc Estate's assets wiil be distri- buted, having regard only te clainis that have been reeeived. LAWRENCE C. MASON, Bowmanville, Ontario, Executor. 21 3 Notice To Creditors I THE ESTATE 0F LEVI J. REATTOIRE, Deceased. Aiu persons having cd1ai ms against the estate ef the aboyé named deceased, late et the Vil- lage et Hampton, et the Towniship et Darlington, in thc County et Durham, Farmer, who died an an about the 20th day et March, 1941, are requlred te file preof et sanie with the undersigned an ar betore thc 3th day et June, 1941. Atter that date the estate will be dis- tributed, having regard only te the claims et which the under- signed shaîl then have had notice, Dated at Tarante this 2th day et May, A.D. 1941. VICTOR L. GLADMAN, Administrater by SYMONS, HEIGHINGTON & SYMONS, 36 Tarante Street, Tenante 2, his solicitors. Notice To Creditors In the Estates et ANNABEL SWIM and SARAH ANN THOMPSON. AU persans having dlaims agamnst the estates et Annabel Swlm and Sarah Ann Thempsen, late et the Village of Newcastle, hi tIc County et Durhami, deceas- cd, who died on or about the 28th day et January, 1941, are hereby notified ta send in te the under- signed solicitor on or before the lot day of June, 1941, full particu- las et their cdaims. Immediately afteto the ssld lot day et June, 1941, the assets et tIc sald deceased pensons will be dis- trlbuted amongst the parties en- tltled thereto, havlng regard only te, daims et which the said solici- ton shaîl then have notice. Dated at Bewmanvllle this 14th day et May, 1941. r W. R. STRIKE, Solicter, Bowmanville, Ontario. 20-2 Seeds For %ale FOR SALFZ - HUSTLER SEED Potatoes,e-good iize, good cook- ers, lc per lb. for quick sale. Apply W. G. Wotten, R. R. 2, Burketon, phone 2377. 20-2*' FOR SALE-KATAHDIN POTA- toes, grown from certified seed last year, also, Snowflakes. Hugh MurPhy, Lot 2, Con. 10, Dar- llngton, R. R. 3 Pontypool. 21-1* FOR SALE - QUANTITY GOOD Dooley potatoes, also some No. 21s. We deliver. F. H. Ellis, Etnlklien, phone 2467. 21-1 FOR SALE -RURAL NEW Yorker potatoes, lé per lb. Ap- Piy Ed. Doidge,. phone Bowmnan- ville 2255. 21-1 Tee Cup Reading TEA CUP AND CARDS FROM 3 p.m. to 10 Darch's To- bacco Store, phone 2884. 8-4 Wilson'la Furniture Co. 1muner spring Mattresses S8.88 Good looklng he a vy 3pnlng-filled iattresses, eovened in durable fancyr ticklng. WMl give rou years of comfort. Ail sizes, at an, amazlngly low prîce. Floor Covering Speclal S1.49 BorderIes. rugs 6 x 9', Élalds, congoleunma, feltols, heavv Inoleumas, iail widths. brhe larg- mt; display et floor coverings and . gs in the clty. Wilson's pnices ire lower! Studio Couches 1595 Spring-fiiled s t u d i o suches in attractive covenings. Îbeautiful studio couches te hoose from at bargain prices that 111l save you many dollars.' New Chesterfield Suites ;39-50 Modern sprig-filled Eiestertleld suites, excellent cov- rings, earved show-wood. A neal uy. Chesterfield suites in heavy iured rxch velours, luxuriant ýep-seated comfft, eustom-built tyies, fully guaranteed construe- [n. We -carry a large selection te àoose tram and aur 'prices are lways lower. Bedreoom Suites 39.95 Thrillingly new, smart rtertali design. This 15. an eut- àiding buy. AtmWilson's you can nd your heart's désire in a bcd- am suite. Modern and period esigns. Wlson's lower overhead tans lower prices te you. .Baby Buggy Bargalns *.SS aP- C hoos ae tram a' rand selection, ail styles and col- rs. We carry a coitiplete stock of ýndron and Lloyds Pranis and olding Carniages. TRADE INi BAIRGADIS acrifice pnices for immediate [arance. It pays te visit Our ude-ixi department. Thé iargest mek lin aur histony. o Used Chesterfield Suites ~$5.00 up Dining Boom Suites, $14.00 up ýuebec Cook Stoves - $5.00 up irge Axminster Rug -- $6.00 sftett$6.00 :tension Table $3.00 'pboard -.- $4.00 )resser $4.00 lds -- ----------- $1.00 up evers! Breakfast Suites, Kitchen abinets, Couches, Wardrobes, eintzman, Piana, China Cabinets, ribs, Prams, Desks. 'omie early for cholce selection as these bargais will be picked ip quickly. FREE DELIVERY VIlson's Furniture Co. 10 Ki"gW. 20 Church St. OSHAWA 18-4 60 STEWART'S SEED StORg PHONE 577 DgPENDABLE HEADQUARTIERS 0QUA LITY SfEEO-S NO. 1 SEED CORN Ail varieties now lu stock. MANGEL & TURNIP SEED Many varleties te ehoose tram.- CERTIFUED SEED POTATOES Kathadins, Dooleys, Green Mountains, Chîppalvas, etc., With Stewart's Governmient Tested Bulk Garden Beed you get more and better -seed for your money.' jCourbe Sait. Fertllzer Bug Killer AUCTION SALE et Houzehold Goods and Effectis ai the Rebecca Sewell Estate .Durham and Brown Streets - on Saturday, 3 let Day of May, 194 1 Ail tlii household goods and etteefa eontained ou the premisos, noluding kitchen, dinlng roons, living roons and bedrooni furnîture and equlpment. Sale Strte et 1 P.m., D.S.T. Ternis Cash. W. 3. CHALiJS, Anotioneer. MIE=ste' Cakes 10ic to 25c Dine Rlbbon 'Ta - 1/2 lb. 33c Ginger Aie qt. 15e PICNIC iSUPPLIES. Olives - Pickles - Old Cheese - Package and Bulk Biscuits - carionatod Beverages etc. BERVIETTEa, 80- o Sa LMN-Ml. tin 40o LARGE ASSORTUMN' 0F ANNUALS 20 no s. Un ORAPEFPRUIT JUICE 10c CaMpbellfs 2 Uns TO T0lUP-19o Ayhper . 3 tins POXLBEANS 7 Agent for Grant Bras. Seed Coin. Use Pull-O-Pop Chlck Starter aud Growlng Maah. ,Harry-Allin THE CORNER GROCER Phone 367-368 Free Delivery DRASIIC* REDUCTIONS. SLADIES'.SPRIRG.COAT \~mi ladiesct urdsra ast t M ero1s0"».,, duction. There are JOs# a iew we *have loft tram sur 1941 sprlng stock sud want te elear them out B5 ta make rooni for our summer stock or coats sud dresses. Varlety oi stYles and colora te choose tram English Net Curtains Wehave recelved a ahlpment et Net Curtalna direct treni Englarad at amaslngly 10w pricos. Be patriotic Buy Brit- 1 fai. Prices item 23o toSiUiS yd. Beautiful Sets of CoIouu'ed Cu:,a. wlll retieah the requis lu your homeu <i Prices Iroem 51.00 t. $4.75 pair Couch, Johnsto'n & Cryderman, Phonoe86 LUTED mBmmmffalil1 Weekly Feed Speclal WE E KL Y FEED SPECIAL - Vanstone's Chick Starter, $2.50 per cwt. Offer good iitil May 29th. F. C. Vanstolie, phone 777. 21-1 Notice The office of W. R. Strike will be ciosed each Saturday aftrnoon at 12.30 commencing May 3lst, and until further notice. The of- fice will not be closed'on Wed- nesday atternoons. . 21-2* Lost ]Phono 17,8 'WANT AD - 1 . ý 1 , , - - ---- - - -- -- - 1 -f s 1 - i7fmýCl4 KODAK FILM I ave You F1fmýC11t end ý 1 . 1 . 1 - 1 TRE CANADI ,TESUANi BOWMANVILLZ, -ONTAXIO IlIRMI)AY, MY 92j

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