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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 May 1941, p. 7

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v -: 1 HUSDAY, MAY 22, 1941 THE CANADiAN sTATESmAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE SEVEN I. I SOCIAL A!Ie PERSONAL I Mr. Wm. Lunau, hMta, visit- bd with Aile>' Nor f-~' Mis. B. M. Warhti6a lPeterboro, was guest af Mis. Andiew Devitt. Single copies «ao The> Statesman are on, salè et local bookatares or i tiis office at 5c'a cap>'. BrS. J.,,,D. Fluker and Joan, ~ spent the weekeM w hMi. and Mis. Gus Bounsal. Mr. and Mis. Rupert G. Hambly 01 Ottawa visited with Mr. and Mis. F. C. Pethick aver the week- end. Dr. J. C. Devitt has been in Ta- xronta this week attonding the Ontario Dental Association con- vention. Mi. and Mis. A. L. Darch, Les- Iie and Abbie, visited Provincial PIANO AN ORGANg RECITAL B>' PRYLLIg R. OHALLIS, A.T.CM and her pupils wlll be presentet! Friday, M4ay 30th at 8 p.M. In Triuity Chuxch. BOWMANVILLE Under Auspices of Queen Street Group Trinit>' Cbureh W. A. AMUlte20c - Ohildren 10e -Tickets Now On Sale- Officer Stanley Palmateer at Bancroft. Mi. and Mis. Ernest Coîbett, Ruth and Howard, Toranto, spent the weekend withMi.',and Mis. W. P. Corbett. Mr. and Mis. H. Miilson and Margaret, Orana, Mis. Otto Bragg, Ruth, Jean and Joice, Shaw's, visited Mis. L. J. Barton. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Hooper, Chuich, St., who celebrate their 6th wedding an- niversary on Saturday. May 24th. Mr. Milton Jamieson, who has been i the Mountain Sanitariurý at Hamilton for the winteiT now home much improved i health. Durham Music Festival acknow- ledges a donation of $1.00 from Bradley's Communit>' Club. This makes a total of $146.00 li cash donations receiveti for 1941. Trinity United Chuîch congre- gation, Bawmanville, has so far made a contribution af $128.14 to "Aid ta British Churches Fund" being sponsored by The United Chuîch of Canada. Mis. C. J. Smale and Archie attended the Convocation Assem- bly ai Queen's University on Sat- uîday when her daughter, Mia. A. W. Balson îeceived her Bach- elor of Arts degîee. Mi. and Mis. A. L. Hageîman, who have been wintering in St. Petersburg, Florida, are on theii way North, for under date of May' là;h we are advised to send their Statesman to Sturgeon Point, Ont. The moving picture "The Doc- tor's DaughterI" will be shown in St. John's Parish Hall sponsored by the> Girls' Service Club on Monday, May 26th, at 8 p.m. Ten cakes will be awarded, admission free. 21-1 Miss Ethel M. Hamilton, Bow- manville, is one of the large class ai graduates this year from To- ronto General Hospital. The an- * nual graduation exercises wiIll take place to-night in Convoca- tion Hall.1 In the Folk Dance contests at the Music Festival the iollowig wore pupîls ai Mis. H. B. Foster: Christena Campbell, Highland Fling, 88;. June Morris, Irish Lilt, 78; Audio>' Humphrey, Irish Lilt, 70. Mi. Gea. Marris was accam- panist. Mr.* and Mrs. R. G. Dickinson and daughter Lamna, Culver City, PROCLAMATION. Commxencing June 2nd the- Federal Go'vernmentli launching a campaign ta raise a war lban af $600,000,000. The success of this campaignwill depend on the effort, put into it by every citizen of Canada. The Ontario Cammittee has suggested that business hauses and householdeis decorate their premises with flags and otherwise during' this peîiod, and the Council has re- quested me to issue a. proclamation calling on aur citi- zens to respond ta this request, and to do anything theyý can to further the success ai theii effart. The citizens will be decaiating their premises for the 24th of May. We wôuld requpat- that -these decara- tians be left in place durfiag the .camipaign. E.o. JoNES, Mayor. GOD SAVE THE I£ NG 1 I p EC IAL COOKED RAM 49p Domino S80z SPECIAL. klilIee* Ginger Ai.le b FranQo Amerlomn le'ou. 1 th ~gu.ti2for S 1k MoLareniVaPropared r797 wrigiey'a Oum .,4 pki. lSc Sala 'àmino I1 lb a d BakIng Powj.r 19e PRESSINÏG CoTslb.29 a3202. Slo oo b, q39e NewlCanadie Slb.m2r> GARDEN SEEDS MIXI*kDPICKLES -~~ - pkas. 25c - w - 28 Sos. 2ec Hnta uaw CEUSE I~lb.pkg. 15o POIX &àBMANS 2 for190 utt VA-Clark'& QGZ8 os. Ise es O TIMW 15 o ~ '~FRtUIT SPECIALS Chois a u n»oEL ciEY RTS a" 10 Spaclai Calitornla' Dom. ýN.w ORANES - -25eCARROTS 2 bunohes150 LIMONS, 300'0 Dos. Full of JIIIoe ---29c, GRAPEFUIT ,,ôforx2Mo ie F Calif., are on a motai trip visiting Ontario relatives and friends. .While here the>' are guests of his mother and sisters, Mis. Apdrew Devitt and Mis. Ray' Grant. Leslie and Albert Darch, talent- ed young saxophonists, have been engaged for the summer b>' the« Rhythmaires canducted by Ray-1 ner Steen af Whitby. Their op- ening engagement is at Wllams -Point, Lake Scugog, an May 24th. St. Paul's W. A. met in the lec- ture raom on May 13th with the president in the chair and a fair attendance. Reports weîe heard irom the variaus groups. Gioup No. 3 had charge ai the program. Miss Hazel Rundle favored with a solo, and! Mis. A. L. Nichoils gave a most intcresting talk on Iceland. This evening, May 22nd, mem- bers ai St. John's A.Y.P.A. are going ta Blackstock ta take part in the annual Ascension Day ser- vice with other membars from the Deaneiy ai Durham and Nor- thumberland. The meeting is in charge. af Rev. E. P. Wood, the rector at Blackstock, and Most ai the othei rectois af the Deaner>' will taice part. Although the trout season la afficially open, a numbar ai local Nimrods are still trying ta "beat the gong" and oxtract somo oof the juveniles of. the specles, which should not Io âway from mother's apron strings..- But a Game War-4 don from headquarteîs li Toronto caught 'em right in the act. Ho la checking up* on thom pretty close- 1>' theso days and already anc or two fishermen ýhave had their wings dlipped for taking the catch toa amail. Ted Clark, youngest son oi Dr. and Mis. R. W. Clark, ha juat roturnedl from a flying trip, tq> Mantreal and Ottawa.. When in tervlewed, Ted said:* "Some of us provailed upon Mi. Longwoîth ta give us a lesson li practical geo- giaphy. The'ganig.included Jim, Southey,' Irvin Brown, Russel Moffatt, John Virgin and myseli.. Mi. Longworthdrove hi. car and we taak i the ioflowlng"places Saturday' pd Sunda>', Maot;jad the- Ste. Agathe ski country,, St. Hub~ert and! Fairchild Airports, eai-gervflle, Lépraiiè, the Shihe at St. Joseph's Oratory, the Wax- w6rks, the Montin... and then webit noith up the Ottawa river ta Huil and Ottawa whare we saw ail the sights includling the Par- liament buildings but.norie ai the 1M.P.'s, and thon we heade oa;fr home. We certainly had a grand time but had a terrible time get- ting up in time for school." The local Fire Brigade hcld a farewell party at the fic hall Frida>' night in honor af Deput>' Chief Dick Sudds who has sinco gone ta the Mountain Sanitariumn at Hamilton for treatment. 'Air soundlng the fire alarm and egU- ing the truck aut toaa]W.ethe rounds af the towrn the S'elen returnod ta their club ý rpom wheîo Mayor R. O. Joncs x>made an add.ress and an behalt oo. the; brigade presented Mi. SuddS withi a puise ai mono>' wblch wa gra- cipuBly gcknowlodged b>' the re- ciplont; Fie Chief Lucius Hoaper idso spoke in, glowing tegr ai O hie Deput>' and regretted 111- ness. He pisa ., ve a, mast'infor- mative repot .oi theo Pire Chles' Convention ho i#e riti>' attended in,.Toronto . Ex-Aldermnan W. X'. Challis and Crelghton Devltt,' a Directar ai thé'Mape Leaf Pire Insurance Company, spolçe briei. 1>', bath being madé honorai>' members, oi the brigade. Salem YP.U. meeting Ma>' l4th Waai chargeo ai nilonar>' Vice-Pies- idont Mis. L. Squalr. Tapie was taken in dialogue faim roprosent- lng the lie work ai Dr. and Mis. Wrinch among the Indiansaet Skoena RI¶rer. Rov. Qaidner gave a fine talk on missions; piano solo, ~Rchaibl*moutlorgan .selec-, V' yio*r Cantest and sin-sog wrecônducted oib reereationul period. M. Pqon dToronto, wus tMw en - guat th h is parents. Hia father, wio, bat!'a bat! fail, ls lmprovin lovy. HamptnoW'.14JaXt Group were enetîn b -Mis. W. Cmnn and Mis. G. Niet, . alem 8,. .are busy practinfg. foi ibhek pugv Si>' *-be Mun L. Oleuip>s spiuin ankle onj Tueudawy elà gthe Dr-ls attention. TAKE NOTICE STATESMAN NOW ON SALE AT COU NTRY STORES From this date on The States- man will be on sale at news-stand rates, 5c a copy, at the following places: Hampton: G. A. Barron & Son. Enniskillen: T. M. ýSlemon & Son Buiketon: Harold Gill. Blackstock: Aler. Gilbert. Caesaiea: Russel Harran <after June 15). Nestleton: J. G. Thompson. Pontypool: W. H. Hooper. Orono: Tyirell's Diug Store. Kendal: W. Mercer. Newtonville: W. C. Lane & Co. Tyrone: F. L. Byam. Courtice: Frank Walter. Bowxnanville:- W. J. Berry, J. W. Jewell, J. H. Johnston, Jury & Loveil. This new depaiture is occasion- ed because, due to Audit Bureau policy, which everyone was made aware of by frequent mention in The Statesman, ,a goodly number of names have been cut off the liats because of non-payment of subscriptions. Otheis wMl be cut off next week if not paid ini the meantime. From naw on it is stiictly "Paid-in-Advance" ai news-stand rate of 5c par cap y foi The Statesman. We wish ta thank the above named merchants for their co-aperation. Much ado about several matters ai business engaged the post- prandial period at the Rotaiy Club luncheon Frida>'. President- clect Frank. Williamsa reported on the rink venture spansaret! by the club last winter and saîd that whilel'it was fa from being a financial succesit fillcd a need i the town which well justified the expendituro. For noxt winteî ho has plans ta put the rink back on a pa>'lng basis and increaso its usefui.ness ta the communit>'. The dilapidation ai Rotary' Park <now owned b>' the town) and ai the Ratai>' signs at the aprahes ta the town wore de- prddiscussod, and a commit- tee set up ta deal wlth the mat- tors. The rotuin ai Ratarian Herbert Layman, who has been spending the witor at his homo in Floîlda, was heartil>' applauded as ho rase ta take a bow. 1President Fred Hoar also called ani Wesley Cawker ta acccpt con- g ratulations af the club. His birthday was Ma>' 15th. Mia. F. C. Calmer was in Shel- burneoan Tuesda>' attondlng the iiftieth weddlng anniversar> coloe- bration ai her uncle and! aunt, Mi. and Mis. Jas. Tindalo. TRINITY W.M.S. On Tuesday evening, May lSth, the Woman's Missionary Society' held their annual May supper meeting. The beautifully decorat- ed tables were fiiled with mom- bars af the Auxiliary and mem- bers of the Mission Circle. At the conclusion ai the meal Mis. R. H. Waider's group took charge ai tme program, with Mis. Warder in charge ai the devotional ser- vice which opened with quiet music with Mis. Workman at the piano. Theme for the year was read-"Living the Chiistian Life", then the theme for the ménth, "Fallowing Christ's Way ai Ser- vice," followed by "A Creed ai ýChrîstian Living" read by the members in unison. Study for the month was on "Lule af Dr. Wîinch"l, surgeon ai Skeena, giv- en by Mis. Donald Purdy whose fine memory and easy conversa- tianal manner helped her ta bing before her listeners a forceful pic- ture of the life and work ai this devoted missionary. Mis. Hlairy Cryderman and Mis. Grant de- lighted ail present with a beauti- ful and appropriate duet. Mis. C. A. Bartlett and Mis. M. J. Hutchinson presented a complote report of the Presbyteiial meet- ing. Mis. Hutchinson took the chair for the business session. R.mlarkaibîe Record Congratulations ta Miss Helen Williams for obtainung the high- est mark given during the Dur- ham Music Festival. She was awarded 92 marks and gold medal in the Grand Challenge piano solo class; ta Laurence Morton, New- castle, 86 marks and gold medal in piano solo, open; ta Glen Tam- blyn, Orona, 87 marks and gold medal, also winneî ai the special prize for the mast promising pupil ai the festival, in piano solo class 16 years and under; ta Ray' Dudley, 85 marks and gold medal in piano solo 9 yeaîs and under; ladies' solo challenge, Mamian Dudley, 80 mnarks, silver medal; soprano solo, Jean Stevens, 8 marks, silver medal; and Arline lqoithcutt, 80 marks, bronze mod- al; giil's solo il years and under, Audrey Noithcutt, 83. Pupils af Mis. Reta Dudley, A.T.C.M. TRINITY W.A. Tiinity WamonIs Association met May lSth with Mis. T. W. Cawker presiding.. Ms. M. W. Tamblyn and ciclo woro in charge ai the devotional service and progiaxn; Reading, Mis. Tam- blyn; pray»ýi Mik. S. Rundle; ecripture lessan, Ms. F. Jackman; narrator, "Music af the Birds", Mis. J. A. Cole; solo, "Sing, Break into Sang," Mamian Dudley; piano trio by Rossini, M. Dudley, J. Luxton, M. Cale; "'God Sees the Little Sparrow Fail," childrçn ai group; "A Brown Bird Singing," Ms. H. Cryderman; "Sang ai the Robin," Darothy Nichols; "God Is Near," Wilma Richards; "When the Swallaws Came Back ta Cap- istrano", Mis. R. Grant. Civic Business Takes Attention Of Rotarlans FIRST AID. WEEK ~~ Sunday, May 1»t to Saturday, May 24th LOWEST Be ready wlth rellable flrst-aid supplies to treat thUtilte accidents that PRICE marhappen to anc of your famil>' at any time.« Have Your car, as well PRICES aayour home, equlpped for emergeneles. Stock up now during National Flrst-AId Week and! be prepareal. SINGS INSTANT SASE FIRST AID KITS -- 25c- 39c -98c \ ~ ~ P4~ MERCUROCHROME IV oz. Size - Reg. 15e lc DR. CHASES OI'NTMENT PEROXIDEv 4 ozs., reg. 15ec - SUN CLASSES Prêteet your eyes from glare 19c - 25c - 29c and up NOXZEMA UMITEI QUAflITY >v way of introduc- tien-a sBtous (resular) à1Sc Jar of NOXZEMA'S double action OoId Crtantfor onlv Ic-wih a res. tlar new 15c Jarof NOXZEMA CREAM. a. BIS SOc valua for onlv i&-- GOa his barpir' today. qpE White Sho. Cleaners It ------ -----15c- 250 Palm Beach. ----250 . . 49e - -Ilc ADHESIVE TAPE - OC - 15e Up GAUZE BANDAGES Oc -15C - 20C, ABSORBENT COTTON lOc - 15c'. 25C Tincture Dettol -e odine oz. 15c, Z20e Aromatie Ammonla oz. 15o . 1- 50c - 1.50 Boracle - 10o - 15o - 25o Medicine Glasses - Se Clinical Thermometers Each - 43e - 75e Lysol- 35o - 65e - 1.25 Wlteh Hazel - 6 oms. 25e Unguentine - - 44e 2 ozs..- - -. - 250 Zinc Olntment 2 oz&a. 5e Méeca Ointment - 23o - 43e FOR THE HOLIDAY Cameras - - 69e -'60 Films - 25 - 30eup îPaper Cups, 12's - - - 10o Palier Napklns, 609 9o S Pienlo Jugs, galion - -1.69 Vacuum Botties - - - 39o SEN"STIONAL OFFER HIND'S Houe>' and Aimont! CREAM 11 o. aIe $1.00 value I 49C SUMMER NEEDS Tat A»t Trape ' - 33o jVhilmfIset Kuler -23c - 430 Skol- for tannlng - - 40e Thermos Botties --- 1,25 Poison Ivy Lotion ---25o Sta-way ' keep off mosquitos 39q> Sun caps - - * 19e - 25e up PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY ,ALEX Laura Secord Candie& McOGREOO DRUCS We Deliver Phone 792 __________________________________________________________________ I Bowxnanviilo Cammittee in charge ai salvage wash ta advise citizens that from June lst ta, August Slst they wil suspend collecting sal- vage. Sid Little Clifford Samis Enniskillen Anniversary services on Sun- Lii ' dywere. a grand success. Rev.0 Wh t M.'1 Jenkinson, Pickering, held Ha a t r teroeting messages. Special brass quartette from Orono added much to the music given by the Sunday .qch FINE WHITE FELT HAIS ecol members under leadershipf o1f.E. E. Staples. Vlsltos; E.Griffn, ,( Doeskin Finish. Large shady brima, or smali d"tn Mi.fin Mrs. G. E. mnodela. A.n exceptionally fine assortment ofba Bradley and family, Toronto, ,". -fui styles. t'. C. Herod, Mrs. J. Heîod, Wéàton, at Mis. M. Griffin's. Sapper Cameran Oke was home Mis. B. Palmer,1 Toronto, at Rev. A. E. Harding's. Mr. and Mrs. W. Haskin, Miss Dorothy and Mr. B. Hoskin, WHITE HANDBAGS Buiketon, Miss A. Wood, Orono, Mils Jean Johns, Bowmanville, A lovely new range ini Patent, Pigtex or Morooco finish. Serv-~ Mr. Wallace Munday, Mr. Walter iceable and very smart. Ormiston, Maple Grove, Miss Ella and Mr. Glen Hoskin, Oshawa, * $ 2 Miss Eunice Knapp, Oshawa, Mr. R. Smales, Bownianville, with Miss Myrtie Page. .1fr. and Mis. R. Gilbert and Miss Velma Gilbert, Misses Jessie W IE G O E and Helen Knox and Mr. H. Mill- 1 arcDekn ri obnto ihPge ak ion at Mr. T. M. Slemon's. Blo arcDekn ri obnto ihPge ak *Mi. and Mis. C. Rahm, Flor- and Rayon Palma. ,eflce, Elsie and Ada, Buiketon, 4*-, and Mrs. W. J. Stainton, Or- Oi Tl t O aona, at Mi. H. Stevens'. 59C > NU $1.59I Mi. and Mis. C. W. Souuixand ___________________ ______________ Mrà. K. Caverly, Hampton, 'i. G. Rlggs and Mis. E. Ormiston with Misa E. Souch.OU Z E EECI r Mr. Herbert Wright, Lakefield, L C S a d LA K UR 1fr. Aithur Wright, Hampton, at CI U D C rD r frV Mr. E. Wright's. S)UIVIIlLI1S)flLI1 FlRO ft For Cool Comfort and Perfec t Freedom Mr. and Mis. E. Wright, Gloria Ok,CarlaîkeUnin. eatM. o telou, Spo . atso Firel DesnPlain Slacks From $1.00 pair as kClar eis m.OUn ion.r telou eleatytpPatso uel ShaesnPlin Mr. and Mis. S. C. Weîîy, Mis. nxatching Rayon Slips. Only Suits $1.98 and $2.98 Moffatt, John and Joanie, Mis. J.______________________ Borrowdale, Oshawa, Miss Nora E. Werih, Hapton, i. and s .$3.98 ýWrig, Hedron, Mr. an. Mis. C. Siemon, Haydon, at Mi. LUGGAGE J. A. Werry's. Whether you plan to atay a night or a fort- Mr. and Mis. G. Leask, Eunice nit ehaeteoUIyuned sat F.d Gilet, TSon, Dr. H Sen , 1JUiNHIDRENS PRINTS sun ight we gh te ase ioyo n ed. Bat and Eilaet, Tnolna, DMi. San i.lgtwihadnclitd Miss E. Buike, Toronto, at Mr. To fit 1 to 14 years. Good Styles i. and is'. Ge.Dvgead ada ~u t$ 98 T $4 8 r. an s. Go ai n n elvlea ...............$1,00$29 O 41 8 Miss M. Allin, Bowmanville, at _______________________________________ Mr. F. Doîland's. ,Mi. and Mis. P. Langmaid, Muriel, Charles and Helen, Mr. and Mis, W. Yellowlees, Solina, W 1 ~ Sa~~, . # 4 Mir. and Mis. K. Ormiston, Osh- aW~a, Mi. and Mis. P. Smith and Phone 451 BOWManVMO1 L16ya, Enfield, Mis. T. McGill at 1fr. R. McGill's. Misses Jessie Hogarth, Bow- manville, and Irene Shaipe, To- Qke's. manville, Mi. and Mis. F. McGill- and Mis. Perey Cann, Peter and D r.o and Mi. . FregsonDn- Mi. and Mis. W. Smith and and Donald, Toronto, at Mis. J. Joan, Salem, Di. and Mis. C. W. ald, James and Marie, Bowman- family, Oshawa, Mi. J. J. Ormis- McGi]l's. Siemon, Bowmanville, Miss Ethel ville, Mi. and Mis. O. Jeffiey, ton, Mi. C. Henry, Miss H. Hall, Miss Merle Oke with Miss June Cole and Miss Winifred Cole and Clem and Lois, Scugog Island, Enfield, Mi. and Mis. A. Beech, Ashton. Ward Gilbert, Toronto, Mi. and Mi. A. Stainton, at Mi. A. Brunt's. Union, at Mis. E. Smith's. Mi. and Mis. R. Richards and Mis. A. Northcutt, Alne and Mi. and Mis. B. Wood and Mi. and Mis. C. Geiiaid, Hay- Maurice, Haydon, at Mi&. G. Audrey, Bowmanville, Mi. and Nancy,* Oshawa, at Mi. S. R. don, Mi. C. Dicken, Oshawa, Mi. Beech's. Mis. Arthur Blanchard, Hampton, Pethick's. and Mis. S. Moffat, Burketon, at Mi. and Mis. Wm. Martin, Hay- at Mi. E. A. Werry's. %Cfss E. Oke, Miss M. Gilroy, Mi. R. Preston's. don, at Mi. Walter Oke's. The Statesman is now on sale Td M iM. and Mis. S. Turner Mi. and Mis. McIndoo and Miss Mi. and Mis. Harold Weriy, each week at Slemon's Store, 5c arid-Melen, Oshawa, at Mi. Wesley -R. Mclndoo, Mi. McQuade, Bow-- Ronald and Jennie, Kedron, Mi. a copy. MU" NATIONAL 1

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