THE CANADIAN STATESM~ ORON. N.c«essity For Cloun Living ,ýAoId Dy Auuiversary Speaker 1I'fusely decoratod with white a±dpurpie iacs and red tuilps Park St. Çhurch was the scene o! th1e S. S. Amniversary on Suuday, large crowds beiug proseut for thle event. Dr. Mihson, Oshawa, .ýWas g"est speaker. Iu the Zmorng .Mra, Drummond spoke brie! ly o! the work of the Sunday Schooh and the ueod fori support from the congrégation. ?e schaol, wlth the exception o! tie beginuers, prîmary and adult1 bible classes, reudered twa char-« uses. The primary reudered a * ehorus sud the begluners gave a n umber consisting o! recitations bHarry Lynchi, Dick Clarke, gerie Carleton, Joanua Corniali, snd Bill Armstrong, fohowed by a sang by the fivo before they - bIt the platfonm. Garry Hancock *as supposed ta be ln this but ýunfortunateIy took sick the niglit before. Miss Myrtie Smith played lon the charuses. Mrs. Sandercock - played for the lymus, the rogular choir took their places, and the school occupied the front seats. Dr. Mihison tahked ta the chul- dren, elucidating on tle nocoasity o! athletes mot smoking or drink- ing. A choir of 25 youug people who occupied the choir loft at night, witi Miss Myrtie Smith at the p oan, rendered a deigtful num- be.A quartette selection by Manley Littlçwood, Glon Tamb- cyn- Stella Beat sud Edua Myles was aiaso much enjoyod. Dr. Miiison expouuded on tle tact that youth have tomptationa to face sud that an exampie is nat s3et for themn by aider folks wlo also quit. often haveu't the cour- age ta say "no." Police Trustees mot Monday. The. secretary will write regard- ing calcium chioride. Mac Smith's tender for purdhaseofo firemnen's coats waa accepted. H. Clake was -lnstructed ta see that a tank be buill on a site choson in the uorth euéld a! the village. DIRITHDAY f une go, 1941* Low-! Rail Tlaies *.tween ail pointe In Canada and ta certain destinations ln Unted Status Faro and One-Quarter ]FOR THE ]ROUND TRIP IGO: Noon Frlday, June 6, until 2.00 p.m. Monday, June 9, 1941. RuBTURN: Leave destination up to midnight Tueaday, June 10, 1941. Times uhown are "Standard" MEINIMUM SPECIAL FAIRE - 25e Pull particulara from any agent. Canadian Pacifie place your Bray Chick oraur throuch us. No writinil. No mOnO>' orderu. No bothor. Peimonal at. tention - prompt deIIvsrY. F. C. VANSTONE *owmaiivIlli F. L. BVAM Tyrono FRED J. THOlMAS Newcastle JACK< HUDSON 0i*Ono -Mu 100 uI ,sures, WHY beap AskyoufDrug- PAY aocfo eel MORE L %y W.C.T.U. Off cors Orono W.C.T.U. met at the home o! Mns. Howard. Walsh Thursday evenimng ta wind up the year's business sud eheci these officers: President - Mrs. Howard Walsh; lst Vice-Mrs. Robi. Raimey; 2nd Vice-Mrs. Isaac Winter; Secre- tany-Mrs. Russell Beat; Treasur- er-Mrs. W. M. Stuti; Corr. Sec.- Miss F. Cobbledick; White Rib- boners sud L.T.L. Supt.-Mrs. W. H. Rawe; Evaugelistic Supt.- Mrs. S. Litthewood; Fruit sud Flower Committee-Mrs. W. Sey- rmour sud Mns. I. Winter. The convention will be tle sec- ond week in June. Mrs. Robb's Choir To Bing At CUNS E. Mns. Donald Robb's pupils, wha made such a splendid ahowing at the Durham Music Festival, have been asked ta simg ai the C.N.E., their music being broadcasted sud ail their expenses (midway in- cluded) paid. Oronoites wiil be advised as ta date later so they can "'listen lu." Oranoites are proud o! Mns. Robb's work sud oxteud congratulations -ta, lier on lier succeas and also ta the pupils and teachena. The chair wull be camposed o! chidren'from al 1er séhools. -1 c GRACE MITCHELL TENNIS PRESIDENT Orono Tennis Club met Mon- 1 ilay nighi for timannual meet- n.Grace Mitchell was elected president, Roy Colville secretany- treasurer, and A. E. West, J. J. Cornish sud John Gnady, court committee. Fees will b. $3.00. A discussion was bld regarding ou- ening île Kawartha. League sud ecision was tabled. It la planned o play retun matches witli as mny outside teama as passible. Early membership entries wouhd ce appreciated as île mumben o! nembers will have a great deal ao do witl tic passibility a! les- gue eniny. Obituary William Gem>' Thon. passed ta rosi ai Part H~ope a! toi several weeks o! ml- neas sud pain due toa a roken -leg, braken mear île hip, William Gerry, a former native a! Orano. Mr&. Genry laten lived in Oshawa and suer the deail o! lis w1f e rnoved ta Pont Hope whero ho died May 21st. The funcrai taok place Friday, wlth intermeni ai Orono cemetery. Bearens were: W. J. Waltens,, J. Walters, J. - Cowan, C. Myles, F. Slmmrersou aud R. Thompson. The floral tri- butes wene beautiful sud tic u neral lsrgeiy attended by rela- ,ives sud friends fram Oshawa, .lýmilton, Toranto, HIighland .reeh, Woodstock, Bnr a ut!f o n d, ?ort Hope sud Orno. Mr. Genry s survived by two sons, Ormne a! Hamilton, sud Amberson a! Osh- awa, sud ane daughtor Ida (Mms. Mýoyen), of Montana, ta whom tic sympathy o! tic community la extended. Your Own Job la The. Best Alihough masi o! us are woni ta envy île baud leader, tie movie star, tic big beague bail phayer, or other membens a! whai might be termed the "glamaur fraternlty," fow, If suy o! us, reahize !ully tiai mach o! us lias thé moat imporzanT job inthc worid. Our own job la tie masi important jab in tle worid be- cause lu it w. are the master. Wlether we ho mechsuics, fire- men, typisis or labourers, h las within our power ta ho île bout mechauic, tle besi fireman, île besi typisi or the besi labaurern aur onganization. Afier ahi, that la tle true measure a! success. Mauy o! us have doubtlessly listencd ta a radio,-singer, seen a star bascball playen in action or listeucd ta tic llting tunes a! a jazz-baud and wished that we miglt have a job lilce thai sund ai tleime w. were pnobably sixiceno lu that wish. Did you evon stop ta think, haweven, that hit s botter ta be a good teleplotie switchboand open- tor than a bad acireas?- ThatitI is botter ta ho Jake Joues, medli- auic, than Adoipli Hitler That i is boiter ta bie the bout lobauren than a pon baseballIjplayer? Dld you even stop ta thinh jusi what succes ealiy means? Af ion ail, the. major nequire- monts fan guccess are lutenqst sud pnide ioue's wonk. WltI tiese two facions ta soi the pace for cvery wonking day, tic future w il1 hb niht for ach of us. Elvc rijob stic masi important lob luîe world ta île man on womsu wîa las i-Pillipa News __________________ Larme Lamb and Ruth, Enniskil-' 'J"le1in, Mr. sud Mrs. W. tion Socia andPer fljIOrona, visite Mr. and Mrs. G. Towns, Cobourg. Phone 4hr16 Orano Hydro Electric Commis- alnmtMonday. Treasurer re- HOLIDAY VISITORS ported balance lu the bank of $3,543.44. Geo. Chase reported W. C. Lynch at home. that the operatiiig balance up ta Bill Baldwmn an leave. April SOth, was $666.77. JackStobrt n leve.Orono girls' softball .team are JackStobrt n leve.steadily lmpraving with practice Ran Patterson an leave. underCoach Manley Littlewood's supervision. Cut out the schedule George Mitchell on leave. in last issue of this paper for JackCobbedic at ome. future reference. JackCobledck t hme. A car hit two dogs beoanging ta Elmer Middleton on leave. Messrs. Chmara and Stan. Payne. a thlif Jones, Stiling, at -home. Mr. Chmara's -dog was killed out- béu Neil Waod, Toranto, at home. right and Mr. Payne's had ta be Ph~ ,,electrocuted as his jaw was bro- W' John Keane, Toronto, at'A. H knuti Keanel. kea ~eu ~Scouts met Thursday eveningfai Bill Fouud, Toronto, at W. E. with 23 present. On May 31 they )avey's. start a drive for the Navy Lea- Arncliffo Wanuan, Toronto, at gue. Mr.Mllor is goiug ta Les- Mrs. John Wannan's. kard, Newtonville, Kendal and Miss Thelma Myles, Whitby, at Crooked Creek i iuterest o!f home. same. This la a warthy cause 50 Miss Viola Gilfillan, Hamilton, give your ca-operatian. wlth her parents. Thursday's Star contains a pic- Miss Betty Rbwe, H-an#lton, at ture. of Fhyîng Officer Wilfred home. 4ewis, Wehcome, wha received Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Bowrnan, the Distlmguished Flying Cross Enfield, at A. J. Tamblyn's. from King George folhowing mare than 30 attacka ou enemy terri- Miss B. Watson, Toronto, with. toryy. Mr. Lewis is a friend o! gr YIrs. George Buttera. Hon. and Mrs. Vincent Massey, th, Misa Velma Morgan, Perth, at near whose Camadian home he ar home. lives, and. spent his last leave with mý Mr. and Mrs. Henry Yonkers them i London. Ho is the son of Pr and Fred, Preston, with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Lewis-of Wel- ex ta Mr. and Mrs. R. Thompson and come. Ij .amily, Toronto, with relatives. Orono was a lively place Satur- Mr. and Mrs. Taylor with S. E. day evenimg. In addition ta thea Allen. dance ithere were several groupa th Mis Mrie Mrto sd fiedhaving a show of fireworks au i MhisbysaM Gre Morton'ds.ind Main Street, a wedding party pro-. ai Whitb, at eorg Mortn's. cession, and the heaviest trafficbl Mr. sud Mrs. George Koith, Ta- for yeasa. We underatand an im- à ronto, with Mrs. James Moffatt. promptu show of fireworks in the ai Mrs. Marshall, Toronto, with park was put on by Bill Found et her father, Mr. George Cooper. who lot a match f ail on the group Mr. and Mrs. Norman Winter, of firecrackers ho was iutending Oshawa, with relatives, ta sot off one at a timo, witli the' a Miss Mary Sisson, Whitby, at resuit they ail went at once. eh home. th SMr. and Mrs. Saundera, Toron- ti toî at Mr. A. Saunders'. Newtonville l Dr. sud Mrs. Leslie, Toronto, se at W. J. Riddell's. Recent Visitors: Mrs. Peter Mra. Raper, Toronto, with Mrs. Lainig, Orano, with Miss Isabel ýo: J. C. Garpey. Laing. . . Mr. sud Mra. James is Miss Phyllis Carleton, Wood- Martin, Sidney and Dorothy, s' stock, ait home. Stayner, at Mr. George J. Staple- tü tou's. . . . Miss Wylma Farrow, hi Mrs. Linton sud Iva, Toronto, Newcastle, with Mrs. Fred Nos- t] at G. M. Liton's. bitt. . . Mra. Bob Urry sud son, hi Miss' Mae Gleuuey, Toronto, Ottawa, sud Mr. and Mrs. *Elmer tû with Miss Adele Morton, Toronto, Randahi sud John, Oshawa, with ai at Mr. Albert Mortou's. Mrs. H. Randal... Mr. sud Mrs. el Mr. sud Mra. Gardon Suggitt Jas. Payne, Toronto, with Mms. and Nancy, Toronto, at Wrn. Sey- Wm. Smith..-. Mr. and Mrs. HarrY maur's. Stone, Toronto, with Miss Jermie, n Miss Margaret Roy, Guelph, at Thompaon. . . Fred Souch,a home; Mrs. Roy returning wulth Toriàto, with Mrs. Chas. Reid... her. Mir sud - .Harper and Mr. Miss Ruth Lowden, Toronto,. Oliver Tuir, >Cobourg, aât Mr:1 Miss Doris Lowden, R.N, Orillia, Lanson Miflson'... Mr. amd Mrs. a' at Charles Lowdeu's.- M. J. Osborne sud Mrs. Haines, r, Mrs. W. A.orroreh, Mr. sud lMrs. Bort Cross- a Mra W.A. oarCîbane Aloy Jak Barries sud Norman ri Mr. sud Mrs. Gea. Flegg sud Keefer, Cowk iiM.adMs daugliter Brenda, Oshawa, wlth Philip Beauderle, Gelert, Mr. sud si Mrs. K. Giamsby. Mrs. Reno Bebee, Marriali, Mr. a Mr. and Mrs. Piggott sud faarnsd Mrs. Westal Stringer, Mr. and ily, Brantford, with M. A. Carle- Mirs. Alf. Perrin, Miss Dorothy b tan. Simpson, Cowanville, at Mr. Gea. r, Mrs. L. Hoidge sud Misa Mar- Henderson'.. . . Miss Edna Jones iý janie Holdge, Toronto, Mr. sud and Messrs. Colin Gange sud Bort si Mrs. W. R. Young and children Hathway, Toronto, with Miss and Mrs. MeMillan, Peterboro, at 13etty Stapleton. , Mrs. Hamilon, Mr. Chas. Wood's. Cobourg, wlth her sistor, Mrs J. 1Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Staintan and E. Anderson... Mr. sud Mra. Alec Roy, Mr. and Mrs. Ivison Tamblyn, Merrillsud Teis. D. Morrui, Wark- Oshawa, Mn. and Mrs. Milton worth, at Mr. Wlllis Jones'... Mr. Stainton, Darothy sud Clarence and Mrs. E. Petty, Ottawa, at Mr. t EnniakleatM.W Sauo' S. R. Joues'... Mr. and Mms. Harry Lano sud Leona, Caîborne, ait Mr. . Roada were tarred Friday. WC.Lns... Pte Bob Hughes,e Mrs.C. ambln vsite Nhi M rsay at hom. . . Mn. and Kenda. C abl. ste nM.RySmith sud Carlos, at Mr. Kendal.Chas. Cowan's, Cowanville. . . .t Miss Mar Baldwin visited Mrs. Mr. sud asn. hse, saa Hoaper, Bewmanville. at Mr. Arthur Redknap's... Mr. J. J. Meilor was guest speaker and Mrs. Bruce Wood sud Mr. sud ýat Leakard Sumday evening. Mrs. George Wlckett and Harold, SMiss B. Watson has sold her Oahawa, at Mns. Wm. Whlttaker's. houso ta Henry Cantrell. .- Mr. sud Mrs. Tam Sharpe, 1 Re. S Litleoodchanged pul- Barrie, called at Mn. J. A. Barnio's Re.S itlewaoDrMllo un .TIiuraday an their way home fram pîts ith ev. r. Mliso un aa trip ta visît their son Orwell, at Mrs. W. C. Lynch lias been on Montreal. Mrs. Wesley Carwker, ;the sick list. Bowmamville, vislted the Barrie .Garry Hancock lias been on the homne Frlday. . Misa Desue She- Sslck list. mon, Toronto, at Mrs. J. T. . The Council has fenced in the Pearce's... Mr. MacGregar Joues, 1land bought fromn Mrs. W. S. Roy. Markham, ait homo. W. J. RiddeU attended a lodge One a! a'ur planeer residents, meetng a Suton.Mn. George E., Staploton, passed 1 Mn. Duncan's cottage, la nowawy udnyMoay thi bein bultthecellar havimg hoed luPart Hope. Ho lad visit- bein ug bult, heis wlfe in the hospital on beendug.Sunday as usual but» suffered a t Congratulations ta Keith Mc-j severe heart attack SUnday night The nain was surely wecm brook Pair at Onano. A number Frlday. Mauy citizen. have had o il eepeetwobln ta have water drawu because o il eepeetwoblu à, ta the Club that have been tak- their cisternu wei'O empty. lug the subject "Nutrition and Mns. K. Gamsby- entertalned Health." Leader a! the. club, Mrs. FnIiafr 1er son Douglas anid Lionel Hughes, Introduced the ou soday for hon dauglter cîass sud sald they had Chosen as Grace, the occasions belng their their subject for this meeting birthdays. "'Gaod Reading." Badch girl gave Mn.. Clifford Retz sud son a synopsis of a bock mIe had nead, Garth, Fairview, Penn., Mrs. whlch was very linteresting. Mrs. 'WMANVILLE, ONTARIO XIGHTY LION OOUNTS ON YOU Shis miglty British lion, praud Oubol o! au uncanquerable race, qpictured lere supenimposed ou background of factanies wlose ëlches o! smake chido a sym- iony o! determination ta nid the lorld o! Nazi luat. Truly a trib- te to Canadian industry whose acnies prôduce these planes sud ,Random Ruminations By The Man ou the Sheif MAN PROPOSES AND GO» DISPOSES Man says, I will not. . .. Some eat eternal power brings to mari he conviction that while there' xe many things he may do, it aay not be wise to fight agamnst e#nciples that time and human xperience have proved necessary ostabilize daily life. Mari ays.. ,jifl flot .. cail it what you will iyou rebel at the conception of Suprçme Being ruling the earth, le resuit wlll be, that tis great âdefinable, unseen, but neyer isent, plumb lime that may flot )é de! ied with impunity, stil] ands and will stand, and hum- titios' weaknesses but prove its eernal worth. »t is this belief in the mmnds of my who are in the mood to give iought to such questions, thal mables men sud women to be ieir own kings and priests untc rils inner shrlne that al Who !&flt can retire to, and none can îy them nay. The preposterous assumptior )n- the part of suy human that he aqualified to control tho con- wience of another-is s0 grotesque fiat; one has only to look at the âuman agent to explode the ieory. At the end of the trail àe will occupy no more o! earth ian the most unassuming..* and if the meek shall inherit the arth, what will be iris inheri- tance. Honor more intelligently the tental endowment that ia yours, and assuming you have under- èood the implications of the Iedge made on the honor ofa Boe-Sctiùt, and-d ou Ought toi b ablé'-to do that i order that you r>ay hiold his respect . . . if you are a normal, self -respecting nember o! the community, you will have kept yourself physicaill strong, montally awake, and mor- alIy straight. Grantod the latter, then on 11f e' battie front, apply one of the test. recommended by the Teacher cl Nazareth . . . "By their fruits yE shall know them." I arn of thE Hughes explained the phases ci ýrork, they had taken and aIsc announced there would be ai 'Achievement Day" at Millbrooý in JuIy; and expriessed her desirE that -a number of aur membei attend. A contest was put on b3 M~iss Bertha Thompson. Meetinf .losed with lunch. U. C. Sunday Schoal met in fi, church Sunday morning as 'th( tables had flot been removed. ships and guns-the tools of war -this design won first prize in the caming Victory Loan cam- paign. The design was the crea- tion of A. J. Casson, well-known Canadian commercial artist, and as. a resuit Mr. Casson will receive his prize, a one thousand dollar Victory Bond, at the hands of! His, Excelleucy the Governor-Goner- al. Wlien repraduced lu strikiug colons o! gald sud scarlet. the de- aigu will appear on bill-boards in every city sud town in the Dom- inion, a reminder ta the nation ta support the boan Sa that the tools may bo supplied ta smash tle Ger- man hordes. be on the part o! many self- chiîdren whoae parents lad juat aatis!ied representatives o! mamy been bombed lu their homo sud1 human organizations . . . the ad- the little ones were reported say- vice: Don't do as I do but do as I ing, "I wisl Daddy sud Mather say. Thereforo, istening ta Our were here ta tell us what ta do Great Eider Brother we shah tny next." taI work out our awn salvation Paul said-- "At a groat pnico with fear sud trembling. obtained I this. -. You wave Somewhero back in generai yaur flag, wonderfui, what did it reading there was a passage that casi YOU. It certainiy cosi maniy ran somewlat as foliows .. .. ...mucl. Ail you have and are, "When we get ta heaven there was sud is depeudent an wlat will be thnee thinga that wiii sur- somo have doue ta permit it ta prise us: (1) ta find mauy absent f loat. Are *YOU quite BRAVE. we iliauglit would bo present; (2) Thon in the neaim ihat created a ta find many present we wene mental stimulus fram which em- certain wouid be absent; (3) but anated ile brave wlio died for we wouid ho mast surprised ta you, at leasi use the pîvigete fînd ourselves thene. secured ta prove they did nat die The Carpenier o! Nazareth ... in vain. tcompare the appealing modeaty o! rthis titi. witl some you will find t aunouncing the occupancy o! the BEING MOTHER 1pulpit in the Saturday editions o! aur dailies, In one passage in the This being mother la some job, Book o! Knowhedge, we lave il. MucI bigger than you thmnk, words . . .-lHo gaeth before you. This raising dhiîdren, spanking Iwonder ho owoinbh u thm some of the Ecciesiastical, robes And coohing eats sud drink; tthat are needed ta mahe impres- This scrubbing ibem sud teaching sivo what wouhd otherwise be tiemn, 3very ordinary. Iu aller words, And putting thomn ta bed, 3where is the connection between This darnlng sox sud patdliing Huit sud them. It seems couspic- claties, uous by its absence. And combing oach ono's lead. Yet tle heart o! the multitude Amd wlen iley're sich, it's ma- hungers for tle indefinablo, sud ther's hand however it may hase its good sens. That soties thein fevered lu inlte mob, in the quietneas o! browa, eita own chamber, hohing at i!. And mother always takos their suad its product, tIno las rebellion part [l againsi excesa, the sicheming mis- Ini sîl their scraps sudnows; Sery sud waut, too often the logicai It's mother's oye thai watdlios praduct o! île hach o! seif-disci- tîem, e pline, bringa sudh dissatiaf action No matter wlene they b., -that the onhy answor ta the un- And when they get in trouble satisfied cnaving wleu we are They seek mothen's sympathy. normal is for the standards o! the ,one who . . "Was a man o! son- And when a girl grows up a bit, n, ows sud acquainted with grief." Amd stants ta lahklier beat, -We ueed more robust leader- It's thon same boy cames slyly & slip, more honesiy in aur ai- 'round a logiance ta the teachinga a! the Ta steal lier from hon neat; )e many codes, gnaciously worded, Then mtin 'lfrowns sudsasys ta ýu that adorri many an assembly dad:1 Uraom. . . . Mare manhood sud "Our daughier we can't spane, g9 womaniood. In the fierce test- We hadu't ought ta lase île girl 'u ing o! the worti o! luman ef- Ou wlom we've spent such [y fartsa tailanaw gaing on, haw cane." puie much o! daily habit sud custom hlooks ... as false as the But tiat boy keeps on caming .paint sud powder used ta caver 'round, tup human de! octs which luci- ,Amd 'round wiil no excuse, ýfdenially came up fram tic bat- 'Tilt mathen throws up bath 1er Oe tom devatees o! the extreme, sud haiids .0 île weanena o! gitsud tinsel, And says: "Aw, what's the use?" supported by the professional cap And thon hon mind goos back to if sud belis, nover dreamed tiat wleu io they would be setting styles for She played a sim'lar part, Ln the "Up To Date." And ile Danny Cupid aloi hk O! course Ho is nat wanted ... An arrow tîrough lier eait. re but Ho certainly la needed. Haw And tien she gives 1er'blessing rs embarrassed we would be if He , and )y dropped in ai some o! il. social Tb Dad says "Ain't this fun? .g functiona that dlaim the energies We will not hase aur daughter, sud sometimes the iradesmeu's W. will get another son." ie money. How doos ih measure up e lu the lighi o! a home love thai -RALPH GORDON. faces su irreplaceable bass. Did 628 Crawford St., Toronto. )AY, MAY 29, 1941 an easy bed that brings the most restful sleep. Business Dixectovy Legal bL G. v. GOULD, B. A., L.LD. Barrister, Solicitor Notary Phone 351 Bank of Commerce Bldg. Bowmnanville W. R. STRIEZ Barrister, Solicitor Notary Solicitor for Bank ai Montreal Money to, Loan - Phono 791 Bowmsunvllle, Ontario L. C. MASON, B. A. Barrister - Solicitor Notary Public - Etc. Law iail its branches Office iminediately east of Royal Theatre Phono Office 688 Home 553 Dental DR. J. C. DEVITI! Amsistant: Dr. E. W. Blason Craduate of Royal Dental Col- loge, ioe: Jury Jubilee Bldg., Bowmanvlle. Office hours 9 amn. t. 6 _p m. daily, except sunday Phone 790 - House phone 883 X-Ray Equipment in Office Funeral DiIrecto-rs FUNERAL DIRECTORS Service, any hour, any day F. F. Morris Co. Modiemn Motor Equipment, Amn- bulance and Invalid Car. Tele-ý phono 480 or 734, Assistant 573. Veterinary DR. G. R. DOOTH 323 King St. W., Oshawa, Ontario Phone 21 Large and OmanliAnimai Surgez7, WILFRED W. SERWIN DVS.V.S. Veterinary Surgeon Office: Main St., Oronor Phone 56r7 ENTERTAI NER, Seure RJALPH GORDON, the wonderfuily versatile enut er- tainer, fer your next entertain- ment. Illustrated circular frm0 ' Addresa el8b Crawford Street Terento- -~ IGGRTY MON COUNTO ON YOU I PAGE NMN WOMAN 0F 18 SPRI AS ACRICKET Feois More Like 48 A ch ,es udpansar»t 'ine,«V it ab'e tbare la always a cause for them. Hure is a littielemon ou growing old, by a womau of 78:- 'For the asatflve year I have taken Kruscheu Salta sud I tell you trutbfly I could not live wiot them. I amn 78 years old. I#=v bardly a pain in my bodà snd I fuel alinost as young as Idu at 48. 1 give the credit to Kruscheu Saita.. No one wil believe yae9 -M .)C. M. Most people grow old ion g before their time lbecaus ,e 4get n vital need o ehthe needfor internai cleanlinesa. Eventually they start the KYruscheu habit. Then, probably for the first time in years, thy start gettig rid every day of ailwaste mnatter frorn the Bystem. They begiu to fuel energetic andhap.n a word, thfey'egot that"Kachen Feelinu."