VLM,7BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY 29th, 1941NU ,k, W th Which Are Incorporated The Bowmanville News, The Newcastle Independent, And The Orono News ICTORY TRH DAY E i THGH ScHOOLSUD LionsDiretorae ElctedMad Midlands Enjoy Life on East Coast.. Churches Uniting oHl Report Made On War Work••. Divine Service àpnoe Shows Much-Money Spent a ~By War Loan Cocnte Romance of Md o t o rORNYUIN "ra "pot IdsroRMEET IYH TRNITY FRENCH TEACHER T a.ra orngtl mein o teABOUT CAMP FIRE0NSPR C A HPry sFo Lions Club Monday evening was, The Young People of Trinity the ntrEaphtetea as always, productive both in en- Church held the closing meeting MtheHHighdSchool grounds.,willebe tetanmn ad usnfor this season Monday it r.ch acrolLngtB.A., .th loaleSna vnn t73 actedA aduiness trans- when they hada hi 1ssFec ece tBHSwsfrarlgossriei hc ace.Avarety of items of im- members of the Orono Union.•caldubyteRalCninalcmuiosfthds portance to the service club men Both societies met at the Cream Air Foreo WednedyHer-aei and citzn f mavleds-of Barley Camp andlhadt a jolly pore toang eolda e rare Itinie Oakprt trctwredal it óloin wiener roast and sociable even- the art of being a ulot-obserr Bo sbeng ane the excellent dinner. - Proceedings opened with what T eaM.nwr tecdthins peitorncnucinwt h oa 19 1-4democratic vote henew w supposed to be a baillgame éa 6 ented withaLowrth re VctryLoncomite.fh elected -and announced as follows:being 25the3 in favor the orete osoftescol Glet upseohi pcilTrc a Chas. Carter, Stuart James, Alex McIvepesident of the Boy's Serviceitobasum-pntn CGa.rer, Sm.rOlive,AE um-imessae osd ctservic o n Athletic Society, made the pres- the relgoseprecso(h d'ýLs' angsRy Dlig he glowing«embers of the camp eMr. Longworth who has tandyer.Thepa sttrctzn rey mh, . .hmson, V ern ub fie and the entire meeting was a very active interest in sportsantunheotnltosp Ott andithe reM.tringpsidern, 1y sngccessfaxto an exception- Aand other school activities will be PortthprsnVioyLa, Ted. Chant. At the next meeting ihich almost every 1 ondaynght greatly mised.Asaleae ofurt andvtltouhi]e a new president ¶ill be elected brought forth something new and Freh hewalss unea olle ndbtalot acmleeefoti from this slate. profitable. In suspending activi- ille a ratdloss tdo scholevrydartetoainllf On June 12th the regular meet- ties of the Bowmanville sceyOneofsm o eaceitndoit.s o th athrsl wl e it mng will be held jointly with the until nearly next September the e o isi mthre caet cdutie w a n igtosan.bd twp evieclubs ill sponsor ehs dent I ou seewepre ba 1st MVidlands taken at Ottawa andClareBke.Tpright, hows a coe ih hat avidi soldessread hese lads certan1yatsees saepca co w ich peace.novertthe Dominion simi buton couicionr of Alex Gli ten. e the East Coast. From the appear- house hine-up receiving their ra- the home town news in their local at receiving letters and paers day. servie rebig ed Hrh Edowndstne winhos ringing dis- on Uno hkpresidew any 11- nce of the boys, army lhfe seeshtoa ;oe ho itinuh ethe" my aper; the lad in sweat shirt is a from home. In the centre is genial Other things to Mr. Long- BugleBandan e Sco tinction to the community this Union for their excellent enter- shows a number of local boys Living, formerly of The States'. of igarmp a .lof the new style Captain M Cismplusf h elmet, oth scediota wntheubyHigh Sho rud t73 year as Warde4 of, the United tainment. with Lieut. Charlie S p e n c e r, 1 man staff, with his brother John, showrmhehayairct. oe igtwopasysecondm ommand of "D"stiteamth s er tamndthe which our hsbenstt Counties, at which time the pop- ----------ehpp n otetdCmay rmBwanil. Csaltite thyerad the as-rictr give ular Andy Clarker ember of the ltall f team rea e hievtict sv e druacomnte . ueprgm s- I'NeiIbighlySchool Boys Patriotic Tnree Local Girlso m nv le Miia y Camp ben nsruenalina adu- eric be shav l b gh 0 s akr . i g eat nra a prduons ead g ic acelen ecord.TheSeptaerecaneiv- àýaqrsI s things that have made him out- of Britihmtttosadi h ing badges as a toli of their in- Tpday three Bowmianville girls standing.anWithouatshiscryiseo the Empire T e .War. SeW ées "cofilmittee i h cv n naltt,,Cuebsp it e dprgw h d regarding its activity, that $76e0 exercises there until after the • i hotestofl kienm is-vabetoflwthcmpeesr will soon have been spent for the CO L. LýT. McLaughlin war. Grwed aduainh enad-ReruttNedd 0 Awy ue eseo'uc mh siadjiin ign h current year on different phases Tk SM h a en [ORed aned s he .A.. bildngr . egcentHigeyPras-vihyns of its work. Each week smokes Taes SalUte ' en A .C ýSia are being turi!ed over frue FrAtv evc ed For Smartness lAs anunefoStepupt are dispatched to eleven men on Cadets March Past by the R.C.A.P. And Re reFre AdSpedDsi-FLO E EVIE lbthhsgterniso mchvapprvce.ted o neac - PriZes Presented A . . etvl Dorothy Jones, daughter of **'*find e- nd i DisAp- LOW R RICE S.p.°Caneat, n na h meeting caboteadfo en ts f T Mrse Mayor and Mrs. R. 0. Jones, has Bowmanville Armouries are ieEjyNgtA TTIIYSS aaa hrfr h omt tHanaere . nda t (hiby hrnice)e awarded thecgraduatin dip- adafor recruits. Uner thehcou CmP•ANNIVERSARY lie héed*of°f*h Wuchan Jack ib n d G. . C.axmn,â"Ha t heBys-o Bwavil h omalcrowning oetheoma while Norma Searle, daugh- mand of Major P. H. Jdbb, O. C. district reta o n isti weharkGbsd rom. F Highan ch oool wm n May Qee feratred gfthe nuler of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Searle of "D" Company, 2nd Midland Led by martial music, the Grey Trinity United Church will be out-of-teodnr ms evc arerveryaptriotic, My CourthFstivaleatehe'On-danuth Cryderman, daughter of Regt., recruiting plans are going and Simcoe Foresters swung into pfusern ly derte wth beu-nextAsudya7.0pm "Singing Wheel"stated Col. L. T. McLaughlin at tario Ladies' College on Satur- M a nd ughMe rs f e ryde r Mn aa fusre n gth. or evrytruygeT d aydip f ul pi ng he flower Sextie Su h nd A ndrc il rvd "Modern civilization depends the cadet inspection Tuesday af- day morning. Resplendent in assthg emersswl s hvaba of the juirMn ar nedd fr vr wn us fernon in a mo rnJue tineepn g aholmpcatinofalhhvie upon the network of highways ternoon. He took the salute and white befitting her rank and dig- sid ateecllasstWillalls o f tobranofte ry adillbheteruly greatmtary displhhe ayAwithteFoenevc hc ndmscs httesettr and the modern knights of the inspected the company and high.. nity, Miss Barbara Stokes, of far le arewl o h alsogtknatatiepovidinnthe terthei marh thoughthe anil erare The Sunday cholnmisa erot-fdos vna ly praised their efforts in behm% off Brazil, knelt at the foot of ann nidfnt eid are physically fit. Tradesmen are street of the town they took up Aniversîma r Teshoonl cilrn ditne (contrnued on page 2) almost 100)i per cent in their turn her throne erected on the spaci- The traditional parade through particularly needed. Men are their camp for the night at the waci omheacprcssinl, nd Sout. ous lawn, and in the presence of a daisy..chamn is being held, Dr. coming in at a fair rate, but more Cream of Barley Camp. Bow- marchutoothe curs c rmging Led y te shoo Bule anda very large crowd, after taking G. I. Christie is presenting the men are needed if Canada is to manville was the third overnight buqetso flo e rs tondeacor ADNW Parents Attentien 1 L ythe ompany nderlcom and o the oath of office was crowned diplomas and Hon. P. M. Dewan bring her army strength up by stop in their trek from Toronto t fontgefloral csandcan.anhor Th CaetCompany rcptaindMr y r.A E aerieof Rev is to deliver the address. 32,000 more men. Trenton, along one of Canada's i n bh hne.Coa h adhl rcieo . C adtmboreparaded aroundMthe A. E. Baker, of Davenport United Ending of the gir's classes af- Men are needed to go to Camp buiethihay.msc ted ch anrso heatre b Mnyivn. h inga h rore schorenete fch dren begmnmig slcamreps. Ted copny was Church, Toronto, who a few min- fect 9 is who are enrolled with the Reserve Forces at Con. The Greys can only be com- the choir loft andin bo ide wth . a fes p ac ir tednc.Nx shoinSptemer are request- mco ade usftopatoso.n utes previous had addressed the i the two junior classes but the naught Ranges in July. These pared to our own Midlands for along with the g eth rchis r actc wl e ue n t . Nus, Ms aylor, at Central Ilenan ct Dne, n n It was. a scene of exquisite beauty, has announced that one-year at- the Reserves for Home Defence ciplined. They were given the 11 ga wil nue ry. e iom any nwomr, secal Schol, moringof te patoo ofwhienseu niomd sig to which Old Sol added his con- tendance will be recognized at the and are required to do 30 days' freedom of the town and only prd ogm iiclue rctanspaers withtxperence first two wes of June. If pre- nallers led by Sergt. Don Venton. tribution. The Queen also accept- University of Toronto for those training a year. The Camp com- good reports have been received schoosoclns .by a embers ofth h LgonBn hsaled fredpupils of the South Ward Sergt. Jack Colville was in charge ed two 'gifts, the Castle Chapter who have the entrance qualifica- mences on June 29th and is ended about the conduct of the splendid Miss Thor im . ared n y adasetaksnetrigtfe may be registered on Tuesday of the Bugle band. Alumnae pin from the May Queen tions to attend. o July 19th. boys in khaki oMmbrsandvison o n its fet aganylsgHrl afternoons at South Ward School. • of last year, Miss Janet ïviumgom- Te- . Membe ajr . . h rchsoad maderaseent f-heAlialo ewcsl n fis Besde th rgitraio.reui- ter the march past each unit ery Moore, of Bermuda, and the .FeThey ere and b a jwo r H. V.chrcht sted houdi e asevce- rebeshhselitda edMs taylogiraold litoputon a display of military tech- pin award of the Chapter for thisi1ntM.M.e an ar wose proo- or t t outnd t bth inisricegonhetoKnsn discuss health problems with the .niuee diladaorfel ucs ya rmMs.L dua. Plenty of Cash For Victory Loan : a r g g o sIi on ob ohisiig Te25hBtainbn n mothers of beginners. .The Queen was attended by her ders by the t' hy c t h or- a e anein.courreenstruenth s weresnoKnso 222 (ondad npge1) cughtelrsof Eisstor ndMs eo a aa s Lend Savings Freelv camp at Trenton, officers, teachers and pupils. Lib- Althoug ti eraie ti 8 W. aes, of dThe anadian Go. The lads left Whitby early eral offerings are anticipated to going tob1 mosil o h dtC0 S StW. atesa, owmavle andThursday morning and marched meet the expenses of this import- LegionBadttkeoane- R AB RDS frolle m naStaa miss L ouise Skutezka cnd- oaySekr y itr NYCAK OIGthrough to Courtice arriving there ant department of church work. gagement o e ots year student from Czecho Slov- Bonds Readily Convertible farounnnd .0 hrthreystayede Travel To Weekend Jlabokree hte uen re- e eMeet trpies. ndn o er d ho adt.rt-tDruahead Service andP rd Seric Cub Prvie ras-'wa poidedbya ruk lntbya 1nsitBess, ettyf nle "Canadians have over four manvillher hwr oBw SriOn F Po dThrdsco re Keever's ar e t nedfr mni wargessand ean Pog- ltimes the amount needed for the Hundreds of civilians visited sW lAte d t poths o Tak lee Gaerts riv oen b "im hm- s and Mue Ths dJa on. forthcoming Victory -Loan in their camp, milled around the - G efan ·onlaedby "in sn adre Th omth 1 banks and investments. It should trucks, improvised beds and guns March Past. Rotary Clubs and Nelson Os- honor of the May Queen under not be hard to oversubscribe the iof The coidr ng Thur.da en- hap aincrTheMandsM iati i ac n osdrn borne, Mrs. Chas. Bartlett, Dean the direction of Miss Adrienne six hundred million dollar lI n wheelscooking eq up menal annSeneRas Im-ta s wste isim hs - y rckad arsxt-our an, F Har FrankWi darm, physical director at te next month," said J. H. Mulhol- ment and eattraedon o m hc pressive Service. themar pasml eakb Scouts and Cubs with their lead- drove their private cars. way of variety and above ali adofP oeautRoayCb rddre en frm heviitrs.Cas as ibuetoethsasi tniC ers went to Peterboro Saturday Scout and Cub leaders in whose demonstrated the character of the RtrClbFda.sting al n highwaywer Suda afernon roide .tth oclsoMo(hsrc toaten te iganuail jam- charge the youngsters and young physical training the students are "Tiseastatolheae-ers who wrehvisitin fien idawetranTiiyColg e uc tokthsat borate.nheWtheran wscrmn9a h ie fterlve eevg ge, every man, womnan and child in nearby towns. School cmu, otHPea owl ie a n tws. talygodtoth by fr m e l iy te todn anCd C m r lHe here t rnt stom il ae hemstplaas an c am c as, ot Hco nsosaelysrc br ee.To e te r a a ige i m r en s r h e uer M T4 -- . . ....- GnRohers o To n i v ry u t at esh w a f e a d a a dé- a aC d da--, e h