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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 May 1941, p. 6

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THURSDAY, MAY 29, 1941 THE tA4ADIAN SBTIMkMAN, BOWMA1UVILLE, ONTARIO I The Newcasle Idependent Phone. Clarke 1114 Mrs. Bruce Cotter is under the doctor's care. visted MrL Cowan. Miss T*ker Couch, Toronto, was guest ai Mrn. W. H. Pearce. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Pearce, Mdland, visited relatives here. The Statesman i8 5c a capy at- Andcrson's Drug Store. Brentan Rickard, of Bell Tele- phone Co., bas been transferred ta Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Wmn. Neil, Toron- ta, spent the weekend at their Newcastle bouse. Mirs. Gea. McMillan, Oshawa, has been staying a while with Mr. Martin, Laverne and Dora. Cyril Meadows of the Galt Air Training School, and a fellow student from'Waterloo, visited bis mother, Mire. Geo. Meadows. Mrs. Wm. Quigg flew from To- ronto ta Newcastle last Sunday week in company with a flying fricnd of her son Jno. Quigg. Mis. Wm. Hanna, Miss Jean and Gordon, Corbett's Point, at- tendcd United Church S. S. Anni- vcrsary and visited Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Allin. There have been many fine garden displays of tulips. Prob- ably the mnost impressive for color DUY YI- A FLAC To eomply witli the speclal proclamation everyoône should decorate fer teUictciry Boni Campalgu WE HAVE FLAGS from Secup WAILLPAPER AND PAIUT We have attractive prices ln different grades of paint for Inside adoutaide us. $Oc qt. Up Se.! our clour combinations. Special Bargains iii Walpaper. FÀLTEE'S DAY-JUNE 15 Don't forget t. seuil a cari. We Have Them. Je W. JEWELL "BdiaO 0" Ihlin. 556 Bewmaavli .FAUMEIS'ATI PriM to attend your Township Poilerat AUl meetings 7.30 p.m. S Wednesday,- June 4th - Speaker - Professor W. M. Drummin Department, O.A.C. Professar Druninond is anc ot Canada ultural Problems. Farmers from al hear him. Thursday, June 5th-Hami Friday, June 6th - Bethi Mr. V. S. Mlburn, Sccrctary o! Uic Or turc wiil speak at Hampton and Beth forceful speaker, wbo 18 wdil posted J. F. HEYLAND, President. DURHAM COUNTY FEDERATI( GRANT BROS. $ This provei semm cm oastillbe p yeau sthmasbous kxown a"d proi uperb uee corsLarge varletr ilues .JELLY POWDERS Newiori FLUFFS I bd qSmansl h4ra cW aid number o! blooms arc Mi. aid Mis. Frank Branton's. Pc. Wm. Aflin, Camp Barden, spent Uic weekend wth bis par- ents, Mi. aid Mis. Irvin Aflin. HI, pal, Roy Ashton, bas been tA'ns!erred ta a signalfng corps aid sent ta Vimny. A !ew weeks ago Uic Holstein men bad their innings la Uic ncws colunins of The Canadian States- mai aid lest wcek it was intcrest- ing ta note that Uic Shorthoin men bad their innings. Ncxt? Mr. aid Mis. Minto aid Cather- inc are moving ta Mus.'Jas. Dick- san's faim at Trickcy's Corners, aid Uic Finley bouse which Uicy are vacating will be occupied by Mr. aid Mis. Ernest Alldread. Mr. and Mis. A. H-. Fisher and Miss Mamaon, Belleville, werc wcckcnd gucsts of Mis. Gea. P. Rickard. Miss Marion gaes ta Montreal Monday ta take a posi- tion with Canadiai Industries Lizited. Many Newcastle citizens will be laterested la Uic engagement ai- nounced of Miss Eleanor Walton- Bail, daugbtcr o! Dr. aid Mis. W. H. Walton-Baf, Toronto, aid Rcv. Russeil Gardon. Their photos wcrc la Manday's Star. Sr.- C. G. I. T. met Thursday. Mrs. Colwill took the study book, "Tales from Trinidad.11 Roll cal was answcrcd with "Wbat anc would sec when walking la Trini- dad." Next meeting May 30, will be a Sunset Service. Meet at Uic leader's home at 6.30 D.S.T. Josepli Quigg 1 employcd wlit Mis. W. H. B. Chaplin, had bis le! t cyc sa sevcrely lajured by a picce o! wirc whcn lhe was fixing a fence Friday that bie bad ta be taken ta Oshawa Hospital ta bave it trcated by an cye speciafst. By Sunday it was much better. Masters Donny aid Billy Lake, Lake Shore, arc bcginning ta feel Uic lure o! life on Uic roada, on rubber tires, for it grcatly pleased their !ancy te slecp lest week in their grandfather Abert Pollard's bouse trailer parked on North St., with grandfather in ai opposite bunk. Mr. aid Mis. Alan Down, Eb- enezer, visited ber grand»other, Mis. W. G. RundlW, atfr. Gea. H. Jols. Mis, ,Rundle is keeping bausc for Mr.' Joil aid Everett whilc Mis. Jo i 1inlaToronto wheîe she undcrwcnt an opera- tion for Uic îcmoval o! a cataract from bier eyc. Golden Rule Mission Band met May 17U, with President Mary Toms in the chair. Annual Mis- sion Band tea will be held June 2lst. Eilcen Alla rcad the scîip-1 turc aid Shirley Brunt led la prayer. Owlag otaeUiclflness of Mis. W. E. Beman, Miss Mamaon Allin told the staîy about Trini- dad. Intercsting programn con- sistcd o! a chorus by several girls froin thec country, 'a recitatioti very ably given by Eileen Aflin, aid a piano solo by Claire Alla. Newcastle Horticultural Society undcrtook thc plantlag o! a tour foot high cedai bcdge on May 21, bctwecn Mis. Ernest Aflint's apait- ment bouse aid the new fire hall. Men actuafly engaged la Uic work wcrc: Edmund Thackray, Jno. Garrod, Walter Crowtbcr, Dave Shaw aid Gea. Robinson for a short time witb boise aid plow. The bcdgc is about 80 ft. 1n ad Uic trees werc tiuckcd by Harold Couch from Howard Alin's Third &à-N-9AION! - nw TOURRTO OHUEOHIILL ON ftWAY Line pasture ranch. The bedge bas cffected a great improvement, as it leads ta Uic fire bail on Uic lcvdiled aid grass sown grounds o! which Coundillor E. A. Walton o! Uic Parks and Pîaperty Comnilttec bas bad a number o! sbrubs planted. Newcastle Dairy took 600 plats o! pure wholc milk and chacalate milk ta Ncwtonvillc Fiiday ta accommodate Uic 900 members o! the Grey and Simcoc Foresters with rcfîcshing drinks a!ter their ten mile mach !rom Bowmai- ville. The Battalian bivouaccd on the scbool grounds-and sur- rounding streets and yards for their noonday meal and made it a red letter day for the Newtonvile schoolmastcr, Laurence Saveiy, aid pupils wbo, an arrivai o! Uic trucks aid a nuniber o! Uic sol- diers la Uic morning, ccased pro- cecdings aid went out ta mingle aid get acquanted'with thc men. Helplag Mi. LeGresley aid Faim- comb aid Driver Douglas Wal.. on ta serve Uic- Uiusty saldierm were Mis'Hee McRvoy, H. R. Peace aid Mi. aid Mis. Abert Pearce. Ail but a !ew half plats af chocolate milk was rcadily sold.1 Trail Rangeri' $prlag Salvage Campaiga bas been pîagrcssing very weil aid thU icyç, soon have anather truck load. Thursday a group o! Trail Ropgers met at Murray Walton's ta tic up papers. Aftcr the wark was donc, Mentor Edwin Hancock tooli Uic mcmbcrs ta Uic Crcam o! Barlcy Camp ta sec Uic soldiers. Saturday main- ing Uic members calldat bouses which had not been prcviously visited ta collect salvage. Satur- day aftcrnoon the Trail Rangers wcnt on a hikc ta the waods. The main event was a treasure hunt. The group was divided lato twa teanis. The hunt statcd at Ed- win Hancock's aid aitcr a zig-zag course ended near the campfire la Jose's woods. Ted Haar's ide won, Muiray Walton belag the lucky fladcr of Uic treasure whlch was a box a! maishmailows. A lunch o! bot dogs, choclate mi]k aid maishmailows war- then en- joyed. Aiter this thcy cnded the day with !ireworks cclebrating Uic Quecn's birtbday. NEWCASTLE UNITED CHURCH S. S. ANNIVERSARY tiai of A&iCU1IuI, Meetiaga.____ Standardl Time. Readers o! United Churcb S. S. Orono Town Hall papers ougiiî ta know Walter oui AgiclifialEcuemesMoorbouse by name. He is a ion, Arieltuai conm'e blckb aiad chalkatsi aid 4Guelph. illustrates the Sunday Scbool les- a's besi auUiorities on Agric- sons, with reproductions o! bis parts a! Uic County sbould work on the printed page. He also edits The Canadian Girl's Own pton Township Hall Page, witb its special Photography any Township Hall Sunday at Uic United Churcb ntaria Federation o! Agricul- S. S. anniversary be was Uic any. Mi. Milburn 18 a very speaker. Ia Uic mornlag, with Uic 1on Federatian proceedings.asitneoEdn nckad Russell Braicb, be promptly won W. B. REYNOLDS, Uic cager attention o! childien Secretary. and adults with bis colored cray- DN 0F AGRICULTURE ans and bristol boad la a frame. By means a! Uiese be braugbt home ta bis audience-Uic value and desirability o! TruUi aid KindUiness, Toleraice and a spiit o! Helpfulness, a Rugged Individ- ualism aid a burning zeai for a botter world. He picturod the '>*EE COR diference, between a pleasant persan aid a groucb. burehaseil ai oui store. For Bey. B. E . Morton conducted venInuUils district as a Uic service. The Junior Choir sang, assisted by Miss Aulene eteck. Northcutt, Bowmanviile, wbo la ber swect yaung voice, rendered two solos. Four little girls o! Miss Reta Poweil's class iook Uic o!! ering, Ruth Aflin, Auvlla Brunt, Mary Schmld aid Mary Toms. Baskets of tulips and other *.UU1I~YT4If1owers adorned the sanctuauy. *7d~I I~&1B y special request the pupils and IIU.U~ 5L~ teacheis and officeis o! the Lake Sh rent a. ndalt ibepupls Shoepre an N. anday c hoopla ad staff a! the Newcastle achool m a i occupied the front pews. In Uic evcnlag, ater conclud- lb. 75C lag theoapcning aider o! service, Uiecocngregation maved lata Uic S. S. baIl wbeîe Mi. Moorbouse sbowed a set o! beautiful aid blghly latcresting laiternasildes -3 tIns for 27c of pictuies be tioak la ngland, Sctlaid and Germany wben ho conducted a graup o! 35 hlgb - 2 Ibo. 27i' scbool boys Uirougb these on tries. The pictures taken la Ger- many sbowed phases o! Uic Hitler ange In Wet Youti Movememi and ibey ail made it cleai that i the yeas immedlaiely preceding Uic pie- sent wa Germany was conserv- ing ber resources for the conflict ilin and accustomlag ber youth ta spatan habits. Ai ibis service four junior boys, Glenn AllUn, ROCERY Neil Britton, Tracy Embly aid Fiee Dellvery Francis Jase, colected Uic offer- Ing aid Uic Junior Choir sang twa appropriate anibemo. Obituary Mis. Parnaby M4artin' There was an exceptionally large attendance of friends and relatives in attendance at the funcral o!flice late Mrs. Parna]Dy Martin, Newcastle, an May 19th, for thic Martin and MeMillan familles arc af long standing ln this part of Durhami caunty and tic members of tbe several branches o! succeeding genera- tions bave always stood bigh, in the esteem of their fellow citizens. The service was held in St. George's Church with Rev. D.. Dcwdney officiating and th chair assisting. The casket was banked with a wealth o! beauti- fui flowers, loving tributes of those who mourned for flic dead and sympathized with the bereav- cd. Among the relatives présent were: Mr. and Mrs.,Jas. Martin, Sidneyï,inc Dorothy, Stayner; i.adMrs. Asa Martin, Toron- ta; Mrs. Swanson, Mîllbraok; Mis. Gea. McMillan and daughters, Mrs. Thomas and Mis. Rowdcn, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Ch. Beatty, and daughter, Mrs. F4 ncy, Port Hope; Mr. Malcom Martin and Mis. Frank Jobns, Tyrone; also among friends from outside points: Sergeant aid Mis. P. Williams and daughtcr, Miss Phyllis Williams, Toranta; Mr. aid Mi Bray, Dale; Mr. and Mrs. Garett aid Mr. aid Mrs. Suttan, Part Hope. Many others called at *tli house on Sunday to..exteaàd. their sympathies ta flic bereaved family. Interment wjas made la Bond Head Ccmetcry with flic follow- îng acting as pallbearerg: David Shaw, -Scrgt. P. William of the Toronto Police Force, Fred Han- cock, Asa Martin, Walter Crow- ther, Gea. Gaines. Mrs. Martin before her niarriage was Miss Laura McMillan, a dau- ghtcr of Mr. and Mis. Arcbic Mc- Millan, Elizabethvillc. Here she grew up, attendcd schoal and the wooden Methodist church on the bill. When she became flhc bride o! Mi. Parnaby Martin of the Sixth Line, Clarke, they settled in Newcastle. They have livcd in Newcastle ever since, with the ex- ception of a short tinie spent in thc bouse on the Selby faim. Mis. Martin was a memnber of thc An- glican Church aid was active in ail the work of flic Parochial Committec. The word o! ber pass- ing in St. Josepb's Hospital, Ta- ronto, on May l6tb, brought sad- ness ta rnany hearts. Besides ber husband she is survived by thice sons, Larue, of the Clarkc-Dar- llagton town line, Laverne at home, and Acrial Gunner Sergeant A. R. M. Martin, Somewhere in England, and thîce daughters. Aresta and Lois, Toronto, and Dora at home. 'Auctioneer ELMR WILBUIR LiceuselAuctioneer Hampton -Ontario LSPeCiallzlagI Faimn, Livestack, IMPlements and Furniture Sales TERMS MODERATE . Phone for Ternis and Date ta': 1 Bowmaille 2428 1 CAN'r HELP fl 315- ' r OLEN ME DJRY 4. GI4JES tAE 50 MUCH-IPEP i ýjLsT NATuPALLY HAVE «TO SLIDE UP - AITEPS D OWN Solina ti t] t t: f t 'Visitais: Mi. and Mis. Wlbur Moore, Toronto, Mr. aid Mis. Jack Moore, Utica, N.Y., at Mi. Arthur b$oor's... Mi. JM Reynolds and Master David, Hampton, at Mr.. Jack Reynolds. .. Mis. Normnan Alla aind Miss Marlon, Newcastle, Mus. John Aflin, Ait. aid Samn Allin, Mr. aid Mis. Oscar Jamie- son, Bowmanvilc, at Mr. Wes. Yelowlees'. .. Mr. aid Mis. Ern- est Lamer aid family, Black- stock, Mr William Gilbaik Bow- manife,* Mr. David Gil1ank, Saskatchewan, at Mr. E. R. Tay- lor's. . . Mr. JomnSîcinon, Ranis- killen, Misses Jessie aid Helen Knox, Hampton, Mi. aid Mis. Russell Stainton aid family, Mis. Jas. Stainton, Mion, at Mis. Rd. .0.son... Mr. aid Mus. Cbas. Smith and faniily, Hampton, at Mr. Jack Yellowlees'. .;. Mr. aid Mrs. Edgau Pascac, 'rnornton's Corners, Mr. and Mis. Hilton Tink and faxnily, Ebenezer, Mr. aid Mis. Claraice Tink aid faniily, Hampton, Mr. aid Mis. Percy Dcwell, Myrtle Station at Mr. H. E. Tink's. . . Mr. aid Mus. Jac Cbapman, Hampten, at Mi. Bryce Brown's. ... Rey. Chas. Elliott, Toronto, Mr. aid Mis. M. J. Hobbs and Joan, Enniskillen, Mi. aid Mrs. Everett. Elliait and family, Oshawa, ai Mus. R. J. McKcs-, sock's. . . Mi. aid Mis. Chas. Johns, Lakefield, 'Mr. and Mis. Faster Smowden Keldon Mi. aid q&fs. Fred Sith aid Lioyd, En- field, Misses Mvyrtle Hall aid Joan Newton, Bawmaiviile, Mis. Chas. Laigxnaid, Mr. aid Mis. Roy Mc- Gi aid family, Rnniskillen, at Mi. Roy Laigmaid's. .. Mr.Erîn- est aid Misses Myrtlc and Bernice Gilbank,, Bamvlie, Miss Nora Kersiake, Toronto, MssLais Lau- mer, Blackstock, M.aid Mua. AlnBalson, Kingatan, at Mr. A. J. Balsan's..- . Mr- aid Murs. Chas. White and family, Mi. aid Mis. Archie McDanald ,Osbawa, Mr. aid Mis. Chauleton McBride aid family, Peterboro, Mr. aid Mis. Aflan White, Mi.*Jac Wbite, Tar- ante, at Mi. Geo. W...'... Bey. aid Mis. Ivan Kennedy, Claie- mont, Mi. aid Mira. Charles Wer- ry. Mis. Do0las McLaughlin aid Glen, Oshawa, Mi. aid Mis. Arthur Stainton, Zion, at Mr. A. L. Pasca's... Mus. Redford Cam- eron aid Jean, ZMon, at Mr. Isaac Haidy's... Mis. Arlcy Northcutt, Arlene and Audrey, Mr. W. Ellis, Bowniqnviile,- Mi. and JMis. Frcd Crame and Rd., Mi. Art Gorlag, Oshawa, Mr.. Alex Sleigbtholni, Wbitby, Mrs. Jas. Burns, Mis. Miss Giadys Kersey, Mr. aid Mis. Laverne Clemens aid Ronald, Mu. aid Mis. A thuuBacad Hampton, Mi. Morley Brima- combe, Nestîctan, at Mis. Chas. Bflachard's. .. Mr. aid Mis. Ev- erett Hoar, Bowmanvllle, ai Mr. Frank.Glbert's.. . ?&. aid Mis. Nelso.' Flc& aid family, Taunt- on, Ur. aid Mis. Tam Wegtlake aid f amily, Hampton, at Mr. Frank Westlakes... Mr. aid Mus. Elgin Brummel aid amily, Bow- maillé, Mr. William Brunimel and Howard, Columbus, at Mr. WpirParlndei's. . . Mr. aid * V. d. Davis and Mus. Neabit, 1dron, Miss Marilyn Davis, Osh- a a, Mr. aid Mis. Laine Hoskin, To ne, Mr. ad Ms. Glen Hos- ,,,Burlieten, at Mr. Ralph Davs'..Mr. Ben Powell aid Meiwiss Mbel Powell, Miss Birdie pallia Oshawa, Mu. Frank Wal- ters, âourtlco, at Mr. Narval Wot- tens'. .'. Mis. L. C. Snowden, Mis- ses Betty and Mildrcd Snowden and Joan Jarvie, Maple Grave, M%&. and Mris, Chas. Hawsam, Mpy and George, Port Perry, at Mr. Thos. Baker's. . . Mr. and Mis. Wil Mountjoy aid family and Miss Norah Weiry, Kcdron, Mis- ses Helen Meicait aid Wllma Dawns, Oshawa Miss Jean Mor- ris, Bowmanvifie, at Mr. S. R. larr'.*.'.Misses Jessie and GraoYoilowlea, Oshawa, Mr. J'akWright, Bowmanville, at Mu. N. C. Yllowlees'. .. Miss Jean Leach, Bowmanville, Misses Doris Leach aid Marguerite Trevail, Teuton, ai Mr. John Kivd's... Miss trége 'Bragg, Toronto, Misses solen aid Muriel Baker, Peter. bora, Misses Majory and Ileen Couch 'Bowmanvllle, ai Mr. Jack 19~.. . Mis. Gea. Graham and Baï' a. Francis Thompion and Froni Wright, Bowimanville, Misa MXi-t1e Dunlop, Peicîboro, Mins Grace Yellow>ees, Ohawa ,Mi. and 3&sr. Howard Cowling, Wblt- b,ai Mi. Sid Hockaday's. .. Mr. JmSmale and friend, Gali, Misa Runice Knapp, Oshawa, Miss Kathleen Cameron, ZMon, ai Mr. J as. Smalc'... Mi. apd Mis. Hos- 1cm SniUi,,Enfleld, Mr. aid Mis. Les Gibson and family, Mi. Gea. Gibson Sr., Columbus, at Mr. Ed- gar Prescotts. . . Rev. J. R. and Mrs. Blck, Wbitevale, cailed an frlends h.... . Mms. Frank Gil- bert in Taranto lest week. .. Mr. and Mrs .Sid Hockaday, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hockaday, Misses Lizzlc and Rilda Hackaday. Mi. and Mis. Frank Westlakc, Mr. Chas. Sbartridge and Mi. Bill Wcstlake attended Uic funeral o! Mis. Thos. Osborne at WbltbY Friday. . . Mr. aid MUs. Bryce Brown attended Uic Yule familY -reunlon at Mount Albert Satur- day. Large crowds gatbercd, on Sun- day aftcrnoon aia evening for Oui Sunday School ainiversary ser- vices. Young people bad the shed beautifully dccorated with s pring flowcrs, cedars, flags aid bunt- ing. Rev. Ivan Kennedy, Claie- mont, gave two excellent dis- courses. Mis. John Baker direct- cd thc singing by Uic achoal and Mi. George Werry was piaiist. At Uic cvcnng service Uic double nuxed quartette, Misses Pearl Leacb, Kathleen Baker, Ella Mill- son and Jessie Ycllowlecs aid Messrs. Wesley Wcrry Neil Yel- lowlccs, Harold Balson aind Fran- cis Watten gave a selection which was much apprcciatcd. On Mon- day evcning Uic yaung people p resented their play "Simple Simon Simple," ta a very appreci- ative audience. 'Mis. Roy Lang- mald dirccted Uic play aid Uic cast af characters included Mrs6 Wes. Yelowlees, Misses PeaiT Leach, Gladys Ycllawlees, Annie, Patter, Muriel Langmaid aid ERUa Milison and Mjessrs. Haivey aid Neil Yeliowlces,. Eber Millson' aid Francis Watten. Music was provided by local talent. Miss Barbara Leask aid Masters Bob- by aid Ewart Leask* gave their recitations which they had given at Uic Music Festival. Mr. Jlm H-aicock, Bowmanvllc, with Miss Helen Williams as accompanlat favoured with two excellent voc- al selectiono. Rcv. Rackbam. was chairman. Procceds about $160.00. There wiil bc no services bere next Sunday. * £E ENO'SSA LT", site 59V 980 304 à -5Cell, Focuslflg 75c -98e -1.75 -Z75 We offer you FREE DEVELOPING and 24 hour service 01n yeur films. Po P. R. COWLING, Phm. B.'mp mins. .. Mr. aid Mis. W. W. Horn aid Mis. -R. Avery at Port Hope. . :Mis. Cumberland, To- ronta, with ber daughtor, Mis. .Gea. Farncomb... Mi. and Mis. Chas. Nelson, aid Mi. and Mis. -Dean, Toronto, were weekcnd guests o! Mr. aid Mis. S. Wl- liamis. .. Mr. aid Mis. Isaac Bul- mer aid daugbter Catherine, Osh- awa, at W. Wilbu's... Miss Made- Uine Truil, who visitcd ber mother, bas returmcd ta Toronto. . . Mis. Myrtlc Taylor, Toronto, spent the wcokend at home. Bey. W. Rackbam pieached on the Claremoni circuit an Sunday, Bey. I. H. Kennedy o! that charge taking anniversaiy services at Eldad. S. S. wil be hcld ai 10.30 ncxt Sunday; no prcaching se- vice in Uic evcning on accouai o! Zion anniversary. Synipathy is extemded ta Mis. A. Trcnouth and Mis. Mabel Tay- lor la Uic death o! their sister-in- law, Mis. W. Pascoc, Toronto. A numbr from bere attended anmiversary * services ai Eldad on Sumday aid Monday. Congratulations ta Austin Bar- ion aid Gladys Trull who werc marnied on Saturday. The Statesmai is now on sale cach wcck ai Bairom's Store, 5c a copy. Maple Grove Visitais: Mis. Wm. Jeffery aid Mi. Herbie Je!fery witb ber dau- ghtcr, Mis. Beit Wilkins, Caurtice. ..Mr. and Mis. E. Twist aid son Raymand ai Mr. M. Blackburn's, Haydon... Mis. L. Collacuit aid Miss Lenore Caflacuti ai Mr. aid Mis. W. H. Wcstlake's, So. . . Mr. aid Mis. Stephen Jef!cry with ber brother, Laine Plummner, Port Hope.. . Mis. L. C. Snowdcn, Misses Bctty aid Mildrcd and Mr. Bob Snowdai, with Mr. aid Mis. Thos. Baker, Slin. .. Mis. Creighton aid Mr. aid Mis. Wood- laid, Toronto, witb Mr. A. Laurd, Si. Eniimskillen Mi. and Mis. J. A. Werry apeni the weekcnd with relatives la St. Thomas an>d Landon. Mr. aid Mis. Mervla Hobbs and Joan, Bev. aid Mis. H. Lackey, - .Tyrone Visitais: Mi. Glain Hoakin; Oshawa, ai Mr. Laine Hoskins... Mr. aid Mis. Fred Ellis, Enniskil- lai, at Mi. L. Brooks'. . . Mis. J. H. Mutton, Bowmaivile, ai Mr., Perey Hayward's. .. Mr. aid Mis. C. Ireson aid Doreen, Toronto, at Mis. Floyd Dudlcy's. . . Masters Murray aid Aflyn Hoskin wiUi their graidparents, Mr. aid Mis. Tennyson Peremai, Columbus... Mr. aid Mis. N. J. Woodley aie visiting bis sisters ai Gorrle aid Harriston... . Mi. Levi Skinner ai bis daughter's, Mis. Laine Mc- Coy, Biaoklin. . . Mr. aid Mis. Leon Moore with Mi. aid Mis. Theo Downs, Lakefield. .. Mr. aid Mis. Walter Park aid Shirley aid Doris and Mi. Trcwin Scoat with friaids ai Sutton. . . Mi. ana Mis. Harold Treviti, Toronto, Mr. aid Mis. Albert Wood aid babe, at Mr. Herb. Cameron's. Mis. Thas. Scott, wba bas spent several montbs -in Bowmaiviile Hospital, returned on Sunday ta ber son's, Mr. Ronald Scott. Haiold Burgess and Lloyd AI- dîead aie working at Pickering airport. Tyrone Sohool Newa By Gregar Friend Bethcada aid Tyrane played a gaine o! "baseball Monday. As Bethesda's players were mostly juniors, Tyrone won 22 ta .39. Bethcada tcam were very good sparts and playcd vcry bard. In the mcxi game we play Uiey wil likely beat us.... Oui Wa Sav- lags stamp campalga bas reacbcd a total o! 230 stamps or $57.50. Wc hope ta reach $75.00 by the time Uic holidays atari. . . . Wc sent $2.00 ta the Telegram's Wa Victims' Fund. Wc received Uic money by collecting paper. Now wc have alueady Énother consid- erable aniaunt of paper, rags, Iran aid ti..... Since the weather was so changeable, there were a !ew pupils missing with colds... Junior Grades 3B aid 3 are study- ing about Eskimos. They arc draw- lag pictures, :making records and rcadlag about tbem. . '. . On Aibor Day we planted some flowers la two new flower beda. In the af- ternoon we played games and had a picnic la a woods.... Two new pupils siatcd in oui achool - Dorothy and Maurice Jebson. DoroUi 18il primary and Maur- ice in Grade 3.... Rcd Cross pro- gram opcned wltb Uic minutes. Donald aid Harvey were elected ta get up Uic mcxi program. We sang "Dear Canada." Rail cal was Uic naine a! some declduous tree. Glenn gave some bird rld- dies. Gregar gave a piano solo, wblcb was followed by a poem by Darathy. Bill gave some war questions, aid then a story was reasi by Victoria. Doris favored wit a poemn, mter whlch we al sang a sang wlihUih tune of Jingle Bolls. Program closed wli a spelllng match. The Stateamanis1 now on sale each *eek ai Byam's Store, 5c a copy. Hampton Visitais: Bey. aid Mis. J. R. Bick, Wbltevale, wlihMi. and Mis. W. Wilbur... Mis. M. Good- mai and Louise, Mi. C. Hf. Bur- raws, Oshawa, with Mr. aid Mis. Alan Parker, Montreal. . . Miss Nancy Jobns, Toronto, wlth ber mother, Mis. C. Johns... Mis. L. Williamson with friends ai New- tonville. . . Mi. and Mis. Geo. Farncomb at Newcasle. .. Mis. R. Luke, Tyrone, aid Mis. D. Fletcher, Oshawa, ai R. H. Cole's. ..Mi. and Mis. E. H. Cale vislted ai Mi. Sid Hoaa's, Tyrone. .. Mis. L. Crydormian la Toronto. .. Miss L. Reynolds with Mis. B. Pascoe, Solina... Mi. and Misý. Fred Bu-. leit and baby, Scarboro, ai A.. R Billett's. . . Mis. R. Burns aid daugbier Barbaia, Oshawa, ai S. Kcrsey's. . . Mr. Jack Cowllag, Toronto, ai home. . . Miss Ger- trude Petit aid Mi. Kenneth Bowers, Toronto, Misses Gladys Cbapman aid Çedile Petit, Mary Soutihey, Nancy aid Michael Ver- coe, Bowmanville, ai W. Chop- Miss Grace Sanders and Mr. and Ivrs. J. A. Werry were tea guests of Mr. and Mis. E. A. Werry, Tuesday evcning. The Statesman la' now on sale, each weck at Slenxon's Store, 5c a copy. Success doesn't just bappen. It is organized, pre-emnpted, captur- cd, by concentrated commnon sense. :THEATIE Thurs. - Fri. - Sot. ..MAY 29, 30, 31. 2 Feature Pictures 1 "Viva Cisco Kid starring Cesar Romero, Jean ]Rogers, Chria-Pin Martin and The Girl ln 313 Wltli Florence Ric., lent Taylor, Lionel AtweU ad Kathanlne Mon. ".Tues. - Wed. ,1'UNE 2, 3, 4,ý Double Bill Captain Caution P starifl Victor Matuend Lolse-'Plat - Matee andl "One. Million, B.C." Swii Carole Lais-Lon Chaney, Jr. NEWS EXCLUSIVE BOND AGENTS Wlien FOU are measured for a Boni suit You are aiàIr- y ei ot absolute fit plus a high quality niaterlL A Mie seleciion of olothes are lu oui store froni whipli Fou on ÇhOm oseur suit, Lateet styles are deslgfted by Bond Cobch, iohnston & Cryderman, Mt. Phonoe86BowM unle a 1lt COWLING'S DRUG- STORE' W. Test Eyes ad Fit Itruses to your entre satisfcton in qualty, style and price. 980 sise i1lb. Dodd's Tai Hhni's bsorbent Kldney Ant Cream Cotton Pinsir 490 39e 33c NOVA KELP TABLETS SPECUAL RIch i VltBIfins8and ergen's Tollet Sosp, Mlnerab ;290 - 79e - 1.39 4 large cakes 16e Piai Aid Kits *29c - 7190 - - ----------- Tangal, fer buins - 500 Unguentine --440 Aihesive Tape 10o - 75e Thermos BotUe - 1.25 Vacuum Bottlos - 890 Outlng jugi, i gai 1.69 Absorbine Jr. 980 - 1.95 Sorbe - 49e-OSe WH=T 8H1 LEANEE h -- 15c- 250 NiaI.- - - 250 Palm Beach - - 25o Clniteila 50 Sc Sliu-MM i- 1e IK-- For Summer Sm artness u.e We uggeut you look ai oui new 1941 styles of summer ceaieaid dresses W. arq, proui to be able te offer theom te amy customer ai sucli reaonable prices. Drop loto Our Store And Look Aroun.d

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