tEMI)AY, MAY 29, ig VMANVILLE, ONTARIO iCorp. Ed. Cook has retired from MA.Y QUEN CROWËeV AT O.L.C. ROTARY CLUB I I ~~the V.G.C. and taken employment fo ao1 Ein construction work on Manitou- * (CofltinflUo ae1 I SOCIAL AND PERSONAL lin Island where Mrs. Cookselonar iliary attending the Presbyterial vide the instruments of war niaY HOLIDAY VISITORS Mr. and Mrs. ot obt n W.M.S. in Port Hope were Mrs. promptly be provided. -WIile ex- ______ lakeMrs D. . Hnry;Mrs J.penditures of the present fiscal Mrs Ebe Crnshan Jan Nel spent the 24th with Mr. Coyle, Mrs. L. T. McLaughlin and ypear rountp the ls ofi t omut Mr.EhlCrihadJaGeorge Douglas, Palmerston. Miss F. M. Galbraith.spnonteatcolitnem t Toronto, with Mrs. Burt Andrus. Mr. Charles V. Hor, De La Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Ashton population and the national i- Mrà and Mrs. T. G. Norton and Salle College, Toronto, with his celebrated their 36th wedding an- cebea nmtas.et bot Craad boy-g Locust 1IýJ, with relatives, parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Hoar. nvdrsary on Saturday, May 24th, Bond 50, 00, $Roi, $1000, m* Helen eritchard with To- Mr. Bill Brunton with his mo- and wère dinner guests at Mr. and 1ore asr etlyinrease 4ýnto relatives. ther, Mrs. Fred Brunton, Have- Mrs. H. J. Babcock's. saln ;ýénsaewlllvie h 1 r o atrgt asmlc-Mr. Byron Crawford, who has best investment in the world. To M~Jen ese, ornowîh icoe FSm orestosfwthehi Grey & been working at the Hydro camp 4 those who have not available cash M eanety etties.Toono, t ie Bih Trit .GiC. cousin, at Bals, was home recuperatiflg the speaker pointed out that MisBtyBtls t.Bl at ...from a sprained ankle, but has money to be earned in the future, iss Amber Morton wlth Miss ss Mary Stewart, Elsie since returned to Bals.MisBraaSoeCETEw dwn Q e fthMY mn. Marie Bartiard, Bailieboro. Howath and Frances Downey, To- Mr. Harold M. Gulley, Vice- o Mi s ofBntaros adCeNTRE iè hi, th~ne ue nitheMay methu bgcmaisndor Mt. and Mrs. Win. Nelson were ronto, with Miss Edythe Carter. President of Silverwood's, Toron- Mon th lMss okentarioLad bies' olaroe oftythe smuonting o thou eheg opani e oancr hi orotpwit hi preps.to, was in town Sunday viiting tM a 24t. ofM adMis tk s eteRy our oe SoPeasudt, raz praoni s ware heindivthela in T ront , wth, isparets. Mr. Leonard Summerseales and Editor Geo. W. James and getting ther daughe r of r a nd E TMis R. J am Soes, Sa aulro ri. and to fng l t co wi th The diid a- Misa Dorothy Richards, Toron- friend Gloria Brown, Toronto, a pastoral siant on issues of th.Weae, omnil;RI~TMs ous ktzy jor part of the loan must corne to, . at ome. wlthMiss Georina Sumnrscales. ay. the Hr councilWorsae F, Bo Maiss ;R EthJMis usedaghter o kM,nd tefalocmers.Thm- Ms. e.hm.andMs eogn uimrcls daug. daughter of Hans Skutezky, Montres!, from small subscriptions. There- S M.George-Laidier adduh Mrs. Sain Stewartand daugh- Paddy Welsh, son of Mr. and fore the whole matter becomes ter Isabeil, Hamilton, with bis ter Catherine with relatives at Mrs. James Welsh, Bowmanville, rne ev fasneadW ue' uIir personal and an obligation upon sister, Mrs. W. J. Henderson. Cobourg. was on the air Manday evening, if Firnd lo joisne d M e'sA*ii every wage earner. For the sake Mr. Albert Congdon, R.C.A.F., .adMs laec son talking and singing from ov Rse C A.fF.ia for Toronto -oji h on Fin. Woulk of the fighting men, for the sake st. Thomas, with bis uncle, r MadMi -CaeneOsoreovvrcersen .Ca F Mr. Ellilott is a son of ofte iilas fbobd rtan W. J. Henderson. with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Mortlock, and was heardvr cery John Eiliotti London, anid saw ac- Pack More Boxes fof the ciians of bnocedtBiran,à Mr ad rs . ithe adBrampton. Bowmanville. tive service i the First Great * o h aeo noetcide baby, Oshawa, with lier parents, Mr. tnd Mrs. Chas. Cawlcer, Miss Jean Morris is spènding War. He wrnl act as an iristrctr Wen's Auxlay of «'D' Coy. h te th rlig hc to e- Mr. -and Mrs. W. Maynard. TorontU with Mr. anid Mrs. T. the summer with hier parents, Mr. with the R.C.A.F. Wilton was a jet .Midlnd Regment and Al brptighr w orl ithichpoe-f Mr. and Mis. H. A. L. Anderson Wesley Cawker. and Mrs. F. F. Morris, having student of Bowmanviile high Bowmanville Boys i A. F., mt veCpntaida to tepeoplarof an ak t.Mrs istdhr Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Sharpe, To- compieted hier course at the On- school when his father was prin- in *& John's PariÈh Hal Friday anato rse as lasbl no trge Mr M H Wght. ronto, with Mr. and Mrs. R. B. tario Coieeo EuaingTrn iplo.h aho. Mrs. C. R. Spencer pre-aBonsa osbeit itr brothe, Bond r. owrd . .WiKngtn Clarke, Liberty St. to, and graduated without having One or more rather determined S > ~a nd Mirs. V. Ott read a Mr. Mulholland's lucid and im- ~itHoswarn gt , r. ngs.oM. Mr. Frank Mcllveen, Bank of to try examinations. car thieves picked a reaily fine spléndid report as wool convener pressive presentation of the comn- H. Wi hpatsM.dMs. Commerce, Kingston, with bis A Company of the Perth Régi- automobile to use when they took and commented on hol generous- ing boan was obviously appreciat- r.aMsH. HadWuighprts.M.ad r.F.O c ment marched smartly through J. H. McKeever's car from ini front ly the ladies were knitting for the d by every member of the Rotary a nd o rsnwH Hrelative l aetsM . towndae WenesaF.nght.ThMcobis house during the dead of Auxliary. Mrs. Muriel Dunn Club, and was appropriately ex- .Grinisby-,and. Niagara Falls. Mrs. George Kreig and son are on their way to Toronto.adngto aura.I a dlgae h rauer$50 asdnessed in a vote of thanks by dGeorge Jr., Kingston, with hier were picked up by motorized lacked and standing beside the by her Rummage sale on May 17. !Dorley Vanstone. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Burns and parents, Mvr. and Mrs. C. Carter transport at the west end of the house when the owner went to She stated the money was her war Telling of another aspect of the 4 Robert with his father at Beaver- Sr. tawn. bcd but nothing was to be seen effort and was1'o be used exclu- saine theme, Mr. Simpson, local tvnPon. n oh ro te dn DerRC of.C., n themorning. Word bhas sively for wool and comforts for organizer of the Victory Loan, Iva_______adJhn_____Pe.____________O.., ee sent ail over the rne Bowmnanvillebos It was decid- who has been pushing hie pubi- of Garton's Garage, with their Brantford, who is now stationed for police to be on the provmcted o ac 0boysfrteMd wobsbe ps gtepbi- ___________________parents in Lindsay and Lorne- at Kingston, spent Sunday with for the car. loant d ta ack20 oxesay for te lMyidno hasbensm t he pub-nc v ril an re s. J. Wl. . yndshMiss a gnsnllfamltheazrds who i It's a tradition of this town home of Mrs. Wylie. that two prizes would be donlc J ol dMr. and Mrs. W.H siea r ivdsin Bofmavih e aer 50o that citizens are lovers of goad' Boys sent boxes hast week were: -for decorations ta caîl attention Gerr y , ronto awit Mrs. Jon ears agd n o mnil r5 music. This is nat just a local Gni'. S. G. Beckett, Gnr. Bruce ta, the Loan. The Bowmanville LEADSand Ger,eTor ntwt . Jon e rovica gv 1 etw opinion for outsiders have often Caineron, Spr. E. Dent, Spr. G. E. plant of the Goodyear Tire & When 7011Wesaint thaThHopsovMissaLornaern,.nt Will comnmented along similar lUnes. Flaxman, Sgt. W. D. Lock, L. Cpi. Rubber Ca. lias donated a $25.00 WhenYoupeit tat Huse Mis Lo .a anders, iMisssGloa r ypropose ful oldYayon Mscfestivals an rcitlsareC.W canPt..Ptescshpi frhebtdcotd get a price on Lead and 011 Roberts, Mir. and Mrs. Ed. Paisley Wednesdays,' instead of the half lwMus Cttne b iizn n. W. Mcnnl, Pte. W. JPaterrstocsre ftorthwbtd eoran teds et and Joann, Toronto, and Donald day, with the idéea that adults who waswiatnddbciiesGrJ.noelPe.WJ.Trysoefotor ino adits pancnadrdbyaget adr, litn iprin searcli of inspiration and enter- Spr. P. T. Wilker.h expected a like amount wiil be pein, cnsiere by gr Sader, Alistn Arpot, with want ta help on farms can get. i tainxncnt. We therefore cail your The Women's Auxiliary wîsh awarded ta the owner of the best mmny to be the- mot satlsfac- Mr. and Mis. Chas. Bagneil. a fairly full day ... durmng rush attention ta the annual piano and the followîng ladies ta accept decorated dwelling. The local tr.Mi. and Mis. W. E. Blake, Mr. times. argan récital by Miss Phyllis R. their thanks and appreciation for Victory Loan committee will work « antis .S.Baead M r.M. and Mis. Geo. W. James Chals, A.T.C.M., and lier pupils kindly knitting socks and mitts out details of these prises.c Pluone 431 Gardon Blake, B.A., Hamiîlton, and William, Mis. S. G. Chartran at Trinity Church Friday niglit. for the solir:Ms.Bl r, Thrce guests of the club were Fom431witli Rev. W. G. and Mis. Blake and Doris, Mis. H. Jamieson and youll get unbounded pleasure Misges Regina Percy, W. Bennett, Arthur Loveil, Oshawa, George For prices and information at the Manse. Mi. and Mrs. Oscar Janiieson at- watching these talented Young Ann Lyle, Bertha Darcli, Annmie McCrea and James Hearthington, ____tended. the Queen af thc May musicians pcrform with artistry, Aflli, Carnie Martyn, Thora Davi- Toronto. celebratian at thc Ontario Ladies' naturalncss and charm. son, Mrs. Chas. Mason, Mis. Nor -_________ J.H DRNlYIiiss Amn Connors is niaving ta College, Whitby, on Victoria Day. The editor of The Statesman mnan James, Mis. Curtis, Mis. Rcpair Man: Shail I instail a Pane n Dcrtr Toronto. Mr. and Mis. C. Pedlar and recclved a bit of a shock, in fact Burdette, Mis. Davidge, Mis. loud or soft harn? Painer -nd ecortorScrgt. Jack Roach, R.C.A.F., bas Donna, Mis. S. J. Pediar, Toranto, it was a pleasant, surprise, as lie ClaPP, Mis. Harry Foster, MI:5. Matorist: Just anc with a dirty rèturned from vacationing et Port Mi. and Mis. C.- W. Raim and >stcppcdita bis sanctum Wcd- .Jack Emerson, Mis. Price Marris, sncer. _________________________ Arthur.Betty, Westan, Mis. F. Edwards, nesday marnng Instead of. the Mis. Bertha Darcli, Mis. Ward, _____________ Prteu. DnSehn ln Toronta, 1Mr. and Mis. Gea. Rahmn usual litter of ncwspapcrs, book- Mrsa. Kersiake, Mrs. Oscar Jamie- Regiment, St. John, N. B., was and fanlly, Union, visited at Mi. jets, clippings and letters pilcd.on son, Mrs. Shackleton, Mis. Mel- hoe ve Uc eeen.and Mis. H. Rahm's, Burketon. bis desk ta greet him, lie was im- ville, Mis. Aubrey Smith, Mis. HELP hoN N RGNM.me s Cal te, Victria. C. St. Jhn's A.Y.P.A. attended the mediatcly attractcd ta a gargeous Jack Gunn, Mis. Pattrick, Mis. FNS pIANoAND RGANM. a mvetigbsboe tr, i.-w.C annual Deanery Ascension Day bouquet aof mammoth pre-scason Fred Manning, Mis. Glen Matn UaW Cale bs rohrr W . Services at Blackstock ont May 22. red peonies gracing lis desk. Up- Mis. Spencer Wood and Mis. Bab- TEO LUUIUH raptn asCaloallieH. Annual Dcnery pinlc is ta be on inquiry we learned they wre cc i R&u~,a a IBrmptoi n risa Assln.frtre lafheld in Bawmanville late in June from the beautiful flower gar- RECITwar ste rice iviassns iforritf of at Cream af Bsrley camp. dens &f Mi. and Mis. A. M. Hardy They still read in Gcrmany wc E yî rcld e o v s in Br00. Pte. Bll Roberts, V.G.C., who. ta whom , wc express aur smncerc r ;tl . T e sc n et sle ByyilCoratultion0ta0. G is an the persoas staff of Col. R. and cardial thanks for their kind- arc-te. hseom n d estha eller9 ConrratuSlains oSpaGsi ge~ H. Alley, National commander, ness and thoughtfuJ.ness. The faiArnericana, "How ta Win1 P~YLLISR. OHALIS, îorh oiar onaa l b~~ ' is as been homne on leave and took beauty* and fragrance af these Fid ndIfuec eoo. AjyLS.. 0.X. Be of Dh etsryUivs.ite air.t part -i the drumhcad servce and flowers have also been greatly ad- fl4sadIfunePol. ont rUieriyo o subsqucnt entertainment at Part miired by custolners and enbcs rot.Hope, Sunday. He rcturncd yes- ai The Statesman staff. ______________________________ and her pupilS Trinity United Churcli conge terday ta Ottawa. Local police declared thcy lhad vatoe, dccidedt anvrtanhing ur Aer a visit ta Uic tawn hall neyer seen as hesvy highway o wil e rsete vening eie at eep.m. hodingoufrcsh air reporter wrote this trsffic over Uic 24th ai May. At H e willliepreentd evnin sevics at7 pm. .S.T',ncws item: Enquiryat Uic Ding-- ancetUie Monday cvening 41 cars FiIay N y 3ehffectiv nextSfdt S aunay R-0 of Uic Publl--I-R--R by The passed The Statesman office with-loW ilnStatesmnan reporter revealed that isosin ute Pan0.carer i0 wcrc correspandence and sec Uic num- no action lias as yct been taken Pa nssr n i . . ornllte rafive that Eldad anniversarY' was well This was also coniirmed by the no serions acdnswr eot e lai attended. T--wn lerk's office. cd, the worst bcing esrly Friday Miss Narine Webster, R.N., Twa Bawmsnvillc' girls and anc evcning when a lone car contain- This le the start of the Holiday Scason tba T~ iyChUxch i Shanghiai, China, spent -thc weck- îromn Maple Grave wcre shawrn in ing two passcngers sald ta have Weather" - Be prepared - Stock up ons ility eA nd with her cousin, Mis. J. H. Monday's Daily Star in the cas- Cubee d maing t e nar L W S elhSls-Teewl cn oeaal Jolinston. turnes Uicy woré at the Durhiam bCutieccup~dyan aging Uic arLOWEST socs H ea halIsTed re ii be notore cavait BOWMANVILLE Mi. Clarence Hall, Mr. and Mrs. Music Festival. Christena Camp- ebutwomU ic occ pant cc unam-PRICESerstoaesexhaoned792Your Asoe ar Eric Coomnbes Toronto, Mr. Cyiil bell won the folk dance competi-cdTwmnrmiaptoklceergd.Phe79nw Coombes and Miss Grace Hanl tion while June Morris was second i tawn Sunday, ancetying 11P spent the holiday at ie Lake and Audrey Humphrey third. traiiic just wcst ai Uiec rearnof Under Auspices of fisliing. WS.tipeba noddan- Barlcy Camp whcn three cars, H A T A T W. . Sapls lasunadee fron Oshawa, Frankfort and To- Queen Street GrouP other consignmcnt ai younbe ronto, teîescopcd as Uic result aifM Trnity Church W. A. RECEPTON cattle .fram the West. Our enter- the Uine slowing down for the bad M prising townsmen, A. M. Hardy bump at the entrance ta Uic town. U L S E Adult 20e- Chldne 10e Mi. and Mis. D. M. Tod are and Mr. Staples are now runnmng_________ Adult 20e hildrn 10o celebrating their golden wedding betwecn 60 and 70 head on grass, tk snnriversary on Tuesday, June 3rd, i*a patriotic endeavar ta- met S V R LT O S -Tickets Now On Sale- and wil receive from 3 ta 6 and war-time dcmands. This late~eîS EVAC EIAREL U ND NOXZEMA 8 ta 10, at their homne, 136 Simcoc 4 shipmcnts comprises seiRE B RRNf St. N., Oshawa. 22-1 Uice best stock brouglit ta Ontario THIS YEAR EO SI 'W ieS o titis ycar. ___ Another picture that was taken For some time The Statesman sL for the Evening Telcgrsm on theba endeavored ta secure infor-FR I SA T nigh of he uide' cl inaidmgtian on 'Uic total acreage beîng Wof urhtheaiUi War Vîctim' Find appear- wthdrawn from productioninK D S & 810 War Savlngs Stamps Free Wshowlcbed htprsRoy ayfl,cItDurham1. Cguny this eea : rP dueIN O i'@i K&MK & B O tain ai Uic firat Bowmanvm de.was ta bfrui . aetimate that Kodkm&SeS carnpany, and Miss Ruth Hutchin- wid ne teprovince and *CONéOMY ous $ UFILMS odk& e 1son who directcd a play that even- then present it ta bath provincial'SiMR 599 YOUR GOVlRNM NT ng.and dominion governmcnts as a Yojorcic ew coat ai peint re-' pre oasuehclp ior farinera. 984 30* ODORONO CREAN Invites -o T cently. The Coronation Ca.ka Neithcr government, so fear, lias ______________ b>' trlm again in a jacket aiorecnattcmptcd thiS particulaer task, ____________________ Or l.reSndle o Tou Chiesubiqluitaus -and -Weekend tippsl u* mafc ann.stuamuimmd '>y taie se - ouers Tohl aaa casuial. Ho found, no utilles but «Wilata be dod Tti-lU U7& <gtelr) 130cjar Of We help yaul Candlddn'tgo shortbeaub a wse DiM hgsatd aby i «, NXZM'Sdobl W epyuplanning. Frienda are g lad ce a .1,ad w sslladroans - . il rewfo Tarntback, bronzcd and vigoraus, ballis'lii.us Uel. d Witsu& ng ont, g.wîmil arteof - aaam..a~I~U comnpletely recovened from the .zauclating& in.Truat r"sm m , ~Jr fAL L A UAD 'N EWUIUPJtanl licsustaied ealy inthe jbrkOqing m hld n g«~<d so IYIlhUI lWV~ 'spln. ak rguauy od a. PIl-4 Bloxv" efr nyLUra Secord Bowmanvue Press that Wlton H. Elott, prin Dodds Kidney PRIS- Phone cipal o a akitil i-Higli Qchool, a BOluby m a 0U-Clmmeu, CSMat.I 0 fy@ur OYfri f -1h elorsliIstod b.I.w. Out of town motorlsts: ask yens local Gulfa Percha d.alw.,, J. H. MeKEEVER WM. VIRTUE Temperance St. Kina St. Phone 641 Phone 671 smi lable à les a e 16 oz. spe( VNII -ochro POWC Pock Mec4 Cres Whl, Biue [sel ings ln its wake "Hot E n LZD~ ier supplies, espcclaliy Lter the present retail omplete range of su- nallsh style <f Tumbler Free 3C SEMSATIONAL OFFER HINDYS lOc-25c-35c Honey and tial 19C CE 11 oz..aise $1.00 value aner 15c-25c49 ES 1.35 up 49e______ OC Velvetta TIssues, 100's - î1e i)me 25c-3uCWrigley's Oum - - 4 for 15o 19c'39cLYSOL 19C-39CDlsinfeotant Autlseptie der Puif S -for 9a . 3 oz. 35 .et Combe -4o 7 oz. - SSc ca Ointment 23o - 45o 16oz., 1.25 *s Corn Salve - 50o z lusect Killer 24e - 43e Jay Corn Plasters 25o FREE 1 ette ONE * Gillette S OFER j ý ý3ý'ÀDE sIl'Blue "SOO Blj' iý ade package or 5 RIPTIONS A SPECIALTY McQ.-REOO9R DRUOS We Deliver Phone 792 ~WXRSDAY, MAY 1941 AE Em 941 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, PAGE SLMM