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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Jun 1941, p. 9

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AZ JUN S, 191 TEE ANADIA STA'BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIOPAENE 1H THE DIlM AND ftom I.o St. TWENT-FVE YEAERS AGO ?rom The Canadianstatesan, june. 8, 1016 Dan Douglas finds hospitala real rcst homes and nurses angele: IlWe have to brace ourselves ta resiet that terrible falling-in-love feeling. Why le it the war office Lpicks the sweetest women pas- >isible for nurses?...Xeadtt Clarence -Hall had vcry nearly corne into collision wlth a Minnie- Ra-Ha last trip in tic trenches. But he came out of an almost burlal with a brulse or two and more pungent opinions of Fritz exptessed in no uncertain man- ner. Give my beat .regards to ail enqulrlng 1friends."1 Lieut.-Col. and Mrs. Scobel entertalned the officere of the 285th Bn. ta dinner at the beauti- fui residence of Mr. Gerald Men- ton, King St. E., which home the Colonel has leased durlng hie stay here. Directon and Instructor Sengt. W. WilIilnon. Bugle'Band, is win- nlng bouquets from the Kingston journals that we are pleased ta kùow are well meritcd. Word has been recelved that - WiUlie Coleman has been wound- ed. He is a son of the late Charles Coleman who lived in the cottage now occupied by Cornelius Cole- man on Ontario St. arnd is a cou- sin of Mrs. Thos. Tod., Fred J. VanNest makes debut as soloist at concert sponsored by Epworth League in the Methodist Church. He possesses a baritone voice of rlch quality, fine tane, and ta say he won his way- inta the confidence af the audience is putting it mildly. Publice chool hananraiol for May: Clas 2B-Alex McGrcgor, Gwendalyn Wlliams, Hugh Cam- eron, Lamne Aluin, Marion Pick- ard, Morion Clough Stuart lames, Bruce Lunney, Ëlsie Cul- leyý, Ernest Mooncraf t.« Women's Missionary Society was held i the Methodist Church, Orono, with Mrs. L. A' W. Tale presidlng. Devotional exercises were led by Mrs. Isaoc Jewell and .lyrs.,A. E. McCready, Bownian- ville. Afternoon session opened wlth a paper by Mrs. B. M. Warnica on "Mission Bonds." Miss E. E. Haycrof t, Associate Editress af The Statesman, left wlth Miss Ethel VanNest for a trip up the Great Lakes with the Canadien Press Ass'n. party af sorne 150 editors ond their wives. They will visit Port Arthur, Sault Ste. Marie ond other places en route. We notice a new quick delivery butcher cart.about the street. [t was obtained through Wm. Edger by C. M. Cawker & Son for the expeditious delivery. It gives the i= by--deéntal-serices lies between Sudbury district sud the Mani- toba Boundany. The residents, for from dentiste' offices, have their dentiet brought te them lu the Dental Car, denatcd by the C.P.R., equlpped by the Rosedale Chapter, I.0.D.E., Tarante, and malntained by the Department ai DISTANT PAST tesan Files tawn that sort af up-te-datcnes that pes citizene. Ebezer Harry F r ee man, Maple Grave, preached a very fine sermon here Sunday on "Short- sightedness." ... Bey. B. A. DelVe le in Mariposa efflclatlng at Uic marriage af hie ni..e.... Geo. A. Pearce has a new McLaughlin. car. Ennisklilen: Victoria Day was eue ai the few choice days we have had hie S pring sud large crowds wended their way ta En- niskillen te .wltnees a one-sided football game betwcen Sauina sud Enniekillen, score 5-0 for Sluna. In the cvening the large tant wae cnowdcd and many sltting in Uic shed ta hear an excellent concert. Praceede ai an»iversary amount- cd te $273.40 Enfield: Norman Gilbert dled aiter a wcek's Iiness. He leaves a soddened home wli a wife sud twa chlldren. FUFJY TZARS AGO Frons The Canadian Statesman, June 10, 1891 Sir John A. Macdonald died Saturday. The news ai hie pase- ing was conimunicotcd to people in this town by tolling ai belle. The remoins wrnl lic lu state lu the Senate chamber until Wed- nesday. whcn a service wiil be held at St. Alban's Chunch. In- terment will be lu Cataraqui Cemetery, Kingston., A pnetty wedding taok place June 3nd at the nesidence ai John Brewer, Oshawa, heu hieol daughtcn Defla was United lu wd liock w mavi M.Tod th.dCon ai Chas. Tod, baker and cnfec- tnerBowmnvile.Bey.N.A. McDiarmid officiated. The brides- maids were Alice King, Oshawa, sud Effie Tod, sisten cf the groom.' The groom was admirably sup- parted by F. W. Vaun, Bawman- ville, and H. Chapman, Coîbamue. The Foretens mode a splendid tumnaut fan church parade Sun- day, 120 being lu the anke, 50 af wham came from Oshawa. G. E. Maynord was the marehall. Visit- ing members wene ententained ta tea ot the Balmoral. W. A. Panks, graduate ai Baw- manville High Schaol, has been awarded Uic Daniel Wilson Scha- lanship in Natural Hietony at Uic U. cf T. in hie 3nd year. He won the came scholarship last year. The Bicycle Club was noyally feated an lusciaus pumpkin pies by Mre. Gea. Downcy. The musi- cal pont cf the pragram was im- mense. Newcastle: An cntctainment wos given by Mies Nana Coleman, B.E., in the Music Hall. She was aidcd by Mr. T. Dunn, Peterboro, whosc fine baritone voice le well JUOT LYV There le a challenge hi Uic eternal A strength In tic old bank of weathered pine, Falihin Uie little etreame ta find the sea, A radiance where quiet waters shine. There le dlean laughter in the break of waves, A sang in Uic high branches of a tree, A bahui for lanelinese, a cure for fil, A lesson hi the labour of a bec. There le a happinesi new-born thilgs, A young lamb plays about the quiet lane, The littie his do clap their hande with JOY, And tiiere is revelry in summer rain. And in my heart thene le an answerig sang, Because of sunlight and the sound of mirth, LUfe bubblig up in littie quiet woys, To bless the lonely places of Uic earth. -Edua Jaques. known, Mies Coleman le shortly ta leave home for some engage- ments n the West .. .. Gea. Baker continues very il. ... Thursday Uic village bakery wcnt up in smoke. . . . Fred Chandler hos gone on a trip ta the Pacific coast. Tyrone: While Mr. and AMme. Jas. Hodgson were neturning from town the horse took fright at a dag jumping suddenly at It and thrcw them out iujuring Mr. Hodgson pntty badly. An opera- tion had to be performed on hie jaw... . When T. Scott was wield- ing a sledge hammer hie son Her- bert, 3 years old, ran up bchind his faUier and rcceived the ful force of the blow which fellcd hlm ta Uic graund, cutting a deep gosh on hie ......... Our check- er players werc bodly beaten at Bowmanville ]'riday. . .. The cut- ting open af the S. A. drum and putting cverything ta confusion was a' pretty mean picce of busi- ness and it'is o pity the miscreant could flot be caught and taught a severe lesson. Hampton: Dr. Lonniman's big harse broke through the bridge at the cheese factory. T. Rowe has hod the bridge rcpaired forthwith. ..John Lewis fell 20 feet off a building in East Whitby and. was badly ehaken up. but no bones broken. NO PASSPORTS REQUIRED United States travellers enter- ing Canada require na passports and will find border crassing for- malities few and bni. For their return to the homeland, travel- lers necd only sufficient identifi- cation ta assure United States li- migration officers of their citizen- ship. FORTY F LOATt TOUR ONTARIO FOR-WAR LOAN One of the features of the Vie- tory Loan campalgn in Onta0o will be a huge CAVALCADE M-01. FLOATS depictlug Canada's wa effort, wviic will make a toura a large part cf the Province. Arrangements have already been mode for about forty floatt cach of whlch is being donated by an autetandig industrial 'côd- cern. To a veny large crient co1h- cerne donatig floots are thom octually engaged on war ordurde. Floats are bcing designed by pie- minent commercial artiste and will provide an unusually' color- ful presentation cf varlous phases, cf aur war effort. Same mllitary equipment wil be icluded lu the Cavalcade bûUt its main purpose is ta deplot, bj the means cf floats, Canada'it wOl requirements sud Uic nded of supparting the war effort by t11e purchase of Victory Bonds. 1The Cavalcade is schedulcd te stort in Toronto on-. May 3Bt where it will farm the foundation for a large local parade of addi- tional floots and exhibits of war equipment. MV.ilitary local bands, troaps and other organizatione will aiea forma part cf the parade. Plans -caîl for incorporation of the local parade with Uic Caval- cade in every major Ontario centre thot is touchcd. Thausands of miles cf highway will be cove- cd by the Cavalcade and it 'le expectcd to be an the noad, for about two weeks. The Committee lu charge cf ar- rangements is hcaded by Conny Smythc, well known Manager cf the Toronto Maple Leaf Hockey Team. The journey ta Uic eastcrn- part ai Uic province will commence on Monday, June 8th, with Ottawa as Uic ultimate destination. En route it wrndetop at Oshawa, Bow- manville, Port Hope, Cobourg, Trenton, Belleville, Deseronto, Napanee, Kingston, Gananoque and Brockville. The rcturn trip from Ottawa* will be mode via Carleton Place, Perth, SmiUi'e Falls, Peterboro, Lindsay, Oillia and Barrie. Floots making up the cavalcade have been designed and arrangcd lu such a way as ta tell the stony of why Canada is at war, what we muet avoid, what Canada le daing, what Canada needs in thc way of military cquipment, and the necessity of buying bonde in ander ta achieve victory.'Most cf the floats arc poster picture style and are uniform in basic design. .The floats aré' arranged i se- quence with a slagan prnted along the. side. The introductory floats are "King andl Qucen",; "Churchill", "Le t's Finish the Job" and "Flage af Freedam," lu Uic order namcd. These are fol- lowed by demolition floats which show what will happen ta Canada if wc do not "Face the Facts." Next ilu une are a number of' floata, shawing what -Canada neede for its war effort. The names ai same of these arc "Mare Shipe," !'More. Taniks", "Marce Machine Guns," "More Guns and Tank Steel," "Marc Tools for Uic Job," "More Shelle," "Mare Planes," and "More Medical Aid." Other floate urge citizens ta buy bonds ta "Pratect Young Can- ada," "Bridge the Atlantic," and ta "K. 0. Hitler." The name af the final floot le "Thcre's Only One Anewe-Victory." The floate comprieing Uic caval- code are being dcnatcd by leading industrial and commercial firme throughout Ontario. Expenses of the tour wifl aiea be paid by these firme, Uiough the trucks on which the Floats are ta b. mounted are bcing supplied by Uic military au- thonities. Haif People Can'tt Afford Degitai Service Encauraging signs'thot more af Uic township echool sections ai Ontario are bcginnlng ta Uiink lu terme af dental health arc faund lu reports of Uic dental. services division af the Departmcnt ai Health. "Thcrc le no doubt that dental health lu rural Ontario has been bad, very bad," stated Uic Direc- tan, Dr. H. J. Hodgins, "but it is being realized that nat only arc thousands of childnen relieved frcm pain, diefigurement and permanent hcalth ijury by den- tal services, but for echool boards and tax players there le financial significance ln Improvement af attendance and echool progrese." Tour lcal Aer u glad ueaa yen lthdusripivebçoltm e iaIaoea 4 m u hrw Iuetubis- cowe vwhemu InrvL Coatn»TNS" ~ VITAMJN * mi I This le Canàda's fight-andi YOU are Canada. Everything for which you have worked and planned-your 1f, your home-are threatened by the fiendish attacks of the. Huns and though we toil in the factories to produce weapons with which to crush them, these weapons are useless without MEN. The Canadian 'Active Army requires men for Artillery, Engineers, Signale, Armoured Cars, Tanks, Infantry, Transport and Supply, Medical, Ordnance and other branches of the Service. The Army le prepared to teach many trades, and to train you to efflciently handie Canada's weapons of war. % £,, te, your. neareàtt D ntiçtjeç)rVitjng_ qce~. Find out about these Unite; how they work, what they do. Sec just whée you'tIMa. Se. where any particular skifl you possees eau beet be utilized. Then join up for ACTION.' Apply to nearest District Recruiting Office or any local Armoury DEPARTMENT 0F NATIONAL DEFENCE CANADA ~ ACTIVE t,.'SERVICE RUTES OF PUY IN THE RANKI *l;0 !ý D ayr .tD oad, Loe' ing, Cthing, edicaland Denta '0oyd. <2> Depdent Allowancea mCash:e35 awie12 each per month for 2 children - only 3 dependents per soldier. Hcalth. The railway gives haul- aead the dentiet, who lives a=or, makes the complete cir- cuit of hie territary about once i twa years. Fine* Merchants For Seiiing Gune Without Permit "These anc cases in which Uic accuscd is 'innocently guilty,' comnientcd Magistrate W. A. F. Camipbell pnesiding in district court May 27th. Twa hardware merchants, one from Newcastle and anc fram Oranoa ,ppeared before him an somewhat similar charges of selling fincanms with- out a licence. Bath claimcd Uicy were unawvare of Uic regulations govcrning the sole. "'il have ta impose a f ine af $5.00 and caste ta sotisfy the ne- quirements af Uic 10w and serve bas a wanning ta othen merchants," rulcd Mogistrote Campbell. "They will have ta, be more careful In future." Crown Attorney Harry Deymon urged a conviction. "At this time ai national emergency everyane should be caneful cancerning pos- session of fireanms. As a motter af fact this sale of o rifle would not have been noted exccpt irom an investigation when thc pur- chaser committed suicide with it thc next day." Home Defence Hepburn Castigates Agalnst Diseus War Apathy Every ycar we facc an invasion Henc in Canada, scparated as -an cnemy who etrikes night into we anc from Europe's war by aur vcry homes and le nesponeible many hundrede oi miles ai occan, for causing more ecricus ailments we are indeed fortunate. But aur and even. deathe than ,we even gaod fortune con sometimes make imagine. This cnemy arrives reg- us forgetiul ai what le going on ulanly evemy ycar with the first around us. Our present apparent worm days. It le aur duty ta apathy in this struggle stands stamp out this menace ta health odmefr anqutrs and ta flice iteelf juet as quickly cneie mmmu ures as he appears-from Uic manure Soldiers, upon retunning ta Can- heaps and rotting garbage wheme ada from Englsud, have express- he has hie brccding places. Hisecd their amazement at aur lack name le knawn ta us ail - Uic ai orgsuizcd effort. Only recent- camman hause fly! ly Han. Mitchell Hepburn, Prem- Typhaid feven, the distrcssing ier of Ontario, gave utterance ta summcr diarrhoea cf infants, and thie thought: "We are satisficd ta eye disease arc juet a fcw ai the do toc littie tao late whilc Hitler many dangenous infections which doe too mnuch toa soan. Wc talk the cammon house fly may epread big, but we juet do not deliven throughaut your conimunity. Its the goade cammunsurate with hairy body may carry as many as'our onganizcd capobilities. I am five million bacteria, sud a fcmalelfraflk ta confese that, lu my judg- f ly's offspring wiil multiply by ment, only the stark realization the million le an amajingly short cf a twa-ocean invasion will space cf time if aliowed ta bnecd. awaken us from aur state af This encmy le tao dangerous toa pathy." riek using methade ef extermina- Let us pray that Ontario's pre- ting hlm whlch arc nat cemplete- mien le wnong. ly certain. Of Uic sevenal methade But it le up ta Csuedians tb used same arc only temporarily deiver Uic goode. Already Can- effective as thcy mcrcly "knock" ado has delivered ta Uic flghting him out for the time being. Othen front hundrede ai men trained methode pralcng hie agonyse-ac-sd cquippcd ta fight aur cause. ccmpanicd by unpleaeant buzzing Hene in Canada it is aur sacred and distasteful etrugglcs. duty ta kcep Uiem supplied with We muet dcstnay our cncmy but the articles ai war. Those cf us let's destray hlm humanely as who are flot able ta take up arme well as efiicicntly. Wileon's Fly aurselves, ehould help as best Pade present the ideal solution ta thcy can. W. con add ta aur na- the prcblem. They're efficient, tian'e war effort by purchaslug humane, and easy to handle. War Savinge Certifîcates. If we Incidentally, Wilean'e Fly Pads con't fight, lct's lcnd. will kilI whole colonies cf ants, toc. The simple directions are on the package. A touniet. was travelling through A True Toi a desolate cauntry whcn he met some of Uic natives.1 for BI@.d and mer "What do you do whcn you are il?"I he asked, "Can you get a Invaluable et Ibis mmo bec doctor?" éupplies lh. Vitamin BI ad "dNo," replicd Uic native, "'we nosatqip juet die a natural death." qubsaî a Ibno ociaad tgelpr uFiof ote appetiandbelot 4 She: My dad t6kes hinge aparl obe tter a etit% ,botter M o Sa wha t don' Q t r Chao's e" o. h la : se wh t D..h' NmFod She: You'd better go. : i Your King and Country need you - Enlist for Active Service. SOARING PEAK$ JEWELED LAKES ALPINE SPORTS TIM CANADIAN STAI P AG£ NUM

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