The littie country by-ways < ~That curve l ip and bend, And lead thse vagrant wanderer _____ To roads that h ave no end. These have a lure enchanting That highways ne'er impgr- mEuuYmId- ~A toucis cf scenic beauty THE IXIG BO L Tat ensnares tise tourist's ay ANNE ALLAN heart. Hydre Home leonomist A suddcn bend discloses A scent cf beauty rare- A quiet home, a hamlet, orange D10000flI A rustic garden fair; Hello Momemnakers: Did ycu And fromn a sudden hll-top ever Wonder why Orange Blos- 0la caught a vision bright sorna Ume to be used in prefer- 0f softand ripplig waters enc t ohe fowrsinthse tradi- Sr hddI mists of white. tional bridai wreatl? Thse story Would you escape Jjf's tuinuit runs that many years ago the And caIm and poise regain, king cf Spain breugît a few ex- Oh! leave behind tise highway, Pensive Orange trees from Asia. And seek thse country by-ways, Ris old gardener cared for the Thse cabri, sequestered by-waye trees until the death cf the flow- Where peace and beauty reigri. er-loving king. Tise next meriarch -Helen B. Anderson. crdered the garden destroyed. *** the Orange Blossoms which had The king's son, whe loved thse made her niarriage possible. Orange trees asked thse gardener's ** daugiter to plant a few rmot.s This stery quickly spr ea d secretly near her home - save threugis Europe and t.he Amer- them - and lie would reward !cas, and soon it became the cus- her. Fearful cf the new king's tom for brides te wear Orange dispîcasure, thse girl decided te Blossoms. And now, hoeinakers, go te tthe quecri and tel her the the season fcr weddings is upen story. Irnpressed the qucen pres- us, se we'vc worked eut seme ented her with five petted trees, intcresting suggestions for an at- and the price paid her se band- tractive receptien menu. somely that sle was able te mar- ry her penniless saler suiter. Menu For A edt ceto * ** Celd Cubed Madrilene When she was dressing fer Uie Chicken Mousse with Celery wedding, tie Young girl saw a Parsley RaIls little spray cf Orange Blossonis Strawberry Sherbet with Black en her father's garden clothes. Cherries She twined it into the wreath that Bridc's Cake held her veil, explaining te lier Coffec surprised attendant that she wore Cold Cubed Madrilene it ini gratitude, fer it was rcally 1 tbsp. granulatcd gelatinà % cup celd water, J 4 caris consomme Madrilene II'a..Red Cleuring B" M irClto½ pt. cour cream i Legai hot water. Stir gelatin mnto Mad- rilene, colour with red cclcuring, X. G. V. GOULD, B. A., LLMB. pour into shallow pan and place Barrister, Solicitor Netary i the refrigerator to set. Just Phone 351 before serving, cut into squares, Bank cf Commerce Bldg. place in serving bowl, and gar- Bowxnanville rush with whipped sour creani and chopped clives. Top with W. IL STIKE red caviar. Serves 8-12. Barrister, Solicitor, Netary . Solicitor for Bank cf Mortreal Chieken Mousae with Celery Money te Loan - Phone 791 6 tbsp. butter pBwmanville, Ontario 314 cup dry bread crumbs 2 cups thin creani or evap- L. C. MASON, B. A. erated mil Barrister - Soicitor 318 tsp. Salt Ntary Public - Etc. î14 tsp. nutnieg1 Law iall its branches 3 cups chepped co o ke d Office irnmediateiy east cf Royal chicken ' Theatre 6 eggs, slightiy beaten Phone Office 688 Home 553 1 cup diced celery Denal1%k cup mayonnaise DentmMeit butter in tep cf double boiler, add crurnîs, creani, sait, 31uice DR. J. C. DEVITT nutnieg, and cook 10 mins., stir- up.a Assistant: Dr. E. W. 5jspsj ring frequentiy. Mix chicken, inte Graduate cf Royal Dental Col- eggs, tegether and stir in hotho lege, Toronto. Office: Jury Jubilce creani sauce. Peur inte a Weil- or BIdg., Bowmanville. Office heurs greased meuid--any shape you ec 9 amn. te 6 p.m. daily, niay desire-place mould in pan caii except Sunday cf water, caver with sheet cf wax- with Phone 790 - House phone 883 ed paper and bake i a mederate 12. X-Ray Equipmnent i Office electric oven (350.degrees F.) 45, tO 60 min., or until fim. A ring Funeral Dretors niould wiii take about 30-35 min. Cub ceeryandmix vitis mayon- Peel PUNERAL DIRECTOLS fnaise, pour arcund thc mousse, or jar,t Servceany our anyday fil Uic centre cf a rig mculd. (2) Seric, ay eu, ay ay Serves 12 for a reception.Mc IF. F. Morris Co.* over Modern Motor Equiprnent, Azn-Paraley Rols bulance and Invalid car. Tele- 2 cups flour any phone 480 or 734, Assistant 573. 4 tsp. baking powder cciii 1 tsp. sugar o -eer na y4% thp. slirtening thec R. B. MRRAY, V.S.; D.V.Sc. i egg (slightly beaten) Veterinarlan cup nilk .(or enougis to Chureh St. - flowmanvile make 314 cup wlien added Mr. Phono 843. te. the egg). re-he 1 tbap. clopped parlcy it tas DR. G. R.L BOOTH 2 tbsp. melted butter Ar. 823 King St. W., Oshawa, Ontario 1 tbsp. choppe-I1 parsley a pud Phone 21 Mix dr in«reeîèfcts togetiier thes Liarge and Smail Animal Surgery and cut in shortening until mix- ting: WILFRED . SHRWIN turc becomes a coarse, meaily tiseo WJLREDW. HERIN texture* sûr ini Uic liquid and pie ti fl.V.80. VS. disoppeâ parsley, and turn out on oven. Vetrlitar, Surgeon a floured board. Knead Uic dougis puddi Office: Main St., Orono sflghtly or until emeotisand ol provi Phone 56r7 eut te %¾" thickres.* Cut inte yourq small rounds, creasei centre Auctioneer with Inif e, brush with meited Misi butter te whidli 1 tbsp. chepped bet aLE WILDUR parsiey has been added andfold An Licon"elAuctioneer ever 111e Parker Heuse Roils. Let pan-l Nanliito > - Ontario stand 15 or 20 min. Bake in a hot coh Spodaigla in an, ives o ven (425 degrees F.) 10 te 15 fleur 'Z' u inntasu.Fr iue es te 16n.,or until brevri. Makes 12 w'1ic and TEEM8MOD rA'e Slst 6medium-size relis. hc Bhn ow ema ard. Dte4te:Strawberry Sherbet With Dlaek Mr' Bowanlll 228Ch~erremake î~cups sugan and ta Summer 'Vacations In The Can'adian Rockies Banff, wisere thse mevie stars dldsawimmhng pools at Banff and 4; Banff Golf Week, Âugust 24- BPlay, Lake Louise, whics le Lake Leuise. B'rom, ail the ne- 30, and Banff Scîcci cf Fine numbered among the teri mont sorts there are unlimlted poeut- Arts, August 1-30. beautiful vieve iln the world, and lilities fer pleasure trips by mc- The heliday magie ln tisee Emeraid Lake, Yole Valley, koi- ter, herse or on foot. WiI4 ani- famous rescrt rames vii le raine Lake, Lake 0'Hara, Lake mals roam. freely through the made more familiar througsout Wapta and those other ccmfert- great national Park and there la thse Norths American- Continent able lcdges ln the Canadiar a Pirofusien of gay alpine flowers this summer. Americans have Recsie hae te yar adeat-te provide a lovciy foregrcund always made up the majority cf Rocleshav ths yar adeat-for tise scenic grandeur of thse visitera te this lcvely playgmound tractive planato entertaIn record etennal,. 5flew-covered peaka. and early-season reservations In- riurcers cf American and Cana- Dancing, swimming, beatlng, dicate that they will returri again' dian holiday-seekers. fishing, camera hunting and ten- jr ircreased numbers. A series Dunrg thse tîree-month sema- ris are amang the reÉular ne- of bargain fares and speclal 21- son, eaTly Jure te early Septem- creaien posa ibil ities. Special day excursions ta Banff, Lake ber, the fameus geutherri section events on tise entertainment cal- Louise and ether'Rocky Moun- cf thse Canadian Rockles wili endar this year are tise Stam- tain resoet, ever Canadian Paci- hold the stage as Canada's mont pede, or rodeo, atnearby Cal- fic Railway lues, wiul thia year outstandung holiday ground. A gary- July 7-12; Indian Day. at make It Dossible for mary Bast- mile above sea, level, these re- Banff, July 17-20; Alpine Club cmn Canadians to spend trcx. sorts offer tise ultimate in vaca- Camp at Glacier, July 20-Auguat -pensive vacations ln tise Cana- tion pleasure. Banff Springs 3,- annual outIng of tise Trai dian Rockies, while Western Botel las a golf course which Ridera cf the Cariadian Rockles, Canadiars viii ln their usual stands amcng thse fcremost on Iuly 25-29; armuai outung of tise large number spend thelZ hli- the continert; there are spien- Sky-Line Trail lkera, August 1- days ixn the Rockies. ce. ix vitx ceeicd sugar syr. sud foid i gg wlites. Poui Dice tray and freeze 3 te ir in freczing compartmnent oi eric refnigerator. Serve vitb îed black cherries stufled Il peanut butter. Serves 1) Scattr bitsof dry lern Iamong Uic cocie.s in a cookie te give thern a delicate flevor. 2) Instcad cf vater in moles- or ginger ceaies, use Icft- rcoffée. 3) Spr#ùdel jelly powdejr c rcalcur ar flavour just as il s frornthc packagecrn teoi u'hippcd creani or meringue. M ie tIe Ucflavcun as vel as decorative effect. Question Box Er. T. L. asls: "Hav can I st a pudding, sud stiill ave asty?1Y nser: Whcn you vant tc use iddig, sudh as ccffee pudding second day, re-leet it by put- in a vet paper bag. Tvist opcnirg of Uic bg;put- on a ti and place itin Uic clcctric 1It relly dees stcam your ing as Uiough il; vere frecli ridig if lad leen kcpt h relectric refrigerator. us F. W. asks: "Wlat us Uic vay te cool liver?" isver: Do not vass liver or boil if. Wipe vith a damp :-slice--dredge ligisfîy vith suad fry in hot baling fat, ih gives liver a deliciaus teste. *. S. M. asks: "Hev can I ejunket laoknmcre tempting taste marc 'exciting'?"' i-ver: Yau cari sprinl coi- * clocolate beade ever such 1producte as junlet, and der tisis ratiser isun-druni St inte a real treat. ne Allan invites yau te write jo Tise Stafesinan. Just cend Ur questions en lcmcmaking mue and vatcî this littie cf Uic cclurnn fer replies. let Us show you the id, Tires: a tire for every piL tiat challenge comparisoi P. E. ALEZ BOWMANI -WOMEN'S HATS Gro MOT HALF SAD Canadian Gre )f If your husband tisk yourSevc th newhat is silly you should talce d hi tosee he atsshow inthe By Gordon Lindsay Smith ao costume roem of Uic Royal On- tario Museumi. He vil then real- It is net tee inte te -start yet. ine tiset Uic craziet bats varn There are plcnty ai flcwcrs sud ricv are quite muId in comparisor vegetables which wili make a on to came of Uic miUlinery ai aur good sisowing. In fact one cen ie motisers and greriothers. plant marly things rigIt Up te r. Amorg tise on exhibition.are mid-July. Thse werm weather 3bonnets whicis vere worn on tUicand long days push things eleng. É- ladk of Uieled in Uic middle cf Among Uic vegetables there is UiceriietccriUi century and tiny still tixne for sevenal sovugec of bonnets visicis vere wern perched corn, leans sud carnets. It le jus t an Uic very top cf enarmeus quari about Uic ight tirc te get in ptities of lair abcut 1890. A smail îeds cf melons, cucumbers sud but vcry life-like pamnot is used squash. Tisese arc aIl tender Ls an anc carly twentieth century things. In the plant lire, there wisite lace sud green veivet model is still plenty cf tume for tema- sud tiscre are tva luge bsats trim- tocs, cabbages, qelery and peppen mcd vitis vhite octricis Plumes plants. vhich vere wern about 1910. Vegetabie gandens vil do much e Prebably tise meet -spectacular better and grevth wiii le faster lat 1k a luge leglen. i h was if tlcy arc veil culttvated, vater- Uic letest fashian i 1912. It was cd wIere possible 'in very dry gvorr tiltcd back on a pompadour ,Weatiser sud treatcd witl coe and is covcred wi a regular fertilizen. flower garden cf svcct-peas, ê nfoesi savsbet s oher vanieterus andoves.tantcd plante available frem any othe ai e fflwrséed fin err green hbuse. Among r Temoderni hat le at least less thse kinde Uiat came i tiis way cunibersome! arc cosmos, zinnias, pétunias, 1 maigoide, saipiglossis, nicotine anid a bast cf ethers. SET VISIT no HuRs FOR Wlicn transplanting, fie w e r DIONNE QUINTS budcs ould le pincled off and al- se unwantcd side stemus. If a Canadian National Railways brnhig plan*l desired a iew traffic officiais edvisc that tiseicheaseshuld le nippcd off Guardiens of Uic Dionne Quin- thé top stemi. tuplete lave arrenged visiting ,Aiter setting eut plants, Uic houre ta Dafoe Hospital effective grcnid sîould le scaked wltb May 24, as followe: Marnirg, il water sud kept soaked for a wcek a.m. te 11.30 a.m.; afternoon, 4 on se. It is a good plan to add p.m. te 4.30 p.m., Eastenn Stand- some commercial fertiizer dis- ard Time. Tise chldren may le soived i watcr sud in Uic case cf seen daily. emall things te protect, rmmtUi sun for a day or twa. CANADIAN BUSINESS MWARES Te Ride Dylng Tulipe WIRES aux Spring flcvcming bulbe sudh as uriceasng emade y Cna-tubps, byacinths anid daffadils Incrasin deandsby Cna-should le leftit he garder te dian business sud industmyfermatutre eftcr theon pcriad of faster comnmunications las h-bieçm us aven. At this Uie, of ty~ a pecet acr iteCanadien côurse eisy cease te le an orna- perent aco 1. gto anaianment !Pld many awnr re nctcmpt- National Telegrapîs officiais. cd to pull Uic disfigturigtope. Tis interférés vith flcwer devel- opnent for rcxt year sud se wc are not geing te get ful supplies e rage o D~»<>~>Q~~af~ oa tisese bulbe again until mter le r nge f Do d op u" y tise w ar, it le lest te let Uicm . erse and pumpose, atpce cure naturaily. However, anc cmi ,a in every price range. v yigflig ith seme well planted ncw they vil l e big cri- ougil te bide tise Sprig bulbe ANDERwhen Uic bloomxing period le aven. (MILLE Muet Thin Tlhix>ing, as ariy expcrienced gardener viii corfirm, muet e- M sential. Nature when lcit alore ih rutisleue, killIing or crcvding out the weaklings. Of tise Uirce ta f ive thouserd eeedllng pine that normally etart te gnow on su acre cf land, less than a Iundmed arc permitted te reach fullrnaturlty tliree-quartere of a century later. in garcdening hils sterri but neces- cary exemple must le fdllcvcd. if icft tee crowded, flowers le- - cerne spindly sud veal, easy prey for thee unef stiff wid, leavy ain or hungy nsect. Vegetables, tee, se pifidly cm woody, Next Week - Summex, came - -Sprays. During Uic past year in cur series "«Singers and Their Songe"' we lave referred te serig-writers frorn aIl classes, creeds, and chur- ciscs - Hebrews, Catholice, An- glicans, Methodists, Presbyterians, Baptiste, Cerigregationalists, and se on, but as yet ve have net quoted a Quaker. This week we centre Our attention cri Uic Qua- ker peet, John Greenleif Whittier, vise vere tise distinctive dress cf that order during thse whole cf lis lfe. Among tise "Major Peets"l' e deveted more talent te hyn ri thUan any cUer ithat isonoe grcup. In yeuth' le vas crie cf "thc barefoot boys" on'Uic farm at'Havenhil, Mass., until lis twentietl year. It is said that tise impulse te write poetry camne te hin when le chanced te lear a Scottisis pedlar siriging songe cf Robert Burns. He was riot as profuse a sang vriter as Watts or Wesley or Fanny Crosby, but from is ricis rdigicus experience le las given Arnerica cerne cf its fineet hynins, more tIen fiity ini number. Thse United ClurcI cf Canada lias in-, celuded severi cf Uiem within Uice cevers cf "Thse Hymary." We qute belw théecric which se beautifully expreeses Uice, peace and quietude tInt cornes natural- ly fre ne ri who belonged te Uic car Lord and Father cf man- kind, Forgive our foolisl vays; Leclethe us in cur riglitful xmnd; ipurer lives Thy service find, De in In dimpereetrst ,paie Sie teer h WrýW. cl rn: lake sness, Insipe rus 11 tersve resa real treat for you in Beside Uic Syrian sa, thir appetzingly different, nut- 55 Thc gracieus calling cf Uic Lord like iavour. les sisnply delicions. Let us, 111e tisen, vithout a word If the treuble cdlfi persiste, it's Riscup nd dllw Tce.tisse te, sec a physidian. 0 Sablath rcst by Galile! O cabri ef sills above, Whcre Jesus Iricit ta clare witis Thesiene f teniyPOST5 IRA N FLA KES Intcrpreted by love!l lg Drop Thy still dews of quietriese, F3 S wZTH OTHER PARTS -OF WHZAT Til l a ur srv scease; Take frorn our seuls the strai Andleulff'rdlives ýenfëss S80 Thc beauty cf Thy peace. Breathe treug l Uic heate f ur _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ desire Thy cocineses uad 'Thy balm ; n i n n a e t ( t s x a m) u É v o Let en e e dum b, let flé heel m - I di n n.aen e i a m ) utor: " a e y u told y ur tire; "Young 'man, wat do you mean fathe; tat I Write song?" Speak Uiough Uic centisquake, by lringing My daugister lame at Duhe:No tda.Iv vin d , a n d fi e,. Ut i c lau r? " D a g te : " t y t, d n. I v O stili small vaice ofcf arn1teld lin about your cthen lad , mn Young man: "Well, I getta le at faults, but 'I cauidn't tel luhi J. G. Whlfttler,1$07-1892 work bY seven." evcrytising at once."1 Gugrd Against Sluggish System These tisses maki bigger demande on vorkers. Many find the gon bard... tire casily. Often the cause is just internai sluggishness, so conumon because modern dicte are apt te Iack proper bulk. H.Ip K..p Vthe System Normal This NoV ural, Constipation due te Iack cof bulk should yield te Pose's Ban Flakes eaten regularly. They provide enough ntsurd bulk in the forai cf bran te kcep food wastes mcv- ing promptly. TO0 SCRATCH...e CANv1Y st, (A T paR FLA VO UP Orer %Your Vcory Bnds.NQW If you' cannot pay for them -at present arrage to PayforThem, by Decem ber Next For those who wish fo- parHc'ipate in Canadas new Victory Loan but who fond if inconvenient, to pay in full for a bond'or bonds by June I 5th, the date of issue. arrangem 1ents ère available et'any office of thi Bank of Monfreal. Purchasérs of bonds maturing in 1951 may arrange to pay 107% by June 5th, with the balance in five monthly instalments there-after. Your- payments will bear interest at the coupon rate of the bond. Special arrangements are also available to purchasers of bonds maturîng in 1946. The Bankc of Montreal wiII b. pleased f'o arrange any reasonable plan to suit individuel requirements and wiII welcome your enquiries. We urge you toý see the manager of the nearést bra.nch of the Bank now, withoul delay ... Ouy Victory Bonds-they are an investment in human freidom, BSABIS~DMa7 f. -Ëù m--ký 1 rSINGERS AND, THEIRSONGS Wrltten speelally fer The Statesman bW wefl known Dlurham boy, Fred R. Foley, 123 Lake St., St. Cathsarines, ont.j THE QUAKER SINGER O Brether man, iold te Uiy leart thy brother i Wlierc pity dwelis, Uic peece cf Ged le tisere; To vcrslhlp nightly le te love ecI ether, Eech emile a hymnn, ecI lind- Finish the Touqhesî Day Smihinq BANK 0FMONTRjEAL 1 ZUUI L..ý âm&dWà